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Orphan girls are trained by Mrs Havisham.

They are visited by gentlemen.
This is a story of Victorian England.

There were many orphans, children whose fathers had been killed in the Army or at work, many whose mothers could not look after them. Usually such children ended up in the workhouse and suffered miserable lives.

This story has two themes. How men took advantage of so many young girls and women and how some people tried to make the best of the situation.

In England the age of consent is sixteen.


"Mrs Havisham, thank you so much for visiting us. We are deeply honoured" and with that Mrs Parkin curtsied, then stood to one side so Mrs Havisham could enter the building. The Victoria School for Young Ladies was in fact an orphanage mainly for girls whose fathers had been military. Service to His Majesty counted for a lot in Mrs Parkin's eyes and the girls were certainly treated much better here than had they gone to a normal orphanage or the workhouse. Mrs Havisham was on the school's board of governors and supplied the school with a great deal of money. Mrs Parkin had tried to find out where the money came from but Mrs Havisham was tight lipped on the matter.

Today Mrs Havisham was coming to inspect the leavers, those girls now approaching their sixteenth birthdays, whereby their time at school ended.Mrs Havisham took her choices each year and they moved to her Tuition and Training courses. Mrs Havisham was the most generous person for these young ladies and gave them a future.

The youngsters paraded in. Each wore the standard school uniform. Full length dress in grey, the hem touching the tops of their black boots, together with a white cotton blouse made in one of the best mills in Lancashire. Although never discussed, underneath they wore a corset, stockings and bloomers. Mrs Havisham had vetoed the girls wearing a brassiere, she never explained why.

There were six girls, they lined up shortest first, tallest last. Mrs Havisham looked them over carefully, she had been her often enough to follow their development and had already assigned them in her mind. The smallest two were for one gentleman. The biggest girl was hefty and she would be building her muscles and upper body strength. The three middle girls could cover a variety of situations and she would give more thought to them.

"Right girls, you will be leaving here tomorrow and I will see you at your new home."

The girls all curtsied and said thank you.


Mrs Havisham was waiting for the girls to arrive by coach the next morning. She waited in the morning room for them. While she waited she lifted her skirts and gently rubbed her person but did not touch her own flesh. She felt a warm feeling and dozed quite happily. The coach arrived. Each girl had a small portmanteau containing their worldly possessions. They stepped out the coach and lined up. Mrs Parkin had trained them well. Mrs Havisham summoned Mary and Molly, the housekeeper and the maid, and arranged for the young ladies to be escorted to their rooms and next to the morning room. The girls promptly reappeared and lined up.

"Right girls, remove your clothing please."

The girls were used to obeying orders so they simply did as told. Mrs Havisham now had six naked young ladies in front of her. She, Mary and Molly looked at each girl carefully. They were making sure the girls had nice skin, they were checking on breast development and pubic hair, and they were assessing how healthy the girls were.

"Mary please ensure they are bathed and allocate them their new clothes. They can start tuition tomorrow."

The next morning the girls presented themselves and were divided into three groups, two to stay with Mrs Havisham, two with Molly doing housework and two with Mary cooking. Mrs Havisham had retained the two smallest girls.


In due course Mrs Havisham decided all six girls were ready for their duties and she sent messages to three gentlemen.


Mrs Havisham checked the two smallest girls over and then rang a bell. From the next room came a gentleman, Mr Hunter, who was a great (private) supporter of the orphanage. Mr Hunter sat down opposite Mrs Favisham and they engaged in polite conversation. The two young ones stood to one side. Mrs Havisham was watching his reaction and waiting.

It didn't take too long for his interest to overtake politeness.

Mr Hunter swiveled his head and appraised the two.

“Very nice young ladies I see before me, ma'am.”

Mrs Havisham smiled.

"They are young and innocent, they have no knowledge of the world as you and I know it."

Mrs Havisham was telling him that they were virgins with no exposure to sex at all.

"Hurmp, I, I, I don't suppose we could see do you?"

Mrs Havisham beckoned over the smallest and had her stand in front of Mr Hunter. Mrs Havisham told the child to remove her clothes. The girl blushed, she may have been innocent but she knew proper manners and this was not it. However, she also knew that this was a nice place and she could be turned out at a minutes notice. So she took her clothes off.

"No touching, sir, if you don't mind."

Mr Hunter wanted to touch but was too much a gentleman to do so. He stared, he licked his lips. The girl had not yet developed fully.

"Enough, child get yourself dressed again."

"Tomorrow at eleven, Mrs Havisham?"

"That will be perfect sir."

And he left.

They then rotated the groups and next to come to Mrs Havisham's room were two of the middle girls. They looked at least sixteen and Molly had made their faces up to make them slightly older. Again Mrs Havisham rang her bell. This time a man who looked very ungentlemanly appeared. Mr Foster was in trade. he was rich but lacking refinement.

"Good afternoon sir." called Mrs `Havisham.

"Good day, they look good."

Mrs Havisham sighed, no breeding.

"Yes, they arrived yesterday."

"Are they broken?"

"No still intact, waiting for the right situation."

Mr Foster nodded thoughtfully "One or both?"

"Up to you kind sir."

Mrs Havisham shuddered inwardly, he is going to haggle, trade is so boring and uncouth, but he did have money.

"So how much?"

"Sir, not when the girls are near, it is too much to speak. I shall write a note and have it delivered by Molly later today."

Poor Molly, he would have his hands in her pantaloons the moment she walked into his shop, but it would increase the price if he could not negotiate. He stood and bowed and left.

Finally the last pair appeared at the door.

"Come in and stand there."

The girls did so.

Mrs Havisham once more rang her bell.

This time a couple came into the room. While the gentleman was bare headed, the lady wore a hat and veil so no one could see her face. She sat and he stood to one side. He and Mrs Havisham chatted about life and horse racing and the good weather for several minutes.

Once her dignity was fully settled she now introduced the topic at hand.

" Sir, madam I show you two strong young ladies who have arrived to live with me. You will notice how well built they are and indeed the taller one could be called strapping."

The gentleman smiled at this de***********ion. "She does look well muscled, might we test her?"

"Girl come here." Mrs Havisham gave her a leather strap to hold. The lady now rose up from her seat and turned round placing her hands on the seat. Mrs Havisham indicated the other girl should raise the lady's skirts and underskirts. She did as told.

"Now you, use the strap, make sure you hit the buttock region."

The girl looked perplexed, nothing in her education had prepared her for this other than beating the dust out of carpets. She shrugged, if that was required so be it. And she hefted the strap and fair pummeled the lady with one slash. The noise was deafening and the lady slumped down.

"Well done girl, that was a very well placed shot."

The girl looked pleased that she had succeeded, she handed the strap back and went to her place.


Mr Hunter returned the next day as arranged. The girls stood in the middle of a bedroom reserved for visitors. They waited patiently.

Mrs Havisham escorted Mr Hunter upstairs and into the room. As he entered he stood still gazing at the two young girls. He seemed entranced and Mrs Havisham was satisfied. Mr Hunter sat on the edge of the bed. he beckoned the smallest girl to stand in front of him. She did so and he ran his fingers through her hair, unfastening the two ribbons.Her hair now feel in ringlets round her face. Mr Hunter smiled shyly.

Next he asked her to turn away from him. He then started undoing the buttons on the bodice of her dress. He then pushed the top forward and the garment flopped about her waist. He undid the buttons holding her skirt and it fell to the floor. The other girl came forward and removed the skirt.

Now he asked her to turn again. She had naked breasts which Mr Hunter brushed his knuckles over. The young girl was astonished at the feelings this inspired in her. Mr Hunter bypassed the corset and gathered the waistband of her pantaloons. He slowly lowered them stopping at her female parts. He lowered his face and kissed her clitoris.He pushed the pantaloons down all the way. The other girl came and took pantaloons and slippers.

Mrs Havisham stepped forward and folded back the bed covers. She told the young girl to lay on the bed with her body on the square of cloth that covered the sheets.

Mr Hunter stood and undid his breeches, revealing his erect penis. He positioned himself and pulled the young girl's body towards him. He wrapped her legs around his waist and placed the tip of his penis at the opening of her vagina. Mrs Havisham came behind him to hold the young girls legs.

Mr Hunter thrust and entered a small amount, the girl let out an empty sound. He pushed again and came up against the young girls maidenhood. Mrs Havisham turned her shoulder into his back and shoved him, pushing him forward. The young girl screamed. Immediately there was sight of blood on the square cloth.

Mr Hunter now attacked. He thrust and withdrew with increasing speed and suddenly his body arched up and he came. The young girl had no idea what had happened, but she saw that Mrs Havisham was smiling.

Mr Hunter withdrew and Mrs Havisham gave him a piece of cloth to wipe himself. He fastened his breeches, nodded to Mrs Havisham, said "Good day, ma'am" and left.

Once he had left the building Mrs Havisham called for Mary and Molly to come and tidy up.


Molly came back full of anger.

"He had his hands all over me. He has fingered every hole I have. Bastard. Sorry Mrs Havisham."

"Don't worry Molly, you will have a little extra pay for suffering his rudeness."

"He will be along when the shop closes."

Skinflint and Bastard, but wealthy. Some of the supporters were likable some were not.

Mrs Havisham had the two middle girls practice all afternoon. They did not understand but found it a pleasant enough task. Orphans usually ended up in places much worse than being here.

Mr Foster arrived looking a bit bothered.

"Is everything alright sir?"

"Yes, but I have to go and meet some important people tomorrow and it always costs me money."

Mrs Havisham smiled, she knew who he had to meet and she knew the people made a lot of money from the arrangement. He didn't know that Mrs Havisham was involved behind the scenes.

After a couple of minutes he was ready to be entertained. His two girls had been dressed to look slightly older and a bit more slutty. They were waiting for him.

Mrs Havisham directed him to a seat and Mary came in. It was Mary's task to make sure he came.The two girls lay on the bed, they had divested much. Now their apparel consisted of corset, stockings and shoes. The stockings had been unclipped and were gradually slipping down. One lay on her back and Mrs Havisham directed her to the correct position. The bottom girl was displaying all her womanly charms to Mr Foster. The other girl got on top and faced Mr Foster. She had practiced smiling and winking for an hour this afternoon, and she put that to good use. Mary now knelt down and undid Mr Foster's breeches, gently releasing his cock. Mr Foster sighed, he was relaxed. Mary took him in her mouth but made no attempt to hurry him.

The smiling top girl lowered her head and started licking. The bottom girl moaned. Although they had been taught this, bottom girl actually loved it. More licking and more moaning. Now top girl raised a finger and pointed it at Mr Foster. She put her finger in her mouth and sucked it. She showed her wet finger to Mr Foster. She then lowered her finger and placed it just at the opening of bottom girls anal rosebud. Mr Foster drew a deep breath, she ran her finger around the rosebud. Mr Foster had engorged and Mary gave a signal to Mrs Havisham that things were going to plan.

In went the finger. Mr Foster jammed his cock into Mary's mouth. Another signal to Mrs Havisham. Now top girl went back to sucking and licking. Mr Foster was getting warm and he was bucking, his cock banging the back of Mary's palate.

Top girl looked up directly at Mr Foster and smiled and winked at him, Mary felt his response.

Top girl now covered bottom girl with her whole mouth and sucked really hard. Bottom girl screamed with pleasure. Mary knew, a second, another and whoosh, straight down her throat. She pretended to choke to reassure Mr Foster. Then unexpectedly and unplanned The bottom girl came and squirted over top girls face. Mr Foster jolted with shock so much he almost did choke Mary. He fell back into his chair and pulled out of Mary. Mary had presence of mind to get a cloth under and around his cock and saved his clothing from despoiling.

His breathing was ragged, his face was very flushed. Although Mrs Havisham's face was deadpan, secretly she was delighted, this had gone better than she hoped.

She waited a few minutes and then escorted Mr Foster downstairs. She bade him farewell until the next time.

She walked back to the bedroom and kissed Mary, the top girl and the bottom girl in turn. They had done so well


The next morning the couple returned. As before the lady was wearing a long dress, a hat and a veil so her face was completely hidden. The gentleman looked very well turned out and he made Mrs Havisham feel a little flushed, she did so like to look on a handsome chap. This morning the two biggest girls were standing waiting for them, alongside Mary the housekeeper. The couple came into the bedroom with Mrs Havisham. As before the gentleman was talkative but the lady was silent.

When she felt they were ready she asked if they would like to start. The gentleman agreed and stood, he removed his boots and breeches and display a fine pair of buttocks and a manly penis. He then held his hand out for the lady who stood. Mary came forward and undid the lady's skirt. It fell to the floor displaying boots, stockings, garter belt, a second fine pair of buttocks and surprisingly a small but shapely penis. The two girls saw this and looked shocked, fortunately for them, they didn't say anything or Mrs Havisham would have flayed the skin off their backs.

Both the gentleman and the lady leaned over and rested their upper torsos on the bed. Their bottoms were raised invitingly to be strapped. Mrs Havisham called the two girls forward and gave them a strap each. She instructed the biggest girl to strap the lady and the smaller girl to start the gentleman. They were to take turns. The biggest girl went first and unleashed a substantial swing of the strap at the "lady". There was a suppressed yelp. The smaller one now strapped the gentleman, who took it stoically, without sound or flinching.

So it went on for twelve straps each. The "lady" was in floods of tears and "her" bottom was a criss cross of red cuts into "her" skin. The gentleman was sanguine, it must have hurt tremendously but he never murmured a sound. At the end of the session Mary escorted them both out so she could salve their wounds. The gentleman carried the clothes they had removed.


Mrs Havisham went with them but told the two girls to stay where they were. In the otherwise empty room the two girls whispered about seeing a man's cock and a lady's cock even they were sure ladies didn't have such things.

Mrs Havisham returned.

"Girls you did very well."

The girls knew instinctively not to mention the cocked lady, they were young but not foolish.

"I want you to do me a favour now please.”

Again the girls knew a command when they heard it even softly spoken. The girl stood still while Mrs Havisham undressed herself. She piled her clothes neatly on the bed until she was bare as the day she was born.

"Now girls, one of you to my right hand side and one of you to my left."

The girls positioned themselves.

"I want you to rotate, one buttock, one breast and repeat."

Mrs Havisham had gestured and indicated what she wanted as she spoke.

She instructed the biggest girl to go first. She raised the strap and slashed across Mrs Havisham's left buttock. The smaller girl now used a back hand motion and caught Mrs Havisham's left breast. Now the bigger girl strapped the right breast, followed by the smaller girl hitting the left buttock. The two strap marks on her buttocks were livid but the two on her breasts were horrendous, bruising already showing through. Mary now entered the room and stood watching. The two girls repeated their strapping. Mrs Havisham swooned a little and Mary put a pot of smelling salts under her nose. Mrs Havisham shook herself and stood upright again.

Mary studied her carefully and then instructed the two girls to repeat the sequence again.

They did so, this time at the final stroke Mrs Havisham sank to the floor. Mary dismissed the two girls and pulled back the bed covers.

She manhandled Mrs Havisham onto the bed and lay her on her back. She spread ointment on the breasts which looked awful and then wrapped a bandage round Mrs Havisham's breasts. Mary now turned her onto her front and treated her buttocks. They were in bad shape but nothing compared to her breasts. Finally Mary had rubbed the ointment and rolled Mrs Havisham back onto her back. Mrs Havisham was clearly in considerable pain but opened her eyes and looked at Mary. She nodded and Mary said yes ma'am.

Mary pushed three fingers into Mrs Havisham's vagina and prodded and pushed until Mrs Havisham came. Mary then tidied the bed clothes, left Mrs Havisham to sleep and went to congratulate the two bigger girls.
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