Sorry it’s been forever since I’ve posted but I imagine y’all haven’t missed me too bad so enjoy
Gypsy soul 2
The soft rhythm of rain woke me. Steadily beating in the outside of the camper van. I opened my eyes and seen the blonde hair that was Miranda's, confirming last night wasn't a dream. Me laying on my side, she had nestled her head on my chest, face pointing down as if she was looking at our feet. Then I felt the warmth of her naked body against mine.
I suddenly felt awkward laying there with her bare body on mine. I knew I shouldn't feel so shy after last night, but I couldn't help but feel uncomfortable. I didn't now if I should get up and risk disturbing her or lay there and feel increasingly awkward.
I finally settled on opening the window blind and watched it rain outside. The camp ground was fairly secluded with woods all around us.
I laid there wondering where we should go next and if I should take Miranda with me. I never had any set destination to travel by. My plan was to wonder aimlessly across America. But now I had a "girlfriend", or whatever she is, I thought it might be best to travel to the parks and forest reserves of North America.
Eventually I climbed out of bed, careful not to wake Miranda, I went to the driver seat as I gathered my clothes and put them on. I looked for the atlas in the driver door of the van. What would it hurt to just look? After doing so I searched for the nearest national park. Nearly 300 miles away, blue rock forest seemed a very promising location. Full of trails and private camping spots.
Without warning, Miranda gave me a surprise kiss that startled me to the point I almost fell out of the seat. She laughed, soft and sweet. I glanced down to see her heavy breasts jiggling with her laughter. Now seeing them in the daylight, they where more desirable. They where lightly covered in freckles, like her nose and cheeks.
"How are you this morning?" She asked, squeezing her chest with her upper arms to make them appear larger. I couldn't tell if she done this on purpose or unknowingly.
"G...Great. Feeling fine. Y...You?" I tried to stay focused but it was impossible with her flirting with me.
“Fantastic. Honestly I’m not one to put out on a first ‘date’” raising her hands and used air quotes.
“But I found it wonderful last night. I was having a hard time last night and your such a good listener. I don’t know what came over me. You’ve never really been with a woman before have you?” She finished looking at me with her head tilted slightly.
I simply nodded my head up and down to answer her question, still trying not to stare at the god like body she possessed.
“That’s what I thought . And stop trying so hard not to look at me. It’s not like you’ve haven’t seen them before.”She ended with a bounce of the heavy tits.
“I’m...sorry. I’m still....I’m still not used to...this ... sort of thing” I stammered pointing at her pale glowing body.
“Well I don’t know about you but I could use something to eat. Are we going to cook something here or get fast food?”
I hadn’t put much thought into breakfast. As matter of fact I couldn’t think of much at all. The blood had drained from my head to my rapidly growing member as I tried to memorize every inch of her body, as if she was going to run away or disappear.
My stone silence and throbbing penis must have been obvious. She drew closer to me and leveled her face with mine.
“Let’s take care of our little friend here and then we can think a little easier. How’s that sound?” She cooed as Miranda patted my genitals.
All I could do is nod my head in eager approval. With me still sitting in the driver seat, she kissed me on the lips. The kiss became more passionate, more invigorating. Her soft tongue entered mine and made me almost gasp with pleasure. My cock began to pulse with the rhythm of my heart beat, making it bounce slightly.
She broke the kiss and slowly began to lower herself. Keeping eye contact until Miranda’s face was level with my wanting member. She made quick work of the buttons and fly and extracted my hard cock. Looking at it almost with a interest, she wrapped her hand around the stone that was a part of me and stroked slowly with passion. Rubbing pre-cum on the head making it all that much more sensitive.
Then Miranda looked back at me with those beautiful blue eyes and winked as the bit her full lips. In one solid motion she forced my cock in her mouth and down her throat. Gaging halfway down before continuing till her lips meet the base. I thought the action and visual alone would make me cum. Closing my eyes tightly I concentrated on not blowing too early.
I opened my eyes agin, thinking maybe this was a dream. But to my satisfaction it was not. Her lips on the very base of my throbbing cock. Those baby blue eye looking up at me. I couldn’t hold back any more. I held her head in place as I unloaded past her mouth and down her throat.
Miranda’s eyes seemed to sparkle with enthusiasm as she took my cum. I looked slightly past her face and seen that she was kneeding her huge breast with one hand and her wet pussy with the other. Seeing this made me spurt more into her wanting stomach. Slowly she withdrew her head, keeping loving eye contact, finally popping my member out of her mouth.
I began to panic. I had never came so quickly in all my life. Fearing that Miranda would be upset that I hadn’t lasted longer I began to apologize.
“Oh... I’m ... uh... so sorry... about that... I’ve never... you know...” I trailed of as I watched the blonde goddess on her knees rubbing desperately to reach orgasmac levels.
“It’s ok!” she gasped as she continued to rub away at her clit “Just drive. Let’s get something to eat. I’ll be starving by the time I’m done.”
Without thought I started the camper van and set off for the closest town, which was nearly 10 minutes away. Without saying anything, Miranda parked her shapely ass in the passenger seat, continuing to masterbate with a fury that could start a fire. It was hard not to look at the blonde goddess finger her wet pussy, her large titts bouncing.
Finally the main road came into view. It was early Sunday morning so there was barley any traffic. I stopped at the main road waiting for Miranda to reach orgasom so she could get dressed for the drive through. But after she realized we had stopped she looked at me with a strange look.
“What are you waiting for?” Miranda eyed my with a mischievous smile. “Let’s get something to eat”
“But...uh... well... I was going to wait until you uh... got finished” stammering like the idiot I was pointing at her velumuis body.
“Oh don’t worry about me, besides don’t you want to show me off?” The smile grew wider as I heard her cat like purrs.
Without another word I turned onto the road and eyed a fast food place with a drive through window. Miranda was moaning and writhing in her seat. Trying desperately to finish. As I was about to pull in she let out a cry of pleasure that filled the small cabin of the van. I looked over to witness the beauty of a woman who was as beautiful as her reaching orgasm. I nearly drove over the curb and hit another car, but the view was one that just couldn’t be missed. Like the view of the sun rising above the mountains or the full moons rays glistening on the waters of a secluded lake. Its sight truly wonderful to behold.
Miranda callused in the seat next to mine as I pulled to the window. Still staring at her beauty with her cheeks flushed and chest rising and falling. The speaker on the drive through intercom can to life with a boring tone of displeasure.
“Can I take your order?” The monotone voice demanded. And just like that the magic seemed to leave the van and we was dragged back to reality.
“Yes can I get a number 2 combo with water please?” Miranda asked leaning over the center console to make her order. The massive breasts swaying inches for my face.
I quickly made my order and was instructed to drive to the first window. Halfway to the window I realized that Miranda was still naked. I nearly slammed on the brakes and shocked Miranda. She stared at me with confusion on her face.
“What’s wrong?” she asked.
“Your still naked” I stated managing not to stammer.
“So? Let’s give these guys something to look at. Don’t you want to show me off?” She batted her eyelashes at me and once again was under her spell, willing to do just about anything the asked of me.
We pulled up to the first window as I was fishing around for my wallet. The seemingly disgruntled man behind the slide window looked on with surprise as he eyed Miranda and all her glory. He bumped his hand on the glass realizing that he forgot to open it first. Once it was open he continued to gawk at the large breasted vixen sitting next to me. Miranda turned to face him full long and gave a flirty wave giggling at his expression. He was paying so little attention to me I finally threw my money at him hitting the man square in the face.
“Keep the change!” I yelled speeding off to the next window.
Once we reached the window my heart was pounding in my chest. Fear of being arrested for indecent exposure was on my mind. What if this next window were not so lucky. What if they call the police? Should I drive off before they arrive or what? My heart nearly stopped when the window finally opened. A beautiful woman stood on the other side of the portal. A perfect teardrop shaped face with green eyes and long flowing platinum blonde hair. She was short. I found tell that much. But she was big breasted for her size. The size must have been something close to B, but her frame made them look like DD’s! I couldn’t see her hips but I could imagine they where as wonderful as her top half. She handed me the food reading back the order from the computer screen. Then she looked into the van and spied my shotgun rider in her birthday suit. Playing with her huge tittes. It only took the girl in the window a moment to recover, then she leaned forward, squeezing her mounds with he forearms and placing her head in her hands.
“Is there.... ANYTHING...else I can get you two beautiful things?” She purred as she bit her lip, wiggling her hidden butt back and forth like a cat ready to pounce.
“Well...” I heard Miranda behind me “ There is one thing you can do for us”
“”Anything” the drive through girl repeated staring into our eyes.