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He picked on the wrong girl.
Kelly, had turned 26, she was a nurse at the hospital in town. Previously known by her work colleagues as the 'Nutty Nurse', this had more recently changed to the 'Naughty Nurse' or 'Kinky Kell' to some people all because her ex boyfriend had disrespectfully told some of her friends about the bedroom games she liked to play.

Not an unattractive lady she took pride in her appearance and healthy lifestyle and was the sort of girl who got the second glance from the opposite sex in the street however she did have a reputation amongst friends for being possessive towards the men that she dated.

Her work contract had come to an end and her new contract wasn't due to start for another twenty eight days so she had planned to make use of some of this down time by taking a two week trip to a remote part of the north of Scotland for some alone time.

Her bags were in the car packed. The old Volvo was full of the usual too many clothes and she went back to her room for a final check.

Looking around the bedroom she noted that her phone charger wasn't still plugged in at the side of her bed therefore must be packed, essential as her phone charge was low. Still scanning around she opened her top draw and paused for a moment, the lonely mind of hers was thinking go on take it, it will break up the journey. Out she pulled her small panty vibrator and its remote control together with the USB charging lead and stuffed them in to her handbag. She also put in a pair of, by her standards, quite large cotton underpants where she had made the gusset into a pocket so that they held the panty vibrator in the right place and a slit allowing a lump on the vibrator to protrude through the cloth into her vagina. This might be welcome at some stage over the next 8 hours of the journey she thought.

The weather there in Cheltenham was hot and the air conditioning in her car wasn't working. She wore running shoes, white ankle socks, blue denim shorts and a high cropped blue and white horizontal striped t-shirt; she knew that she would have to change at some point as the weather in Scotland was bound to be cooler.

Three hours into her journey somewhere before Lancaster, the traffic had cleared and Kelly was thinking about stopping for a break. There were no service stations around but all she needed was to be alone for a moment.

The first exit off the roundabout was a narrow country lane and not a busy main road like the other exits. She wanted somewhere private to stop and so turned left immediately. The road went on for a few miles with nowhere to stop so she decided to turn right at the side of an 'out of character' for the area, red brick building, along another even thinner country lane. There was nothing but fields around her now and in the distance was a ruin of a building which didn't seem to have a roof. Worth a try she thought as she headed for it, hoping that nobody would be traveling in the opposite direction along this road as she had not seen any places for cars to pass by each other yet.

The scenery was beautiful, an old mill with no roof, in the middle of nowhere by a small river and a mill pond to the side of it. Kelly drove onto the grass, off the dirt track to keep out of sight and stopped close to the side of the old mill. She grabbed her handbag and some tissues from the glove compartment, looked at her phone to see if it had any signal only to find that the battery was now completely flat.

She got out of the car with the intention of finding somewhere to hide and put her vibrator in place. Kelly walked into the ruin of the mill, it was silent and frighteningly peaceful. She had a look around, satisfied that she was alone, unfastened her shorts and removed them along with her frilly underwear before squatting down and emptying her bladder. After wiping herself, she took the adapted cotton underpants from her handbag and put them on. She then positioned the vibrator over her vagina with the little bump on it poking through the cloth, touching on to her clitoris. When she pulled her shorts up, they were tight fitting, increasing the pressure on to her clitoris, making her heart flutter a little.

She tested the vibrator by pressing the remote control in her handbag, On/Off button, then speed 1, speed 2, speed 3, then Off again; that was enough she thought. This was going to be an interesting onward journey.

Looking forward to getting back into the car for some drive time masturbation, she walked back out and sat in the driving seat. Kelly started the car but as she put it in gear to pull away, the rear wheels started to spin on the wet, slightly boggy grass. She tried again and again but this only made it worse.

Now panicking Kelly looked around for some help. She headed off over a field in a direction away from the old mill, down a slight incline where at the end of the field there was a kind of barn with a temporary fence around it looking like a construction site.

Joe was a tree surgeon by trade, not really a criminal as such but was kind, easily led and had got himself mixed up with the wrong crowd. He had agreed with some men who had befriended him, for a price to unpack a shipment of drugs from an industrial water heater, put the heater back together and then await their collection.

The drop off and pickup was to be done in a remote location at a construction site of an ongoing barn conversion in an area of Cumbria.

He arrived in his van back at the remote barn conversion; he picked up the key from under a paving slab at the rear, where it was always kept. Opening the door, he looked round seeing his sleeping bag on the single bed, just as he left it near to the kitchen area next to the toilet which had no door yet. He looked over at the delivery and decided to go straight to work on it.

In his van he removed the padlock from a two foot square wooden box that he'd previously packed with the essentials for the job. Leaving the padlock, he carried the box inside, placing it next to the door.

In it was a minimalist tool kit, with some screwdrivers, knife, a hammer a hacksaw, a battery operated rivet tool and some rivets. There was a ***********ion of hinged pipe support brackets, whose diameters ranged from 2 inch to 10 inch. These were specially ordered for this job, made bespoke by the boiler manufacturer, they were polished smooth plain bands all the way round for good finished product aesthetics.

He carefully took the packaging off the industrial water heater, then he unscrewed the screws that went through washers which were been used to clamp a securing chain of the heater on to its wooden pallet. Looking around outside all the time, checking that nobody was watching, he put the chain in his van as he didn't need it because the boiler wasn't going back on the pallet.

He then went back inside and began cutting with the hack saw through the existing pipe clamps, holding the chimney flue to the insulated hot water pipe at the top of the heater.

The shipment was inside the large 9 inch round flue pipe and as instructed, he pulled the mid section apart to find the packets of drugs stuffed inside.

Kelly was getting closer; she could see a van at the front of the building and was hopeful that there would be someone inside the barn who could help her out so she headed in the direction of the opening at front of the parameter fence.

Joe took the packages out, put them on the floor next to him and refitted the mid section of the chimney flue. He then brought the contents of the wooden box over and starting with a 9 inch diameter clamp, wrapped it around the flue and then did the same with a 2 inch clamp around the insulated hot water pipe. The clamps were 20 millimetres wide, 3 millimetres thick and had a lip on each half opposite the hinge, with a hole in each so that when the two halves were hinged closed together the whole clamp made a large circle. A rivet could then be inserted through the holes in the lips, fixing them together.

Lining up the holes in the two lips of the large clamp and the holes in the lips of the smaller clamp, he then placed a rivet through the holes in all four lips and using the rivet tool, he squeezed the trigger.

The noise of the tool went EeeUrrr then CRACK as the narrow end of the rivet was spread out forming a solid blob of metal that wouldn't go back through the holes and CRACK as the waste from the rivet was snapped off. This was the only thing to be heard in the silent and remote environment. Joe pulled on both clamps to confirm the two solid, rigid circles around the pipes.

Kelly heard the noise from outside, rushing towards the door she saw a man inside doing some work on a piece of machinery. He was late twenties, wearing a tight fitting t shirt, showing his athletic build he had jeans on with fashionable holes in, brown hair that he obviously took care of and black running shoes. Her immediate thought was one of a thank God it's an able bodied younger man who would be able to help her.

Joe was repeating the process again of joining another large and small hinged clamp together by inserting a rivet, followed by the EeeUrrrCRACK as the battery powered rivet tool breaks free.

Suddenly from nowhere he herd Kelly's voice at the doorway "Excuse me I need some help." She said with panic in her voice.

Joe was startled, the colour silhouette of a figure of a woman standing there looking at him.

Was she police?

Had he been found out?

What the hell was anybody else doing in this remote location?

His heart was absolutely racing.

He was conscious of the packages of drugs on the floor right next to him.

"My car is stuck in the mud and I need some help pushing it out."

"What?" he replied, hands now trembling.

"I just stopped to have a look around the old mill and I've managed to get my car stuck in the mud." She replied. Although uninvited, she had walked into the old barn and was now inside pointing out in the direction of over the field.

"What are you doing here?" Joe asked as she came even closer to him.

Joe rushed past her and to the door as if to go and look in the direction that Kelly had pointed. In reality he went outside to see if anybody else was around.

Seeing nobody else, he went back in to the barn saying to the blond haired girl "You can't be in here." But it was too late.

Kelly was stood still, eyes fixed on the packages of drugs on the floor in front of her, just like the ones she had seen on the news. She knew immediately what it was.

"Oh my god." she shouted as she bolted for the door.

She cannot get out and run for help, Joe thought, or this shipment will be compromised and that would mean a whole world of trouble.

Joe lunged forward to grab her but she jumped sideways to avoid him.

She stood on the metal saw, slipping and pushing it with her foot into the side of a cardboard box full of 2 inch diameter pipe clamps, flipping the saw up and splitting the box open. Now off balance, her foot landed in the box, on the saw blade, snapping it, causing her to stumble then loose her balance.

Joe adamant that she was not getting out to raise the alarm, almost caught her as she fell over sideways, tossing her handbag and putting her hand out but not before hitting the side of her head on the wooden box, too late for her hand to break her fall.

She was still moving but was dazed and confused lying on the floor Joe panicked, she must not get away. He put his knee on her back, remembering that the chain and padlock were in the back of his van and without thinking of the consequences he grabbed hold of her wrists. Pulling her hands behind her back he quickly picked up two of the smallest pipe clamps and wrapped one around each wrist. Then reaching for the loaded rivet tool he poked the stainless steel rivet through all four holes in the two clamps which were now aligned together in between her wrists.

Kelly was starting to come round as he squeezed the trigger.

EeeUrrr CRACK.

Her hands were now secured behind her back.

Joe stood up again.

The crack made Kelly look around to see what the hell was happening. Then trying to get her arms free, she pulled at the shackles and then screamed.

"Get off me" she shouted at him hysterically "What are you doing"? "What's going on"?

He stepped back to assess the situation, realising that he had just restrained an innocent, defenceless young woman, he tried to convince himself that it was the right thing to do and that she mustn't get away.

As Kelly was on her knees trying to stand up, he ran and locked the door, removing the key and putting it in his pocket.

Joe then turned to see Kelly running towards the kitchen area in the opposite corner of the barn away from him. Her upper body twisting with each step because of the manacles around her wrists in the small of her back, pinning her arms and hands behind her, screaming "leave me alone." "Let me go."

He ran after her chasing her into the corner where she turned to face him screaming "Let me go."

He grabbed her shoulders as she faced him.

Her delicate frame was no match for his well toned body he tried to calm her down saying "It's ok, it's ok I'm not going to hurt you. I'm not going to hurt you."

"What do you want from me?" she asked.

"I need you to be quiet." he replied.

"What?" Kelly asked.

"I need you to be quiet." He repeated.

"What." She asked again.

"I'm not going to hurt you." Joe told her.

"Let me go." She shouted.

"No." he replied "I can't." "I can't let you outside." "I can't let you tell anybody about what you've just found."

"I won't tell anybody anything I promise, just let me go."

He let go of her shoulders and she quickly took a few steps away from him then screwing up her face, she started crying "I haven't done anything."

As Joe was looking at this poor unfortunate girl standing in front of him, handcuffed and in distress, the reality of the situation started to set in and he thought shit, what have I done? Have I gone too far? Maybe I only needed to lock the door. Shit, this is now a problem.

He slowly went over to her and held her in his arms, comforting her.

"Just let me go." She sobbed.

"I'm sorry dear I can't." He told her.

"Is there anybody else in the car?" He asked

"No." she sobbed so he held her tighter.

"I'm here on my own." "I needed some help." "Please just let me go and I'll find someone else." "I won't say a word about this I promise." she begged.

Still holding her he whispered "Shhhh."

Kelly was testing her restraints, trying to pull her hands out of the keyless metal bands.

"Can you release my hands please?"

Joe let her go and moved around her to look more closely at the shackles, his eyes drawn towards her curvy ass as he did.

He touched the cuffs, now permanent fixtures of polished stainless steel, lucky they had no sharp edges, they were definitely a snug fit around her wrists. If he'd chosen the next size of clamp up, she would be able to slip her hands through and fight back.

He tried twisting the holes around the rivet but the rivet was such a perfect fit that this wasn't easy. There was no way Kelly would be able to get them off without someone else's help.

"I can't I'm afraid." He said.

She turned her head to look at him. Joe noticed how attractive she was.

"I have to keep you here for a while." He said.

"What?" she shouted. "Just take the handcuffs off!"

Joe didn't want to tell her that there was no key for these so he replied with a stern voice "No." making it sound like this was his choice to leave them on.

"When are you going to let me go?" she asked.

"I don't know exactly yet, hopefully tomorrow." He replied.

"What?" she shouted "You can't keep me like this until then!"

Joe paused, held his head in his hand for a moment then looked back at her.

"Get on the bed." he said quietly.

She took a sharp breath and gave him a frightened stare "What?"

"Sit on the bed" he told her

"Please don't do this" her voice now quivering.

"I'm not going to touch you. I'm a drug smuggler not a rapist". He put his hands back on her shoulders, looking down only 3 inches into her blue eyes he said "I promise I'm not going to do anything to you I just can't let you go. I'm sorry. It shouldn't be too long".

Kelly went over to the bed and sat down. There was something about him that made her think he was telling the truth and so she felt reassured but she had to ask "Are you going to kill me?"

Joe was shocked at the question "God No" he said immediately picking up a chair and sitting down at the side of her. "Absolutely not" he said, accidently getting caught staring at her breasts which were pushed out due to the position of her arms.

With a sigh, quietly thinking out loud, he muttered "Why did you have to walk in here?"

"What's your name?" He asked.

"I'm Kelly."

"Kelly." he replied, "That's cool, my sister's name is Kelly."

As he stood up and walked over to her hand bag he asked "Who knows you're here?" picking the bag up and looking inside.

"No one, I promise" she replied, thinking that this would be the right answer.

Now back at the kitchen area, he asked "How do you mean no one?" Emptying the handbag on the kitchen table.

"I'm on my way to Scotland on my own for the next two weeks when I stopped off here and..." She stopped talking as amongst her keys, purse, tissues, makeup and tablets, she saw a pair of her knickers and the remote control for her vibrator.

Joe picked up the remote control asking what it was as he started randomly pressing buttons on it.

The vibrations started up slowly inside the pocket of her cotton underwear, then as he pressed one button again and again, they got faster and faster. "What's panty vibe mean?" he asked, reading the words written on the remote control.

"Put it down and leave my things alone." she commanded.

"You're right." he replied "None of my business."

The problem was that he put it down without pressing the off button, leaving the vibrator running at full speed in Kelly's crotch.

He picked up her mobile phone.

Looking at Kelly he noticed that she was rolling her lips into her mouth but he thought nothing of it asking her "What's the pin number?"

She didn't answer as the vibrations were becoming noticeable.

"I'm Joe by the way."

He turned the phone on and it wouldn't power up. "Is this battery flat?" he asked.

Kelly didn't reply. She wanted to ask him to press the off button on the remote control but that could raise his suspicion of there being another part to it. The vibrator was pressing against her sensitive parts with her tight cut-off jeans making sure she couldn't wiggle it out of the way. She opted for the "I need to pee." option.

He looked over at the toilet and said "Sorry there's no door. I won't look."

Paranoid that he could hear the vibrations, she stood up and walked over to the toilet. He couldn't help but watch her curvy bum below the shiny fixed bracelets pinning her wrists behind her back. She stopped at the doorway, turning back slightly, pushing the cuffs out she said "Errm. The key please."

Shit he thought, she can't reach her buttons. "No key honey. Sorry" he said "Can't you try and reach?"

The vibrations were getting annoying. She shouted "Unlock these fucking cuffs so that I can go." "You said you wouldn't hurt me."

"You're right, I won't hurt you, quite the opposite but when I'm saying that there is no key, I literally mean there's no key. Those cuffs are riveted in place and won't come off without being cut off." he told her.

"You have to be joking me! You bastard." "Cut them off so I can pee." she shouted.

He stood up, looked her in the eye and with a firm voice he said "The cuffs are staying on. Ok?" "I'll have to help you."

"Don't touch me." she said.

"We have no choice I'm afraid." Joe said.

Shit, he was going to find the vibrator for sure but she had to get this thing out or eventually she will have an orgasm.

He picked up two more of the two inch diameter clamps and a rivet from the floor. He held them in front of her, closing them both and inserted the rivet into the 4 aligned holes. She got the picture and said "OK."

"Do you want me to take your shorts off?" He asked.

"Don't you touch me." she insisted "It can wait."

Walking towards the bed she said to Joe "I need to lie down. You make me sick."

Joe walked over to the table and put her possessions back into her handbag.

Kelly was starting to get concerned about the vibrator still humming away so she took a chance and said "I want my hand bag."

"Nope. Sorry. Maybe later." was his response as she expected.

Kelly couldn't lie on her back because of the makeshift handcuffs so she lay on the bed face down on top of the sleeping bag, pressing her crotch on to it and deep into the mattress, increasing the pressure of the vibrations. Just one push won't harm she thought but the one push seemed to last for a long time. Oh shit she thought, this is going to happen. In the car on the road would have been ok but not here, not now she thought.

"Could you leave me alone please?" she asked on the off chance that he might walk away and not cotton on to the fact that she was about to be forced into orgasm.

"Sure." he replied as he got a glass from a cupboard, filled it with water and retrieved a roll of carpet tape from a kitchen drawer, then taking one last look at the amazing 'eye candy' laying on the bed, he walked back over to the job that he'd first started.

He started picking up the pipe clamps and putting them back in the torn cardboard box. It was then that he noticed the hack saw blade, shattered on the floor.

He continued to put the last two hinged pipe clamps on the water heater to make it look like it had never been tampered with. Pleased with the job he had done he started sticking the plastic back over the heater with carpet tape so that it was ready for when the guys came for the pickup and they would help him lift the heater into his van.

Joe kept looking over at Kelly on the bed, noticing that she wasn't settled and he thought he could hear her crying. He regretted putting the pipe clamps on her now, knowing that the saw blade is broken and that now even he couldn't remove them.

He carried on tidying things up, stashing the drugs under a plastic sheet at the side of the door to look like general rubbish.

Kelly could hear him working and she kept looking over at him to check that he wasn't watching her driving and grinding herself into the mattress, her arse going up and down as Joe missed out on the show, whimpering as the unstoppable drew closer, wishing she could reach around and stop it, cursing Joe for the handcuffs that she now accepted were not coming off.

As she was reaching climax, she tried to be quiet but had to let out a moan as she pushed herself as hard as she could into the mattress, bucking up and down now as her orgasm made her numb and tremble. Nothing mattered at that moment in time.

Joe must have heard me she thought, looking over at him still tidying up. She tried to lie on her side to relieve the pressure against her vibrator but her shorts were just too tight to allow her any relief. I can't go through with another orgasm she thought, feeling the vibrations still on maximum.

Kelly sat on the edge of the bed and shouted for Joe to come over to her. "I need you to pass me something out of my handbag."

Joe stopped what he was doing and went immediately over to her, trying again to look at her breasts without getting caught, he noticed that she was sweating a little. He asked if she was ok.

"Of course I'm not ok! Do you think I could be ok like this? I can't even go to the toilet because of you and these handcuffs."

"Go into my bag and pass me that little thing with the buttons on that you were pressing earlier." she ordered.

He did as she requested but looking at the remote controller, he first thought was it a form of tracking device? He asked her what she wanted it for.

She replied "Just give me the dam thing here."

"Not until you tell me what it is for." He said.

"Ok then just press the off button on the left had side will you?" she asked reluctantly.

Joe pressed the On/Off button and didn't notice anything happen except the look of relief on Kelly's face as she said "Thank you."

"Panty Vibe?" Joe read out loud.

Kelly said nothing.

"Is there another part to this down there inside you?" he said pointing in between her legs.

'Busted' she thought. "None of your business." she replied.

Joe put the remote control behind his back and pressed the on/off button once again.

She instantly looked up at him and said "Fuck off!"

So he pressed it again, to which she said "Thank you. You're not funny by the way."

Joe smiled, realising what a sexy little beauty he had in front of him, he started to feel aroused. So far he hadn't considered Kelly in a sexual way but now it had been brought to his attention his thoughts began to race.

"You're' right" he said. "I'm sorry."

Kelly stood up and turning her back to Joe, pushing her arms out, she said "You could prove to me how sorry you are, be by doing something about these shackles."

"What would you like me to do to them?" he asked.

"Take them off?" she tried.

His response was "Nope, sorry honey, can't risk you running away." His eyes were fixed on her denim clad ass cheeks, looking like they wanted to escape through the seams.

"Well at least could you cuff my hands in front?"

This put a cheeky smile on Joes face, he wanted to hear her say that again so he told her "I will do but you'll have to ask me nicely."

So she turned back to him, looking in to his eyes, she gave him her best puppy dog stare, using her attraction as a bargaining tool, she said "Could you cuff my hands in front of me please?"

"It's not every day I get asked that one." he said.

Kelly continued to stare at him without speaking.

Realising he wasn't funny; he admitted to her "Ok, you're right; they do look quite restrictive I have to admit. I might have over reacted when I first put them on you." He had to come clean about the broken saw blade though so he told her "I'll move the cuffs around to your front and I'll give you a length of chain between them as soon as I can."

Before she could answer, they were both interrupted by the sound of Joe's phone ringing. It was Wayney, Mr big.

He answerer. "Yes." "How long?" "I'll be ready."

Meanwhile there was a phone call made from an unknown car parked outside Wayne's house, to an unknown car parked up near the 'out of character' red brick building at the end of the lane leading to the old mill. The message simply said "Their on the move, do it now".

Putting the phone down, Joe turned to Kelly and said "Ok, this is it, it's on"

"What's on?" she replied.

"The pick up. It's happening in 30 minutes. After that, we'll all be out of here and you can go."

Kelly was relieved and not scared anymore. That was short lived though as Joe told her "These are dangerous people and they won't take kindly to seeing you here, so I'm going to have to ask you to keep quiet and stay out of sight until they've gone."

"I am going to tell all of them what you've done to me and that as soon as I'm out of this I am going to the police" She said.

"That will be suicide Kelly, don't." He told her.

"I don't care" she shouted "You're all going down for this".

Joe went to the boiler, picked up the roll of carpet tape then went over to Kelly's hand bag. He emptied it out onto the table again. Picking up her spare underwear, he said "I hope these are clean."

He paused for a second before picking up the remote control for the vibrator and pressing the ON button.

Kelly flinched her hips as the sex toy woke up, still set on full speed. She now regretted her tight fitting choice of clothing this morning.

"What the hell are you doing?" she shouted at him.

He pulled off two strips of carpet tape and loosely stuck them on the back of his hand; he stood behind her and grabbed her jaw with one hand. As she shouted and struggled he stuffed her underwear into her mouth, then before she closed her lips fully he stuck a piece of carpet tape over her mouth. He quickly stuck the other piece of tape over the first but this time slightly lower down her chin. He let go of her and tore off another longer piece of tape, chasing Kelly to the door, he pushed her into the corner and stuck this piece above the others, just below her nostrils, being careful to not block her remaining airway. With Kelly still cornered, he tore off an even longer strip of tape and put it from cheek to cheek back over the middle again.

Kelly was screaming through her nose at him, not noticing the vibrator anymore, he grabbed hold of her shoulders again, looked her in the eyes and told her "They will kill you if you say anything like that. This is for your own protection."

Grabbing Kelly by the arm they walked outside to the back of the van, where Joe picked up the length of chain with the padlock and keys he'd removed from the wooden box earlier.

Kelly was complaining into her gag. She caught him looking at her breasts again.

He guided her over the field towards the old mill, walking slowly so that Kelly didn't become out of breath.

The chain was 2 meters long, so bits of it kept escaping his grip as he was struggling to hold it all in one hand, having Kelly's arm in the other.

She accepted where they were going to, so she pulled her arm away from his grip and continued walking on ahead. Joe couldn't help staring in awe at the sight in front of him, it was incredible, he wanted to keep her forever but he knew he would be setting Kelly free as soon as he could get a new saw blade or even a drill to drill the rivet out after the pick up.

Kelly stepped into the old mill, knowing the route already but still allowing him to guide her to where he wanted her.

Joe was looking up at some of the remaining overhead beams when he said "Over here, this is a good spot."

Kelly wasn't prepared for his next move as he draped the chain down over her cuffs behind her, then noticeably stroking her buttocks as he did, he dragged both trailing ends up between her legs through to her front, lifting slightly as he did and giving her a smile as he pulled the chain into her crotch. Feeling how tight it was against her with his other hand whilst checking that the vibrator was still working and that he hadn't accidently pressed the OFF button in his pocket on the way up across the field.

He threw the chain up and over a low beam about head height that would have historically formed part of a low ceiling then pulled on the chain until it was tight. Kelly rose up on to her tip toes, so he pulled a little bit more to take up the extra slack in the chain she had just created, he then looped the padlock through two of the chain links. Holding the chain under tension he snapped the lock shut.

Kelly mumphed and screamed into her gag as Joe turned to her, kissing her on the forehead and taking the keys with the remote control, he departed saying "Have fun."

Kelly was on her tiptoes with the crotch chain cutting into her, increasing the pressure on the vibrator by what felt like a thousand times.

She was cursing Joe, the cuffs, the chain, the gag and the vibrator, as she knew another orgasm was going to happen over the next half an hour, the question was will she be able to limit it to only one?

Joe disappeared out of the building for only a second before he reappeared. He walked back over to Kelly and put the remote controller on a low wall.

Taking out the keys to the padlock he removed the chain from the low beam, relieving the chain tension. Kelly was so thankful but couldn't say anything.

Looking into her eyes with a smile, he said "Only joking sweetie."

Kelly was so thankful that she didn't have to spend the next half hour suspended by a crotch chain that she didn't pay attention to him immediately relocking the chain around a supporting pillar without removing it from around her cuffs first, letting it fall to the floor and putting the keys out of reach on the low wall next to the remote control.

"If you can reach them you can have them." he said to her knowing that would be impossible as the chain would have to be at least 5 meters long to reach them.

He went back over to Kelly and put his arms around her shoulders, taking a breath next to her ear, noticing how lovely she smelled, he said "Wait here quietly, I'll be back for you soon." He kissed her on the side of her head through her hair trying to give her some kind of reassurance.

He departed through the door again and ran back across the field, leaving Kelly feeling relived except for the vibrations on her sensitive parts which were going to lead to climax eventually and with nothing she could do to prevent it.

As Joe was just over half way across the field he could see a car pulling into the driveway in front of the barn. He felt that he must have lost track of time whilst he was otherwise occupied restraining Kelly and he was annoyed with himself for not being ready on time for Wayney and the boys. Heading for the entrance to the fence he stuck his thumb up in the air shouting "I'm here."

Three men got out of the car, wearing balaclavas and ran towards the door of the barn. Joe slowed down thinking this isn't part of the plan, why have they decided to wear balaclavas without me knowing?

The man in front stopped, turned to one of the others, and pointed at Joe then two of the men started running towards the door again. This was not Wayney's men Joe thought as one of them was now heading towards him carrying a piece of wood in his hand.

Joe turned and sprinted back towards Kelly in the old mill. He must free her or she'll die of exposure if anything was to happen to him.

He had almost half a field head start on his pursuer and needed it to free Kelly before he was bludgeoned by whoever this was.

He knew exactly the route to take to get to Kelly, as he reached the mill he could only see in tunnel vision heading for the keys, estimating he only had seconds to get to her and get away again without his pursuer finding out that she was there at all.

Kelly heard someone running in to the old mill, she didn't panic because she was sure it could only be Joe as he'd only been gone a couple of minutes. She was hoping he had come back again to say "Only joking sweetie." and this time release the chain completely as well as turning off the intruder between her legs.

She was wrong, he came rushing in, grabbed the keys, unlocked the chain and pulled one side it from the cuffs behind her back, allowing it to drop to the floor, leaving Kelly handcuffed but free to run away.

She was shocked by the heightened state of alert and the speed he was moving so didn't try screaming into her gag but instead she remained quiet as Joe grabbed hold of both sides of her face with both of his hands, locking eyes with her, he said "Keep quiet, stay in here and fucking hide."

He turned and ran back out again.

As she looked around her for somewhere to run and hide, she heard shouting coming from two men.

Joe got back to the entrance to the mill and made an attempt to run in the direction away from the barn to make his pursuer think that he'd decided against hiding in the old mill and was going to continue running in the same direction as before. They met at the entrance where Joe took a punch to the head as the masked man shouted "Where is it?" This sounded to Kelly like a Welsh accent.

Joe was replying "It's in the barn." Pointing down towards the barn "It's in the barn."

A whistle could be heard from the direction of the barn and as they both looked around, the other two masked men were heading towards the car with the packages in their possession waving for this Welshman to come back to the car.

The masked man looked back at Joe and clubbed him over the head once with the piece of wood he was carrying before running off back to the getaway car.

Through an empty stone window frame Kelly could see the masked man running away so she waited until he was out of sight before getting on her knees, then standing up and watching the three men drive off in the car.

Now panicking, her biggest priority was to stop this thing between her legs before Joe gets back and steals the remote control, so she turned around, sitting on the low wall, she picked up the remote control pressing the OFF button once. The mental relief was more than the physical relief. Taking the remote control, she ran for the entrance.

Joe was on the ground with a cut to his head, curled in a fetal position not making a sound or moving. Kelly attempted to bend down to touch him but as she dropped the remote control trying to reach, she stood back up and shook his shoulder with her foot. Getting no response she headed over to the barn to call for help.

It was more of a fast walk with her gag restricting her breathing and the handcuffs taking away the use of her arms for balance. Breathing quite heavily, she eventually made it, heading for Joe's phone on the table where he'd put it after the call from Wayney.

Kelly heard a car pull up outside so she ran over to the far side of the bed, getting down on the floor and trying to hide. The two men saw her immediately as they walked through the door, calling Joe's name.

"Joey." the tallest of the men shouted as he looked through the scattered rubbish at the side of the door. The other, slightly fatter man, headed straight towards the tied and gagged girl on the floor, stopping as she looked back at him in fear. He looked back towards the tall man by the door and said "Wayney. They've got Joey".

The tall man, Wayney, ran towards the car shouting back "Bring the girl." As Wayney started the car, he noticed two of Joes van tyres were slashed.

The fatter man picked Kelly up by her arm, then as she was standing and struggling, she kicked out, knocking a chair over whilst trying to get away. He dragged her backwards towards the door with Kelly trying to stop him, making two obvious drag marks on the floor with her feet all the way to the door.

The man then dragged her outside and picked her up over his shoulder patting her ass twice as he did, then carried her to the car, laying her on the back seat, face down as she still kicked out at him.

Getting in to the passenger seat he said to Wayney "That was those bastards we passed on the lane." "They can only have turned left at the end." Let's go."

Joe was back on planet earth as he stood up, holding on to the mill's wall, not knowing why he ended up on the floor, he looked across the field, observing in the distance Wayneys car driving away from the barn, not paying attention to the quick sighting of Kelly's feet at the back window.

Joe stayed low and when the coast was clear, he went inside the old mill ruins to find Kelly.

He shouted for her telling her it was ok to come out now, not expecting any answer but for her to show herself, he kept calling as he walked all around the mill.

Joe want back to the entrance stepping outside he picked up the remote control, putting it in to his pocket, then noticed in the mud the most recent footprints on top of the others were the smallest ones and were pointing in the direction of the barn.

She must be in the barn he thought and so ran, shouting for Kelly as he ran.

Joe arrived at the barn to find it empty and could see signs of a struggle as a chair was on its side and there were the drag marks from what he was convinced must be Kelly's running shoes on the dirty concrete floor.

They've got Kelly he thought.

Running out to his van, he saw that two of his tyres had been slashed and shouted "Shit."

He looked back up towards the mill then ran back inside to get Kelly's car keys. He ran over to the old mill and spotted her car on the far side. He got in and started the engine but when he tried to move it, it was well and truly stuck in the mud.

He ran back to the barn which had planks of wood every where due to it still being renovated, picking up two planks, he headed back to Kelly's car and wedged them under the rear wheels. He tried moving the car again, this time the wheels picked up on the wood and got the car out onto the field.

Joe stopped outside the entrance to the mill and went in to have one last look for Kelly. Calling her name and looking around he spotted the chain and padlock with the keys still in the lock. No answer so he drove the car over the field, down to the barn, took the chain and padlock out of the car and put them on the kitchen table.

Kelly was mumphing into her gag as the Wayney tried to give chase to the masked men but lost them by not knowing which way they went at the roundabout, it having 4 major roads to choose from.

"Back to my place." Wayney said. He glanced around at the unfortunate damsel in the back.

Wayney's accomplice told her to sit up. As she did he reached for one of the pieces of tape over her mouth and steadily pulled it off.

It hurt a little but Kelly was glad to be getting rid of it. As he pulled the last piece off, Kelly looked down and spat out her wet underwear onto the floor of the car.

"Where are you taking me?" "Let me out." she demanded.

Now they were on the main road, the driver turned to her and said "I'm Wayney and this here is Jim." "Who did this?"

Not sure whether he meant who had taken their drugs or who had put her in these strict restraints, she replied "I don't know."

"What did they look like?" asked Jim.

"There were three of them all wearing balaclavas, that's all I could see."

Curious, Jim asked her to lie down on the back seat again so he could see her wrists.

He frowned as he couldn't believe what he was looking at. Resisting the temptation to touch her arse again, he felt the cuffs. They were pretty solid.

"They did this to you?" he asked, thinking who are these guys?

"No Joe did this to me before the masked men turned up." she explained.

Wayney turned to Jim and said "The bastard Joey has set us up!" "Making it look like a robbery/kidnapping and leaving his girlfriend behind to fool us." "He's a dead man!"

"I'll kill him first" Jim said.

Wayney turned around, looking at Kelly lying down he said "I'll give it to Joey, he's picked a beauty." "He'll be coming for her soon enough, all we have to do is hold on to her until he does."

"No no you have to let me go. I'm nothing to do with Joe." Kelly demanded as she sat back up again. "Joe kidnapped me. I'm not his girlfriend" "I hate him!"

Wayney laughed out loud as Jim replied "Yes OK honey we believe you. Is us taking you for a ride part of the plan too?"

Kelly told them "The masked men don't have Joe, they knocked him out over by the old mill as he came to release me. He's still on the floor by the mill. We need to get back to help him."

"So you're not his girlfriend? We need to help him? He put those on your wrists, you want to kill him but yet you still want to help him?" "Get your story straight" Jim replied.

"I'm telling you the truth, they took Joe by surprise and as he ran away from them up to the old mill to release me, one of them chased Joe and the other two took your shipment before Joe got knocked out in front of the entrance to the old mill. I saw him on the floor as I ran out." she explained.

Jim and Wayney started discussing the situation quietly in the front. Kelly had no idea what they were discussing but eventually, as the sun was starting to fade, they pulled into a long driveway with a large house at the end.

Glancing around Kelly could see what looked like a horse paddock and stables in the grounds and fields all around at the back. Definitely a rich person lived here.

The car stopped slightly away from the front of the house.

Jim asked "Why are we walking?"

Wayney told Jim "My wife and kids are at home. We can't keep her inside, besides when lover boy comes, he'll be looking in the house and not out here."

"Good point." Jim replied.

Kelly asked them "What's going on?" "Joe is not going to come for me. He's not my boyfriend and he's unconscious in a field in front of the old mill in need of help." Wayney took Kelly's arm and walking her over to the stables he explained "Here's the deal. If for some reason what you are saying is true and that you and kinky lover boy were playing a sex game instead of guarding my shipment, then all we have to do is go back to the old mill and find Joey. Right?"

"Yes." she replied.

Looking at Kelly, Jim said to Wayney "He's a lucky bastard."

Wayney went on as they arrived at a wooden shed by the side of the stables "So you're going to wait in here whilst we go back and look for Joey."

Opening the shed door, Kelly noticed that there was a fitting on the outside where a padlock would go but no padlock on it.

Inside the shed sounded muffled, as Wayney pulled the string for the lights, the noise of an extractor fan started up and she realised that it was an outdoor sauna.

Jim stayed in the sauna with Kelly as Wayney went into the stable and came back with some rope in his hand.

Uncoiling the rope he said "Now you'll probably enjoy this but it's not my thing so please excuse me, we can't have you running off." He sat Kelly close to the door so that they could see her from outside through the small high up window.

Wayney then tied her legs to one of the supports of the bench. Kelly knew it was pointless struggling so she let him do it.

The two men walked out of the sauna, closing the door behind them.

Kelly was scared, she didn't know what these men were capable of or what they were going to do with her when they got back with or without Joe.

Joe had driven to hardware shop before it closed at 8pm and picked up a pack of saw blades to cut Kelly free when he thought the time was right. After picking up two packs of sandwiches and two bottles of water, he drove to Wayney's house in the hope that this is where they all were. If he couldn't free Kelly, he would have to negotiate her release.

Leaving the car on the road Joe crept on to Wayney's estate heading straight for the stables to hide behind. He looked in the stables as he was passing on route to the house as he thought there was a chance they might keep Kelly in there.

His plan was to get close enough to the house and press the remote control at every window, so that Kelly would know he was there and hopefully try to communicate back to him in some way like flashing the room lights or standing by the window.

He could hear no voices. He pressed the On button once, then as he heard nothing he prepared to move on up to the house.

Kelly couldn't move, she had lost track of time and had given up all hope when the vibrator in her crotch suddenly came alive. What the hell? She thought.

"Joe?" she questioned out loud. "Joe!" she shouted "Joe, Joe, I'm in here" "Help." "In here, help me Joe."

Joe could here Kelly faintly as she was shouting from inside the insulated sauna. He went around the other side of the stables and saw the light through the window. He opened the door without checking that there was anybody else in there first and was delighted with what he saw.

"Joe. You came?" She questioned as he lay down at her feet and started untying her ankles.

"Get me out of here." she said.

"I'm getting you out of here baby, don't worry." he replied.

Kelly took note of the 'Baby' comment but didn't reply nor did she bother mentioning the vibrator now on full speed as she stood up and headed for the door with Joe leading the way, guiding her by holding her upper arm. They ran off the estate and as they reached the main road, Kelly said "My car?"

"Yes." Joe said and carefully helped her into the passenger seat, taking care not to put too muck strain on her wrists before himself getting into the drivers seat and speeding away.

"What did you tell them?" Joe asked.

"Everything, the truth but they think I'm your girlfriend and didn't believe me." Kelly explained to him.

"Wow, I'm flattered." Joe joked.

Joe drove them for a few minutes to get away and hide before stopping on an industrial estate.

"Can you turn this thing off? I'm not in the mood. Kelly asked referring to the vibrator.

Joe did as she asked.

"Are you going to let me go now?" Kelly asked.

"Sorry. No. Things have changed and I need to get it rectified before I can let you go. "Probably to the police I'll bet?" He said.

"Just let me go. I won't tell anybody, I promise."

"Not yet, I might need your help."

"What?" Kelly questioned.

Joe opened the sandwiches and held one to Kelly's mouth. "Chicken salad or Tuna mayo?" he said.

Wanting to refuse but too hungry, Kelly opened her mouth and took a bite out of the Chicken salad in front of her. As she was chewing she saw Joe's eyes staring at her breasts again so she stared directly at his face. He looked up and saw her staring back, realising he'd been caught out looking again, he felt a little bit embarrassed.

When Kelly had eaten her share, Joe picked up his phone and dialled Wayney.

Kelly only heard the start of the conversation as Joe stepped out of the car, saying "Don't touch the girl, she's with me..." as he closed the door and walked to the front of the car still talking.

After a long conversation, Joe hung up the phone and got back into the car.

"Are they going to come after us?" She asked.

"No. We have 24 hours to retrieve the shipment or they will be coming after us."

"We? What are you talking about We? I'm nothing to do with this." She shouted.

"You are according to Wayney. He thinks me and you are in this together and his boys will come after you and me if he doesn't get his shipment by tomorrow."

"Does Wayney have anything to do with the Welsh man?" She asked.

"What do you mean Welsh man?" he replied.

"The man who knocked you out at the old mill had a Welsh accent."

"Jonesy!" He said "Kelly I could kiss you."

Joe then drove them both back to the barn, hiding the car out of the way at the old mill. He picked up his phone and the hack saw blades then guided Kelly out of the car and across the field to the barn.

As they walked into the barn Joe locked the door behind them, putting the key in his pocket.

Kelly knew that she had 24 hours to get away and so she needed a plan. Joe had been caught staring at her on more than one occasion and he had touched her when putting the chain into her crotch in the old mill. He wasn't an unattractive man so she decided that she was going to use lust and seduction to win him over.

Kelly turned to Joe and asked him "Why did you come and rescue me?"

"Because I got you into this so I feel responsible." Joe replied.

Kelly moved closer to Joe and stared seductively into his eyes saying "You came to rescue me instead of protecting the shipment. Why?"

Joe's eyes were locked on to hers as he reached out and tucked her hair behind her ear using his little finger, he explained "I got you into this and I'll look after you until it's over and I can get you out of it."

Still staring with puppy eyes, she said "You know if we had met under different circumstances."

Joes hand was now resting on her shoulder, he was feeling aroused having these beautiful eyes staring into his. He wondered if he made a move, will she back away.

He moved his head towards Kelly and kissed her gently on her lips. Kelly didn't back away, she let it happen. When Joe began to pull away he felt Kelly gently holding on to his bottom lip and he noticed her eyes were closed as he stepped back again.

Kelly opened her eyes and continued staring into Joes.

Joe started to tremble. He put his hands around her waist and pulled Kelly's body in towards him, kissing her again, this time heads tilted as they locked lips.

He wanted this moment to last for ever.

Kelly didn't protest so eventually Joe had to let go and stepped back to take a look at her, praying she would be ok with the kiss.

As Kelly smiled at Joe and gave him the seductive eyes again, she thought to herself 'Got him'.

"Joe." she said "The cuffs please?" "You said you would."

"You're absolutely right. I'm a man of my word."

He kissed her on the lips quickly once more before turning, walking away, picking up the saw and the blades.

Kelly was relieved knowing she was going to be released at last.

"It would be easier to do this over here." he said meaning for her to go join Joe.

Kelly walked over to him, standing by the wooden box then turned around to face away from him.

"I'll have to put your new cuffs on first with the chain, before I remove these cuffs." "Then you'll be able to step over the chain and bring your hands up in front of you."

Kelly's hopes were shattered. She'd hoped that she had just seduced herself into freedom, although it was a step in the right direction. She would have to keep working on him to get these new cuffs off.

"You don't need to do that. I won't try anything" she said.

"It's for your own protection, sorry sweetie; it will stop any temptation to run."

"I won't run I promise" she said but it fell on deaf ears.

Joe put a rivet into the rivet tool. He picked up a two inch pipe clamp, holding one end of the chain he reached for one of the washers that were used to screw the chain onto the pallet. He closed the pipe clamp around Kelly's right wrist, just above the existing cuff, he then placed the washer over the rivet so that the rivet wouldn't simply fit straight through the hole in the link of the chain. He then poked the rivet through the end link of the chain and then through the two holes in each side of the closed clamp.

Kelly shivered as she heard the dreaded EeeUrrCRACK as the rivet locked both sides of the clamp together with the washer attaching the clamp to the chain behind her back.

Joe repeated the process with Kelly's left wrist, feeling satisfied as the rivet tool did its job, securing her hands between a 2 meter length of chain.

He didn't say anything. Then, holding Kelly's original cuffs, he picked up the hacksaw and started cutting one side, being careful not to touch her skin with the saw.

Once the first cuff broke free, Kelly's arms fell down by her sides. "Ahh." she said, feeling the pain in her shoulders as movement was allowed once again.

"You ok?" Joe asked.

"Much better now" she replied, rubbing her wrist and stepping backwards over the long chain, bringing her hands up in front of her.

Joe went around to the front of her and asked "Are you ready for me to remove the other one?"

She offered him the other wrist and he began cutting it off.

When Joe had cut the other cuff off, Kelly had a look at her new manacle set. The chain was dangling on the floor. She was confused as to why bother with such a long chain at all, it doesn't restrict her movement in any way.

"I need a minute." Kelly said as she went over to the toilet.

"Yes, I won't look." he replied, facing away.

Kelly unfastened the buttons on her shorts and pulled them down. She pulled her underwear down, removed the vibrator from of its gusset pocket and put it in her shorts pocket.

After finishing on the toilet Kelly redressed herself and started walking around the barn, getting used to her new freedom. She found her purse in the kitchen area and gathered all her possessions including the vibrator from her pocket. She put them all back into her purse and turned back to Joe.

"The chain isn't staying that long." Joe told her as he showed her the padlock, "What would be the point?"

Joe picked out a 10 inch diameter pipe clamp and together with the padlock and approached Kelly in the kitchen area.

Kelly froze when he wrapped the two halves of the large clamp around her narrow waist. As he held it closed Kelly told him "No chance. I'm not having that thing on me. Please Joe." "Don't do this."

He pulled the chain through Kelly's legs from the front up into the small of her back and held it next to the opening of the clamp. He put the padlock through the two holes of the clamp but didn't lock it. The clamp was a loose fit and could probably be slipped down over her hips so he removed the padlock and the clamp from her waist, placing the clamp on the floor and releasing the chain.

Joe then walked around to the front of her and picked the chain up. He didn't say anything as he put the padlock through one of the chain links close to Kelly's wrist and pulled her other wrist up so that he could loop the lock through another link close to the other wrist. He clicked the lock shut leaving 8 inches of chain between her wrists, with the rest of the chain hanging down almost touching the floor.

Kelly had to get on with her plan before her restrictions got worse. She didn't know what his ideas were for the rest of the chain so she had to make her move fast as she didn't want it being brought up behind her, through her crotch again.

Kelly approached Joe, then whilst thanking him for not putting the clamp around her waist she lifted her arms up and over Joes head, swinging the remainder of the chain around the back of him and she slid her cuffed arms down past his neck, past his shoulders, all the way to his hips, causing her arms to form a circle around him.

Joe pulled his arms up, out of the circle as Kelly put her head at the side of his, pulling him closer. Joe put his arms around Kelly's hips and held her close to him.

"Is this what you want?" she said.

"Only if you do." he replied.

"Did you mean to kiss me earlier or was that a mistaken moment of madness?" Kelly asked.

"Of course I meant it, you're irresistible, I also wish we could have met each other under different circumstances." He said.

Kelly felt a little bit warm and happy thanks to this comment.

He continued, "Tomorrow when this is over I'm sure you'll want to kill me but until then I'm taking care of you and keeping you out of harms way."

"What makes you think I would want to hurt you?" She said.

He pulled his head back to look at Kelly as she looked at him.

They were staring into each others eyes again.

Although Kelly's plan was only to seduce Joe she did strangely feel some attraction towards him, even after all he had done to her.

Kelly let Joe make the next move, locking lips and pulling each other in close.

Joe was captured, he couldn't let go. Kelly's plan was working but she realised that she couldn't stop it ether, she was addicted to his kiss and becoming aroused. The kiss continued as Kelly started walking backwards towards the bed, guiding Joe along with her.

As the backs of her knees touched the bed she temporarily broke the kiss off to sit down, Joe bent over with her, kneeling on the bed by her side. Kelly struggled to push herself up onto the bed without being able to press her elbows into the mattress. She lifted her arms up, over Joe's head, allowing him to pull his arms out of her cuffed circle and giving her the ability to position herself on the bed.

Joe lay on top of her as they kissed again.

Kelly considered lifting her arms above her head and throwing the rest of the chain off the top of the bed but that might give Joe an idea of securing the chain there somehow so she kept her hands uncomfortably on her chest between the two of them. Kelly couldn't stop this now, she was so aroused, she didn't want Joe to stop ether but she wanted her freedom. Kelly turned her head to the side, breaking their kiss.

Looking back at Joe, she said "The padlock." Joe glanced at the lock holding her wrists close together on her chest just below her breasts. "Please." she said "I won't go anywhere, there's nowhere else I want to be right now."

Standing up, Joe took the keys out of his pocket, released the padlock and removed his jeans before lying back on top of Kelly's still clothed body.

There was no changing their minds about what was going to happen as Kelly unfastened the buttons of her shorts, removing her underwear at the same time pulling them down the rest of the way with her feet and kicking her training shoes off, then back up to Joes T shirt, dragging it off up over his head. Joe lifted Kelly's T shirt up to he shoulders then as she rolled over slightly, he unfastened her bra and pushed it up out of the way, joining her T shirt before he removed his own underwear, then laid down kissing her again.

Kelly felt how hard he was as she reached down and guided him into her beautiful warm wetness then gripped hold of his shoulders, clinging on to him so that nothing could separate them and stop their pleasure from reaching climax.

Kelly began moaning in orgasm as Joe could no longer hold back from ejaculating inside her. They held each other tightly, breathing hard as they lay there in there own heaven. Kelly couldn't believe it. This was not part of her plan. She was now the one who had been seduced by him.

They lay there for a few minutes before getting off the bed and cleaning themselves up. Kelly kept to the plan, putting her clothes back on hoping that Joe might let his guard down over night and give her a chance of getting away.

Joe unzipped the sleeping bag and laid it over both of them as they cuddled on the bed once more. Kelly knew that the key to the barn door was in Joe's right hand jeans pocket together with her car keys, both on the floor at the side of the bed where he had put them earlier.

She now had a plan of escape.

Kelly was soon pretending to be asleep and within the hour, as Joe began to breathe heavily and she knew that her chance was soon.

Gathering the chain and rolling over to face away from Joe she paused, making sure he was still breathing heavily she slid out of the bed and around to his jeans pocket. Her heart now racing, she quietly took out the barn door key and her car keys then paused again, checking he was still asleep. She then quietly crept over to the door, inserted the key and turned it.

As Kelly turned the handle, the door unexpectedly made a loud clunk as the handle released the catch. Shit she thought as she looked over at Joe whose head was now looking over in her direction.

She flung the door open but instead of thinking about turning around and locking Joe in the barn behind her, she instinctively ran for her life instead.

Joe leapt up out of bed, wearing only his boxer shorts and gave chase out of the door. He chased her over the field, just as he'd been chased earlier that day.

Kelly headed for her car with Joe now close behind, shouting for her to stop and come back.

Kelly never made it to her car. She screamed "Noooo." as Joe grabbed her elbow, spinning her around and stopping her on the spot.

"Let me go." "Let me go." She sobbed.

"I trusted you." Joe shouted as he pulled her arm, then holding the middle of the chain he guided her back in the direction of the barn.

Kelly knew that escape was hopeless now so she didn't struggle against Joe as he led her back into the barn, locking the door behind him and dropping the chain on to the floor.

Putting the key on the table, he walked back over to the wooden box and reached inside, this time picking out a 9 inch pipe clamp, slightly smaller than the one he had wrapped around her waist before.

Kelly couldn't apologise enough but she could tell that Joe wasn't listening to her as he carried the clamp over to the bed and picked up the padlock.

"Please Don't Joe. I've learned my lesson Sweetie. I can't escape. I won't try again. I promise." she pleaded. Joe walked over and stood in front of her.

He lifted the chain over Kelly's head, brining it behind her back. He then wrapped the steel one inch thick band around her waist like a metal belt; the cold caused her to breathe in as it touched her skin. Joe held it in place behind her using the padlock, before clicking the lock shut, he put it through a link on the chain 4 inches away from one wrist cuff then he did the same to the chain on the other cuff.

He clicked the padlock shut locking the clamp closed together with the chains, leaving Kelly standing wearing a metal belt with her hands behind her back connected to it, with only eight inches of chain between her wrists.

Kelly accepted this as fair game for her trying to run as Joe guided her over to the bed and lay her down on the mattress.

"Are you trying to get me arrested or killed? What the hell?" he said as he lay down next to her.

"I'm sorry." She replied. This was a massive setback to her plan.

"I'm sorry I have to do this to you." He said to her.

Kelly smiled at him and responded with "You really have no idea what I like do you?"

They both lay next to each other thinking about what had just happened.

"Sweetie, please you must trust me. We are both in this now and we are both in danger, even if you do go to the police."

Kelly was beginning to realise that what he was saying made sense.

"They will hunt us down and make an example out of us to warn others."

"I need your help recovering the packages tomorrow and I can't have you turning on me." He said. "We only have one chance to do this. Please Kelly you need to help me for the sake of both of us."

A light went on in Kelly's head as she realised now that Joe was desperate for her help and her cooperation was essential. I have him by the balls really she thought. She decided to test the water a little before thinking about how she should play him from now on. She didn't want Joe to come to any harm and she knew that he was lustful towards her.

They lay there for around fifteen minutes before Kelly turned to Joe saying "Ok, I'll do it."

Joe had a look of surprise on his face.

"But first I owe you an apology."

Kelly sat up on the bed, then crawled across and straddled his chest. Joe smiled, expecting her to kiss him but she turned around instead.

Facing down his body, she backed up towards his head, pinning his upper arms down with her shins. She lay on her side on his hip and tried to manipulate his now growing cock with her mouth through his boxer shorts.

She only played with it through the cloth until it was hard and trying to poke out, then she lifted her body up right, sitting back on his neck and looking over her shoulder she said "Let me do this properly. I want to apologise to you in kind."

"I'm going to need my hands back for a short time though." She said, partially expecting a refusal but to her delight Joe reached for the padlock keys and unlocked it.

This confirmed to Kelly that he was butter in her hands and she could manipulate him with any kind of sexual seduction. She pulled her hands around the front, lifting the chain over her head and allowing the waist band to fall on to the floor. The padlock and keys were still hanging from one of the chain links so she unhooked them and placed them on the mattress before removing his shorts and resting her forearms on his pelvis.

Joe, putting his fingers through the belt loops of her shorts and his hands on her hips, guided her ass up and back towards him, positioning her crotch in his face then pressing his face against her, he took a deep breath, taking in the erotic smell of her sex soaked clothing.

Kelly took hold of the base of his cock with one hand and licked the tip with her tongue before wrapping her lips around it and sliding her head up and down, causing Joe to make a muffled groaning noise.

Kelly knew that if she asked him for anything right now she would get it but she didn't dislike the idea of pleasuring him and so she continued.

She started stroking the whole length of his cock with her hand and moved her mouth down to his balls, licking them. She then opened her mouth wide and gently sucked both his balls through her lips and into her mouth whilst still rubbing his cock with her hand.

Because of the movement of the mattress, the padlock had crept down towards Joe's leg. Kelly looked at the size of the padlock and comparing it to how closed her lips were, she had an idea. The devil inside her couldn't resist playing a trick on him. What ever the consequences were she knew he wouldn't hurt her and she would always be able to win him over again. With Joe's mind flying to another planet right now, she took hold of the lock, quietly threaded it through one link near the middle of her chain, then closing her lips tighter around the base of his sack, she looped the padlock around his stretched scrotum.

'Click' went the lock as it momentarily nipped some of Joe's skin. Kelly immediately stood up with a smile on her face "Got you." She said as she held the chain in her hands, taking care not to pull on it.

Joe jumped up and grabbed hold of the chain, tacking the weight and making sure Kelly didn't pull on it.

In a high pitched voice, he shouted "What the hell are you doing?"

Kelly now smiling back at Joe, gently started pulling on the chain to tease him a little.

Joe grabbed the chain close to Kelly's wrists and pulled it hard towards him bringing her with it. With his other hand he took a handful of her hair and dragged both her head and hands back down onto the bed.

"Ahh." Kelly screamed. "Only joking. Only joking." she pleaded with him. "The keys are here on the bed." "I'm only playing with you." She said in the hope that Joe would realise that he was back in control of the situation.

"I don't fucking believe you!" he said, picking up the keys and releasing the padlock from around his balls.

He turned and quickly ran away to the middle of the room, sighing through his hands and rubbing his face.

Kelly was sitting on the side of the bed as Joe looked back over to her. She smiled at him and said "I was only playing Sweetie." "I didn't mean to hurt you."

"It didn't hurt." He said, walking back over to her. Kelly saw him coming and so made the first move. Lying back on the bed she threw the surplus chain up over her head and down off the top of the bed, onto the floor.

"This is what I'm really like you see and I'm going to choose my punishment. I'd like you to chain me to the bed like this and bring me to orgasm multiple times please." She said, staring at him with those eyes again.

Joe couldn't quite believe what he was hearing. As he looked at her lying there fully clothed, he stopped for a moment to think about what he should do.

He walked to the top of the bed and knelt down just above Kelly's head.

With one hand, he lifted a corner of the bed up slightly and with the other hand he wrapped the chain under and around the leg once then put it back down again. Moving over to the other corner of the bed, he lifted it, then wrapped the chain once under and around this leg too, letting go of the bed and adjusting the chain to make it equal lengths from Kelly's wrists.

Kelly was now lying on her back with her wrists chained to the top of the bed. Joe was not in right frame of mind after almost having his balls ripped off so the multiple orgasms would have to wait. "I need to charge the vibrator for your punishment." he said.

Joe stood up and rummaged through Kelly's purse, looking for the charging lead. He found the vibrator and he had the remote control. He picked out the charging lead and inserted the USB plug into his phone charger adapter then he returned to Kelly before she could try anything else.

Kelly used to like playing this scenario with her ex boyfriend and was feeling vulnerable and horney right now at the mercy of Joe. "Aren't you going to make love to me again?" Kelly asked.

"No." he replied. "You are in so much trouble tomorrow for that little stunt. Right now we need to sleep."

Kelly began wondered if she might have lost her control over him.

Joe lay next to her with one arm over her stomach in case she tried to move in the night. She would struggle to lift the bed to free her chains with the weight of Joe on it and he had the barn door key in his pocket.

Kelly began kissing him every ten seconds to annoy him but he just lay there, not playing her new game so she gave up and fell asleep.

It was 7AM on Sunday morning; Joe had slept the most, Kelly slept very little.

Joe woke up to Kelly's tongue in his ear, startling him into sitting upright. Pleased with the reaction she lay there, smiling at him.

"I need the toilet." She said.

Joe looked around, getting his head together, then kneeling at the head of the bed he lifted each of the two corners one at a time, releasing the chain from around the legs.

Kelly got up and did what she had to do as Joe looked through the kitchen cupboards, pulling out some bread and some eggs. He fried the eggs and grilled the bread then presented it to Kelly on the table with a glass of water. "That's the best I can do I'm afraid."

"No Salmon or fresh Orange?" She joked.

After they had eaten, Kelly said to Joe "I need some clean clothes from my car."

Joe intended to borrow Kelly's car, take the two flat tyres from his van into town and get them repaired.

He told her "I have to go out for a short while. I'll bring your bags in when I get back."

"I'll come with you." Kelly said, "I can't stay here on my own can I? It's not safe is it?"

"At the moment, we're both safe, until tonight that is if I can't recover our stolen goods."

"I won't try anything today if you let me come with you, I promise." She said.

Joe looked at her and thought how the vibrator must be fully charged now so she can play with that when I go out.

"No." He said. "Too risky for me I'm afraid."

Sighing, Kelly walked around the barn, noticing the padlock and keys, she picked them up casually without being noticed then she turned and began walking back towards Joe.

"I meant what I said last night you know, about wanting you to make love to me again. I'm sorry if I frightened you with this." She said holding up the padlock. "I know that you won't hurt me and I do trust you. The problem is that this chain is still around your balls, you just don't know it. You think that I'm going to run to the police the second that you let me go and so you have to keep me chained up like this because you're actually scared of me and what I can do to you aren't you?"

Joe frowned. He stared at Kelly, now standing in front of him. She put one arm over his head and swung the chain behind him, placing her hands on his neck. She went on "I won't go to the police. I quite like you Joe and I feel kind of weird when it comes to you keeping me secured like this. I'm like your pet that you stole from the wild. You like this pet, I know you do. You owe me big time and I might give you a chance to let you try and make it up to me when this is over."

Kelly was still holding his neck as they looked into each others eyes, wondering who was going to make the first move and kiss the other. Joe put his hands on her shoulders so Kelly moved her hands down the front of his chest to his waist, pulling the chains down over his shoulders from behind him, causing the surplus chain to rise up to the back of Joe's neck.

Kelly spoke first "The pet that you stole is naughty and unfortunately for you I'm more of a lioness than a little kitten who needs to be tamed."

Bringing her hands back up to the front of Joe's neck again, holding the chain in place so that it didn't fall back down behind him, Kelly moved in for the kiss. Joe didn't back away. He put his arms around her neck and planted his lips on hers, feeling the beginning of another arousal in his groin.

'CLICK' went the padlock as Kelly stepped back from Joe, leaving him standing in front of her with the middle of her chain now locked around his neck.

"You are so easy!" she smiled at him, delighted at what she had just achieved.

"What the fuck?" Joe said, feeling the lock and chain around his neck.

"Two points to me." She said as she threw the keys across the room, sending them skidding under the bed.

"Are you for real?" he shouted, grasping tightly hold of the chains at ether side. He pulled Kelly over to the bed and knelt down so he could reach underneath, leaving Kelly standing but bent down slightly above him. Kelly manoeuvred the lock and both ends of the chain from the front to around the back of his neck. She then straddled her legs over his back, sat down on him and whilst whipping the two chains from her wrists on to his shoulders she shouted "Yeeee Haaaa." As if to be riding him like a horse.

Joe stood up with the keys. Kelly stopped playing and rotated the chain back around him so that he could open the lock at the front of his neck.

Kelly tried to gain eye contact with a cheeky smile on her face but Joe was not playing ball this time. With the padlock and chain in one hand he dragged her across the room and picked up one of the largest pipe clamps from the box. He swung half over one of the currently exposed wooden roof trusses that would eventually be covered over with floor boards to make the first floor, catching the end as it swung back down to meet its opposing fastening hole. He put the padlock through the clamp then pulled the chain up above Kelly's head, choosing two suitable links to hook into the padlock, he snapped it shut locking her hands above her head.

Kelly had mistakenly risen up onto her tiptoes as she had done before in the old mill to relieve the pressure as Joe pulled the chain up. She then tried to lower herself back down on to her heals but found that the chain was too tight, so she had to stay up on her toes, holding on to each of the chains with both hands to prevent it hurting her wrists.

She looked up at her restraints, testing them, confirming that they were still just as tight and not coming off by pulling.

"What are you going to do to me?" she whispered.

Joe stood in front of Kelly, looked her in the eye and kissed her on the lips, knowing that she wouldn't refuse as seducing him was her only option right now. Kelly desperately pushed her tongue in to Joe's mouth, trying to swing her whole body towards him to make as much physical contact as possible.

Joe put his hands on her bum cheeks, pulling her hips towards his groin, rubbing himself against her as he did. Kelly knew she had overstepped the mark with the chain and padlock this time and wanted him to get so aroused that he would forgive and forget her actions.

Joe was in no rush to break off the kiss but after what felt like the whole morning, he turned his head, hearing Kelly breathe out a deep breath, whispering to him, with her eyes still closed, "I'm sorry darling."

In Joes mind she was forgiven alright but he couldn't let it show, this was his turn now so he unfastened the buttons of her shorts and pulled them down to her ankles.

Kelly watched as he unplugged the vibrator from its charging point in the kitchen area and came back over to her. This isn't too bad she thought. Without speaking Joe placed the vibrator correctly in the gusset pocket and positioned it in her opening, giving it a shake from side to side as he did, ensuring it was fully home between her lips.

He reached down, took hold of her shorts and pulled them back up again, checking as he did that the vibrator didn't move whilst inching them over her hips. He noticed how much of a tight fit around her hips and cheeks they were as he pulled the denim shorts fully up as far as they would go, almost lifting Kelly off the ground as he did. Joe looked up at Kelly with a smug smile on his face as he struggled to fasten the buttons "Multiple orgasms you asked for didn't you?" he said.

Kelly couldn't think of a reply.

"But that was your choice of punishment for trapping my balls. Now I also owe you for trying to strangle me." he said.

"I wasn't trying to strangle you darling, I was only joking around. Wouldn't you like to be eternally attached to me anyway?"

"Not in that way." he replied. "Stay here for a moment will you?" he asked jokingly as he walked over to the wooden box, picked out two other different sizes of larger clamp and wandered back over to her.

"What are you doing with those?" she asked.

"We shall see." He replied as he wrapped the two halves of one of the metal bands around her stretched up narrow waist. The clamp did close but it was too tight and he wanted it to sit lower down, so he swapped it for the other size clamp in his hand. This was a better fit, just as Joe wanted it to, above her hips at the height of her belt loops. He closed the clamp around her waist then, opening it slightly, he began behind her back, rotating the clamp all the way around her waist, threading the leading edge of the clamp through each of her belt loops as he did. When the clamp was all the way round her and through all of her belt loops, he held it closed with his fingers. Holding the clamp at the front and back at the same time, he gently pushed the clamp towards her stomach and into the small of her back, bending it into a more oval shape before letting go, inspecting that it hadn't sprung back into a circle again.

He stood back admiring his captive then walked over to the wooden box, returning with the rivet tool, primed and ready with a rivet.

"Joe?" Kelly questioned

"I'm going to need the padlock for somewhere else." He explained

Kelly tried to stop him by turning and continue facing Joe as he walked behind her to rivet the clamp closed but it was no good, he grabbed her waist with one hand, holding her still. Closing the clamp, he inserted the rivet through the two holes and squeezed the trigger. Kelly's heart sank as she heard the final CRACK from the tool, meaning that any keys wouldn't be able to release her.

Joe returned the rivet tool to the box then walked over to the kitchen area to pick up the remote control with Kelly watching every move to see what he was going to do next.

Joe then walked over to his stretched tiptoeing prize and knelt down in front of her. He inhaled a long sniff at the crotch of her 'high waist denim chastity belt' riveted in place by the two centimetre wide shiny silver belt. He pressed the ON button and felt the vibrations through the cloth change as he scrolled through the different speed settings, leaving it running on the slowest vibration.

He slowly stood up, taking a long sniff, keeping his nose touching her body all the way up to her lips. Joe placed his hands on her ether side on her jaw and kissed her, sucking on her top lip as he backed away.

"Are you really going to do this to me?" she asked.

Joe ran his hands down her body, stopping on her arse, bending down slightly then pulling her towards him he lifted her up off the floor taking the weight off her chains. Kelly wrapped her legs around his waist, holding on to him tightly.

Holding Kelly's behind with one hand he reached into his pocket, took out the keys then reached up, unlocked the padlock and removed it from the chain and the clamp. He lowered the chain down over his head, letting it fall behind him and put the lock into his pocket as Kelly then wrapped her arms around his neck to hold on.

Joe carried Kelly over to the bed, leaning forward so that she could lie on her back on the mattress. Kelly refused to let go, causing Joe to fall on top of her on the bed.

She did let go as Joe rolled off her then sat up at the side of the bed lifting the chain from around him. Kelly tried to put the chain back over his shoulders but Joe quickly lifted it back off him as he stood up and turned to face her.

"Sorry sweetie. I'm not finished yet." He said

He put the chain over her head and pulled her hands behind her back, forcing her to lie on her stomach. He threaded the surplus chain through in-between the metal belt and her shorts, pulling her hands into the small of her back. Then, sitting on the bed, he lifted her lower legs up to rest on her arse and looped the chain around one ankle. Then he looped the chain around the other ankle in a figure of eight pattern and locked the padlock through the two links in the chain at the point where they crossed between her ankles, leaving the rest of the chain going from this point up to her wrist cuffs.

Kelly was now chained in a hog tie position laying on her front.

"Comfortable?" Joe asked sarcastically.

"Have you finished now?" she replied.

"I have to go out for a few minutes. Don't go anywhere will you? Oh and I wouldn't advise trying to roll off the bed ether, that may hurt."

"Where are you going?" she asked.

"I need to borrow your car." He said "To get my tyres changed."

"Please Joe, you can't leave me like this. What if something happens to you?"

Joe pushed Kelly's feet to one side, rolling her over slightly and pulled the pillow down from her head to in between her legs.

"Extra multiple orgasms it will be then." He said as he positioned her onto the pillow so that it increased the pressure of the vibrator onto her clitoris and pressed the remote control twice more to speed it up.

"The keys are here in the kitchen if anybody comes to rescue you." "I won't be too long."

Joe took both sets of car keys, locked the barn door behind him and collected Kelly's car from the old mill. He took off his two flat wheels and loaded them on to the back seat of Kelly's car, then headed towards town to get them repaired.

His intention later was to use Kelly as a lookout whilst he broke in to Jonesy's house and recovered the packages.

As he was waiting for his tyres to be fitted Joe telephoned Wayney. The conversation was ok but Joe wanted to know if Wayney knew where Jonesy kept his stash. Wayney immediately realised what was going on here and that Jonesy was the one who stole the shipment but Joe managed to convince Wayney that Joe would sort the mess out himself. Wayney told Joe that Jonesy kept his merchandise in his dog's shed or kennel if you could call it that.

So this was simple, all Joe had to do was wait until Jonesy went out with his dog and break into his shed whilst Kelly waited in the car as a lookout.

Joe drove back from getting his tyres replaced, via Jonesy's house to have a dry run along the route. He saw a footpath going behind the house separated from the garden by a six foot fence. Joe parked Kelly's car on the road and walked down the footpath. As Joe was looking for a gate, he heard the dog snarling at him because it could tell that someone was walking along on the other side of the fence. There was no gate so Joe pulled himself up slightly to have a look over the fence. He saw a small shed as Wayney had described that was being used as a dog kennel. The dog looked like a Pitbull terrier and Joe didn't fancy his chances against it.

He walked all the way along the footpath so as to not raise any suspicion if he had been seen, then he walked back again looking at who would have a view of the shed when he came back with Kelly later.

He looked at his watch and realised that he'd been gone for almost two hours so he got back in the car, thinking of what state Kelly must be in by now lying on the bed being pleasured by her vibrating nemesis. As he drove away, he saw the Welsh man with the Pitbull leaving the house and getting into a car. Joe drove to the end of the street and waited to see where they were going. He followed them for a short way until they turned onto a major road where Joe turned around and headed back to the house.

Kelly was lying on her side, trying to take the slightest little bit of pressure off her crotch caused by the pillow but it wasn't enough. With no break after her orgasm, she was trying to think of anything to take her mind away from sex but it wasn't working ether. The vibrator was pressed firmly against her clitoris and on full speed. All she could do was open her knees and close them to try to move it out of place but that only made the sensation change and didn't adjust the position. Her hair was annoying her in her face so she rolled onto her stomach, pressing her face into the mattress and wiping her hair out of the way. Now back in position, she gave in to the situation and rolled her hips forward, pressing down into the pillow then rolled them back and forward again, dry humping it, applying maximum pressure down there. It felt good and now she couldn't stop. She was cursing Joe but at the same time she was loving him, imagining he was the one pleasuring her. Her tight arse bucking up and down to a strange rhythm would have been a sexy sight if Joe were there to see. Sometimes she would hold down for a few seconds, feeling the pleasure before quickly lifting up and down again.

Her next orgasm was just about there. She held her hips down into the pillow, moaning into the mattress, almost curling her body bringing her knees up towards her chest to relieve the intense sensation but then pressing herself back down again. Her whole body shuddered as the unstoppable orgasm made her shout out loud Joe's name and with no one to hear her she didn't hold back from screaming. Now gasping, Kelly knew that this was all going to happen again. She couldn't imagine that any other man in the world would do this to her, she was somewhere between heaven and hell, loving and hating it at the same time.

Kelly rolled onto her side trying to take the slightest bit of pressure off her crotch again but she knew it was going to be pointless.

Joe pulled up at the end of the footpath again and got out of the car. He went to the front door and knocked on it. There was no answer so he went to the back fence and jumped over into the garden. The kennel door had a lock on it but Joe made light work of the whole door by ripping it to pieces using an aluminium ladder he found on the floor. He crawled into the small shed and looking up he found a large locked metal box. He didn't have time to be trying to break in to the box so he took the whole box with him in the hope that the drugs were inside it.

Joe then drove straight to the barn being careful not to speed or break any laws on the way, not to risk getting pulled over by the police although he knew that he was against the clock because Jonesy would be home with his dog soon and be after someone with a vengeance.

He arrived back at the barn and quickly dumped the tyres out of Kelly's car, leaving the metal box on the back seat. He unlocked the door and ran into the barn finding Kelly exactly where he had left her nearly three hours ago the only difference was that she now had messy wet hair sticking to her face.

"Bastard." she said to him as he ran over to her, picking up the padlock keys, freeing her ankles and pulling the chain out from behind the metal belt.

"Turn this bloody thing off will you!" she said with a raised voice.

Joe did as she asked and helped her up off the bed, lifting the chain over her head bringing her hands to her front.

"Are you ok sweetie?" He asked.

"Better now thanks. What's wrong?" she replied, noticing the sense of urgency in his actions.

"I think I have recovered the packages from Jonesy so we have to get out of here before he comes for us."

"What?" she replied.

"Come on, get your things, we need to get going now."

Kelly packed her handbag, Joe picked up his phone charger, as he turned to Kelly he noticed how much her tight fitting shiny new belt enhanced her figure. "Are you ready?" He said

"Yes. Where are we going?" she asked.

"My place. Jonesy doesn't know where I live. Not yet anyway."

Kelly held up the chain and touched the belt. "What about all this?"

"I have a drill at my house; I'll be able to drill the rivets out there. We'll have to cover your hands over when we get out of the car though."

The thought of freedom at last, after being held like a sex slave for the past 24 hours was not to be turned down so Kelly got into the car without question as Joe locked the barn door and put the key around the back where he picked it up when he first arrived.

They drove as fast as they could along the narrow lane hoping to not meet anyone coming the other way. The roads got wider and busier as they headed to Joes place which relaxed Joe a little.

"Ok, here we are" Joe announced as he pulled the car over at the side of the road.

"If you get my large bag from the back of the car I can take some clothes out and use those to hide my cuffs."

"Wait here." He said, then took the metal box from the back seat and went into his house. He returned, opened the back of the car, picked up Kelly's large bag and opened it on the back seat. Kelly picked out a t-shirt, some leggings and clean underwear. She passed the underwear to Joe for him to carry and she wrapped the t-shirt around one wrist, gathered the chain up and told Joe to wrap the leggings around her other wrist to hide any metal on show.

Once inside the house, Joe brought out his battery drill and went to work on the lock on the metal box, stopping as Kelly tapped him on the shoulder, presenting him with her shackles.

"Sorry. You're right" he said to her. He put the drill on to the rivet on Kelley's right wrist.

The drill went into the head of the rivet with ease, removing the head completely as it went in even further, allowing the pipe clamp to swing open on its hinge and the chain to fall to the floor. He did the same with her left wrist, freeing her at last.

Joe then turned Kelly around to drill the rivet holding her 'chastity belt' on but as he started drilling, the entire rivet began spinning with the drill. This was a problem as the rivet needed to stay still to enable the drill to cut into it and take the head off.

"Shit!" he said as he tried drilling it from all other angles without success.

"What's wrong?" Kelly asked.

"I need to cut this one off I'm afraid." He explained. "The rivet is spinning because it's too long for a single clamp. The ones on your wrists had the chain with them and so the rivets were the ideal length. This one will have to be cut off. Shit."

"Is that a problem?" she asked.

"Not a big problem no but the metal saw is at the barn so I'll have to buy another."

"What? You mean this is still going to be locked on me like this until we can buy a new saw?" she asked.

"Sorry baby I'm afraid it is. Can you hold on to your water for a little longer?"

"Yes I'm fine but I need to wash and change."

Joe showed Kelly into the bathroom where she would be able to wash her upper body by leaning over the bath, holding the shower hose in her hand. He gave her shampoo and soap then leaving her to it as he returned back to the locked box.

The first thing Kelly did was to unfasten her buttons, push her hand down into her crotch and retrieve the vibrator.

Joe was making a mess of the lock and had replaced two drill bits so far when Kelly emerged from the bathroom with a towel around her top half, wanting to know where his hair dryer was.

Joe showed her the hair dryer, brushes, combes and a ***********ion of deodorants and asked if she wanted something to eat.

"Something small like a sandwich for me please." She told him.

Kelly met Joe in the kitchen; her clean t-shirt was now long enough to hide the metal belt if she stood upright meaning she would now be able to go outside without it being seen.

After they had eaten, Kelly watched as Joe finally drilled through the lock, allowing him to break into the metal box.

"That's what we want to see." Joe said staring at the contents. The familiar 5 packages were accompanied by a large wad of cash sitting in the box.

Joe handed the cash to Kelly with a beaming smile on his face and said "Would you mind counting this please, I have to call Wayney?"

Joe walked into another room to speak on the telephone, leaving Kelly alone with the money, her car keys and Joes house keys. She could have made a run for it but didn't, she just counted the money into thousand pound piles on the floor.

Joe walked back in the room. "How much?" he asked.

"Nine thousand so far" she said still counting. Kelly was surprised at how un-fazed Joe was by the large sum of money, it was as though this was what he was expecting.

"Twelve thousand three hundred and sixty." She said looking at Joe.

"We'll call that compensation shall we." Joe said. "We have to get going."

"Where are we going?" she asked.

"To deliver this to Wayneys house." He said.

"I can't go back there." She replied.

"Don't worry he thinks you're in this with me. Trust me won't touch you this time, all he wants is these packages."

They gathered everything together and headed off to Wayneys house, all the time checking that they weren't being followed.

Kelly recognised the stables and the dreaded sauna as they drove up to Wayney's house.

"I'll stay here." She said.

"No. If Jonesy comes round here I need you inside with me." Joe insisted. "Believe me, Wayney owes you for tying you up in the sauna and if his wife's at home then he'll be praying for you to keep quiet."

"Ok." She said.

Wayney answered the door and they entered with packages, leaving the twelve grand in the car.

"Sorry it's late." Joe said joking to Wayney as he handed the drugs over to him.

Wayney immediately turned his attention to Kelly, holding his hand out to shake hers. They shook.

"I'm Wayne or Wayney to my friends. I'm sorry about yesterdays misunderstanding, are you ok?" he asked.

"I was scared yes. Do you always treat women that way?"

"No." he told her then he turned and walked into a back room with the packages in his hand.

Kelly and Joe were standing in silence. Kelly was looking at Joe; he was caught again staring at her chest.

"Try not to aggravate him too much." Joe said. Before Kelly could answer, Wayney reappeared with two envelopes in his hand.

"As agreed." He said handing one envelope to Joe. "And this is for you by way of an apology." He said to Kelly, as he handed her the other envelope.

"Listen you two." Wayney said. "That thieving Jonesy bastard will be looking for you so you need to disappear for a while. I'll be looking out for him but you both need to leave town for your own safety." Wayney went on "I wouldn't risk going back to your house ether because he'll be heading there first." "Now make yourselves scarce, quickly."

"Come on sweetie." Joe said as he put his arm around Kelly's waist, turning them both towards the door, accidently revealing the shiny silver belt to Wayney as they walked out.

Kelly counted the money in the envelopes as they drove to find a hardware store.

"Six thousand for you, is that right?" she asked.

"Yes that's my payment. What has he given you?"

Kelly counted her envelope out. "Tree thousand pounds." She said with a confused look on her face.

"Not bad for half an hours working with him is it?" Joe pointed out.

"What about 24 hours working with you then?" she said.

Joe looked at Kelly and asked "Will twelve thousand three hundred and sixty be enough for my apology?"

Kelly was shocked. She stared at Joe with a smile on her face and said "No. But it's a start though." "I still think you need to make it up to me." There was no way Kelly was going to the police, she had become fond of Joe's protective manner and how he had reacted to her playing games with him, not to mention the physical attraction she had towards him.

They pulled into a parking space outside the hardware store. Joe told Kelly to keep all the money with her in her handbag as they went inside.

"Is it a normal saw like the one you used the last time you DIDN'T free me?" she asked.

"I want to see if they have bolt cutters over by the chain section, you can sometimes cut your own chain to length in these places." He said.

They found the said bolt cutters in the department with the chains and ropes. Making sure no one was looking, Joe slightly lifted her t-shirt and put the jaws of the cutters in-between the two haves of the clamp where they closed together, making light work of the rivet as he brought the cutters handles together.

He put the cutters back on the shelf and said "Let's go."

Once outside, Kelly rotated the belt around her waist, freeing it from each of the belt loops as she did. Joe stood still before he reached the car so Kelly took the keys out of his hand, unlocked the car and threw the belt on the back seat.

Joe was still standing in the car park watching Kelly as she walked back over to him, stopping in front of his face.

Bringing up her left hand she slapped Joe hard across his face saying "That's for kidnapping me and locking me up." "Especially without my consent."

Joe was holding his right cheek as Kelly brought up her other hand, this time slapping him across his left cheek. "And that's for steeling my heart!" she said.

Joe stared at her in shock. Kelly grabbed hold of the belt of his jeans and pulling him in to her she said "Get in the car. You're driving me to Scotland."

They both climbed in the car, Kelly looked at him and carefully said "Where I'm going is isolated and will be ideal for you to hide out. And you are going to make it up to me when we get there aren't you?"

Putting his hand on Kelly's neck, he pulled her towards him, meeting her half way, kissing her on the lips he then rested his forehead on hers, staring into her eyes he said "You really are something special."
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