The next morning, I woke up to sis just getting out of bed, her beautiful body lit by the sun creeping in from around the curtains. I said, “good morning beautiful!” She jumped as I startled her, she thought I was still snoozing away after a night of amazing sex.
She turned around and leaned over the bed with her large breasts hanging down in front of me and gave me a kiss on the forehead and said, “good morning STUD”
She was playing with me so I reached up and grabbed a nipple and said, “good morning SEX GODDESS” Her nipple responded immediately with hardness and she looked at me and said, “would you like to take a shower with me?”
Another check mark in the life dreams department, I got up and walked into the bathroom with her. She looked at me and said, “ok no funny stuff, you have an important job to do…you are responsible for washing my back”. I grinned and said, “your wish is my desire my lady…” We both laughed and got in the shower.
She got the water temp set right and then I went right to work, I got the washcloth all suds up for her and handed it to her and then used the remaining soap to caress her back with my hands. She was washing up and bent over slightly to do her legs and this pushed her butt back into my semi-hard cock. She looked back at me and said, “I thought you were supposed to be washing my back…”
I grinned at her and said, “I did, but your butt seems to have liked what I did last night and wanted to say hi”. She stood up and laughed and grabbed me and pulled me into her as we were standing face to face now. I took the opportunity to steal a kiss and we ended up in a rather long and passionate kiss while rubbing each other down in soap. She of course took extra special care to wash my cock very well…I almost came when she stopped and I then washed her entire pussy and butt with my hands, stopping to make sure to get every little inch for her… I then reached around from behind her and took her large breasts into my hands and rubbed them well to make sure they were completely clean of course!
We washed the soap off and she turned off the shower and we got out to dry off. She stepped out first and grabbed a towel and handed it to me. I took it and started to dry her back, while she was drying off her legs. I continued down her back and gave her butt a good drying off too and she turned around and grabbed my still hard cock and made sure he was dry too. She started drying off her beautiful mound of love, and I made sure her breasts were entirely dry.
We left the bathroom and went back into the bedroom and she looked at me and said, “I am so happy that you came over and sat on the couch to help me feel better the other night. I was mostly crying because I could not figure out how to ask you to stay with me that night, it was frustrating”.
I looked at her and said, “Sis, I would have stayed even if you did not encourage me by grabbing my hard on. I really do care about you; you know that right?” She smiled at me and came over and gave me a kiss and we continued to get dressed.
At some point she must have gone out to the kitchen, because when we got out there, I saw a fresh pot of coffee and two cups sitting on the counter. I went over and poured us both a cup and we sat down in the living room. We were really getting quite comfortable together and it did not take much effort. She was sitting on the couch with her legs on top of my knees reading something and I was sipping the coffee and let my mind wonder. I knew in a few weeks I would be getting on a plane and heading over to Korea for a year at least and was pondering that fact.
She must have looked over at me and noticed I was deep in thought and she said, “ok, what is wrong?” I came back to the real world and said, “what?” She looked at me and said, “I could tell you were very deep in thought about something, is there something we need to talk about?”
I kind of shrugged my shoulders and said, “not really an us thing, it more of a me thing…I am heading out in a couple of weeks and will be halfway around the world doing god knows what…” She looked at me and said, “yes, it is a big move, and you will be in a strange country, with people you don’t know, that you might have to rely upon to save your life. I could not do it; I am not that brave”.
I looked over at her and said, “quit trying to stroke my ego sis…”
She sat up and got a little more serious now and said, “I am serious, if this was an easy life that anyone could choose to do and then make it, well there would not be any room in the military would there?” She continued, “it not only takes physical courage, it takes a great deal of mental toughness too. Do you really think I could go through basic like you did and not get thrown out for questioning every little thing they were doing and not listening to them when they said, ‘because that is the way it is?’ Yep not me, I would be out of there so fast people’s heads would spin…”
She looked me in the eye and said, “That is one of the main reasons I finally just jumped in and decided I had to let you know how I felt now, because if I did not….I would regret it later I know.”
I could tell she was serious and let that mull around in my head for a short time and then said, “Ok enough of the mental gymnastics…let’s get some stuff done, what do we need to do today?”
She thought for a few minutes and then said, “ok we need to get the rest of the stuff out of the boxes in the bedroom, and then finish up with the kitchen stuff. There should also be a dresser getting delivered today and they are hooking up the phone too”.
We jumped up and got moving on the work.
About 3:30 in the afternoon mom and dad showed up unannounced (at least to my knowledge) and I was glad I did not go over to sis and grab her ass like I was just thinking about doing about 10 seconds ago…dodged a bullet on that one!
We all sat down and started talking about how the move in was going and how she was liking the apartment so far…the normal stuff. At about 4, one of sis’s friends from her psychology class showed up. I was intrigued, she was a very shapely brunette that was about 5’10” same age as sis and had very perky C cup breasts hiding under that shirt I could tell. What I did not know, was that sis somehow knew they were coming over and had enlisted her best friend in the world to help and make sure mom and dad did not get suspicious about anything…
Clueless, we were all introduced to this new woman on the scene, her name was Amanda and she was every bit as hot and cute as sis. I of course noticed this at once and had put on my gentlemanly manner. I caught a glimpse of sis out of the corner of my eye, and she had a wry little grin on her face that she stopped once she knew I had caught it. We all sat there talking and Amanda kept putting her hand on my leg and would fling her hair around towards my face occasionally. I was of course oblivious to this as a dumb young kid and just tried to keep my mind off sis sitting across from me. I wondered why she insisted Amanda sit next to me.
Dad finally suggested we all go out to dinner and Amanda was welcome to join us of course. So, we all got up and got things situated so the apartment was not a mess when sis and I got back home. As we were getting ready to figure out the car situation, sis spoke up and said she would ride with mom and dad over to the restaurant and that she thought it would be a good idea for me to ride with Amanda just in case she got caught in traffic, that way she would be able to get there without any worries…
I was starting to catch on now, sis was throwing up a smoke screen to mom and dad, and obviously Amanda was in on the game. As I went over to her car dad caught up with me and said, “be careful son, that woman you are riding with has some dangerous curves!” He chuckled and hit me on the shoulder as I got in.
I got in and closed the door and looked over and Amanda was looking right at me. I was a little nervous now, she said, “So this is the mysterious stepbrother I have been hearing about for the last three years”. And she winked at me. Oh hell, what did sis get me into now…
As we drove over to the restaurant we talked, and Amanda let me know that her and sis had been freshman roommates and they knew everything about each other and were best friends. One did not do something without the other knowing about it, period. I just nodded in agreement and asked, “so I am guessing you two go over all the lurid details of your sexual conquests together then?” She bit her lower lip and said, “uhm” I could tell she wanted to say something…so I asked, “ok what do you want to ask me? I can tell you are dying to ask something…” I was not going to be the one to say a word…so I waited as she gathered the courage.
We came up on a red light and as we stopped, she took her hand off the wheel and put it on my left leg and said, “have you two played around yet?” I think I almost passed out…holy crap she knew literally everything and what me and my step-sis were up to and was in on it… I tried to gather my composure and could tell my face must have been as red as the sun because I was sweating like hell…The light turned green and we started out. She looked over and said, “don’t worry sweetie, I would never say a word to your parents. I know you two are only related by your parent’s marriage. We used to stay up late at night talking about boys in our classes…funny thing is your sis always told me about you”.
We had finally arrived at the restaurant and I got out of the car a little lightheaded I think, and Amanda and I walked up to everyone else (brother had joined in at this point with a call from mom). We all went in and got a table. Us guys went to the restroom to wash our hands and of course dad and little bro started the grilling…little bro was first, “holy hell, who is that amazing woman you are with?” My head was still spinning so dad answered for me, “that is your sisters college roommate for the past 3 years”. Bro looks at me and says, “damn sis set you up with her best friend?!” “remind me to help her move the next time!”
Dad kind of chuckled and looked at me seriously, “you do have condoms right son? I am fairly sure you are going to get lucky tonight. She seems very taken with you”. I rolled my eyes to the back of my head and pulled my wallet out…” yep, I am in the Army dad…mandatory when you go on leave…” little bro is behind me laughing. We made our way back out to the table and the torture continued…I was to sit between Amanda and Sis, mom was next to sis, and bro and dad were on the other side of Amanda.
Thankfully, we made it through dinner without too much hassle and were sitting there talking again and I notice a hand on my left leg…it is sis. She just put her hand on my leg and let it sit there. Then on cue, Amanda puts her hand on my right leg and lets it rest there. My god, these women are going to kill me, I am sure of it. I keep my composure and we all finally get up and head out of the restaurant. Amanda announces that she will take me and sis back to the apartment, she had to go over some class schedules with her to make sure they were going to be in the same classes. Everyone gets hugs all around and we all head out to our separate cars.
Sis was here this time, so I was relegated to the back seat…probably better for my sanity anyway. We all get in and Amanda starts the car. Sis looks back at me and says “are you ok? Amanda did not hurt you too bad, did she?” They both start to laugh at my ghost white appearance at this point. Amanda got out of the spot and starts driving back to sis’s apartment.
Sis turns around in her seat a little so she can look at me and says, “sorry bro, I did not want you to come on too strong or be too obvious, so Amanda and I set this up just in case mom and dad pulled the ‘old show up and surprise everyone trick on us’.” She really was incredibly good at this whole psychology and sociology stuff. I looked up at her and could not be mad at those blue eyes looking at me. I said, “I kind of figured it out when Amanda asked me if we had played around yet…” Sis smacked Amanda on the shoulder and said, “No wonder he looked like you had just told him you wanted to have his babies or something when you guys got there…”
Amanda apologized to both of us and I could tell it was sincere, and then she looked at sis and said, “So…have you guys had sex yet or not?” Sis looked at me, I think she was reading my thoughts…I did not care if she told her best friend in the world, if she trusted her enough to have her help us tonight then I trusted her too. She answered Amanda “yes, we have Amanda and it has been even better than we used to dream about at night in the dorms”. Amanda’s jaw drops “you mean?” Sis just shook her head up and down.
At this point I am clueless to the inner circle language of these two so I just kind of watch the lights going by outside the window and thank god I made it through tonight well I thought I had…
We got back to the apartment and Amanda did come up and her and sis were going over class schedules for the upcoming term and talking about school stuff. I was just sitting on the couch mindlessly watching something on the TV as the girls talked and giggled and carried on. I must have dozed off at some point.
I woke up with a little start as I felt a hand on my shoulder, it was sis, she was sitting next to me on the couch and I could see Amanda sitting behind her in the chair to the side. Amanda had an almost sheepish look on her face and was biting her lower lip. Sis started talking to me, “Do you forgive us for putting you through that earlier?”
I was not mad; I was just happy that somehow, I pulled off the whole thing without screwing up everything sis had put so much effort into. I looked her and then Amanda and said, “of course I do, it would have been nice to have a little heads up, but I understand too. Hell, it is not every day I am sandwiched between two drop dead gorgeous women”.
Sis giggled a little and said, “You think Amanda is cute too do you…?”
This one I saw coming but was not sure if I was right or not…so I just played along and said, “yes, I do. She is unbelievably beautiful, and obviously a particularly good friend since you trust her as much as you do. I know I would not have told anyone about us, guys have to tell any hot secrets they have to their friends and that normally screws everything up in the long run. Girls are little smarter about it when it comes to certain things. Those are very sexy qualities”.
Sis had a look of I told you so, on her face when she turned to look at Amanda sitting there. She motioned her to do something. Soon Amanda was standing and came over next to me and sat down and looked me in the eyes. “I am sorry that I was so blunt earlier, but your sis and I have talked about you every day for the past three years. If her dream was coming true, or about to I wanted to help her anyway I could”.
She continued, “I know guys might not think like this, but we really are the best friends in the world and have been through quite a bit in the past three years together. I wanted her to have everything she was dreaming of”. She laughed a little, and said, “hell if you absolutely would not touch her because she was your stepsister, I even offered to seduce you…” She was biting her lower lip again…There it was, I figured there was more to this than just her apologizing.
Sis could tell she was getting nervous and stepped in and said, “Amanda has been with some real losers in the recent past, and she wanted to make sure at least one of us was able to be with a nice guy that would actually love us and not be a mean asshole.” “after listening to me talk about you for so long, you are kind of her ideal guy at this point too…”
Now the young and dumb part of me comes in and I say without thinking, “you want me to choose her or you?” As I said it, I knew it was stupid and dumb…but I was only 18 give me a little break…
Amanda is now mortified and shying away, and sis looks me in the eye and says, “no you fool, we are asking you if you would share what we have with her a little. Together…” Now I am dumbfounded…sis is asking me to have a three-way with her best friend? I sit there for a moment and it dawns on me… stupid this is her best friend and she is lonely and has been taken advantage of by guys she should not have been seeing in the first place. I wise up and pull Amanda over towards me and put my arm around her shoulders.
Sis is watching me closely, I say, “Amanda I am sorry, you have to remember I am still a young guy that is really new to everything with grown women…I am used to dealing with girls and all their stupid drama. Sis is opening my eyes to what the real world and real women really want, and I think I understand what you two are asking”. “Sis is obviously living out a dream she has had for years and she would like you to experience some of what she is right now”.
Sis looked over at me with approving eyes and a small smile.
Amanda looks at me and says with tears coming out of her eyes, “yes…”
I look at sis and feel like a complete dirt bag for making Amanda cry…and she can see it in my eyes…I say “well I am guessing you two have already talked about this at some point…what do I need to know so I do not do something that makes one of you upset or uncomfortable?” Sis comes over and sits next me on the other side and whispers in my ear, “you and Amanda go in the bedroom together. I will give you two about an hour or so together. Please treat her like you did me on that first night…please… then I will come in after that”. “Once we are all together, as long as everyone else agrees we will do whatever we would all like to do. Ok with you?” I nod in agreement and sis gets up and goes into the kitchen.
I look over at Amanda and say, “Amanda, I truly am sorry for making you feel bad and misunderstanding. Would you come with me?” She has regained her composure now and looks at me and asks, “are you sure...” I look at her and say, “yes, come with me”. And smiled at her. She decided that I was sincere and got up and I took her hand and we slipped past the kitchen and into the bedroom at the back of the apartment.
When we get in there, I see that sis has already gotten everything cleaned up and packed away and the little light is on that sits on the nightstand. I take the cue and close the door gently and turn off the light. Once again, its soft glow pushes out just enough that the bed can be seen. I look at Amanda and ask her, “would you like to just lay on the bed and talk for a few minutes first?” She nods in agreement and we go and lay on the bed…remembering how sis relaxed me I laid with my head on her legs turned towards her and we started to talk about what had happened earlier in the evening and she apologized again for hitting me in the face with that question about 2 hours after I met her. I told her not to worry about it and we continued to talk for a few minutes.
Just then I remembered that she asked sis a question in the car that made her jaw drop, so I figured might as well ask…”hey what was up with all that secret code talk and then your jaw dropped earlier on the ride home in the car…?” She got a little nervous again and I said, “you don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to…” She looked at me and said, “She told me back in freshman year that she would not allow anyone to have anal sex with her until you did…if you did not want to do it then she did not care about it…but she really wanted to try it, but only with you…that is why I was so surprised when she said yes”
Ok well that made sense now…I figured there were little things I was going to find out along the way since this seemed to be a topic of regular discussion between the two. She had not noticed until now, but I was rubbing my hand on the side of her very ample breasts and just kind of trying to get her to relax. She looked down at my hand and I think she got the idea I was really interested in her sexually after all, not just doing this because sis asked me to…
She looked at me and said, “I think I am comfortable now…” I took that as my sign to move on further. I sat up and looked at her, she was exceptionally beautiful with that long brown hair and big brown eyes looking back at me. I reached over and started to unbutton her blouse she had on and she reached behind her back and unclipped the bra she had on…wow, not as big as sis’s but these were also very nice womanly breasts and she had very hard nipples as well.
I wanted to put her at ease a little more, so I reached over with one hand and took one of her breasts in my hand and began to caress it and I moved my mouth down to her other breast and took her nipple into my mouth and sucked on it a little and flicked it with my tongue. She moaned lightly and said, “oh that feels good”.
I continued for a little while and then I moved up to her beautiful face and gave her a very deep and passionate kiss. She moaned a little as our tongues flicked around at each other and I could tell she was really getting turned on now.
She slid off my shirt and I stood up to take off my pants and she grabbed the top of the Levi’s and with a single flick of her wrist had all the buttons undone…I looked at her and she smiled…”you are not the first one I have been with you know…” I laughed at her and slid them and my underwear down at the same time. When I stood back up, free of everything, she looked at me and said, “wow she was right you are very thick”.
I kind of shrugged and grabbed it and said, “nope feels the same to me…” She giggled a little and started to take off her skirt. I helped her and told her not to take off her panties yet. She looked at me puzzled and I said, “just lay back and relax Amanda”. She did and I moved down so I could get in position to experience her amazing looking mound. She had quite a bit more hair on her pussy than sis did, but it was also expertly trimmed and short. She had on some pink see through panties and I moved in.
I slowly started with my nose again and then my lips as they touched hers. She was quite different from sis, it was a great smell and I loved it, but vastly different too. This was exciting to me, so I nibbled at her clit a little through her panties and she moaned a little. I grabbed on to her panties and started to pull them down. To my surprise she was also a wet girl, but hers was different from Sis’s. It was thicker and not as much fluid to it. I figured this was the thicker creamy taste I had from sis before, so I dove in and I was right. As her panties hit the bed my lips touched hers and I spread her out slightly with my tongue. She grabbed the back of my head and ran her nails through my short-cropped hair as I was exploring this new love chamber I had been graced with.
There were some similarities, but her and sis were two different women I could tell, I took my time exploring and tasting her love juices. They were amazing as well. I started flicking her clit with my tongue and she began to moan softly. She said, “oh god that feels good, don’t stop”. I continued and noticed out of the corner of my eye that sis was hunched down near the foot of the bed…I thought oh hell I screwed up and did not get her hot fast enough…but sis gave me the shhh signal and then put her finger out with her palm up towards Amanda…Duh...Sis wanted me to show her the new trick we found last night…I moved around a little which covered her escape from the room.
Amanda looked at me and said, “Don’t stop, that feels really good!” I looked at her and said, “I am not stopping, I want to show you something, just relax”. She agreed.
I rubbed my finger around her clit a few times and made sure I had plenty of her natural lubricant on my finger and then I inserted it into her. She moaned a little louder and said, “oh yes…that feels good too” (I continued my journey hoping that I was not a one trick pony and could only do this with sis…Success!) I found that little spot of smooth skin and she moaned a little louder now and started pushing her hips in to my hand. Like I did the night before, I slowly moved my finger up inside of her and felt the ridges again! I let her get used to the new position of my hand for a few seconds and then I started to rub those ridges again in a circular motion while I started to lick on her clit again…
Boom, it was like someone set off a bomb in the room, she started moaning loudly and was thrusting her hips in to my face so hard I actually thought I might hurt her… she started moaning “yes, yes, don’t stop…please don’t stop…yes, yes…” It did not take as long with Amanda to get her past the point of no return, she told me to keep licking her clit and rubbing my finger and suddenly I felt a warm thick fluid coming down my hand and looked, it was her amazing cum that was much thicker than sis’s and it was very amazing. Once again, her entire body tensed up and she let out a loud moan while saying, “YES!!!!” I knew at this point I needed to be careful or I would either hurt her or start up another Orgasm and knew it had to be close to time for sis to be coming in. So, I gently pulled my finger out and moved up to lay next to her on the bed.
I was pleased with myself again, I knew what I had just done for her and it felt good to share that with her as well. Without prompting she sat up in the bed and leaned over and put her mouth on my cock and took the entire thing in with one downward thrust of her head…Now I was in heaven, again….
She was not new to sex obviously; she was swirling her tongue around my cock like it was a candy cane or something and keeping up the tempo with her head moving up and down. I was now the one moaning and saying, “yes, yes, don’t stop, please don’t stop!” Somehow in between me getting an amazing blow job and trying to keep it going as long as I could without cumming in Amanda’s beautiful mouth my sis had slipped in again. I saw her standing there by the side of the bed, she looked down at me and she mouthed…’thank you hon.’ She was running her hand through Amanda’s hair and looking on with great enjoyment and pleasure it seemed at the sight of us both having such a good time.
Sis took her hand and grabbed mine and pushed me into her very wet pussy and started moving me back and forth, rubbing on her clit each time. That was it for me, I exploded like a volcano into Amanda’s mouth. Sis wetted my hand good, and I could tell Amanda was creaming again, just by the moans she was making while taking in every pump my cock made into her beautiful mouth.
Amanda finally released my cock from her mouth and moved back up to lay by me, and sis sat down on the side of the bed next to me. Amanda looked over and saw sis, and said, “Oh my god you were right, his is amazing…I have never cum so hard in my life. I hope you don’t mind that I gave him a blow job, I just wanted to thank him for what he had done for me, it was the most incredible orgasm I have ever had…and I still haven’t had his cock in me yet!”
Sis sat there and said, “Don’t worry Amanda honey, he can go for a lot longer than this…he just needs time to recover from that amazing blow job you just gave him”. She looked at both of us and said, “Are you two ok with me being in here with you? Or would you like some more alone time with him Mandy?” Note to self: her nickname is Mandy….
Amanda looked at sis and said, “I have nothing to hide from either of you, as long as you are ok with me expressing my pleasure a little loudly…” she giggled a little and sis nodded she was fine with it of course. She was rather vocal in her own right as well…
Sis told Amanda to move over a little, and I did the same and she laid down on my right side and Amanda was on my left. Almost in unison they both rolled over towards me pressing their breasts against my chest and moved my arms up over their necks. They both took their top leg and laid it over mine on each side and we laid there caressing each other and drifted off to sleep.
Now recovered from having another amazing blow job from this beautiful woman laying next to me, I woke up and looked at these two amazing women laying there peaceful and sleeping. I must have moved or something because sis woke up and looked at me and put her finger over her mouth to be quiet.
She whispered in my ear, “Thank you so much for this…you have no idea what an amazing thing you did for Mandy. She has had a rough year and was not feeling good about herself lately”. I nodded in acknowledgement. She continued, “Do you think you can go again now?” I nodded yes. She said, “ok, I would like Mandy to ride you if you are ok with that…?” I nodded yes again, and sis got up off the bed gently.
She stood next to the bed and reached over me and grabbed Mandy’s leg and hip and started moving it over my body as Mandy woke up groggily. She looked at me and I had my hand up by my head and she then realized it was sis that was moving her into position over me. She looked at sis and said, “are you sure? I am really good with that amazing orgasm he gave me earlier…”
Sis looked at Mandy and said, “I am positive Mandy, I want you both to share this and I will help out a little…” She looked at me and gave me a little half grin.
Mandy allowed sis to get her positioned on top of me with my now hardening cock sticking out from between her warm and wet spread lips. Mandy looked down and said, “wow, so that is what I would look like with a dick…”. She and sis laughed again.
With Mandy now in position, sis took her left leg and raised it up in the air (giving me an amazing shot of her beautiful shaved love mound with the lips spreading apart) brought it down just in front of my left shoulder and moved her beautiful pussy right over my face. She looked back and said to both of us, “slide down a little so my legs will fit better up here”. Mandy and I both slide our bodies down the bed a little and sis said, “ok good”
All this moving around with my cock sliding up and down on her clit got Mandy extremely excited and she started to slowly slide her pussy up and down on the length of my hard shaft. Sis now sat down, and I was engulfed in her amazing pussy that was already dripping with her love juice just getting everyone into the right position for this. I started to lick on sis’s clit which got a rise out of her, she moaned softly and said, “ok Mandy, do you need me to help get him in you?”
Mandy said, “No I got this…” She slid up and down on my shaft a couple of more times and then slid much further up and my cock popped up and the head started tracing up her very wet and slick lips. At just the right moment Mandy slid back down on to my cock and rode it all the way in as she sat up. She repositioned a little and then said, “Damn, I think he is up in my stomach now!” she let out a little giggle of happiness.
Sis said, “ok you two, be careful, go slow at first, and bro, do not push up hard against her or you might hurt her ok?” I was not able to answer her as I had a mouth full of her pussy at the moment but nodded yes and she relayed to Mandy that I understood.
Sis told Mandy, “ok Hun have fun!” as she let out a muffled moan with the intensity of my licking at her clit. Mandy started to slowly move up and down on me and was also making very sexy moans with each downward stroke she made on me. This choreography of sis’s kept up for some period of time that I cannot recall, but eventually I could tell that sis was building up another big orgasm as her pussy was contracting around my tongue when I would slide it in every now and then to give her a little added fun.
I decided I wanted to taste her cum again and I reached up with my hands and got ahold of both of her nipples before she could stop me…She moaned a little louder now and I could tell that she was now doing the same thing to Mandy’s nipples as she started moaning louder too and her pussy clinched down on my cock harder now. This went on for a few minutes, the ladies moaning louder I would pinch down harder on sis’s nips and she would do the same for Mandy.
I could tell Mandy was getting close to another big orgasm as well as my cock was really getting squeezed by her incredible pussy muscles with every thrust, she was giving me. Then out of nowhere I feel Mandy’s fingers searching on my chest, she found them…she got both of my nipples in her finger and thumb and with one very hard downward thrust, she pinched my nipples pretty hard, which in turn made me do the same to sis’s nipples, and then she would do the same to Mandy.
Once the chain had reached Mandy, I knew I was about to cum, she thrusted down hard against my pelvis one more time and then her pussy clamped down on my cock very tightly and would not let it move as I started pumping cum into her. Sis saw and heard Mandy now loudly moaning and could tell I was pumping cum into her by my body movements, and she let out a loud moan that met up with Mandy’s and my face was flooded in her love juices once again….
I laid there trying not to move as Mandy’s pussy was still clamped on to my dick ridiculously hard and I could feel our love juices flowing down over my balls. Sis was sitting there trying not to move too for fear of starting another orgasm and she did not know if I could go again right now after this amazing experience…she was right I was completely drained of energy and cum at this point.
Slowly sis raised up off my face and stood by the side of the bed looking at my drenched face and the pillow covered in her cum. She smiled at me and Mandy. Mandy was just now starting to come back to the real world after her amazing orgasm and she looked at sis and said, “Wow, that has to be the most amazing thing I have ever felt in my life”. She nodded at Mandy and Me and said, “Thank you both for letting me share that with you”.
I was spent and sis grabbed the pillow from behind my head and tossed it over towards the closet and moved the other one over to the middle of the bed and told me to move over there and lay on it. She came back in the room with a towel and let me clean up my face and then I handed it to Mandy who cleaned herself up as well as making sure my cock and balls were dried and cleaned up from her little mess…
Mandy again laid down next me on the left side and sis finished drying herself off and laid back down on the bed next to my right side. I had an arm around each of these beautiful sexy creatures and I laid there feeling like the king of the world as I drifted off to sleep.
At some point sis woke up and gently slid off the bed and went into the bathroom, she came back and gently got back on the bed and cuddled up to me again. She looked up at me and I at her and she said, “thank you!” again and drifted back off to sleep. Mandy was next on the bathroom parade and she did the same thing, she looked up at me and said, “thank you!” gave me a little kiss and then cuddled back up into me and went back to sleep too.
The light coming in from around the curtains woke me up, first this time! So, I laid there for a minute looking at these two beautiful women that had shared and taught me so much in the past few days and felt like I was 10 feet tall and bullet proof…Seizing the opportunity, I grabbed Mandy’s boob and she woke up looking at me as I laid a big passionate kiss on her…then I did the same to sis with Mandy watching as I laid another big passionate kiss on her. They both were still waking up and looked at each other…Sis finally says, “what was all that about?”
I told them, “I just wanted to grab some beautiful tits and kiss the most amazing women I know in the world and let them know I appreciate them”. For some reason they both blushed a little and then both leaned over and kissed me on each cheek. I was up, so I reached over Mandy and threw my right leg over her, this of course caused my dick and balls to fall right on to her leg. She quickly grabbed them and gave them a loving tug and said, “hey is that a ruler in your pocket or you just happy to see me?” Her and sis start busting up laughing and I finish up getting off the bed.
~~End of Part 4~~
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