I hope you enjoy. Please comment requests or ideas for future stories.
It was cold that night, very cold. I didn’t dare move. The heat my body made couldn’t last much longer in the depths of this Indianapolis night. I heard someone saying it was going to be negative twelve. My place under the highway tucked up and out of the wind was taken from me after my brother overdosed. I looked at my watch, 11:59. Cool happy birthday to me. I’m 18 in one minute. I heard a train horn and soon it was clanking past above me over 10th street. I heard laughing coming from up the street. Two girls walking up the road. They were wrapped head to toe in fur. I could tell they didn’t belong but I kept my head low. “Hey look” Said one. “It’s to small to be a man!” Said the other. She walked over and grabbed my arm. “Hey pretty girl, I’m taking you home with me.” I didn’t say a word. Anything was better then freezing to death. A block down we got into a car. They pushed me into the middle and the car took off. “If you want to go back just let us know.” I shook my head no, this was a possible death over a sure death and the car was warm. “I was like you once, little girl. You kinda stink. I think your going to like your new life and man do the men like the skinny young ones!” The heat from the car kissed my dirty face and the quieter one handed the driver a few hundreds. She looked over. “Worth the trip.” She said. “I’ll say!” Said the other. The quiet one had a short black bob and bright red lips. The one who was talking to me had long brown hair. She looked like she was half black and half white. She had dark purple lipstick and bright blue eyeshadow. They both smelled lovely. “I’m desire and this is Jade.” Jade smiled. Desire continued. “But my real name is Dona but either way call me D” She took a ball of cash out of her pocket and handed Jade five hundreds and ten twenties to me from the center. I looked at the money in my lap shocked. This didn’t even start to shrink the roll. She smiled at me. “Maybe I can have a name now?” “I coughed and sniffed. “Grace.”
“Grace, that’s lovely. Let me have a look at you, Grace.” She pulled my hood back and took off my hat she pulled down my bun and ran her fingers through my ratty red hair. “When we get back to Chicago we are taking you to the Spa! Do you have a Family?”
“I had a brother.”
“Had, I’m sorry my little sugar plumb. Why don’t you close your eyes and lean on me and we will be home in no time.”
I did as she said. I had not slept so well in years.
I woke up to sunlight in my eyes, a reflection off the glass of the Chicago sky scrapers. We pulled up to a large hotel and walked in. The floors were stone and everything was guided in gold. We got into the elevator and the man scanned his card and pushed a blank button at the bottom. We stepped out into an empty club and hung a hard right into a side door. It was a hall with six doors on each side.
“Welcome to the Dayla Rue!” She held her arms up and did a little spin. “If you would like room 5 it’s yours. Otherwise you can stay until we find another girl.” I started to reach for the door. “No, no sugar plumb. You get two rooms, that one is for when you have company.” We walked through a door in the back of the hall and into a similar hall but this one was full of crafts and decorations, love notes pinned to the wall and the doors on the left were open, woman were laying about inside. They all stopped to smile and stare at me. “Do you like Glitter?” D asked.
“I guess.” I didn’t know what to think.
“If you decide to take the job I think we should call you Glitter. Anyway here is your room. Everything here you can have. Gray will be around, if you need anything just ask him and give him the cash. We try not to come and go. We will head to the spa tonight so shower and find some clothes. This was Mary’s room and she was about your size.” She learned in and kissed me on the forehead then was off. The room was decorated in satin blue. I heard a voice at the door. A woman younger then the other two knocked on the door frame.
“Hi.” I replied.
“Desire can be a trip but she means the best. She has been here for almost 20 years. She likes the strange ones. Jade has been here almost as long and men love her and she loves them, she has 30 or so she is actually in love with but she will probably retire from here without ever taking a man.”
“So this is a brothel?”
“Technically yes. We own the club, we hire the guards and we are our own pimps. Mary left because she fell in love and that’s fine. We are just a bunch of girls who can’t get enough sex but like money and freedom. I’m Clare.”
“I’m Grace.”
“Do you like sex?” She asked.
I wasn’t going to tell her about the love my brother and I would make more than daily before someone slipped him his first pill but that’s another story all together. “I do.” I replied.
“Do you have kinks?”
“I guess I like to be dominated and role play.”
“Oooo we don’t have a sub here! I bet D came up with some crazy name for you didn’t she. Grace... let me guess... Gem?”
“No Glitter.”
“Figures. My real name is Clare and I let the men call me Clare. I like older men. I know, strange, but I do hope to fall in love with someone not to old and move on. Anyway get a shower, I’m just across the hall and my door is always open, even if I’m playing with myself.” With that and a wink she was gone.
I stepped into the shower and took my clothes off gently shaking each one into the tub basin. I took the shower head and washed the dirt and grime down the drain. I put a huge blob of conditioner in my hair and started to brush out my long red locks with my fingers dropping chunks of hair into the toilet bowl. I washed the grime off my small slender frame and looked in the mirror across from the glass shower door. I touched my chest. My little A cups were nothing to those other girls. Maybe I could buy myself a set if I stayed. My pale freckled skin slowly showed itself through the grime and the water started to run clear. I plugged the tub and filled it with warm water and a little shampoo. I scrubbed my hair rubbing my scalp until it felt soft. I put my head under water and let the building speak to me through the tub. I heard the door open and popped back up hiding my small body under the bubbles. It was Clare.
“I hope you don’t mind but I thought I’d set you up with some makeup before D came and turned you into a peacock.”
She watched as I stood up. “You have a beautiful body, the men will just love you.” I felt as she was loving it as well. I walked into my room and sat on the bed. “Your very comfortable being naked.”
“I spent time in shelters. We all showered together. The woman anyway. There were better things to worry about.”
She put her hands on my waist and got rather close. “Let’s find you something that makes this little waist shine.” She said in a whisper before turning on her toes and heading to the closet. She pulled out a dress with blue dots straight out of a 50’s pattern catalog. It had short sleeves off the shoulders, a big tie and a large skirt. She grabbed some heals. She zipped me into the dress and brushed my hair straight. She put a pink gloss on me and some eye shadow. She didn’t at all try to cover my freckles. “You’re our first red head, I love it. I love that your sweet little pussy is fire red too.” Again she winked. Something about her, I don’t know if she wasn’t serious or just that good at what she did or maybe even both, I was not a bit put off by her advances. I stood up and walked over to the mirror.
“I look like a mini mouse super fan and I love it.”
Clare laughed and threw the door came D and Jade. They looked normal but with even more fur.
“Clare are you coming with?” I asked.
She smiled. “If you would like.”
I shook my head. “Yes.”
She turned and handed me a long fur coat, the softest I had ever felt and she went to get hers. Back out the way we came, into a dark windowed car with a driver and slightly out of town we went. When we got to the spa we were taken to a private party room where we all undressed. Clare quickly pulled me off to the jacuzzi. We sat in the water naked for less than a minute before a woman came and took me away to cut my hair and do my toes and nails. About two hours later I returned to find Jade a D in the jacuzzi.
“Clare wanted you to go in the sauna with her.” D pointed to a door. I grabbed a towel and walked in. I found a naked Clare with a finger knuckle deep in her pussy and her head back. When she heard the door shut she stopped and smiled at me. “Have you ever had a woman pleasure you?”
“No?” I said.
“You won’t hurt my feelings if you say no but no one knows a woman like another woman.” I sat down by Clare.
I have no idea what possessed me to do so but I dropped my towel and sat by Clare. Clare was tall, she had long blonde hair, she was curvy and had implants, over all she looked like the Barbies I played with when I was little. Now Barbie was going to play with me.
She sat at an angle and turned to me. She kissed me softly on the lips and leaned back. After a quick smile the kiss got longer. She moaned softly into my mouth before running her hands down the sides of my torso. She softly touched my breasts all the way around feeling every inch before kissing my nipples. She switched from my nipples to my lips and back. Her hand found the soft outside of the lips of my pussy, rubbing just enough to part my lips. She spread them. “It’s beautiful, Grace.” She removed her hands and put one on each of my breasts. She sucked each nipple before kissing down my sweaty belly to my pussy. Her tongue explored my lips as she sucked and kissed my clit. She stopped to kiss my thighs. I felt my pussy dripping. I couldn’t hold back my moans. She put her arms around my legs and pushed her face into me. I put my hands on my breasts as I felt my orgasom coming on. I gasped for breath as she ate me. See moaned into my pussy and I began to scream. Waves came over me. I shook and buckled my hips at her face. She came up and kissed me. My pussy was on her lips. She kissed again and again. I felt her fingers find there way to my pussy and felt one finger slide in. She pumped it in and out of me before adding a second. She was fingering me hard with curved fingers. She pulled away and whispered. “Like that? Does that feel good?” She was looking into my eyes as I started to shake and came a second time.
We quickly grabbed towels and sat back beside each other before D came to check what all the noise was.
That night I ate like a queen, we all had dinner at a trendy restaurant down town and I get to meet the other two girls. Fran, a moody Asian with long back hair and dark makeup who told dark and dirty jokes and penny a bubbly plus size girl with long gray and blue hair in curls. I slept even better in the bed then in the car. I’m starting to think this will be my new home.