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This series takes place two decades after where we left off after the "My Mom and Sis are my Sex Slaves" saga. This series will focus on life on David's slave farm, and will follow the training of several different girls on their journey to becoming pet girls.
This series takes place two decades after where we left off after the "My Mom and Sis are my Sex Slaves" saga. I recommend that this saga be read prior to reading this story. David has now expanded his sex slave training enterprise. This series will focus on life on David's slave farm, and will follow the training of several different girls on their journey to becoming pet girls.

This Chapter serves to introduce you to the workings of the farm, the general process of training a new slave, as well as updates on the characters lives since the last saga. We are introduced to Alyse near the end of the chapter, as she is brought to the farm and meets David.

I have compiled picture galleries to accompany this story (you must be a member to view)

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DISCLAIMER #1: All sexual acts in this story occur between adults over the age of 18.

DISCLAIMER #2: Themes of this story revolve largely around humiliation, sex slavery, and cruelty. If you are not interested in these themes, please do not read. Of course, in real life much of what is portrayed in this story is despicable, and should not be tolerated under any circumstance. Hence, why this is a story of fantasy, and should not be taken seriously.

David’s Narration:

It had been 20 years since our farm had opened. And boy has it been a bizarre but fascinating time..

We had grown rapidly in our operations, to say the least. This was all thanks to our investors. Initially, our dark web website had taken off beyond belief, expanding to hundreds of thousands of subscribers online. Money was coming in hand over fist. This led to some very wealthy, elite men finding out about our operations. This group of elite ‘investors’, filled with international politicians, and billionaires, took very special interest in our project. They funded us with all the money that we needed, in exchange for unlimited access to our farm and pets. We would hold regular ‘investor relations’ parties for them as well where they could come and use our pet girls as they pleased. I quite enjoyed holding these parties.

In return, to protect their investment, they wanted me to take down the website from public view on the dark web, as they thought that sooner or later having this increased exposure would lead to a public scandal if the wrong people found out. I obliged their request. Our website now is a very highly secure, and private website for only about 1000 subscribers. These subscribers were mostly this group of twisted, rich and powerful men. However, I did vouch for my most loyal, early subscribers to be let in to the group as well.

The group of investors not only provided money, but also provided protection. Over the last two decades, we haven’t once had any federal investigations, or inquiries at to what we were doing. In fact, the local police from the surrounding towns ensured our that the townspeople stayed away. We hosted these police forces quite often to show our appreciation.

Thanks to the seemingly unlimited funds of money, we expanded our operations drastically. Our 100 acre farm had now resembled more of a small town, rather than just a farm. We had regular shipments of food, medical supplies, and all other necessities brought to us by cargo plane. We had multiple houses, and facilities built on the property, to house the increasing number of men that were needed to grow the operation. These comprised of multiple kinds of training personnel.

First were the medical personnel. We employed several kinds of doctors. We had some general doctors, who would perform weekly to monthly exams on the pet girls. We had endocrinologists who would concoct and administer our ever-refined hormone cocktails to our girls, being able to personalize injections based on the girl’s baseline characteristics, and desired attributes. They would also monitor them for unwanted side effects or complications. We also housed a plastic surgeon who could perform general cosmetic surgeries for our pets, as well as a chief psychiatrist that helped us with developing a psychological training protocol. If any additional specialists were needed, they could be flown in at a moment’s notice.

Our investors built us a basic medical facility that the doctors could work in. And they paid the doctors two to three times as much as they would make doing regular work. In addition to this, there were many other perks that came with the job. The docs were each given live-in pet girls to use as they wish, as well as unlimited access to the rest of the live-stock. Needless to say, their job satisfaction was very high. Still, despite their qualifications, they answered to our chief medical director, good old Johnny. He was in his 70’s now, but was still sharp as ever. He had by far the most amount of experience in the matter of medically managing and training slaves, so they would come to him with any unexpected problems.

In addition to the doctors, we housed another thirty farm-hands working as ‘trainers’. These were guys that would be responsible for doing the day to day work associated with training the live-stock. This involved regular sexual training, feeding, cleaning, and delivering punishments for pets who disobeyed. This was a very sought after position. We essentially awarded our most loyal and early subscribers with these positions. They were happy to do it for free, but we insisted on paying them handsomely for their loyalty and silence, as well as giving them each a personal pet of their choice. The Dudley’s were chief in charge of training, so the farm-hands answered to them.

This brings me to the most important part of the farm, the live stock! We had several different large, state of the art barns on the farm now. We used these facilities to house more than 200 pets. These girls were usually sent to us by one of our subscribers. As our operations grew, we were being flooded with requests for slave training, so we were lucky that we had the luxury of only accepting the best looking candidates for training. We preferred teen girls, as they were easier to train and tended to respond best to the treatments.

The newest pets were housed together in one barn, and then would graduate to the other larger barns once they matured in their training. Once they would graduate training, they would either be shipped back to their masters, or stay on the farm. Usually, once the pet started to reach her mid twenties, we would sell her on the black market to an owner, if she didn’t have an original owner that could accommodate her return. We usually kept the best looking girls on the farm for the enjoyment of ourselves and the investors. Of this already elite group of live stock, we ***********ed the 30 most attractive and most obedient pets to be our house pets to live with us in our lavish farm-house mansion.

These girls were the best of the best pets. At this point, not only were they at their physical peak due to our rigorous training regimens, and hormone boosters, but they were at their psychological best as well. The months-years of psychological training, and medications had reduced their mental capacity to that of a puppy by this point. These pet girls would be completely obedient and loving of their masters. Their brains were also causing them to be completely preoccupied with lust and satisfying their ever growing primal urges. They craved their master’s cocks, and would practically whimper if they went too long without a cock in their mouth, ass or pussy.

I kept a group of my five favorites house-pets as my personal girls that none of the other guys could touch. It was the highest honor on the farm to be one of my personal pets. The girl’s had intense competition amongst each other to become ***********ed as one of “Dave’s Pets”. These girls would sleep in my room as my personal pets, along with Kayleigh. Kayleigh, who you may recall, is my sister, and original pet girl. Although she was in her thirties now, she looks even sexier than she did as a teen.

The years of eating the nutrient dense slut chow, hormone injections, rigorous exercise regimens and generally stress free life had resulted in her hardly aging at all. Her body still looked incredible, now boasting FF cup tits, the same luscious ass, and hardly an ounce of fat on her waist. I had spared her the intense psychological training and centrally acting medications that we give the common pets, so her wit and intelligence were still relatively in tact.

A while back, I married her, making her my number one pet. This was the most grand ceremony that we have had on the farm. All of our investors and subscribers were in attendance. Kayleigh was beyond honoured, to replace my Mother, Kendra, as this position by my side. Kendra, had aged graciously, but was now in her early 50’s. I was convinced that she was the sexiest 50 year old on the planet, but still, I would rather fuck the ample amount of teen pussy on the farm compared to her after all of these years.

I loved my mom, and was grateful for her service in helping set all of this up, so I made sure that she was taken care of. I graduated her from sexual slavery, and made her the matriarch of the slave farm. She helped train the new arrivals on how to please a man, in the way only a woman could. She had her own room that she slept in. And we would make sure that she stayed sexually satisfied. We would bring in local, ‘well endowed’ men for her to fuck every night.

The other people that lived in the main house with me were my best friend Vlad Dudley, his dad, and Johnny. These were the original group of guys that helped get this operation off the ground.

I wandered through the fields as the sun set. I smiled at everything I saw around me. I saw groups of pets being herded into their barns for the night by the farm-hands. I still couldn’t believe what I had built.

Today was a particularly exciting day for us. We were receiving a shipment of a new girl tonight. Her name was Alyse. She was a sweet blond teen in a bit of an unfortunate circumstance. A few years ago, her mother passed away. Her father, was thrown into a depression, that was further fuelled by loneliness and alcohol. He was a tech savvy guy, so inevitably started watching progressively depraved porn on the dark web. He stumbles upon our website, and then turned his sights on his beautiful young daughter.

Standing 5’6” and just 90 pounds, the beautiful and petite teen girl became the center of his dark fantasy. He wanted to turn the teen into his new wife, his new slave. He knew he couldn’t do this without our help. He reached out to us. He sent us pictures of her and explained her story.

She was beautiful. She had thick long strawberry blonde hair, striking green eyes and cute facial features. She had recently undergone a growth spurt so had no fat on her. She had a peachy pert bum, and small B cup breasts. We gladly accepted, and our investor contacts did the rest. In the middle of the night, her father let a group of men into her room, who injected her with a tranquilizer, tied her up and loaded her on the next cargo plane to our farm.

My dick twinged a bit, as I heard the rumble of the plan approach our runway.

Alyse’s Narration

Day 0:

I woke up in a sheer panic. I had no idea where I was. I slowly opened my eyes. I felt like I was drunk. My eyes started to take in what was around me. I was in a dark room, laying on what felt like hay. I reached at my neck, there was a leather collar wrapped tightly around. I only then looked down, I was completely naked! I panicked, and tried to get up, but was pulled back down by my neck. I realized that my collar was attached to a latch on the wall behind me by a steel chain. Tears were welling up in my eyes as I wondered what the hell was happening to me.

“Help, Heeelp!” I screamed. My voice echoed in the hollow chambers. I heard rustling throughout whatever large type of structure I was in. I tried focusing my eyes through the dark room. It almost seemed like a stall that a barn animal would be kept in. It must have been 8 x 8 feet. There were metal bars in front of me. I peered through them. The smell of the place hit me too. It smelled terrible, just like you would expect a farm filled with animals to.

I saw presumably moonlight reflecting off some metallic structures about 20 feet across the room. I realized there were a countless number of stalls just like mine as far as I could see on either side. I focused, as my eyes were getting used to seeing in the dark, I could see girls just like me in each one. Some were asleep, some were tossing and turning, some were awake and were looking back at me.

“Help, can you hear me!?” I yelled at a girl who I thought was looking at me. I didn’t get a single response. I heard some whimpers, and what sounded like puppies moaning throughout the room, but not a single response in a dialect that I could understand.

I continued to yell.

Suddenly I heard the door of the room open, and heavy footsteps approach my stall.

A tallish looking middle aged white man walked up to my stall. He leered at me. I examined his face. He actually looked like a normal guy. He was broad shouldered. Had brown hair and brown eyes, and a pale face.

He opened my stall and walked in, leering at my naked body. I scurried into a corner away from him, as far as my leash would allow. He stood a couple feet away from me, inspecting me closely before speaking. I was so embarrassed. No boy had seen me naked before. And here I was naked in front of a complete stranger in this bizarre situation.

“Now you were still knocked out when we would usually give you orientation, so I won’t punish you just yet for speaking out.” He sneered before continuing “But here it is.”

He started speaking before I could even think about what to ask this man, who I assumed was my captor.

“Alyse, my girl, my name is David. This is my farm, and you are now my property. Your life as you knew it, has ended, and now a new, much better life will begin.

Over this journey, you will fulfill your only purpose, which is to please your masters. You will be used in ways that your naïve little mind can’t even be able to imagine at this point. It will happen so frequently, that you will become numb to it, and eventually begin to crave it.” He smiled

I started crying profusely. I couldn’t believe what this strange man was saying.

Unphased, he continued.

“There are several rules that you, along with every other pet on this farm will abide by. You are now a pet, and are not recognized as human anymore. Therefore you will be treated like an animal:

1. You will be naked and leashed at all times

2. You will willingly accept anything that me and the other masters do to your helpless body

3. You will walk around on all fours, just like a dog would

4. You are forbidden from speaking in English anymore. Acceptable forms of communicating include whimpering, yelping, and barking like a dog would.

5. Any breaking of these rules will results in punishment


He smirked.

I had stopped profusely crying, and was now in a state of shock.

“Good” he smiled. “Now let me test that young pussy out.”

He swiftly unhooked my collar from the leash and dragged me out of stall. He threw me onto one of the stiff beds made of hay in the center of the room.

I was in a state of shock, and could hardly move. It looked like this was happening in slow motion. I couldn’t believe that I was about to have my virginity taken, that I was about to be raped. I looked around. There must have been 30 different stalls, and now all of the girls were awake and peering at the scene that was unfolding in front of them. I couldn’t believe that I was going to lose my virginity like this. I also couldn’t believe that none of these girls were helping me or crying for help!

David was explaining that he loved fucking a girl before she was ‘broken in’ and ‘before the transformation.’

I froze in fear as I saw him take his clothes off and come towards me. I had never seen a penis before. I was disgusted. I wanted to run but its like my body wasn’t listening to my mind. Soon, I felt his big body. His large hands pinned down my tiny body.

I instinctively crossed my legs. He barked at me to open them. Slowly I summoned the strength to do so, I could tell that this is not a patient man.

I gasped in pain as he shoved his penis into my pussy. “Ah I love the feeling of virgin teen pussy on my dick.” He moaned as he smiled

I started to profusely cry as he started violently thrusting away. He split my legs wide above his shoulders so he could get deeper penetration, to my agony. I started to wail in pain and terror. I was met with a sharp slap across my face with his brutish hands. I was shocked in silence

“Stop your crying whore.” He sneered as he continued to fuck me relentlessly.

I brought my hands to my mouth to stop myself from crying or moaning anymore. I closed my eyes and tried to imagine that I was anywhere else. After what seemed like forever, I heard him moan as he came. I felt his hot semen fill up my vagina. I couldn’t believe that this had happened.

He smirked at me. “Plenty more where that came from slut.”

He dragged my almost limp body by my collar and threw me back in my stall before locking the door.

“Get some sleep, you’re in for a busy day tomorrow.” He sneered

I looked down at my vagina, semen and blood was leaking out down onto my thigh. I crawled up into a ball and tried my best to find a place to get comfortable. I sobbed for most of the night, I still couldn’t wrap my head around what was happening to me.

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