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living alone with one female will do that to you
Disclaimer: All sexual acts in this story are between people of 18 years or older

Disclaimer: there are some extreme acts including rape and violence in this story. if you aren't into

that sort of thing please don't read.

My Daughter Chelsie's mother had died when she was young. At the time, I didn't know what I would do, but Chelsie's presence alone had been enough to keep me sane. She'd given me a reason to hope and to go on living. She was a reminder to me that life does go on, and in some cases, it needed nurturing and care. I guess that's one of the reasons I was such a protective and overbearing father.

Chelsie was like a princess growing up, singing in the school choir and playing clarinet in the school band. I enrolled her in St. Mary's school for young ladies in high school. There she met other young women and made many life long friend's. She even managed to graduate with high distinction at the age of seventeen and planned to spend the next six months at home before going off to spend a year abroad.

Chelsie was a beautiful young woman, and that troubled me as I had been a single man since her mother had died when she was a baby. I was starting to feel things when she was around me that no father should ever think about his Daughter. Like, for example, if, I accidentally bumped up against her in our cramped kitchen quarters in the morning. I could feel Chelsie's young fertile hips press against me in inappropriate area's, sending blood rushing to all the wrong places. Then I would quickly have to make an excuse and runoff and have a long cold shower, berating myself for having such thoughts.

This odd morning ritual went on for three month's or so before one fateful morning, after I had bumped into Chelsie in the confines of our small kitchen. I just couldn't take it anymore, that was the first day my morning shower ran hot, and I jacked off over Chelsie's beautiful, Lustful figure.

I imagined her standing in front of me in the shower, staring up at me with crystal blue eyes. Her beautiful wet brunette hair matted to her neck and back; The water trickling down her perky C-cup breasts and dripping off her nipple's; Her Young fertile hips, rounding out her exceptional figure around her jewel of chastity. Her exercise hardened thighs and booty, just making her all the more irresistible. I wanted to lift her up and make love to her against the glass wall of the shower. I wanted her to wrap her arms and legs aground me an scream "Fuck me! Daddy, Fuck me!" as I slowly drove my Cock deep into her pussy over and over again.

"NNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!" I yelled out loud as I came all over the shower floor. What had I just done?

"Daddy? Are you okay in there?" came my Daughter's smooth, choir trained voice from the other side of the bathroom door. "Yeah honey, it's okay, I just slipped in the shower is all," I responded, trying to wash away all evidence. "Okay," came her worried voice, "just be safe in there, alright."

That, what I had just done, it could never, ever, happen again.

So, for the next week, I tried hard to make careful sure that I didn't touch my Daughter in any way, shape or form. But it was nearly impossible, considering how much she loved to hug me and kiss my cheek whenever she went to bed or left the house.

After that loooooong week of torture, I decided to give up and let things run there course. If I kept on like this, I would just end up exploding in carnal lust.

The next morning my shower finally ran hot again. And the following day too, and the next, and the next, and the next.

After about a month of this, I started to grind up against Chelsie subtly, but on purpose. Every time I did it, I would grind more and more of my Thick Cock into her. But I always made sure to tuck my knob up into my waistband beforehand, so she didn't feel anything hard jabbing into her.

One morning, however, I slipped, and Chelsie felt the full length and girth of my schlong jab into her as I sidled past on my way to the fridge.

"EEEWWWW Daddy, I don't want that thing sticking into me, Get it away from me!" she protested.

I don't know why, but my heart broke a little at that comment. I guess I had been living in some kind of fantasy world up until then. One in which I would eventually end up making long, passionate, love to my Daughter. After that, my shower fantasies changed little by little getting rougher and rougher. I no longer wanted to make love to Chelsie. I wanted to fuck her hard and fast up against the glass. I wanted to pound her Cunt until she was bruised and broken. I wanted to throat fuck her choir trained vocal cords. I wanted to flip her over and fuck her ass until she gaped. I wanted all that and more, but I knew it could never happen. So I decided on a different plan of action.

The day before she left for her year abroad was Chelsie's eighteenth birthday, and I had decided to get her a very special surprise. I woke her up with a kiss on the forehead "wake up little princess, you're an adult today" I whispered as she squirmed groggily lying bed. "Daddy, ugh! What time is it?" she asked blearily. "it's nine o'clock, you should be up and eating breakfast by now." I said, standing up and flinging the sheet back, revealing her completely naked, lustful figure.

"EEEEEEEEKKK!!!!!!" she squealed squirming to cover her blatantly visible lady parts. I just stared, shocked at my good fortune before quickly turning away. "Jeez Chelsie, since when did you start sleeping in the nude?" I asked, looking at the wall while she dressed promptly into her morning clothes. "Not long," she stated grumpily, "I figured I'd be out in the world soon, so I wanted to get used to it before the 'real thing'... Okay, all done."

I turned around and looked at her. My Daughter looked radiant today, so much so that I nearly cancelled her Birthday Surprise then and there. I felt a surge deep down inside me, this Beautiful Woman, because she was a woman now, was something that I had to protect desperately. But then she came up to me and gave me a big, giant hug, squeezing her breasts hard against my chest and kissing me on the cheek. "Thank you, Daddy, I know today will be the most memorable day of my life and all because of you," she said, walking out of the room. Yes, I thought, Yes it will.

Chelsie had a day party with her friends from St. Mary's coming over and listening to music the entire day while trying to hide there underage drinking from me. But by Seven o'clock that evening most of them were starting to feel it. They left in one's and two's until, eventually, only Chelsie and I were left.

"Well at least your friends were clean," I said, looking around at the house. "There won't be much around the house to clean up in the morning". Chelsie almost snorted at that comment. "Well, what did you expect, Daddy? We did all go to 'St. Mary's school for young ladies' after all." Chelsie said, looking at me like I was thick-headed. "Well I'm off to bed Daddy, today's been such a big day, and I'm wiped out."

"Wait a minute, honey," I said, grabbing her shoulder as she turned to go. "Daddy has one more Surprise birthday present waiting for you." Chelsie's eyes lit up at the thought of more joy and gifts. "I do, however, need to blindfold you first," I said.

I swear she was almost like a puppy, the way she bounced up on her tippy toes, ready for anything. So I drew a long black ribbon out of my pocket and began winding it around her head, blocking out more and more of her sight on each rotation until she was completely blind.

Taking her by the hand, I spun her in circle multiple times. Then I led her through the house and down the stairs to the basement. In the middle of the basement was a circular bed and mattress with a deck chair next to it.

"Where are we Daddy?" wondered Chelsie looking around blindly. "A special place where dreams become reality," I said as the lock clicked on the basement door. Then I led my Daughter to the bed and guided her to sit down next to me on it.

"Okay Chelsie, Now you know how much I love you, right? And you know how much I'm going to miss you when your oversea's. Well, this is a present because of all of that, it's what you could call a christening in the ways of the outside world, I guess." with that, I stepped away and began to undress silently. I took a seat on the deck chair and lay back, massaging my Cock as I watched her. She didn't know it, but ten naked black men with forearm sized cocks approached her from all sides.

I looked around at the black men I'd managed to sneak into the house the night before. It hadn't been hard to persuade them to keep silent in the basement for a day. I'd simply gone from gym to gym showing them all a photo of my Daughter and offering a quick explanation of what I'd planned for them to do, one hundred per cent success rate.

"Daddy, where are you?" called out Chelsie, "I don't think I like this surprise your planning. Can I take my blindfold off?" looking around at my new 'friends' I held my finger to my lips and said, "Sure, Honey, go ahead."

I watched my Daughter's beautiful face slowly change as her eyes came into focus in the basements low lighting. First, there was confusion, as she saw the numerous figures that surrounded her, breathing hard in anticipation. Then, there was fear, as she made out there large black masculine forms and extended forearm-thick juicy members. Finally, horror made it's way onto her features as she made eye contact with me and realised that this had all been my birthday surprise for her.

"That's right, Honey," I said, smiling broadly, "tonight you're going to get GangRaped harder than anyone will ever fuck you ever again, and I'm going to watch."

Chelsie managed to stammer, "B-B-But Daddy-" before, SMACK!!! I slapped her so hard it sent her flying off the bed. Lifting her by the throat, I Slammed her back onto the bed and roared in her face, "ENOUGH CUNT! YOUR MEATHOLE BELONGS TO THEM UNTIL IT'S MORNING OR UNTIL I SAY STOP. DO YOU UNDERSTAND, SLUT! YOUR NOTHING BUT A FILTHY WORTHLESS WHORE. I HATE YOU, AND YOU COMPLETELY DESERVE EVERY SINGLE PAINFUL SECOND OF THIS, YOU LITTLE VILE CUNT?"

There wasn't a peep out of her lips as she stared, wide-eyed at the numerous cocks surrounding her, I think she was in a state of shock. Then she managed to lock eyes with me as I lay back, jerking my rock hard member over the scene playing out in front of me. I watched, pounding harder and harder as her eye's turned from shock to deep sadness as she realised that this had all been my doing. I had planned it and put in all the time and effort to find such willing Rapists.

That made me smile broadly.

Then, they all attacked her at once. The first Man to reach her gripped a big chunk of her brunette hair and slammed her head sideways onto the edge of the bed. He began to viciously Throatfuck her as the second Man took hold of her ass, ripped down her skirt, and plunged his Schlong balls deep in her ass before starting to jackhammer away mercilessly.

I could see the pain, fully visible in my Daughter's eyes as she stared back at me from behind the first Man's pounding hips. Her eye's simply said, "Why?" but all that did was make my Cock harder. The other men that were able to reach her began to violently tear away at her clothes, rubbing there Cocks on whatever piece of bare skin they could touch. It wasn't long at all before every shred of clothing was gone, and she was entirely at there disposal.

Chelsie made a sound like "GUUUUUUUUUGGGGHHH!!!" as her eyeballs rolled back in her head. I think she was starting to asphyxiate, but I let it continue for about thirty seconds longer before yelling "CHANGE!"

Rapist one and two stepped back, allowing my Daughter a moment of reprisal as she coughed and spluttered her way back from semi-consciousness. Then the third and fourth Rapist moved forward to take their place. They flipped her on her back and then one of them straddled her face and began pound at her throat hole while the other bent her legs back and started fucking her ass again. Ass-fucker passed Chelsie's ankle's to throat-fucker, and he pushed them down against the bed on either side of him before pinning them with his knees and continuing to pump my Daughter's face hole. This brought a collective laugh from the GangRape participants as they continued to circle hungrily, smacking at her now and then.

Chelsie tried to keep her sad eyes fixed on mine as much as possible, but her pleading expression only made me hornier. My Cock was already rock hard to the point where I could barely touch it for fear of splooge.

"ALRIGHT!" I yelled, "IT'S TIME FOR THE MAIN EVENT." I stood up and made my way forward, the Rapists parting way before me. Finally, throat-fucker and ass-fucker expelled their loads and backed off, leaving Chelsie in a quivering, spluttering mess on the mattress.

"It's okay, Honey, Daddy's got you now," I said, cradling my Daughter's battered and abused body. "everything's going to be alright now, Daddy's here" I cooed, rocking forward and backward as if caring for a baby.

"W-W-Why, D-Daddy?" Chelsie choked out, staring up at me with confusion, "Why did you do this to me?" I stared back at her for a long moment before saying "Because your eighteen now, Honey, which means I can do this!"

Then I threw her on the bed, parted her knees and ploughed my engorged Cock, Balls deep into her Cunt. Unfortunately, that was all it took, and I spurted a mountain of cum deep inside my Daughters virgin cunt. I lay atop and inside her, rehardening while I kissed her, loved her, needed her, over and over again. Then, as I stiffened enough, I began to make love to my Daughter. Slowly I ground my Cock deep inside her sweat-drenched Cunt. I started moving faster when I realised she was kissing me back now. I felt her tongue slide tentatively into my mouth, slowly at first then with great vigour as she wrapped her arms and legs around me. Great moans of pleasure echoed from her lips as she pulled me tightly into her, every single thrust harder and harder like somehow she wasn't able to get enough.

"MOAR" she yelled, ripping her mouth from mine, "Fuck me, Daddy, Fuck me MOAR! FUCK MY CUNT! It feels soooo good. Give me MOAR! Moar Cocks, I NEED MOAR COCKSH! PLEEEAASE!!!"

Then I felt a sense of vertigo as she flipped me off her. Crawling to my feet, I could see Chelsie was on her knee's now and was willingly deepthroating one of the Rapists Cocks while manually stimulating two more. A third Rapist had maneuvered himself under her Cunt. Chelsie was slowly sinking onto his Massive Cock, preparing to grind at it over and over again.

I climbed back onto the bed and went for the only empty hole left available and began to fuck Chelsie's Asshole as fast as I possibly could.

"MMMMMMNN!" My Daughter moaned as she performed what is known as a screaming eagle. Or when someone is double penetrated and deep throated at the same time as performing duel handjobs. "MMMMMMMMMNNN!!!, MMMMMNN!!, MMMN!, MMMN!, MMMN!, MMMN!, MMMN!, MMMN!, MMMN!, MMMMMMMMMMMNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!" Chelsie moaned as she quivered and vibrated, cuming hard into a climax, then she collapsed, her body refusing to move.

"CHANGE" I yelled. "No, Daddy, No! I can't take it anymore" She pleaded, barely able to speak the words. "Oh, But Honey! we've only just begun!" I answered, smiling broadly, "We're going to Fuck you until daylight, and there's nothing you can do to stop it."

The last few Rapists stepped forward, and one climbed onto the bed to lie next to my Daughter. The other two lifted her vaguely struggling form and sat her on his Cock, Ass first. Then they entered her from either end, spit-roasting Chelsie, while I lay back on my deck chair enjoying the show.

We continued to rape my Daughter time and time again until the early hours of the morning, at which time I began sending the Rapists out of the house in ones and two's until only Chelsie, and I were left in the basement.

"So, Honey, how did you like your first GangRape?" I asked, "Uuuuhhhhhhhhhhh!!!" she said in response. "You know what, Honey, I'm still horny, what about you?" I said as I climbed atop her sweat-soaked body again and inserted my knob, in between her pussylips. Chelsie was only Semi-conscious as I began to plough her Cunt harder and harder, drool dripping down her chin.

"UUUUHH!" she mumbled as I slapped her as hard as I could, trying to bring her back to full consciousness. when that didn't work, I Backhanded her then hit her again. "P-p-pleesh! shtop it, Daddy! W-why are yoosh shtill fucking mesh? T-they're all... gone, Itsh only ush now?" Chelsie begged hysterically.

My body stiffened as I came at hearing My Daughter Beg for mercy. "THAT'S RIGHT CUNT! BEG FOR MERCY! SUBMIT!!!," I boasted, choking her with both hands, holding them down hard. I continued to hold her there like that, feeling the sense of power it gave me as I slowly choked the life out of her body. She was going to die in a couple of minutes unless I decided otherwise. "UNDERSTAND NOW CUNT, YOU'RE ABOUT TO DIE AND THERES NOTHING YOU CAN DO, BECAUSE YOU'RE NOTHING BUT A FILTHY WHORE WHO LOVES AS MANY COCKS AS POSSIBLE!" Then Chelsie's eyes rolled as she began to asphyxiate. Damn her she was dying too quickly and taking all the fun out of it.

Then I relaxed, realising all the things I could yet do with my 'imprisoned', exceptionally fuckable Daughter. I eventually climbed off her desecrated figure and picked her up, flipping her over my shoulder. "I'm sorry Honey, but you're not going away on holiday," I said as I walked over to the wall-mounted manacles, "this basement's going to be your home for the foreseeable future?"D


2024-08-20 01:31:08
Seriously? Why so damn violent. Jeez, I had to stop reading. Non consensual doesn't = violence.

"Then, they all attacked her at once. The first Man to reach her gripped a big chunk of her brunette hair and slammed her head sideways onto the edge of the bed. He began to viciously..."


2024-08-20 01:29:04
Seriously? Why so damn violent. Jeez, I had to stop reading. Non consensual doesn't = violence.

"Then, they all attacked her at once. The first Man to reach her gripped a big chunk of her brunette hair and slammed her head sideways onto the edge of the bed. He began to viciously..."

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