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Beth has volunteered for a group at the prison so she can spend more time with Jackson
Part one

Jackson was sitting up with Beth in his lap. His right hand pushing her ass hard against his body. Her legs either side of his torso. They had been fucking for at least an hour, the usual rough, controlling stuff that Beth now craved. As much as any junkie did their fix. Her bottom showed the red marks from the riding crop that Jackson had smacked her with many times. Then he had carried her around the room for ages, screwing her hard and fast in his arms, while she held on for dear life. Her cries of pleasure echoing around the room. Then in need of a little rest they had collapsed together onto a table.

They were both panting hard as Beth settled into his lap. Jackson from his exertion and Beth from another incredible orgasm that had taken her breath away with its sheer intensity. For a moment, as they recovered, they shared a rare tender moment. Jackson surprised Beth by resting his face against her chest. She closed her eyes and wrapped her arms around his head, pulling him to her. Loving the feeling of closeness this position gave them, she ran her hands through his hair. She told him repeatedly how fucking amazing their love making had been.

They were hidden somewhere in the depths of the prison. A basement or something and that had made the sex all the more exciting for Beth. The idea that they might get caught had at first terrified her and then thrilled her. Deep down she knew that she did not really believe she would get caught but the idea was still exhilarating. Jackson was too in control for that and he had confidently assured her that, “his people were on guard.” She assumed he had meant Luther. That had been the one disappointment, a part of Beth had hoped that he might join the two of them but of him there had been no sign.

The basement was dull and dusty. God knows what it had been used for in the past because all over the pealing white paint someone had scrawled rude words. It must have held prisoners at one time but now it was just a storeroom. The table they were now cuddling on and a couple of old sofas were the only furniture. Everywhere else there were records and papers stacked in huge disorganised piles. Or on tall bookshelves. Beth had loved the idea of being screwed in this room the moment she had seen it, and this had pushed her fears away. It was so dirty and slutty to be taken here.

Her hand reached down and taking Jackson’s huge dick in her hand she slipped it inside her. Smiling to herself at how expertly she did that now and how the girth of his cock used to make her so nervous. Lord knows in the last few weeks she had gained lots of practice. Gently Beth began rocking her hips back and forth. Telling Jackson that she was going to fuck him as she did. She still held his head tight against hers but as they began screwing again Jackson lifted his head and they began to kiss.

“Keep fucking me,” she whispered. Her tongue eagerly protruded to meet Jackson’s mouth which slowly came for hers. Gradually she moved her body backwards, resting her hands on the table behind her. Jackson smiled and stroked her face. “You like that?” She asked in that same soft voice and then she smiled as Jackson’s hands cupped her breasts. “Fuck me,” she kept repeating, as he began to push her harder in towards him. “Oh yes, yes,” she said, loving the way he was staring at her with such wanton lust in his eyes.

His mouth kissed the valley between her large breasts, and she threw her head back in pleasure. And now the old table began to creak a little as she screwed him more vigorously. In returned her tits were being squeezed and moulded roughly between his fingers. “Oh, shit boss,” she cried. “That feels so good.” And then he pulled her to him again and they held each other. Once more Beth squeezed him tight against her. His arms round her back doing the same, as she crossed her legs behind him. There was an intensity today that she had not felt before.

Beth turned her head for a moment and tried to focus. Around her on the dusty floor lay the remains of both of their clothes. Jackson had taken no time in stripping her and she had returned the favour with equal enthusiasm. Her shirt lay by the table, but her short skirt was in the corner beside his orange prison suit. God knows where her shoes were. Beth considered for a moment the idea of asking him to hold her tight. He was doing that anyway, but it would show how much she liked what he was doing. She wished she could say, “tighter,” to him over and over. She remained silent though, sensing this would not be the right thing to say.

All of a sudden he kissed her again and then he lay back on the table, his arm indicating she should come and lay beside him. This felt to Beth like he was preparing to leave, and a crushing sadness washed over her. These were Beth’s brothers last days of incarceration. He was due to be released at the end of the week. Beth had no idea whether that meant there was any future for her and Jackson. Beth remained torn. When she was away from Jackson her guilt was almost overwhelming but when he suddenly appeared with another one of his little games. All she wanted to do was to be with him and to be used by him in whatever way Jackson saw fit.

She lay by his side and they kissed several times. He was holding her hand and she loved that too. Beth decided she could not let Jackson go today without speaking about the situation. It might be the last chance. Did he even know her brother’s release date was so soon? Surely the intensity of today was about more than just hiding and fucking in the prison basement. She took a deep breath and went to speak, without any clear idea of what she was going to say. But Jackson lifted his head, there was a sudden look of concentration on his face and she wondered if he had realised the significance of this moment as well. But what he said was completely unexpected.

“I think Miss Short is coming,” he said. Beth’s bravado about being discovered disappeared instantly, especially when sure enough she heard a faint voice calling for her. The next few moments were a mass of flailing bodies as Jackson and Beth struggled to get their clothes back on quickly. They managed to dress just in time. They had barely time to spring guilty apart when Miss Short marched into the basement.

“Ah there you are,” she said. Miss Short seemed strangely dishevelled and red faced. Must be the dirt and dust down here thought Beth.

Part two

The following day Beth was back at the prison. She had accepted a place on a volunteer’s group, working with the prisoners at various menial tasks. Of course, when the requests for people to join the group had gone out. It was Jackson that had insisted she join. He had inferred there would be plenty of time for love making amongst the tasks they were given and on day one he had not let her down. Of course, he had been very casual about the fact they had so nearly been caught, which infuriated Beth. At first she had vowed not to return. But the lure of time with Jackson, justified by the reason that she needed to keep her brother safe had brought her back to the prison once more.

Miss Short was the group’s organiser. Probably in her early twenties she seemed far too young to be working around all these harden prisoner’s and certainly there seemed times when she was nervous and unsure of what she was doing. She was the very prison officer who had taken Beth’s clothes away in the governor’s office. All the officers were apparently encouraged to do at least one project a year that got them closely involved with the inmates. The tidying up of the far-reaching places of the prison was the project Miss Short had been given. Beth did not doubt that Jackson had been heavily involved in this idea, but she had no idea how. Yesterday to no great surprise Jackson had been assigned to Beth and as he was a trustee they had been allowed to go off together unsupervised.

Which is how she and Jackson had ended up fucking in the Basement. Beth’s daydreams about yesterday were abruptly halted by Miss Short calling things to order. Not that there was much reason. Beth was one of only two volunteers. The other lady was very elderly and very deaf, which is why Miss Short had to shout. The old lady was once again sent to the library and so Miss Short turned her attention to Beth, telling her, no asking her if it was okay to work with Jackson again. There was something in how the words were said, almost sarcastic. It bothered Beth for a moment but then excitement took over when Miss Short explained what task she was being assigned.

“You’re going to this old cell block,” Miss Short said. “It’s in the remotest part of the prison.” That was the phrase that got Beth really excited and hopeful for lots of the private time with her lover. “Mr Jackson is already there, and this is how you find him.” Miss Short continued. Beth thanked her, who told her to call her Lauren. Once again Beth wondered what Lauren was doing working in a prison. Beth guessed the young prison officer was about 23. She had the loveliest face, with long brown hair and eyes of the same colour. That and her long legs must make her a fantasy figure amongst the inmates she thought. As Beth wandered off, there was a further flash of discomfort from the way Lauren said, “Oh it’s a little dirty down there.”

This was a reference to the very smart but tight, short dress that Beth was wearing. One of Jackson’s other little commands. This dress covered up a lot more than the previous outfit he had bought her, but it was still pretty inappropriate for a prison visit. Beth looked down at her dress self-consciously and then back up at Miss Short who was looking at her. Lauren shrugged, turned with a sigh and then walked away.

For the first time in her life Beth had to walk through the main prison to get to where she was going. She felt very official having to show her badge at the entrance to each sector and amused by receiving wolf whistles and cat calls as she walked. Of course, she had quite a bit of thigh on show and her high-heeled shoes clunked on the hard floor. It was quite a turn on though being whistled at by all these incarnated men. Often there would be other prisoners telling the ones who were shouting to be quiet. It occurred to her that perhaps those prisoners knew that she was Jackson’s woman. Jackson’s woman? Was that the right phrase?

Probably not but she felt sure some knew she had that status, and this was why they were shouting the others down. Don’t mess with her or you’ll be messing with Jackson, Beth imagined that might be the message being shared. She now walked with her head a little higher, her hips swaying just a little more. Jackson’s woman! There was no denying that was what she was. At least for now. What was a little disquieting though, was the way it made her feel proud but then she frowned! Realising there were many who would use a less flattering term. She sighed, her mother for one. Oh god she knew exactly what her mother would call her. A flash of fear struck her that her brother might find out what she had been up to but she forced it out of her mind.

Eventually things around her became quieter, and then uninhabited. At the final door she was let through, she found a long staircase just like it said she would on the map. Beth then found herself in a large room of crumbling cells. That led to another staircase and another room long since abandoned. She then came to a third and final area of the disused prison. The map sent her to a cell in the corner of the room but to her disappointment there was no Jackson. For a moment she cursed. Was she in the wrong place? But then she saw the note and under the note was a package.

More clothes? Thought Beth and she was right. The note said, “put me on,” and “me” was a satin red chemise complete with matching thong. Under the words “put me on,” the note said, “stop hesitating, we won’t get caught, just put me on or …………” Beth smiled he knew her too well, knew she was always cautious but then again easily led. God she was so deep in this prison, there was no way they were going to get found out, was there? There was always the danger of a visit from Miss Sharp but that was all. Anyway, she was now very horny and painfully aware time for her and Jackson was running out. Her brother’s release was getting closer and closer. So, without even her customary sigh she got changed.

The chemise was just about the sexist thing Beth had ever worn. It was also kind of elegant too. Which she really liked. It was short with a lace trim around the hem and the neckline was plunging, with tiny straps over her shoulders. She smiled hoping Jackson would like the way her large breasts filled out the cups. They were made from tiny triangles of material that left little to the imagination, especially from the side. It was backless too from the waist up. Once she had the chemise on, she put the thong on as well, wondering if she had ever worn one.

Beth could see there was only one entrance into the room, so she stood in full view of it, waiting impatiently for her man to appear. It was only a moment later that she heard footsteps. But then nothing. She frowned. Was he playing with her or was it someone else? Then she heard more footsteps, louder and firmer this time. Trying to ignore her fear that it might not be Jackson she stood with her back to the door. Behind her she heard a sharp intake of breath and smiling she turned. Hands at her side she stood directly in front of him. On her face a sexy smile, making herself show no reaction to the relief she was feeling that it was actually Jackson. Beth looked down at the ground and put an arm behind her head, turning slightly. A sexy pose especially for her lover and then she turned the other way, dropping her hands again and then slowly bending one leg.

Part three

“Fuck yes,” said Jackson, showing he loved the view. “Very nice. Now get on the bed on your front.” Beth giggled, loving once more being ordered around. She climbed onto the bed, which happily was pretty clean, more of Jackson’s doing she suspected. Beth lay on her front resting her head on one arm and looking back at her man. She wanted to ask if they were safe, to get at least some reassurance but today Jackson was all action. He told her to be silent and as she always did, she obeyed. “I am going to fuck you,” he said. As if she didn’t realise.

He lifted the hem of the chemise revealing the rest of Beth’s ass and the thong. She smiled and turned herself round a little more, so she was flatter on the bed for him. As he raked his fingers down the cheeks of her backside Beth could not help letting out a little gasp and smiling even more. Jackson’s fingers grabbed the thong and eased it down her legs till it was around her knees. And then he lovingly stroked the two mounds of soft flesh in front of him. Slowly his hands aroused Beth and she felt herself getting wet and even more horny. Sighing heavily, she began to bite her thumb and stroke her face. Finally, she could hold out no longer.

“Fuck me Boss,” she whispered. Today she was too horny for all the usual foreplay.

“Oh, I will,” he replied, and he moved her into a position where she was kneeling upright, her hands grabbed the bars on the cell that the bed was pushed up against. As she got into position, he removed the thong from her legs and dropped it onto the floor. ‘That’s right just like that,” he said calmly. Beth closed her eyes, holding her breath for what was coming next. He entered her, in his usual firm and skilful way, her whole body moving forward as her pussy resisted expanding around the huge girth of his dick.

Jackson’s hand was clamped around the front of her thigh, holding her body tight against his. As he screwed her he muttered to himself something about, nice and slow. He was as good as his word. Each thrust was slow but irresistibly firm and it pushed her right forward to the bars and then he brought her back again. His cock sliding inside her with ease, she had been wet long before he had started. Her insides lit up as heat cascaded through her body in waves of pleasure and delight that took her breath away. Each thrust brought an “aaaaarrrggghhhhh,” sound from Beth.

His lips caressed her neck and then he kissed the side of her face. Beth closed her eyes and turned her head to the side, eager for this extra contact. He was picking up speed a little now and the sounds of delight from Beth kept in time. Jackson’s hand began to grasp and squeeze her chest. And then after a brief struggle with the flimsy chemise he popped her right tit out of its cup, so his hand could enjoy her bare breast. For a moment Beth’s hands left the bars and slid down her chest and pushed his hands against her body. Immediately though she had to reach forward again, grabbing the bars to stop herself falling forward.

“Oh fuck, that’s so good, boss,” she said, managing to get the words out between the cries of pleasure. For a moment the thrusts ceased. She felt herself pulled back towards Jackson a little more and with her body resting against his, he kissed the side of her neck. “Yes, yes,” she began to cry, and her hand went to her own breast, the joy of being fucked making touching and caressing herself irresistible. And then she was pushed forward again, her fingers wrapping around the cold bars to support herself from falling forward.

He resumed fucking her. Beth’s eyes closed, her body rocking back and forward with the thrusts from Jackson. She resumed her soft rhythmic cries. Slowly she felt that she was building to her climax. Her cries ceased and she began to tell Jackson that she was, “going to come.” For a while they fucked like that. Beth’s hand occasionally grabbing her right breast which was still hanging out of her chemise or Jackson kissing her neck. And then she came, falling forward as she did with a cry. Her hand slipping from the bar.

“Tell me we don’t have to stop just because my brother is being released,” she said breathlessly, trying to clear her head from another amazing orgasm. Forcing out what she so desperately wanted to know. But behind her there was a noise and they both looked up just in time to see a figure disappearing out of the room. Beth panicked again, thrusting her tits back into her chemise and reaching for her dress. She had seen enough to recognise the long brown hair and clipboard to know exactly who it was. This realisation made her stomach plunge. Why the hell had she got herself into this?

“I think I know who our little watcher is,” said Beth quietly, when she had calmed down a little. Recklessly adding, “and you need to sort it out before it affects my brothers release.”

If Jackson and Beth had been in a normal relationship what followed would have been called their first row. It was a short one because Jackson quickly cowed Beth into silence. After all he was the one in control of both her and her brothers fate. In the end all Beth could do was plead for help, to avoid what she felt certain would happen. Their activities had been discovered and Beth could feel herself shaking with fear. She prayed Jackson was powerful and reliable enough to get her out of this mess.

Part four

Lauren Sharp was in a flap, she had posted Jackson and Beth to the old shower block, but they were not there. Frustration boiled over, she had so looked forward to watching them fucking again and to facilitate this had sent them to another remote part of the prison. This area she had been able to check out first, in order to pick a safe hiding place. She must not get found out again. For a moment the irrational fear came to her that perhaps Jackson and Beth had taken the opportunity to escape but she knew that was just silly. There was nothing else to do but return to the operations centre where she could find out where the hell they were.

It was just then that the prison governor appeared.

“Ah Miss Short,” he said. “Great project. Going well.” He paused. “By the way I have asked Jackson and that volunteer of yours. Lauren said Beth’s name. “Yes, that’s right Beth. Anyway, I have asked them to sort some things in my office.” So that’s where they were!

Lauren carefully and as silently as possible tiptoed into the anteroom to the governor’s office. She turned the key in the lock and left it there before scanning the room for a hiding place. The cupboard was big enough, so she opened the door to make it easier to dive into and then settled herself by the keyhole. She had watched Beth and Jackson fuck in the governor’s office from this very spot, so knew full well that the keyhole was large enough.

It took a moment for her eye to focus, as she bent down to watch. And then she gasped before immediately cursing herself for being so noisy. The keyhole was full of the view of Beth’s lovely ass. She must be doing some kind of dance for Jackson. Lauren watched as she slowly turned and then sat down, facing the door. Wow thought Lauren this is better than the shower block. Jackson must be sitting to the right, against the door, watching the show. She knew there was a sofa there. Suddenly Beth opened her legs wide. She was wearing a string bra and knicker set.

Slowly as Lauren held her breath Beth peeled her knickers to one side revealing her pussy. And slowly with one finger she began to make a circular motion across the front, playing with herself for Jackson’s benefit thought Lauren. Beth looked down between her legs and then back up again, a broad sexy smile on her face. It was as if she was saying, do you like what you see? She cupped her breasts and popped a finger into her mouth giving Jackson the real come on. And then slowly she moved onto the sofa, reclining to the side.

Though the door came the words.

“Hello Lauren. Enjoying the show?” Lauren froze. Stunned that Beth had spoken to her. Before Lauren could move the door was flung open. There was the big frame of Jackson standing there, towering over her, as she looked up at him. He also said hello to her, hauling her to her feet with a finger under her chin. Lauren tried to back away. “Come on in,” said Beth. “It’s more fun in here than being outside.” Lauren was led by the hand into the room. Beth jumped up and closed the door behind them, turning the key that was in the lock. “So, we are not disturbed,” she said to no one in particular.

Jackson put a hand around Lauren’s neck, firm enough to hold her there, but not hard enough to hurt her. He pushed her brown hair off her face.

“You like watching huh?” He said. “Well we are going to let you join in today.” At that moment Beth came up behind her and she took over holding Lauren around the neck. Telling Lauren as she did to, “hold the fuck still.” In front of Lauren, Jackson opened his trousers and pulled out his huge dick. “Is this what you want?” He said with a smile. “Now you are going to do exactly what I tell you to.” He paused. “Understand?” Lauren said, she did, making Beth smile when she called Jackson, “boss.” She too knew the drill. Meanwhile Jackson had made Lauren take his cock in her hand, telling her to grab it.

“Stroke it,” he told her. “You do exactly what I want.” He still had his hand around her neck.

“Yes boss,” Lauren said breathlessly.

“The boss is going to fuck you good,” laughed Beth, “but that’s what you want right?” She released her hold on Lauren, just as Lauren and Jackson started kissing. “Nice tits,” said Beth, her now free hands had slipped up inside Lauren’s top and were now cupping Lauren’s breasts. They were not as big as Beth’s, but still 34A’s, more than enough to satisfy the eager fingers that were moulding the two soft, pliable mounds of flesh. Lauren’s top had lifted slightly revealing the lacy, black bra that she was wearing. Lauren dropped slowly to her knees being told to keep stroking Jackson’s dick as she descended.

Beth dropped down behind Lauren telling her to suck Jackson’s cock as she did. At the same time, she arranged Lauren’s hair, pulling it behind her head, so it was out of her way. She also assisted Jackson in lowering his trousers down to his knees. Lauren turned to look at Beth. I know what you are thinking Beth thought, it is big, but if I can do it, so can you. Before she could do any more Jackson’s hand reached down. He placed his fingers on the top of Lauren’s head. Her big brown eyes looked up at him nervously, as he pulled her head forward.

“It’s okay. Take it in your mouth, just like the boss wants,” encouraged Beth. Lauren began to suck on Jackson’s dick, immediately making a gulping and slurping sound, as her head moved to and fro. After a few strokes, they let her rest for a moment. “You like the boss’s cock don’t you?” Said Beth and in front of her Lauren resumed blowing him without any intervention from either her or Jackson. This time after a sucking for a time Jackson held her head and pushed his dick in further, Beth at the same time made encouraging noises and stroked Lauren’s hair. “Suck it,” she said. Jackson left Lauren sucking him for a moment, so he could reach forward and lift Beth’s head up. Jackson and Beth kissed, sharing a mutually understood look of triumph at the same time. A warm glow came from Beth as she appreciated that she could trust Jackson. He had said this plan would work and it had.

“Now you suck me,” Jackson said to Beth, as he moved Lauren slightly to the side. Lauren watched wide-eyed as Beth showed her how she could take all of Jackson’s dick down her throat. And then Beth passed Jackson’s cock back to Lauren. She immediately resumed sucking. Beth smiled, telling Lauren to make Jackson’s dick wet and sloppy as she investigated his balls with her fingers. With some help from Jackson Lauren managed to take all his cock down her throat the very next time she tried. For a moment after that she sat back, coughing and spluttering, her face showing shock and surprise.

“Suck those balls too,” said Beth, pushing Lauren’s face under Jackson’s dick. And then a moment later she lifted her head over the top of Lauren’s. Jackson’s cock slipped down Beth’s throat. Jackson groaned in pleasure, being serviced by two mouths was amazing. So, fucking sexy. Then Beth announced with a smile that maybe Lauren needed a turn. She locked both Lauren’s arms behind her back with one hand and then pushed Lauren’s head back and forth with the other. Once more the gulping and choking sounds resumed but Lauren was taking virtually all of Jackson’s cock down her throat now. Jackson was loving just standing there, being blown and watching two women pleasuring him.

For a moment Lauren’s head popped back, she was struggling to breath. Beth took the opportunity to yank her top up, once more revealing Lauren’s black bra. Beth slipped Lauren’s tits out of their bra cups and then pulled Lauren back. This was so Jackson could see what she was doing. Then Lauren was made to suck Jackson again, his hand forcing her mouth right down onto his dick. Once more she gagged. Jackson stepped back and this time he stepped right out of his trousers.

“My turn,” said Beth, her eager smiling face appearing beside Lauren’s. Beth’s mouth was open and her tongue sticking out. She was made to wait a few moments but then Jackson fed her his dick. Lauren immediately got the idea assuming the same position, complete with tongue out and mouth open. Soon the cock was back in Lauren’s mouth with Beth again in the waiting position. For a while Jackson fed his dick to each girl in turn, gasping as he did. The girl’s mouths became sloppy and covered in salvia, until finally he pushed their heads together. He watched smiling as they enthusiastically kissed each other. Finally, Jackson made Lauren suck him again for some while, before he sat down on the sofa and then leant back.

“Get the fuck up here,” he ordered, both the girls then climbed up beside him. He pushed the two of them together in front of him, watching as they resumed kissing. Both girls’ hands were competing to stroke Jackson’s dick, as he made them kiss him in turn. When he broke off, he pushed Beth’s head forward, so she kissed Lauren’s breasts whilst he resumed kissing Beth. And then both girls kissed him on the neck, breaking off to kiss each other. Then slowly Jackson lay back, ordering them both to blow him.

They began just licking up and down the long shaft, one each side, occasionally kissing each other when they reached the top. Jackson rested a hand on each of their asses. And then Beth again showed Lauren how to suck Jackson’s cock. How to go right down on it. Then when she stopped, she gripped Jackson’s dick at its base and held it in place so Lauren could take over. Jackson interested in what would happen sat up a little, so it was easier to watch. When Lauren showed she was getting the hang of it, Beth took the opportunity to kiss Jackson again.

“Another little slut for me to fuck,” said Jackson, talking to Beth but looking at Lauren. “But first come here!” Beth was manoeuvred by Jackson, so she was sitting over his face and then suddenly she was moaning as Jackson’s tongue worked its magic on her love hole. Her hand reached back, and she pulled his head into her. In front of her Lauren continued to blow Jackson’s dick. Beth began to gasp and stutter over her words before with an open-mouthed cry she came. As usual though she got no rest.

“Strip,” he told Lauren as he did the same. Then he got her to sit across his legs, her back to him and in that reverse cow-girl position he guided his cock inside her. Beth following his instructions to kiss Lauren and to play with her clit as Jackson fucked her. She rode him, legs splayed wide to support herself, mouth open, looking occasionally at Beth with a shocked look on her face. Beth busied herself with Lauren’s clit and kissing her neck and cheek, before her mouth turned its attention to her breasts.

“That’s so good,” Lauren moaned over and over, as she rode Jackson. As she bounced up and down, her hardened nipple brushed against Beth’s wet tongue. That extra tingling sensation drove Lauren wild, but her orgasm seemed to keep on building. So, Jackson had to work harder to make her come than he did with Beth, but the result was more dramatic. Her whole-body quivering and her repeated screams of, “yes, yes,” echoed around the prison governor’s office. Finally, with a cry and a quiver which seem to course through her whole body she came hard. Momentarily exhausted, both Lauren and Jackson both collapsed side by side, panting and laughing.

Beth looked at her watch, then stood up and put her underwear, dress and shoes back on. While she dressed she told Lauren that she, “learns fast.” But then the words died on her lips as Beth realised that Jackson was glaring at her.

“Who the hell told you to get dressed,” he said. Beth wanted to say it was time for the volunteer’s group to leave and that she really did not want to get into trouble.

“Really?” Said Jackson. “We will see about that. It’s time to teach you something.” There was something in his tone that made Beth think here we go again. “If you want this to carry on, like you claim you did earlier,” he added. Beth queried the word, “this,” but mainly to play for time. “You and me, fucking,” said Jackson. Beth felt a thrill of excitement at the idea Jackson was open to them still meeting, but nervous at the implication that there would be a price to pay. Then again everything Jackson had done to her had ended up being incredible, so why would this be any different? But the tone of his voice bothered her still.

“What do you want?” Beth said nervously.

“I want your ass,” replied Jackson. “After all, I have to share your pussy with your husband, so I want you ass. That will be all mine.”

“No way,” said Beth and she went to leave, appalled at the idea. But she only got part of the way to the door before Lauren stepped into her path. “Get out of my way,” she ordered. Lauren shook her head and with a smile she pushed Beth backwards. Beth stumbled a little on her heels and was unable to stop herself moving backwards. Before she could regain her balance there was another push and this time she felt herself falling. Falling back into Jackson arms who immediately arranged her in a familiar position across his lap. “What are you doing?” yelled Beth but of course she knew. So, it was no surprise when Jackson spoke.

“Oh, I know exactly what you like,” he said, yanking up the skirt of her dress to reveal her string knickers. He slapped her ass. “Is that what you want huh?” He said, and then he slapped her again. He asked her how many slaps she would like and then told her before she could answer that she was getting six. He made Beth count them out as his hand slapped her bare ass. All the time he was smiling to himself. She was not as into this as usual. God he loved that and the sense of control from making her do something she did not want.

“Please let me go boss,” she said. Closing her eyes as Jackson placed a hand under her chin.

“I want your ass,” he said quietly. And before Beth could do anything, he pulled her panties down. As soon as they were halfway down her thighs, he held her under the chin again. Twice he slapped her ass and then he ran his fingers up the crack of her ass. He felt Beth shiver slightly. “You like that?” He said, but Beth stayed silent, fearful of what was coming and unsure as to whether it was his fingers or the dying tingle of being slapped that had aroused her. However, she could not deny she was getting turned on again. “I said do you like that?” He repeated. His fingers were gently stroking her ass hole as he spoke.

“I don’t know,” she said. Jackson asked if she wanted to go on seeing him. “I do,” she said, I really do but ………” Her voice tailed away. She could sense Jackson smiling.

“Well you know what you have to do,” he said, and then he added in a commanding voice, “spread your ass for me.” Beth sighed, but as usual there was a brief hesitation, and only then did she comply. Slowly, very slowly Beth reached back and with both her hands she pulled the cheeks of her backside apart. Jackson smiled looking down at her asshole. He calmly licked his fingers to wet them. “That’s a good girl,” he said, trying to find a reassuring tone. He was very aware of how tense Beth’s whole body was. Slowly he inserted one of his fingers. As it slipped inside Beth breathing came in short sharp pants. His finger went knuckle deep, drew back and then went inside again. Slowly and very gently it slid in and out, Beth’s gasps and little cries made the watching Lauren take a very deep breath. “Do you like that?” Jackson asked.

“Yes boss,” Beth eventually said, but only after Jackson had asked the question a couple of times and then lifted up her chin to get her full attention. All the time his fingers were slowly working her asshole, gradually picking up speed and depth as he went.” Beth’s mouth went wide and she let out a long slow groan as the single finger became two. “Oh my god,” she wailed, and she lay her head down. Lauren wandered over and with a smile she poured some lubrication onto Jackson’s fingers and then sat back down again. “You planned this?” Said Beth aghast. The whole situation clicking into place but then she began moaning again. Jackson’s two fingers were now going deep inside her and at the same speed as the single one had reached.

Beth decided not to protest any more. Not that this had done any good in the past ,she thought. If she got her ass fucked by Jackson now, then they would still see each other and that was all she wanted. He suddenly grabbed her by the neck.

“You gonna let me have that ass?” He said.

“Yes boss,” she replied and then uttering a gasp she was slid onto her knees at his feet. He dragged her by the hair to the side. And before she could do anything, she was pulled towards his dick. Beth eagerly opened her mouth letting Jackson’s cock slip down her throat as she was moved into position. Jackson let her suck him for a few moments before he lifted her head by her hair again. He pressed his mouth against her open one. They kissed, as Beth’s hands pummelled up and down his cock. Then his hand was around her throat lifting her to her feet as he too rose. Holding her round the neck and forcing her head back he forced her to walk to the sofa. Her knickers were still around her thighs.

“Fuck my ass,” she said. “Show me what it’s like. Teach me how to do it!” He reached down and grabbed the bottom of her dress, lifting it over her head as she obediently lifted her arms up for him. She nodded when he told her to get the dress off. When it was removed, he tossed it away, as Beth pushed her hair off her face. “Oh god,” she said, as Jackson leaned forward to greedily take first one breast and then the other in his mouth. Her hand fondled his head and pushed it into her, as he buried his head in her tits. Her face was a mixed picture of joy and agony. When he stopped, a panting Beth looked hard at Jackson. “I’m frightened,” she said quietly. “I want to let you do this, but I am scared.”

He held her head with both hands and told her to trust him. She was panting hard as very slowly their heads came together and they kissed tenderly. Then the lust they felt for each other took over and they began to devour each other mouths. Their tongues played together, as they switched between kissing in a very tender loving away and then with overwhelming lust. Slowly he pushed Beth backwards, so she lay back onto the sofa. The room was full of the sound of her rapid breaths as Jackson calmly removed her knickers.

“I want to watch you fuck that ass,” said Lauren eagerly, who came and joined them on the sofa, from her watching position to the side. Jackson had now manoeuvred Beth round onto her side, so he was lying beside her. Beth looked at Lauren in alarm both at what Lauren had said and what was happening to her. “Don’t worry babe,” said Lauren, “I am going to help you.” This reminded Beth of the thing she had said earlier and then looking at both Jackson and Lauren she accused them again of planning all this. Lauren’s answer was to kiss her and then immediately she began to work on Jackson’s dick, covering it in tons of lubrication.. As she applied liberal amounts, her hand ensured it went all over his erect dick. At the same time Jackson fingers were working Beth’s asshole feverously, while kissing her on the neck.

“Please be careful, you are so big,” begged Beth. Jackson had frightened her by reaching down and grasping his cock and then steering it towards Beth’s asshole. Lauren looking over the top of Jackson’s body smiled warmly and made reassuring noises. Slowly his dick slipped inside. Between long drawn out moans, Beth managed to beg Jackson to be careful. It felt to Beth like Jackson’s dick was being sucked into her. Then he began to gently rock to and fro, each movement forward produced a high pitch scream from Beth.

Slowly the sensation of roughness and discomfort began to ease as the lubrication reduced the friction. Beth reached back and using one hand she stretched her ass a little, making the sensation nicer still. Then suddenly Jackson’s pushes became firmer, Beth cried out more in shock than anything. Her eyes rolled into the back of her head. Behind her Lauren and Jackson began to kiss and Lauren congratulated him on the plan having worked. The bastards did plan this thought Beth, but then Jackson was asking her if she liked it and Beth realised she did. In that instance she relaxed and immediately liking it changed to loving it. Beth realised the more she relaxed the better it felt.

“God it feels so intense,” she said breathlessly. “Oh, fuck yes.” All her nerves switched on and pleasure flowed throughout her body. Suddenly Jackson’s dick slipped out and without hesitation Beth reached down and opened her ass up for him. “Put it back in,” she pleaded. And then he was fucking her ass again. Beth screams became very high pitched, reaching an even higher note when Lauren’s finger slipped inside her pussy. Beth rolled slightly to the side being fuck hard by Jackson and with Lauren’s finger sliding in and out of her slit as fast as it would go.

“Yes,” she said, over and over in a high-pitched yap and then she let out a long guttural groan. The intensity had been overwhelming and her orgasm set a new highwater mark for its intensity and length. But of course, Beth would not get any rest.

“We are not finished yet,” Jackson said and immediately Lauren was applying more lube again. Beth grabbed her legs pulling them back towards her head and spreading them wide for her lover. Jackson carefully entered her asshole again and then he began to pound her again. His fucking my ass thought Beth.

“You want to carry this on huh?” He said. Beth said she did, between gasps from the hard-anal sex she was now getting. “You’re my little slut,” he said. “I get to fuck your ass and your pussy whenever I want.” Jackson was now going like a Jackhammer.

“Oh fuck, yes,” wailed Beth. “I want this every day. Every day.” This became a little chant that she made over and over until suddenly Jackson withdrew and Beth was pulled onto the floor. Jackson gasped and a shot of come went over Beth’s face, followed by another then another. Beth looked up at Jackson.

“Thank you,” she said in mock calmness, but it was obvious she meant it.

“Well that went well chaps,” said Lauren, and all three of them laughed.
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