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Beth gets a surprise call at home and finds herself drawn to Jackson again
Part one

Beth was at home, daydreaming again about Jackson, when she should have been finishing the dishes. Her husband was putting her daughter to bed upstairs, so it was all too easy to get lost in her fantasies. She stood for ages staring blankly out of the window, wondering when she would see Jackson next and thinking about lieing in his lap while being spanked. The dinner plate in her hand, that she was meant to be washing, was for the moment forgotten. Jackson had been particularly evasive about when they would next be together, part of his power over her she supposed. But at least it was only forty-eight hours to another visiting day. She would surely see him then.

Even the chance of a stand-up fuck in the corner of a cell would be something to look forward to. She needed him that much and right now she did not care where or how, just as soon as possible was all that mattered.

Suddenly, the shrill ring of the phone interrupted her thoughts, she spun around, and at the same moment the plate slipped from her grasp, shattering on the hard kitchen floor. She swore under her breath. Something inside her, told her this was Jackson calling and therefore she had to get to the phone before her husband did. Of course, Jackson did not have her number, but he shouldn’t have been able to find out where she lived, and he had managed that, so anything was possible.

Ignoring the mess on the ground around her, she sped to the phone but not before there were concern calls from upstairs of, “are you okay?” And by the time she reached the phone her husband and daughter were both on the landing looking down at her. Now very self-conscious about the way she was behaving and the fact her family were listening she lifted the receiver. Beth tried to calm both her breathing and her voice before she spoke. It would not do to sound excited or uneasy.

“Hello?” She said. The voice on the other end responded and Beth’s heart raced as she found out she was right. It was Jackson! But what could she do, when she was being overheard? In desperation she said, “you have the wrong number,” and she put the phone down unnaturally hard and then went to go back to the kitchen. The phone immediately rang again. Beth closed her eyes in frustration and once again turning too quickly to be normal, she grabbed it. “It’s okay I’ll get it,” she said curtly to her husband’s suggestion that he got it this time. As she raised the receiver she noted her daughter had disappeared back into the bedroom but that did not mean the little minx wasn’t listening. Her husband offered her some respite, as he had walked to the kitchen, clearly intending to clear up the mess she had made. He began to rummage in a cupboard.

“Hello?” She said again.

“If you hang up again I’ll just keep calling,” said Jackson.

“Is my brother okay?” She said. Her first fear was always for her brother and in any case the prison calling, offered some kind of cover story for who was on the phone.

“He is fine.” Jackson said, “loving life.” Not hiding his irritation that this had been her first thought. “I am in the Penthouse suite at the Skytop hotel,” Jackson said. “You have twenty minutes to get here and make sure you are dressed the way I like you too.”

“Come now?” Said Beth. “I can’t do that.” She put the receiver to her shoulder to block out the noise of Jackson’s angry response. She could imagine what it was. Threats against her brother. Or suggested punishments if she did not do as she was told. That was almost certainly what his reaction would be to her refusal. Her husband, broken plate cleared away, was now walking towards her. So, she needed to block out the noise of Jackson’s voice. She realised that despite everything she was hoping Jackson was planning to spank her again for disobeying him. Of course, he had seen her turn from being appalled at being struck, to being totally turned on by it. So maybe he would not think that was a very effective punishment. She knew that all she really wanted was to go to him.

“The prison needs to see me about an incident.” She said, now talking to her husband. The phone vibrated against her shoulder and there were more muffled noises. Jackson getting madder by the minute she guessed. What he didn’t seem to understand, is she wanted to go to him just as much as he wanted her to come. But she could not just drop everything and go running out the door. Thankfully her husband was being supportive though. He was concerned and worried that her brother was ok, instead of being cross she had to go out. This handed her the opportunity she craved, even if it made her feel awful at the same time. Her husband told her to go and he would take care of things here.

“Okay I will be there in about thirty minutes,” she said, putting the phone back to her ear. And to close down anymore debate with Jackson she carried straight on with. “I’ll see you soon.” And then she hung up. She replayed in her mind. “The Penthouse at the Skytop hotel.” Possibly the most expensive hotel room in the city! How the hell did Jackson afford such luxury? He was a criminal and doing time for god sake. I guess crime does pay after all, she thought.

And so, she went. She was dressed again in a tee shirt and long skirt, different to the other day but still not in an outfit Jackson would approve of. It would have to do though. She could not exactly dress up for a so-called meeting at the prison.

Still there was always the hope, that perhaps her casual dress sense would be just the reason Jackson needed to punish her some more. Hopefully he had brought the riding crop! She had come to love the crack it made as he hit her with it, and the humiliation of being spanked was such a turn on. Beth realised she had rushed far too eagerly to her car. Please don’t let my husband be watching she thought. If he was then hopefully he would just think she was desperate to get to her brother. Cover story she told herself. She must get the cover story straight before she got back home. Her brother knew nothing of her relationship with Jackson. Jackson himself had promised it would be their little secret and bizarrely she trusted him to keep his word. So, the story would have to be good enough not to be contested by her brother when he was free. If the subject ever came up.

Part two

“Take me to the bedroom boss,” was what Beth had breathlessly said to Jackson the second he had opened the door to the Penthouse. He was bare chested and wearing jeans, his abs and six pack once again took Beth’s breath away. All she wanted right now was to be fucked. And hopefully it discouraged Jackson from taking her to task over the fact she was not exactly dressed the way he had ordered her to be. She leapt into his arms, lifting and wrapping her legs around his waist as he took her weight. Beth loved feeling his strength and the sense of helplessness when she was carried by him.

Jackson pushed Beth’s back against the wall, the impact was quite hard making her gasp in shock. As she was pressed against the cold wall Jackson slammed the door closed with his foot. There was a smug smile on his face that said, “so you have come when I called.” He looked down at her clothes, for a moment he frowned, and then he looked back up at Beth.

“What the hell are you wearing?” He said. She went to speak, but a finger was placed firmly over her lips telling her to be silent. “No matter. You are going in there anyway,” he pointed at one of the bedrooms, and then added, “the dress on the bed, put it on, and then come through to the lounge. Then we will punish you for not doing as you are told.”

“Gosh,” said Beth, the word slipping out in the mixture of thrill and nervousness she felt about being punished once again. The glow she always felt at being made to be submissive again flowed throughout her body. Shit, she thought I am letting him see how much I like this. “Eeeeekkk,” cried Beth as Jackson suddenly turned around with her still in his arms. She giggled as she was carried to the bedroom. God he did love carrying her around. Her legs wrapped tighter around his waist as his hands squeezed her ass. In the bedroom he dropped her onto the bed.

They began to kiss enthusiastically, Beth showing none of her reluctance from before. She just let herself enjoy the moment. She rubbed her hands over his hard chest, copying the way he always seemed to delight in exploring her body with his hands when they kissed. His own fingers seemed today to be very focussed on her ass. Which was no bad thing she thought. He ordered her to get changed and then come to the lounge as he had before. She smiled, remembering the threat to punish her. He added there were wine and glasses in the kitchen, so she was to bring them too. Then suddenly Jackson moved away, for a moment she was tempted to reach out for him but then he gave her that look, reminding her he was in charge. So, all Beth could do was watch as Jackson left.

The dress was short, she had expected that, but it was shockingly short. At least to Beth. It looked as though it would barely cover her ass. She held it up and frowned, hesitating about what to do. Obviously, she had was no choice but to wear it and Jackson had seen her in a lot less. So reluctantly she began to remove her own clothes and to put it on. It was new and the price tag showed it was very expensive. So at least he had spent a tidy sum on her, she thought. The label was not kidding when it called it a mini dress and it mentioned the very low-cut V neck that it had. Although the label did not use the word “very,” It had a red floral print that was very pretty, it was just there was very little material making up the outfit. She walked out of the bedroom to find the wine, conscious of her tits and ass being barely contained by the clothes she had been given.

She found the wine pretty easily. It had just been placed on the side. A girl could get used to this she thought. It was her favourite wine and she did not doubt a good year. The wine was 14 years old. Had she ever drunk wine that old? She did not think so!

Then she noticed there were three glasses on the tray with the bottle. She frowned and then what Jackson had said came back to her, “then we will punish you for not doing as you are told.” We? She told herself not to be silly it was just a phrase. For a moment she fiddled with the dress, trying to make sure her boobs would not pop out and trying without success to pull the hem down a little further. Her hands fiddled with her hair, just as Jackson called her. He sounded impatient. So, she picked up the tray.

Taking a very deep breath she walked towards the lounge. The issues of the dress and the idea that maybe Jackson was not alone playing on her mind, as she walked. As she entered the room, she nervously scanned it. To her relief it was empty other than Jackson who was siting very casually on the sofa, arm stretched out to the side, looking every bit a man who was in total control. Beth nervously said hello to him, and he laughed at her. She cursed herself for having shown him how uneasy she was about this situation.

“Put the tray down there and stand right there,” he said, indicating a spot right in front of him. “I am going to punish you,” he added. “For not dressing properly.” Beth wondered if she should protest. Not because she wanted to defend herself but in order to prolong the game. She jumped, nearly dropping the tray, wine and all, when Jackson suddenly barked. “Now!.” Hastily she did as she was told, placing the tray on the side, painfully aware that her shaking hands were making it difficult to ensure that nothing on the tray fell over. And then she quickly stood where she had been told but she was unable to resist one more attempt to pull her hem down.

“Panties down,” said Jackson.

“What?” said Beth, her eyes closing for a moment and a look of disgust washing across her face. But the only response was a raised eyebrow from Jackson. It seemed to say. Are we really going to have to go through this again? You know you like it. So, do as you are told. Her hands went down to the bottom of her dress and at the same time she called Jackson, “a dirty old man,” but in a light-hearted humorous way. This made him laugh but the laugh died on his lips as she raised her skirt. Jackson had not bought underwear to go with the dress, so was thrilled to see her knickers were black, lacy and very hot. He was impressed. “Well I never know when you are going to call,” she said, indicating she had read his mind.

In one swift movement she pulled them down, until they reached her knees and she could go no further. Beth opened her legs before Jackson could tell her to, she was delighted he was looking approvingly at her. Her knickers were stretched as far as they would go. He smiled; she always knew what to do. He left her standing there like that, while he walked to the tray and casually poured out two glasses of wine. He returned to the sofa, sat down and then took a slow sip of his drink before placing it and the other glass on the little table in front of him. For a moment he sat back, then with two fingers he beckoned her to come forward.

“Come here,” he commanded. “It’s punishment time.” Beth did as she was told, biting her lip to show her nervousness as she walked over to the sofa. I hope this is as exciting as before,” she thought. As she walked her knickers slipped down her legs to her ankles which made things a little awkward and emphasised the weird situation she was in.

“For me?” She asked, meaning the wine and when Jackson nodded in response, she took the glass and took a sip. As the delicious wine slipped down her throat, she thought how much her life had changed since her brother had gone inside. There was no denying she really enjoyed the excitement of Jackson’s sudden appearances. His domination of her and the mind-blowing sex that followed. She put the glass back on the table and climbed onto the sofa. As she did, Beth slipped under Jackson’s raised arm and lay herself across his lap.

“Who has been a bad girl?” He asked, as she settled into position across his legs, which he had spread to support her. Beth replied softly that she had. For a moment his hands moulded the cheeks of her bum playing with the two, soft, pliable mounds of flesh. She bent her legs, raising her feet into the air, but Jackson pushed them both back down again. This allowed him to remove her knickers and toss them onto the floor more or less where Beth had been standing. His hand squeezed her flesh firmly. The tension building deliciously and then to her delight he smacked her.

“Argh,” said Beth but despite the short sharp pain of the slap, she loved it. Jackson squeezed her skin again. For a moment both of his hands gripped her, as he held her ass Beth’s breathing became audible. She began to fidget on his lap. Raising her legs and twisting her body a little. His left hand stayed holding her backside, as his right hand rose very slowly and then he slapped her again. “Owwww,” said Beth, and then Jackson slapped her three more times, each hit getting the same response from Beth. Then suddenly in through the door from the hallway came a man. Beth spotted him immediately.

“What the fuck?” Beth said angrily, shocked and frightened at this development. She immediately tried to get up. Her intention being to cover herself up and then storm out. Jackson was too quick for her though and he held her down with a very firm hand placed on the back of her neck. Jackson made her face turn to the man who had come in. She watched as the new arrival’s eyes wandered over the scene in front of him. He picked up her knickers off the floor, and after looking at them for a moment, he dropped them casually onto the table. Then he knelt down beside the sofa, right near Beth’s head.

“What the fuck?” Beth said again, her anger building as she struggled hopelessly against Jackson’s strong grip. Then she saw the man’s scar. “You’re the one who wouldn’t let me out of the Governor’s office,” she said. And then she turned slightly, trying to look at Jackson. “What the hell is he doing here?” She wailed, painfully aware of her bare ass and vulnerable position. Jackson told her the man had come for his reward. For keeping her brother safe. “I thought you did that,” she spat back at Jackson. This made the new man smile. Jackson had told him she had spirit and it seemed he was right.

“Sit the fuck still,” said Jackson, just before he spoke he had slapped her again. “You like that huh?” He added and he laughed as both Beth and the new man nodded. Again, his fingers moulded her bum cheeks. “A fucking great ass,” he said, mainly to the man as though saying I told you so. Then he slapped her again. Beth yelled out and she began to pant in her excitement. Her eyes fell upon the man kneeling by her head as more slaps came reigning down on her ass. The man began to stroke her face and smile at her.

“That’s a good girl taking your punishment,” he said.

“It’s so fucking good,” whispered Beth, amid yells from the relentless slapping she was getting. “It makes me so horny,” she began to say. Forgetting for a moment that there was a stranger sitting in front of her, watching the whole thing. Jackson grabbed her hair and made her sit up whilst he began to undress.

“You are horny huh?” He said. “That’s good, very good. Very convienient.”

“Yes Boss, I want you to fuck me,” whispered Beth and she sat, watching impatiently as Jackson removed his trousers. When he had, he sat beside her. His enormous dick, standing to attention was pointing right at her. Beth hesitated, remembering again the man sitting in front of her. What the hell she thought. Beth reached forward, held Jackson’s cock in position and simply began sucking his balls. And then she went to work, blowing him properly.

“Shit,” whispered Jackson. He sat looking down on her as she worked away. To be fair he thought she had been good at this from the beginning. Eager too! He smiled. If that first time, she had thought it was a way to stop getting fucked she had not shown it. Of course, it had not stopped him doing whatever he wanted. It had helped to make her worth the effort though. Few girls blew him as well as Beth did, and few seemed able to take all of his dick down their throats. She was gasping now and gagging a little, but god it felt good and he loved watching as she serviced him. Beth paused for a moment and her eyes met his as she stroked his dick with both hands. He wondered if she had guessed what he had been thinking.

“Do you like that, boss?” She asked and before Jackson could answer she went back to sucking. When a few moments later she paused again she was a little breathless. Her eyes however stayed fixed on Jackson, and after a few moments Beth once more deep throated him. She happily noted his smile, you don’t need to tell me she thought I know you like this and then in confirmation of that thought Jackson spoke.

“Oh fuck, oh shit” he said and when Beth was again stroking him, she said with a laugh.

“I think you do boss. I really think you do like this.” He lifted her head for a moment and pulled her into a kiss. She threw her arms around Jackson’s neck and kissed him, making sounds of delight at the way he was squeezing her ass as he kissed her. And then with a smile she went back down again, as Jackson’s firm hands on her shoulders pushed her to her knees. Jackson pushed her head back onto his dick, but he didn’t need to, she was already eagerly moving forward to take it between her lips once more. She took slow turns at deep throating him, sitting back for a moment on her haunches between turns. She had been blowing Jackson for a while, still watched by the other man when Jackson spoke

“I think my guest needs a drink,” he said, “and then after he is refreshed it’s his turn.” Jackson added. As he spoke he made Beth gasp from the hard slap he gave her on the ass. “And you are going to be as good for him as you are for me.” Jackson added. Beth quickly got herself up, her mind whirling. What the hell do I do now she thought? Was she supposed to fuck this new guy too? That was too much, but if she refused the next thing out of Jackson’s mouth would be more threats to her brother, she was sure. To have him hurt now, having come so far would be unthinkable. Anyway, the new man was almost as muscular and strong as Jackson, so she had little choice. The thrill of being dominated by two men began to form in Beth’s stomach. To play for time and to get some courage too, she picked up her wine glass and drained it. But all that led to was getting threatened by Jackson because the visitor still did not have a drink.

As she drunk, the new man who was called Luther, slowly got up and sat on the other sofa. When Beth asked if he would like some wine he nodded and so after a sigh she got up and walked over to the bottle and filled the third glass. How foolish she had been not to realise this was going to happen, she thought. She returned to Luther and handed him the glass. Jackson told her to sit so she sat beside Luther. Her hands she clasped together on her lap, pressing her knees tightly together, very conscious that she had no knickers on and very aware that Luther had his arm behind her, resting on the back of the sofa.

“Are you as good as the boss says you are?” Asked Luther.

“Oh yes,” replied Jackson, answering for Beth. She stayed silent, her hand nervously running up and down her bare arm. Luther took another drink of wine and placed his free hand on Beth’s knee. When she made no reaction, it wandered further up her leg. His finger stroked an area of very soft skin just below the hem of her dress. “The rougher the better,” said Jackson. “That’s right isn’t it Beth? The rougher the better?” Beth nodded, but her body tensed when Luther’s hand went around her back and stroked the back of her head. She felt panic rising in her body. He smiled, watching her chest rising and falling as she breathed fast and deep. He played with her hair for a while and then he gripped it tight, pulling it hard.

“The rougher the better,” he repeated laughing. Beth stood up, suddenly panic had got the better of her.

“I need to go,” she said, but before she got get any distance Luther had risen too and he grabbed her by the arm. “Let me go, your hurting me,” Beth said and immediately Luther let go but he still moved closer to her. Now, he was right by her. She backed away a little, resting her hands on a table and looking at Luther. To the side she could see that Jackson was sitting watching the scene unfold. He had an amused look on his face. They played a silly game for a few moments of Luther moving towards her and Beth edging down the table away from him.

“We can’t do this,” she said, but she was now against a wall and could go no further. She stuttered over her words as Luther stroked her arm with his fingers.

“We can’t?” He asked sounding surprised as he moved beside her. She seemed to go to move and then stop herself. This meant she stumbled a little and let out a little cry. Luther calmly grabbed her hand and steadied her. “There you go,” he said, but he did not release her, instead with his other hand he began to stroke her shoulder. Once more Beth was backing away with Luther moving with her. Beth looked at him with those big brown eyes, head slightly tilted down. Luther smiled. “I want to fuck you.” He said and with a finger he stroked her lips. Beth turned to look at Jackson who smiled back. He was okay with this, she thought. And the thrill of being taken by another big strong man hit her.

She could not, certainly should not, sleep with a second man, she thought. One was betrayal enough. Beth was backed against a cabinet now, her arms behind her, resting on its shelf. Luther was stroking her arm again, this time right at the top. Occasionally his fingers strayed onto her shoulders. Beth turned once more to look at Jackson. If she was hoping for help she did not get it.

“Don’t worry I’ll join you in a minute, got a call to make first,” he said casually. And then with a pause he added, “but feel free to carry on without me.”

Beth gasped, partly because Luther had suddenly pulled her downwards, so she was now resting on her haunches. This meant her legs were spread quite wide to support herself. A reminder if one was needed of her lack of underwear. Luther was right in front of her. But this was not the only reason she had cried out. She was flustered, wondering what the “I’ll join you in a minute meant.” And of course, there was the dilemma of wanting to fuck Luther when she shouldn’t, against the thought that maybe screwing two men was not any worse than fucking one. And of course, that reminded her even more of Jackson’s. I’ll join you in a minute.” One more she was dithering about what to do.

“What’s the matter?” Asked Luther. “Don’t you want to kiss me?” Beth replied that she did but did not think that she should. His reply surprised her. “It’s up to you.” He said. “If you want me to kiss me you have to come to me.” Beth nodded. He had her, god she wanted him. She looked nervously to the side, but Jackson had gone. “You can make your own decisions.” Luther added. His hand was on her chest now, he was not touching her bare skin, but the openness of the dress meant his fingers were so close to her flesh. Beth found it hard to breathe and it took a moment to reply.

“I want to,” she said. Luther’s fingers under her chin turned her face to his and he placed his nose, so it was just touching hers.

“I think you want me every bit as much as I want you,” he said. His head backed away and with a finger he beckoned her towards him. Beth let out an anxious little laugh. She hesitated, bit her lip for a moment, then reached forward and kissed Luther. He kissed her back, pushing hard against her mouth and mid-kiss her eyes opened as she realised for just a moment what she was doing. But when Luther pulled away she was smiling. He stroked her shoulders and looked hard at her. “Again,” he said and this time with only a slight hesitation Beth’s head came forward and they resumed kissing.

Suddenly she tried to break away and turn her head, but Luther was having none of that. Firmly turning her face back to his with his hand, he immediately resumed their kiss. His hand moved around her neck to keep her head still as he did. He made her kiss him for a while before he then broke away. Beth did not move, as he slid his hand inside her dress, cupping her breasts and then with the other hand moving her lips back into position so they could kiss some more.

“You have great tits,” he told her. Beth looked down at his hand squeezing and caressing her chest and then back at Luther. “Get up,” he ordered her. And Beth a little reluctantly rose. As she stood up he ran his hands up her legs and then with an evil grin he lifted her dress and pushed his head between her thighs. She gasped and cried out, eagerly assisting him to keep her skirt out of his way, as his tongue probed her pussy. Her hand stroked his head and then she pulled herself up onto the shelf behind her. Beth opened her legs wide for him, a clear invitation to continue.

“Oh, fuck Luther that’s good,” she said, “so good.” Resting her legs now on his shoulders. His hands began to squeeze her tits again, as his tongue brought her pussy alive. She rested back against the cabinet as Luther mouth worked on her slit. Heat coursed through her body and she began to quietly moan. A finger was placed on her lips by Luther, telling her to be silent. Of course, Jackson was on the phone she thought. Luther’s mouth continued to drive her crazy, her excitement raised by the fact that she had to be quiet now as well.

For a moment Luther paused, moving his head back and pushing her legs even wider, so he had a full view of her pussy. Beth looked down and then at him loving the way he seemed to be admiring her body. His fingers gently raked the inside of her thighs and when in desperation she tried to reach forward to grab his head he firmly pushed her hands away. Another one who likes to be in control she thought. And then he resumed giving her oral love, harder this time and in response she tried to pull his hair and be rough back, but like Jackson anything she did seemed to have no impact on him.

And then she lost control, her body twisting and bucking as an orgasm built suddenly and then burst, sending heat and pleasure coursing through her body.

“Oh shit,” she said. Shocked but delighted, another man other than Jackson could make her come so hard and amazingly quickly. But she had no time to rest, Luther’s strong hand around the back of her head was pulling her off the shelf. Out of the corner of her eye she could see Jackson had come back into the room.

“Get on your fucking knees,” Jackson said, marching across the room. As he retook control a thrill went through Beth. But there was time for a standing kiss and for Luther to take Beth’s hand and press it against the bulge in his trousers. He was huge too! Jackson still behind her forced her down to her knees. As Luther pulled his dick from out of his trousers. Beth sat and watched, mouth open in amazement. She tried to ignore the thoughts whirling through her mind. What would happen now both men were back in the room? The thought disappeared from her mind as she reached forward with her hand and grabbed Luther’s dick with her hand.

“Fuck another enormous snake,” she whispered as though to herself. Jackson was right beside her now and he stroked her back for a moment, which caused her to pause and to look back at him.

“That’s right baby, stroke it,” said Luther, looking down at her with a smile. She looked up as her hand continued to run up and down the length of the shaft. Beth reached slowly forward and gave the huge bulbous head a tentative kiss. “Oh yes, I fucking like that,” said Luther immediately. Beth gave a little laugh and after a few more strokes with her hand she kissed the tip again, this time making a smacking sound.“

Then she slipped Luther’s dick into her mouth. Her eyes fixed on him, as her head bobbed back and forth, causing him to take a deep intake of air. As she sucked, she heard the sound of a zipper being opened and the jingle of trousers being undone. Her hand almost without thinking reached out and found Jackson’s cock. She stroked it as she continued to suck Luther’s. “Is that good boys?” She asked. Luther looked at Jackson and his look said, you are right she is good at this. She had only sucked for a little while on Luther’s cock though before he told her to get up, which she did.

Beth looked around nervously wondering what was going to happen and then she let out a loud gasp. Jackson was still right behind her, and with a sharp tug he ripped her dress open, tossing it away. More clothes ruined she thought and an expensive one at that.

But the idea drifted from her mind as Luther kissed her. And then Jackson was pressing against her shoulder, so she put an arm round his neck and kissed him too. “I have never been with two guys before,” she said. But then she had not done much of anything before Jackson had arrived on the scene. “Thank you for looking after my brother,” she said to Luther. “I will try to show you how grateful I…. Oh.” She gasped mid-sentence. Jackson had lifted her into the air and at the same time Luther had grabbed her legs. Another “oh” came from Beth’s lips as Luther placed her legs on his shoulders. One on either side of his head. And then his lips met her pussy. “Ohhhhhh,” she wailed, throwing her head back onto Jackson’s shoulder. She felt Luther’s firm hand on her ass, as he held her in the air. Jackson’s hands were covering her tits and she placed hers over the top of his.

“Oh my god,” she said, hanging there helplessly in the air and breathing deeply. She began to writhe in ecstasy. Once again she was unable to control what was happening to her, but she was loving it. Luther’s tongue delivered waves of pleasure throughout her body, as Jackson stroked her body, enhancing the sensations to a higher level. Fuck this was amazing, and Jackson had surprised her once again. She had hoped that there would be more spanking but being held helplessly in the air while two men did to her whatever they wanted was pretty incredible too. She writhed in delight, secure in the strength of the two men and that they could hold her, however much she twisted and turned.

“Do you like this?” Asked Jackson

“I do boss,” whispered Beth. “It feels so good.” The waves of pleasure came sporadically, making her twitch and writhe. Luther’s tongue had a different effect on her than Jackson’s but fuck it was still so good. Then she began to chant, “oh my god,” as she came close to the edge and then crashed over it. Her orgasm making her buck in their arms as it exploded inside her. They put her back onto her feet gently and she swayed slightly. “Wooo,” she said, falling into their arms and kissing them one by one before dropping to her knees.

In front of her face was Jackson’s cock so she slipped her lips over it, looking and smiling at Luther as she did, before switching her attention to his dick. Hand and mouth worked both cocks as she moved from one to another. All the time Beth made little noises of delight watching closely the men’s reaction to what she was doing. Occasionally one would use his hands to guide her onto his cock or maybe the other ones. The men controlling her in this way delighted her, loving the feeling of their firm grip on her head, delighting in the domination the men exercised, making her do whatever they wanted her to. Then she was lifted to her feet again, and after each man had kissed her, she was lifted into the air by Luther. These guys were so strong.

She jumped up eagerly into his arms, as confident in her new lover’s strength as she was in the old. She wrapped her legs tightly around Luther. He carried her to the bedroom which had contained her dress. She was laid down on her back. Jackson immediately joined them by moving onto the mattress beside her.

“Fuck me,” she said to Luther. “I want you inside me.” But her attention was distracted by Jackson’s cock in front of her face. Her left hand grasped his dick and she began to stroke it, while the right one took Luther’s cock and rubbed it against her clit. Luther watching her, had grabbed both her ankles, holding one leg in the air and the other to the side. Breathing hard from the sensations of Luther’s rock-hard cock against her clit, she slowly turned her head and sucked Jackson’s rod. She felt Luther’s dick slip from her grasp and then it slipped inside her with an ease that amazed her.

She loved being able to excite both men at once.

“I am so fucking wet,” she thought but out loud all she could say was “Oh god,” as waves of pleasure hit her. This was not like the fast screws that Jackson gave her, but a slow deep fuck that awakened the deepest depths of her body. She lifted her head and watched Luther, his face a picture of concentration as he rolled his hips, very carefully pushing his dick completely inside her. Periodically she would remember to suck Jackson’s cock, but being screwed this way was a little overwhelming, and sometimes all Beth could do was lay there and moan. To her surprise she found Jackson gentle and understanding, he would stroke her hair and tell her she was doing very well. Only once or twice did he push her head onto his dick, and even then it seemed to be more offering guidance than force.

For a long while they screwed like that. In the end Jackson held his dick and fed it into Beth’s open mouth, this seemed to heighten her pleasure even more. Slowly Luther was getting quicker and again Beth knew she was close to coming.

“Oh fuck, oh fuck,” she wailed as Luther screwed her and Jackson caressed her tits. He watched as beneath him Beth came for the third time with a long quiet moan. They gave her only a moment, with Jackson almost lovingly stroking her hair before Luther flipped her over. She was now on her front.

Four hands hauled her up onto all fours and she watched as Jackson moved her hair out of the way and offered his cock to her mouth. For a moment she turned away, looking back at Luther, who was seemingly planning to enter her from behind. She turned back again and took the cock that Jackson was holding ready for her into her mouth. At the same time, she pushed her ass backwards against Luther’s cock which was now inside her.

And then as Luther’s hips started to thrust Beth began to moan again. Her moans muffled by her mouth being full of Jackson’s dick. To catch her breath, she grabbed it and removed it from her mouth. She took a lungful of air, the deepest she could and then resumed blowing him. And then Jackson took over again and began to feed it to her. Putting it in, and removing it, so she could breath, and then repeating the process. Luther started to go faster, and all Beth could do was cry out and hold Jackson cock in her hand.

“Oh fuck, oh fuck,” she wailed, as she was screwed from behind. And then suddenly Luther withdrew, slapping her on the ass as he did. “Wooooo,” wailed Beth but the sound died on her lips as Jackson lifted her bodily and turned her around. She was manhandled into the opposite position. Jackson fucking her and Luther’s cock in position for her to blow him. And then the slapping restarted. Jackson slapping her every few fucks, making Beth wail in delight. But God it felt good. What was also pretty good was the way Luther was gripping her head and making her suck him exactly how he liked it.

It was hard to speak with all that going on, but she managed several times to beg Jackson to slap her. Calling him boss each time, and then crying with pleasure as his hand spanked her ass.

Suddenly Jackson’s hand cupped her breasts and then he lifted her up, so her head was now beside his. He kissed her and then turned her again, manhandling her onto her back and forcing her to place her feet on his shoulders. Before she could even get comfortable Jackson was inside her again and now he was pummelling her. This position meant his cock was the deepest it had ever been inside her. All she could do was cry out in pleasure.

“Oh fuck,” yelled Beth loud and intensely. Her hand found Luther’s dick. “Oh my god,’ she cried, as all she could do is hold it. The bed began to rock as Jackson fucked her as hard and fast as he could. He pounded her to another orgasm, which hit so hard and fast it came from nowhere. She rested but after for only a few moments. All she wanted was more. Beth asked Luther breathlessly if she could ride him. He told Jackson that he was right she was good. Once more they moved round into a different position.

Luther lay down, sliding up to the top of the bed as Beth climbed across him. She easily slipped him inside her and began to rock up and down, his hands resting gently on her hips. She leaned across Luther, so she could take Jackson dick in her mouth. Luther’s hips rocked, driving Beth back to the heights of ecstasy, and she struggled to do a good job blowing Jackson. Her cries now so loud that they could be heard outside the hotel room.

“You like that huh?” Asked Jackson lifting Beth’s head, so she looked at him.

“Fuck me in your arms.” She said, remembering suddenly how much she liked that. And he did. Lifting her effortlessly off Luther and into his arms. She squealed and wrapped her legs around his ass as he switched hold and with no effort at all he was inside her again. He made her lean back a little and then he began to screw her, moving her faster than either time before.

“Oh shit, oh fuck,” she wailed. Their bodies began to make a slapping sound as he screwed her. “Oh, fuck this is so good,” she moaned and then she kissed him. And then he dropped her, forcing her to his knees. Almost immediately he cream pie’ed over her face with a loud long groan. Then her face was turned to Luther. She blew him, loving the way he struggled not to lose control but knowing this was a game she would win. As he came he made loud blowing noises, delivering in three spurts an impressive amount of come all over her tits.

Her two controllers had the final victory just as they all wanted. They made her very diligently lick their cocks clean before they relented to her pleas and allowed her to take the shower that she craved. As the hot water revived slightly her tired body and brain she wondered if Jackson had any more surprises in mind for her, she hoped so.
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