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Bridget gets into trouble on graduation night and her mom decides maybe some new scenery and a job will her find her path in life but did she really understand what she was getting her daughter into when she arranged for her to move to Minnesota and work in her uncle's highly alternative coffee shop?!
Chapter 1 – Taboo Coffee – New town, new job

“You’ve got to be kidding me mother! I’m 17, I have a boyfriend, its not some strange thing!” I yell back at my mom.

“Yeah, well I was 17, had a boyfriend, steamed up a car, and now I’m 34 with a high strung 17 year old daughter and working too many hours to be able to keep you out of trouble!” My mom shouts back. “I’ve got myself signed up for double shifts to get back on the right side of our finances by fall, but I won’t have you running around with horny boys all summer while I’m at work!”

We were arguing about Friday night. Last day of high school and “yay!” I’ve graduated. Not sure what that means for my life… I haven’t really gotten a job yet and I don’t have school plans. One thing led to another and my boyfriend and I ended up parked at a mostly empty parking lot near the river and getting involved. I probably let him go too far because by the time the flashlight was shining through the window my boobs were out and we were caught. Not a huge deal, a bit of a thrill for Mr. Thomas, a middle-aged officer in our suburbia, and a scolding. Don’t get me wrong, I was really embarrassed but it’s not like I’m the only girl who’s been caught in that state and I made it all the way through high school without a reputation as a girl that gets caught in that kind of state so I’ve been doing something right. So, no big deal right? That is until my mom was called, and had to leave work to pick me up from the police station. Hell of a way to start summer!

“Bridge, you’re graduating today, and then you got to start figuring out your path in life. The first step is getting a job, earning some dollars, and then see what you want to do with your diploma. You haven’t said boo about the boy you were with so I’m thinking that you already know where he fits in whatever future you make for yourself.”

The thing is… my mom is right. After getting embarrassed in the car with him, I kind of don’t want to see Nolan again. More or less I think it was more of a matter of an ok looking boy, a night of excitement, after all the highs created by the last day of high school. But her idea that I go work for my uncle at his new risqué coffee shop is absurd!

“Mom, you’ve seen the website for Uncle Ben’s store. Its way over the top and I thought I was in trouble for hormones and going too far with stuff. Now you want me to work in a sex themed coffee shop!?” I argue.

“Ben needs the help, maybe working in a college town will give you some ideas about where you want to head next, and I’m sure his Taboo Coffee is more “cute and gimmicky” to stand out from all the other stores. You’re not shy and learning some customer service and having a regular job will be good for you.” My mom counters.

To tell the truth I’m not sure where I stand on the whole affair. I don’t have any plans and lots of my friends are heading off to college or have jobs and plans so the idea of escaping to someplace else this summer, particularly once all the rumors about what happened start flying through town, is appealing.

Which is how my mom won the argument. I graduated on Saturday, with all the gossip circulating through the ceremony about what me and Nolan were supposedly doing on Friday night and how far he supposedly got and how much of a slut or how stupid I must be to have gotten myself in that position. By the end of graduation I offered next to no resistance as my mom helped me pack some clothes and we headed out of state to the University of Minnesota where my uncle welcomed me.

My mom eats with us at a nice café and then heads out for her 7 hour return trip back home. I fidget awkwardly while Uncle Ben pays the bill, wondering what’s next and feeling really unsure of myself. Ben finishes up and then turns back to me. He has a big welcoming smile on his face. He gives me an appraising look and I am more than a little self-conscious under his gaze. I am best described as an average looking girl. I have red hair that I usually keep up and pretty fair skin with typical Irish girl freckles on my cheeks. I feel like I am in pretty good shape. I played volleyball and did swim team in school. My chest isn’t real big but it is enough that boys notice and my hips are curvy but I’m definitely not high school prom queen or captain cheer leader material.

“Well Bridget, looks like you’re growing up and on to the next leap forward in your life. How ‘bout we swing past a grocery store and get some basics and then you can settle in before work tomorrow.” he offers.

“That would be great! Thanks for the job and place to stay uncle Ben. Do I need to know anything about work? I haven’t really ever worked in a restaurant before.” I say. I know its silly but in truth I’m pretty nervous about tomorrow.

“It’s just Ben and don’t worry Bridget, we’ll show you the ropes. And yes that is a bit of a pun given our theme. But you’ll be fine. Just be ready to go at 5:30 and we’ll get you into the groove!”

“What do I need to wear to work?” I ask. I’m kind of nervous that it might be some kind of Hooters or Tilted Kilt type of thing which I’m not sure how I’ll get use to so Ben surprises me with his answer.

“Nothing special Bridget. What you are wearing today will be fine. Maybe put your hair up like you have it so it doesn’t get in folks food but other than that jeans or shorts and a T-shirt are fine. I have some Taboo Coffee t-shirts I’ll give you to wear so you have the right branding.

Bridget’s First day of work

I do my make-up in the morning and put on a pair of cute jeans and a Taboo Coffee shirt. The shirt isn’t extremely over the top. It has some big fuzzy handcuffs, that clearly aren’t standard issue for any police officer I know, on the front and across the top it says

“Taboo Coffee, We Cross the Line!”

Ben walks into the coffee shop and waves over two other employees. “Morning June, morning Logan! Everyone, this is my niece Bridget. She’s just moved to the twin cities and will be working with us this summer.”

I’m expecting awkward looks of “oh great, the bosses relative” but instead June comes over and gives me a hug and a genuine “welcome to the shop!” and Logan seems really friendly when he shakes my hand also. I am relieved to see that both of them are wearing normal clothes because the décor in the café takes me back more than a bit. There are whips and hand cuffs hanging on the walls. On one wall is a little shelf with a bunch of dildos pointing proudly up from them. I see anatomically correct mannequin sex dolls, but not the kind of cheapo blow up dolls that you see at a bachelorette party but more like “learn CPR on them, these thing must be expensive” type of sex dolls. One of them is standing in the corner facing the wall and a male version has its penis sticking out of her from behind. Another female version is hanging from the ceiling in some kind of contraption that has her a couple of feet off the ground with her legs spread apart, clearly ready for sex.

“Uhm wow… the decorations are uhm wow…” I stammer at uncle Ben. I can feel myself blushing bright red.

June giggles. “Yeah, they had the same affect on me my first day. Waaay over the top!”

Ben rubs my back up by my shoulders reassuringly. So, Bridget, the deal with this one of my cafes is “what do bachelorettes and bachelors do up to the time they go out at night. The answer, they come have coffee here in the morning, and lunch here in the afternoon, and maybe stop in for a beer here in the early evening! And I make lots of money! Also, we get lots of the different LGBT and other groups having events or meetings and keeping steady clientele. It’s the old adage, sex sells!”

Ben rubs his hand together. “So, here’s the plan for today. Logan, you’re on tables today. No accessories unless you come up with something as you’ll need to move about. June, you’re working the expresso bar making drinks. You don’t really need to talk so I’m thinking we change up different collars and / or gags throughout the shift.”

June gives a little blush but her only response is “cool”.

“And Bridget, you’re pretty inexperienced.” He winks at me when he says this which makes me turn red but he keeps going before I respond. “so we’ll tie you to the cash register and I’ll teach you how to use it!”

“Uhm ok” I respond.

The next thing I know I am standing at the the computer and I have pink fuzzy handcuffs on both wrists. There is a decently long chain running from one wrist, around behind the computer, and back to the other wrist essentially allowing me to use all of the keys on the computer but not back away from the counter.

“Ok Bridget, it is pretty basic for you on the computer, find what they order and punch it in. Coffees here, Warm drinks here, cold drinks here, if they have adders they are here and here is the special of the day etc. etc. etc.”

Truth be told my first day is pretty easy and when customers start coming I enjoy greeting them with “welcome to Taboo Coffee” and punching in their order. The bondage is a bit kinky but my mom was right, more gimmicky than over the top. Some of the customers banter back with things like “I see you are a bit tied up but can you get me a vanilla latte” but on the whole they are more than polite.

About 9:00 I see that June has added a red wiffle ball like gag to her ensemble which already consisted of a wide black leather collar. She sees me looking at her and gives me a wink. June is very petite at maybe 5’2” with a very small curvy figure and straight brown hair and blue eyes. Definitely pretty in a compact cute sort of way. I don’t have any customers so I unhook the handcuffs and go over to see how she is doing. She is handing customers some kind of fancy coffee drink and despite the gag she acts as if she is talking to them “mmmere mmmooo go mmmjoy” she mumbles through the gag. The customer laughs at her plight.

“Thank you missy, I see the boss caught you spending too much time talking again! I’ll have to see if he needs any help punishing his misbehaving help!”

June gives the man wide eyes as if she is alarmed making him laugh again as he walks away with his coffee.

June reaches behind her head and unstraps the gag flexing her jaw a bit when it comes out. “So, how’s your first day going Bridget?” she asks with a smile.

“Its good so far. I’ll be honest I was worried about how it would be.”

“Well, B, I’ll be honest, Ben always starts new folks out with lighter assignments. Sometimes things get a bit more risqué but it’s a fun place to work. Now back at it!”

I go back to the cash register and am just welcoming the next customer when someone walks behind me and delivers a huge open handed spank on my butt.

“Heh!” I jump and look around behind me to see Ben standing there with a stern look on his face.

“Bridget my dear. It would appear that you miss-punched that gentleman’s order and poor June is getting chastised over there for making the wrong drink!” Ben gives me another one of his signature winks and then says “what do you have to say for yourself!”

The whole café seems to be watching. I can’t turn around to face Ben so I pivot as much as I can with the chains on my wrist and say “uhm, sorry Ben. I’ll be more careful”

Ben gives an exaggerated “tut tut tut”. “It’s not me you need to apologize to Bridget. Poor June had to rush and make two drinks. You know what I think, I think I had an oversight. It’s not me that should have gotten to give you your proper admonishment, its Ms. June!”

I am really confused now. I know this is some sort of game or show because of the wink Ben gave me but I don’t even know how to play along. The customer I was greeting is still standing at the counter but he seems way more interested in what’s going on than ordering anything.

“June, come on over and show Bridget how you feel about incorrect drink directions!” Ben yells. Then Ben puts a hand on my back and presses my shoulders down so I’m leaning down over the counter next to the computer. Now I understand that June is going to spank me and I blush but don’t struggle as I look up and see most of the café watching this little show.

“Mmmk” I hear June bark through her gag. Then I feel her behind me and a hand rubbing my butt through my jeans. Then there are 3 short smacks on my butt and the hands come off my back letting me stand up. The customers give a round of spontaneous applause at my expense and June gives a little bow before going back to making drinks.

And that pretty much describes my low key first day at Taboo Coffee. At 2:00 I ended my shift. The only other events of note were June tried on different collars and different gags throughout the day and Logan seemed to at random carry around different sex devices with him as he waited tables. I made one more mistake and that time Logan pushed me down and June used what looked like a ping pong paddle that Logan handed her to “admonish me”. How embarrassing! Truthfully I leave the shop pretty horny from all the attention and the kinkiness of my surroundings by the time I punch out!

A very different day 2

Monday night I don’t sleep very well. It seems like I spend most of the night fantasizing about the kinky coffee shop and the people that work there. So when Ben is up at a little after 4:00, I do my morning shower and make myself up routine, and then pull on some soccer shorts and another Taboo Coffee shirt to meet him for breakfast. This shirt says

“Taboo Coffee” across the boobs and then says “Never too tied up for coffee!”.

“Morning Bridget. Didn’t know you were a morning girl!” Uncle Ben greets me.

“I’m not usually but I want to be ready for work today.” I reply and I guess I mean it. Yesterday despite all the weirdness, was actually a pretty good day.

“Great to hear. Have some breakfast. I like the summer casual look. It suites you for today.” Ben says.

“Oh, I wasn’t going to wear shorts to work, I just heard you up and wanted to come down in time to have breakfast with you. I’ll put on some jeans before we go.” I say, embarrassed that he thinks I’m planning on wearing shorts to work on my second day.

“No, no, no, you look good and we are casual at the shop so you should leave the shorts today.” Ben says emphatically.

“Uhm ok I guess. So what do you think you’ll have me do today?” I ask sheepishly.

“Oh, we’ll see. Probably some more cash register for a couple of days since you know the basics. That’s a good spot to break you in. Maybe a little more roleplay today, we’ll see if the other kids can find a way to get you involved but I wouldn’t want to spoil any surprises and ruin the fun.” Ben gives me what I have come to find out is his signature wink which is a pretty good signature. He has dimples that give him this wholesome good old American boy look and his winks always come with a charming smile. I find myself smiling back and somehow feel less concerned than I should be about going to work, getting tied up, and probably spanked throughout my shift!

A few hours later I am at the cash register and I have met Tyrone, an obviously gay African American boy that is waiting tables and successfully flirting with both boy and girl customers as he does. I notice that my bare legs get a lot of attention by the “going to work, business professional” crowd. Once the rush passes I unhook my cuffs from the cash register and walk over by June.

“I feel weird just standing around when we don’t have customers, what should I be doing during gaps?” I ask.

June is wearing a cute summer dress, and today she has a black collar with a leash that is hung on the expresso machine as if it is tethering her in place.

June giggles at me as I look at the leash. “Well Bridge, one of the cool things is that Ben usually keeps us pretty staffed so there aren’t a lot of bussing and cleaning duties that aren’t covered but effectively the rules are to keep your area ready to go because often, you can’t leave your area!” June emphasizes this statement by giving her leash a playful tug. “Generally speaking our job is to think of new kinky things to do to entertain customers and keep them interested. Like for instance, I can now draw perfect cocks or tits in the foam on the top of a latte!”

I feel someone come up behind me and then Logan’s hand is on m shoulders. “Speaking of which, I decided that you should hand out dildos with numbers on them instead of those lame table numbers so I put some sticky notes and a pink sharpie next to the cash register and there is an assortment of plastic cocks in a bin underneath the register.”

I feel myself blushing again. Seems like it’s a new normal complexion for me! “Oh wow, thanks Logan so do I call back to you “Cock # 12, bagel with veggie cream”

“Absolutely!” Logan exclaims. “And now that we’ve decided that, I do believe these new customers deserve a show… don’t you think June?” June looks at me and I see evil in her eyes when she says “I do believe you’re right Logan, we seem to have a negligent abandonment of station here.”

I look from one to the other, not sure where this is leading but guessing that I have some kind of spanking in my future.

“BRIDGET! Why aren’t you at the register servicing these customers!” Logan bellows out across the café causing me to jump.

“She’s over here gabbing with me, trying to get me into trouble again!” June explains to everyone.

“Well that will be enough of that! If I’ve told you once, I’ve told you a dozen times, your job is the cash register. We won’t have you abandoning your post so easily from here on out!” Logan bellows and then proceeds to force march me back to the point of sale station. With exaggerated motions he pulls up the chain and reconnects my wrist cuffs to the counter. I think I’m going to be bent over and spanked at this point but am surprised when he pulls out 2 more pink fuzzy cuffs and says “this will teach you, spread your legs”. I don’t know where this is going until he bend down and I let him move my right ankle over to the side. Next thing I know I have a fuzzy cuff just above my shoe attached somewhere on the floor. Logan quickly follows suit with my left leg so that my feet are both attached to some recessed rings in the floor. “That aught to keep you at the register, now remember to give every customer a number.” Logan punctuates this with a loud spank to my bottom.

“Ok ok! I’m here, I’m here” I say loudly, trying my best to play along.

The group that walked in has been watching this all intently but I expected that and maybe don’t get as embarrassed as I would have yesterday. “I’m a bit tied up at the moment, but I think I can still take your order, what would you gentleman like” I ask with a grin.

“Well miss, what we’d like probably isn’t on the menu so I’m guessing we’ll just have to settle for a bit of a fantasy and 4 medium dark roast coffees and 1 oatmeal.” This from a cute old man that must be older than my grandpa and is shamelessly ogling me!

I punch in their oatmeal and give them a table number and they take their coffees and start to walk to a table when Ben appears next to me. “I seem to have overheard that our manager Logan gave you additional instructions Bridget.” Ben states matter of factly.

“Logan, what is Bridget here suppose to be doing?”

Logan is next to me, “why Bridget, I thought I was very clear about how you were suppose to give out numbers!”

I groan. I somehow didn’t even think about handing grandpa a dildo for his oatmeal. Imagine that! “I remember, from now on I’m supposed to use the post it notes and dildos.” I respond.

Then I’m really surprised because Ben pulls out the waste band on the front of my shorts and looks down the front at my panties! “Excuse me!” I yell, shocked that Ben would do that!

“That’ll do Bridge” Ben chuckles in a low voice followed by a loud, “We’ll give you a reminder to listen to all the instructions you get.”

Oh crap, where is this going! But then I know, because Ben takes scissors and starts cutting through my shorts alongside my outer thigh.

“Ben, this isn’t what I signed up for. You can’t do this!” I whisper. But he just moves to the other side and starts cutting down that side and then with flourish he grabs the back of my shorts and pulls them down and through my spread legs. I look down in shock as the café gives applause for the show. I am now wearing a t-shirt and a pair of pink bikini panties with sparkly sequins on the front panel. With my legs spread apart, my legs and hips are on prominent display.

I go deep red as Ben hands me a lifelike looking plastic cock and balls and states “so maybe your new situation will help remind you to properly hand out table numbers!” The punctuating spank to my bottom practically feels like it is on my naked butt as Ben walks past me to June.

“And Ms. June. I see you had to remake that drink while you were busy paying attention to Bridget’s situation, so I think you need your own reminder to keep your mind on perfecting your foam titty drawings! And it seems to me that talking with you is what started Bridge’s inattentiveness which makes you half responsible! But never fear folks, I think I have just the thing to address June’s gabbing habit!” I see Ben is holding up what looks like a short rubber penis with a swinging rubber scrotum and a strap. He walks over to June and says one word. “Open!” She opens her mouth and he puts the penis inside and then straps the strap around her head holding it in place. June now is giving head to her new gag which is mostly inside her mouth except for the fake scrotum hanging in front of her chin. I see June blushing as she goes back to making drinks and this jolts my attention back to the line forming at the counter.

“Welcome to Taboo Coffee, what can I get you today” I ask a group of 3 college girls standing at the counter. I take their order and then grab a pink rubber dildo out of the bin and write “# 7” on it and hand the dildo to the girl. “The drinks will be up at the bar and we’ll bring out the bagel shortly. Enjoy” I say, more mortified than I can express to be having them giggle at me in my panties.

“Oh girl, you’re styling but let me help you out!” I hear Tyrone’s voice and then he is next to me.

“Uhm hi Tyrone.” I say turning to look at him.

“Don’t you girls think this ensemble requires a little t-shirt tie? Something like maybe…” and then Tyrone’s hands are on my shirt pulling out the side and tying a quick knot that pulls it tight above my hips and exposes my belly button and all of my panties. “There, how cute is that, am I right!”

The college girls giggle more at my expense and one of them flirts back with Tyrone. “Wow you’re good. Maybe you should come over tonight and help make us up for a night on the town.”

I hear the “Smack” of a hard slap but for once it’s not on my ass. “Tyrone, quite playing, we have food up!” I hear Ben admonish. “Although I do like what you’ve done with this… not bad, it does accent those nice hips and adorable tummy doesn’t it?”

“You don’t sparkle if you don’t want to show, and she’s sparkling boss.” Tyrone replies.

“Heh!” I shout as Tyrone runs his fingers down my tummy and then traces the sequins on the front of my panties with his fingers. His touch takes my body from full shock to tingly and horny and… still mortified.

“Sorry dear, couldn’t help myself, but time to go serve. Orders up!” Tyrone sing songs and then disappears.

We’ve crossed over to lunch time and I’m almost use to handing out sex toys and standing around in my underwear, although the intense stares some of the men give me still drives color from my toes to my cheeks! “Soup and grilled chees for Dildo # 9” I call.

“Is that the knubby vibrating dildo or the hard plastic toy?” Logan banters back as if he cares. I’ve come to find out that a large part of the novelty is the customers hearing us talk dirty.

“The knubby dildo. But I don’t know if it vibrates.” I yell back.

“Not sure it does… I just assumed. Maybe we can find out on break if he’s done with it by then hey!” Logan calls back.

“Hello, welcome to the Taboo Coffee, what can I get you?” I ask the next guys in line.

“We’ll take…”

The guys cut off their sentence as Tyrone comes over and drapes his arm across my shoulder, leaning on me as he casually pulls a lifelike large rubber cock out of the bin and starts to seductively suck on it right next to me.

“Oh sorry Bridge, am I interrupting these gentleman? And I suppose you need this” Tyrone lilts at me gesturing with the cock.

“Indeed, these boys were just ordering and I’m sure they want to get their order and cock.” I admonish.

“Well by all means proceed!” Tyrone says.

“So what can I get you…?!”

I finish in a higher octave as Tyrone gives the cock another suck and then traces it across my t-shirt, over my boobs and down my bare thighs before returning north, tracing my slit through my panties.

I jerk as much as my bound legs and wrists allow and yelp “Tyrone, you heard the boss, no playing on the job!” I try to play along.

“Oh right!” Tyrone agrees pulling the dildo back and stroking it with his hands. “You’d best get their order.”

There are now 2 groups of about 5 college boys across the counter from me. The second one back says “we think we want some sizzling hot soup but we some questions before we’re ready to order.”

“Well, the soup of the day is “high class lobster bisque” and “only one way to thank a sailor navy bean”

“Oh it isn’t the food we have questions about” the boy interrupts, “we were just curious, if the carpet matches the drapes?” the guy in the front asks looking pointedly at my crotch.

I blush furiously but it isn’t the first time someone has asked me that. Seems like every horny boy has a natural redhead somewhere on their bucket list! “In fact they do, I say” trying in vain to control the blushing as all 5 of them now stare at my panties, trying to imagine what is on the other side.

“Oh, interesting question boys.” Tyrone says unhelpfully and then I yelp and pull back to the limits of my cuffs as Tyrone runs the cock back over tummy, catches the waste-band of my panties with the head of the cock, and stretches them down and out until the top of my “landing strip” of red curls peaks over the top of my panties. “She speaks the truth gentleman, adorable all natural home town cutie here!” Tyrone says. “If I was into that kind of thing, I’d just eat her up. But I’d best get back to work. Here Bridge, why don’t you hold onto this one… you’ve got plenty!”

“Tyrone! You’d better not!” I yelp but don’t finish as he uses both hands to stick the cock down the front of my panties so the balls are sticking out over the waste-band and the head is peaking out one of the leg holes and then walks away.

“You know what they say boys, balls deep!” Tyrone gives them a wink over his shoulder as he leaves me staring down at the obscene sex toy in the front of my panties. I can’t reach it with my hands bound forward up on the computer and my legs bound back although I foolishly put on a show trying to reach my hands down towards my crotch and humping my crotch forward but I’m more than a foot away.

I realize I’m helpless to solve this problem now and blushing furiously I look back up at the boys in front of me. “Well, I hope you enjoyed that!” I state in as level of a voice as I can. “So I’m afraid to ask, but have we answered all of your questions and are you ready to order yet?”

They all laugh and then the front guys says, “Yep, we’re all getting a bowl of the soup of the day.”

“Good choice boys. You’ll be Black Strap on dildo number 10” I say, handing them a black strap on cock. “5 soup of the days for these high-class boys with the black strap on #10” I call.

And that is how I spend the 2nd half of day number 2, tied to a cash register, with a fake cock sticking out of my underwear, enduring hours of customers staring at my naked legs and panties. We are just getting toward shift end when I hear Logan shout “June, I think that is about enough of you not paying attention. What do we need to do to get through to you! On the boys drinks you’re suppose to draw tits, not cocks, unless you’re instructed differently. Silly girl, you seem to have cocks on your mind all day long!” Logan has taken June’s leash and all this time he is leading her around and out into the middle of the restaurant.

She is blushing furiously as he leads her over to an empty table and bends her over it. Logan pulls her dress up exposing a pair of silky white panties. He grabs the wasteband and pulls them up turning her panties into a thong wedgy. “Maybe this will help you remember tomorrow to think about tits AND cocks.” Logan states as he proceeds to deliver a dozen hard spanks to her mostly bare bottom

“Now, I want you to go uncuff Bridget and then since the three of you spent so much time fooling around today, you, Bridget, and Tyrone can sit on this table and practice your blowjob techniques with the cock that one of you left in B’s panties!”

Logan straightens June up and unstraps her gag, allowing her to come over and uncuff my legs and arms. I immediately pull the cock out of my panties and then let June lead me over to the table where she hops up having a seat cross legged in the middle and pats the table top next to her indicating that I should join her.

She takes the cock out of my hand and with an exaggerated moan slides it into her mouth and slowly thrusts it in and out giving it head for awhile before handing it to Tyrone.

“Hello lover boy” Tyrone coons and then proceeds to follow June’s lead. I know I’m next and I’m blushing just watching them. I wonder if this is what my mom had in mind for a cute and gimmicky job!

Tyrone doesn’t hand me the cock, instead sliding it up my tummy, across my boobs, and to my mouth. I take his lead, opening my mouth and letting him slide it in. I form an “O” with my mouth and use my tongue like I am giving head while Tyrone slides it in and out of my mouth. I have only given 1 lucky boy head for a couple of minutes and then finished him with my hand so, this isn’t something I have a lot of experience with. Thankfully, before I have time to wonder what I should do next, June is leaning in next to me and Tyrone switches the cock to her mouth. She opens her mouth wide and sticks out her tongue, tracing it all around the head of the cock.

I’m as deep red as I can get when Logan says, ok crew, I think that’s enough for today, lets wash all the cocks that B handed out today and get out of here. Remember, tomorrow is orgasm karaoke so maybe you’ll want to practice tonight Logan says with a grin.
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