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My life was normal for a 17 year old girl, I loved my family, had friends and did well in school. But one night all that changes and I am still trying to figure out if it's bad or not. Maybe you can help me decide...
Part 2

We arrive at the penthouse a short time later and Bud escorts me to the penthouse but doesn’t get off the elevator. I exit and head to what has now become my room. Lucifer let me have a few photos of friends and family to make it more personal as well as pick new bedding and a few accessories. I’ve found that Lucifer isn’t too bad as long as you don’t cross him and I never plan to do that. There’s a knock on my door while I’m getting ready to change clothes, “Come in”. My personal guard Jeremy opens the door, “Lucifer wants to see you in the study”. I nod and put my dress on the bed, I never make Lucifer wait. We head to the study where Lucifer does business at home, when we arrive he’s on the phone and gives the universal sign to wait. I sit in the chair across from him and wait while Jeremy leaves and shuts the door. Lucifer hangs up a few minutes later, “How did your meeting go with Nelson?” I contemplate if he wants the truth because he knows everything already or if I can gloss over the part where I got finger fucked by an asshole. I go with the former, “It went well, I don’t like that Nelson guy he’s a perv but to deal with his blatant sexual advances I gave in to take control of the meeting” I finish the statement by chewing on my lip.

Lucifer looks at me saying nothing and just stares, “You’re a smart one Harper, you could’ve lied to me and just said it went well. You got the money without incident but instead you told me the truth. I like that about you”. I sigh in relief but how did he know? “Nelson called to complain that my whore didn’t put out. Bitched like baby, God he’s a pissant but I need his connects in the club scenes or I wouldn’t mess with his whiny ass” Lucifer digs in his desk for a cigar and lights it. Taking his time inhaling and tasting it. “I called you in here because I need to know if you are on birth control? I see you going far in my organization but not if you get pregnant. You are a very attractive young girl and I’m sure being around all this male energy isn’t helping you deal with sexual urges”. I look down at the hem of my dress too embarrassed to acknowledge what he’s said but knowing I need to answer “I’m not on birth control I wasn’t sexually active before I left home”. Lucifer nods “We’ll have to fix that. I’ll call the doctor in the morning for a house call. I’ll also see about moving you into your own apartment. I don’t need boys coming in and out of my personal space”. Lucifer started looking at some documents on his desk which is his sign to say he’s done talking. I stand to leave and Lucifer request, “Wear something nice for dinner, I have a surprise for you”.

Normally for dinner I just wear what I wore to work or jeans but now I stare at my closet dumbfounded on what “something nice” was. Was it a fucking evening gown? Or just a dress that doesn’t smell like sex? I settle on a low cut black dress that flares out at the waist and stops above my knees. I love this dress and have wanted to wear it but nowhere to wear it. Much like most of the clothes Lucifer provided they all seemed too fancy for my daily office job. I shower and change deciding on a sexy pair of red stilettos to set off my look. After curling my hair and applying some makeup I look in the mirror and feel sexy as fuck.

I head down to the dining room where we always have dinner, most of the time all the guards who aren’t on duty attend with me and Lucifer. It creates a family environment that I’ve missed. Everyone is here when I arrive with a few additions; Matty, Amanda and my dad are at the table. I run to them when I see them and we all embrace. It’s been so long since I’ve seen them minus the few video calls I’m allowed. “You look good Harpy. I can’t believe you’re 18”, there are tears in my dad’s eyes. I smile at him and look past him trying to find Lucifer at the table and I see Nicole my best friend, I let out a whimper and start crying. I leave the embrace of my family and go to hug her, I haven’t had any communication with anyone outside my family the whole time I’ve been with Lucifer. He told me that everyone thinks I’m at a boarding school that bridges to the top colleges in the country. While hugging Nicole I ask, “How? I thought no one could know”. Lucifer looks unaffected and just said “You’ve earned it. Now let’s eat”. We all eat the feast in front of us and Nicole and I try to catch up as much as possible. “This is where you’ve been? Living like a fucking celebrity?” I sigh, “It’s so much more complicated than that. I’m here to save my family, how long are you here?”. Nicole grins so hard I swear her cheeks must hurt “I’m here for 3 days! Your family leaves tonight but I get to stay! Sleepover!!! And you get to tell me everything!”. We finish dinner and Luna the house chef brings out a birthday cake that we eat while I open my family’s presents.

At the end of the evening I hug my family goodbye, as I pull away from my dad he whispers to me, “You look different, like you are becoming apart of this life. Don’t loss yourself baby girl.” For some reason this pisses me off. He really is acting like I had a choice in this. I am out here saving our family’s life and he acts like this is a choice I made. “Dad I’m here because you recklessly stole $100,000 from a kingpin. Let’s not forget that”. My dad looks shocked but I need him to understand the sacrifice I made to help our family. He nods and follows my siblings out the penthouse with a guard. I turn around to see Lucifer, “I don’t think I need go to tell you that she can not know anything beyond what I’ve told her”. “What have you told her? And thank you so much for this. It was completely unexpected” I can’t help my giddiness. “She thinks you’re here for a mentorship/immersion program. Just make her believe and not ask questions, I’ll have to take care of her if you don’t so don’t ruin this gift I’m giving you”, with that he heads upstairs to his room. Nicole is of course trying to flirt with Mal the guard from the night my life changed. Nicole is a grade a slut and is not ashamed of it, she lost her virginity at 14 to a senior at a local baseball game and hasn’t slowed down since. “Nicole let’s go to my apartment!” She drags her hand down Mal’s chest and tells him something before she makes her way over to me. “How are you not pregnant by now? All these guys are fucking hot! I’m going to fuck one or more before I leave”, I definitely don’t doubt it.

Once in my apartment we change into our sleepwear and now it’s time to spill. “Look what I’m going to tell you you can not repeat. I am here to pay a debt that my dad owes” before I say Lucifer’s name I think to ask “Did you get anyone’s name? The men who brought you here?” Nicole is playing with her nails “Girl, I know that his kingpin name is Lucifer but he told me it was Brian”. Okay that’s good “Well fucking forget his name is Lucifer, even if others call him that call him Brian! This is serious okay”. Nicole gets serious, “Do you think that I would put you, your family, or myself at risk? I got you okay?” She waits for my head nod. “Okay now that we got that icky boring stuff out the way, can we talk about sexy men? I mean damn girl are you fucking any of them?” I can’t help but laugh. “No I’m not fucking them. I’m still a Virgin but something happened this morning… I kinda went to 2nd or 3rd base with someone” I feel my face getting red explaining this. “What?! Yay! I’ve been trying to get you in the game forever. Is it with one of these hotties? Tell me which one or ones so I stay away.” “No it wasn’t with a guard but can you not try to fuck with Bud? I like him but anyone else is fair game.” “Sounds good I can stay away from one out of 100 of these sexy beast, I mean they are everywhere! You even have one outside your door!” I laugh “Let’s go to bed I have work tomorrow I think, Lucifer didn’t say he was giving me the day off”

As I wake up at my normal time Nicole is still sleeping which is not surprising. I dress and meet my guard of the day Max at my door, I’ve learned most of the guards in my rotation names. I text Nicole to call me when she wakes up so I can see if Lucifer will give her a car and guard to go explore the city with while I’m at work.


I wake up alone and in a strange place which is not something new to me. I look through Harp's closet for something seductive to wear. I feel like getting into trouble this morning. I put on a crop top that is a size too small for my enhanced 32 D boobs and a short skirt. I look like a knock off cheerleader so it’s perfect. I do my hair and makeup and head to the door. There’s a different guard than last night and he’s fucking hot too. Where does this man find help? Abercrombie and Fitch? “Excuse me, I’m a little lost and confused. Do you know where Mal is? I need to give him something and he told me he was off this morning but I’m not sure where his apartment is”. Tall and sexy whispers something into his ear piece and then looks at me, “this way”.

We head down the same hallway and stop in front of a door with no marker or de***********ion and knocks. After a moment the door opens and a different man opens the door but what the hell im horny and will pretty much fuck anything. I head inside and sit on the couch. This looks like a very chic apartment with exposed brick and hardwood floors. The man who opened the door sits next to me, “I’m Jax, I heard you were looking for Mal, he’ll be out soon. He had night shift and is supposed to be sleeping but he’s willing to break protocol for you and I can see why” Jax is eye fucking me so hard. I can just picture him bending me over and fucking the shit out of me that I place my hand on his denim covered cock and trace random patterns with my fingers. “Are you saying you want to take me for a ride Jax? Because I think a two for one can be arranged” I pop his button on his jeans open and pull the zipper down, his dick springs out without the delay of underwear. I immediately bend over and engulf his cock with my mouth which is difficult because of his girth, it’s the width of a beer can but I do my best to make it work which only makes me wetter thinking about this beautiful cock in my pussy, yay to no underwear for either of us.

I hear a door open in the background but keep my attention on the job at hand. I’m making slurping noises as I try to fit half his cock in my mouth and work the other half with my hand. I finally get a rhythm when I feel a hand on my pussy, rubbing my lips and on every few strokes rubbing my clit. I moan my approval and then I feel someone grab me and set me in official doggy position. I know what’s about to happen, I’ve only been in a threesome once and that was with two high school boys. This will be the big leagues. I refocus my efforts on sucking dick and I’ve got my rhythm back when my head is being pulled up by my hair, “You on the pill slut? Because I don’t like to pull out.” I just nod and try to go back to sucking Jax’s dick but he still has a grip on my hair. “Look at this one Mal she’s so eager” “Well yeah she could even wait for me but that’s okay I like to share”. With that he rams what has to be a cock just as fat as Jax’s and about 7 inches long in my pussy and starts pounding away.

I can’t even think straight, it hurts so bad but also feels so good. “Fuuuuuuccckkk yesss… fuck me yes god yes fuck me”. Jax was either over me shouting or was ready for my mouth again because he pulled my mouth back to his dick. I give him the best blowjob I can while taking the fucking of my life from Mal. “How’s that teenage pussy?” “It’s tight as shit. I would think she was a virgin if I couldn’t smell slut all over her at dinner tonight.” Mal moves one hand from my hip to the crack of my ass and starts to rub my asshole. “Well it seems like she’s a virgin in one of her holes. Aren’t you slut?” I feel an orgasm coming on from all of the stimulation and can only moan “Yehassss fuck yess fuck me good” I can’t hold back when Mal sticks his thumb in my hole. I come so hard that my whole body spasms and I claw at Jax's thigh as I ride the wave of the most intense orgasm I’ve ever had. “Mal, you ready to switch? I want some of that while she’s still conscious” “You mind sloppy seconds? Because I’m ready to nut” “Nope” Jax moves my head back in the direction of his cock and I’m so out of it I start sucking on auto pilot. “You tired baby? Let me do the work” I know what he means. It’s not even a breath later that he grabs the back of my head and going at me like a piston with his hips forcing his cock to the back of my throat. He starts to gain a rhythm of quick, quick, then holding his cock in the back of my throat so long that I feel I’m about to lose consciousness and pulls it out right before everything goes black starting the pattern over again.

I feel myself getting wet and having little spasms that are getting bigger. I try to focus on Jax’s dick but my pussy starts convulsing and I pull off his dick and once again dig my nails into Jax. I feel like I’m floating away from my body in the best way possible. I feel myself try to scream but no sound comes out and I blackout. When I come to I see Mal making a drink at the mini bar and feel someone pounding away at my pussy. It must be Jax, I’m laying chest flat on the couch with Jax fucking me from behind. I try to push up on my hands to participate but I’m too weak and give up. I feel myself starting to reach climax again and I know I can’t survive it. “Jax I can’t I can’t cum again! Hurry up and finish, I’ll never live through another orgasm” Jax and Mal laugh and Jax starts pounding me faster and harder, hoping he’s going to finish I try to fight my orgasm but Jax pinches my clit and that’s it. I start shaking and screaming on the couch and somehow my upper body falls to the floor. Jax finally cums, but when he pulls out the lower part of my body falls to the ground too. I curl into the fetal position and try to sleep for 1000 years.


Once I make it to the office I manage to do the few tasks waiting for me and call Lucifer to see if I can leave early to spend time with Nicole. “You’re friend will be out of commission for a few hours after the morning she had” Lucifer chuckles. “That’s no surprise, she’s very determined and she wanted Mal. But do you think I can still leave early? For whenever she wakes up?” I’m hoping he says yes, I want to spend time with my friend even if it’s from my bed. Lucifer inhales. I'm sure he’s smoking a cigar “yes you may, and while your friend is here you can manage your work schedule but Harp don’t neglect your responsibilities”. I know what that warning implies but what does he mean while my friend is here? Can she stay longer than the 3 days he told her, I hope so but I won’t push it. I start another couple projects that are going to need to be finished in the next coming days and head back up to the 24th floor where my apartment is. A.D. is guarding my door which is odd because it should be Jeremy’s shift but maybe he had another assignment. Once inside I don’t see Nicole which makes me assume that she is still with Mal. I change out of my business skirt and top into a more comfortable sundress. I call Helga the chef for Lucifer and request a large breakfast for me and Nicole, I know she’ll probably want to eat when she gets here. I let A.D. now I ordered breakfast so he can go get it for me.

I grab my phone to text Nicole when I hear a knock at my door. I open to see a very serious Jeremy, “We have to go now. There’s been a breach to the building and you need to come with me”. I don’t think twice and leave everything as instructed by Lucifer on day 2 when I arrived. Nothing that can be used as a tracker can go and clothes are at all the safe houses so I truly need nothing. We get into a SUV and head out the garage once we are 10 minutes from the building we’re pulling into an abandoned lot. He leads me to a black sedan that I’ve never seen before but maybe because it needs to be different than the normal cars they drive. “Hurry, we have to move fast” I ran to get in the car. “Is Nicole coming to the safe house with me? She has to be with me.” I realize that I was so focused on following protocol I forgot Nicole was in the building. Jeremy turns around and hands me a water bottle “She’s fine she’s with Mal, they’ll meet us there”. Okay my friend is safe, as we drive away from the city into the countryside I start to feel sleepy and close my eyes drifting to sleep.

To be continued...
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