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Everything is fantasy and made up. Feedback is appreciated since this is one of my first written fantasies.

All Characters are over 18
I had been observing the house for over a week, and i knew, basically all of their routines, and time tables, so there should have not been anyone home today, a perfect time for a small break in and some nice loot hopefully.

I entered the house through a window in the back of the house,

i was standing in the bedroom, a good place as any, to start looking for something valuable, as i was looking through a drawer, i heard a sound, it sounded like something heavy being pushed over the floor.

i abandoned the drawer, t had nothing but some clothes, nice ones but still only clothes.

As i was trying to move stealthily down the short hallway towards the room i heard the noise coming from, i was still impressed by how nice the house was, they had some good knockoffs of some famous paintings and a few other art pieces, apparently the mom was some semi hotshot in a big company and the dad was never home, always overseas on work, and the kids of course went to private schools, they were doing quite well for them selfs as an Indian family that had just moved to the country a few years ago.

I drew my knife that i always brim, it comes in handy more times than not, and it's always good for scaring of somebody coming home way earlier than anticipated.

As i entered the living room where i had heard the sound coming from,

somebody had moved a leaning chair in front of the tv,

i sneaked up behind it, and put my knife on her throat at the same time as i put my hand over her mouth, as to stifle her scream, it was the mom, she had not gone to work today.

"Be quiet bitch or you'll die shortly after you scream" i whispered behind her and thanked my good luck that i was wearing a mask over my face.

"Now stand up and face me, and do exactly as i say, and you might survive this day yet," i told her in a firm voice.

I removed my knife from her, so she could stand up,

she was middle-aged, with a decent looking body for her age, and the red silk dress in traditional Indian style was gorgeous on her body.

"Now TELL me where do you hide all of your money and jewels, and if you are a good little bitch ill leave when i get it all."

She was shaking from fear, and didn't responds, "BAM" i backhanded her across the face, "that's what you get for being a slow stupid bitch, YOU THINK IM PLAYING HERE!" i said as i grabbed her by the hair and pulled her over towards a wall, where i slammed her back against it, so i could look her in the eyes.

As I'm looking her straight in the eyes i punch her in the stomach, but she can't bend over since I'm still holding her hair in a tight grip, I'm pulling her by the hair out towards the dining area, where i saw a big sturdy oat table, she is crying now, i don't care, she'll soon be crying a lot more.

As we approach the dining table i trow her towards it, she goes right into it, she ends up lying sprawling in over the table, i grab her hair again, i pull it, so shell has to crawl up on the table, as to not lose her hair.

"LIE DOWN ON YOUR BACK" i yell at her and give her another slap with the backside of my hand, not hard, more just to make a point.

As she is lying on her back i take out the cuffs i always bring with me, i cuff her hands, and pull them up above her head, but i make sure that her legs are hanging over the edge of the table, as i tie the cuffs to some rope and tie it off to the table legs. then i tie both of her legs to a table leg, so her legs a spread.

"Well mama, are you sure you don`t want to tell me where you are keeping all of your good stuff?" i ask her without a single care whether or not she answers me, she is murmuring something i can't understand, but its fine, i don't care anyway, ill make some money in a more fun way, at least for me.

I'm setting up my phone to record everything I'm about to do, i take my time setting it up, making sure that she can see everything I'm doing.

my phone is connected to a tablet that's showing everything that I'm recording, just so i can be sure that its in decent quality.

She is shaking out of fear and probably some anger too. but that's what makes this so much more fun.

i take my knife and let it rip through the fabric of her red dress, the sound of silk being cut by a sharp knife, with the cries of a woman, is one of the most exciting sounds i have ever found.

as she is lying there, I'm rummaging through the kitchen drawers, to see if i can find some other fun things to play with, i find some tape, a spatula, a whisker and some sting used for roasting.

i take my knife and cut off her panties, and stuff them in her mouth, the crying and screaming were starting to get a bit too loud for my taste.

"Damn mama, don't you ever shave your cunt??? it looks like a fucking forest down here, i gotta clean it out a bit, now stay put," i say with a face of disgust as i run towards the bathroom the find some deodorant i can use.

I come back with deodorant and pick a lighter from a drawer, " now its time to heat this old cunt," i say with a wicked grin, her eyes start to show the panic i want her to feel.

I light up the deodorant with the lighter and point it towards her cunt,

the smell of burnt hair spreads fast through the kitchen, as does her muffled screams as the flames are burning away all of her pubic hair.

When i finally stopped roasting her cunt it was nice and bald, and a bit red from the flames, but no damages were done.

"Well now it looks a lot nicer don't you think mama?" i asked rhetorically as i too my phone to get an up-close of her pussy.

putting the phone back in its spot i take the spatula and slap her tits a few times with it before i move down between her legs and start slapping the inside of her thighs, " SMACK, SMACK, SMACK," the sound is great, every slap moves just a little closer to her pussy, i move so I'm standing behind her head so i can look her in the eye when I'm delivering this next blow straight down on her pussy and clit.

the pain and shock from the spatula hitting her most sensitive part makes her buck against her restraints, as she is mumbling curses and crying behind her gag, i can see the tears flowing from her eyes, such a magnificent sight.

I rip off the makeshift gag and take out my cock it's already hard from all of our foreplay.

I`m holding my knife in one hand with the blade just touching her breasts, "now i would strongly suggest that you don't bite my dick" i say with a grin as I'm letting the knife play a bit around on her breasts, it even draws a bit of blood.

"NOW OPEN YOUR MOUTH BITCH," i say as i slap her on her cheek with my rock hard cock, Reluctantly she opens, and i thrust my cock in her mouth, she is gagging, i don't care, I'm busy fucking her as deeps as i can go, i can see she can breathe, but its fine, she can just hold her breath for a bit, just before she`s about to pass out, i pull out my cock from her throat, and let her get some air, but not much before i thrust my cock back in her mouth and throat.

i do this 5 or six times in a row, she is gagging and coughing every time I'm pulling out of her mouth.

"Well enough of your mouth, now let's move on to the main course," i say with a wicked grin, as i grab the roast string and start to loop it around her breasts tight, so they start to look like balloons.

"See how they look a lot better, better than those deflated skin lumps you had before," i say laughingly.

Gagging her again with her panties and some tape i go down between her legs and puts my rock hard cock against her pussy lips, they are still warm from when i burned off her pubic hair.

Without any ceremony, i thrust my cock into her pussy, as deep as i can i one thrust, i almost goes balls deep, but what can you expect from a woman that has had 3-4 kids, it does not matter that she is a bit loose.

"Mama i hope you are ready for another kid, and this one is going to mine," i say while pumping her hard, with my big fat cock.

"I'm going to dump all of my cum deep inside of you, and ill make damn sure that you are going to end up fat from this day's fun games."

She starts to moan more and more, it would seem she likes getting fucked by a big white cock, well cant have her feel too good, so i start to grab her strung up breasts, there are starting to turn slightly blue, from the string i tied around them, i fondle them, squeeze them, and twist her nipples, only to have her moan even harder, "well mama it would seem you are just finding out, that you are a good little slave slut, so how do you feel about more pain?" i ask with while grabbing for the whisker and hit her across her tied up breasts, again and again, and again until i have hit them ten times each, and they show clear marks from it, faint lines of blood are starting to show on her breasts.

i can feel I'm about to cum, so i start to thrust into her harder and harder, deeper and deeper until i explode inside of her pussy, my cock was buried balls deep inside of her warm pussy, holding my cock inside of her, i make sure that every last drop of cum is out of me before pulling out of her.

"So mama, what do you think of round one?" i ask rhetorically as i walk over to turn the camera off, no need to wast battery on nothing, since i need to gain a bit of energy back, and i still need to check over the rest of the house, for anything fun i can use in round two.

As i had come through the house, i came back with what i had found, i had found a leather belt, some clothespins, and some chili sauce (very spicy), a picture of their family (dad and mom, a son and two daughters) "well mama maybe i should come back someday and play with your daughters, they are 18 right?" i asked but all i heard from her was "mmmmmmm" i guess she means sure, come on by.

other than my new two toys i found a bit of cash.

"Well mama, time two start act two, are you ready for the time of my life?" i ask with glee in my voice and I'm sure it sounded like hell to her, but what do i care, i get everything on camera, and i get to have fun with a stuck up Indian bitch,

Grabbed the belt and the Chili sauce, moved to the side of her, so she could see everything i was going to do to her, i held up the belt and then whipped her across her breasts 5 times in total before i stopped my abuse of her breasts, for now at least.

instead of whipping her breasts i let the belt fly through the air right towards her pussy, the terror on her face was clear as day to anybody that would be looking, and i know that a lot of people would watch this recording of her.

As the belt hit the exposed pussy she jolted and squirmed as much as she could in her restraints and tears was flowing down her face in thick rivers, the muffled screams that were coming through her homemade gag was like music to my ears.

Before she had time to recover herself the belt was already flying through the air again, this time i was hoping to hit her more directly on her pussy with the tip of the belt instead of the flat side.

it still did not hit her right, but it was almost there.

the agony that she was experiencing most have been excruciating.

i grabbed a handfull of clothespins, while she was writhing and straining in her restraints when she had stopped and was just lying there on the table, i put the clothespins on her nipples and one on her clit, she did not like her new jewelry though.

My cock was getting hard again from watching her lying there writhing in pain soon i would dump another load into her pussy, but first a bit i was going to have some more fun with the belt.

i went down between her legs, backed up a bit and swung the belt up high and let it storm down towards her exposed pussy, the tip of the belt hit the clothespin sitting on her clit and it flew off her clit with a snap, in an attempt to hit i her clit again, i swung back again and let the belt fly towards her clit again and the belt hit just right on her swollen pussy and clit, she was screaming as best as she could, and the strain on her body was visible as she was trying to break free from the bonds holding her.

i took my rock hard cock out again stroked it a few times, and put it up against her pussy and just thrust it inside of her red swollen pussy, it was still wet from when i came inside of her an hour ago, and it was a lot tighter than i remembered it to be, i was thrusting my cock hard into her and deep.

after a while, i took it out and loosened the rope holding her legs so i could get her to lie on her stomach instead of, even though it would be quite uncomfortable for her with her breasts tied up like that, but i dint care, and besides she was so exhausted that she would not be able to put up a fight anyway.

as she was lying there on the table with her ass in the air i saw the chili sauce again, and here i had almost forgotten about it, so i un fasted the lid on it and put it against her ass hole and pressed the small nozzle inside of her ass and squished out a bit of the very hot sauce into her ass, the effect was almost there immediately as she started to thrash about and scream again.

I took out a condom from my pocket, put it on and for lube i used the chili sauce, and then i put my rock hard cock against her ass hole and just pushed inside of her while she was in so much pain, but that was just making it more fun for me.

Her ass was soo tight that it was almost painful for mew to fuck it, and i knew i would not last long without cumming, and i would really not want to cum in a fucking condom, i kept pumping my condom wrapped, chili lubed cock in and out of her ass while spanking her as hard as i could with my hand, her ass was getting all red from my beating, and i could feel my orgasm building.

I pulled out of her ass, pulled the condom off and rubbed it against her clit, just so that it could also feel some of the leftover chili, she almost when insane from that, her back arched and she was straining as much as she could, tied up as she was, my cock was rockhard and throbbing i put it against her pussy and just pressed deep inside of her warm pussy again, i thrust hard and deep thinking of nothing other than my pleasure, once again i emptied my balls deep inside of her exhausted, and abused body, i kept my cock inside of her, until it had gone limp.

when i pulled out of her, i realized that she had passed out "oh well, i guess i can let her rest for a bit" i said to myself.

i went over to my phone, stopped the recording, and took a quick look through the video i had made with her, "this one is going to be quite popular in certain sites" i thought to myself.

Suddenly i heard the front door open and close.

"Shit," i thought, "nobody is supposed to be home yet."

I pulled on my pants and grabbed my knife, and started waited out of sight, to see who it was that was coming.

I was standing there for what felt like an eternity, just waiting, trying not to breathe too loudly, i could hear the footsteps coming closer and closer. It was the son that had come home early today, i guess he had skipped class or something.

As the son entered the kitchen, still looking at his phone, i was standing just behind the door, out of sight, just waiting for him to see how much fun mama and i had had.

He finally looked up from his phone, and the sight that met him, made him drop his phone and drop his jaw, there on the kitchen table his mama was tied up, with her ass in the air, her red dress cut to pieces and cum dripping out of her pussy, he didn't even realize that i was moving in on him, and put my knife against his throat. It was first when the cold steel touched his neck that he saw me, and i could see the fear and panic that grabbed him.

"Why hello there kiddo, you're home earlier than you should have been?" i said with a grin, "well that's good too, now you can join in on all of the fun, that I and your mama is having," i said with a smile, "now if you wouldn't be so kind as to take all of your clothes off, then ill wake up your mom, i bet she will be so happy to see her son now," i said with a wicked grin, as i grabbed the belt again and let it fly towards her ass, she did not wake after the first one, so i hit her again with the belt this time harder, the belt left a red mark all across her ass cheeks, this one woke her up with a scream, but just to be sure i hit her again, this time across her back, another red mark appeared on her skin.

"Goodmorning mama did you have a good map, but we are not done yet, I'm afraid, you see your son is going to join us now," i told her, " now kiddo come here and let your mama suck your cock so it can get nice and hard" i told them flatly.

The kid was probably around 20 or so with a decent sized cock, he was hesitating about complying with my orders, so i took my knife and held it towards his mom's neck so that he could understand that i was not messing around.

The kid got a blowjob, and i could see the horror, pain, and embarrassment in his mom's face, as she could feel her son start to get horny from the blowjob, he even grabbed her head and started to push his cock even deeper down her throat.

"What do you think kid, she gives a great blowjob right?" i asked laughingly, "now enough sucking, its time that you get to fucking her" i grabbed him, and let him down towards her spread legs, "now son here is a great chance for you to fuck your mom, and by chance i mean, if you don't ill kill you!" i told him in a flat voice, and i have no doubt that he believed me, considering the mess his mom was right now.

His rock hard cock was standing straight out, ready to penetrate his mom, so i pushed him closer and closer until his cock was just outside of his mama`s pussy "now son you'll have to do the rest your self and make sure you fuck her hard and deep, but most importantly remember to cum inside of her" i said with my wicked grin all over my face.

His cock entered his moms pussy, slowly and hesitantly, so i had no choice but to punish him for being slow, so i whipped him hard with the leather belt, right across his ass, again and again until he was starting to get som fine red welts on his ass, and that seemed to get him into gear, he started to fuck his mom harder and harder, and even mom seemed to be enjoying it.

While he was fucking his mom i grabbed the tape and started to tape his knees to the table legs also, and after that, i wrapped his wrists with the tape and then "bound" him to his mom's arms, and there they stood and lied, one fucking and the other getting fucked, all bound together by rope, cable ties, and tape.

i gaged him and mom again by wrapping the tape around their heads so that the could not scream for now it was time for the final part before i had to run.

I grabbed the chili sauce and then moved it closer and closer towards mama`s cock filled pussy, then i jammed it in and squished the plastic bottle hard and then i just stood back for a bit to enjoy the show.

The mom was squirming and arching her back, doing everything in her power to get her sons cock out of her, and her son that could not move much was trying his best to take his cock out, but in the end, they ended up fucking each other out of sheer pain and desperation.

after watching the show for five minutes or so i grabbed my stuff said goodbye and thank for a great evening and just left out of the front door.
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