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Do you know what it feels like to find absolute perfection and know that you will never be good enough to deserve it? That kind of thing can drive a man to do some extreme things. After months of planning I have you and I am going to do whatever it takes to make sure everything is ... perfect.
I was already inside you by the time the drugs wore off. You immediately began to thrash and flail your arms, screaming and trying to push me off you. I grabbed your throat in one hand and started to squeeze. With my other hand I slapped you across the face twice before clamping it over your mouth.

I leaned forward, putting more of my weight on your head as I continued to pound your body into the concrete floor. I fucked you with brutal yet evenly paced movements, making sure you felt each individual thrust. I used your cunt to get myself closer and closer to cumming as I watched your face turn red and tears leak from your eyes.

My timing was perfect. I released your mouth and throat, letting you suck in a desperate breath just as I exploded inside you. You wheezed and gasped as I wrapped my arms around your head, pulling you into my shoulder while grinding my hips to work my cum deeper and deeper inside you.

Once I caught my breath I stood and started buckling my pants. You curled up into a pathetic little ball and started to weep.

“Well, you’re a worthless little bitch, but your pussy is tight enough.” I sneered.

You snapped, pushed yourself to your knees and tried to lunge at me. I’m not sure what you hoped to accomplish like that, but all you managed to do was get yourself tripped up by your pants that were still pulled around your knees and fall, smacking your face against the cold concrete floor.

I laughed and placed a foot on the back of your neck. “What a stupid cunt.”

“FUCK YOU!” You yelled back.

I grabbed a chunk of your hair and hauled you onto your feet. I shoved you against the wall and heard the dull thunk of your head banging against the cinder blocks. I grabbed your throat again and slapped your face over and over till your cheeks were an angry red and a little blood seeped from a split in your bottom lip.

“You do not speak to me!” I yelled inches from your face. “You do not speak. That is no longer the purpose of your mouth. Do you understand?”

You stared at me in horror until I raised my hand ready to strike again. Quickly you nodded an understanding. I released my grip on your throat and took a step back, taking control of my anger.

“Good. I’m glad we are beginning to come to an understanding. Now, take off your clothes.”

I watched the confusion and fear flood your face. You had already instinctively pulled your shirt back down over your tits and were half crouched, reaching to pull up your pants. You froze, obviously weighing your options. I watched the confusion be replaced with defiance as you slowly pulled up your pants and wrapped your arms around your stomach.

I smiled and stepped back toward you. “That’s your choice.” I said calmly. Then I grabbed a fistful of your hair again, balled up my fist, and punched you in the stomach. Air exploded from your mouth, and you curled down gasping for breath. I kept you from falling to the floor by jerking on your hair, and dragged you toward a corner of the room.

In the corner was a large dog kennel, with a few sheets of newspaper laid on its floor. I jerked your head down by your hair toward the cage door. “Get in” I commanded. You tried to struggle at first, but a couple of quick blows to your back convinced you. I closed the door behind you and snapped a little padlock through the latch.

The cage was obviously made for a large pet, and not a human. There was not enough room for you to stretch your legs out and so you curled up into a ball.

I left you alone for a minute and when I came back I was carrying two five gallon buckets. “You decided to disobey me and keep your clothes. That is your choice but you will learn that disobedience has consequences.”

I lifted one of the buckets and dumped ice cold water over your head. Then I did the same with the other bucket as well. Then I left and returned a few moments later to dump two more buckets of water over you.

Twenty gallons of water was more than enough to soak you from head to toe. It wasn’t freezing in the basement but it was cool enough that it couldn’t have felt good being wet. I didn’t say another word and left you shivering there in your cage.

I came back an hour later to find you had managed to squirm your way out of your wet clothes and were cowering in the fetal position on the floor of your cage. I unlocked the door and dragged you out by your hair. I dragged you to the wall and told you to raise your arms above your head. It took another slap to your face to motivate you to comply, but you got there eventually.

Once I had your hands bound together, tied above your head and secured to an eye bolt in the ceiling I pulled up a chair and sat in front of you.

“I guess you are wondering why you are here.” I said. “I mean you must think I am an absolute monster to treat you like this. Honestly, I don’t blame you for thinking that.

“The truth is that I’m just a normal guy. At least I was until a few months ago.” I stood and started pacing in front of you.

“Shit. How do I explain this so you will understand? Ok, look. Do you know what it feels like to encounter perfection? To come across someone so pure and so beautiful, so perfect that you know you absolutely have to have them? To know, with one look, that if you don’t have them you will go absolutely insane?

“No, I imagine you don’t know. Well let me tell you, it sucks. To finally find the one person that you want more than everything and to know that she wants nothing to do with you. It’s enough to make a man do some pretty extreme things.”

I stopped my pacing and looked at you from the corner of my eye. “Things like follow her day after day to learn every detail of her schedule. To soundproof a basement to keep her in forever. To study how to break someone’s mind in order to make them obedient to you.

“Yes, I’ve done some things that people may say are crazy, but,” I grabbed your chin in my hand and forced you to look me in the eye, “But I really had no choice. How could I ignore perfection like that.”

I started slowly running my thumb over your lips. “I told you before that your mouth is no longer for talking. That wasn’t quite the whole story. There is one thing you are allowed to say. You see, I want you to ask me to rape your ass. That is how I will know you have broken. The next words that come out of your mouth will be asking me to rape your ass ... if they are not, the consequences will be severe. Do you understand me?” As I asked I started squeezing your throat again. You nodded quickly this time, before your face even started turning pink.

“Good” I whispered. Then I slowly slid my hands down your neck, over your shoulders and chest, until I was caressing your tits. I pinched your nipples between my thumb and index fingers and pulled until your body arched, your arms straining against the ropes. “Are you ready to ask me yet?”

“Nooo” you cried.

I lost it. “How fucking dare you speak to me!” I screamed. “I told you what you are allowed to say!”

I let go of your tits and slapped you across the face. Once. Twice. Three times. Each strike harder than the last. Then I grabbed your shoulder, spun you around and slammed you into the wall. I started smacking your ass and thighs. The sounds of the slaps echoed sharply off the basement walls.

“You stupid fucking cunt!” I yelled as I spun you back around to face me. I shoved your head against the wall and began pummeling your tits. One then the other I slapped until they turned an angry, fiery red.

When I was done your body slumped and dragged against the ropes above your head. I pulled a knife from my pocket and cut the rope, letting your body fall to the floor. I straddled your chest and pulled my dick out of my pants, letting it slap against your face.

“I guess it is time to show you the true purpose of your mouth, at least until you are ready to ask me to rape your ass. Now open your mouth.”

You clenched your jaw shut tight. I grabbed your sides of your head and banged your head against the ground a few times. I didn’t pound your head hard enough to make you lose consciousness, but I did see your eyes unfocus for a moment. Then your mouth relaxed enough that I was able to pry it open. I shoved my dick in your mouth and forced your head back and forth. “This is what your mouth is for, you nasty, cock hungry bitch.”

I don’t know if it was mostly from the pain of having your head bashed against the concrete, or the shame of having my dick shoved in your mouth, but tears started streaming down your face.

“Are you going to cry like a little bitch now?” I sneered. I pulled my cock out of your mouth and rubbed it against your cheeks, wiping up your tears with my dick before shoving it down your throat again. I fucked your mouth with my dick coated with your tears until I was ready to cum. I leaned forward and pushed my dick further into you, and pinched your nose closed. “Swallow every last drop whore.”

When I pulled out of your mouth you coughed and sputtered. Then you rolled on your side and started dry heaving. I just sat and laughed.

I stood, reached over you and cut the ropes from your wrist. I pulled some leather cuffs from a table in a corner and cuffed your wrists together behind your back.

“Get in your cage,” I said.

You didn’t move. You just laid there, crying. So, I took off my belt, folded it in half and whipped a quick violent strike against the small of your back. You let out an anguished scream and so I hit you again.

I knelt down to whisper in your ear, “You can keep screaming like that. You are making me hard again and I might just have to take that tight little pussy again. Or you can get your worthless ass in your cage.”

I stood and whipped the belt against your back. You yelped again and tried to work yourself up to your knees but with your hands tied behind your back you were not able to push yourself up. I hit you again with the belt and you began pushing yourself across the floor.

You worked your feet beneath you with your ass in the air and pushed with your feet, sliding your face against the hard concrete floor. I continued beating you with the belt as you inched yourself toward the cage like a worm.

Once you had wiggled yourself into the cage I filled up a metal bowl with water and set it in the cage with you. Then I locked the cage and left.

I came back about 30 minutes later and found you asleep in your cage. The bowl of water was half empty so you must have lapped at it like a bitch. I kicked the cage and your entire body lurched awake.

“Sleeping is for good girls,” I said. “I have a nice comfortable bed, hot food, and clean clothes ready for my good girl. You know what to do to be my good girl, don’t you?”

You just glared at me, fear, anger, and hatred evident on your face.

“Not ready yet, huh? Your choice.”

I walked to the computer sitting on the desk near your cage and clicked a few buttons. Then I sat in a chair and watched you quietly. You stared back for a few minutes before rolling over putting your back to me. I watched as your breathing slowed to the deep steady breaths of sleep. And I laughed when, after a few minutes, the alarm I had set up on the computer blasted the ear splitting screech of a train horn through the two speakers set on either side of your cage. You screamed and jumped so high you hit your head on the cage roof.

“I told you sleep is for good girls. That alarm will go off every few minutes, but try to get some rest in between. When I come back I’m going to beat your ass some more.” I said. Then I left the basement and closed the door behind me.

I came back a few hours later and saw the frequent alarms had left your nerves pretty well fried. True to my word I dragged you from your cage and tied your arms to the ceiling.

I spent nearly an hour playing with your body. I used my hands at first before switching to a thick wooden paddle. I tried a thin wooden rod for a bit, but it snapped after a few strikes to your shins. The little, multi-stranded whip seemed to get the most reaction from you though, which was a bit of a surprise to me.

When I was tired I cuffed your hands behind your back and shoved you back in your cage. I filled your water bowl and restarted the alarm program on the computer before going upstairs for the night.

The next morning the bruises had started setting in quite nicely. Your eyes were already sunken and large bags began forming, highlighted nicely by the red streaks through your eyes.

I continued the pattern throughout the second day. Most of the day you were in your cage, kept awake by the frequent train horn alarm. Every few hours I’d drag you from the cage and use a variety of toys to leave all kinds of interesting marks on your body.

I’ll be honest, I hadn’t planned on raping you the second day until you asked -- but the second or third time i was beating you, you were making such exquisite noises and I just couldn’t help myself. Before I shoved you back in the cage I bent you over and shoved my dick in your pussy. It wasn’t elegant or creative or anything. It was just brutal and intense. I used your cunt for friction, came inside you, and shoved you back into your cage.

The last time I pulled you out of the cage for the day you barely even cried. You just kind of hung there while I beat you. I guess maybe you were just grateful to not have the horn blaring in your ear. Or maybe you were starting to break.

I left you a bowl of water and shortened the down time between alarms for the second night.

The next morning when I dragged you out of the cage you were shaking so hard. I tried to stand you up to tie your arms to the ceiling, but you kept collapsing to the floor. I stood over you watching your body quietly shudder and felt my dick starting to get hard again.

I dropped my pants and rolled you into your stomach. I grabbed a handful of your hair and whispered in your ear, “Do you know what’s coming you stupid bitch?”

“Please ...” you feebly mumbled.

“What?” I demanded.

“Please let me sleep. I’m so tired. I’ll do anything. Just ... please ...”

I lifted your head off the concrete and shoved, watching your head bounce off the floor. “Those are not the words I’ve given you permission to use.”

“Please .. just do it. Rape my ass and let me sleep.”

I moved down your body, knelt down to straddle you, and lined my dick up with your asshole, pushing just a little. “Ask again, you worthless slut.”

“Please rape my ass,” you said with absolutely zero emotion in your voice.

I smiled and stood up, slowly putting my pants back on. I looked at my watch and said, “Almost 40 hours. Not bad.”

I untied your wrists and pulled you to your feet by your arm. Pointing to the door behind me I said, “Go through that door and upstairs. Turn left down the hall to the front door. Once you get to the street turn left to get to town.

“I’ll be gone in about 30 minutes and it will take you at least twice that to get to a phone so if you want to call the police that is fine.”

You stood completely still staring at me in obvious confusion and probably expecting it to be some kind of trick. I just shrugged and said “Your choice.”

I walked to the computer and started shutting it down. I looked back after a moment, “You’re still here?” I asked.

“I ... you said that ...” you mumbled

“Oh right,” I said. “That bit about finding the perfect person that I have to break and keep forever. I can see how that would be confusing for you. Yeah no, that was completely true. It’s just that you’re not her. You were just practicing.” I smiled and continued, “You know what they say, ‘practice makes perfect.’”
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