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Joseph Montgomery was an old man.

He find an old closed library..

Joseph now used his new found knowledge to make new inventions which he used to make himself very wealthy.
The Old-Man



Part 1


Joseph Montgomery was an old man.

For most of his life he was very poor and many were the times that he found himself without any money in his pockets or even a place to live.

But Joseph was a clever man.

One cold and rainy winter’s day, Joseph once again found himself without any place to stay.

But luckily for him he came across an old closed down library.

So Joseph broke into it.

After he had got a nice fire going, to warm his old bones, he now spent his time reading some of the old books which still filled the shelf’s.

Many of them were very old, and long forgotten.

Joseph now used his new found knowledge to make new inventions which he used to make himself very wealthy.

But he was always very careful not to tell anyone how he had discovered his new knowledge.

Joseph now that he had the means to earn money wherever he was now spent his time moving around the country.

He usually stayed in cheap and quiet boarding houses or small hotels.

He did everything possible not to draw any attention to himself.

He played the part of a bored retired gentleman on a permanent holiday of modest means.

Joseph now found himself in a small seaside town in the middle of winter. Most of the hotels were closed for the season.

However, he was lucky to rent a small suite of rooms in a little family run hotel. His rooms had a nice view of the small harbour.

And he spent many happy hours drinking tea or a small port as he watched the small fishing boats coming and going from the harbour.

He would also spend many happy hours walking around the small town.

Joseph hadn't just picked this small hotel at random. he had watched the hotel for nearly half a day to make sure it was the right place for him.

And that he could have a little fun here.

Joseph had patented quite a few small inexpensive inventions. which you could find in your local DIY stores.

Things that you thought would never do what it says.

But when you purchased them and found out that they did work and were well worth the money.

They were not very expensive and that’s why they sold, and they sold well, earning him a modest amount of money each per year.

This particular Saturday morning Joseph was sat in the hotel lobby drinking coffee and looking out of the big Bay window.

It was a miserable day.

It was cold and blowing a gail and raining very heavily.

He was watching the owners teenage son who was now busy hoovering the lobby carpet.

Joseph now waited until the boy had finished hoovering the carpet before he called him over to him.

Danny now turned the Hoover off and went over to see what Joseph wanted. Joseph and Danny had become quite friendly over the week that Joseph had spent here.

Joseph would get Danny to do little errands for him which he always paid him for. So Danny as he was usual broke was more than happy to do whatever Joseph asked him to do.

As he knew he would get a few pound coins in his pocket for his trouble.

Joseph now got Danny to sit down opposite him.

Joseph now leaned closer to Danny so that nobody could overhear what he was about to say to him.

However, at this moment nobody else was in the lobby.

Apart from Danny and himself.

However Joseph still wasn't going to take the chance that Danny's mother or father might overhear.

What he wanted Danny to do for him.

Joseph now ask Danny.

“If he had a mobile Phone which could go on the Internet?”

Joseph never carried a Phone himself.

Danny just nodded his head and he now took his phone out of his pocket.

Joseph now asked Danny.

“To look for local massage parlours on his phone.”

At first Danny just looked at the old man oddly.

The old man just smiled back at him.

However, Danny quickly searched his phone and to his great surprise there was a massage parlour in the town.

Joseph now asked Danny to write the telephone number for the massage parlour down on a piece of paper.

Danny now got up and went over to the hotel reception desk.

He now quickly writ the telephone number down on a piece of hotel stationary. He then handed the piece of paper to Joseph who was still smiling at him with a huge grin on his aged face.

Joseph now took the piece of paper off Danny.

Joseph now took a couple of pounds out of his pocket and handed them to Danny. He now got up and went to his room for a little rest.

Danny now watched as the old man made his way up to his room.

Danny now just grinned to himself.

He wondered why the old man wanted to go to a massage parlour. When he could only just get up the stairs to his own room which was only on the first floor.

It was just before 9:00 PM that night and Danny was just walking back into the hotel just as Joseph was walking out.

The rain had stopped.

But it was still very cold outside.

Danny just smiled at Joseph and said to him.

“It's not a great night to go for a walk, I would stay inside with a hot whiskey if I was you.”

Joseph now looked at Danny and said to him.

“Unfortunately, I have a little business and I have to go out.

However, I wouldn't mind a little company as I’m not too sure where I am going.” He now showed Danny the address and hoped that Danny would not recognise it.

Joseph now smiled to himself by Danny's reaction it was obvious that he did not recognise the address.

Danny was very reluctant to go back out as it was getting colder.

However, when Joseph put his hands in his pockets and shook them and Danny heard the sounds of pound coins once more.

He grinned at Joseph and said to him.

“What the hell.”

Both of them now set off into the cold night.

Joseph and Danny now walked through the town.

They didn't see many people as they walked.

People with sense were indoors where it was nice and warm.

The streets were narrow and twisty.

Danny lead the way and Joseph followed him.

After about 15 minutes of walking they came to the address on Joseph’s piece of paper.

Danny was just about to say his farewells and head back to the hotel.

When Joseph said to him.

“You better come inside for a little bit, as it's really starting to rain a lot harder now.”

Danny looked up at the Sky, it was really coming down now. So Danny now followed Joseph into the house.

Danny and Joseph were now stood in a long hallway.

It was not that well lit.

At the end of the hallway was an old oak door.

On the door was a small Bell.

Under the Bell was a little note.

The note said.

Please Ring Bell

And Wait.

Thank You.

Danny now asked Joseph.

“What they were waiting for?”

Joseph just smiled at Danny and told him.

“To just be patient.”

Danny was just about to say.

“That he was going.”

When the door was opened by a middle-aged woman.

The woman was dressed in a red blouse and black skirt.

She smiled at Joseph, but she looked at Danny a little oddly.

Danny was just about to go when Joseph grabbed his arm and stopped him.

Joseph could see that the woman was a little put out about Danny being here.

Joseph now said to her.

“I called earlier I believe you are expecting me and my guest.

The name is Montgomery?”

The woman still looked a little unsure.

She then asked them both.

“Just to excuse her for just a few moments.”

She then Disappeared back behind the door.

A few minutes later a younger woman accompanied the middle-aged woman. The younger woman now said to Joseph.

“That she had forgot to relay the message to her mother and of course they were expected both of them and she emphasised the word BOTH.

The middle-aged woman now grinned at Danny.

Danny wondered why everyone was now looking at him.

It was like they were sharing a private joke which he had no way of knowing what the punchline was.

Joseph and Danny now followed the two women into a large and well-furnished living room.

Once in the living room the younger lady asked them both.

“To please sit down.”.

Joseph now sat down in a large leather arm-chair.

Danny sat down nervously on the sofa.

The two women now introduce themselves to Danny and Joseph.

The younger woman was called Elizabeth and the older woman was her mother Margaret.

Elizabeth now said to Joseph.

“I am very sorry but only I am working tonight.

Two of my other girls have both called in sick. So, you will have to take it in turns.”

Joseph now got up and asked to talk to Elizabeth in private.

Both Elizabeth and Joseph went out of the room.

When they came back.

Elizabeth asked Margaret.

“To just step out for a moment.”

A few moments later Elizabeth and Margaret came back into the room. Elizabeth now said to Joseph.

“That will be just fine.”

Danny was getting very nervous now.

And he didn't really like the situation.

He didn't have a clue what was going on.

So he decided it was time for him to head back to the hotel.

However just then Joseph got up and was led away by Elizabeth.

Margaret now walked to the sofa were Danny was still sitting.

Danny now looked up at her.

He was getting even more nervous now.

Margaret now smiled kindly at Danny and offered him her hand.

Reluctantly Danny took it.

Margaret now led Danny from the living room into a small room which had a massage table in it.

Margaret now said to him.

“You look extremely stressed.

How old are you?”

Danny nervously replied.

“That he was 15 years old.”

Margaret looked a little nervous upon hearing that.

However, she never said anything.

She now just smiled at Danny.

She now said to him.

“I think you could do with a massage to help you relax your friend is getting an expert massage off my daughter right now.

And so you don't have to wait.

My daughter asked if I could give you a massage.

I usually don't.

But you look like a nice boy so I decided to make an exception for you.”

Danny now said to her.

“That he was OK and he didn't want her to go to any bother.”

Margaret could not help giving him a little smile.

She then said to him.

“Did he actually know what a massage was?”

Danny now just put his hands in his pockets and shook his head. Margaret at that moment thought.

He just looked so adorable.

And she wanted just to give him a big hug.

Margaret now said to him in a calm and motherly reassuring voice.

“That he would really enjoy it.

And it was nothing for him to be afraid of.

And a big boy like him wasn't afraid of little old her was he?”

Danny just shook his head to Margaret in answer to her.

Margaret now smiled once more at Danny.

She now told him.

“To go behind the little changing screen and remove his clothes and underwear and wrap the towel he found on the stool around his waist.”

Danny just looked at her like she had asked him to jump off a cliff.

However, Margaret just smiled at him and eventually Danny went behind the changing screen.

While Danny was behind the screen taking his time getting undressed which Margaret thought was quite amusing.

Margaret was warming up the oil that she was going to use on his young body. Eventually Margaret had to ask him.

“If he was ready?”

A few moments later Danny came out from behind the screen with the towel wrapped around his waist.

She now looked at his young body.

She found it funny that he still had his socks on.

However, she would remove them once she got him on the table.

He had a nice body and she could see that he already had some well-developed muscles.

She was going to enjoy this she thought to herself.

Margaret now told him.

“To lay on the massage table face down.”

Once again very slowly and reluctantly Danny laid down on the massage table. The first thing that Margaret did once she got him on the table was to pull his socks off.

Danny just looked at her, but he didn't protest.

Margaret laughed and said to him.

“We really don't need them on it's not cold in here sweetheart.”

Danny turned his head back around and just waited to see what was going to happen next. He still didn't really have any idea what happened in a massage parlour.

Margaret now poured some of the warm oil into her hands. She now started to rub the oil roughly into his hard shoulders.

At first Danny didn't like it but the more she massage the hot oil into his shoulders and lower back area the more he started to relax and the more he now started to enjoy the strange sensation of her hands and the hot oil on his body.

Margaret now spent the next 15 minutes massaging his shoulders his upper and lower back and the back of his legs.

She even gave his feet a quick massage.

But every time she touched his feet, he couldn't help but to start giggling so eventually she had to stop.

Margaret held the towel that covered his bum and told him.

“To turn over.”

Danny turned over without any hesitation this time.

Margaret now made sure that the towel was still covering his groin area.

She now smiled at him and was happy that he smiled back at her.

She asked him.

“If he was now enjoying it?”

Danny now nodded his head in answer to her, he also had a silly grin on his face.

Margaret now commented.

“That she hadn't finished with him yet.”

But Danny didn't understand what she meant by that.

Margaret now started to warm up some more oil.

Magara now said to him in her best innocent voice.

“I'm afraid of getting oil on this blouse as it is very expensive. I hope you don't mind if I take it off.”

Danny's eyes not widened as she started to undo the buttons of her blouse.

Once Margaret had undone all the buttons of her blouse. She took it off and put it on a chair which was just across from the massage table.

Margaret now said.


To herself.

She now said to him.

“I'm still afraid that I will get oil on my skirt, so I'm going to have to remove that too.”

Danny’s eyes widened even further as she slipped out of her skirt.

She was now wearing just a pair of white panties and her white bra which to Danny was too small to hold her big boobs in place.

Margaret now poured some of the warm oil into her hands.

She now started to rub this warm oil onto his chest.

Danny couldn't help letting out a little moan as she teased his nipples with the warm oil on the end of one of her fingertips.

She now continued to massage his chest.

She was also moving around a lot and of course her big boobs now came out of her bra.

She apologised to him and she put them back into her bra.

However, her boobs kept falling out of her bra.

So she eventually said to him.

“There’s nothing I can do about them falling out.”

And she just whipped her bra off and tossed it onto her blouse on the chair.

For Danny this was the first time that he had seen a pair of women's breasts for real and he kept lifting his head up off the table so that he could get a good look at them.

She would giggle to him and tell him.

“To lay back down.”

However, Danny just wanted to look at her big boobs and he kept lifting his head up off the table.

Margaret now smiled at him once more and said to him.

“That if he was a good boy and lay back down.

She would give him a very special massage.”

Danny quickly nodded his head in agreement to this.

Margaret now quickly removed her panties, so that she was completely naked apart from her high heel shoes.

Danny couldn't help letting out a little Wolf whistle.

He also lifted his head off the table once more to get a good look at her naked body.

Her breasts were large and full, and her pussy was completely shaven clean and he could see her large outer pussy lips.

She now smiled at him and told him in a firm voice.

“To lay back down or the deal was off.”

Danny quickly laid back down.

He didn't want the deal to be off.

He was looking forward to whatever she had in mind now.

Margaret now pour the warm oil over her large breasts and body.

Danny just watched her with a big smile on his young face.

Margaret now walked over to the table took a firm hold of his towel and pulled it off him.

Instantly Danny felt very embarrassed because she was now seeing him completely naked and to further his embarrassment.

He now had a full erection.

Margaret now smiled to herself as she looked at his fully hard cock.

He was quite big and thick for a boy of his age.

She now poured some more of the warm oil all over his body.

She now started to rub the oil all over his body, so that he would be nice and slippery.

She now looked directly into his eyes and said to him.

“Are you ready for my little surprise.”

Danny just nodded his head eagerly too her.

With a swiftness and agility that took Danny by surprise Margaret now swung herself up onto the table.

So that she was now set a-stride him.

Margaret now smiled at him once more.

She now lowered her body and started to rub her big boobs up and down his slippery chest.

She now lowered her body so that both bodies were now touching each other.

She now started to rub her body against his.

Danny started to let out low whimpering moans as she rubbed her body all over his.

Margaret continued to rub her oily body against his for several more minutes. The look of pleasure on Danny's young face made her smile once more and she was happy that she was giving this young man such a pleasurable experience.

Margaret now sat up on his groin and she started to use her pelvic muscles to rub her pussy lips up and down the shaft of his cock.

Danny’s moans were now louder.

Joseph in the other room just smiled to himself, when he heard the lad’s moans of pleasure.

Elizabeth who was now happily bouncing up and down on his cock also heard his moans.

She just winked at Joseph and said to him.

“I told you that my mother was very good, and she would soon have the lad moaning.

Joseph just smiled back at her.

Joseph now started to thrust his cock up and deeper into her pussy.

This took Elizabeth completely by surprise and made her have an almighty orgasm.

Elizabeth now collapsed onto his body.

She had a look of pure ecstasy on her face now.

It was very rare for a client to get her to cum.

Margaret now made Danny's century when she lifted herself up off his cock for just an instance.

She then grabbed his cock, and in one swift motion she brought her pussy quickly back down onto his hard cock.

Danny's eyes now widened with amazement as he felt his cock now entering her warm wet pussy.

Margaret now started to bounce up and down on his cock.

She grabbed his hand and put them firmly on her breasts and she told him.

“To rub them hard and play with her nipples.”

Margaret was now riding him like a cowgirl and her moans and screams of pleasure as she fucked this young lad could now be heard by Joseph and Elizabeth in the next room.

Elizabeth had recovered a little bit, but she was still laid on the old man who had his arm around her protectively.

Elizabeth just giggled to herself when she heard the loud moans and screams of her mother who was fucking next door.

Margaret now had her head thrown back and she was riding Danny like a mad woman.

Danny was also thrusting his cock up into her now very wet pussy. And he was tweaking her nipples as she had already begged him to do.

Margaret continued to ride him hard and fast.

She could feel her orgasm building up in her body as she bounced up and down on his hard cock.

She was fucking him like a mad-whore now.

Margaret knew that Danny must be nearly ready to cum.

And she was now begging him not to cum until she had her orgasm.

Danny was trying his best to control his orgasm.

But he knew that he was about to shoot off any moment now.

Luckily for him they both came together.

And both their screams and moans were so loud.

That both Elizabeth and Joseph in the next room just looked at the wall that separated the two rooms.

And they both started to giggle to themselves as they listened to the sound of fucking coming from next door.

Margaret just like her daughter now collapsed on top of him.

She now took his face in her hands and just looked at him.

She still had wild passion burning in her eyes.

Margaret now forced her lips onto his and she forced her tongue into his mouth. She kissed him like he had never ever been kissed before.

It was a lover's kiss.

A kiss that was full of passion.

After a few moments Danny started to kiss her back just as forcibly as she was kissing him.

Finally, Margaret and Danny broke off their kiss and they just looked at each other. Both now started to giggle just like a couple of school kids. Margaret could see that both their bodies were covered in oil, sweat and there combined love juices.

Margaret and Danny both now got up off the table.

They were both just stood looking at each other now.

Margaret now took Danny’s hand and she led him into the shower which was in the room.

They spent the next 20 minutes in the shower, most of that time they were both just kissing and touching each other’s bodies.

Margaret now took him by surprise when she got down onto her knees and took him into her mouth.

She didn't stop sucking him off, until he exploded filling her mouth with his young spunk.

Elizabeth and Joseph were both now back in the living room.

Joseph was now fully dressed and sat back in his chair.

He was drinking a whiskey.

Elizabeth was sat on the sofa also drinking a whiskey.

Elizabeth was now dressed in a very sexy dressing gown with nothing underneath it.

Margaret and Danny now entered the living room.

Just like her daughter Margaret was now wearing a very sexy dressing gown. And she was leading Danny by his hand.

Danny just like Joseph was also now fully dressed.

Margaret now led Danny to the other large leather arm-chair and she pushed him down into it.

Margaret now poured herself and Danny a large whiskey each.

Margaret now walked back to Danny and handed him the whiskey.

Danny smelled the whiskey then he took a drink of it and pulled a funny face.

He then handed her his glass back.

Margaret just smiled at him.

She now put his glass down on a coffee table that was near the arm-chair.

Elizabeth and Joseph just grinned at Danny now.

Margaret now sat herself down on Danny's lap.

Which got a surprised look off her daughter Elizabeth.

However, Joseph just smiled at them both.

Margaret then took Danny's hand and slipped it inside her robe and onto her left breast.

She then placed her own hand on top of his and she now pressed his hand tightly down onto her breast.

Now Joseph and Elizabeth now both watched as both Margaret and Danny started to make-out right in front of them both.

Danny pulled her robe open so that he could fondle her big breasts more easily.

Margaret now broke off her kissing of Danny and she now just looked at Joseph.

Margaret now said to Joseph, with a huge grin on her face and a wink.

“I hope you can find your way back to your hotel.

I'm afraid Danny is going to be busy for the next few hours.”

She now got up and pulled Danny up with her, she now led him from the room. Both Elizabeth and Joseph now listened to the sounds of Margaret and Danny now running up the stairs to her bedroom.

They both then heard her bedroom door slamming shut.

Joseph now sat quietly drinking his whiskey.

Occasionally he would share a funny look with Elizabeth when they both heard a loud scream or moan coming from upstairs.

However, eventually it was time for Joseph had to get going.

He now smiled warmly at Elizabeth and ask her.

“If he could settle his bill and of course Danny's.”

Joseph now put one of his hands into his pocket and he grabbed something in his hand.

This was the device which he had invented.

Which really made him money.

This was the only one of his inventions.

That he would never ever sell.

It would be too dangerous if people could get their hands on it.

Just then there came a loud scream from upstairs.

Elizabeth just smiled and looked at Joseph and said to him.

“As it was your first visit here and Danny seems to be giving my mother lots of pleasure. And you did make me come.

Why don't we call it a free introductory offer?”

Joseph now nodded to Elizabeth and he now took his hand out of his pocket. He was holding nothing now.

The device would not be needed.

And in a way he was quite glad that he would not have to use it.

Somehow it did not seem right to use it on Elizabeth and Margaret.

Joseph now gave Elizabeth a kiss on her cheek and a quick Pat on her bottom and he was once again out into the cold night and heading back towards the hotel.

When Joseph arrived back at the hotel.

He was cold and wet.

Danny's father was manning the reception desk when Joseph walked back into the hotel.

He now gave Joseph a questioning look.

Joseph just smiled and asked.

“For his key.”

Joseph was now just starting to go up the stairs to his room.

When Danny's father came out from behind the reception desk and asked him.

“If he could just spare him a moment or two.”

Joseph was now tired wet and cold.

However, he did turn around smile at the man and asked him.

“How may I help you.”

Danny's father now said to Joseph.

“I know you and Danny have been getting on lately.

And I was just wondering if you had any idea where he is tonight.

It is very unusual for him to stay out this late.

It's nearly 1am and he still isn't in.”

Joseph just smiled at him and told him.

“That he had no idea where Danny was.”

He now excused himself as he was very tired, and he wanted to get to his bed. As he climbed the stairs to his room.

Joseph could not help but smile to himself when he thought about what Danny was doing at this precise moment in time.

Joseph stayed at the hotel for several more days.

However, he did not go to see Elizabeth and Margaret anymore.

But when Danny could not be found at the hotel.

Joseph had a very good idea where the boy could be found.

Danny had got himself a girlfriend.

A hot mature girlfriend who was ready to fuck and to suck at a moment’s notice.

On the day that Joseph was going to check out.

Danny told him.

“That Elizabeth had started to join him, and Margaret and it was blowing his mind.”

Joseph was glad for the boy.

But he warned him.

“That all good things must come to an end.”

Danny now just smiled at Joseph and said to him.

“Over my fucking dead body.

Joseph checked out an hour later.

End Of Part 1
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