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A Queen is cursed by the Gods and creates a legend.
The Curse

We have been cursed, me and the monster sucking at my breast, cursed by the Gods and now cursed by my husband. We are trapped in the dark labyrinthine passages beneath the brooding palace my husband had built to hide me in shame from the eyes of the world. The curse was not my fault, but my husbands.

My husband is a King and shares the faults of many Kings, greed and arrogance being but two. He was suppose to share this island with his two brothers, but my husband decided he did not want to share, so with force of arms he drove his brothers away into exile. The people of this island grew concerned and some of the council voiced doubts about my husband’s right to claim the whole land as his realm, but my husband boasted his right was a divine gift from the Gods and would prove it. The Gods, he told them, would honour any prayer he asked of them and called a great assembly.

The royal court, the council and the people from across the island gathered at the traditional site of assembly near the shore. The seats of the open air assembly could hold many thousands and all were full. In the centre of the stone floor stood my husband, bare chested with a rich blue short kilt of the finest cloth studded with gold and precious stones and around his waist was a wide, gold belt. In his hand he held a golden sceptre in the shape of a double-headed axe and on his head was a golden crown adorned with long, exotic feathers, to everyone’s eyes he looked a true King. The priests built an altar of great beams of oak and ash and with many long invocations dedicated the altar to Poseidon and prepared it for sacrifice. Then, with his arms held high, my husband called upon Poseidon to send a worthy sacrifice - a white bull.

At once a shout and then cries rang out from people gathered on the shore, we looked towards the commotion and saw a great white bull swimming towards the beach. The bull walked out of the water towards the fisherfolk who ran in terror, but the bull did not charge but stood calmly.

I followed my husband down to the beach to look at the miracle. The beast was indeed great in size and the purest white with not a single blemish or mark and its behaviour was calm and placid. My husband was overjoyed at the beauty of the animal and said it was far too magnificent to be sacrificed, so called his chief herdsman and told him to take the bull to join the Kings herd and to bring back another bull in its place, which he did. After this, all the people wholly accepted my husband as rightful King, except one. The high priest told me that Poseidon had sent the bull for sacrifice and would not accept it being withheld and an inferior sacrificed in its place. When the Gods are angry they inflict cruel and terrible punishments on the mortal world, I was not aware then, but I was to be the target of Poseidons wrath; the God wanted to shame and humiliate my husband by cursing me.

* * * * * *

I awoke early one morning with the visions still in my mind of the dream I had while I slept. It was of the great white bull. I had been standing by the beast, quite naked, stroking its head and body. The bull had responded in turn by licking my body with its large, rough tongue, my breasts, stomach and between my legs were quite wet with its saliva. As I lay on my bed, I looked at the fresco on the ceiling of my chamber of my father Helios, the sun God, wondering why I should have such a dream, and noticed that between my legs I was indeed wet. I felt my sex with a hand which was moist with my own secretions and began to think of the wondrous bull again.

I worked my hand over my groin, softly and slowly at first, caressing the outer lips of my sex feeling the pleasure slowly building within me. I closed my eyes and saw myself, naked, standing beside the animal looking in awe at its size and perfect features. Just the image in my mind was enough to create feelings of lust that began to gently pulse through my body. I teased the little nub at the top of my sex softly with a finger as I imagined the belly of the bull and the furry sheath that I knew contained his member.

I had but a vague idea of what It might look like. The bull is greatly revered by my people, a symbol of great strength and fertility and the penis of a bull was, on very special occasions, served as part of a banquet, a delicacy reserved only for the high classes. I knew it to be about the length of a forearm from wrist to elbow and the width of two fingers. But because the white bull was larger than other bulls, I presumed his member would be also.

I could see it projecting from the sheath and I could see my hands reaching out to hold it as I eased a finger into my sex, the moistness and sensitivity of my inner parts heightening my growing state of erotic bliss, holding its great member in my hands, caressing it across my face, and then taking the hot, moist head into my mouth.

In my daydream I was sucking greedily on the beast’s penis, filling my mouth with its hot, thick member,flicking and teasing it with the tip of my tongue then licking the hard head. While my hands rubbed up and down the bulls long, moist shaft, I began thrusting my finger faster into me, then two fingers, then three and rubbing the palm of my hand against the nub that sent spasms of delight coursing through me. My body began to twitch with the coming ecstasy and in my dream the bulls member began to twitch and pulsate also and as the waves of pleasure rolled through my whole being, the bulls penis burst forth into my mouth. As its semen flooded out, my body convulsed in surges of ecstatic bliss and in my dream I thought I might drown as the mighty animals seed coursed like a river down my throat and out of my mouth.

Once the passion had subsided within me, I rose and went to the room which housed my bath. I had risen earlier than usual and my attendants had only just begun to fill my bath with warm water from large clay jars and from the glances I received from the younger girls, they had heard my cries of delight which I had tried hard to stifle. After washing me, I stepped out so they could anoint my body with sweet scented oil and then dress me.

Today, there was to be a grand demonstration of the bull dance in the central court of the palace, one of the many celebrations ordered by my husband to celebrate his acceptance as the rightful King and it would be attended by all the nobles of the island. My dress therefore was of the most exemplary quality. The long, layered skirts dyed with vivid bands of blues, reds and green, a fine, sheer linen vest cut low at the front to my waist exposing my breasts - as was the fashion of my people - and a bodice of deep blue embroidered with gold and silver thread cut low also that fitted tight to my body.

Once dressed, I ate a light meal of warm, fresh bread and goats’ cheese and some figs with my attendants as they gossiped about who would be at the bull dancing and what they might wear. It was usual for me to eat only with other women of the court or sometimes with just my handmaidens as my husband rarely sought my company unless it was required by court protocol. He preferred the pleasures of his concubines and mistresses, which is why I placed a charm on him so that he would ejaculate serpents, scorpions and centipedes killing those who lay with him. Only Procris was immune to the charm, using a protective herb she would consort with him at will.

I joined my husband in the royal pavilion situated above the Hall of the Double Axes and overlooking the great central court. Many merchants and ordinary folk from the town were gathered around the wooden arena built for the bull dance while the nobles watched from the terraces around the court.

The bull dance was a popular entertainment among the people and the best athletes were feted as heroes. Four of the islands best, two men and two women, oiled and dressed only in small, leather loincloths, entered the arena with much cheering from the crowd and then a large black bull was driven in from an enclosure at the far end. Each athlete in turn would entice the bull to charge and as horror was about to ensue they would grab the bulls horns and perform wonderful acrobatics over the animals back before landing behind the bull to great roars of approval from the excited crowd. As much as I usually enjoyed this spectacle, my attention was wholly on the bull, not the athletes, my mind full of visions of the great white bull. I was determined to seek it out as soon as the entertainment was over.

The Kings herds were pastured on the best land on the island, the hills just beyond the town towards the mountains. My attendants and I walked in the warm morning sunshine, talking about this and that, but I was not listening, I could think of nothing but the bull. As we passed through the Kings olive grove I waved away my handmaidens instructing them to enjoy some leisure in the shade of the olive trees as I wished to be alone.

Beyond the olive grove was a wood of oak trees and beyond the wood was the pasture land. The Kings herd contained many hundred animals which were scattered grazing on the grass. I stopped at the edge of the wood and looked for the white bull. It was standing alone, away from the rest of the herd and nearby was my husband, the King, and his chief herdsman. I hid behind one of the trees and watched. My husband seemed to be praising the beauty and magnificence of the extraordinary animal which took little interest in the two men and grazed contently, though neither would go too close. I waited, wishing to the Gods that they would leave and in time they did.

I left my hiding place and walked slowly towards the great animal, then stopped when it stopped grazing and looked straight at me. If it were any other bull in the herd I would have run away, but I knew in my heart I had nothing to fear and approached again. Very close, I stopped and held out my hand almost touching the animal’s nose; the bull snorted softly then sniffed my hand. I stepped closer still and stroked the brow of its mighty head, whispering soft words of how beautiful and wonderful he was.

The bulls of this island are widely noted for their great size and fearsome strength, but this animal was larger still than any other beast in the Kings herd. His height at the shoulder was more than half an arms length more than my height to the top of my head. The dazzlingly white hide was perfect and softer than the softest duckdown. The horns were longer than the length of my arm and twice as thick, curving sharply upwards halfway along their length and tapering to sharp points, the width at the tips was nearly equal to my height. Through his great weight his hoofs left deep marks in the ground, each hoof print being the size of my head. His body was solid and of the most elegant and perfect proportions, he had, most assuredly, been sent by the Gods. Indeed he was a God; there could not be any other animal in the mortal world to match in grace, strength and beauty.

A voice shouted behind me,

‘Majesty, Majesty!’

The herdsman had come back and was running towards me. When my bull saw the man he let out a bellow which stopped the man in his tracks.

‘Majesty, come away he may be dangerous’.

I spoke softly to my bull.

‘You would not harm me would you?’ My bull shook his ears and looked at me with tender eyes, then nuzzled his head against my body. I called to the herdsman,

‘Leave us; go about your other duties’.

‘But Majesty…’ he began to protest.

‘Leave us’ I told him, with anger in my voice and to make sure, my bull bellowed again. The herdsman turned and ran away.

I was in love in a way as only once before when I was a young girl growing up in Colchis. There was an officer in the palace guard whom I adored beyond measure. I tried to entice him, but he only thought I was a playful little girl and paid little attention to me and when he was killed in battle I was inconsolable for a long time. Though I am now a grown woman and the mother of eight sons and daughters, my heart, soul and mind can accept no other but my great bull.

* * * * *

That night there was a great feast at the palace attended by all the nobles and worthies of the island, another of the many celebrations ordered by my husband. For the sake of court requirement my husband sat next to me, thought I knew he would rather be with that harpy Procris who would steal enticing glances at the King from across the room.

For the first time that day my husband spoke to me.

‘I hear tell that you have been seen in the pasture with my herd’.


‘And you were talking to my white bull’.


‘It is not seemly for such a high born woman to be associating with the animals, return to your weaving and others women’s work, the beasts, swine and goats are men’s business’.

I was angry but did not want to make a scene so I spoke gently.

‘My bull is not a beast’.

Your bull?’ my husband replied, his voice getting louder and attracting attention from some of the nobles around us.

‘Yes, my bull,’ my voice remained calm but now with an edge of anger ‘…and he will not allow to be attended to by any other than me’.

There was a look of shock and surprise on my husbands face and it was a moment before he spoke again.

‘Well wife… we will see about that’.

With as much grace as I could muster, I excused myself and left the feast early. I sat on the bed in my chamber and fumed at my husband, but he would not keep me away from my bull.

After my attendants had finished preparing me for sleep and left, I lay on my bed and thought of my darling bull. I remembered the soft hide, the warmth of his strong body and his smell, not the foul stench of the rest of the cattle, but a deep, masculine musk like the athletes after strenuous exercise.

From a small chest next to my bed I took out the phallus that had seen much use since my husband deserted my bed. Made of the blackest ebony, it was the length of my hand from wrist to fingertip and the thickness of two fingers. It had been given to me by a lady of the court who understood my sadness as she too had been deserted by her husband and as a thank you, I placed a charm on her husband which had shrivelled his penis to the size of a knobbly acorn. She had been told by the carver that it was modelled on the aroused member of a slave he had once seen from a land far to the south of this island, with ridges and veins along the shaft and large testicles at the base, it was a far cry from the smaller, dainty things I have seen among the athletes and soldiers.

I removed my sleeping robe and took a small jar of scented olive oil from the chest. Lying naked on my couch, I dribbled the oil over my body then with both hands rubbed it all over, my mind full of the sights and smell of my bull. I squeezed my breasts then pulled and pinched hard my nipples, I could imagine my bull sucking and biting my teats, his large mouth would be easily able to take in all of a breast and could caress it with his tongue.

I poured more of the oil over the lips of my sex, then over the phallus and began rubbing it slowly along the lips of my sex and against the small nub. The sensations of arousal began to build within me as I continued to stroke and caress my breasts and tweak the nipples until they stood hard and proud. Slowly I eased the circumcised head between the lips of my sex. Pulses of desire rippled through me as I pushed the black penis in further then withdrawing it almost all out before thrusting it in again. I wanted this pleasure to last, so began slowly, with one hand I would ease the phallus in and out of my sex and with the other, gently caress the nub that was hidden away.

I imagined stroking the body of my mighty bull and feeling the warmth of his breath and body against my naked skin. As the divine sensations of pleasure echoed through me, I rubbed and pressed the nub and pushed the phallus harder and faster trying to take all of its length right up to the testicles as my breath came in pants and I began to cry out in pain and ecstasy.
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