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Hello all I wrote this years ago and wanted to share with the world now.

Then the Lord God took the man and put him into the Garden of Eden to cultivate it and keep it. The Lord God commanded the man, saying, “From any tree of the garden you may eat freely; but from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat from it you will surely die.”

Yet man wasn’t as trustworthy as God would have liked. Weakened by curiosity, man listened to the strange beast called Lucifer. By taking a bite out the apple Man understood his err. By consuming the forbidden fruit it showed the vile beast the location of God’s treasure. A scepter whose power shouldn’t fall prey to one such as Lucifer. Desperately Man and Woman tried to rectify their wrongs, but they failed to do so.

Lucifer attempted to take the scepter, thankfully the archangel nicknamed God’s right hand intervened. In their conflict, the scepter tumbled towards Earth. A human called Ra discovered this scepter. Using its power, he created a powerful nation. After a long reign hubris took hold of him. Thinking himself above all, Ra failed to realize the trickery which three humans set for him. Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades stole the scepter from Ra. Then trio casted lots dividing the power between themselves.

Using these powers the brothers elevated their families to godhood, granting mystical weapons to humans. Yet as they realized too late the more artifacts they created the weaker the scepter became. Bidding for the right moment God sent down Jesus.

Jesus took on the brothers and their families; which ultimately resulted in Jesus’s death. Although he did defeated the brothers, he failed at destroying the organization they had created. Many of the people working under them had vast resources. Using the several artifacts left for them they convinced the general population to follow their rule. However, all wasn’t lost. During his time on earth Jesus had taught twelve warriors whom were tasked to protect the scepter at all cost. These warriors hid in Jerusalem and for centuries withstood the onslaught of the Catholic Church.

Seeing the Church’s influence waning Pope Clement VI sent a disastrous disease named the black plague. To protect the scepter one warrior, John took it with him heading east. There in a foreign land he met Zhen He, who took it with him to a faraway land.

Chapter 1

“Act normal,” he told himself.

Only a minute had passed since he received the paper. He had to waste time, pencil in his hand he etched in the margins. A cough echoed through the quiet classroom. All around him he heard others bubbling their answers on the scantron.

He had to keep up this farce. Treading his hand on his buzz cut hair he acted the part. His eyes followed his professor, Dr. White, as she patrolled the classroom. Looking at the pencil, he wondered, how sweet would it feel if he stabbed himself with it. Would it relieve him of the pain he’s currently feeling? He bit his lips, letting the metallic taste of blood scintillate his tongue. This action calmed him down, sucking his mouth he felt relief. Anxiously he waited for the first student to be done. With one more look at his scantron he chose which answers to get wrong. Grabbing his backpack he rustled to the front desk turning in his biology exam. Leaving the room Erick pulled out his My-Chery, putting in his password he saw a text from Gabbie. Making up an excuse he avoided her advances once more.

Placing the phone in his pocket he marched to the library. He regretted giving her his number, he didn’t deserve friendship. Pushing Gabbie out of his head Erick breathed in the hot spring air, March neared its end. In the sunshine state of Florida there only existed two temperatures, hot and hotter.

Large verdant lawn illuminated by dimly lit lights, in the middle of the grass stood a large banyan tree, which during the day served as a refuge against the sun. Taking a quick pit stop, he headed to a nearby restroom. As Erick washed his hand, he looked at himself in the mirror. His dark piercing eyes stared at him back. His tall lean frame encased by a milk chocolate skin, hunkered on the sink. His broad jaw, wide nose and thick lips made most women do a double take. What used to be a blessing became a curse.

“A black god huh,” he whispered to himself.

Exiting the restroom Erick made it to the library. He climbed the spiral staircase. Reaching the top his eyes wondered downward, spotting a very promising cleavage. Smiling at himself he walked to the back of the library. There he found a table tucked away behind the fortress of books, sitting down he aimlessly wandered the internet.

“Hello Erick,” a sweet little voice entered his ears.

He cursed in his mind. “Hey Nikita.”

A short Indian-American waltzed towards him. She had a small round face. A cute button nose with an ear stud on her left nostril. Her thin lips complemented her chunky cheeks. Her large eyes only conveyed her cunning nature. Nikita lowered her head planting a kiss on his lips. He began responding slowly, then he broke it off.

“Aww,” she pouted. “Don’t you want more,” her hand made its way to his crotch.

“No. Not tonight I got some homework. Besides don’t you have to do rounds around the library?”

No sooner had he said that she grabbed his hand and placed it on her medium sized breast. He yanked it back. Seeing her advances had no results she yielded.

“No worries if you need me I’ll at front desk. Bye.” Giving him a peck on the cheek she left.

Erick watched her petite ass sashay away. It took too much to deny her. One drunken night he spent with her. He let his façade slip. She witnessed a part of him. Now she came back yearning for the full version.

Seeing the time he decided to head home. Saying good night to Nikita as he passed he went to the parking garage. Retrieving his keys he entered his matte grey Nissan, the five speed manual car pulled out of the parking. Hoping on the highway he lowered his windows, letting the warm air embrace him. Getting off his exist he cruised down the street, rolling on to a red light he saw a vehicle stopped on the side of the road.

Driving past it he continued until his conscience arrived. “Fuck, I’ll go help I guess.”

Doubling back, he stopped right behind the broken down vehicle. There he saw a Santa Claus looking grandpa staring at his tire.

“Hey, do you need help sir?” Erick proposed.

Santa Claus looked back at him, “Yes I seem to have a flat tire.”

Erick looked sure enough the front left tire was flat. “Open the trunk for me.”

The old man did as he asked. Calmly Erick began by loosening the bolts. Then he propped the jack and started lifting the car. All of a sudden white light invaded his view. So focused on the tire he failed to notice an oncoming car.

Chapter 2

“Hey Erick.”

He jumped up. Frantically he looked around, finding himself in the library. Sitting at his favorite table. Nikita stood next to him again she reached to kiss. This time he avoided her.

“Aww,” she pouted. “You’re no fun,” her hand reached down to his crotch.

He looked at her hand. Pushing it away. “How about we do this some other time?” Freaked out he packed his belongings and left.

On his drive home he kept replaying the scene. The more Erick thought about the less logical it seemed. To begin with why would he stop for a random person?

“I didn’t know him,” he wondered aloud in his car.

Anyway even if he had wanted to change the tire. He could have moved the car to a safer location. There was a gas station not too far away. Why did he feel compelled to do it there? Nothing about that nightmare made sense to him. He entered his neighborhood cruising to his home. Arriving at his house he stopped his car on the driveway.

Unlocking the door he found his mother, Joan, flipping through the television. “Hey how was school?”

“Fine,” giving her a practiced response. Dropping his bag on the floor he foraged the fridge. “If you’re hungry they’re some leftovers on the bottom of the fridge,” she screamed.

Seeing the tupperware he opened it. Rice, beans with a side of chicken. “Thank you dad,” grinning he placed it in the microwave.

Finally in a private place he removed his sweater. Revealing several horizontal scars on his wrists. Taking a spoon from the drawer Erick waited for the microwave’s chime. Once he heard it he took it and sat on the sofa next to his mom.

“How was your test?”

In between bites he replied, “I got a 94. If I continue like this I’ll pass with an A.”

“Congratulations! Did the thoughts calm down today?”

His head stayed low, “Today was better than most.”

Thinking about it carefully this would be consider one the better days. She held his hand. Her tiny fingers intertwined in his.

“I love you. Both your father and I. We love you dearly.”

He clenched his jaws holding back his emotions. Shaking his head he understood. He sat there watching “Family Vendetta” with his mom.

Around 11 o’clock he grew tired. “Before you go let me give you your medicine. It’s the new one right?” He nodded. She went inside. Erick went back to the kitchen. After washing his dishes he poured himself a glass of water.

Joan came back with a white pill and handed it to him. Taking it he kissed his mom good night and headed to his room.

His room was rather simple. A single full bed, a closet, with the lone furniture being a dresser. Crashing onto his bed the nightmare again resurfaced. For a split second a thought crossed his mind.

Eyes staring at the ceiling, “Death would really solve everything.” With that he slept.

“How’re you feeling this week Erick?” Dr. Frank asked.

Erick was seated alone in an office. As per usual he went to his biweekly therapy sessions.

“It was alright,” he spoke calmly.

Dr. Frank nodded. He had been seeing her for three years now. She was a kind woman. A tall brunette albeit slightly chubby. Her soft brown eyes gained others trust quickly.

She sighed at his methodical response. “Okay, so the new medication isn’t working.”

“No,” shaking his head. “For the past five days I’ve been throwing up every time I take them.”

“Hmm, you’ve been feeling better without any medication?” She leaned forward on her desk.

He mused then muttered, “Somewhat. It’s only been five days, can’t really say so.”

“Alright,” she scribbled something down. “Let me see your wrists now.”

Erick pulled back his jacket. His scars wrists in full display for her to witness. Once she examined them, he hid them once more.

She scribbled something down in her notes. “Your parents are still keeping you on a short leash?” Dr. Frank asked.

He nodded, “Everything sharp is locked away. They still have my debit card, because of last time. At least I’m able to drive myself now.”

She shook her head. Then proceeded to explain other methods which could help him. “If you don’t have any more question that’ll be all for today. I’ll call your parents later today.” She smiled as she showed him out.

“Have a great day,” he said.

A gentle warm breeze welcomed him as he walked outside. Sliding into his car he made his way to school. Thinking about how Physics class would bore him he contemplated skipping.

Please don’t,” a voice spoke.

Shocked he looked around. He was pretty sure he was the only one inside his car.

Don’t be scared,” again the voice.

Great, along with everything else he had voices in his head, schizophrenia...

I’m the only one in your head right now.”

“What are you?” he yelled aloud. At this point he was convinced he became a madman.

I don’t know.” Hearing it once more he realized the voice sounded like a female.

Wanting to keep his sanity he pulled off to the side of the road. He really tried to figure it out. There was no way he could be this mentally unstable.

You are not hearing voices.”

He rolled his eyes,“Says the voice in my head.”

Okay… you may be right.

“What, who are you?”

You can call me Bella.

Chapter 3

Erick rubbed his temples. His day couldn’t get any worse. As if he needed any more stimulation.

“Where did you come from?” He asked. Maybe the new medications messed him up worse than he thought.

The voice named Bella replied, “I have no idea. I woke up five days ago.”

Logically Erick finally understood. “It’s the pills. It must be them.”

I don’t think so. I removed them from your system before they could affect you.

It didn’t take long to piece what she just said. “Wait. You can make me throw up.” He was filled with fear. This Bella, whatever she was could control him.

It’s okay I won’t hurt you. My life is linked with yours. Besides those pills muddled your brain. That would make for a horrible living environment.

“Now it’s complaining about appropriate living environment.” Skeptical he tried to make sense of this whole thing. Nodding he understood it all. “Was it something in the chicken? Did mom cook that night?”

Bella grew irritated, “Why don’t you believe me? How about this I will grant you one wish.

Erick thought about it for a moment. “Can I die?”

A moment of quiet between the two. “I’m afraid I have to decline.”

He scoffed. “I can make you forget if you’d like that option,” she countered.

“Me forget.” He chuckled. “That’s a joke.”

Without missing a beat Bella replied, “Really then what’s your last name.”

As he was about to response rick frowned. This simple fact he didn’t know. No matter how much he racked his brains the answer evaded him.

Erick Smith.”

When she spoke he recalled his last name. “You’re pain. I can erase it. Say it and I will remove it all.” Her proposition enticed him. “No worries when you’re ready to face your demons. I can return your memories.

He swallowed, “Please do so.” He closed his eyes. Once he forgot everything it felt like the weight had been lifted of his shoulders. It was as if he was submerged underwater. His lungs yearning for air. For the first time in while he breathed in.

Tears came down his face. “Thank you Bella. Once more life is worth living.”

You’re welcome,” she giggled.

Her happiness it resonated with him. His senses expanded. Joy seemed to pour out of him with every breath. With a bright smile he drove to school. Going to physics didn’t so much like a chore. Once on campus he met up with Gabbie.

Her crystal blue eyes welcomed him. She had a straight narrow nose along with small thin lips. Her diamond shaped face was encased by shoulder length brown hair. Gabbie would be consider tall and slim. Which acted as a double edge sword. In a way it accentuated her long legs. However, it made it her lack of ass very apparent.

“Hey.” She hugged him. Her perfect sized breasts pressed against his stomach. Being so close to her he smelled the strawberry perfume she had on.

Gabbie grabbed him, “Let’s go, Amy has seats for us.”

He entered the auditorium style classroom. He looked around for Ames. All Erick needed to locate was a floral hijab. Spotting it Erick headed towards her.

“What’s up,” he greeted Amy.

Being religious Amy followed the Muslim teaching to the letter. She dressed extremely conservatively. Long sleeved shirts and jeans. Yet her clothes couldn’t hide her charm. Her tits made themselves known no matter the tops she wore. She possessed a slight curvy waist leading to her tight ass. The latter was supported by her powerful thighs.

As the professor lectured on velocity. Erick listened to Amy make the corniest puns. No matter how bad it was he chuckled. Class over he walked the ladies to their next class.

“You seem different today,” Gabbie remarked.

Erick grinned, “Really how so?”

“You’re actually talking for once,” she rolled her eyes. Did something good happen?”

He placed his arms around their shoulders. “Of course I’m surrounded by the best people ever.”

“Oh really? Who’s the girl?” Amy asked.

When she said this he felt Gabbie tense up. “A girl interested in me. Who would want little old me?” Dropping them off to class he retreated to the food court. Standing in line he interacted with Bella.

Oh Gabbie has an eye on you,” Bella teased.

Erick nodded. “For a while now I’ve been keeping myself away from women.”


Racking his brain he couldn’t remember. “I don’t know.” As soon as he said this he noticed. To others around him it looked as if he was talking to himself. Quickly he left the line. Placing headphones atop his head he decided to go buy food off campus instead.

“You know I can hear your thoughts right?
” Bella commented.


She giggled, “Yeah,” Her joy again resonated with him.

Going to a nearby Chinese restaurant he ate. “So tell me about you. You practically know everything about me.”

I mean… like I said before. I don’t know. My first memory was of five days ago. Your mom had just offered you the pill. I can’t remember anything. The only thing I know for certain is my name.

Erick mused while eating his pork fried rice. It was the same night he had that nightmare. The Santa Claus looking old man. The dumb maneuver he tried to pull.

“That man. He looks familiar
,” Bella pondered.

“We can go to the same place again tonight on my way home
,” He offered.

That’d be great."

Something Bella alluded to earlier got him thinking. “Can you also read other people thoughts?

Yeah,” she replied. “To me the mind is like a television channel. I can flip to any individual’s mind as I wish.

Curious he continued, “Can you pick anyone on Earth?

It took her a while before she answered. “Distance doesn’t seem to be a problem. However, I should see the person in front of me. Well whomever I’m viewing has to make eye contact for me to read someone’s mind.”

“The eyes are the windows to the brain. I guess
,” Erick commented.

Testing it out Erick spent the next hour asking Bella about different people’s thoughts. His English class beginning soon he returned to campus. Parking near the library he walked briskly. Typical of South Florida palm trees lined the walkway.

On his way he heard a familiar voice. “Oh hey Erick,” Nikita yelled.

He turned to her. She wore a green shirt along with jeans. Her wavy hair was tied in a ponytail revealing her round face. Seeing her he remembered the passionate kiss they shared a couple nights ago. A part of him questioned why he didn’t continue. She seemed willing.

He hugged her small body. In a smooth motion she grabbed his collar pulling him down then planted a kiss on his lips. He returned her embrace. He tasted her cherry lipstick. They disengaged staring into her eyes he knew one thing. He wanted her.

“Can we go somewhere more private,” Erick spoke wanting to avoid the sparsely populated walkway.

Her mouth curled into a seductive smile. “Of course. Oh give me a moment.” She sauntered inside the library. Erick waited for her. He shifted from side to side.

Are you a virgin?” Bella popped in causing him to jump. He hadn’t gotten used to her yet.

Thinking about it he couldn’t come up with an appropriate answer. “I don’t know… Maybe.”

She chuckled, “Well I can help with that.”

Erick was skeptical about this. “I can freaking control people you dumbass. How would I not be able to help with your sex life.” He didn’t need be a mind reader to know she was annoyed.

When you put it like that,” He realized she did have a strong point.

No sooner had this interaction ended he saw Nikita bouncing towards him. “Sorry about that. Needed to have someone cover my shift. Come my place is close by, we can take your car.”

Chapter 4

Erick nodded he used all his will power to not grab her and run to his car. His jittering fingers fiddled with his keys. After a couple of tries he unlocked his door. Pressing the side button inside he unlocked all the doors. She entered, keys in the ignition, left foot on the clutch he started the car. Erick began pulling out. Yet he had to stop. A man walked behind him. When the pedestrian passed he exited the parking lot.

Following Nikita’s instruction, he arrived at her apartments. Like a child on Christmas he couldn’t wait to open his present. Unlike most presents this one seemed feisty. As soon as she closed the door Nikita jumped on him. Her small fingers intertwined in his collar as she dragged him to her room.

All Erick could notice was a panning window before she forcefully pushed him down. Straddling his stomach, she removed her shirt, quickly afterwards discarding her beige bra. Her round breasts topped by dark erect dark chocolate nipples, stood on her chest like two globes. With a fast dismount she turned his attention to him. More specifically his lower region.

Professionally she unbuckled his pants. Pulling down his boxer briefs she grinned, “Again, I wonder how you fit this in any pants.”

“She’s not wrong. I’m surprised your pet python didn’t already suffocate in your pants
.” Bella added.

Before he could muster up any reply. Nikita squeezed his shaft, her small hand barely fitting around it. She peeled back his foreskin and proceeded to insert the mamba into the caverns of her mouth. Erick could feel her tongue twirling around the head of his member. Her hand caressed his shaft on its way down the family jewels.

An audible groan lurched out his throat, feeling her tongue curling around the head of his dick. She lubricated his member with her saliva. Erick watched as she slowly swallowed his penis down her esophagus. A distinct pressure began building up around his balls, like a pipe full of steam he yearned for release.

Swiftly the pressure dissipated, “Slow down there big guy,” Bella said. “Let me give you a hand. Ask her to switch position.

Erick’s breathing slowed, while his body temperature cooled down. “Get on your back.”

He started by caressing her smooth tights, leisurely kissing up it to find the land of milk and honey. Parting her legs he exposed her puffy glistening lips, which only had a landing strip of hair at the top of it. Erick brushed his lips against her labia, making her take a sharp breath, using his fingered he delicately opened her pussy, welcoming the sight of the wet pink lips that occupied it. Using his tongue he licked her abundant nectar savoring its sweet taste and fragrance.

Moving his hands to the top of her pussy he started applying pressure, she moaned deeply with this turn of event. Erick licked continued licking her pussy with a passion, then decided to finger her.

NO, not there go back a little” Bella cut in.

Startled Erick rebuttled, “Ok we are gonna have to work on that.

Look do you want to make her cum, so listen” She rebuked

Alright boss lady.

With Bella’s careful guidance he trudged his way forward. He positioned his finger in Nikita’s G-spot, rubbing it back and forth, licking away at her clitoris. Her back rose, moans escaped the confinements of her lips, her hands gripping the sheets wet from her overflowing love-juices.

“Continue like that and I’ll cum,” Nikita exclaimed husky tone.

He continued his assault on her pussy, working it like Mozart played the piano. Her legs stopped listening to her brain flailing in all directions, her slow moaned have become common. Her body moving up and down in order to meet his finger in her pussy, causing beads of sweat to ride down of her pert breasts in the humid room, with their small dark areola and nipples in attention. After she went quiet, silence only the squelching sound of Erick’s finger in her pussy could be heard, then she shook as the orgasm started to roll through her body, her voice came back in the form of a loud scream that could have woken up the dead.

Job well done,” Bella announced.

Sure is, thanks by the way” He replied sincerely.

Without missing a beast she spoke, “No problem.

Erick focused back on Nikita. Her chest rose on a calmer tone now that the stormed has passed, her lips split revealing a radiant smile.

Trying to sit up she propped her saying “That was good, bit different than last time.”

Having no recollection of their past affairs Erick didn’t say a word only smiling

“Now, I want your dick,” she whispered.

Erick motioned for her to lay back down and lined his sword ready to sheath it in her pussy. He kissed her, caressing her cheek looked her deeply. He slowly impaled her orifice with his cock.

she took a sharp breath, “not used to having something this big in me.”

He waited till she was accustomed to his size before he started moving back and forth gently, kissing her nipples.

He stroked her pussy like a bow strokes the strings of a violin, making her huff, digging her nails into his back. He pumped her pussy deeper gyrating his hips as he came down, her hole clung to his dick like a vice, massaging it as it moved in and out of her. But alas all good things must come to an end, they both exchanged grunts and moan and Erick quickened the pace of his dick, feeling his orgasm coming soon he kissed her once more. Nikita on her part wrapped her legs around him inviting him to cum in her she kissed him back, her nipples brushing against his chest feeling her second orgasm coming with an increasing rate. They both reached the mountaintop together, spewing juices in her pussy and onto the already soiled sheets.

Lying next to her Erick told her breathlessly “That was a-fucking-mazing.”

“Yeah, I wouldn’t mind doing that again. It’s almost like I sexed a completely different person.” She replied.

“Is that good or bad?” Erick questioned.

Cuddling closer she rester her head on his chest. “Good, keeps things interesting,” Nikita answered.

There they laid and fell asleep. Waking up and seeing that it was 12:00 am Erick decided that it was time to exit like a cat he dressed, kissed her atop her forehead, and made his way home.


Author's note

Hello all,

Thank you very much for taking the time and reading my story. Please comment and let me know of anything good or bad you should notice during your read. I'll try to answer the questions as they come. Again I am great full to anyone who reads this.
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