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Vincent is forever changed by his experiences with a motorcycle club that enjoys pleasures of the flesh as much riding.
The Osaka Riders of Glorious Youth

by Vincent

Part 3

The sky through the window in Kenta's room had faded to gray when I awoke. All my companions, except Yumi had left. She was still out cold with her face against my shoulder. I could feel her warm deep breaths and a drop of her saliva running down my arm. Her leg was draped over mine with her crotch pressed against my leg. I could feel semen, which I assumed was Ren's, leaking from her pussy and dripping down my thigh. Her hand was clutched around my hard cock a little too tight. As delicately as I could I extricated myself from the predicament, walked back to my room and took my second hot shower of the day. As the soothing water washed over my body I went over the events of the past 24 hours in my mind, wondering how I wound up in this situation. Was it chance that I met up with these people? And why me? My hosts have been very generous, and friendly in the extreme, but they haven't been terribly forthcoming with information, and so far, I have been too preoccupied to ask. I was hoping there would be a chance to find out more about these people before the evening was over.

I wrapped up in my yukata and went to find the others. I traced my way back towards the onsen and I found them in an outdoor patio behind the dining hall. I was mildly surprised to find the guys dressed in jeans and t-shirts. Kenta, Ren and Takeshi were standing around a large brick barbeque pit filled with wood, holding beers in their hands. It was such an ordinary domestic sight that it seemed out of place for them.

"Don't get too close," Takeshi warned me. They were taking turns lighting matches and trying to toss them into the pit. "It's covered in gasoline. We don't have any lighter fluid, so we drained your bike." The guys laughed when they saw my startled face. "We're just kidding, but be careful." He handed me a beer from the cooler at his feet.

After a few more failed attempts Ren's match hit the mark, igniting the vapors and a huge flame shot out the top of the barbeque. We all jerked back from the wave of heat hitting our faces and then laughed at ourselves. From my right someone let out a cheer. Sakura was sitting in a deck chair next to Sachi. She had on a black leather bustier with leather panties and knee high boots. Her rainbow sparrow was the only color on the girl. She was holding a leash that led to a collar around Sachi's neck. Sachi was wearing what seemed to be a French maid's costume, also made of leather. Her long smooth legs were extending from under layers of tiny petticoats. I wished I had a camera.

"All dressed up for the dance, I see. Cute pet. What do you feed her?" I said to them. While looking straight at me Sakura pulled on the leash until Sachi's face was right next to hers, she turned and kissed her, pulling the chain so Sachi's lips pressed hard against hers. After three seconds of swirling tongues she released her and resumed her stare. "And it's low calorie, too." I quipped.

"I think the girls need some help in the kitchen," Sakura said to exert a bit of dominance over me.

"Right, I'll just go and see what they're up to." I walked through the large glass doors and found Chieko and Aiko busy in the kitchen.

The girls were chopping or mixing or something like that. They, too, were dressed in normal clothes, adding to my awkwardness. Both of them were wearing short flower print cotton dresses and rocking that girl next door cuteness. My first thought was whether or not they were wearing panties. Chieko was closest, so I tried to lift the hem of her dress to peek underneath, but she slapped my hand away and called me a naughty boy.

There was a platter full of steaks on the counter and a bunch of chicken marinating in a bowl, something with lemon and ginger, it smelled lovely. There were vegetables, potatoes wrapped in foil, and baguettes stacked on the counter. It was definitely going to be a feast. I felt out of place in my yukata and contemplated getting clothes from my saddle bags. However, before I could make a move they put me to work.

"Can you make a vinaigrette?" Chieko asked.

"That's with vinegar, right?" I answered.

"If you keep being sassy, young man, I will make you chop vegetables nude," she warned.

"Can she do that?" I asked Aiko.

"Oh, yes she can," was the answer, but not from Aiko. I turned around and Kenta was standing behind me. "I have to tell you something, Vincent," he went on, "We are a very affable group. We ride together, we play together, we trust each other. We don't keep secrets from each other, and we give ourselves freely to each other. Do you understand what I'm saying?"

"I think so," I said, "You all seem very close."

"Well, we are. You've had a taste of what we're about," he continued, "and now you have an opportunity to join us, but if you want to be a part of our club you have to make a total commitment. Are you ready to do that?"

"I have enjoyed everything I've done so far."

"Good, I'm glad you said that, because it's only going to get more intense from here."

"What do you have planned for me?"

"There are certain financial and health commitments you must satisfy, but it's nothing outrageous. We have this place and couple of other houses to take care of. We can talk about that later. However, for tonight, you must be at the service of every member of our club. Do you understand?"

"Anything painful?" I said jokingly.

"If that's what they want," he replied, dead serious, "I'll be straight with you. You might have to submit to things beyond your comfort zone, but that is all part of the trial."

"Why me? It's hard to believe I met you people just by accident. I think any group would be reluctant to allow a total stranger into their inner circle."

"You'll have to ask Aiko about that," Kenta said. Everyone's eyes turned to Aiko.

"You aren't a stranger, Vincent. Don't you remember me?" she started.

"I'm sure I would remember if I'd met you before. Was I drunk?" I felt at a loss.

"It was a while ago. You were a teacher at Kindai University about 8 years ago."

"Uh, yeah. I don't work there anymore. You were my student?"

"Yes. English composition. You were always talking about motorcycles and places you'd been touring. You made it sound like so much fun I wanted to try."

"Oh, so all of this my fault," again joking.

"Yes, in a way," she continued, "but I had such a crush on you. I wanted to get closer to you, but I had a boyfriend at the time and I was too shy."

"You certainly outgrew that," Chieko chimed in, and we all laughed.

"You may not be aware of this, but we are Facebook friends. You posted you were coming to Shikoku this week, so we ambushed you. We've been looking for a new member. I'm sorry for being manipulative, but we had to make sure you were the right candidate."

"We've been checking you out for a while," Kenta added, "We know a bit about you. You are 38, divorced, you are from Oregon, you work at Kwansei University."

These revelations left me surprised and feeling vulnerable. I became silent as a hundred thoughts went through my head.

"Hey, it's ok," Aiko reassured me, "We all went through this. This club has been around for years. People come and go. Kenta is the only original member left. If you want to leave we'll understand."

"What happened to all the old members?"

"Mostly they get married, or their jobs take them away," Kenta said.

"Well, I'd like to stay. I'm flattered and I feel lucky you chose me," I said, "If I had been just some guy you passed on the road I would have doubted your motivations. Since you did all this just to recruit me I believe you see something about me you think is beneficial."

"It's mostly you cock," Chieko said, "You have a pretty big cock. We took pictures of you naked, oh, and you ride bikes."

"I can make vinaigrette, too," I added.

"Just do what we ask of you, and at least pretend to enjoy it," Kenta said. He squeezed my ass and left me and the girls to complete our tasks.

"It might be helpful if you are a little drunk," Aiko said, handing me a glass of wine.

"I'd say a lot drunk," Chieko said. She took the wine from my hand, handed me a tumbler with ice and pour a generous shot of Johnnie Walker, "I have some serious plans for you. Cheers."

We chopped and chatted, and chatted and chopped, drank our drinks and pretty soon I had constructed a salad for ten to be proud of, then set about faking my way through a vinaigrette. Then it occurred to me to inquire, "Aiko, tell me about your initiation to the club." She winced at the memory.

"Oh god, I don't think I should, you'll get on your bike and ride away. Let me just say it was excruciating and wonderful at the same time."

"Have you always been so open minded about sex?" I asked.

"Probably not," she went on, "I'd only been with a girl once before. It was the summer before I left for university. I was working at an inn in Yufuin and I met this couple. We spent a crazy night together. We did all kinds of things. It showed me sex could be something other than an expression of love. It can be about sharing pleasure and being free from inhibition. It's liberating. After that it was only my husband until I met Chieko."

"And now?"

"And now? Oh, I like it any way it comes, baby. I like pussy, I like cock, I love a big sloppy orgy and that's why I joined."

"Well, here's to big sloppy orgies" I toasted, and we all drank.

"Thank you for bringing me into the club, Chieko," Aiko said. The girls embraced and pressed their lips together. They ran their hands over each others asses, raising the hems of their dresses, exposing their bare bottoms, and indeed they were not wearing panties. My cock began rising through the opening in my yukata, I wanted a threesome with these girls so much. They noticed my situation.

"I think our pledge wants to play," Aiko said.

"Let's see if we can think of a game," Chieko followed, "drop the robe." I complied without hesitation. "On your knees, please. Do you like tomatoes?" She took a cherry tomato from the counter and slid it into her pussy. "Eat up." I was quite willing to submit to this task. She held up her skirt and pushed her hips forward. I took her ass in both hands, pressed my lips against her pussy and worked my tongue deep inside her. I could feel the tomato on the tip of my tongue, but I couldn't get any leverage to scoop it out. I increased my efforts, trying to get at it from every angle, but it was lodged in there pretty deep. Chieko was obviously enjoying the sensation. I finally trapped it against the top of her canal and rolled it out into my mouth. I chewed and swallowed. Somebody else had been watching, too. Yumi had come into the kitchen and was standing behind me.

"I see you have lover boy hard at work," she said, "We're ready for the steaks." Aiko handed her the platter, and followed her out with the chicken.

"I'm not done with you by a long shot," Chieko said sternly, "I want that big cock of yours, and you had better make me come big time. And bring all this food out to the patio."

"Yes, Ma'am." I said as she walked out of the kitchen.

I took the opportunity to put on jeans and a t-shirt, grabbed what I could from the kitchen and joined the group on the patio. There were the makings of a fantastic feast afoot. Everyone was busy doing something. Ren and Takeshi were manning the grill, the steals smelled wonderful. The large picnic table was set with a red checkered tablecloth, white dishes, and Yumi and Aiko were putting out wine glasses. Masa was opening wine bottles and chatting with Kenta. Only Sakura and Sachi were still in their same places and their same outfits. Everybody else had somehow changed back into yukatas. I assumed they were intentionally trying to disorient me. The thing I hadn't noticed was that there were only nine places set at the table.

"Lose the clothes," Kenta said when he noticed me, and turned back to his conversation. Five minutes later I returned in my yukata and Kenta's tone got stricter, "I said lose the clothes, pledge." I pulled off the robe and tossed it on a chair. I was naked. Kenta glanced back at me, but didn't say anything else. I had no idea what I should do next, so I just stood there feeling awkward. I don't know if Sakura was rescuing me or adding to my predicament, but she gave me something to do.

"Worm, come here," she ordered, and I obeyed. "Make yourself useful. Get down on your hands and knees, please." The please was out of formality, not politeness, again I complied. She lifted her boots and rested them in the small of my back. The others noticed, but continued on with their tasks, I felt relieved they weren't paying too much attention to my subjugation.

"Look at my pretty little Sachi," Sakura said, "Do you think she is cute?"

"I think I look pretty cute as a French maid, too," I said.

"Call me Ma'am, you worthless piece of shit," she said, maintaining her polite tenor.

"Yes, ma'am. She is adorable," I corrected myself.

"I'll bet you'd like to lick her pussy, wouldn't you?"

"No ma'am." I felt either answer I gave would get me scolded. Sachi was obviously her piece of tail.

"So you prefer cock, is that it, Scrotum. You are a born cock sucker, aren't you?"

"No, ma'am."

"Sachi, sweetheart, stand in front our boy here and lift up your skirt." Sachi complied with the request. Under all those tiny petticoats the girl was not wearing any panties either. She had gorgeous creamy narrow thighs that framed her small pink pussy, with a gap large enough to fit a golf through, and just the tiniest of lips poking out from her vulva. She had a small patch of jet black pubic hair in the shape of a heart. It was truly a work of art. The others were beginning to pay more attention.

"Would you like to kiss her pussy?"

"Yes ma'am," which was true. It looked very yummy.

"Well, ask me."

"Please ma'am, may I lick her pussy?" I asked like a good worm.

"No, you may not. Sweetheart, turn around." Sachi turned so her beautiful white ass was right in my face. "I think you should lick her asshole instead."

One was almost as good as the other. I turned my face up and stretched out neck until my mouth made contact with Sachi's cheeks. She nuzzled her ass onto my face so her cheeks were wedged against mine. To my tremendous relief it did not smell of anything disagreeable. Even though it was hard to breath I applied myself to the task, making broad licks all around the perimeter, getting the area wet with my saliva. Then I began probing into the interior, forcing my tongue deeper and deeper into the brown star. I felt myself becoming aroused and rising to the occasion.

"It looks like our pledge is enjoying himself," Sakura's voice came from behind me. Then I felt her boot on the crack of my ass. She started driving the stiletto heel into my asshole. It instantly spoiled my mood. "Oh, don't stop now, you are doing such a good job," she urged. This uncomfortable situation continued for too long before somebody called out it was time to eat. The girls walked away and I slowly got to my feet.

They had all gathered around the table and taken a seat. That's when I noticed there was no space for me. My heart sank, I can eat naked, but I can't not eat. I was starving, all I'd had since lunch was a cherry tomato. Three thoughts went through my head: their little humiliation games were getting way more serious, I probably had a lot worse ahead of me, and finally, I might not get to eat. Everybody was ignoring me, I felt invisible as they talked cheerfully to one another, passing around food and pouring wine. It all looked so delicious; I actually thought I might throw a tantrum.

After everyone started eating Masa came to my aid, "Your place is down there," pointing underneath the table. I glanced down and saw the tenth place setting was between all the feet. When he saw my hesitation Kenta added, "Go on. Do you want to eat or not?" I crawled under the table and someone flopped a steak on my plate. There was no cutlery. I suddenly wished I had taken Chieko's advice and gotten much drunker. To my mild consolation someone put a bowl of wine down next to the steak. "Now be a good puppy and eat up," someone said, and they went back to their conversations. I chewed my steak and lapped up the wine, all while being fondled by people's feet. Fortunately my masters were attentive enough to keep filling my bowl. I'm guessing they wanted me drunk for what was coming next.

With my hunger satiated and my disposition calmed by the alcohol I began to feel better. Under the table I could see some of my hosts had their hands on their neighbor's genitals, casually rubbing as if it were second nature. One pair of legs, definitely a female's, spread apart and her hands pulled back her yukata to expose her pussy. She snapped her fingers and motioned for me to come near. She put her hand on the back of my head and pulled it into her crotch. I knew what she wanted and I complied. I gave her pussy a thorough licking to the best of my ability. I could hear the conversation at the table continuing as normal. I was very happy to be performing this service, as I love licking pussies and it gave me something to do to pass the time. After ten minutes or so, I guess she came or she'd had enough, because she pushed my head away. Just as I had gone back to my bowl of wine another hand beckoned me to her pussy. This pussy I knew. This was Chieko. Again, I did my utmost to please. I was actually starting to take pleasure in my submission; there is a titillating eroticism in being abused for other people's sexual gratification.

While licking Chieko's pussy a thought dawned on me, and I knew I would feel compelled to comply, I was already resigned to that, but what worried me was that I wouldn't be any good at it. I have received countless blowjobs in my life, but I have never given one, and now it would be a baptism of fire. Would I have to suck all four cocks? After the third pussy, which I knew was Sakura's, because she pulled down her leather panties for me, I was summoned over to the first cock. It was big and hard, and stared me right in the face. Despite my apprehension I wanted to do a good job. I tried to remember things girls did that I liked and I would attempt to do the same.

I grabbed around the base of his cock with my thumb and forefinger, I stuck out my tongue and licked up and down the underside of his shaft. It didn't seem so bad, there was no taste. Besides, girls really like giving head and I like girls I rationalized. I relaxed a little. I swirled my tongue all over the head and then took the whole thing into my mouth. It fit in quite nicely between my tongue and the roof of my mouth. I was very careful not to touch it with my teeth. I knew I hated that. It felt natural to apply a bit of suction on the member as I let the shaft glide in and out of my mouth. I found that I could take almost the entire length without gagging. I took my other hand, cupped his balls and gently massaged them with my fingers. I felt his cock getting harder in my mouth. Then I got the surprise of my life. Without warning he began shooting his load right down my throat. I was totally unprepared. I fell back and started coughing and spitting up. Everyone must have realized what happened as they all broke out in hysterical laughter. A hand reached under the table and gave me a napkin. After that I serviced everybody else in the group, girls and boys, and I learned real fast when a guy is about to nut. After what seemed like hours, the group got up and left me crouching under the table.

I sat under the table trying to collect my thoughts. I felt my sexual identity being assaulted, and I'm sure it was deliberate. These people are trying to break down every sexual prejudice and limitation necessary to turn me into one of them. I have always been open minded and respectful of other people's lifestyle choices, but as I reflect on my desires I've always stayed inside my comfort zone. I've taken it to the edge on occasion. I thought I had been pushing the envelope when I'd had a threesome with my girlfriend's friend, or swapped partners with my buddy, but this was a whole other level. I felt I was growing, and I liked it.

"Those dishes aren't going to wash themselves," somebody called out. I crawled out from under the table and tried to stand up. My leg muscles had tightened up, after falling over twice I managed to keep my balance. There was hardly a speck of food left on the table, these people could eat. I gathered everything I could carry, brought them to the kitchen sink and got to work. Washing dishes was a task well within my comfort zone, and I was actually glad to have something mundane to do while I sorted my thoughts. Sachi came in with the rest of the things from the table. She looked very appropriate in her maid costume carrying dishes.

"You did a very good job," she said.

"Thank you. What job are you referring to?" I asked. She came up behind, and while rubbing my ass and thigh whispered in my ear.

"Licking my pussy under the table. You made me cum." Then she bit my ear.

"It was definitely my pleasure. I thought I'd made everybody come"

"Maybe you didn't realize it, but we like to come. You should let me return the favor."

"By all means." I hoped I wasn't getting into trouble by accepting her offer, but how could I say no.

She squatted behind me and pushed my legs apart. She stuck her face between my upper thighs and started licking my balls. Her forehead was pressed into my crack. She grabbed my cock in her hand and pulled it straight down. She went from licking my balls to licking up and down my shaft and back again. She was really good, I was losing control and felt close to reaching my climax when I lost my grip on the plate I was holding and it crashed into the sink. The noise broke the mood and she stood up.

"Is that it?" I asked.

"Sorry cowboy. When you finish the dishes bring out the dessert. It's in the fridge." Then she walked out of the kitchen.

The dishes done, I looked in the refrigerator. Besides beer and wine the only thing there happened to be one of my favorite things in the world, a delicious looking blueberry cheesecake, which only endeared these people to me more. I brought it out along with plates and forks. The others were lying about, enjoying their wine and digesting. Some of them were in the hot tub, others in chairs.

"Good boy," Ren said when he saw me, "Now be so good as to serve us."

Yes, sir."

"And more wine, please," Masa called from the hot tub.

"Right away, sir."

I cut the cheesecake. As I was handing out the plates I noticed something new on the patio, and it made me wonder where the hell they had been hiding it. It was a stockade and I instantly knew I was going to end up in it. Not the kind from medieval Europe, all heavy and rough, but exactly the kind of thing you'd get for your well equipped sex dungeon, metal framed, padded. It was designed to get the sacrifice in a vulnerable position, and it didn't look like a fun one.

"You've got to be kidding," I exasperated.

"I see you've noticed your new toy," Aiko said, smiling at me. She was sitting next to Kenta and Yumi on some very comfortable looking patio furniture. "We have a front row seat for the show, and it's going to be good."

"Now step up, please," Kenta ordered. He led me around to the back. The stockade looked like a wide bench press except where the bar would go across there was the stock for the neck and wrists to fit through. "Kneel here." This required my complete trust as I would be at the mercy of any sadistic plan they had; I obeyed. I knelt on the bench, feeling grateful it was well padded; I leaned forward and placed my neck and wrists in the proper places. Kenta lowered the stock, trapping me in place and latched it closed. "Do you remember your safe word?"

"Yes, sir." I said. Kenta went back to his seat and the three just watched me and ate cheesecake for quite a while. When anyone passed by to get wine or food they would pat me on the ass or rub my head. This went on for half an hour.

"How are you doing, Vincent?" Aiko asked. It was nice that someone called me Vincent.

"I'm okay," which I was.

"Would you like some cheesecake?" she asked.

"Yes, please."

She got up with her plate and walked over to me. She used two fingers to scoop off a bit and held it out of reach of my mouth. "Open wide." I did. She walked behind me and rubbed the cheesecake all over my asshole.

"Oh, that's just mean," I cried.

"You don't like that? Here, try this." She opened her robe and smeared cheesecake over her nipple. She had to crouch down to hold her breast up to my mouth. I enthusiastically licked it off.

"This way is so much tastier," I said. She did the same with her other breast, and then the other, and again. She stood up to her full height and rubbed cheesecake all over her vulva. She had to stand on tip toes, but her pussy couldn't reach my mouth. Kenta came to her aid. From behind he picked her up from the knees and held her legs spread apart, then held her pussy up to my mouth. It was the best cheesecake ever. I finished off the rest of the plate licking it from her pussy. When I was done she sat back down.

My next assailants were Sakura and her pet. "I heard you let Sachi suck your cock. Is that true?" Sakura asked.

"Yes, ma'am, but I don't think I had much say in the matter," I said.

"None the less, you have to pay for what you did. Sweetness, what do you think Romeo's punishment should be?" Sakura asked.

"Maybe he should suck your cock," Sachi suggested.

"Hmm? That sounds like a good start," Sakura said. She produced from behind her back a large black strap on dildo, and stepped into it. She looked like something from an S&M video; unfortunately I was going to be the M.

She stood in front of me with the phallic weapon pointed at my face. "The guys said you are very good at sucking dick, so I was right about you," She chided, "I bet you like a big hard cock in your mouth. Open up." I let her put that thing in my mouth. I imagined all the places it might have been before and the only consolation was that the most recent place was likely Sachi's pussy, I just hoped she had washed it. After a few strokes of humiliation she pulled it out, but from there it got worse.

"Sachi, please prepare our sissy boy here." Sachi moved behind me and I knew what was coming. I might have said my safe word if I had remembered. She wiped the cheesecake off my ass with a wet towel then replaced it with a generous amount of lube. Thank God for that. At this point everybody else had gathered around to revel in my humiliation. I was very much looking forward to this being over. Sakura straddled the bench behind me and lined up the dildo with my asshole. She pushed gently and then harder. My natural reaction was to clamp my sphincter shut.

"Give me a second, ma'am," I begged, "let me try to relax." I let go of all the tension as best I could. "Okay." She resumed her conquest of my ass, and I resigned myself to my fate. As she pushed I concentrated on relaxing the muscle and the shaft slid into my ass. It was hard and uncomfortable. I grunted. The others were hooting and cheering her on. She reached as far as she was going to go and started slowly stroking in and out. It was not pleasant and I wondered why gay men thought it was so great, but even if I couldn't enjoy it I could take it, and I knew I would survive this, too.

Masa stepped up and put his stiffened cock into my mouth, so now I had to suck on that, too. After a couple minutes Kenta walked behind me. I felt Sakura pull her toy out of my ass and Kenta took its place. I could barely comprehend what was happening to me. There was a cock in my mouth and a cock in my ass and I had always considered myself very much a straight person. The girls were howling with approval, enjoying the show very much. They were providing each other a friendly hand to relieve their sexual tensions. Takeshi started fucking Yumi from behind so they could both watch my performance. Ren was reclined on the sofa while Aiko periodically sucked on his cock. This went on for a while and I was actually beginning to enjoy it. Not actually getting fucked in the ass, but that I had let myself release into carnal abandon. Finally, Kenta grabbed my hips and pulled me back onto his cock and came into my ass. I felt his shaft pulsing and his hot jizz filling my rectum. When he had drained his entire load he pulled out of me, sat back down and emptied his wine glass.

"Nothing like virgin ass," he exclaimed, "more wine." Masa's cock had fallen out of my mouth when Kenta came and he also went back to his chair. I had been in the stocks for about two hours and it had to be well past midnight.

The crowd dispersed and they sauntered off in twos and threes to various places. Yumi, Ren and Takeshi got into the hot tub to continue their sexcapades. Kenta and Aiko walked off back towards the rooms. Sakura and Sachi were making out on the sofa, but after a few minutes they got up and walked off with the strap on. I didn't see Masa or Chieko go anywhere, but I assumed they were together. I was all alone, in my stockade, naked, with cum dripping out of my ass; not at all what I had anticipated for this season's road trip. I was hoping somebody would rescue me pretty soon. I didn't want to be here all night.

I was actually about to fall asleep when Chieko rescued me. "Come on," she said while releasing me, "you still have one more thing to do." She took me by the hand and led me back to her room. "Take a shower." She pointed to the bathroom and I was very delighted to comply with her request. The hot water washed away most of the stress and discomfort of my experience and a good deal of the cum from my ass. I came out of the shower drying myself and Chieko was naked on the bed. Her room was nice, too, not as big as Kenta's, and she had a regular double bed. It might have been a typical teenager girl's room in America.

"Vincent, come fuck me, just regular old boy girl sex please," she said. I was very relieved, it's what I'm best at. I crawled into bed next to her. It was warm and comfortable and we pressed our bodies together. Her skin was soft and smooth and my hands naturally explored all the curves of her body. She did the same to me. It was quiet and intimate. We spent the better part of an hour just touching and kissing. We enjoyed leisurely foreplay and sexually charged banter. When I finally inserted my rigid cock into her soft waiting vagina she moaned deeply and said that's just what she needed. Our intercourse was long and slow and satisfying. I sensed she had cum a few times and when I finally blew my load it was huge and a tremendous relief. I fell into a deep sleep shortly after.

I woke up the next morning feeling refreshed and reborn, as if I had survived an experience that tore at my soul and I had emerged stronger. My inhibitions had been shattered, I felt liberated and eager to explore the limitations of my sexuality even more. Then I realized I wasn't in Chieko's room anymore. I was back in room 2, on my futon, with all my stuff lying around. I tried to think, but I had no idea how that had happened. I put on my yukata and went out of the room. The place was dead quiet. I looked around everywhere, but everybody was gone. The place was cleaned and no traces of the night before remained. I went out front and saw all the bikes except mine were gone. They had left, they had abandoned me without so much as a goodbye. My heart sank. I wondered why and went through all the events of the night before. Had I done something wrong? Had I not passed the test?

I returned to my room, dressed and packed up my stuff. I locked the door and put the key back on the hook behind the counter. I got on my bike and put on my helmet. It was going to be a lonely ride back to Tokushima. I reached into my pocket for my key and felt a note. I pulled it out. It read: Thanks for a fun time. Let us know if you want to join: osaka riders at aho dot com. Kisses, Aiko.

The End
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