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He instructs her to open her jeans. I nod to her that she should. She does it straight away. He will like her tats. He touches her. She doesn't flinch. She's fucking good. I think she wants this, just like she said she did. I'm feeling excited. Butterfly-thrilled. I am so fucking excited to be back here.
PART 1 – The Guy

Even without the storm that had added a unique atmosphere to my first ‘session’ with the Little Girl, the woods still looked sombre, overbearing and scary. The trees were rugged, gnarled and stark naked … much like she would be tomorrow, and her little friend – if indeed she came.

Smiling up at the looming structure before me, I knew that I had found my tree. It wasn’t a cross, but a very wide, almost flat trunk with branches sprouting at either side. Easily wide enough to nail the crossbeam onto, with my Little Girl attached to it.

Nodding with satisfaction I also noted the dense surroundings and the nearby stream. Could I make it back here in the dark? Yes of course I could. I could even park my vehicle close by, which gave me quick access to the medical necessities and any ‘accessories’ that would feed my pleasures.

I was erect just thinking about it. I could see her up there, naked, groaning, blood running down her arms and feet from the nails, mounted on the sedile which opened her wide and penetrated deep …


Time to head back. I dialled my wife’s phone. “Need anything when I pass the supermarket love?” I asked as the car started up.

“Not today honey, just get whatever for yourself to eat while I’m gone, but not too much chocolate, d’you hear?” Her admonishing words came with a smiling undertone.

“How was the gym?” She asked before the call ended.

“Busy love, everyone doing their New Year Resolution work out. That’s why I was longer.”

“Oh well, no problem, see you soon dear.”


That was yesterday. Today, the third of January 2020, I had dropped my wife at the station at 9am and headed back home. The next three hours had been spent in my garage with the automatic doors closed and the internal light on, with me smoothing and cutting and planing down wood until I had a long phallus shaped length. It had a thick girth sprouting out from a wooden base which was connected to the cock by a long screw ready to be affixed to the tree such that it stood vertically, impaling my Little Girl whenever she felt the need to relax her stretched body.

I had bought long iron nails. Not quite like old Roman ones but they were a unique, individual shape, sort of square in length with a flat surface to hammer home. I bought ten of them from the local hardware store and they cost one pound fifty pence each!

“What are these for?” The store owner asked with a sincere sounding inquiry.

“Building a shrub growing frame in the garden for the Spring, and want a vintage finish. These will be perfect …” The lies were coming easily now.

So now here I was at the hotel. The sedile, my tools, the accessories, the medical kit with bandages galore in it, along with the large, thick fallen branch to act as the cross beam, were all in the back of my Range Rover out in the car park.

I had brought just one thing inside with me when checking in an hour or so ago … my whip … oh and the ball gag, so two things, I guess. This time we had a suite. Two bedrooms and a living room, with a large French window to look out of … should the wish to do that arise.

And now I sat waiting in the lobby. The hotel wasn’t as busy this time, post New Year. Everyone was back at work. The gym entrance was probably the busiest place, even at this time of day on a Friday. I had my Starbucks Latte on the table, almost finished.

Checking the time, it was almost 4pm. Would they come? Something told me that nothing was more certain. Certainly my Little Girl would be here, and to be honest, she was all that I needed.

Then I saw her … saw them. Wow! Her Friend … wow!

Taller than my Little Girl, a striking redhead, with a tattooed body.

I could tell that because her blouse was opened to a point way below her cleavage, making it obvious she wore no bra … just as I ordered. Gorgeous!

“Hi …” My Little Girl said making her way over to me with her friend in tow, “This is my friend.”

I smiled up at her from my seat. My Little Girl did not proffer her friend’s name and I did not ask.

“Open the zipper on your jeans,” I said to the friend without further pleasantries. I needed to convince myself that she could be submissive. Her groin was just about at my head height.

With a glance at my Little Girl, who nodded in response, the friend moved her fingers to punch loose the button on her jeans, and with a deft, nervous look around the immediate vicinity she wound the zip down.

I reached up and parted the denim with the zip to see for myself.

More tattooes. A naked mound. No panties. Good girl.

I nodded and stood.

“Fasten yourself up,” I instructed, and as the friend did as I instructed, I slipped my hand inside her open blouse to feel her flesh for myself. Seeing her swallow hard as I palmed her nipple, my cock stiffened.

Pulling my hand free, I placed my hand on the neck of my Little Girl. “Happy New Year,” I said, “I missed you.”

Then I pulled her mouth to mine.

“I missed you too,” she replied when I freed her lips.

I smiled and nodded. “Here is the key to suite number 5 on the second floor. Go there now. You will remain fully clothed, but your friend will strip naked. You will find four lengths of rope. Ties her spread eagled, face up, to the bed corners. Then finger her until she wants to cum. Keep doing that but DO NOT let her climax …”

I heard the friend gasp, and saw my Little Girl’s eyes light up.

“I will have another coffee and then I will join you. I too have a key, so will let myself in when I am ready. You will continue this process until I get there … Now go.”

Part 2 – The Girl

Look around and there he is, nursing his coffee.

I touch Abi on the arm, she looks at me. I nod. We go towards him.

Hi, I say. This is my friend.

She smiles.

He looks her over. She's so fuckin beautiful. I can tell he likes the girl I've brought. I can tell what he's thinking.

He instructs her to open her jeans. I nod to her that she should. She does it straight away. He will like her tats. He touches her.

She doesn't flinch. She's fucking good. I think she wants this, just like she said she did.

I'm feeling excited. Butterfly-thrilled. I am so fucking excited to be back here. To be thinking of what he will do to me and .... to Abi.

He gives more instructions.

Go to the room.

Undress. Her that is.

Tie her to the bed. Me that is.

Finger her. Don't let her cum. Bastard.

We go.

He's not what I expected, she says.


I don't know whether he is or isn't. I don't know his name. I don't fucking care.

Lie down sweetie, I say.

I tie her tight.

She whimpers.

Like it?

Yeah. Lots.



I stroke her sweet cunt, lick her sweet tats.

She's moaning.

So I stop.

Like he said.

She's wanting so much to cum.


Don't worry, I say. This is for starters. He's a bastard. That’s what's great about him.

I look at her.

So fucking lovely.

I look at her and feel a grievous pain deep inside myself.

She is so beautiful.

I want to cum with her so much.

I look at her and know that tomorrow I will be crucified, because he has promised to crucify me.

I will hang from a tree, naked and whipped and will look at her, naked and whipped.

And it will be what we want.

And I don't fuckin care if he kills me if the last thing I am looking at is her beautiful body and her beautiful face.

She's so fucking lovely.

And I so much want to hurt again. Badly. To really hurt.

The door opens...

I stroke her again, slowly, slowly...

I look around, and there he is....

Part 3 – The Guy

Holy crap she was stunning. My Little Girl would always be the special one, and she too was very attractive with her pretty features and nubile body, and the way she looked with her flesh split open and blood oozing over her smooth, soft skin, but the friend …

… Wow … she really was something else.

A shock of long red hair and body art that was a masterpiece in itself. And now here she lay, tied to the corners of one of the beds in my … in our … hotel suite, her thighs parted and glistening with the pre-release of her juices, her labia open and exposed along with her blood engorged clitoris …

The Little Girl saw me enter the room and stood back from her kneeling position on the bed.

“Stay where you are Little One and feed her your fingers to her so that she may dry them for you and taste herself while doing so.”

Swallowing hard, and without speaking, the Little Girl placed her used digits at the mouth of her friend who, after a quick glance up into the eyes that now leaned into her, and an even quicker glance at me, she sucked the proffered tips in between her lips and dried them as instructed.

“Good girls. Now you, Little Girl, step away from the bed and stand by the window looking out of it.”

Clearly more than a little confused, she obeyed and offered no resistance or dissention as I secured rope around her wrists and pulled her arms high, before … and having to stand on a chair to do this … I tied the rope off to the heavy iron curtain rod above the large glass pane.

“You will not turn around. You will look out over the dark car park as people come and go. They might see you, but you are still fully dressed and they won’t know what they are looking at. But you will just stare outwards and not turn around. You will listen to your friend and I, but you will not look … do you understand me?”

I could hear the sadness, frustration and confusion in her voice as my Little Girl replied, “Yes I understand.”

Smiling I returned to the bed and the cornucopia of delights offered up to me from the naked spread-eagled body of the friend.

“Are you scared?” I asked.

She bit on her lip and nodded. Perfect.

I grinned and knelt between her thighs.

“May I fuck you?” I spoke softly, and from the widening of her eyes it was obvious that the friend was now also confused. Maybe she didn’t expect me to ask.

“I’m no rapist,” I clarified, “… so answer me.’’

“Yes,” her response was simple … unambiguous.

I heard a moan, but it wasn’t from the friend, it was uttered from the mouth of my Little Girl, who I knew would not turn around, but she could see some of what I was doing through the reflective glass, and she could hear us for sure.

I took out my cock and smiled as the friend’s eyes moved along its length. Her slit was open and flowing with juices that had been created through the attentive ministrations of my Little Girl.

I positioned myself, the swollen head nudging the split between her thighs open. Then I thrust. The friend arched and cried out.

And I fucked her … the friend … hard and fast and oh, so deep.

“Fuck, ohhhhh my Go …” Her body arching continued as I screwed my desires into her.

Then I came and with the assistance of my fingers at the point of where our bodies joined, so did she.

Satiated, spent … I pulled away from her. The friend lay unmoving … just staring.

Back at my Little Girl, still dripping cock replaced inside my jeans, I moved behind her and whispered into her ear.

“Did you hear me fucking your friend?”

“Yes” she replied equally as quietly.

“Did you want it to be you?” I left it ambiguous as to what I actually meant by that, but still she whispered “Yes.”

With a grin I unfastened her wrists and turned her to face me.

“Sweater off.” Gripping the sides of her pullover without delay she pulled it off over her head.

“Jeans.” I ordered. She obeyed along with her Adidas trainers.

Standing only in her underwear and socks I reached out to touch her skin where she had been cut and opened just a couple of weeks earlier.

“Nice,” I commented as I moved my touch lightly over her fading scars. Flipping her around I repeated my analysis on her back.

“You heal well Little Girl,” I said matter-of-factly, “Which is good, very good. I hope it is the same for your friend.”

I turned her again to face me. Placing my hand on her neck I slowly moved my lips to hers and kissed her. She returned the kiss and our mouths opened, each pressured to do so by the other’s allowing our tongues to embrace.

“I missed you Little Girl.”

“I missed you too,” she looked into my gaze, her own eyes wide, wet and bright.

I switched my vision to the whip and large red ball gag laying at the side of my bag. It wasn’t a scourge, that was for the woods. But it was many lashed, with hard, knotted tips designed to hurt … a lot.

“Now take off your underwear Little One, fetch the whip and gag from over there. Gag your friend because we can’t afford the noise, and then lash her exposed body hard until she is red and open …”

Part 4 – The Girl

He tells me to let her lick my fingers and I do.

He tells me to stand facing the window and I do.

He ties me up, stretched up and arms spread against the window so anyone can see me and all I can see is a dark reflection of Abi on the bed.

I wish he'd tied me naked.

He fucks her.

I listen to him fucking her. To her being fucked by him.

I can see a dim image of her moving. Of him fucking her.

I think he thinks she's beautiful. She is. Fucking gorgeous.

I think he thinks she's more beautiful than me. And she is. I fucking hate him.

I wonder if I should have brought her at all.

I want to turn and look but there's just the car park and people coming and going and not knowing what the fuck is going on in this room. Me him and Abi. Fucking crazy kids.

He tells me to undress. I do.

I like it now I'm naked.

I like being one of the two naked girls, here to do what he says. Here to be hurt. I so fucking want him to hurt me. More than he hurts her.

I want to feel so much pain. In that fucking wood.

He tells me to gag her.

She looks at me, her sweet fucking face.

She looks at me with her lovely bare breasts and beautiful tats and she wants me to.

I do.

In her mouth. A little ball gag to stop her screams.

I know what's coming I think.

I don't know. I never know.

Not him, me.

He wants me to whip her.

I look at her looking so fucking lovely.

I can't hurt her tits. I just can't.

I raise the whip.

I'm shit at this.

First time I almost stop. Too soft.

He shakes his head.

I know. Shit.

Second time I do it right.

Hard on her belly.

Her whole body recoils.

Her eyes go wide and stare at me.

I know she wants me to stop and to carry on and I want to make her cum and make her bleed.

I like it now.

I hate it now.

I hit her again and again.

Her fingers tighten into her palms.

Her legs kick.

Her head bashes from side to side. Her hair messes up. Her mouth is pouring drool over her chin. She's just groaning and grunting and wanting to scream.

I hit her again and again.

Her belly is marked red and raw.

Little lines of blood run from her skin. Down her side, down between her legs. Sweet little lines.

I hit her again.

I like this.

I wish it was me being hit. Being hurt. I want to be hurt so much. I want him to do what he said he'd do to me. I want to hurt.

I hit her again.

I hit her again.

I hit her again.

I can't stop hitting her.

I hit her so blood flies from her belly.

She's staring so hard at me.

She's staring at me to stop.

I hit her again and again.

He just watches.

I hit her again.

Fuck, I wish she was hitting me. I wish I was being whipped like this.

I look at her bloody messed up belly.

I look at her.

I stop.

She's staring at me. She's staring at me.

What the fuck have I done to her?

I take the gag from her mouth.

She gasps.

Then she smiles.

And mouths a silent thank you.

I fucking love her.

I fucking wish I was her.

I fucking love this all so much.

Part 5 – The Guy

“Get out …” My command was curt, marked by its brevity and harsh enough to make the friend jump.

Red was sitting in the front with me, whilst my little girl was naked under a blanket, hands cuffed behind her back on the back seat.

We had left the hotel with both girls dressed, of course we had. But once we were in the car, in the dark surroundings of the late at night hotel car park, I made my original Pain Slut strip naked ...

“Everything?” She had questioned. My lack of verbal response was answer enough. At my command Red had secured the cuffs on my Little Girl’s wrists, and from the wincing grimace I believed to have secured them tightly, overly so possibly.

But that was how she stayed as we drove the fifteen minutes to the woods at Middleton in South Leeds, where the darkness shrouded our arrival as I pulled through the gateless entrance, down towards the park, past the small lake and into the woods themselves.

How could I ever find the tree again, that tree, my tree … the one I had identified only yesterday.

The old ruined woodsman’s hut. Not used most probably for many, many years except in its dilapidated state for taking drugs, or illicit teenage liaisons. But tonight it was my marker. A few yards beyond it and I could park the car. The tree was just off to the left as I looked, further into the density of the woodland, lit only by the moon … and the lamp I had brought with me.

“Get out now.” I repeated. The night was dry, unlike the last time we had been here, and actually for early January it was unseasonably warm, though still night time-chilly which I knew would add to my Little Girl’s burden. I had plans too for Red but for now she could watch was about to happen, and maybe participate at any appropriate point.

As the Little Girl stumbled and slipped to her knees, Red and I followed her out of the car.

Standing over her I smiled down, though there was little light for her to see my face clearly.

“Cold?” I asked, stating the obvious given the trembling that was coursing around her body.

“Y … yes,” she stuttered back.

“What are you going to do?” Red asked.

I paused for dramatic effect. Making sure to look at my Little naked Girl, before then smiling at Red herself. And then, with an air of indifference, I replied, “Crucify her …”

There was another pause, before Red replied, “Wait … what?”

“You heard correctly …”

I turned to face the girl standing next to me, ‘the friend’ just to enjoy her expression.

“I need to pee.” My Little Girl looked up at me and I grinned. Red had been allowed to visit the bathroom, but, despite drinking a glass of wine and several glasses of water, my Littler Girl had not.

“Okay,” I said.

“Okay?” She repeated back to me. I nodded, before adding, “Go on then, you may.”

“Here?” She sounded incredulous.

“Where else,” I responded.

“But in front of … her …” Under the beam of my torch pointed at her face I saw my Little Girl frown. “No, no it’s okay.”

“Do it,” I ordered.

She moved to the nearest tree and with a groan she leaned against the thin trunk, squatted and with a groan parted her thighs.

We waited. Then a splash which turned into a trickle and the then a slight arc of yellow liquid as she sighed with relief, crouched, pissing under the light of my torch as her friend and I watched her. Red was shaking her head in silent disbelief. Was she regretting coming here? Should we have brought her? Would we regret bringing her? I sincerely hoped not.

“Okay get up,” she was done. Hopefully she felt humiliated. But now we needed to move on.

“Remove her cuffs,” I instructed Red, I have something else for her to carry.”

The flame haired friend did as she was asked and my Little Girl was putting up no fight, far from it and despite her shivering, and embarrassing urination experience, the glint in her eye told me that she was excited almost beyond her control for what was about to be done to her.

I opened the boot and took out a piece of wood. Eight by Four, thick and heavy, and laid it down on the ground. My Little Girl’s eyes followed my every movement. The moonlight was aiding us now, enabling more visibility than I had expected.

Her nudity almost shone when contrasted against the gloom of the darkness. My cock was beginning to stiffen once more.

Lay down, with your neck resting on the wood, by the two drill holes, and your arms spread either side, NOW!

I shouted the final word for effect, because the girl was already getting slowly into position as instructed.

“Good.” I remarked, before moving back to the car to retrieve what looked like a cooler box. Except it was smaller and sealed and inside it was filled with slat and vinegar infused water to create a kind of brine. Red was watching intently as I proceeded with the task, pulling a length of rawhide which had been soaked in the brine.

“This is rawhide binding girl,” I explained as I knelt down by her side. Your wrists will be secured with this … for now. As it dries it will shrink and bite into your body … do you understand?”

She nodded without saying anything. And so, without any further ado I pressed her right wrist flat against the wood and began to strap the rawhide around it, binding her to the wood which would become the patibulum that would provide the cross beam for her crucifix.

“Y … you really are going to crucify her?” Red sounded more than a little scared now.

“I am …” I replied.

“But you’re just using ties of some sort, right?”

I smiled to myself without looking back at the friend.

With one wrist secure I moved to the left. Taking more hide soaked in salt and vinegar.

“Nghhhh …” my Little Girl uttered the sound, which was maybe the start of an objection as I pulled the rawhide tight, but if so, it was a protestation that was never completed.

Further hide was bound around each of her shoulders and the wooden length to secure the cross bar into its place as a burden of punishment for my Little Girl.

I stepped up and away, moving back to Red so that we could both look down upon my Little Girl, ‘friend of the friend’.

“Beautiful, don’t you think?” I said quietly as I shone my light at her nubile nakedness, now strapped to the wood on the leaf covered ground.

“Fuck, fuccckkkk … yes, she is …” Red was a little breathless now that she had seen the effect of her friend, her lover, naked and tied to a large piece of wood.

"Get up slut" I said. An instruction that was much easier said than done.

Slowly, and having to put in very clear effort, my Little Girl moved from a laying out flat, tied to the plank, to kneeling and then, with a great effort dragged herself to her feet, or at least hunched over as the weight of the wood sat heavily upon her shoulders.

“Heavy?” I asked, simply wanting to hear her confirm it for us.

“Y … Yes … very,” she gasped.

I smiled and nodded. I could see the firm, pale side of her breast as she turned sideways to me, the hardened nipple teat erect, pointing the way to her place of crucifixion just fifty long yards away, and my body responded with a further hardening of my groin.

“Move, it is time for you to be mounted on the cross Girl,” I ordered, and my Little Girl staggered forward under the weight of the beam.

The patibulum was heavy, it would have been a great discomfort even for me. But for a delicate young thing like my Little Girl, it was a huge burden.

“Here, take this.” I handed Red a small toolbox and a small wooden stool for her to carry. In one hand I carried the wet rawhide brine carrier, whilst in the other I gripped the leather handle of a vicious knotted scourge.

Leaving the locked car behind us, we headed further into the woods.

Part 6 – The Girl

I slide the gag back into her mouth and quietly say sorry. She blinks. I don't know whether she wants it to stop or not.

He asks me if I'm done. I nod.

He says I did well.

I look at her. She's messed up. Her eyes are so fucking wide. She must hurt so much. I ask him to whip me, but he just ignores me.

He takes the whip and thrashes it down on her. Harder than I ever could. Her whole body leaps and her eyes bulge. Lucky fucker. I wish it was me.

I feel so fucking wet.

Slowly he releases her and watches as she coughs up her drool and he unties her wrists and ankles and lets her stagger up.

He wipes her cuts.

She touches herself. I can tell she loves it. She's so much more beautiful now. So fucking gorgeous. Shit I love her. So fucking sexy.

He tells me to get her water. I do. Then he fucking locks me away!


I can hear them. I want to cry. I want to be hurt too!

Time passes. I whimper my beg though the door.

Time passes.

He drags me out. Pulls my hair. I hope so much he will hurt me!

They're eating.

She's lovely.

He puts me on the bed and puts his tool into my mouth.

He's panting, gasping. In my fucking mouth. Full of him. Swallowing him. I feel so fucking fucked up. I'm a fucking nothing with him.

He rolls away.

He's done.

I'm soaked. My face is covered. My mouth is full of him.

He pulls out and I gasp for air and he pushes in again.

Pushes harder and deeper.

I like to feel his cock in my throat. It fucking hurts. Deeper and deeper. I can hardly fucking breathe.

I'm fucking choking! He's fucking choking me!

I slowly breathe again.

You can eat. He says.

Do you want me to hurt you? He says.

Of course I fucking do!

Look at fucking Abi! She's been hurt! I want to be hurt too! He promised me! I want to be hurt so fucking much.

In one hour, he says.

One hour!

Just one tiny hour! Then we'll be in the woods and my feet will be wet on the ground and he'll really hurt me and I will cry and bleed and he will hurt me some more and I want it so much!

I'm scared.

I look at Abi.

She's looking at me. She wonders what he will do I think. She looks so beautiful. Her fucking lovely hair. She looks at me. I wonder if she wants to see me hurt like he's going to?

I’m sure she does.

She loves me I think.

I want all this so much.

I'm fucking crazy and so fucking excited. I so much want to hurt. I want it til I feel like I'm bursting.

And I'm so fucking frightened.

And it's still 55 minutes to go!

Fuck! FUCK!!!!

Part 7 – The Guy

“Get out …” My command was curt, marked by its brevity and harsh enough to make the friend jump.

Red was sitting in the front with me, whilst my little girl was naked under a blanket, hands cuffed behind her back on the back seat.

We had left the hotel with both girls dressed, of course we had. But once we were in the car, in the dark surroundings of the late at night hotel car park, I made my original Pain Slut strip naked ...

“Everything?” She had questioned. My lack of verbal response was answer enough. At my command Red had secured the cuffs on my Little Girl’s wrists, and from the wincing grimace I believed to have secured them tightly, overly so possibly.

But that was how she stayed as we drove the fifteen minutes to the woods at Middleton in South Leeds, where the darkness shrouded our arrival as I pulled through the gateless entrance, down towards the park, past the small lake and into the woods themselves.

How could I ever find the tree again, that tree, my tree … the one I had identified only yesterday.

The old ruined woodsman’s hut. Not used most probably for many, many years except in its dilapidated state for taking drugs, or illicit teenage liaisons. But tonight it was my marker. A few yards beyond it and I could park the car. The tree was just off to the left as I looked, further into the density of the woodland, lit only by the moon … and the lamp I had brought with me.

“Get out now.” I repeated. The night was dry, unlike the last time we had been here, and actually for early January it was unseasonably warm, though still night time-chilly which I knew would add to my Little Girl’s burden. I had plans too for Red but for now she could watch was about to happen, and maybe participate at any appropriate point.

As the Little Girl stumbled and slipped to her knees, Red and I followed her out of the car.

Standing over her I smiled down, though there was little light for her to see my face clearly.

“Cold?” I asked, stating the obvious given the trembling that was coursing around her body.

“Y … yes,” she stuttered back.

“What are you going to do?” Red asked.

I paused for dramatic effect. Making sure to look at my Little naked Girl, before then smiling at Red herself. And then, with an air of indifference, I replied, “Crucify her …”

There was another pause, before Red replied, “Wait … what?”

“You heard correctly …”

I turned to face the girl standing next to me, ‘the friend’ just to enjoy her expression.

“I need to pee.” My Little Girl looked up at me and I grinned. Red had been allowed to visit the bathroom, but, despite drinking a glass of wine and several glasses of water, my Littler Girl had not.

“Okay,” I said.

“Okay?” She repeated back to me. I nodded, before adding, “Go on then, you may.”

“Here?” She sounded incredulous.

“Where else,” I responded.

“But in front of … her …” Under the beam of my torch pointed at her face I saw my Little Girl frown. “No, no it’s okay.”

“Do it,” I ordered.

She moved to the nearest tree and with a groan she leaned against the thin trunk, squatted and with a groan parted her thighs.

We waited. Then a splash which turned into a trickle and the then a slight arc of yellow liquid as she sighed with relief, crouched, pissing under the light of my torch as her friend and I watched her. Red was shaking her head in silent disbelief. Was she regretting coming here? Should we have brought her? Would we regret bringing her? I sincerely hoped not.

“Okay get up,” she was done. Hopefully she felt humiliated. But now we needed to move on.

“Remove her cuffs,” I instructed Red, I have something else for her to carry.”

The flame haired friend did as she was asked and my Little Girl was putting up no fight, far from it and despite her shivering, and embarrassing urination experience, the glint in her eye told me that she was excited almost beyond her control for what was about to be done to her.

I opened the boot and took out a piece of wood. Eight by Four, thick and heavy, and laid it down on the ground. My Little Girl’s eyes followed my every movement. The moonlight was aiding us now, enabling more visibility than I had expected.

Her nudity almost shone when contrasted against the gloom of the darkness. My cock was beginning to stiffen once more.

Lay down, with your neck resting on the wood, by the two drill holes, and your arms spread either side, NOW!

I shouted the final word for effect, because the girl was already getting slowly into position as instructed.

“Good.” I remarked, before moving back to the car to retrieve what looked like a cooler box. Except it was smaller and sealed and inside it was filled with slat and vinegar infused water to create a kind of brine. Red was watching intently as I proceeded with the task, pulling a length of rawhide which had been soaked in the brine.

“This is rawhide binding girl,” I explained as I knelt down by her side. Your wrists will be secured with this … for now. As it dries it will shrink and bite into your body … do you understand?”

She nodded without saying anything. And so, without any further ado I pressed her right wrist flat against the wood and began to strap the rawhide around it, binding her to the wood which would become the patibulum that would provide the cross beam for her crucifix.

“Y … you really are going to crucify her?” Red sounded more than a little scared now.

“I am …” I replied.

“But you’re just using ties of some sort, right?”

I smiled to myself without looking back at the friend.

With one wrist secure I moved to the left. Taking more hide soaked in salt and vinegar.

“Nghhhh …” my Little Girl uttered the sound, which was maybe the start of an objection as I pulled the rawhide tight, but if so, it was a protestation that was never completed.

Further hide was bound around each of her shoulders and the wooden length to secure the cross bar into its place as a burden of punishment for my Little Girl.

I stepped up and away, moving back to Red so that we could both look down upon my Little Girl, ‘friend of the friend’.

“Beautiful, don’t you think?” I said quietly as I shone my light at her nubile nakedness, now strapped to the wood on the leaf covered ground.

“Fuck, fuccckkkk … yes, she is …”

Red was a little breathless now that she had seen the effect of her friend, her lover, naked and tied to a large piece of wood.

"Get up slut" I said. An instruction that was much easier said than done.

Slowly, and having to put in very clear effort, my Little Girl moved from a laying out flat, tied to the plank, to kneeling and then, with a great effort dragged herself to her feet, or at least hunched over as the weight of the wood sat heavily upon her shoulders.

“Heavy?” I asked, simply wanting to hear her confirm it for us.

“Y … Yes … very,” she gasped.

I smiled and nodded. I could see the firm, pale side of her breast as she turned sideways to me, the hardened nipple teat erect, pointing the way to her place of crucifixion just fifty long yards away, and my body responded with a further hardening of my groin.

“Move, it is time for you to be mounted on the cross Girl,” I ordered, and my Little Girl staggered forward under the weight of the beam.

The patibulum was heavy, it would have been a great discomfort even for me. But for a delicate young thing like my Little Girl, it was a huge burden.

“Here, take this.” I handed Red a small toolbox and a small wooden stool for her to carry. In one hand I carried the wet rawhide brine carrier, whilst in the other I gripped the leather handle of a vicious knotted scourge.

Leaving the locked car behind us, we headed further into the woods.

Part 8 – The Girl

It fucking hurts. It's so fucking tight. And I know... it.... will....

So fucking excited. So fucking frightened.

She hardly believed him.

I'm going to crucify her.

I smiled at her.

She shook her head.

I was so fucking happy.

Naked, cold, my legs wet from my own piss. Feet dirty with forest soil. He's going to crucify me. He's going to do it and I'm fucking terrified.

And I'm feeling so excited sexy.

And now I'm on my back on the sodden earth and my arms are stretched out and he's tightened the straps around my wrists and my arms and they are so tight and they will get tighter and it's only just starting and I can't believe it.

I mean what the fuck am I doing?

I think of my BF.

I look at Abi.

So fucking gorgeous. I love her when she cries.

She says I'm beautiful. I am. I am going to be crucified and I am so fucking beautiful.

And now he's ordering me up.


I can hardly move.

My whole body is toppling over.

I'm stretched out and I feel so lovely naked. So hopelessly fucked up.

And I know it's just beginning and whatever I feel now is just a faint taste.

I want the whole meal.

I want the pain so fucking much.

I want her to see me on my cross.

I want him to hurt me so very badly

So very, very badly.

Fifty yards.

Through the darkness of the trees.

To find my special tree,

The tree he will fix me to.

I am so fucking lucky.

I look at Abi and I think she wants to be me in that moment.

I want to look at her from my cross.

I want to be hanging there.

Hurting so much.


I am such a fucking lucky girl.

A few minutes.

That's all.

And then he will be lifting me into the air. And I'll be his crucified girl.


I feel so fucking sexy. So fucking sweet and sexy. So fucking frightened and sexy.

I want him to hurt me. Slowly. A lot.

I want to feel his whip on me.

I can hardly carry this thing. This thing that will torture me so badly.

Already my naked body is marked by dirt and filth. My legs are scratched from the rough ground. My back is marked.

I want to be marked. My nakedness marked by his whip.

My naked body made filthy and bloody and broken.

I think about all the images that have filled my mind. Of girls going to their crosses.

I think about Abi looking at me struggle. My naked body under this great beam. My arms so cruelly tied.

I look around at her looking at me as I stumble up and forward.

I look around at him with his whip, ready to beat my naked body until it bleeds. Ready to hurt me.

I am a tumult of fear and excitement. My belly is turning. My cunt is throbbing. I want to be hurt so very, very much and so very, very badly.

Part 9 – The Guy

We were a strange convoy. A naked girl, strapped with rawhide to a large length of thick wood, with me walking by her side, and Red just a pace or two behind, both of us still fully clothed … in sharp contrast to the humiliated, degraded and beautiful slut walking before us like the proverbial beast of burden.

I couldn’t get full purchase on my swinging arm given the fact I was carrying the brine container in my other hand, but I could still manage a powerful enough slash of the vicious scourge to land the large, rough, leather knots onto her already scarred flesh.

The whip crashed into my Little Girl’s ribs and, with a cry she fell to her knees and our little convoy came to a halt. Winded, her naked body twisted due to the angle at which the wooden beam had pulled her to the ground, she instinctively pulled her knees up to her chest.

I shone my torch at my slut laying breathless on the ground and then swung once more at my stationery target. Another blow landed, on her hip this time.

“Get up slut,” I growled, as she howled into the tree tops.

“Don’t … please,” Red, clearly feeling the impulse, said, her voice tailing away as she realised that it was not her place to intervene.

I answered ‘the friend’ by way of a glare, and even in the gloom she ‘knew’ and the look was all that was required.

The Little One had to get up, and move on or I would keep on lashing her, but she couldn’t … the strain of the wooden beam was too much.

However, she was a trouper my Little Girl, and she forced herself to roll onto her knees attempting to rise, but it wasn’t ever going to be that easy.

Another lash from me brought the scourge down to slash violently at the exposed flesh around the patibulum and across her shoulder-blades, awakening a new line of fire on the tender skin.

“Aaarggghhhhh fuckkkk!” Cries of agony followed by coarse expletives from her throat, but no words asking me to stop. She wanted this as much as I did.

As my Little Girl continued to push herself up, my whip landed again, across her shoulders once more, and sent her back down, sprawling forwards into the leaf mulch and the mud.

I heard Red gasp as she looked upon the vignette before her. My Girl, the slut, lay gasping, her back already opened by the venomous leather, and she appeared already laboured in her breathing, exhausted, unable to get to her feet.

This time the scourge walloped into her ass, and she groaned long and loud as the curvaceous firm flesh began to welt almost immediately.

The slut stoically took a deep breath, winced as another blow hit her back, then rose magnificently to her knees. She pushed upwards and, as another stroke flicked at her buttocks, she set off.

“It’s only Forty more yards Girl, you can do this.” But her body was already bruised and cut, welts rising and worsening every second … and her balance was affected.

She'd gone no more than a dozen paces when another sharp blow from me sent her clattering to the ground again.

My Little Girl was sobbing now, of course she was. It had to be the most agonising experience of her young life, the worst thing she had ever endured. But enduring it, she was!

When, at last, she reached the tree and I told my her to stop, she sank to her knees, panting. The soil and mud had stuck to her sweaty body, and welted cuts were apparent on her right shoulder, ass and hip.

She looked beautiful.

“Move the stool to the tree girl.” On this occasion I directed my words at Red, who, to be honest looked to be in shock from the scene she had just witnessed. But she did as I asked.

“Now help me get her onto the stool and then we must hold the patibulum high to finalise her position …”

“Sorry, what?” the friend asked.

“The patibulum, the cross bar that is tied to her body.”

Red nodded as, taking a side of the heavy wood each, we hauled my Little Girl back onto her feet and waited until she had turned around and backed up to the stool. Taking most of the weight from her I ordered the slut to “Stand up on the stool.”

With a groan she did as commanded. I noticed that blood was now dripping from the cut on her right hip, it was fortunate that as we pushed her back against the wide, flat tree trunk, the wooden cross bar stopped her beaten body from being grazed against the rough bark. However, such luck would soon be rendered as a very small mercy.

She was crying openly now, my Little Girl, snot and saliva dripping from her nose and mouth, hanging in globs from her chin. I made no attempt to wipe it away, and it made her look even more beautiful, standing on the stool against the tree.

“Do you want this,” I whispered.

“Yes … please …” she replied just as quietly between sobs. As Red held one side of the wooden cross beam against trunk and I the other, I let my mouth move slowly towards the lips of my Little Girl. She slowly licked around them, to clear the thick, gloopy residue for me, and so as I touched her, we kissed. It was a deeply passionate kiss … like a last kiss … like a last supper … maybe that’s what it was.

Part 10 – The Girl

And so it starts.

Like I wanted it to.

Slowly. Hurtfully. One nightmare step after another. Slipping on the wet earth. Falling.

And every time the lash crashes into my shoulders, my back, my ass.

She can't believe what she's seeing.

Me gasping, falling. Bleeding. Accepting.

She thinks I'm fucking crazy.

I am fucking crazy.

Fucking crazy girl.

Slithering into the mud.

My tits slimed in mud.

Filthy bloody fucking cunt of a girl.

Lovely fucking beautiful cunt of a girl.

I want him to keep hitting me. I want to feel this fucking awful pain.

I want to fucking cry and sob and bleed.

I want to hurt so bad.

Arrive. My tree. The one he's chosen.

My arms hurt like hell already.

My hip is burning from his whip

She does what he says.

She can't believe what she's seeing. She can't believe I want this.

But she can. I know she can. I know she's longing to be me.

I am such a lucky fucking girl. I am so fucking lucky.

I am so fucking scared.

I look around. At the things he has. At him. At lovely Abi looking at me with her mouth disbelieving what she's seeing and really wanting to be me.

I climb on the stool.

My arms out wide.

My back against the tree.

My belly heaving. my tits trembling with each breath. Filthy and bloody and waiting.

He asks me if I want this.

Of course I want this.

I want to hang from this cross. To bleed, to hurt. If he wants me to I want to die here. Watching her watching me.

Yes please, I say.


Like you would if you were asking for your own execution.

He kisses me.

He won't kiss me again, I think. He will just hurt me now.

From now there will only be hurt. And I want it and I am scared shitless about it and I really, really want it and he can fucking do what he wants.

And I want her to watch.

I want him to hurt me so very much. I don't think he can even guess how much I want him to hurt me.

Part 11 – The Guy

She was beautiful my Little Girl, and as we placed her carefully into position her slender, naked frame took on an aura all of its own, the pale skin contrasted against the rough, dark bark of the tree … her tree.

She groaned as Red and I held the wood in place, and for the first time I sensed her fear.

I leaned forward and with the lightest of touches caressed the outside of her left breast. It was a wondrous thing, so light yet so firm, the skin smooth to my touch. I was holding my breath trying to capture this moment for ever, and her flame-haired friend just stared as if transfixed, which maybe she was.

I ran my fingers over the nipple, then cupped the breast from beneath. I closed my hand over the firm mound, feeling its shape, before moving my mouth to the teat to suckle on her.

“Keep holding the wood Red,” I instructed as the soon-to-be-crucified-slut pushed her chest towards me encouraging and allowing me to take even more of her into my mouth. It was exquisite like nothing else could be.

Pulling the nipple end away from her body, trapped between my teeth, my Little Girl cried out and I heard Red gasp too. I would have fun hurting her, the friend. I sensed she had little, maybe no experience of this kind of pain. I relished being the facilitator of her education.

Moving away from the tree I opened the small tool box. Inside was a small container and hammer, amongst other things.

I took them out.

“Fuck,” I heard Red’s quiet voice. “You’re really going to do this?”

I nodded and looked up, an earnest look on my face. “Of course I am, what did you expect?”

“I … I …” she couldn’t really speak.

“Do you wish to leave Red?” She had better say ‘no’.

She paused, and then shook her head accompanied by the quiet response. “N … no … I would like to stay.”

“Good girl,” I responded quickly and as I did, I placed the small box and the hammer on top of the water container for the rawhide and took a plastic bag out of my pocket.

Inside the bag was a syringe and a small vial of liquid.

“What’s that,” Red asked. My Little Girl just looked down at me, saying nothing.

“It’s epinephrine,” I replied, “If I inject it into the slut it will increase her heart rate, it’s essentially an adrenaline shot and will prevent any severe reaction to what I am about to do to her.”

Red nodded, but the expression on her pretty face told me that she didn’t really comprehend what was happening.

I inserted the syringe into the vial and filled it with the liquid. With a kind of ironic caution, given what I was planning on doing, I slipped the needle deep, but carefully, into the girl’s thigh and fed the epinephrine feed into her body.

I attached a small clip-monitor to a flap of skin from under her left arm, and activated it via Bluetooth on my phone. That way I could monitor her heart rate and blood flow, and I had set the notifications such that if dangerous levels and rates of either were reached I would be warned.

Now we were ready!

Taking out the cordless power drill and two, large eight-inch screws I moved back to the tree.

“Hold the wood steady Red,” I ordered as I placed one of the screws at the pre-drilled holes by the slut’s head. Flicking the switch, I screwed the wooden patibulum into the tough old bark, and then repeated the action with a second screw just a couple of inches to the first screw’s side.

“You can let go now,” I instructed the friend. She did to reveal the solid patibulum, now held firmly in place.

Glancing at my phone app I watched as my Little Girl’s heart rate began to increase as her fate got nearer. I smiled at the reaction … it told me how scared she was becoming.

“How are you feeling girl?” I asked the obtuse question.

“C … cold …” she answered.

“And scared Little Girl? Maybe terrified?”

She nodded and added, simply “Very …”

My cock began to stiffen.

“Okay Red, now I want you to move to the tree and my Little Girl will open her legs for you. You will use your fingers to bring her onto the edge of her climax. When she is there you will take her over that edge and while she is in the throes of her orgasm, I will hammer this nail through her right palm.”

“What?” Red replied as I took a vintage three-inch nail out of the small container in which they had already been sterilised.

“You heard me.”

“But … but … won’t she bleed too much?” Red was searching for reasons to delay.

“Not with the rawhide so tight around her wrist and shoulders acting as a tourniquet. The blood flow and loss will be minimal.”

Nodding, Red moved to her friend, and with a solitary glance upwards into her face she began to ease my Little Girl’s thighs apart as she stood on the stool, so that she could massage her clit.

“Is the slut already wet?” I asked.

“A little,” Red replied. I chuckled.

Slowly, and very expertly, the friend’s fingers worked their magic and from my close proximity I could see how slick my slut was becoming, I could hear the wet movements as several fingers were now deep inside her body.

I took up my position, the point of the crudely shaped nail pressed firmly against the open palm, and I waited for my Little Girl to begin the trembling, convulsive process that signalled the onrush of her orgasm.

“Keep going Red, take her there, go on, make her cum.”

And she did. My Little Girl's body tensed and her thighs began to close around her friend's invasive fingers, as I looked sideways at the slut's open mouth, clearly unable to make an audible gasp until the climax that was consuming all of her bodily resources allowed such a sound to be released.

And soon it came. The guttural groan, long and loud, feral-like from deep within her body.

Then I hammered hard!

The pain was instantaneous. A flash of white agony burned through her … I knew that because it manifested totally in her eyes, which were now wide open, as her body battled with the conflicting sensations of her continuing climax and the most unbelievable pain she would have ever experienced.

Her head snapped clear of the wood as it fell forward before banging back onto the hard cross-beam. My Little Girl’s back arched and her stomach pushed against my weight before her.

Then, as Red stepped away – her work now done, my hands suddenly were on the slut’s breasts once more pushing her against the tree, mauling her. She was shrieking, mad, short bursts as her tensed body refused to take in air.

I moved to the other side of the tree, and once more the chink of the hammer sounded on the nail again. I felt the reverberation as I held her forearm, felt the new burst of pain ravish her nubile form.

She was banging her head on the cross-beam as the hammer came down again. Eyes now closed, she bucked and retched, awful animalistic sounds rasping from her throat and when her eyes opened again, she saw me, her torturer, grinning.

Two more blows and it was done, her left wrist pinned forever to the wood, in the same way as her right wrist.

My Little Girl looked disbelievingly along the wood to her hands, first to the left and then to the right, fingers now hooked into a claw, the head of the nail protruding.

Red stood by her side looking away.

“Look at her,” I commanded. “Look how beautiful she is, nailed to the wood. Do you want to be her?”

The question had to remain rhetorical because Red was in no position to answer, but she did however, between sobs, take a good long look at her naked, bound and nailed friend.

I checked the phone app and smiled. Heart rate was up high signalling her fear … blood loss was, as expected, minimal.

The slut was shaking. Sobbing, crying as red rivulets of what blood there was oozed out of her hand to run down the length of her arm and drip onto the ground. She clenched her teeth. Her breathing was so hard that she was blowing out small gobbets of spittle, to run down her face, mixed with more, thick snot from her nose.

Now it was time to mount her properly.

Part 12 – The Girl

I'm cold. Fucking cold. The air is all around me. Night cold air.

I'm up against the tree. My own special tree.

Fixed up against it.

My cross fixed hard to it.

It's really happening.

I can't believe it. It's real.

I'm tied up on a cross for real. I'm fucking mad to want this.

She's watching. Thinking I'm fucking mad. Wishing she was me.

My poor family! My poor BF! You would go fucking crazy!

Your girl. On a cross in some dark woods with her red-head sexy babe and some fucking guy who hasn't even got a name.

Fucking hell!

It's going to fucking hurt so bad.

He sticks something in me.

I feel my heart beating. Faster.

Something's going to happen.

I can see what's going to happen.

Fuck! He's going to fucking nail me here!

I.... fuck! Yeah, I want it and I am terrified.


It's going to....

It's blinding. Fuck it hurts!

I can't fucking control myself.

I fucking hurt so fucking much!

I want it to stop and go on for ever.

I want it to hurt so much!

And the left. I feel the nail.



I'm fucking shaking all over.

I can't hardly breathe... I'm fucking dying....I can't... fuck this...fuck!

I want this so fucking much!

I want this to stop.

I want this to hurt!

Part 13 – The Guy

The nails always told you a lot. I knew that from my research. Crucifying this little slut was the first time I had actually carried out such severe torture … oh, I had done plenty of other things in bondage clubs, and with paid for specialist whores … but never anything quite like this. This was something else. It was extreme, I knew that … and I loved it!

This was Nirvana. And I wanted more of it.

Although I hadn’t crucified anyone before, I had researched it, a lot, and I knew that the point of inserting the nails was a tell-tale moment.

That she was screaming and sobbing was a good sign. It meant that she wasn’t already so exhausted that she would not enjoy her own suffering …

My Little Girl still had the strength to cry out. I had seen Red turn away as though sickened as I'd hammered in the first nail, but she was back watching the second, her hand held delicately to her mouth as though appalled by the brutality of it all … then, once again, she had turned away.

But now we were ready to move on with the process ... and damn, if my erection wasn’t already fit to burst!

Boy, she was an alluring sight, the smooth softness of her skin stretched out on the hard rough surface of the cross, back arching, thrusting up as though in the throes of ecstasy.

Beautiful Little Girl.

“Stay just here Red,” I ordered, as I momentarily left the scene in order to return to the car. The sedile. The carved phallus, thick and long, and smooth … well mostly. I had left it in the car.

“Here we are,” I said returning to my little vignette. Making sure to hold the sedile up for them to see, Red’s mouth dropped open, but my Little Girl hardly raised her head.

“Is that …?” Red asked. My laughing head-nod was her response. She gasped.

Still my Little girl did not look up. I checked the app. Damn … her heart rate and temperature was falling … shit.

I took out a second small bag from my pocket – another syringe, more epinephrine and slid the needle into her thigh. She was groggy … the shock and the blood loss, slight though it was.

But now her eyes clicked open and she looked out at me as I approached the tree.

“Spread,” I ordered using my fingers to slide her thighs apart. “Now stay like that.” Her feet were precariously balanced on the either side of the stool, at the very edge.

I took a tube of lube from the toolbox.

“Orgasm Balm, to help you along …” I said cheerily as I lathered it first of all onto the sedile and then between her legs. My slut grunted her acknowledgement. It appeared that the nails through her hands had taken away her ability for coherent speech, not that I needed her to converse with me.

I placed the base of the sedile against the flat bark, and using 4-inch screws this time, I fixed it to the tree at a height that allowed the very tip of the vertically positioned phallus to brush against her labia. Once the stool was removed and the shoulder hides were cut then the only way my Little Girl would have of avoiding deep impalement would be to pull herself upwards and stretch her body, which I knew to be a very arduous task … and one that became ever more arduous the longer she remained upon the cross.

I checked her hands. The vintage nails looked stunning with a patch of dark red now circling them, releasing the occasional rivulet to run down her arms … As a tourniquet the wrist hide was working wonders, because from the tie to her finger-ends her skin had assumed a blue-ish tint, meaning that there was hardly any blood there.

Moving to the shoulder ties, and without warning, I cut the hide away and immediately, once released from that bind, my slut slid, suddenly, down the stipes, the rough wood tearing at her back, and then her perineum hit the sedile. Her mouth opened wide but she couldn't scream. The pain must have been overwhelming.

Now she was awake.

Then, without announcement or ceremony I kicked the stool away and, her wrists and hands began to take the strain. She gasped with the pain, and then she cried out ... This would cause unimaginable agony for my Little Girl. Now she knew what she had really signed up for. Now she was in true distress! How could anything be worse?

The slut was whimpering, but then she shrieked, eyes widening in terror as her body slid even further down and I watched as the remaining exposed length of the sedile disappeared slowly in between her swollen labia, releasing a sickly rasping gurgle from her throat, and impaling her fully. I could see the bulging wood shape pushing out from inside her mound and upwards towards her stomach.

She looked like a beautiful Angel …

Every one of her muscles was taut. Every inch of her would be aflame with an agony compounded by the malicious work of the gel which smothered the sedile and now coated her insides. The cross was complete. My Little Girl was raised from the floor, her wrists nailed and her pussy impaled. Her lovely tortured body naked and exposed for my complete enjoyment.

Now for her ankles.

First of all I bound them together with raw hide, wet and salty, soaked in brine, and tied them tightly. Then to complete her binding I secured a longer length of normal rope several times around her feet and the tree trunk, rendering her immobile. I had bent her a little at the knee to give her purchase, should she have the strength, to at least attempt to push herself up and off the phallus … I was looking forward to seeing her try.

Then Red spoke. She had been almost in hiding behind her hands as this her friend’s crucifixion took place.

I expected a scared, petrified girl to now speak, one who was uncertain what she had got herself into and had no idea of how to get out of it.

But no …

“She’s fucking beautiful …” Red looked at me and sauntered to the tree whereupon she began to tease my slut’s exposed clitoris, swollen and engorged, peeking out from above the place where the wooden sedile disappeared between her pussy lips.

I watched amazed, and in awe. This was unexpected …

She touched and flicked and massaged and in just a short time my Little Girl’s bound and broken body was forced to writhe on the cross under the touch of her friend’s knowing ministration.

“Mmmm, I love seeing her like this,” Red purred. And the night was still oh so young …
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