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Summary of previous chapters; Jane’s mother and father had agreed to let Jane have sex with her two brothers and her sister, to allow them to help her with her ‘special problem.’ Jane showed off her sexual prowess and enjoyed a tremendous, bone-shaking orgasm. Afterwards, she asked her father, if she could go for a walk.
The Little Ignorant Slut 3 (f, Mf, best)

This is the continuing tale of Jane, the little ignorant slut. It is a silly, whimsical story about a young girl with a very overactive sex drive.

Note – This is a work of fiction, make-believe and sexual fantasy. It is not based on real people or actual events. You must be 18 or over to read these stories. The author does not condone any sexual activity among persons under 18 in real life, also, the author does not condone any sexual activity involving animals in real life. It is OK to have fantasies, but turning a fantasy into reality can destroy lives. Don't be a dick with other people's lives!

Summary of previous chapters; Jane’s mother and father had agreed to let Jane have sex with her two brothers and her sister, to allow them to help her with her ‘special problem.’ Jane showed off her sexual prowess and enjoyed a tremendous, bone-shaking orgasm. Afterwards, she asked her father, if she could go for a walk.

“Go have your bath,” he said. “Your mom and I will think about it.”

Jane stood up, clenching her pussy and ass tight. Not a single drop of cum dripped out of her freshly creamed holes. She gingerly walked to the bathroom.

Jane cleaned out all of the tasty cum from her petite fourteen year old pussy and ass and then looked at herself in the bathroom mirror, grinning happily. She was so excited! Two more cocks and another pussy to play with! She fondly recalled the taste and feel of her brothers and sister. No more rubbing her little pussy raw, when those undeniable urges overwhelmed her!

She took a nice, luxurious, soaking bath. The hot water eased her tight muscles and tender body. The effects from her massive orgasm were all but disappeared. Her pussy and ass-hole now felt soothed and healed. She shaved her pussy, removing any stray hairs and rubbed it for good luck. She then washed her long blonde hair and her sexy, teenage body, spending a lot of time on her firm breasts, round ass, tight little pussy and finally, her sensitive little ass-hole.

She pulled the plug from the tub with her toe, extending a long, smooth leg, to let the water drain out. She stood up and dried her firm, perfect body with a big, fluffy towel. She walked naked to her room and sat her desk. She brushed her hair and then sprayed a little perfume on her naughty-bits. Finally, she flipped a short sundress over her ripe and ready body. She was all set for her walk!

“I hope mommy and daddy let me go out,” she thought to herself. She liked to go outside and meet new people. And, she loved the attention from all the horny men. For some reason, men developed boners when they were around her, even without her trying! It made her feel sexy and it made her pussy so wet to think of all the hard cocks around her, so ready to be played with!

Jane walked into the living room where her mom and dad were sitting. She looked at them with her best pouty face. “Can I go out daddy?” she begged. “Can I mommy, please?”

David looked at her, softening his usual stern demeanor. “Your mother and I talked, and yes…”

“Yippee!” Jane shouted, interrupting her father. She was so excited!

“Let me finish, Jane,” he said, taking her hand and looking into her bright, blue eyes. “We are letting you because you need to learn about the world outside. Not everyone you meet can be trusted. You have to be careful when you go out, understand?”

“I understand. I don’t like mean people…, except you daddy!” She wanted her daddy to know that she loved him. A lot!

“I know what you mean, dear.” David said. “But, you need to find a nice man.”

“All men are nice to me!”

“We mean a ‘special man.’ One that will take care of you, and love you,” said Dottie.

“How will I know he is ‘special?’”

“Well, he will watch out for you and protect you. He will take care of you, like your family does, understand?”

“I understand, Daddy.”

“And, he will put your needs before his. That is what good men do for their women,” he added.


Her mother added, “Don’t confuse her David. Daddy means you need a good man that will make sure you cum too, and catch you after a ‘big one,’ honey.”

“OK! I’ll keep an eye of for any ‘special men’ that will take care of me and make sure I cum too!” She walked to the door, anxious to leave. “Can I go now?”

David and Dottie both sighed heavily. “Yes dear.”


Jane quickly went to the sidewalk and wheeled towards the park. She liked the park! She felt her nipples tighten in the cool air and relished the feeling of the breeze blowing up her short skirt, kissing her naked, moist pussy. A couple of cars drove passed her, blowing their horns and whistling at her. “Hi!” she yelled back, and waved at them, but they didn’t stop, to her disappointment.

When she entered the park, she was a little sad there were not many people; a mother and her children, a dog running loose, and a couple of joggers. She skipped over to the play area and enjoyed herself for a while, sliding on the slide (she had to remember to pull her skirt under her naked ass next time)! She swung a while; legs spread wide, feeling the strong wind against her hard nipples and her naked pussy lips. She soon became bored and decided to follow the path into the woods, to get out of the hot sun. It was cooler there under the trees, and quiet too. She enjoyed her walk among the sun dappled shade, the soft breeze and sweet smell of wildflowers. She saw a bench up ahead and decided to sit, rest, and rub her pussy a while.

Jane loved to rub her nearly-always-wet pussy! She spread her legs and put her hand under her short skirt, sliding her experienced fingers up and down her juicy slit. She could spend hours playing with her cunt! Jane sat, diddled and daydreamed about cocks – all the different sizes and shapes she has seen in her short, young, but experienced life. “Daddy has the nicest cock,” she said out loud, to no one in particular. “Jack’s cock is nice too! It felt so good in my ass! Bill’s cock is still growing, momma said. I hope it gets as big as Pa’s. Mr. Wilson has a long, thin cock, and Mr. Peabody, my old teacher, had a small one. It was still nice though, and he could make a lot of sperm!” It seemed as if she was trying to share her knowledge of cocks to an imaginary friend. She licked her fingers occasionally, coated with her juices, and wished she could lick her own pussy. She had tried, but her tongue wasn’t long enough! Jane sat like that for a while, daydreaming and playing with her pussy, enjoying the weather and the nice sexy feelings between her legs.

Then, she heard something coming down the path, kicking up mulch and stones as it got closer. She quickly pulled her fingers from her pussy, like her momma taught her, when there were strangers around.

Looking down the path, Jane saw a happy mutt of a dog trotting towards her. He was lean and lanky but strong and friendly. He saw Jane and ran to her excitedly.

“Hello puppy!” Jane said. The friendly dog put his large front paws on the bench and began to lick her face. “Oh, what a friendly doggie you are! What is your name doggy?” She looked on his neck, but the dog did not have a name tag or a collar. “All doggies need a name. Maybe I’ll give you a name!” She petted the frisky dog up and down. The dog sniffed her and licked her in happiness. “What is a good name for you? Spot…? No.., Butch? No…”

The dog was a stray and craved attention - like Jane! He loved getting petted and found her fresh scent intoxicating. He liked her scent a lot! There was something about her… He sniffed around carefully, first her face and neck, trying to find the source of an elusive, musky odor. Jane patted his head, and he sniffed her fingers. There it was! He licked her fingers repeatedly, making Jane giggle.

“Oh, you like pussy juice too, huh? Just like me, doggie! I hope we can be friends.” Jane dipped her fingers back into her honey-hole and held it out for the dog once more. He licked her fingers feverously!

“Oh, yes, you really DO like pussy juice!” She did it once more. Jane suddenly had a great idea! ‘Why let him lick pussy juice off of my fingers when I have a whole bunch of it between my legs!’ She was proud of herself for thinking if it. “And daddy says I’m not too bright…”

Jane spread her legs, lifted up her skirt and showed off her naked, wet pussy, hanging off the bench seat. “Here doggie, have a sniff of this!”

The dog smelled the strong sensual odor, sniffed around, and quickly located its source. He jumped down and pushed his nose firmly against Jane’s gash, snorting deeply. “Oh!” Jane jumped, feeling the wet, cold nose press against her hot cunt. The excited dog began licking her soaking wet pussy like he was dying of thirst! “Slurp, slurp, slurp!”

“Mmmmm!” Jane moaned. “You are a dirty little pussy licker too, just like me!” The dog licked furiously up and down her hairless twat, searching out every drop of her nectar. Jane’s cunt flooded. The dog found her fuck-hole and plunged his tongue deeply into it, spreading her cunt lips wide and smashing her clit with his snout. “Oh, doggie, you are the best pussy licker ever!” Jane’s twat dripped juice faster than the dog could lick it up. Her secretions trickled all the way down to her ass-hole. The dog paused, found the slime trail, and began licking her perineum and then down to her bung-hole! He began lapping at her shitter and Jane obliged him by lifting her legs and spreading her ass cheeks wide! His fat tongue tried to push past her tight sphincter, tickling her in all the right places!

“Oh, doggie, lick me, lick my hole!” Jane cried. Her ass-hole felt so good! The dog’s tongue pushed passed her tight little ring. It felt like a live, wet snake trying to crawl up her bowels. She felt a mini-orgasm beginning in her thighs and traveling down to her tightly curled toes. Jane was amazed at the licking skills of the dog. “Lick me, Lick me, doggie! Oh, what a licker you are!” she cried. Then realization hit her, “Licker!” she cried, “Your name is Licker!”

The newly named “Licker” began to savor her pussy again, swallowing all the juices that ran out of her cunt while he was occupied with her tasty ass-hole. He was a fast learner! Licking her shitter made her pussy get wetter! He plunged his tongue deep into her bung-hole again, licking deep, left and right, up and down, then out again, up her gash to her clit, then driving his snout into her swollen bump, then pushing his tongue deeply up into her insides.

“Oh, oh, oh, I’m cumming, Licker, I’m cumming!” Jane reached up and pinched her nipples hard! She felt a ‘mini’ orgasm begin to quake inside of her. Then, her orgasm exploded! Jane saw stars and her legs began to quiver. Again, Licker attacked her ass-hole, then her clit and fuck-hole with his long, hot tongue! “Ahhhhhh!” she cried, cumming over and over again! The dog attacked her clit once again, and Jane‘s body twitched once, twice, and then went limp.

Jane shook the stars from her head and tried to keep her legs spread for her new friend, but it was too much for her. She clamped her legs together tightly. The dog looked at her, sad that he couldn’t get any more of her delicious cream.

“Oh, doggie, doggie, doggie! Oh Licker! What a good boy you are!” She petted the excited dog as he danced around her legs. Then, Jane looked down and saw the dog’s penis extending from its sheath. Long and red, not like her father’s or brother’s cocks at all! Tired as she was, she was also so very curious! She just had to inspect this interesting new development!

“Come here Licker and let me see your dick!” she ordered. Jane squatted down low onto the path to get a better look.

“Hold still, Licker!” she cried, as the dog danced around her, licking her face, her neck, and shoving his nose down her neckline. She finally got him to calm down by petting him gently and saying his name.

“Nice Licker, good boy!” She reached down and scratched his chest, then slid her hand along his hairy belly until her hand gently gripped his long, red shaft. “Oh, It’s a nice one, Licker! So hot!” Jane gently played with his cock until it became fully engorged. It was huge! Reddish-purple, gnarly, and long and thick. She gently cupped his balls, making the dog jump. She was puzzled by the large lump at the base of his huge, swollen cock.

“Well, Licker, you were so nice to me, what can I do for you?” Jane began to stroke his shaft again. “I’ve never played with a doggy-dick before,” she said aloud, and then added, “This is fun!” She felt his pre-cum spurting on to her hand, making it slick. She began to stroke his cock in earnest. The dog whined, loving the feeling the musky-smelling female was giving him. “I wonder if he will let me suck his cock too?” she thought.

Suddenly, Jane heard something else coming down the path! She quickly stood up and sat down upon the bench, trying to be ‘lady like,’ as her mother had tried to teach her. Poor Licker didn’t know what to think! He tried to push his nose back into Jane’s pussy, but she held her legs tight. She noticed the doggy juice on her fingers and licked it off. “This tastes different, odd, but I like it!” she decided, then spreading and smoothing her wrinkled dress down upon her thighs.

A male jogger came around the corner and noticed the cute young girl sitting on the bench up ahead of him with her dog. Getting closer, he saw her braless nipples poking thru her dress and her shapely legs extending from her short skirt. A quick glance at the dog revealed the pooch’s red dick, poking out from under him, as he sat in front of his owner. ‘Very interesting,’ he thought. The jogger quickly decided he needed to stop a moment to rest.

“Why hello, little girl, what is your name?” he said, sitting down next to her on the bench, rubbing the sweat from his eyes and enjoying the vision of the young beauty before him and the cool shade of the looming trees.

“Jane.” Jane said politely, smiling brightly at the nice man.

“Why hello, Jane,” he said. “What’s your dog’s name? He sure looks happy!” The man glanced down at the dog’s hard prick and eager expression. He wondered if he had caught the girl in a compromising situation.

“His name is ‘Licker,’” Jane told him.

“Liquor?” he asked, “What kind of ‘Liquor’? Whiskey, scotch…?”

“Pussy,” Jane replied simply.

“Pussy…?” he asked confusedly. “Pussy Liquor…?” His cock pulsed, realizing what the young girl was saying.

“Yeah, he’s a real good pussy licker! Wanna see?” Without waiting for an answer, Jane lifted her dress to expose her bald cunt. She scooted her twat forward and said to the dog. “Lick it, Licker!”

The dog immediately shoved his snout once again into Jane’s fragrant cunt, licking her happily.

The stunned man stared at the vision before him. He considered that perhaps he was dreaming, or maybe losing his mind. The sun shone through the dappled trees upon the small clearing, the smell of earth, decaying leaves with the subtle, but growing undertones of hot, female musk. His eyes beheld the vision of a young girl, a mere foot away from him, with her dress pulled up and her naked twat being licked feverously out by a horny, excited dog.

“Slurp, slurp, slurp…” Licker’s tongue searched deep into Jane’s hot, cunt. He sniffed and slurped licking her deeply.

“Ah…, you let him…I mean…, you like him doing that to you?” the stranger asked. It was a stupid question. The blissful expression on Jane’s face was evidence that she was thoroughly enjoying herself.

“Oh yeah, I love to have my pussy licked,” she said to the nice man, looking up at him happily. “I like it almost as much as fucking and sucking cock!” Jane smiled at the man and then looked down at Licker’s long tongue sliding into her twat. She spread her legs wider and lifted her cunt to allow Licker better access to it. She acted as if she was not even aware of the man’s quickly expanding bulge in his jogging shorts. She didn’t want to act too sexually overt, or forward or anything.., her mother didn't like it.

“Ah…, you like to suck…?” he stammered. “Co…, co…, co…, penises?” he blurted out.

“Yeah, I love to suck co…, co…, co…, and penises!” She paused, thinking this was a new word for a man’s dick that she had not heard before. “Do you want me to suck your co…, co…, co…, penis?” Jane asked. She looked him in the eyes and licked her lips expectantly, her eyebrows cocked, her head tilted, waiting for his answer.

“Su…, su.., su…, sure!” he exclaimed.

Jane decided the man had a stutter and was a little sad that she hadn’t learned a new word for a man’s sexual organ.

Jane quickly sat up, much to Licker’s disappointment. She dropped to her knees before the nice, confused man. “Stand up!” she ordered, “Let me see your co…, co…, co…, cock!” Jane giggled, saying the silly words one last time.

The man stood up and Jane quickly ripped down his shorts and sweaty jock-strap. His swollen cock and balls were suddenly exposed to the world. She inhaled the aroma of his moist perspiration as she leaned in, then have gave his genitals a long, steady sniff. She loved the scent of a manly man’s crotch! Jane grasped his still growing, but not-quite-hard cock with her delicate fingers and aimed his member towards her mouth. Jane sucked him deeply into her warm, wet, experienced, pleasure-hole and worked her magic on the stranger’s shaft with her tongue, lips and mouth. She sucked him firmly, pulling blood up into his fat cock head, making it swell and expand, his whole cock lengthening and getting fatter almost instantly. She tickled his sweaty balls with her other hand, licked and slurped, and felt him come to complete hardness in her mouth. Jane smiled with satisfaction and then expertly ran her tongue around his hard cock-head, searching out the hidden areas behind his glands. She lifted his hard cock out of the way, then licked, and gently sucked his sweaty ball sack, first one nut, then the other.

“Oh, sweetie!” the man said. He was so aroused and unable to vocalize the exquisite sensual feelings the young girl was giving him. “Oh, baby…, oh honey!” he cried out as his body quivered with pleasure.

Then, Jane throated his long shaft, taking his cock entirely down to the base, and then licking his balls with her tongue.

“SON-OF-A-BITCH!” he exclaimed. He had never had a blow-job like this. Not from former girlfriends and certainly not from his current, near-frigid wife.

Licker smelled the sexual odors emanating from the two humans. The smell inflamed his unquenched desires. He walked behind Jane, sniffing at her skirt-covered cunt, searching for the source of his urgent, sexual relief. In his solitary roaming’s, he had fucked a few bitches before. He knew the smell of arousal, and he had immediately recognized the submissive position his newest bitch was presenting to him. He hunched is back, and walked stiff-legged back and forth around her backsides, his nose bumping against her ass and legs.

Jane felt Licker’s cold, wet nose prodding against her thighs. She felt his snout travel upwards towards her warm, wet, inviting pussy. She spread her legs a little wider, and pivoted her ass upwards, to help her lover find her steamy, wet, impatiently waiting cunt.

Licker poked, prodded and then lifted Jane’s skirt with his snout to get better access to her hot, naked, odiferous, musk pit. He sniffed her oozing cunt for a moment and then plunged his fat tongue deep into her. He had found it! He plunged his tongue deeply into her teenage pussy, again and again!

“That’s it! Lick it, Licker!” Jane encouraged, wiggling her ass. “Good boy!”

A few more licks and then Licker’s instincts took over. He clumsily climbed onto Jane’s back, wrapping his front legs tightly around her waist and then began to hump her ass with his slimy dog-dick, trying to find the sweet-smelling, tight little wet hole he knew was there.

“Oh, doggie, what are you doing?” Jane moaned. But, she knew exactly what the dog was doing to her; he was going to fuck her - but she felt she needed an excuse to pull her mouth from the stranger’s hard cock, to allow her to fully enjoy this new experience. She felt Licker’s cock poking her repeatedly high on her left ass-cheek, so she moved her hot, exposed cunt higher, and to the left, to accommodate him. With her expert guidance, his cock banged against her cunt lips once, then, on the next stroke, his fat, engorged cock penetrated her pussy! They both paused, feeling the connection between them for a brief moment, and then Licker thrust deeply and began to pound her cunt like only a dog could do; fast and deep, seeking to impregnate his bitch!

“Oh! He’s fucking me!” Jane exclaimed. Now that the dog’s cock was securely positioned within her tight snatch, she returned to sucking the cock before her. She had to release the man’s shaft and nut sack from her hands in order to brace herself against the onslaught coming from behind her. She struggled to keep both cocks in her holes, but managed to maneuver both of her lover’s swollen organs with her cunt muscles and experienced throat, until they were all in sexually harmony. She sucked the hard cock with her mouth, in and out… Licker fucked her tight, teenage pussy in and out…

“Maybe you should call him ‘Fucker’?” the man suggested, watching in amazement as the dog frantically fucked the horny little girl, kicking up leaves and gravel with his hind legs, as the dog tried to drive deeper and deeper into his bitch.

Jane thoughtfully considered the man’s suggestion.

Licker’s cock swelled some more and Jane felt his knot sliding into her. It was not yet fully swollen. It felt fantastic as it pounded into her, the knot growing and stretching her fuck-hole, in and out, in and out, fucking her, widening her, filling her pussy with never-felt before felt sensations!

Having never fucked a dog, she relished it. ‘Licker’s cock is thicker at the bottom!’ Jane analyzed and recorded in her mind. His knot expanded even more, and her cunt lips were forced apart as the swelling shaft and knot drove into her, and then back out again. If it grew any bigger, she didn’t think her tiny hole could take it all!

Licker finally drove his fattening knot as deep as he could into Jane and then tightened his grip around her waist, tearing into her dress with his claws, keeping the two of them pressed tightly together. Once he was deeply inside her tight, young pussy, his knot swelled even more!

“Mmmph!” Jane moaned, her mouth full of thick cock, her pussy full of fat dog dick. Licker drove his shaft deeper and deeper into her, his back legs still scrabbling against the earth. He was not able to withdraw any longer; his fat knot wouldn’t allow it. They were tied. He could only go forward, driving his cock deeper into his bitch’s womb. His pointed cock banged against her cervix a few times before he yelped suddenly. He began to shoot his doggie sperm into her, filling her small cunt full of potent dog-seed, and panting happily into her ear as he continued to hump his slutty little wanton bitch.

“Oh, he’s cumming! Licker is shooting his doggie-cum into me!” Jane exclaimed. She felt the hot, spurting, cum blast into her. It was so hot! It was much hotter sperm than her daddy and brothers! There was so much of it! It felt like it was filling her up with dog-cum! Squirt after forceful squirt of hot, doggie fuck-juice emptied into her. She kept waiting for it to stop shooting into her, but it didn’t. Licker hadn’t had his engorged balls emptied for a long, long time.

The jogger had reached his sexual limit. He watched Jane sucking his cock, driving his shaft into her throat, crudely having his way with her. He watched the dog fucking Jane obscenely from his vantage point above the both of them, amusedly observing the dogs hunched legs, raised tail and curled back, driving into the moaning, grunting and gurgling under him. The man and dog briefly met each other’s eyes and it seemed they both smiled. The man watched spittle drip from the dog’s tongue as he fucked his bitch and drooled on her neck. Jane moan again, and the man couldn’t hold back any more. He shuddered and came, with Jane slurping on his cock and humping back against her newfound pet.

The jogger shot two huge blasts of thick sperm into Jane’s eagerly awaiting mouth. Then, as her lips loosened from the impact, he pulled his cock out of her mouth and jizzed the rest upon her face, pulling back and jacking his remaining spurts upon the innocent, yet perverted girl he had found in the woods. He strangely felt the need to humiliate and dominate her, by splattering her face with his ejaculate. As his first spurt landed on her upturned face, he felt as if he was painting a portrait, using her a slutty canvas, in the surreal, but beautiful, landscape that surrounded them.

The first shot hit her eye, the next her cheek, the last two on her lips and in and around her opened, yearning-for-sperm mouth. She licked it up as best she could and was please when the last spurt landed on her tongue and the man again fed her his slimy cock, using her sucking mouth to clean the sperm and coax out the last vestiges of thick cum from it.

Licker continued to pump his potent doggie sperm into Jane’s womb. She felt the copious amount of cum filling her up, and she felt the dog’s fat, swollen knot keeping all of the thin, hot cum from escaping.

Her pussy and mouth were so full of cum! The dog’s cock continued to slam into her, stretching her, hitting places deep within her that she had never had touched before. She came, feeling the stranger’s cum dripping on her face and the dog’s cum filling up her. The dog’s knot was fully expanded inside of her, locked into place.

Jane’s little pussy quivered as the orgasm hit her. Her cunt massaged the swollen dog shaft at the same time she savored the sweet cum on her lips. The waves of intense feelings washed over her as she came and came again, her pussy constricting the fat dog cock and locking the dog's knot tight within her. Jane rode the orgasm over and over, wave after wave, until she eventually and predictably passed out from the intense feelings emanating from her groin, her body convulsing until the blood left her brain to engorge her female organs. And then, she fell limp and slept…

She became conscious a few minutes later, ass up and face down. She felt the fat knot still filling her cunt and the empty feeling in her mouth, cum still dripping and cooling on her face. She looked up to find that the stranger had deserted her. Her doggie lover, Licker, was still tied to her, ass to ass, in the cool shadows of the woods. She loved the feeling of having her pussy stuffed full of dog cock! She reached her hand down to her cunt, feeling their joined connection. She played her fingers and palm over the swelling of her groin, where she knew the knot to be. She rubbed her clit wanting to cum again. Jane felt Licker trying to pull away from her and clamped her pussy tight against his tugs, trapping his cock and keeping it from escaping.

“I guess that man wasn’t ‘special’, Licker,” she said to her joined lover, feeling a little vulnerable while she rubbed her pussy, remembering her parent’s words to her. A special man wouldn’t have left her alone, tied to a dog in the woods, while she was rendered unconscious from her orgasm.

She licked his cum from her face and commented, “He wasn’t special, but you sure are!” She loved Licker and the way her little pussy felt so stretched with his fat cock. She really, really, liked his cock, and couldn’t wait to play with it again! She held his knot inside of her for a long while, until she had cum a second time from her finger manipulations.

After a bit, Licker’s cock finally softened enough to separate from her without much pain. Jane loosened her cunt muscles, and his long, thick cock slid out of her cunt, knot first. “Ahhh!” Jane cried, as the thick ball slid out from her. A huge gush of dog cum and pussy juice spurted from her fuck-hole, soaking the ground below her in one long, continuous stream. The slime continued to drip and ooze from her snatch as she clenched her loosened cunt muscles repeatedly.

Licker turned and immediately began to care for Jane’s sore pussy, licking her clean. Still on all fours, she pushed her pussy out towards him, giving him full access to her gaping cunt. Licker cleaned her up, and then sat down to clean his slimy, red shaft.

Jane stood up, wiping the dirt from her knees and said, “Let’s go home, Licker. I’ll ask daddy and mommy if I can keep you!” She had to have this dog for her own! She WOULD have this dog for her own! “I bet Tracy would like him too,” she thought, “and Momma!” If momma knew what a good pet Licker was, her daddy couldn’t say ‘no.’

“Come on, Licker!” She walked home from the park with Licker behind her the entire way. His nose up her skirt, trailing her, smelling her scent, and stealing licks from her pussy and ass. She led him along all the way home, teasing him with her musky goodies. Finally, she reached her house. She gave her naked ass a final wiggle, bending over and pushing her crack right into his face. She let him sniff her hot pussy a moment, felt him lick her gash, and then led him up the walkway to her front door.

Jane opened the door, leading Licker inside, and yelled, “I’m home!” She shut the door behind them, and cried out, “Mom! Dad! Look what followed me home, can we keep him?”

© Copyright Undeniable Urges, 2015 - 2019. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from the author is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Undeniable Urges, with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

To read my other stories, click on my profile.



2019-11-06 19:39:33
Great story, loved the simplicity of the story line and how it grew. Looking foward to more stories.

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