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Donatello lays it all out in the open for Aimee telling her she needs to make a choice. Donnie then tests Aimee’s trust in him.
By Hana M Brimeck

Tonight's the kind of night I hate, the wind is blowing. It always makes it hard to sleep I’ve been tossing and turning with unease for-- I don’t know how long now. Do I dare look at the clock? I lay in bed wrestling with the decision only to finally give in. I reach over and pick up my phone, its 1:30 am, “Crap.” I let out a frustrated sigh. I just can't fall asleep even though I'm so tired.

It's the kind of night I wish I had someone I could cuddle into and feel protected someone strong.

I've been learning self-defense from the guys-- I do feel safer most of the time-- This is not one of those times.

I lay my head back and try to drown out the sound of the wind with my pillows, to no avail. “Uh, I give up!” I blurt out loud, I'm done fighting it. I Kick back the blankets, flick on a light next to my bed, and get up for a drink. ‘Goddammit I think to myself’, as I scurry to the kitchen, tomorrow is going to be a long day if I don't get to sleep soon.

I come back into my bedroom, peak at my window only to find a familiar shape sitting outside tapping on the window. “Well, at least you knocked this time.” I utter as I open the window for my guest, “But here I am in nothing but a tank top and panties, a little scantily clad don't you think Leo. What are you doing here this late, do you have any idea what time it is?"

"A little after 1:30, you look fine, and you're light was on so I came to check on you. Are you ok?"

"I'm fine; I just have trouble sleeping with the wind blowing. I just got up to get something to drink and go back to bed" I smiled like everything was fine, 'and you weren't the turtle I was hoping would show up.' I thought to myself. "Thank you for stopping by Leo, I do really appreciate you checking on me. It was really sweet." I gesture towards the window.

Leo stood awkwardly, looking at me, and then the bed, "Are you sure you want me to go? I can stay and keep you company if you'd like." I can see him blush.

Oh Leo, not a good look I can't help but laugh to myself. "No, I'm fine, I'm used to it. Thanks again."

"Ok, well you know how to reach me, er us if you need too." With that Leo slips out the window.

"Goodnight Leonardo" I call after him waving at him out the window.

"Good, I never thought he'd leave." Standing on the windowsill looking uncharacteristically broody; Donatello.

"Why not, apparently it's a party, come on in." I joke to try to lighten the mood. It didn't really work.

It's been quite a while since I've talked to Donnie; I understand his malaise towards me. I know he hasn't quit watching me either which has made any further rendezvous with Raph all the more challenging, even for a ninja.

"Aimee, I didn't come by or talk to you because I had some things to figure out and I needed time and space to do so." Donnie's demeanor has shifted, he's no longer the insecure geek, he has a lot more confidence as he stands before me. I can't help but feel worried.

I wanted to point out that he was still around, watching me like a hawk, guarding me, 'not the right time to play the “Donatello” technical card.' I thought to myself.

"I can't help but have strong feelings for you. Every time I think of you my heart jumps, my blood rushes, I can't concentrate, we like so many similar things, I can carry on a conversation with you, you're kind, and not to mention beautiful." Donatello takes a moment and a deep breath before adding, "If it was possible, if such things could exist, I'd dare to call you my soulmate."

I wanted so badly to be moved by his words but I was terrified of what was coming next. "Don I..." I reach a hand to him.

He steps back "I'm not finished Aimee." He cuts me off.

I pull my hand back and drop my head; I deserve this, though it doesn't hurt any less knowing that.

"As a scientist, I don't believe that the universe or some unforeseen force has control or the ability to bring two people together. Not even quantum physics has the Soulmate Theory and it believes you can be in two places at once." Donatello laughs to himself a little then turns serious again. "It hurt Aimee, it hurt to see you with Raph, out of anyone in the world why him?” Donnie was getting agitated and pacing my room, “Even Leo I would get, any human of course, Mikey, I might have you checked psychologically, but Raph? The one guy I'm in constant competition with. On the night I was coming over to tell you I… I lo..."

"Donnie," I cut him off, "I'm so sorry you felt that hurt. It wasn't my intention, neither is what happened. It just kind of happened. I can't explain it." I grabbed his hand to stop his pacing. Facing each other now I take both of his hands, always forgetting how tiny mine look in comparison. I pull his hands to my chest, "I understand you that you have strong feelings, I do too. There’re just so many things about you that I enjoy so much. I don’t want to lose that, I don’t want to lose you. Not seeing you these past several weeks has been difficult.” I catch tears streaming down my face, “Donnie, I’ve really missed you. I thought you no longer cared for me.”

“Honestly? I tried not to.” When Donatello said those words they cut me, I felt a sharp pain through my entire body.

“Ouch.” I whisper through my tears.

“But then I realized I can’t. I realized I still couldn’t get you out of my head. I would invent something and my first thought was ‘I can’t wait to show this to Aimee’, when I was on patrol and near here I’d check in and make sure you were ok.” Donatello let go of my hands and backs away again. His face looks serious but his eyes tell me he is in need of my answer to be him. "I, I just can't take it anymore. I can't stand the thought of you being with anyone else. I want you to be mine Aimee." He looks me straight in the eyes, “There are so many things I like about you, you’re beautiful without trying, you’re smart, funny, and when you laugh, oh you’re eyes explode.”

My head was swirling, I am so torn, I care so deeply for Donatello but I have such deep passionate feelings for Raphael. Who do I chose intelligent, sweet Donnie with a geek side that I just adore or Raph who is the bad boy, strong, with a soft, sensitive side that makes my heart melt. I have never witnessed such confidence in Donatello before; he looked so fearless, so resolute. Standing and looking at Donnie I just want to be in his arms.

"You have to choose Aimee." He finally says.

"I, I can't... I don't... Donnie... I..." I can't say anything, I have no answer. "You are so precious to me Donnie, I can't lose you." I finally manage to get out.

Donatello's stance softens; he steps forward and takes me in his arms. "I don’t want to lose you either. You are everything to me Aimee." he whispers.

"I have missed you so much. Please don't ever do that again; I can't go that long without seeing you." I cry as tears start to fall again. “I felt like I lost a best friend only you’re more than that to me.”

He rested his palm against my cheek, wiping my tears with his thumb, his other arm holding me around my waist firmly, as though to say, ‘I am his one and only and he's not letting go.'

I lower my cheek into his hand as I abandon all inhibitions I lean into his body; I investigate the outline of his biceps lightly with my fingernails. He tucks my hair behind my ear; using the back of his finger he traces the curve of my jaw, his eyes always peering into mine.

“I’m here aren’t I?” he whispers. Pulling me in tighter he lifts my tear stained chin, pushing his lips into mine. Our lips separate only to lightly brush one another before falling back into a deep, soft kiss. It has been so long, Donatello takes my breath away. I moan into him as I feel the energy between us, his hot breath against mine.

My heart starts pounding as I feel his warm breath on my neck. "Oh Donnie." I whisper back. I put my arms around his neck as he lifts me off my feet and ushers us to my bed. My body feels hot against his. Gently he lays me down near the edge of the bed; he kneels next to me on the floor so he can see the entire length of my body. I let out a slight ticklish giggle as his hands softly brush against my skin, he leans in kissing me. His kiss is like nothing I have felt before, it was tender, deep, amorous.

“Wait here.” He says, “I have an idea.” He disappears out the window only to reappear a moment later with a bag in his hand.

“What’s that?” I ask.

“You'll see.” He says with a grin.

I roll on my side watching Donnie with anticipation. I feel different this time. With all the excitement I have butterflies in my stomach. 'Why am I nervous?' I thought to myself. I take a deep breath to calm my nerves.

He walks over to a bag and pulls out a few candles. He lights them, next he puts on soft music, setting the mood. I smirk at how cliché it all is but appreciate the effort Donatello is going through just for me. He walks back over to the bag, reaches his hand in but before pulling anything out looks over at me with a serious demeanor, "Do you trust me?" He asks. His voice broke for a moment when he asked as though the answer depended on everything.

"Donnie." I say back, tilting my head. I smile and don’t really take the question seriously.

"Do you trust me?" he asks again, this time a little more insistent.

"Of course, I trust you with my life, literally." I say back with a soft smile.

From the bag he lifts restraints, a blind fold, a whip, rope, and more candles. This is something I always wanted, being able to trust someone so completely that I can be tied up, blindfolded, and now I get to experience it with my sweet Donnie. My smile grows, I can feel my panties grow warm, wet. I slip them off playfully tossing them at him. He laughs as he catches them then tosses them to the side.

I slide to the middle of the bed, he straps one restraint to one wrist and then the other next to each side of my headboard. He then ties my ankles with my legs spread to the bottom of my bed.

“Trust me Aimee.” he whispers in my ear, “I promise I would never to hurt you.”

I bite my lip, “I trust you.” I whisper back, and I do mean it, I trust him. I don’t think there’s anyone else I would trust like this, not even Raph as much fun as I think it might be. To allow myself to be defenseless, completely open, vulnerable too? Only my dear sweet Donnie.

He presses his lips against mine, another tender passionate kiss. Each kiss has so much behind it I allow the emotion to well up inside me, I finally give in, let my defenses drop, I open myself up. I feel a tear roll down my cheek, hidden by the mask, or I thought. Without a word and with a single finger Donnie wipes the tear away, kissing me again.

His lips move down my body, there’s a new sense of excitement, my skin, my nerves tingle of excitement every time his lips touch my skin. His lips and tongue tease my nipples, I giggle with excitement, he spends a moment sucking and licking one breast then the other before I have the sensation of something being placed over my nipple, and tightened down.

Let me know if it hurts he says. I nod, as the pressure increases, first one then the other. I moan, I squirm, "There, he got them all taken care of, how's that?" As he asks he gives them a slight pull.

I arch my back, moan, and nod. "I, uh think they're good." I say breathlessly. "Please give me more."

I can't see but I'm sure he smiled as he gave them another pull and a slight twist this time. "You mean like that?" He said teasing.

Tingles run up and down through my body, I moan for him, I moan his name. I want him to know I'm enjoying his play. With each pull or twist a rush of warmth makes its way through my body intensely converging in my pussy making it more and more wet in anticipation. Beneath me a wet spot already forming on the bed. "Uh huh." Is all I could manage to reply.

He slides a hand down my stomach down in between my legs. I lift my body in response to his hand as it slides down my body. I never want his touch to leave my body. When his hand disappears between my thighs I can't help but move my hips into his hand, begging him to penetrate me. He doesn't. I feel his body move over mine, I bite my lip, it's so hard to contain my excitement as his erect hardness presses against my thigh, my blood pulses faster, his energy now entwined with my, the warmth of his body close to mine, his breath on my neck.

His one arm now holds him up the other starts to massage my clit. I moan and move my body, as much as I can, into him. I moan out loud, I want him know he pleases me. He increases pressure in my clit and used his teeth to pull the nipple clamp, his tongue licks my breast. He leans in pressing his lips against mine. He moans into me, I moan into him.

His hand moves faster over my clit, a rush of warmth floods my hips, down my legs, and into my stomach. My pussy, my clit suddenly becomes super sensitive, my entire body responsive to the lightest touch. "Oh god, don't stop, I'm going to cum. Faster." I beg. His hips slightly thrusting against my thigh only serve to drive me closer to the edge, his hand moves faster against my clit.

His, teeth again grabs and twists the nipple clamp. "Cum for me Aimee." He says. His lips press against mine again, my back arches as the tingle reach deep in my spine and through my body. It's so warm, building, so close. "I'm close, I'm going to, I'm... I'm..." it builds, holding. Finally, my orgasm releases, I squirt cumming on him, on my thighs, and the bed.

I hear him laugh some, "That was amazing, so... fucking sexy. I barely kept myself from cumming from that." I was shocked, Donnie usually doesn't swear, his bad boy side is coming out, I like it. "Ready for more?" He asks.

"Yes." I nod. "Oh god yes!" I catch myself saying. 'God please make me cum more' I think to myself, 'This is so fucking hot!'

His hand slides up the inside of my thigh, the light touch made me giggle, I couldn't help it, I open my legs as much as I can to welcome him in. He slides inside me, I'm so pleasantly surprised that what I'm feeling is his cock not his hand. I lose control for a moment and squirt all over his cock again, my juices now soaking my inner thighs. I bite my lip in embarrassment and turn my head away. Donatello responds by thrusting soft, deep, grinding into me, savoring me, feeling my pussy lips against his abdomen.

I want so badly to wrap my legs around him, I want to push my hips into him, feel him, my knees barely bend to get leverage to thrust my hips into him. With each thrust I feel a wave of pleasure, warmth, pressure move up through my body, I want more, I crave more. I want to feel it deeper inside my body.

The rope around my ankles is released. He lifts my legs to his shoulders, he slides deep inside me. I moan louder than I had been. I must have surprised him.

“Are you ok?” He asks.

“Oh my god yes.” I say through breaths, “It’s just a very good angle.” I tell him, I smile, “Please keep going.” I beg.

I can feel him shake his head and hear him laugh. He thrusts into me, as our hips collide I moan to match. I can feel him so completely, I wrap my hands around the straps of the handcuffs so I can rock my body into him. “Harder Donnie.” I moan, “Please, I’m going to cum again.” My moans grow, the insanity grows, my pussy getting so wet it is splashing against his abdomen every time he thrusts into me.

He obliges, “I can’t even, thoughts are, it feels… amazing” he says.

I smile, I love that my body is doing this to him. I love that I cause as much pleasure as he gives me. My body feels hot, I feel the control over my body wain, there’s too much ecstasy this time, I gave my body to him completely. I let him have every inch of me.

His thrusting is taking my breath but I want more, I need more. God my body feels so hot, I’m so wet for him, I can’t stop. I feel him grow harder inside me, my moans grow. I know he’s close, I’m close too. “I’m so close Donnie, not yet, cum with, just don’t stop. Please more” I bite my lip begging. I am overcome by waves of pure pleasure again, my whole body tingles, I can feel everything in such detail. It builds, the pressure, Donnie takes a finger and rubs it against my clit. I can’t take it, my moans turn to screams of pleasure, I couldn’t hold it in. “God, Donnie. I’m close, I’m going to… I’m… Please don’t… I… I…” His cock gives as I cum against him, my pussy pulsing around him. I feel the warmth of him cum inside me. I let out a moan and wiggle into him. He holds where he is for a moment as we catch our breath. He slowly lets my legs down.

“Oh Donatello, that was amazing.” I said catching my breath.

“You’re not done yet.” He says. His tone, such confidence, so commanding, I really like this side of him. I didn’t know he could be so strong like this, so take charge. It turns me on and gives me unequivocal confidence in him. I always saw him as a follower, not a leader—not anymore.

He disappears from the bed for a moment. I hear dead silence for a moment then water running in the other room. For a moment held my breath, I remind myself he is a ninja of course he is going to be silent when he moves. He comes back, I feel him sit back on the bed with me, “Aimee, I have something here to clean you up with. He says before placing a hand on me.

“Ok Donnie” I smile. ‘There’s my sweet Donnie.’ I think to myself. He cleans me up, the blindfold still on, arms still bound.

He gets up again and comes back this time he says, “I’m going to put something around your neck, it won’t choke you.”

I nod ok and smile, “I trust you, whatever you want to do.” He places the leather collar be placed around my neck, and hear the chain leash be put in place. “Hey Donnie, just no gag ok, I just don’t want that.” I say hoping I don’t spoil things. I felt tears slip from my eyes.

“Never, I would never do that to you, I didn’t even get one.” His tone had softened. I felt a hand touch the side of my face, “You’re too precious to ever do something so tactless too.” His finger wiped away the tear as he kissed me. “Are you ready for the next round?”

‘My Donnie is so sweet’ I think to myself. “Yes.” I say to him. My body still shaking some but craving more.

He disconnects the straps, “Ok, sit up on your knees.” He demands. I obey, “Hands behind your back please.” My wrists are then bound behind my back with one of the straps. He then places a hand between my shoulders to let me know he would like me lower down. “Down” he says. I’m on my knees, my head and chest are now on my pillow, my hands tied behind me.

I squeal in excitement and wag my hips at him. I feel the whip against my skin. “Ooh.” I say teasing. “I’ve been bad, spank me.” I feel the whip against my hip this time harder, “Oh yeah, just like that.” I say. My head is swirling with excitement. I’ve always wanted to play like this and to be able to trust someone so completely. My heart is aching with affection for Donnie.

I feel him rub his cock against my already warm wetness, he rubs himself between my thighs, I close my legs to wrap around him. I smile as I hear him moan, “I was not expecting that.” He said. I can feel him thicken. I let a moan escape. He pulls himself out from between my legs. He teases putting it in.

I could feel his head press into my slit, I push my hips back against him begging for penetration. "Not yet" he says. I feel the whip against my hip again.

I bite my lip and moan, ‘worth it’ I think to myself. "Please Donnie, I want you so bad. I can't wait anymore." I beg again. Both of his hand caressing my ass cheeks, he teased me with barely penetrating and then pulling back. I try to get a bit more of his cock by moving my hips back into him but that was always met with a spank or whip. So delightful, such torture. My body aches for him.

He places his hands on my hips as he thrusts forward. I gasp, a wave of warm tingling pressure make its way up my spine throughout my body. Donatello leaves no time to reveal in the feeling, he starts thrusting my pussy hard, each stroke sending a wave one after another.

I moan, I scream. “Oh fuck, I'm cumming!” I barely get it out before I release my wetness all over him, oh God I want more. I can barely stay coherent, it's so much. Oh God, again, I, again. I just have no control. He speeds up, he goes harder into me. I feel his erection grow he's bigger and more firm than I've ever felt. “Oh God!” I yell, “Fuck me, fuck me. I'm going to, oh god!” I can no longer form words, just moan, scream for my Donnie. My wetness explodes around his cock, he can't hold back, he cums in me.

He tugs on the leash and tells me to sit up. He removes my blindfold and the leash. He sits back pulling me into him, holding me. Softly he kisses me. “I'm really glad you enjoyed that.” I love that he didn’t ask, I love that he was self-assured enough to know.

“Donnie it was a fantasy fulfilled.” I cuddled my face into his chest. ‘I was just surprised it was you, I thought to myself, I always figured Raph would have been the one tie me up. I felt nervous at the thought though, “Can you stay?”

“For a while, I just have to be home before first light.”

“So... you just happen to have that bag with you? I'm surprised considering you were so angry.”

Donnie puts his hand behind his head and lets out a nervous laugh “I've had it stashed on the roof for a while. I didn't know if I'd ever get the chance to use it, but I had hoped.”

“Mmmm k.” Is all I managed to get out before I fell asleep in his arms.
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