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If you read the series, please message dawnofthematriarchy your favourite extract and why. She may be persuaded to write an entire book based on this persons experiences.

Sarah and I live in a small town near Colorado. We are school friends who now go to Colorado State and are pretty inseparable. Despite being fair haired and blue eyed she is dark haired with bambi like eyes but we still feel like sisters.

This is the story of how GIS has benefited me and made me into a stronger more direct woman. It was a student night in a bar. We were dressed up to the nines. Our high heels making us stand at 5ft 11 and 5ft 10. We were pre-drinking at Sarahs because I had just been dumped and couldn't be at my flat while my boyfriend, or should I say ex. God it's hard to say ex, I really loved him. We'd been together a few years. He was emptying our flat of his things. She had a ferocious attitude, she definitely wanted to take it out on someone. As did I, i just wasnt as confident as her.

She told me stories that i just couldn't believe, had I not seen them for myself. She told me her favourite thing about the government issued strapon pants (GIS) is that you can wear them anywhere. Detach the dildo and keep it in your handbag. Then if you find someone you like you can just attach it. And "the magic" as she would call it could happen anywhere.

She made me change my clothes several times. I thought I looked alright the first time in a plain white men's shirt that went to my legs, a black belt and heels but she was adamant she would get me laid and that that wouldn't do. She pulled out a tight pair of black Jean's. I kicked my heels off and jumped into them. My quite athletic butt could barely fit. I went to the gym a lot as I took skiing quite seriously. She was just skinny cause she watched her weight. She still had a lovely hour glass figure but a skinny ass and b cup breasts. I realised this when she handed me a black low cut top. My cleavage was exposed cause the top was for smaller chested girls. I pulled my heels on again and played with my diamond necklace as I checked myself out. She kept telling me of boys from ski club who wanted me but I just laughed and said we would see what happened.

She wore a navy low cut dress. The cut of the cleavage ended at the top of her abs. The length of the dress went to her ankles. She tied her hair up in a bun and had a long necklace that followed her cleavage down her body. she looked very like she could be on the red carpet. Many selfies later and a few bars in, we sit in a dark corner of a jungle themed lounge. Music up slightly too loud we shout to be heard. We laugh about all sorts when she suddenly turns to my ear. "He's hot!" A tall dark and handsome man, slight stubble, plain white t shirt and big arms. What's not to like?

She sucks her straw looking up at me begging me with her eyes to go and talk to him. I stand up. Slam my drink down and strut towards him. I stand next to him and I'm seen first by the bar woman. I turn and ask him if wants a drink, he replies saying that he's very grateful, he was irish, his voice was sweet and melodic, but unfortunately that he is here with his girlfriend. My heart dropped. The one time I put myself out there he just so happens to be already taken. I tell him if he ever gets sick of her that we are over there. I point to Sarah who waves flirtatiously. We make small talk, I'm sure he is flirtatious regardless but I get my drinks and go back.

I tell Sarah and she tells me to forget about him and that we should go for a dance. So we finish our drinks and go for a dance, get sweaty, a few guys grind on us and we return to our corner. Order more drinks and drink them.

The irish guy returns. Clearly irritated he sits down in a hurry. "Hello girls", he says, "look, my girlfriend and I just broke up and I wondered if you wanted to take me up on that drink now?" Sarah jumps up, "of course!" She says, she stands up grabs him by the arm and takes him to the bar.

The three of us laugh and laugh all night playing drinking games and teasing one another. Sarah and I got quite competitive for his affection. He asked to be excused to go to the bathroom. He was only just out of ear shot when Sarah turned to me and took me by the hands and said, "Sarah, please can I shotgun him. He's my exact type and I've never fucked and Irish guy before". My mind cast itself back to when she said he was my type but I went for a different tact. "Sarah, we were going back to mine after this club. You don't have your GIS pants on" she lifted her dress.

I instantly recognised the O shape on the front of her pants. The O is where you put the dildo if you've detached it. She went to her handbag and showed me, she'd taken her attachment with her. It lay dark blue resting at the bottom of her bag. I was heartbroken. She'd done things like this before. I half expected her to go to the toilet and fuck him in there like the animal she is.

I dont know why it hurt so much then but I told everyone to drink up and we left the bar. We went home to mine in a taxi. I opened the door of my student accommodation and it was half empty. My ex had gone. I got a glass of water. Went to my room and got my pyjamas on then to my shame I offered them my bed. I slept on the couch. I say slept but I could hear them rutting away almost as soon as they closed the door. I rolled around trying to ignore it. Then I couldn't take it anymore.

I stood up, crouched and pulled a box from under the couch. Inside was some of my private things. Letters from parents and some memorabilia from times with my ex. But at the bottom. The thing I recieved from the government at 18. My GIS.

I took my cotton blue cloudy pyjama bottoms off and stepped into my GIS pants. I pulled them up and put my pink cock in the O. Still wearing my power puff girls baggy t-shirt I marched through to my room my cock stiff and serious between my legs. I Swung the door open and there they were, at it like rabbits. Sarah had her leg up on my bed, the other on the floor sodomizing him from behind as he bent over at a very tight angle.

"What the fuck are you doing Sarah?" She called out. I stood hands on my hips cock out. "Sarah, I said, either I have him or we share him". She smiled widely at me. It looked as though shed forgotten him as she pulled out her cock flopping as she exited him. She strutted towards me. Her strapon swinging as she stepped. She was actually taller than me now as I'd taken my heels off.

My heart was in my mouth. "You play. I'll be back." She spanked me and closed the door behind herself. The man stared at me on all fours. Presumably because of the interruption his dick had become soft. I could feel control slipping away. So I straightened my back. I pulled my top off over my head and and revealed my supple breasts. Fully naked now, blood had started to return to his cock.

"Do you like what you see?" I asked. He nodded hastily. "Come here then" he stood up as he was told and walked towards me. His dick not quite as impressive as my best friends. I held his balls as he got in reach. I pulled him closer with them in my hand. "You dont understand", I began, "but you were always supposed to be mine. She just wanted you cause I wanted you." "Truth be told," he revealed, "I prefer you, the way she was with me, I thought you were taken or something". Well it's true I must have looked like a wall flower comparatively. "I could tell you were sweet though", he continued, "and a night with you would be different to a night with her", I nodded in agreement.

He kissed me. He kissed my neck. He kissed my shoulder and sucked on my breast. He kept going down kissing my strong stomach. "I wouldn't do this for her you see" he wrapped his lips round my GIS. The buttons on the inside started to massage me. His mouth swung shallow just over the tip. I put my fingers through his hair. He suddenly gulped down the length of my strapon. It felt like a cock stiff and strong just entered me. I moaned. He flirted with just the tip again for a moment then bobbed all the way down again but not once, he did this for several moments. It felt amazing. I fell backwards on to the wall still standing. I could feel the pressure building up and I began to want control.

I told him to look at me. He did. Holding the cock end in his mouth. "Who did you want more?" I asked. He swallowed my cock balls deep

It was intense. Correct answer. He hovered at the end again expecting another question. "Whose prettier?" I asked. My strapon filled his throat once more but he didnt stop. My eyes couldn't focus as I enjoyed the thunderous pleasure.

"Stand". He does as he is commanded. We kiss. His mouth is sloppy. I wipe some of it away with my right hand and use it between his arse cheeks. I stand to his left. I hold his semi erect cock in my left hand and finger him with lubed up fingers with my right.

He puts his hands to the wall struggling with the sensations. I put another finger in stretching his ass. I jerk him off with the other hand. He gets harder. But frankly I couldn't care about his cock I want his ass ready for me. I havent used my GIS in months and he will get the use of it. I pull my fingers out and he moans at the sudden disappearance. I go to my knees and tell him to stretch his ass cheeks. He leans on the wall with his chest as I delve my tongue into his asshole. Twisting and circling it at first then penetrating it. I like the taste. I feel like an animal. He moans like a bitch and I think it's open for business.

I stand up but because of the height difference my hips are nowhere near his. I kick his feet so they are further apart. His ass lowers. I stand on my tip toes. So close. I tell him to go towards my mirrored cupboard. I open the door and pull out black high heels. Put them on and tell him to lean against the mirror. He does so but hes standing up straight again. I kick his legs and he stretches his gate. He bends on his knees too and it's there. I grab his hips and my cock enters with ease. I take no time whatsoever to take it slow and warm him up. I slam into him from the outset. I tightly grip his hips so there is no escape for him. He is truly at my mercy as I power into him. His ass starts to get red where my hips hit it and my nails and palms squeeze into him. He holds on to my ass as it ruts into him. He bends over further and further struggling to take it. His moans could pull the house down. But hes too far away from the mirror now. I want to see two of him so I grab his neck. And push him against it. His body is pressed up. His breathe meets another version of it in the mirror as he is cheek to cheek with his reflection. I tell him to kiss himself. He does. I enjoy watching him make a fool of himself. If he wanted me I thought, I should have taken him. I grab his hair and push his face into the mirror again. Cheek to cheek. Body to body. Knee to knee. The only part not on the mirror was his ass which I held in my hands fucking. I told him to jerk himself off. And that I wanted him to cum on the mirror. He did as he was told.

Or at least tried to. Every time he tried to, the pleasure from behind was too much and he had to stop. The sixth attempt at trying to cum. No. His palms hit the cupboard in frustration. I push him closer to the cupboard his cock is sandwiched between his hips and the reflection. I keep fucking like a monster. Till all of a sudden I hear this whimper. Over and over again I hear it. I pull him from the mirror. Semen is splashed all over it. I pull out and look at him. He too has a crotch full of it.

"Oh my god." He collapses on the bed writhing. I push his legs up and enter him again. He moans as I fill him. "I've never came from just my prostate before." I felt immensely proud. But I wasnt finished of course. I still needed to cum.

I push his legs further up and he takes them in his arms. I know he would like a minute to recover but I dont. I take a pillow and put it under his hips. I start to get into a rhythm. I can tell hes enjoying watching my breasts. He reaches out and grabs one. I come in close. Put my arms behind his head and get intimate. I kiss him. We enjoy the feeling of each other he feels my ass as it sinks into him. He squeezes it. My stomach feels his small wet cock. My breasts rub against his torso. We squeeze each other. I whisper into his ear, "you were supposed to choose me". I lean back and start to fuck him again. We hold eye contact. "But if you choose both of us. You get both of us". I take one of his hands and make him jerk himself again.

"Sarah!" I yell. ,"no no, I just didnt realise" he exclaims. Sarah walks in ready as she ever is. ,"you wanna fuck this little slut?" I ask her. She nods her head devilishly.

As she walks towards us entwined I kiss him again then twist him round. Hes on all fours. I stand up too Sarah and I stand next to one another. Hip to hip. He looks at us and our strapons and gulps.

She turns to me. ,"I've been thinking about it and I want to apologise. Maybe i sobered up now and I was just drunk then but I am sorry". She leans in for a hug but out cocks get in the way. We kiss each other on the lips. I didnt expect that. It just happened. My stomach did a somersault. We hadn't stopped kissing. I pulled away. "Do you want the front or the back?" I asked. "Oh I want to pick up where I left off". His head dropped, she was obviously a mean fuck.

However as I waltzed to the other side quite happy to enjoy another blowjob from him, I noticed his cock was rock solid so he couldn't be that disappointed. She has entered him before I could even get round the bed. She did start slowly which was kind of her and stopped to allow him to pick his head up and get used to the feeling of both of us. Once his head started bobbing on me and I glanced up and was Sarah glaring back at me. "You're in trouble." The buttons on my GIS were in overload so I didnt quite register what she said. I put my hands on the back of his head and enjoyed the moment.

Till the vibrations slowed down. I looked up and Sarah had lifted her leg up to get that perch on his ass. She had started pounding him but still looking into me. I looked down. He had stopped sucking my GIS and was instead just holding it to steady himself.

I looked up again, worried to see Sarah giving me an evil eye but she was actually concentrating on his ass. She spanked him and then grabbed his hair. She yanked him back and asked him what he was doing. He whispered something and she replied, "no you little bitch you should be sucking my best friends cock." His mouth fell on it and he worked feverishly to keep a pace up while being fucked from behind.

We laughed and enjoyed the scene together. I had my hands on the back of his head controlling the pace when Sarah started to breathe heavily. I watched her take deeper and deeper breathes. Her hands moved from his hips to her puffy nipples. She started to squeeze them. I reached over and pushed her hands away. I pulled her in to me and we kissed while I pulled on her nipples. Our lips locked she started to groan. I held her head so we were together as she came. Our tongues danced as her body writhed and grabbed me back. It was fucking hot. She is such a dominating character it was cool to be in control of her.

Her orgasm subsided. We pulled apart and she laughed. Her cock exited the man trapped in the middle. I too pulled out of his mouth and told him to go on his knees. I walked backwards and he did as he was told. Sarah was about to walk away and let me have him to myself but I told her to return. Her GIS looking as used as she did wagging as she walked.

"You knew I liked this guy". I said. Staring into her. You said "your in trouble". And tried to intimidate me into leaving. Well now your in trouble.

I pulled out of the mans mouth with a slurp. Then yanked off her GIS. Fully naked, I was surprised to see a full Bush. I also expected her to cover up but she stood as confident as ever. I told the man to put on his pants and leave.

He asked to watch. I said this is between two woman. Two higher class citizens. You can either leave or we can put you in chastity.

He did as he was told. While finding his Jean's pants socks and shirt Sarah and I just stared at each other. My blues fixated on her dark brown eyes. As soon as the door closed

I dont know if it was more sexual or more aggressive. I think since the mstriarchy regime began there has been a lot more of a pecking order in social society and for me and Sarah it all culminated that night.

I expected it would ruin our friendship but actually she has given me a lot more respect since and is the one with the boyfriend. The three of us were in one night drinking and she hinted at a repeat of the night with the Irish guy. I declined. Maybe I'm traditional but I think a couples love should be sacred. I've not quite found anyone yet and have enjoyed seeing myself fuck guys in that mirror a few more times. It's a fun game I play now that I'm more confident to see if I can make them cum without touching!

Regardless that's my most interesting take on sexual life since the Matriarchy began. I'm sorry I didnt write about what it was like to be with Sarah, a woman, a higher class citizen and a friend. But that's between us and I should expect that of any female citizen in these times to keep private. If they find themselves in what's now being called social status sex.


BOUNDARIES - new laws that exist for the safety of society.

GIS - It was clear to the Matriarchy that a lot of societal problems come directly or indirectly from, the patriarchy. This also meant to the Matriarchy it was clear that everything had to be turned upside down in order for society to be fairer and progress in peace and happiness. Therefore the government provided the female population over 18 with sophisticated strapon pants that would allow the user to be in control of sexual activities and would allow the user to reach climax when traditional means of intercourse, pre matriarchal boundaries, did not satisfy them. Government issued strapon (GIS) pants have devices (buttons) inside the pants that fulfill any needs.

PMB - After what's been named the, 'gender wars' of 2044 - 2046 the years started again. 2046 was the last Anno Domini year. Year 0 Post Matriarchal Boundaries (PMB) is the first year of the new regime.

SOCIAL STATUS SEX - sexuality is fluid so one may be heterosexual but still enjoy sex acts on members of the same sex. Since PMB more woman saddled with a GIS are finding that they have to settle social status disputes or 'pecking orders' by having social status sex with their female friends or peers.
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