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Michelle is a middle age women happily married to Steve who is couple of years younger than her. Michelle's horror dream turns their life in to fantasy come true.
Six months before one stormy night, I was woken up by my wife’s cry and pleading in sleep to let go of me and she is willing to do anything in return. She was shaking in horror and crying. I shook her up from her horror dream;

She woke up to see me starring at her. She held me tight for a while and let go of me. She sat up and took water from her bedside table and drank quietly without showing any sign of panic.

I asked her if she wants to talk about it. She quietly said “not now” and went back to sleep. I know that she will talk about it when she is ready. So I decided to get back to my sleep. As soon as I lay down, she turned around and placed one leg and hand on my body, held tight and slept like baby.

Morning came and as usual we got up early (just before sunrise) and performed our routine yoga and meditation, had our detox routine. While she was sitting on the sofa with closed eyes, I lay down with my head on her lap. She was gently caressing my head with her soft fingers, which made me feel very soothing. My face was facing her belly button and gently kissing and licking as I was pushing her active wear pant down to get to her velvet love island. She gently turned my face up and held my lips together with her fingers and smiled. That smile was not my wife’s natural one so I got the message that she is still not back on her own self. Then she lifted my head and placed it on sofa and got up to go to washroom. I lay there for 30 to 40 minutes before got a gentle shake to see that Michelle is ready for work and asked me to go and get ready so she can get our breakfast ready.

We both had berry shake with soy. She had her usual work cloths Black short skirt, white shirt, black overcoat and teal colour neck scarf. Skirt had slit at the back. She had black panty hose up to her knees and high heel slide in shoes. She works as business analyst in a MNC. She is in her mid forties and couple of years older than me and we are empty nesters. I work as engineer in a mining company. I have to wear pant, full sleeve shirt, tie and coat while at the office and for site visit, Blue/Orange overall with steel boots and helmet.

Our offices are just km apart from each other so we take train to city and from there walk to our offices. For lunch we catch up and again evening we meet up and come together home. The day’s that we miss each other are the days when I have to undertake site visit and some days it can be few days of missing each other. Even then we catch up twice a day in the mornings and late evenings to have long chat before we fall asleep.

Evening came, we were home by 6 and opened a red bottle and gave Michelle a glass and settled next to her and start sipping my wine. Still she was very quiet and half way through her drink, she got up to change in to her night wear. By the time she came with her night clothes, I got some cheese and spicy olives ready to nibble along with drinks. Then I went and changed in to pyjamas and came and sat next to her. I flicked through few TV channels and nothing was interesting so passed on the remote to Michelle. She didn’t show any interest so I switched off TV. I filled both our glasses few times and after few glasses it made some difference in our silence.

I just casually asked Michelle, if she likes to talk about mid night horror. She looked in to my eyes intently, got up and sat on my lap and started kissing me all around my face and I could feel hot drops of her tears flowing through. We hugged each other and kissed for a while and then she moved and sat next to me. She looked down and said

Steve, “I got raped by few thugs while we were on our holiday trip”.

I asked, if we know any of those people. She shook her head to say no.

Do you remember where we were? Or any place that we had been to? She said, not that she can think of.

Did anyone was hurt?

They tied you down and bashed you and raped me in front of you. As she said she started crying and sobbing uncontrollably.

I held her close to my chest and started speaking to her in gentle voice, Michelle, it is just a dream and it happens to everyone. We both are ok and that is the most important thing. I understand that it is horrible feeling but you are very brave person and if you feel this way, just imagine how it will be if I had the same. Will you feel alright if we talk this through and get it out of our way.

She shook her head to say it is ok with her. She held my hand and led me to bed. We lay there with Michelle’s head on my chest and her one leg on top of my lower belly and hanging between my legs and hugging me with one hand across my chest and fingers playing with my hairy chest.

For some reason, her eye wasn’t making any contact with my eyes. She was wearing thin loose sleeveless short cotton night dress and I can feel her nipples in to my skin. She is only 5 4” and bit of weighty side around 140lbs but proportionately spread around from broad shoulder to hip with solid thighs and legs with small tummy too. She is shot put school champion.

I just weigh 150lbs but close to 6 foot and more of skinny side. Sometimes we get in to tussle and she can hold me down quite easily and only way to get out of her is to poke my way through. She will complain that I am full of bones and it is not fair to use it to overpower her.

Just break the ice, I asked her if she had any chance to talk through this with any of her work colleagues or her sister. She doesn’t want any one apart from both of us to know about this.

I promised her that it will stay between us. She hopped up and kissed my lips and went back to where she was.

I never seen her so dull as she bosses me around all the time so that she can get everything done by me at home with her only tool that she can use very effectively on me. But it is fair to say that she knows exactly what I want or to say my weakness and she always made sure that I am fully satisfied both emotionally and physically and never used that as blackmail tool. We both understand so well our emotional and physical needs of each other.

She is not forthcoming so I had no choice but to dig it out of her.

Where were we?

She said, I don’t know. It was mountainous area and we reached their late afternoon, checked in and decided to drive around and check out the neighbourhood. It is summer evening and we were driving around the hills not knowing where we are heading to. After an hour’s drive we reached a point there was very few or no traffic at all. Only thing she can think of is that one large UTE she has seen the same vehicle couple of times again and again. It was getting late evening and wants to get back to hotel but SATNAV is not really very effective. It is on and off and taking much more time than expected to give us some indication about our whereabouts. It appears that I decided to pull over in to some drive way and check out our whereabouts and then make informed decision on getting back to hotel. Satnav was thinking bit longer than expected when she saw that the same large UTE pulling behind us. She felt bit nervous as there is no way we can go without these guys reversing their vehicle. So she felt trapped. There was no sign of any life in that house either to seek out help.

I was watching through side and back mirror to see if anyone is getting out of the UTE. After a pause, passenger side of the UTE door opens and can see a white male getting out. He had brown short trouser hanging on his waist as if it is ready to fall off, no shirt and distinct dark tattoo on his both hands. He had long blonde hair and dark grey baseball hat with some club logo on it. He had a chat with someone at the back seat of the UTE for couple of minutes before slowly moving towards our car. That said there must be at least 3 or more people in the UTE. I can see a black male in the driver seat. But visibility wasn’t clear about back seat passengers. There was roughly 50 yards between vehicles and another 50 yards between us and the house. It appears that the house may be of 2 stories. Top level is drive way level and back yard is sloping from side of the house to basement level.

No lights anywhere around. Not many properties in sight either. There was some signage on the front of the property but it was hidden in the bushes. Signage on the front door is too far away to be able to read. We locked our car doors and Steve kept his side of the window slightly open so he can speak to the guy who is approaching his side of the car. I pretended to be sleeping but my heart was beating like it is going to tear out of my body.

I can hear his voice and appears to be that he is not that old after all. He was asking Steve, if we have lost our way. Steve said it is alright we are about to turn back and get back to town, if he can move his UTE.

He offered to drive us to town. Steve said they are ok to get back on their own as their satnav is back on track. He asked if we are visiting anyone in this place. Steve said yes and they are expecting us any time soon.

That guy said that property has no one in it as it is bank foreclosed property. So we got the message that they are locals and aware of our predicament. He asked Steve to get out and meet his friend so that they can explain the landmarks to get back to town.

Steve woke me up and asked if he can go and get some help about getting back to town from the people at the back UTE. I just pretended to be getting up from my sleep and asked Steve where we are. Other guy intervened and said that we are way out of town and can take another 45 minutes to get back and roads are not that friendly to be able to follow through easily. He offered to help us to get back on right track to get back to town.

I told Steve in loud voice so other guy can also get the message that I am feeling very sick and need to get back to town as soon as practically possible.

I asked that young guy if they can lead us so we can follow their UTE and get back to nearest chemist.

He said that he will ask his friends and be back.

We were watching through our mirrors to see if they are starting their UTE. We were very nervous and I told Steve not to get out of the car at any cost. We both were checking our cell phones to see if there is any signal but our bad luck was laughing at us.

After few minutes, we saw through our horrified eyes that 3 people getting out of the UTE. 2 black males from the back of the UTE and the same white male guy from the front passenger side. Black male driver was left in the UTE.

Those 2 Black male guys also had short trouser and no shirt on them. They had short hair and baseball hat with the same logo like in the hat of white male. But these 2 guys are much bigger guys than white male. They all appeared to be in their early 20’s and more like feral.

One of the black guy asked Steve to get out of the car. Steve looked at me and I told him that we both get out. That guy got annoyed that we are delaying so banged on the door and yelled at Steve to get out of the Car. He had rapper style slang in his talk. Slowly Steve got out and I also got out at the passenger side. As soon as Steve got out, he was put under choke lock and was held tight by one of the guy while other guy checked him out from neck down till his ankle and asked Steve to lift his leg one at a time so he can remove his shoes and check and make sure there is nothing underneath.

I could see Steve was struggling to breathe. As the guy got up after checking everything, he swiped Steve’s face with his knuckles. I ran around and yelling and crying and got in between Steve and the guy trying to punch him. He was raged with my interruptions and pulled my low neck short dress to get me close to him and swung me around and held my tight with one hand around my belly. By doing that he tore my dress. One breast was exposed for all to see and other breast was partially visible. My breasts are 32D but very firm and nipples are dark and slightly bigger than normal as Steve sucks them at least twice a day.

I had worn a beautiful low neck summer cotton strap on short red dress more like frock with no bra as the dress had padded cups to give lift to my breast. He literally lifted me up and sat me on his one of the leg that he put forward. So I am sitting on his leg and my both legs hanging either side of his leg (lucky it was frilled cotton frock) and his hand was tightly holding my belly close to his hip. My hands also got caught up in his hold. I started crying and begging them to let Steve go and I am happy to oblige whatever they want.

Steve, trying to get up by saying lucky I woke you up of this horrible dream. Let us not even try to dream any more of it.

I pushed him down and looked very sternly in to his eyes and said just lay there. It is not over. After I went back to sleep again it started to reappear. Do you want full story or not?

He just readjusted his position a bit as I was partly holding him down, he couldn’t adjust a lot. Then he asked me if it is any more of horror in it as he is not really comfortable to go through the lot.

Are you serious? You are just hearing the story and feeling uneasy. Can you imagine what I have gone through dreaming this horrible thing.

Can I ask you something?

Yes please.

Please don’t get angry with me, promise?

Of course, not!

Do you dream a lot about sexual fantasies?

Why do you ask that?

Unless it is in your subconscious on regular basis, it is not going to appear as dream.

I screamed like hell with pain of my nipple getting pinched so hard and twisting them so bad to make it real hell of pain.

I pulled Michelle’s hand from my nipple and looked in to her eyes with horror. She starred back at me and asked, Now do you want the rest of the story or not?

In pain, I looked in to her eyes with horror and slowly withdrew my eye contact and told her to continue with the story. She looked at me and sternly warned that no more rascal behaviour got it.

I said yes sweetie. Sorry I didn’t mean to be rude. It is just - I was about to say that it is science of dream; she put her finger on my lips and shut me up.

2 black guys holding each one of us under lock and we both are facing each other and I can see Steve is almost out of breathe. I am pleading to them to release Steve’s choke lock so he can at least breathe. The guy bends over to my ears and in very low but stern and threatening tone says that there is no one around for miles and there is no use in trying to resist. We are all going inside the house and going to have good time. If everything goes well then we all can go back to our normal life once it is all over. If any one of us tries to be smart then we both will be left to rot with no chance of seeing day light ever. Do you understand what I said? I shook my head in horror.

I could see that Steve’s eyes were slowly opening and his choke lock has been relaxed but still he was held with his both hands folded at the back.

Steve was pushed in to walking towards the house. He turned to look at my direction but was forced to move with force and knock on his head. Now I saw the driver of the UTE getting out of the vehicle and walking towards me. He is tall, may be around 6 4” and broad shoulder. He had sleeveless T shirt. He had short trouser hanging on his hip and Nike footwear. He also had the same logo baseball hat.

Now myself, the guy holding me and the driver only left outside of the house. Other 2 guys have taken Steve to inside the house. I could hear them breaking open a glass and trying to open the main door.

Driver guy came close to me and he appears to be the oldest among them. He may be in his late twenties or early thirties while all other 3 of them appear to be in early twenties. His way of look and act shows he must be the ring leader for this gang.

He lifted my chin and looked in to my eyes and asked, if I am going to be behaving alright. I just closed my eyes and bit my lips to fight back my fear but unable to. Few drops of tears flowed down in to his hand. This time he squeezed my chin and in pain I opened my eyes and looked in to his eyes with horror. This instance his voice was bit more stern and threatening.

Hi Babe, let me tell you, we are here to have good time. Just think of being in a sex club and be with us right through. We get what we want, if you resist, it is painful for you, if you want to enjoy, we can make as much as pleasure for you. If you want to keep your husband away from all this, we can keep him away. What do you say?

I tell him to relax my chin as it is painful. He takes his hands off my chin.

I tell him that I want to be with my husband.

What have you got in your car?

Nothing much man, just our personal belongings. I am trying to connect with their language but it was very obvious that I am trying to put on a show.

He signalled his other companion to relax my hold and go and check the car thoroughly. He instructed him to not to touch any personal belongings including cards, just to bring liquor, food and water if any.

Guy drops me off from his leg and relaxes my hold as I stretch and try to cover my breast with torn frock.

He pushes my hands off the skirt and just bounces my breast with his hand and comments about it’s firm and beautiful appearence. I am trying to hide my blush but couldn’t wipe off face turning red. His hands are cupping my breasts with nipple caught between his thumb and index fingers. His hands are so big and my breast fits in completely with in his palms and makes it look like perky but I know that it is bigger than perky. His palm skin is very rough and senses like leather. Even though my nipples are bigger but it is completely hidden within his fingers and no trace of it visible at all. As he keeps starring in to my eyes, gently massages my breast that squeezes and pinches my nipple. I gently bite my lips and close my eyes with a tingling feeling under my lower belly. It is a sort of pleasure with gentle pain.

What is your name babe? His voice woke me up and made me look in to his eyes as he was playing with my breast with a gentle smile in his face. His lips were big and hanging out like some sort of cosmetic surgery went wrong.

In a very low moan, I blurt out “Michelle”

By now the other guy got hold of my six pack vodka with strawberry mixed drinks, 2 bottles of Steve’s scotch, 6 pack 1 litre water bottles and a box full of snacks.

Wow that is a lot. You guys are well prepared for a night out. He lets go off my breast and opens scotch bottle and takes a big gulp straight from the bottle and hands the bottle to other guy to take a gulp. He tries to lick around his lips and his tongue was red and long. I was surprised to see that he can touch his chin with his tongue. Amazing this guy is.

He opens one of the vodka mix and hands it over to me. I say not now. He puts the sprout in to my mouth and commands me to drink it.

I am not used to gulping my drink. I always sip my drink slow and for long time so it doesn’t hit me. As he started starring at me, I had no choice but to drink it as quick as possible. My eyes started watering and I burst out of cough. I could feel in matter of minutes that I am drunk.

They both laughed at me.

As he was laughing, he pulled me towards him and with one hand on my bum lifted me up, I had no other option but to jump and grab back of his neck with both my hands and legs wrapped around his stomach. To be precise top of his stomach as he is quite tall compare to me. Now I am face to face with him. One of his hand his holding back of my head and palm of other hand is under my bum with two of those fingers are placed right in my cracks and almost touching my pussy lips. My frilled dress was on his hand so his palms are straight on my underwear. I felt really awkward as my underwear is already wet with leaking pussy juices. My eyes were looking down when he surprisingly thrust his lips in to my lips and thrust my head in to his. I had no power to resist as his tongue was right in to my mouth while his big luscious lips were sucking breath out of my body, while his fingers were pressed and trying to open up my pussy lips. Without my own consciousness, my lips were already engaged with his lips and my eyes closed and now my hands pressed his head and neck closer to mine, my breasts pressed in to his chest and my legs wrapped tight and digging in to his back and trying to get my body disappear in to his. I was fully lost in to him.

After few minutes he relaxed his grip on me as I gathered my composure and we both realised other guy was looking at us intently.

With his stern voice, he ordered other guy to move everything in. That guy placed all of those bottles in the snacks box and carried on his shoulder to the house.

This guy carried me as I was hanging on his neck. As he walked, I rested my face on his shoulder like a baby and held on to him tight.

As he walked in as last person in to the house, he slammed shut the main door and bolted it up and down from inside so no one can get through from outside. It was dark all around but there was trace of light from basement came through the stairs. The stairs were just few yards from the main door. He placed one of his hands on the rails and traced through carefully each step until it became bit bright and led us to main big open area. This place looked like party area with open big area, one side kitchen and bench top, other side had solid timber dining table with 7 chairs.

As he dropped me down, my eyes started tracing for Steve. The entire room had only one light and also it looks like it has been connected from some other room with long cord. The light was hanging closer to dining table and those 2 guys were sitting on chair expecting us anytime. The guy who carried the snack box went and placed the box on top of the dining table and sat on one of the chair close to other 2 guys.

As my eyes got used to the darkness in the room, I spotted Steve who was sitting on a chair closer to kitchen side. Quickly my instinct was to run to Steve, but sharp pain made me step back. Driver guy pulled my hair and dragged me to a chair near the dining table and pushed me in to sitting on it. As usual with his rough tone, he warned me for trying to be smart. I was told until he lets me, I can’t approach Steve or for that matter any one. With my gentle side view I could gather that Steve’s legs are tied in to chair’s legs.

Driver guy ordered one of the other guy to let Steve’s one hand to be freed but restrain his upper body to the chair so he can’t reach knot at the back of the chair. He also told him not to relax his legs and let it be restrained.

Guy came back and told him that Steve wants to access bathroom. Driver ordered 2 guys to take Steve to washroom and bring him back but keep the door open all the time. As soon as Steve came back from washroom, I noticed him getting restrained at the same corner and on the same chair but leaving only one hand free.

He also ordered one of the guys to take scotch to Steve and let him have couple of gulps of it and some water and a packet of chips.

As soon as he finished feeding Steve, he joined us with drinks and snacks. I was ordered to drink 2 more bottles but not forced to gulp so I started drinking to avoid forced upon me. I was also given a chips packet. Driver guy kept the bottle that he used for himself, and let the other bottle be shared among 3 guys and Steve.

I am on my third bottle of vodka mix and can feel my eyes getting bit blurred. Driver guy is down to half a bottle and very steady in his chat and actions. Other guys are down to 2/3 of that bottle and started blurting out a bit. They took drinks twice to Steve and made him take couple gulps. Steve can see us much better than we can see him from here as he is placed in dim part of the room while we are sitting right under the light.

Driver guy put his hand towards me and I extended my hand as he pulled me and made me sit on his lap. He ordered the guys to leave the drink bottles on the cupboard which was closer to dining table. As they were chatting and joking about some chick they had sometime before by dragging white guy for not able to keep up to other guys. Driver guy was gently twitching my nipples with one hand and was rubbing my thighs with other hand and joking and chatting with other 3 guys who were sitting other side of the table. Our chair was placed in a way Steve can watch whatever he is doing to me.

Slowly one of his hand got in to my pussy lips by pushing aside my underwear one side. He started gently pinching my clit with 2 of his fingers. My clit is slightly bigger so it can be easily held with 2 fingers but it throws me off very quickly as it is too sensitive for me. I can feel that I am losing control so distract him from pinching my clit, I gently rub on his bulge. As I can feel, I am getting to know the length of it. It is folded and left at the side of his thighs. As I stir him up. He looks at me makes a big laugh saying to other guys that I am ready for his magic wand.

He pushes me on my feet and gets up and makes me sit on the chair. He orders me to take my dress off. So I do. Now I can see Steve looking at me intently. I don’t want to make it very obvious so I decided to ignore him and sit on the chair. He bends over and pulls my underwear away and throws towards Steve.

Now I can feel that the alcohol effect in on every one. White guy is flat out on his chair and snoring. Other two guys are out of their shorts and sitting and gently stroking on to their dicks as they peeping in to my naked body. Since they are other side of the table, it is difficult to assess their size or condition.

Driver guy pulls his shorts and underwear out and his mammoth member springs out like a snake. His member looks like at least 10 inches long and 2 to 3 inches thick. Steve’s cock is 7 to 8 inches but only an inch and half thick. By looking at it, it scares me a lot. Sidewise I can see Steve’s mouth is wide open. He holds his dick and smears the front edge to my lips and my nose and eyes. I am trying to move my face to avoid his teasing.

He places one of his hands at back of my head and places his member’s tip in to my lips and tries to push it through by parting my lips. I place both my hands on his member and try to feel the size by moving up and down and also feel the stiffness while gently stroking it. He is trying to move my head in a way so my lips are close to the tip. I don’t want any more tussle with him as he can get nasty and can make life miserable so I opened my lips and gently cup the tip of his cock. It is uncut cock so I pull the skin with my hand and get the tip to my lips and gently push it slowly in to my mouth. He is quite happy with that as I can see his eyes closing for a moment. I am trying to turn my head as I start sucking the edge of his cock to see Steve’s reaction and his action says thousand words. He is dumb stuck and his mouth open and gapping at the scene in front of him.

I made up my mind to get this sorted as safe as possible for both of us to get out of this as soon as practically possible. I understand everyone is drunk and anything can turn around in to nasty situation if I don’t play my cards right. I decided to get as much as I can give in to these guys.

I am in full swing sucking his cock as much I can take it in. His hands are gently trying to coax me in to take as deep as in to his member. His hips are moving in to fucking my mouth but my both hands are holding his member to control the thrust. I am slowly lifting my head to see his facial reaction and his eyes are closed and he is enjoying the slow rhythm of my mouth going in and out on his member. My lips are very gentle on him keeping the suction so he feels like his member is in real pussy. I move one of my hands in to his ball sacks and gently massaging as I keep the rhythm going on his dick. His sacks are getting bit tight. His mouth started making moaning noises.

He started blurting out my name and few rhyming words

Michelle, so good, please keep me going, please don’t leave me. Babe, you are so good, I am almost there please don’t leave me, suck me fast, suck me tight.

Even though his eyes are closed and his mouth his blurting out moans after moans, subconsciously his hand removes my hand from his dick and now his both hands holding back of my head securely and his hips are moving faster in and out of my mouth. Luckily he is not trying to push any more of his dick in to my mouth than the rhythm that I set it up with my hands as barrier.

Now my other hand is free, so I am holding each ball sack in one of my each hand and gently massaging and squeezing so he can enjoy the most. His balls are getting hard and dick his getting stiff and his hand started pushing my head bit more closely to his hip. I also made my lips hold on his dick bit tighter.

His hips started jumping and moving little bit sidewise and his blurting got louder and he went bonkers with spasm as load after load he pumped in to my mouth. I kept squeezing his balls until last drop was out of his sprout. He gently collapsed on my head and on to chair’s tall head. His cum went through my mouth but as it came I made sure that it went through side and came out through the side of my mouth on to my body.

After a while he straightened up and went lay down on top of dining table. As soon as he got out, two of those sidekicks jumped up and ran to me with their stiffened dicks in their hand. I smiled at them and they in turn smiled at me and I gently started stroking their dicks one in each hand. They did have decent size dicks. One of them had thicker than the driver but just 6 inch long and other one had very similar to Steve size but black. Thick guy had cut cock so the tip was like big wild mushroom. I don’t know if he can hold on to any girl friend for too long as it won’t get in to right place to make them get stimulated except make them feel painful. I don’t know how it will feel as I never came across with that size and shape.

As I was stroking them, I just turned my head towards Steve and he made sign for water. I asked one of the guys to give some water to Steve. He called out to white guy who woke up to see these guys playing with me. So he jumped on his feet. Guys asked him to take water to Steve. He obliged. As soon as he finished that, he pulled his pant down and came by stroking his limp dick to me. He had very average size, smaller than Steve’s dick. Steve has been soaking up all the fun that was going on in that room. I got all three to a level of stiffness and started sucking one at a time while stroking the other two in each hand. Within matter of few minutes I got all their sacks empty. Thick cock guy took bit longer than other two guys to empty his sack. And also his load was enormous. Once he finished cumming. I ran to washroom to clean myself up and came and sat on my chair with my skirt just placed on my lap to cover my crotch.

I asked for a drink and a packet of chips and also ordered white guy to give Steve a gulp of drink and packet of chips for which he obliged. Since ring leader is on my pinky, time to take control of the situation.

I know that it must be past midnight by now as everyone was feeling sleepy and one by one they all got knocked off in their chair. I can see Steve and he is not in the mood of sleeping. I felt very tired but the situation made me not to doze off. It is almost more than couple of hours since driver dozed off and now I can see him slowly stifling and trying to sit up. He got up and saw me sitting in my chair and starring at him. He threw at me very faded smile and went to wash room. When he came back, he appeared fresh and came with his bottle and sat next to my chair by taking few quick gulps of the same. He probably got it bit too much too fast, as he started coughing and tried to get it settle.

He went and got a pack of chips and a drink for me. This is my fifth and only one more left to consume. I started drinking as he doesn’t like me sipping and I am not in mood to provoke him either.

Hi babe, Can you take this drink and chips to your husband. He passed on his bottle to me and the left over chips that he was eating. There was bit more than half in it. I tried to put my dress back, he pulled it off me and threw it on the dining table and gave me a very stern look.

I took the scotch bottle in one hand and chips pack in the other and started walking towards Steve. I could feel someone eyes piercing through my ass. I know that he wants to see my dancing ass as I walk. My ass is slightly round and big but very firm. As I deliberately made a slow and teasing walk, I didn’t realise that he could be so quick and jumped at back of me and smacked at my ass as if it was some kind of fun. In pain, I made a screeching noise and my back arched in reflex to avoid any further harsh smack. It was stinging and I turned and tried to look to see if any finger marks on it. It was dark to notice any. I quickly walked to Steve and in frustration of what is transpiring in front of him made him to quickly gulp the whole lot and stuffed few of the chips to get over the feel of it. I tossed the bottle around and picked a glass and filled with tap water from the kitchen and made him cool his temper. I just murmured to him, take it is and I will get you out as soon as I can. He looked in to my eyes and can see that his eyes are glistening with tears. He managed to get it under control.

As I turned to walk back to dining table area, glanced at driver guy who was standing near the kitchen table. He put his hand and pulled me in to his hold. As he held me close to him, I was only reaching to his chest. He had his hand on my ass making circle on its firm cheeks with his finger while trying to reach my lips to kiss. After a forced kiss, he tried to lift me with a hand under my ass and one on my back. I jumped and chained on to his back neck with my both hands and wrapped my both legs around his waist. He started kissing me again as we were just meter away from Steve. It was very awkward situation for me as I would have preferred closer to dining table as it was few meters away from Steve. I had no say so went with whatever was unfolding. He laid me on top of the kitchen table. Now I understand why he wanted on this table as it is bit high compare to dining table so for his height, this table can be more comfortable. And also he wants Steve to see in closer look of how he intends to fuck me.

As I lay on the table, he first went to my breasts, sucking one after another and massaging with his hands while sucking and all sorts of ways that he can have a with my breasts. I was biting my lips gently with closed eyes and savouring his beautiful big luscious lips sucking it and his teeth gently pulling my nipples and playing with it. Even though I felt bit of pain but it gave me so much pleasure in what he was doing with my breast, I never felt this good in my life ever. After a while of playing with my breasts, he started kissing and licking his way through to my velvet love island.

All these foreplay made my pussy soaking wet and it was dripping through my cracks. It is bit of puffy shape as my pussy lips are bit fat puffy. I also had a trimmed natural hair on top of my clit in triangle shape and all around it is silky and velvety with Steve’s regular maintenance job.

As he went down, he held one pussy lips with thumb and other with his index finger and gently parted it and took a swipe with his long and hot tongue from right down to tip of my clit. That sent me shivering and shaking my whole body. He got the message of my G spot so positioned himself to tease me. His right hand was cupping my left breast with nipples tucked between fingers, his left hand fingers holding my pussy lips parted, he started swiping me with his long and hot tongue from down to top in a very slow manner and in between now and then he held my swollen clits with his luscious lips and pulled them and teased me until he felt my body getting bit tensed. I was moaning and blurting like hell and pleading him not to let go. He sensed that I am at the verge of exploding in orgasm so he started swiping me faster and faster until I held side of his head with my thighs and his hair with my hands to pull him off and closing my velvet love island entrance. My hips were jumping up and down and side to side very violently. My eyes were tearing with pleasure. I couldn’t control my body for a minute or two.

When I got back my composure, he was on his feet and pulled me down to edge of the counter. I signalled for water. He brought me a glass and made me lean on my elbow and drink. As he picked glass from my hand, he pushed me back on my back. He took his half stiff dick and started rubbing up and down on my pussy lips. I can feel all around and under my body it is all wet with my leaking love juices. The way I am on the table, I can see Steve but deliberately avoided making any eye contact with him. Edge of my eyes, I can see that his bulge is trying to burst out of his pant and his mouth is open and he was gapping with disbelief at what is happening on the table.

Driver is trying to get his dick wet with my juices by rubbing in to my pussy from top to bottom and now and then waking my clits with edge of his dick which is now stiff and also wet. After few of minutes of getting himself ready for the main action, he gently probes my velvet island entrance with tip of his dick. He managed to get mushroom tip of his dick in to my pussy hole and started playing by just moving an inch in and out by not taking dick out of my pussy hole. Now he gets his hands around my thighs by holding it close to his ribs and reaching his palms to my breasts and cups them with my tits in between his fingers. Half my ass is hanging out of the tip of the table but my legs are folded and hanging on his hands so I feel reasonably secure under his grip. He is very carefully pushing his dick in to my pussy hole inch by inch after looking in to my eyes for sort of approval to make sure that I am not in pain. I am literally crying but not in pain. My eyes are intently fixed in to his eyes and in a way it almost expresses a feeling and sign of THANK YOU to him. He got the message that I am enjoying the whole rhythm of his movement. My pussy is filled with my juices and making his dick move very smoothly while at the same time he is massaging breast and gently squeezing nipples. It is a feeling one can’t explain and only can experience.

I can see with horror that Steve got his willy free from his pant with one hand that was left free and stroking as he watches me getting raped by this big beast. Now almost ¾ of his dick is going in and out smoothly and little later I can feel his balls start hitting my cracks gently. He is still being very slow in his actions by taking it all the way fully in and gently banging in to me while also withdrawing all the way up to the tip of his mushroom to the edge of my pussy hole without withdrawing them out. This movement went on for a while to make sure that it is smoothly moving in and out and that I am enjoying the whole action. It went on for a while as I closed my eyes and enjoying quietly with gentle bite on lips. Now I felt his hands been taken of my breast and opened my eyes to look in to his eyes to say everything is ok. Now his hands pushes my thighs sidewise and upwards and holds it down firmly while this opens up and stretches my pussy bit better. He smiles at me and deliberately bangs very hard in couple of quick succession to see my reaction. My body and breasts shook violently. Immediately I reach my breasts and held them close to each other while holding my nipples in squeezing position using my thumb and index fingers of my each hand. Now I secured myself and aware of what is coming next I look in to his eyes and tell him that it is all good.

Now he lifts one of his legs and places on top of the table and positions himself secure to start his thrusts in to my pussy. I closed my eyes to soak up every bit of it. Just imagine that he must be at least 250lbs banging in to half his weight. He picked up the rhythm slowly but violently. I can feel the force of it the way his balls smacking in to my cracks. The noise is getting louder and louder with my love juice flowing as well as the speed of each thrust from this love machine. The feel of it is unbelievable. My body, mind and soul is completely immersed in to oneness. My eyes are closed and tears are flowing in joy and my reflex actions are making lips bitten. I can feel him getting stiffened and his front edge of dick is almost fully wrapped in to my inner hole. My body is getting stiff and I am almost in the verge of losing control. I can hear a voice telling me that it is going to cum and where do I want it. I reply with no knowledge of what it is all about by saying “Deep in to me Please”.

Now his speed is reduced but his mushroom is trying to burst out of my pussy and my body is violently shaking as the feel of hot spray hitting every corner of my inside pussy walls. He is still moving in and out as his sprout his still keeps spitting out hot and thick cream in to my pussy but I can feel it right in to my lower belly. I can also feel the same flowing out and through my cracks down. His leg falls in to ground with thumping noise and his body collapses on me and his hand reaches my hand and tries to look in to my eyes as he gently places his lips in to mine. Now our bodies are intertwined and his member his still inside me. Now my hands are holding his head firmly and we both kiss passionately.

Fe minutes of holding and feeling to each other, he let go of my head and slowly lifts his body and gently withdraws his member, as he does I can feel his hot fluid gushing out of my pussy and flowing through my cracks in to floor. He gives me hand and lifts me as his leg is kept under my ass as support. I slide on his leg and gently he drops me to ground. Once I stabilise on my feet he lets go of my hand. I turn around to see those 3 monkey’s standing with their dirty hand full of cum.

He orders them to pack up. First I was let in to washroom and then one by one they all go in to washroom and come out while I free Steve and take him to washroom. We are not still looking in to each other’s eye for unknown reason. We all walk out of the property and it is still dark. Before I get in to the car, I reach out to the guy and give him a parting kiss on his cheeks and Steve reaches out and shakes his hand. Just as he turns towards his car, Steve asks for his contact number.

That guy politely declines his request. He says that it is not that you will take me to police, I just not expecting to see you again even if guys want to.

We all settle in to our car and I notice that it is early morning 3.30. He signals to follow him. We follow him for half an hour or so, when we see the town lights in distance, he signals us to overtake his UTE. He pulls over and waves as we pass his vehicle.

Now Steve is stifling his body to let me know that my weight on him is making him uncomfortable. I just roll over and sit on my knees facing him. He looks at his leg and my skirt as he tries to get up using his elbow and comments on big wet patch

Hi Babe, it looks like you like to be raped!

My enraged reflex shows with my body action of swiping at his face hard with my knuckles. He was shocked and stops at his track and gently rubs his face.

You don’t have to do that, his voice was showing annoyance.

I pull his pyjama’s down to his knees, and holding firm his balls and stem of his sprung up stiff dick, shaking violently yell at him.

What is this dick head! You like to see me getting raped, is that it? Why is it so hard? I yell at him like hell , with very firm and stern face. Even though I was feeling guilty for slapping him, i want to turn the tables on him to make him feel guilty for his impertinence. My mind tells me to make it up to him without pushing him to the edge.

I quickly pull my night dress out and threw them to the ground, I jump on his dick and push them flat on his tummy and sit on it with my pussy lips either side of it and clit in pressed position on his dick.

I am filthy wet in my pussy, and start sliding on his dick from tip to balls. As I move my hips on his dick, I fall flat on his chest and lock his lips with mine and kiss him intently. He was bit shocked with my erratic actions and after a while his hands slowly move on my back and start rubbing my spine with massage type of movement. My hands are holding his head and exploring very passionately his mouth with my luscious tongue. He started responding likewise. His dick is still very hard and stiff.

After a while, I just lift my hip and can feel that his dick also trying to spring up. Without pressing his dick I move feeling his dick with my pussy towards its tip. As soon as I feel tip of dick reaching close to my pussy hole, I jerk my hips to get hold of his dick tip with my love hole, as I get it, wriggle it down to his stem. Now he is fully inside me.

I sit straight and start moving my hip up and down like a pistol on his dick. It is so wet and it is moving so smooth. As I settle down on the rhythm, I smirk at him for tactfully bagging his dick in to my love hole. As he smirks back and he casually says,

Everyone knows you are an experienced Cunt.

I slap him other side and before he can complain I put my finger on his lips and say

Shut your mouth and just enjoy, I don’t need your opinion.

I bend over and kiss him and hold him on the sides while he wraps me on my back with his hands.

I rock him side to side and roll over on my back and Steve on top of me. I tell him to bang me as hard as he can. He bends his knees and elbow and gets grip on the bed and holds me tight on the sides with his hands and moves his hip in and out of my love hole with his dick moving like piston. His body is getting tensed and his dick swells in me and he lets out hot steam of his cum right deep inside my pussy. He keeps pumping in and out for a while until he collapses on me. I feel that I am not ready yet to reach. I make few fake noises and hold him tight and kiss him passionately. We go in to bath and notice his red pinched nipple and both his cheeks with red finger marks from hard slaps. He looks at it in the mirror and smiles. I avoid looking at him to embarrass him but I know that he likes to be treated like a submissive slut. We have shower together and sleep through as it is early Saturday morning and we have all the time that the day can offer for relaxation.
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