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Any comments/criticisms appreciated, good or bad

Before continuing I should probably introduce myself, My names Jack, I’m a teenager, still at school and living with my parents. Looking forward to leaving it soon tbh. I’m pretty shredded but only got that way recently. I used to be really skinny but needed something extra to really put me on the dating spectrum. I think I’m heterosexual but have delved into some gay stuff before. Sadly, I’m too shy to find out and ask someone but I’m working on it. I’ve also got short brown hair, brown eyes and am moderately attractive, but, Most Importantly, I’ve got a decent size dick. So far that sounds great, you must thinking I’ve got a girlfriend. But if there was one thing I could change, it would be my height. I’m 5,3. Yeah, so that’s great.

Part 1

It was a usual spring morning. The birds chirping, the drooping plants now boasting there new found youth, the kiss of coldness that somehow heightened the warm rays of the sun which glanced in through the gap in my curtains. My eyes slowly flicked open. They were like pools of honey as it glistened in them. ‘Driiiiin driiiiin driiiiin’ faded into my senses as my consciousness reestablished.

The piercing sound of my alarm soon screeched into my ears. I groggily reached over pressing all over the bedside cabinet before finally tapping it out. I lied back looking down to the feeling of my morning wood standing to attention, making a tent in my sheets. I pulled them of as I drowsily rose out of bed. Fumbling around the room, I gathered my gym clothes and began putting them on, sliding my shirt past my abs and concealing my 7inch dick in my shorts. I grabbed my gym bag and headed out, even before my erection subsided.

This was my normal routine nowadays, out the door at 6:30, get a good run in for 30min which takes me to the gym which opens at 07:00. 1 hour workout, then showers, brush my teeth, wank sometimes ect. Catch the bus at 08:30, school at 09:00. Luckily though, it was the holidays, so school was out. I started running at a relatively fast pace, wanting to get to gym as fast as possible. The streets were quiet, the street lights lighting the silent path. I continued on my way with the occasional car passing by. It didn’t take long for me to arrive at the gym. Oddly, there was a large group of people queued outside. I looked down at my watch. “06:50”.

“Damnnnn that’s pretty good,” I say to myself as I slowed down to a crawl joining the queue to the gym.

Before now, I hadn’t paid too much attention to the crowd but as I looked around, I saw her, Stacy. Stacy is my long term crush and by far the hottest girl at school. She has black flowing hair, blue eyes, about the same size as me and pretty busty. She was perfect, Everything I wanted in a girl. While staring at her my dick grew in size pointing like a compass to my possible destination. “What you looking at” I hear whispered in my ear. I stagger, turning around to face my counter stalker. “You look excited to see me,” a familiar voice reaches out.

“Roman!” I exclaim as he towers over me.

Roman is in my year (or grade for you Yanks) at school. He is about 5,10, muscular but not ripped, kinda chubby tbh. He has short brown hair and blue eyes, pretty sure he’s straight, but he’s quite camp so no one knows really. Roman was my ‘ex best friend’ you could say, we used to be real good friends but then he changed as we all do. I was just too naïve to realise this then. It got so bad that I developed a sort of Stockholm syndrome. I didn’t think I could live without him, I craved him but, that’s a story for a another time.

He nodded down to my bursting erection. “Oh shit” I smuggle under my breathe. “Soz” I reply to him as I tried to cover it up. He sniggered.

“Mhm, If I’m guessing, your looking at…,” he trailed while slowly gazing around the crowd. “Stacy!” he shouts, catching her attention prompting her to come over.

“Hey!” she said in her velvety voice.

“You’ve met Jack here right?” He inquires.

“Yeah, he’s the cute guy who sits near me in History” she passively laughs as she puts her arm around me.

“Ahhhhhh, you two would make a great couple” he suggests. She giggles as I lock eyes with him staring him down. To my relief, the gym opens so I could save myself from humiliation.

“I better be of then, I’ll see you cuties later” she finishes as she kisses me on the cheek. She walks of into the gym.

“Ya see, there you go” he congratulates. I had a to stop myself from punching him right there but, instead I walked away, into the gym.

I quickly dumped my stuff down and headed in trying to avoid the crowds, I found out from the manager, Katie, that their was some event on In one of the external rooms so my quiet gym sesh would go undisturbed, apart from Roman, sadly. At this time, I was usually the only person in their, it really only started to get busy at 09:00 but Katie kept it open because of events like today. Despite the distractions, I got through my workout fine, mostly avoiding everyone. However, my peace was briskly shattered as Roman called out to me when I entered the locker rooms. “What’s wrong?” he nudged my shoulder.

“Nothing,” I reply. He looked over at me unconvinced.

“I was just trying to help you out,” he sighed.

“Just… just leave me alone,” I reply as I grab my bag from the locker room.

I turned around and began unpacking my gym bag, getting all the things like my shampoo and fresh clothes out ready. Meanwhile, praying that he was just going to leave me alone, just as I thought I was out of the woods and clear of him, I felt a firm hand land on my shoulder. I sigh.

“Listen, I’m sorry,” he explained.

“I just want to help you out,”

“Makes a change,” I reply as I continued unpacking my gym bag. A long silence followed which felt like a life time

“I know I hurt you and I just want to make it up to you,” he justifies, withdrawing off my shoulder. I turn around.

“We’ll see,” I reply

“I’m gonna go take a shower now,” I conclude. With that, he gently grabs my arm.

“Let me make it up to you,” he drags on. At this point, I knew I wasn’t going to get rid of him, so the best I could do was play along.

“What do you have in mind,” I reply.

“You’ll see,” he finishes.

“I’ll see you in the shower,” he trailed as he walked around the corner to his locker.

“Thank god!” I mumble in relief as he was gone.

I proceeded to strip down and grabbed my wash stuff, heading into the shower room. I entered cautiously, aware that I still had to endure Romans game. So far, I felt like I handled him quite well, not falling too much for him, maybe that false love had finally dissipated? I questioned myself.

The shower room was just of the to the side of the locker room, out of site with a large wooden door separating them. It was a boxed room with 5+ shower heads encompassing the walls. There is a large pillar in the centre which you could easily walk into on a busy day. When it was busy, it looked and felt more like a sauna even though it was already starting to get like this. Romans tricks I presumed. It made it difficult to see and the heat was a killer when you just wanted a cold shower.

Upon entering, I could just make out Roman under one of the shower heads on the left side so, I proceeded over to the right. I placed my shampoo down and turned the nozzle allowing the hot water to rain down on me. The water caressing my body, running down it was one of the best feelings following a workout. Embracing the feeling, I lost all consideration of my surroundings and to my shock, without warning, Roman pinned himself right up against me and up against the wall. The front of my body smashing into the still cold tiles.

“What the fuck!” I shout, trying to free myself from his grip. He laughs in response, still holding me in place.

“So… I said I would make it up to you,” he began. “And… and I noticed that you’ve been quite horny today” he satirically continued.

“Get the fuck of me!” I shout fanatically.

But without hesitation, he continues, “and so am I” he whispers into my ear. My whole body froze as my old dreams and new nightmares emerged. I felt his dick harden, poking against my ass and his hands start to explore my body.

“I love you,” he whispers, My body quivers as I feel his hand glide across my abs and downward towards my dick.

“Please stop,” I reason to which he caustically sniggers.

I try to resist, trying to break free but he overpowered me with the combined force of his muscle and height. His mass severely outweighed mine making the struggle that much more difficult.

His hard dick now began grinding in between my cheeks making him groan quietly. He eventually made his way down to mine, tightly gripping it and getting a feel for it like a new phone. He grasped at it, jerking it from the base to the head. My body began to tingle to the heavenly demonic sensation of his hand gliding across it. My dick pulsed as it grew to its full length. Sadly, he was right about one thing, I had been horny all morning and was hoping I could relieve myself here but not like this, not with him.

He suddenly released me and retreated back. I turned around to see him towering above me, watching me like a predator watching his prey. This was my fight or flight moment, my last chance. But instead I froze, scared for my life. With that he approached again, Slowly. I back against the wall, my past right in front of me. He closes in, his brisk, calm breathing lays onto me. Our bodies touch while I tried to force myself further away from him into the wall. I looked up at him. “I know you” he whispers. I look up at him and shake my head, tears forming in my eyes. I’m terrified. I know this is wrong but this is what I wanted for so long, I’m caving in, my resolve collapsing.

“I don’t want this,” I manage.

“We’ll see,” he states as he pushes himself down onto me. Our lips colliding. My body, frozen in a state of shock, my emotions stuck in a bottleneck trying to retake control of my head. Tears streamed down my face as the part of me that I always resented, the part of me which still cared for him finally presented itself and corrupted my sense of morality.

“Let’s take this to the next level,” he commanded. He backs of to the centre pillar and incites me to follow, I do. “I knew you’d come round” he smiled. He pulls me close to him clashing our muscular bodies against each other like cogs in a machine. He grinded his crotch into mine making my throbbing dick crush against his. Our lips locked as we made out like animals, our primal instincts being unleashed as he ravaged my bottom lip.

We continue like that for a few more minutes before he’s satisfied and so we can move on to the next round of his infernal game. We move back under a shower as he turns the nozzle letting hot water rain down on us. Roman then grabs my shoulders and forces me down onto my knees. His 6.5inch dick bobs in front of me. It had a decent girth and It was encased with the back drop of his unshaven pubes which he allowed to grow wild. “Open wide,” he patronisingly ordered. I do. He grabs my head with both hands, forcing me onto his cock, immediately making me deep throat it. I knelt there motionless as he used my mouth for his own enjoyment. The head bounced against my throat robbing me of air. With every withdrawal, I struggled to breath as he rammed it back into me. I struggled to breathe while I audibly choked on his juicy dick. The tears streamed down my face like a waterfall, salty water burning my skin like acid. My nose prickled like thorns by his untamed pubes while I took in his musky scent. Was this lust? Or horror?

I gazed up at him and unlike me, he seemed to be having the time of his life. “Use your tongue” he moaned. I obeyed swirling around the whole length of it, he groaned in pure ecstasy. My tongue working out harder than I had, scrubbing clean his hot dick. It tasted salty, probably from the sweat he accumulated over his workout which only proceeded to dry my mouth out. My jaw began to ache under the stress and the feeling of his head slamming against my throat gagged me in discord. The revelation sent waves of pleasure and pain throughout my body but I was shackled. He began speeding up his pace, still guiding my mouth over his 6.5inches. The veins whipping my lips as his dick was forced in and out of my mouth. As he continued, I didn’t know if I hated this, or enjoyed it. After all, this is what I wanted and I’m finally getting what I deserved. I loved him and if this made him happy, then so be it.

Pre cum began oozing out of his dick which I lapped up, bringing him closer to his climax. “aaarrrgh, I’m getting close" he exclaimed, making him go even faster. I stopped resisting, giving in to him. The salty, bitter flavour drained my mouth but I wanted more. I started sucking and licking that much more, taking what was given to me, submissive to my master.

“Your so fucking good” he screamed, moaning in pleasure.

I thought I changed, I thought I let him go. But now I’m on the floor while he fucks my mouth to his pleasure. He tightened his grip on me, forcing me even harder onto him. I was getting dizzy from the speed and ferocity of him slamming his dick in my mouth.

“I’m gonna come" he screamed as he pushed me down, smashing my nose into his pubes while, he exploded in my mouth. The first spurt hit the back of my throat and the second covered my tongue. The following plastered the walls of my mouth bathing them in his pride. He shot rope after rope of hot cum into my mouth, the heat and the salt burned the back of my throat and drowned my taste buds in a salty bitter taste. He continued to fuck my face, as I tried to swallow but with every following thrust, more spewed out of my mouth, spilling onto the floor and smearing my face. I swallowed his cum slowly so I could savour the taste of his seed while trying to keep my lips locked around his dick so I could lick up every drop oozing out of his delicious dick.

As he started to get flaccid and I’d lapped up the rest of his cum, he removed his grip and I collapsed onto the floor, struggling for breathe. I panted vigorously, desperately trying to breath from the submersion from Romans dick. He sat down where I just sucked him, breathing harshly, him for an entirely different reason. He looked down at me. “You’re a good boy, you know that?” He said. I sat their motionless. “And good boys get rewards” he continued. Roman positioned himself over me, closing in on my lips. At this point, I was too weak to respond and felt too used to resist or embrace the coming storm. He began kissing me like a teenager role playing with a mannequin. I lay their, doing nothing. He slowly departed from my lips, moving down onto my neck kissing and lightly tugging with his teeth, attacking my body. Continuing, Roman started on my nipples. Left to right, he plucked them like eye brows and circled them with his tongue. His tongue glided down to my abs, worshipping the rest of my body. It delved into the crevices of my abs, tracing them with his saliva. The trivial sensation sent shivers through my body as he closed in on my crotch. He grabbed my dick, slowly jerking the length of it making my mind tingle in bliss. He tightly gripped me, jerking me from the base to the head. His slow, methodical movements, flooded my body with pleasure. I was enjoying this. My long term crush who I just blew, turning me the fuck on.

He started to pick up the pace simultaneously, leaning down towards my balls and took each one in his mouth one, licking them clean from the sweat of my workout. “Aaaahhh!” I groaned, encouraging him to to start licking up my shaft while staring at me with his deep blue eyes. He stopped teasing and suddenly engulfed the head of my dick in his mouth and swirled his tongue around it like a car wash. I moaned making him speed up his pace and take more off my dick in his mouth. He took it all the way in, inch by inch, driving me crazy before fully taking it, he grabbed the base of it firmly and started bobbing his head up and down the length of it. His wet, warm mouth made my dick tingle and every second took me closer to exploding in his mouth.

My breathing picked up again, Pre cum oozed out of my dick which he took as a signal to go down on me that much quicker. He looked so hot, his mouth accommodating my 7inch dick. I grew harder and harder, my dick pulsing, making my veins popping. I bucked my hips, mouth fucking him for earlier. This temporary bliss infected my mind and a blur of lust blinded my sanity, his beautiful eyes mesmerising me and feeding my sexual appetite which had been starved for so long.

I grabbed his head forcing him onto me. I started ruggedly panting as I closed in on my climax, my balls tensing up and my dick aching in anticipation. I groaned loudly as I started shooting rope after rope of hot, sticky cum into his mouth. After the first 4 spurts he took it out of his mouth so the last few ropes of cum spurted over his cheek while staring at me with an animalistic look in his eye. He licked along the shaft, staring at me like a predator in sight of his prey. He mounted me again making our bodies clash against each other creating a euphoric tension on contact.

“I love you,” he stated as he climbed of me and stood up. “You better finish showering,” he concluded, walking out of the shower room. I lied there for a few more seconds, filled with regret and obsession. I stood up, looking down at my body, covered in sweat and cum. I cleaned myself up and walked out the showers. He was already gone, and so with him, my freedom.
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