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Christie has Penis Envy. Ever since she was a child she has been fascinated by the strange but useful appendage.
Penis Envy 1 - The Mother of Invention or An Idea takes Shape

Christie was young when she first learned about penises. She was immediately fascinated by the seemingly handy appendage her younger brother had that she did not. It fascinated her and she wanted it. Her mother kept having to remind her not to stare at it or try to play with it. As she said, “It belongs to your brother. Leave it alone.” This didn't sway young Christie and she grew up wanting one of her own. Badly.

Early in life Christie learned to hide her fascination. That energy was focused on education. She graduated with a degree and attained a job working for a manufacturer. Designing prototypes of various materials and using cutting edge technologies, she helped create advanced prosthetic limbs for the disabled. But that didn't stop ideas from lurking in the back of her head as well as other places of her body. Eventually, one day while looking at specifications for a prosthetic limb did she put it all together.

She could have a working penis. Sort of. That may have been a little quick and confusing. Let's start over. Christie is a young woman. Blond, slim, athletic, versatile. Her best friend lived in at her small but quiet, downtown apartment. She loves wearing power suits and pant suits. Boots and heavy jewelry. She leads her department in fresh ideas, radical designs, and innovation. All the men were after her in more ways than one. She had other plans for her life. She was making waves and taking chances. Her awards lined the walls of her office. She got what she wanted.

But, what she really wanted was a penis. It seems weird that such a forward thinker would want something so basic, primal. Her early experiences with the difference between her brother's body parts and hers. The sense of being an object and not in charge. Those feelings never waned. She wanted to be the man in a relationship. All her previous relationships had been convoluted. When she let a man fuck her she always imagined being the one with the penis. She always took charge and dominated. In the end she felt unsatisfied and empty. Her relationships with men never lasted. I guess that's why she has a live in best friend. A girl friend.

On that day, Christie sat there staring at the documents she had strewn across her design desk. She started jotting down notes and numbers frantically. It could work, she thought. The sensations she desired. The ability to satisfy her deepest desires and those of her friend. She felt a warmth flush over her. Quickly she looked around to see who might be watching. Then she stuffed her notes into a folder and returned to her office to sketch up the idea. Her plan was to use the work shop on weekends when it's quiet. That way she could keep it a secret. For now.

In less than a two weekends in the workshop she had a prototype. She held it up and looked it over. Luckily the lab was empty as she had planned. Blushing slightly she turned and headed for the bathroom. She couldn't wait to try it out. Christie stepped out of her clothes. Stopped for a moment to look herself over in the mirror. Then licking a finger she slid it between her legs. She was already wet. Her finger worked up a lather of juices in just a few strokes.

Then, picking up the prototype she stepped into the harness and clamped it around her waist. Reaching between her legs she slid the small probe into her slot. 'Tab A into Slot B,' check. On the front of the harness was a limp sausage looking thing. It felt like any other strap-on. No life, no sensations. The prototype needed to be plugged in. Just as the cord was plugged into the wall socket Christie felt a tingle. The probe started sending signals to her pussy. She wiggled her hips and practically felt the fake penis moving. She grabbed it and the tingling increased.

Suddenly the prosthetic limb began to stretch and harden. Getting long enough to fill her fist. At the same time her pussy began to twitch and come alive. Sensors along the shaft were touch and pressure sensitive. Any touch, any movement was analyzed and transmitted to the probe buried deep within. She looked at herself in the mirror and stroked the penis. The sensations filled her with desire. Her desire began to build. She smiled and wanted to try it out. But first, testing.

One, squeeze. The sausage hardened and a shock wave traveled right up her pussy. Check.

Two, tip sensitivity. Rubbing the tip felt like someone licking her clitoris. Check.

Three, depth. Stroking the full length caused waves of tingles up into her love canal. Check.

Four, full penetration. Pressing against the base of the prosthetic gave a charge that tightened her entire groin and into her womb. CHHE-E-E-CKKK.

The last test. Christie closed her eyes and let go of the phallus. She wiggled gently and lite sensations began traveling up her pussy. When she grabbed it again, she felt a jolt. As she rolled it around in her hand she imagined it being her own dick. She pushed her hips forward squeezing the hardening prick through her snug fist. Her pussy was quivering, “Yeah..” Then she began to stroke it up and down squeezing the head and pressing against the base.

“Oh, Yeah! This is awesome.” Her fantasy was taking shape. The sensations felt real. Really real. Now she was humping and stroking at the same time. An orgasm was building. A cock orgasm. She opened her eyes and watched herself 'jack off' in the mirror. Her fist pressed against the base. She watched the sausage squeeze out the end of her tight fist. That did it. She immediately came. Hard. Her knees nearly buckled and she braced herself on the sink. “Oh God... That was good. A couple final adjustment and it'll be perfect.”

Christie had made the ultimate strap on. One that provided feedback to the wearer. Not just a blunt instrument to pound down your partner with. No. This was truly interactive. Christie could feel the sensations of using a penis. Her penis envy was going down a very pleasurable road. A very long road she hoped, .

By the end of the month Christie had created V.2. Anatomically correct. Modeled after her best friends favorite dildo. With new features beyond the prototype. Increased growth potential, width and length. Pulsing head feature. Twice the sensors and feedback responses. Battery powered, no more wall wart or cable. The final touch was a thin harness which disappeared even under her tightest pantsuit. Just a bulge where it counts. All that's left is to wear it.

Minutes later Christie looked herself over in the bathroom mirror. Her tan jacket and matching pants fit like a glove. Her cleavage from her breasts just visible in her plunging neckline button up. She struck a pose, then brushed back her jacket to put her hand on her hip. The obvious bulge down her right leg. Her mind was trying it's best to keep the monster from growing any further as the tight clothes and movement challenged the sensitive programming.

Grinning broadly and nodding to herself she walked out into the lab. Her proud gait and saunter left no question. This girl has a penis. Lite tingling came with every step. 'It's going to take a little time to get used to having a dick.' Christie looked around the room in anticipation of the looks she would get. Of course there was no one around the lab. She couldn't have done any of this with onlookers peering over her shoulders.

As she cleaned up her workspace she leaned forward. Suddenly a sharp vibration shook her to her core. Her prosthesis had pressed against the edge of the table signaling full penetration. She jumped back and caught her balance. The sensations made her heart skip a beat (or two). The jolt created aftershocks in her pussy and with them a sudden increase in sensitivity. The penis began to grow again. With it an increased tingling deep inside.

“Well, this must be what men always talk about: The unruly monster.” As it grew it worked down her pant leg. It itched. She knew if she scratched it there be no end to it until she had an orgasm. So, she focused on standing perfectly still and clearing her mind. No response, no feedback. Right?! After a few minutes the sensations began to fade into the background. Soon the tension released. The monster rested.

Christie went back to clearing up her workspace. Making certain not to bump into anything. The V.2 didn't go back to being completely soft. As long as it was switched on she would have to expect it. When her leg flexed she got a sense of it. When she walked it created a rhythm of tingles. After a little while it felt good. Not too exciting but just enough. Then, with her last things put away and organized she was ready to step outside.

The long walk to the parking lot was thrilling. The penis gave her power, she could feel it. It rubbed between her legs with each step. Like friction creating a static charge. Her steps became lively. Christie was brave. She looked around so proud she wanted to show it off. When she got to the car she adjusted it to sit down just like she'd always had it. It felt good to touch it.

Obviously Christie is learning first hand what it is like to have and care for a dick. Already she's had to figure out how to put clothes over it. How to keep from crushing it. Move it out of the way to keep it safe. Not spend all the time handling it. And not to play with it every time it calls. But, Christie hasn't learned to respect it yet. She wanted a penis of her own for so long. It was all so new. So exciting.

On the way home her mind began playing tricks on her. She was growing bolder and wanted to brag.“I've got to show this off.” Her mind began to calculate the best place to start. Her eyes scanned the scene. She stops at a quickie shop and walks through the door. The place is busy enough that people are minding their own business. She walks to the cooler and grabs a drink. Thinking she has complete control of the scene she looks to see who's running the register.

A young pale faced woman with purple streaks in her hair, black fingernail polish and boots. Perfect. Christie walks to the end of the aisle and pauses for affect. The girl behind the register glances at her. Christie strikes a pose showing the bulge in her pants. Her new feature displayed prominently. The girl behind the cash register looks Christie over. She sees the bulge. Instant shock. The two make eye contact and Christie winks.

The young woman's mouth drops open. Christie nods her head in a brash appreciation of the acknowledgment. The girl is frozen in shock. Christie turns down the aisle giving the girl 'the walkaway.' Halfway down the aisle is a slim sharp looking man. Also with his mouth wide open. “Are you... for real?” he stutters. Christie's the one in shock now. She quickly turns around. Her face suddenly flush. She can hear his voice behind her, “Wait. D-Don't leave me...”

Christie was shocked by the man's response. What was she thinking? She was suddenly embarrassed. This isn't what she expected. Men were tools to be used not sex objects. Not anymore. She panicked and felt like running. His weak voice was now silent. That didn't help, she was still freaked out. Wearing the new prosthetic in public started out as a power play. She started out bold, brash. Now her confidence was shaken. What was she doing?

Putting the drink on the counter she quickly rushes out the door and back to the safety of her car. 'That was close.' Her heart was pounding and strangely enough, so was her penis. What a strange sensation. Her sudden strength crashed into reality. The thoughts of her experience replaying in her mind. She drives away and tries to calm herself. 'So what if a man likes my cock. I've had to endure a man's ritualistic pounding many times.'

Closer to home she decides to try again. Only this time some place quiet. The park. Less restrictive. More open, airy. Once parked she takes a look around. Again she calms herself and takes a couple deep relaxing breaths. Her heartbeat began to slow and the tingling in her groin settled down. The appendage between her legs shrank back to a manageable shape. She was ready.

About halfway around the small pond she stopped at a bench and sat down. She could still feel the phallus gently pulsing with her heartbeat. Cautiously she reaches down and scratches it. The tingling is lite and satisfying. She crosses her legs and gets a charge. But keeping her mind clear keeps things from advancing, so to speak. After a couple minutes she decides to continue and walks to the far end of the park.

To her surprise there at a bench under the shade of a tree is the sharp dressed guy from the shop. “Hi? Can we talk?” he says without getting up. 'Oh great. Did he follow me?' Christie looked him over, “Uh. Sure. I guess. About what?” Her nerves are still a little frazzled. Her confidence shaken. She automatically strikes a power pose to restore her confidence. Her hand instantly brushes her jacket open to rest her fist on her hip. The bump in her pants now clearly present. He points to her bulge, “That!”

Christie feels that sudden shock again. Calming herself she thinks about what was really going on. Some gay acting guy likes what he sees. What harm could it do to explore his interest. This could be another good test of her work. She clears her throat and walks over to the table. Standing right over him. Her courage restored. “Yeah? What about it? You have one... Don't you?” Christie looks him up and down. He was shy. She was butch.

“Is it real? I mean... are you a...” he just stared at it in wonder. Christie just gloated. The power of the penis was taking over again. “Why? You want to touch it?” Suddenly she could feel a strange sensation in her neck. It traveled down to her belly. It felt warm, strong. The prosthesis began to grow. It pushed against her filling her crotch then proceeded down her leg. She could feel the tingling and throbbing. This was so awesome. Now the roles were reversed.

“Oh my God! Yes!” he said watching it expand. Christie felt the strength of a warrior fill her as she watched him fall under the spell of her weapon. She walked closer to him, “Go ahead. Touch it.” The guy's eyes went wide as his mouth fell open again. He looked around to see if the coast was clear. Then he reached knowingly towards it. His touch felt amazing. Even better than when she touched it herself. He pawed at it and tried to get a grip on it. She thought to herself, 'Definitely gay.'

“You like it? I think it likes you.” she said like she's always had one and knew how to control it. He was rubbing and squeezing it amazed by what he was seeing and feeling. Christie could feel it getting more sensitive as it grew harder. Her hips started to twitch out of control. “OK, that's enough.” She pulled back out of reach. Her mind was swimming with the power. She could tell he liked playing with cocks. “What do you like best about my cock?”

He looked away from it finally and scanned her body, “That it's attached to you!” Her body was awesome; tall, blonde, athletic, nice breasts, firm buttocks and of course, the penis. It seemed that he liked it best that she had a penis. She liked that she had a penis too. Christie was tempted to take him into the creek bed and give it to him. Give this thing a real test run. The thoughts were strong and she could feel the prosthetic limb pulsing. Her mind was reeling.

Finally she took a deep breath. Christie grinned and thought for a moment. She has a penis, a fake penis but a penis non the less and he wants it. “Give me your number. Maybe I'll give you a call some time.” The guy immediately started fumbling, checking his pockets for pen and paper. She got his number and let him touch it one more time so she could fuck her hips forward. Give him a taste of what's to come. Then she walked away strutting around the lake back to her car. The engorged penis pulsing between her legs. She was stoked and could hardly wait to put her new tool to good use.

At home she stripped and watched herself in the mirror. The phallus firm but soft waggled around. Then she got an idea. She took a mask off the hallway wall and put it on. Walking back to the mirror she looked again and didn't see herself. Just her sexy body with a dick. She felt it really was hers to use, to control. Something came over her and the phallus began to grow.

She could feel it growing in spurts. Each one made her tighten her muscles. Soon the thing was hard and pulsing. It was hard not to touch it now. She watched it in the mirror as she wrapped her hand around the shaft. Again she tightened up. The sensations filled her up. She stroked it. It felt like she was pumping a dildo inside he pussy. It made her want more.

Her mind thought about the trashy girl at the store. Then the guy she met later at the park. What could she do to them. What would they do with her, er it? Her imagination exciting her even more. She kept stroking slowly. Her eyes looking over the masked figure in the mirror. All that skin. Those breasts. She placed her other hand on a breast and squeezed as she stroked her penis. It felt so good.

Suddenly she looked at the eyes behind the mask. This was way different then the old strap on. It felt real. Every touch, every squeeze moved her. Made her feel powerful. She wanted someone else to touch it, love it, adore it. More than that she needed to use it. Use it like it was meant to be used. She wanted to fuck something with it. Right now it didn't matter what. The only thing that mattered was putting the results of her efforts to the test.

Just then the front door handle jiggled. “Real meat!” Christie headed boldly towards the door. Naked except for the mask. Juices dripped down her legs as the prosthetic limb waggled. She caught her best friend struggling her way through the door. Peggy was buried in shopping bags. Her long legs were all Christie could see. Those and Peggy's high heels. 'Oh yeah!' Christie knew how Peggy liked to dress. Short skirts, tight shirts, lipstick and lashes. Sexy, sexy, sexy.

As she made it through the entryway, Christie grabbed some of the bags and set them on the nearest chair. Peggy's dark hair spilling over her shoulders. “Thanks baby, I... Oh my God!” Peggy couldn't believe her eyes. She froze in her tracks slowly lowering her shopping bags to the floor. Peggy scanned Christie's body. The penis hanging from her lover's groin was new. It looked so real. Her eyes fixed on the new addition.

“What have you done?” Peggy looked shocked as Christie expected. The new appendage should look pretty familiar. It was modeled after her favorite toy. It was just starting to droop but pulsed mimicking a heartbeat. Christie pointed to the pulsing penis. “I need your help with something. I think you'll like it. I know I will.” Peggy looked weak and just kept staring at it.

She was used to Christie's penis envy. Sometimes she would come home and find Christie wearing a strap on and acting butch, stroking it and egging her on. She loved to encourage it. Peggy loved cock. She just didn't like men. Their gruff demeanor, hairy bodies, and boyish minds just didn't get her going. Christie's qualities went way beyond her body. But they started there.

Christie walked over and pressed it against Peggy's leg. Peggy's hands went right to work exploring the familiar tool. Each sensuous touch transferred deep inside by the seemingly magical technology. It began to grow and harden just like the real thing. Peggy was surprised. Christie's body shook and jerked with the growing excitement. Each caress sent signals through her body. Peggy stroked it and squeezed it. Both hands working in tandem to caress the hardening prosthesis, “It feels so real.” Christie smiled behind the mask, “For me too.”

“I want you to suck my cock.” she says just like all those other times. But this time would be different. Peggy looked into the eyes of the mask, searching for someone familiar. She could see the eyes behind the mask react to every caress. Her face softened as her mouth opened. She squeezed and stroked harder. Christie's body responded. Then she felt Christie's hand on her shoulder gently guiding her down to her knees. Peggy went willingly. First, to get a closer look at the new thing. Second, to obey her lover.

She licked it. Christie felt it. She sucked the head into her mouth. Behind the mask Christie's eyes rolled back. So, this is what it really felt like to get a blowjob. When Peggy pulled it out of her mouth she stroked it again. Christie tightened her muscles and pumped it forward in response. Putting it back in her mouth, Peggy slid up and down on it, sucking it deeply. Christie felt so excited. She was ready to orgasm at any moment.

Peggy pulled back, “It's so big. Does it feel good?” Christie grabbed Peggy's head and pushed her back onto her penis, “It feels great.” Peggy used her tongue and mouth like a pro. Christie's hips pushed uncontrollably. Her pussy going wild. She was so close. The sensations from the prosthesis made it feel so real. In her mind the penis was real. She looked down and watched her best friend sucking her cock. Every lick, every suck, every deep throat gave her thrills.

Suddenly Christie pulled Peggy off the phallus. Enough of that. She didn't want to cum just yet. “You like that don't you?” Christie felt large and in charge. Peggy, still down on her knees looked up at her and shook her head, 'Yes.' “Let's get this stuff put away and I'll let you play with it some more.” Peggy grinned an evil grin and jumped to her feet. They took the shopping into the kitchen and began putting everything away.

Like a real penis the phallus eventually shrank down and softened. Christie was getting used to controlling the thing and was getting bolder. She watched Peggy eyeing it from time to time and watched her reactions. She watched Peggy's ass cheeks peek out from under her short dress each time she bent over and reached up. Then when Peggy was turned around and putting a box on a high shelf, Christie quickly snuck up behind her and wiggled it between her legs.

Peggy was startled, “Oh!” but quickly reached down between her legs and touched it. Then she pushed it up against her damp panties and shifted her hips, “Mmm.” She rubbed her moist pussy lips back and forth over its length. Christie pulled away and posed, “Are we done here? Don't you want to try something else now?” Peggy was ready. The short cock sucking session had gotten her charged up and wet. Looking at the thing hanging from her best friend's sexy body, pulsing and growing gave her ideas. She felt different. It felt different.

Peggy was intrigued. Something was changing in her best friend. She could sense it. It really appeared that Christie could actually feel the dildo. As if it were real. She remembered Christie telling her something technical about sensory feedback a while ago. Something about artificial limbs and prosthetics. Something she couldn't quite understand. But it sounded like a special thing for Christie so Peggy encouraged her while not knowing what she was actually working on.

Now she knew. Christie had made herself a real penis.
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