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Twins and their cousin and friend have some sexy times.

For 18 and up. This is all fictional, nothing is real. Containes lots of sex, incest, ff, mf, mff, and more. Read on if you dare.

Hot time, summer in the city.

"You can't do that." She screamed.

"I do what I need to do." He answered back in a calm, yet resigned voice.

The three of them were sitting on the floor around the coffee table, playing cards. Trying to ignore the argument going on just some feet away.

"You can't expect me to take care of them."

"Yes I can. You are an adult they are not. Besides I will just be gone for four days, a week tops."

"But I have to go to the festival."

"No you don't, that festival is going to happen next year."

"It's not fair. I already bought the tickets for the whole week."

"I'm sure you are able to recoup some of the cost. It's just that I'm trying to provide for the family and this is an opportunity I can't miss." His hands dragged over his face.

"What about her?" She pointed to the redheaded girl sitting across from a dark haired boy. "She is not part of the family."

"You know, she has it rough at her home, she is just going to stay here until it is calmer at her place." He explained, tired of the yelling. "But I really have to go now. Here, take this." He put a wad of crumpled bills in her hand. "This, and whatever you get at your work, should be enough until I get back."

"Fine," she stomped her feet. "But, just so you know it, I have the whole fucking week off."

"Okay," a sigh and then another wad of bills passed hands. "This should be enough. Just remember, no partying, no alcohol, no drugs."

"Who is going to want to party in this dump? And drugs and alcohol with this kind of money? Yeah we sure gonna party wild." She said sarcastically.

"I really don't fucking care anymore." With that he slammed the door and went downstairs, a car was starting and then it was quiet.

"Fuck fuckety fuck, fucking fuck." She swore under her breath, staring at the front door. Then she turned and looked at us and sighed in defeat. "It looks like we are holed up in her for a week." She could not stomp away to her room for solitude, she was crashing on the sofa, had been there for half a year now. "Who wants pizza?" She asked, knowing the answer.

"We got some leftovers in the fridge, we can take that if we are skimpy on money." A dark haired girl said.

"I don't want that." She said slumping down in the sofa. "I need some pick me up."

"We can make a pizza." The boy said looking hopefully at his sister.

The sun was sending hot rays into the living room. It didn't help to have all the windows open and the fan going. The AC was busted so there were no help there. Sweat was pouring out of the skin of everyone. It was one of those summers. The dark haired girl pulled of her t-shirt, leaving her in a bikini top that had become too small. A pale nipple peaked out from the top. "Your… is showing." The redhead said blushing.

"Whoopsie," she laughed, adjusting the garment.

The boy did not bother, not even glancing at her slip up. He had seen it all before, many times over.

"Homemade pizza it is then." The older girl sighed, sweeping her sweaty brow. "But you have to make it, I am going to take a shower. It's so fucking hot."

"What's with her?" The redhead asked when she was gone.

"Ah, pish posh, she just wanted to go to her very first festival."

"A gay festival that is." The boy said.

"Really? She doesn't look like a dyke." The redhead said.

"Billie Jean Thompson," The dark haired girl said in mock shock. "If you ever told Vicky that she would scold you and tell you not to put any labels on anyone."

"Yeah," Billie sighed. "Sorry."

"She is tottally gay tho." The boy said with a smirk.

"That's the reason she is here, dummy." The dark haired girl hit her twin brother hard on the shoulder making him vince.

"Sorry then Embla." He said rubbing his shoulder. "I just thought Billie wanted to know why she is here."

"Being gay is no crime." Billie said confused.

"In certain parts of Alabama it is. Especially with her parents." Embla pointed out. "They are religious bigots of another dimension."

"She is going to be tortured or worse if she goes back." The boy said, looking down the hall. He could hear the water running. "Don't tell her we told you. She gonna explode."

"She is your cousin right?" Billie said.

"My father's sister's daughter to be exact." Embla said. "Never met them and I won't meet them either. Dad told us they always was crazy. He was lucky to get out of there by joining the army."

"But now," the boy clapped his hands together, "it's pizza time."

"Right at you, Ask." Embla said as they scampered to the kitchen.

Billie was put on lemonade duty. Squeezing lemons and limes in a bowl. No powder in this house. She was always amazed at how much food the twins made from scratch. There were organic flour, yeast, oil and salt for the dough. Then, while the dough rose, they made the tomato sauce. Canned tomato and paste, adding chopped garlic, salt, pepper, fresh oregano from a pot on the window sill. Boil that to a perfect consistency and voila. Dough was rolled out and topped with tomato sauce, real mozzarella and fresh basil as piece of resistance. That's how the margarita is made. All the while Ask and Wmbla was telling the story of how the pizza became like this.

Ask and Embla was not entirely happy with the result. Telling Billie that the dough should have been rising for forty eight hours to get the perfect crust.

Vicky stood in the doorway as the pizza was extracted from the heat of the oven. Smelling it, she didn't regret them making it. It scored way higher than whatever the pizza shop on the corner could ever produce.

"Dinner is served." Embla and Ask said in unison.

Dinner was consumed in the living room, with lots of lemonade, while they played Mario kart. Time went by so fast after that. The sun set but the heat remained. Embla opted for a white camisole and panties. While Ask was sleeping in only his briefs. Billie put on a mighty ducks hockey shirt that was way too big for her. Sleep came slowly as they all twisted and turned in their increasingly clammy beds.

It was about two in the morning when Billie had to go pee. The twin's beds were empty, then she went out to the hallway. Light was flickering from the living room. Maybe they had gotten up? It was still unbearably hot. But no, Vicky was sitting on the sofa, flicking through the channels on the tv set.

"Where is Ask and Embla?" She asked groggily. Head spinning.

"They are fucking in the bathroom." Vicky answered.

"In the fucking bathroom, you mean." She said politely.

"Nope, fucking." Vicky made a lewd gesture with her hands.

"Oh.." Billie said before a light bulb went out in her head. "Fucking? Like… Fuck fuck?" Replicating the lewd gestures.

"Yup, and I really have to pee. If they are not done soon, I'm gonna burst." She crossed her legs and uncrossed it just to cross them again, tapping her foot.

"But they are…" Billie felt dizzier.

"Yup," Vicky said.


"I don't know. As long as I have been here, at least."

"Is he?..."

"No, she is the one that initiates it most of the time."

"How do you?..."

"They are not exactly quiet. These walls are paper thin. I can hear everything, I'm a super light sleeper. I kinda hoped they would take a rest when you were here. And look see. It only lasted what, three days? They fuck like fucking rabbits."

"Wow," Billie leaned against the wall.

"Haven't you seen how they look at each other? Holding hands and all that junk. Being weirdly close."

"I thought that was a twin thing."

"Ha," Vicky laughed dryly then added. "There is no lock on that door by the way. So…"

"Yeah that is true." Billie glanced over at the bathroom door.

"If we were to… Like kinda… You know…" Vicky hinted strongly.

"Why would I want to do that?"

"To freak them out." Vicky smiled slyly.

They both walked lightly on bare feet and then with a hard yank they opened the door, shouting surprise. Embla sat on the toilet with her brother between her legs. She jumped up and screamed, pushing away Ask. Making him fall backwards and hit his head on the sink.

"What the fuck?" Billie shouted.

"It's not what you think." Embla tried to hide her juicy bits and failing spectacularly. She got up and then tripped over Ask who lay on the floor rubbing his head. She tried to keep her balance but, she fell forward, grabbing Billie and barely keeping both from falling.

"Yeah, what the fuck?" Vicky was laughing hard. It was all so comical, she had to dry tears from her eyes.

"I, uhm.." Ask started sitting up, then stopped. His dick was still painfully hard, he was just about to stick it in her when all this happened.

"You fucking shave?" Vicky laughed.

Everyone looked down at the nude bodies, and indeed, not a single hair was visible from their sexes.

"You are fucking hung Ask." Billie said and everyone turned to look at her. "Well, he is." She waved her hands towards the engorged member pulsing between his legs.

"I am?" He replied and suddenly remembered that he should cover up. Hands went down covering himself as best as he could.

"You stupid or what?" Billie huffed. "You got what? Eight or nine inches?"

"Ehm, I think it would be better if we got dressed." Ask avoided answering that.

"And I need to piss." Vicky just scampered over Ask and pulled her panties down, letting it rip. His eyes went wide, unable to draw them away from what she saw. She too was smoothly shaved, a golden stream poured out of her. Then she farted loudly. "God, this was good." She noticed the boy staring at her. "You like what you see?" She said sarcastically as her legs parted wider, wiping her down.

He pulled his eyes away and finally got up on his feet. "I think, well.. It's night and.."

"Yeah, yeah, I know. We talk in the morning."

Billie did what Vicky just did, pulling down her panties, not bothering about everyone around her. Her bladder hurt so much, she had to go. At least, she did not show of, using her shirt to cover up.

The rest of the night went by, neither Ask or Embla was able to get much sleep, their hearts beating about what had been discovered. Vicky came barging in the door. "Up you lazy fuckers, I want breakfast."

"It would be nice if you cooked something too." Ask grumbled.

"Aw, shut up sister fucker." Vicky teared of the thin blanket covering him. "You are decent."

"What do yo expect?" He said sitting up.

Then she teared of Emblas blanket, she too had dressed properly. "What fun you are. Hardy har har." Embla said.

"You are crazy." Billie grumbled from the madrass on the floor. "You are all crazy."

"Yeah, but we love each other and that's what counts, right?" Vicky winked at the twins. Making them share a look at each other, thinking she was going of the rafter. "Besides, I thought you would like to see his schlong."


"Oh god, you are so hung." Vicky imitated the redhead hiding under her blanket.

"Shut up, let me sleep." She grumbled.

"Oh no, now is it where the fun all starts." Vicky clapped her hands. "Rise and shine. And boys and girls.. No need to get dressed. It's not like we haven't seen it all now, is it?"

There were no way out, they all dragged their feet to the kitchen. Rubbing the sleep out of their eyes. Ask started the stove while Embla fished out the eggs and bacon. Soon it was sizzling in the pan and the smell filled their nostrils, making their bellies rumble.

"Now.." Vicky said folding her hands, their bellies full. "Wouldn't be a dear and show what you are packing to your friend here."

"Are you serious?" Ask exclaimed.

"Well, do you think your father knows what you have been doing behind his back?" Vicky leaned back with a grin.

Ask huffed before pulling down his briefs down to mid thigh.

"Take it all off." She commanded.

He did as he was told, standing there defiant, hands on her hips. The dick was all flaccid now. Balls hanging low.

"That's better, isn't it?" Vicky laughed before she got serious. "Now, get it up."

His hands went slowly for the member. Then Vicky got another idea. "Let Embla do it for you."

Embla stared daggers at her cousin before she went over to her brother grumbling. She started fondling him and as most teenage boys, it had the desired effect. It was filled with blood and became longer, thicker and harder.

"Good," Vicky commented. "Now that Billie has something to look at, I want to have something to look at too."

"What?" Embla grumbled.

"Off with your clothes darling." Indicating with her hands to get undressed.

So it was that the twins stood there, side by side, naked as the day they were born.

"I knew you got the curves Embla, but damn." Vicky fanned her face. Embla had indeed the curves, wide hips and a narrow waist supporting a perfectly proportioned c cup bust.

Billie sat there blushing furiously. Not knowing exactly what to do. It was all so surreal. She could just stretch out her hand and touch him. He was that close. She had no interest in him before, he was like the female version of his sister, both so like yet so unlike. But there was something about it now. It could not be that huge dick that was bobbing in her eye level, could it? Warmth poured downward to her pussy.

"What now mistress," the words dripped with venom.

"Now now," Vicky said calmly. "No need for that attitude miss. I am not going to tell a soul and I think Billie here will keep her mouth shut too. We are just going to have some fun, isn't that right?"

Nobody answered to that but she did not let that affect her a tiny bit. "Now Embla," it was a slight uncertainty in her voice. She licked her lips, "have you ever licked pussy?"

"Have you?" Came the snide reply back.

"Why do you think I'm here?" It was a rhetorical question leaving no doubt.

"So.. You want me to.." Embla looked over her cousin.

"Since we are already deep in Hicksville, why not go all the way?" Vicky said turning around in her chair and pulling her panties to the side.

"You are sadistic." Embla said as she got down on her knees. The pussy smelled nothing really, just a hint of soap.

"Did you know you look a lot like Audrey Hepburn with that pixie cut of yours?" Vicky ruffled Emblas hair.

"Whatever." She huffed, before pressing her lips gently on the skin just above the slit.

"That's it." Vicky moaned. "Just a bit lower."

Embla tested the waters so to speak, licking carefully between the folds. Deeper for every stroke, taking special care of the clit. Vicky was taking short breaths now, closing her eyes and grabbing her tits with her free hand.

As infuriating it was to watch the one true love lap at another girls pussy, it was also quite arousing. His dick that had slowly retreating from its proud position went back to full mast. He looked over his cousin. She was tall, not freakishly tall though. Blond long hair hanging straight down to the middle of her back, small boobs and a generally athletic body, muscles rippled under her skin.

Vicky suddenly dragged his sister up and into a tight embrace. Kissing her deeply and fondling her meaty backside. Embla had no choice than to comply. Playing along, she slid her tongue into Vicky's mouth and grabbed her boobs, squeezing hard and getting a moan back. Fuck was she lit on fire. Emblas face was literally covered with pussy juice and her cousin was lapping it up like the perfect nectar.

"Let's go to the living room." Vicky panted as she slipped a finger up Embla's bum. "I want to make you good."

"Okay," Emblas brown eyes shone as she pressed her bum backwards, indicating for the finger to enter her deeper.

Then Vicky got fire under her ass. She got up and stripped it all before carrying Embla out of the kitchen.

"So.." Billie said, making Ask jump as he completely forgot her standing there. "You shave?"

"Mhm." Ask nodded, finally looking at the pixie sized girl sitting there. Long red, curly hair framed her little face dotted with freckles all over. Green, sparkly eyes shone at him. He had not exactly had an eye for other girls before this. His sister had been his everything.

"Could I?" Her hand stretched out towards his member stopping just half an inch from it.

"Why the hell not." Ask sighed, stepping forward so Billie's hand touched his flesh.

"It's so big." She murmured, pulling his foreskin back, then cupping his balls. "So soft." It was her first encounter with a dick and it made her feel giddy. A hand snuck down her panties, diddling her privates. She was wet, so unbelievably wet. Could it fit? Her fingers encircled the thick meat, holy shit, her fingers couldn't even encircle it completely.

"You fuck Embla with this?" She asked, pumping the dick. Before he could answer, she continued. "Off course you do. I have seen her birth control pills. She told me it was for menstrual pains. How stupid of me. I should have seen it."

"Uhu." Ask groaned. The touch was so light and delicate, feeling so good. "You want me to.."

"Heavens no, it's to big." She thought for a moment, then said with a smile. "I would like to see it in action though."

"How?" His mind was foggy. Couldn't gather his thoughts at all.

"You and your sister. I wanna see you do it." She pressed his dick to his stomach, measuring it with her hands. "Does she take it all?"

"Yes," he grunted.

"Do you cum in her?" She pulled the dick down.

"Yes," he was shivering now.

"Then I want to see that." She stood up and got real close to him. "I want to see you fuck your sister." Her voice was low and husky.

She guided him to the living room by his dick. Finding Embla laying down on her back on the sofa with a blond head between her legs, humming as Vicky's tongue worked over her clit.

"You like what you see?" Billie whispered.

"Yes, who doesn't?" Ask whispered back.

Embla had her eyes closed and fingers entangled in Vicky's hair. Bucking her hips up and down. Vicky's butt was up in the air, Ask could see the moist slit and the pink puckered hole of her ass. It was calling him, he wanted to stick it in. But no, he couldn't do that, not without consent. He sat down beside his sister instead. Cupping her soft breasts, flicking the erect nipple between his fingers. "Hey there," He whispered softly. She shot up her eyes and looked at him, then threw herself at him, locking lips in one deep unsibling like kiss.

"Vicky?" Billie grabbed her shoulder lightly, making the other girl look up. "Can they?" She nodded to the twins still kissing.

"Sure, whatever." There was a sadness in her voice. "I only wished.."

"I know, but as you said, they truly love each other."

Billie and Vicky sat down on the floor, watching as Ask rolled over on his back with his twin on top. Guiding his member inside of her and sliding all the way down.

"Fuck." Billie whispered as she saw them make love. She had to diddle herself more, she had to cum. She pulled down her panties and kicked them to the far corner of the living room, parting her legs wide. Starting to flick her clit as Vicky's hand covered hers.

"Let me.." She whispered to the redhead. The blond bent down, smelling the musk, then drinking the nectar seeping out. Flicking her tongue over the sensitive bud.

Billie gasped, this was not what she was expecting. Her fingers combed through blond hair, sighing as her heart sped up even more. Her eyes never leaving the sight in front of her. The dick reappeared wet and shiny, then back again between Emblas meaty labia. She was dreaming it was her that got plowed by that huge cock.

Ask felt the pressure build, he was about to cum. His hands was kneading his sister's breasts whilst his lips was locked with hers. It was any moment no. "I'm about to cum." He gargled.

Embla sat up and grinded her hips back and forth, looking at him and only him. Feeling him fill her up so perfect, they were made for each other. He was so good, so kind, so beautiful. Then he started pulsing, sending thick ropes of cum into her womb. She was not there yet to share his orgasm, but she smiled and stroked his chin tenderly.

"I love you." He said it with such emotion, it made her heart melt and she had to kiss him again.

He felt his dick suddenly being yanked out of her and a pair of lips sucked his dick head. It sent shivers up his spine. It was like he was electrocuted. He groaned into Emblas mouth, not letting her leave. Not yet, not ever.

Nothing lasts forever, and neither did this. Embla dismounted and he saw with big eyes how Billie was sucking his dick. Both her tiny hands pumped and squeezed the remaining droplets out of him and into her mouth. "Fuck." He growled, grabbing the sofa. "Please stop, it's too much."

Green eyes looked at him, smiling then swallowing what she got. Sliding up his body, pressing her tiny boobs to his chest and then kissed him with open mouth on the lips. He could taste himself, there was also a hint of Embla there. The mix was good, he swallowed what he was offered.

"That was hot." Billie said, pressing her forehead into his. "I wish you could do me too."

Ask looked at Embla, holding her hand. "I'm with her. My love. My stars. My everything."

"Argh, so sappy." Vicky butted in. "What's the big deal anyway? It wouldn't hurt her, then I could do Embla. Fuck you are smoking hot."

"I heard that already." Embla said, sitting closer to her brother.

"Come on, what you say? Trading partners? Hmmm?" Vicky held up a fist, nobody took her up on that until..

"Hey,can I see your hand?" Embla said. She pressed Asks hand up against it comparing them. "Hmmm, what you say Ask, could it?"

"I think so." Replied Ask. His dick stirred again by the thought of what was going to happen.

"We can trade places, but only on one condition." Embla said.

"What?" Vicky said, looking confused.

"You have to let him fuck you while you do me."

"What? No fucking way. I'm not batting for that team." She shook her head violently.

"Thats a shame," Embla let a finger glide into her slit and back again. "You could do something that guaranteed would get me off."

Vicky looked at her, then at Ask and his member that had grown back to full mast. She groaned. "He better wear a condom."

"No condoms in the house." Embla said with a smirk.

"I can just pop down to the shop and get some." She said biting her lip.

"Nuhu, no one is leaving this room, then the offer becomes void." Embla wagged her finger.

"I don't want to be pregnant." Vicky spit out. She really wanted to make Embla cum.

"You can.." Embla's finger went further back and stuck it all the way up her ass. She smiled, enjoying the frustration emitting from Vicky.

"If you only were a lot less hot." She grumbled as she stood up, hands on her hips.

"I'm pretty hot, that's the damn truth." Embla smiled, licked her finger and put it to her thigh making a sizzling noise.

Vicky stood there, contemplating her next move. That dick looked mighty thick and she was not exactly fond of getting things shoved up her butt. But then it was Embla, God could not make a better masterpiece than her. Fuck, if only she had been lesbian too. She looked over at Billie who now sat on the couch, knees under her chin. Why couldn't she do him? Embla had turned the tables around now.

"Fine," she sighed, "but he better use lots and lots of lube. And no kissing or groping"

"Don't worry captain." Embla said saluting her. "Not to brag, but he has made me cum hard with his joystick up my backside many times."

Ask retrieved a box of Cresco lard, putting it on the table. "Now," Embla started taking Vicky's hands in hers. "It's not only for your pleasure that the lard is gonna be used. I want you to lube up your whole hand."

"Like this?" Vicky said putting a generous amount and smearing it all over her right hand.

"Hmm," Embla smiled. "Now the fun starts. Ask? You ready?"

"Yeah," he said from behind Vicky making her frown.

"Why can't he do Billie?" She asked.

"Virgin." Billie said raising her hand.

"It's not like he is going to pop your cherry." Argued the blond girl.

"Have you seen the size of that thing?" The redhead said. "I'm afraid it is going to split me in two."

"Embla can take him."

"Yeah and you are going to put your whole fucking hand inside of her. She has definitely more experience."

"You need to start somewhere." Vicky sighed.

"No no, we agreed." Embla said putting more lard on Vicky's hand. "You want to make me cum hard? Like really hard? With screams and maybe a squirt?"

"Okay." Vicky got between the shapely legs of Embla, taking in the sight in front of her. She was definitely a pussy girl and this was among the top ten she had ever seen.

"Butt up." Embla commanded.

"Sure thing mistress." Butt up head down, she was totally exposed now, feeling his hand on her butt cheek. She shuddered when she felt his member slide between her labia, afraid he was going to stick it in there. Then he put the head to her sphincter and pushed. It didn't help that Embla had lubed up her ass and licked her to the brink of orgasm. Her ass was on lock down. He pushed harder.

"You gotta relax." He said stroking her back.

She took a deep breath and relax as much as she could. Then it popped into her. Stretching her slowly as it went deeper than anything had been. "Fuck," her teeth gritted and she balled up her fists. This was intense. Soon the intrusion stopped.

"You okay?" He said concerned.

"Yeah," Vicky breathed deep. "Just don't move."

"When you are ready." He replied, holding her hips tight, skin pressed against skin.

Here it goes. The shiny beautiful treasure was in front of her. She slid a lone finger into the wet slick heat. Soon followed by another, then another, working her fingers into that pussy deeper and deeper. The fourth went in and then she was up to the knuckles. Fuck this was exciting. Twisting it around and tucking in her thumb she pressed inwards. She looked up at Embla, searching for discomfort or pain. Embla just nodded back, grabbing her wrist and pushing harder, her knuckles went in then the root of her thumb, folding her hand into a fist inside of her. Fuck was she tight. It was like her hand was stuck in some kind of a mitten, a warm wet and very tight. The only thing she could do was twist it.

"Yessss." Embla purred. "Do it harder."

"You sure?" Vicky was worried she was going to break this teenager. Fuck, only sixteen and able to do this?

"Yes," Embla grabbed her head, pushing it down to her sex. "And start licking."

Her lips engulfed the hard nub and she flicked it with her tongue. Then she felt movement in her ass. Ask had started fucking her. It was so intense a feeling. Working her hand back and forth at the same time she fell into a rhythm pushing Embla over the brink. Embla screamed and the pussy contracted hard around her hand, almost crushing it. It just continued with the spasms. She felt it bubble up within herself and she grunted as she too came.

He sped up, plunging his dick into that tight ass, making the globes jiggle. This was so perfect, he watched how his sister came like a torrent. This was what he lived for. He grunted as he came, sending his little swimmers out on a suicide mission into the bowels of his cousin.

"That was.. Amazing." Billie squealed, I have never seen anything like it.

"Hehe." Embla laughed, she was still filled up, stretched out by the hand residing inside of her. She wiped sweat from her brow. "I can't say I have cum this hard in a long time."

To be continued? What do you think?

PS. English is not my first language. So please be kind. This is an unedited story.
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