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A dark and sadistic tale set in Victorian England
Doctor Jeremy Stevens was astounded to see the large number of people who
had gathered in St Saviour's purpose built lecture theatre. The three
tiers of seats that rose in a horseshoe from around the tiled floor were
now full to capacity and the excited patrons and governors were eagerly
awaiting the first of Doctor Steven's experimental lectures.

Men and women of acquaintance nodded to each other, often surprised by
each others attendance while others whose long term friendships had been
built upon their clandestine meetings and the pooling of funds to afford
such delights, talked and laughed, sharing flasks of good brandy, whiskey
or port.

Mirrors, used so effectively in many of the other rooms to focus light
from the large windows in the ceiling, were now drawn to one side to
allow the limelights forward. Newly powered by gas, the lights were
backed with mirrors to give just as strong a light onto to where the
large examination table would have been.

However, in its place was a mere skeleton of a table, with cleverly
turned tubes of metal that didn't seem capable of supporting any weight,
let alone that of a growing child.

Entering by a door at the rear of the theatre, Jeremy strode in followed
closely by Nurse Anne Bishop and two of her assistants to rapturous
applause from the eager audience. Doctor Stevens smiled shyly and nodded
to the surrounding faces, some of whom he already knew.

"Thank you, thank you," he called. Slowly the applause stopped and then
silence settled onto the room.

"As you are aware," Jeremy told them, "Tonight, is the first of many
lectures that I intend to give in order to determine the response in
children to forced sexual stimulation."

"Many other doctors such as the eminent Doctor Samuel Croft are also
conducting similar work in private institutions and sanatoriums, but
thanks to our Miss Marchant this is the only establishment that permits a
discerning audience such as yourselves to watch!"

There was laughter and much applause. Jeremy smiled and waited for it to
die down before he continued.

"Tonight, I will conduct some experiments with electricity," he told them
and smiled as the sound of the audience's excitement rippled down to him.

"As with all my experiments, it will be detailed and very intimate so
those of you who are not of a strong disposition should leave now."

No one did.

No one moved other than to lean forward to watch as Doctor Stevens and
Nurse Bishop, spread the straps that would support the child. The
assistants stepped out of the room and returned with a little girl, who
looked very pretty dressed in her sailor's uniform.

"This is Dawn," Jeremy told his audience. He had her journal open already
to record each of the tests and her many reactions to them. "She is
thirteen and well developed for a girl her age. She stands five feet
three and measures 34 inches across her breasts, 30 inches at her waist
and 32 inches about her hips.

"You will notice," and Jeremy gave a signal to the two assistants who
held her to remove her uniform, that she has no distinguishing marks and
in accordance with St Saviour's rules, she has had all her body hair
removed apart from that of her head."

They did indeed, and stared down at the pretty girl avidly, drinking in
the small pudding breasts she'd developed with large pink aureoles that
dominated the cone-like growths, then hungrily looking downwards, past a
belly that was slightly rounded to a fatty mound that was still red from
the plucking of her pubic hair, the crushing of her thighs failing to
hide the smooth cunt peeking out at them.

"Dawn is both healthy and bright with no history of madness or fits in
her family." Jeremy concluded and looked at his audience again.

"This is a serious experiment and I would ask the audience to refrain
from crying out, passing vulgar comment or attempting to request certain
acts," he told them.

He smiled when his audience laughed and applauded, then turned to his
helpers and nodded. "You will notice," Jeremy called out over the cries
and struggles of the girl, "that she has a very healthy aversion to being
restrained. Also please notice, that each of the leather restraints has
little studs of metal to which the electric current can be fed."

The girl was staring in wide-eyed horror at them as he described them,
screaming and flaying in an attempt to keep them from her wrists and
ankles. But with so many adults restraining her she was forced into the
frame, and with the basic restraints limiting her, the additional ones
were added.

Her thighs were strapped and the crank-handles turned until they'd been
drawn from each other. Arm restraints were added and then a band placed
across her brow to keep her head from jerking, followed by a metal and
leather bar forced into her mouth.

"The blindfold," he told his audience, "would not normally be needed, but
I feel she may be inadvertently affected by seeing some of the equipment
before it is applied to her, giving false readings from the subsequent
tests," he explained.

Nurse Bishop applied the blindfold over the girl's widely staring eyes
and tightened it while the child screeched uselessly around the bar in
her mouth.

Then the machine was wheeled in from the adjoining room, a large machine
that was attached to its own trolley that had a large turning wheel at
the back. On the front were a number of dials and selectors, along with
two prominent slots into which a selection of different terminals could
be fitted, each at the end of a long electrical lead.

His assistants had been well trained and knew what was expected of them.
Taking turns, they took hold of the wheel at the back of the unit and
began turning it until a fair speed was reached.

Jeremy watched the needle come round and nodded his satisfaction. Anne
passed him the first of the tools, a flat piece of copper an inch square,
and Jeremy took it and applied it to the child's inner thigh, then
stepped to the machine to take hold of the large switch.

"Are we ready?" he asked everyone.

There was a complete silence from the audience, so deep that all that
could be heard was the nervous breathing of the girl through her gag and
the whine of the machine as its handle was turned.

Turning his attention to the girl suspended by her restraints, Jeremy
flicked the switch and then watched with unsuppressed excitement as her
body was jerked upwards, bowed in her restraints, every muscle in her
legs and torso dancing tightly under her skin while a high pitched
screech issued from between her teeth.

Doctor Stevens flicked the switch again and the girl slumped, drawing in
a huge breath before she began to shake and cry. Jeremy nodded and
started to make his notes, the audience forgotten as he concentrated on
what he'd learnt and what he still needed to know.

He transferred the copper plate to her arm and flicked the switch again,
nodding as he saw her body suffer the same reaction, but with a more
prominently lifted left arm. "Good, good," he said to himself, moving it
again, now to her left breast, just above the soft little nipple.

The girl jerked as if bitten and whimpered, tossing her body in an
attempt to dislodge it. Jeremy meanwhile, attached another plate to her
other little breast and fitted the plug into the other socket on the
machine. With his finger resting on the switch, he waited for a moment,
and when the girl seemed relaxed, he flicked it on again.

Once again her body jerked upwards, bowed and taut, her nipples suddenly
swollen and erect while her legs trembled with the play of muscles in
them. A screech grew from her mouth, swelling and swelling, growing with
the excitement of the watching audience who were spellbound by the vision
of her on the table.

The current was turned off again and she fell into her restraints,
sobbing and panting, muscles jerking uncontrollably on her legs and arms.
Jeremy would have personally liked to see her eyes and feed on her
expression, but he had to keep up with the pretence of conducting proper
tests, at least for the beginning at least.

There was a fine sheen to her skin now, a layer of perspiration that gave
her a marvellous new look. Her nipples were taut and the thick lips of
her labia had taken on a new firmness, each distinct and separate from
its twin.

Turning from her, Jeremy looked at the tools he had to hand, those he
himself had designed, and a slow smile crept over his face as he decided
it was time. He picked up his favourite tool and held it up for all to

A ripple of interest swept round the audience as they looked at the long
slender probe that was a sandwich of copper, rubber and copper. A sly nod
towards Nurse Bishop and the woman turned the handles that drew the
girl's thighs even further apart.

Jeremy anointed the probe, and then knelt to deftly insert it into the
crying girl's anus, pushing it in despite her sobs until the pink ring of
her stretched anus was clenched around the copper at the probe's base.

Now the room was quiet again, just the girl's constant sobbing to be
heard as Jeremy stood in front of the machine, turned the current down,
and rested his finger on the switch.

Everyone but the girl waited with bated breath, even Anne who had knelt
between the girl's legs for a really close up view. The switch was
flicked and current was sent into the tool, the AC current sending fierce
jolts from each of the electrodes, through her body and out again.

Dawn's pelvis rose and then moved up and down with each of the stabs of
current that entered her bottom. She gasped and whimpered, tossing her
hips as the magic sensation continued passing through her.

Doctor Stevens slowly turned the dial that sent more and more current
through the electrodes and Dawn's hips rose higher and higher, driven to
it by a need she couldn't explain.

Jeremy turned it off and nodded for Anne to remove the probe. As she did
so, he prepared another similar device in size and length, but with only
one electrode that ran down the length of the column. When Nurse Bishop
stepped away, Jeremy stood over the collapsed girl to expertly draw her
labia apart and then insert the column into her gleaming cunt.

The audience watched excitedly, every one of them on the edge of their
seats as the column was embedded into her until just the lead extended
from her pursed sex. Jeremy then attached clips to her breasts, each
affixed by a cable to the machine. The girl began to pant and shake, no
doubt aware of what was about to happen.

Anne threw the switch allowing Doctor Stevens to stand over the girl as
the current sped through her, cunt to nipples, nipples to cunt, it made
her squeal and lurch, it made her test the firmness of her bonds as her
body tensed and shook. It made her sex blossom, clitoris extending as it
felt the edge of the spiralling current passing through her, and it made
her cunt open and flood with wetness, one orgasm coming on the throws of
the previous one, uncontrollably.

Dawn succumbed to unconsciousness, yet her body continued to jerk with
the electricity passing through it, until the nurse turned it off. Jeremy
removed the device from her and held it up so that all could see how wet
it had become, thickly coated with wetness of the girl's forced orgasms.

"That concludes the first of my experimental lectures," Doctor Stevens
told his appreciative audience and took his bows as they applauded him.

The unconscious girl was then removed, along with the table that had held
her and Miss Marchant announced the date of Doctor Stevens next lecture.

As part of his ongoing medical experimentation at St Saviour's, Jeremy
had left Martin with soreness in his balls. As he woke he threw the bed
covers off his nakedness and glanced down, licking his lips as he saw the
swollen state they were in. Molly, just passing from having brushed her
teeth, stopped to look.

"Wow Martin. They have got to be the biggest I've ever seen!" The
thirteen year old told him, her eyes gleaming with the beginnings of

Karen hearing the older girl's astonishment, trotted over from her own
bed to look down and nodded. His balls were certainly overly large, the
skin tight around the egg shaped balls.

"What did Doctor Stevens do to you?" she asked. Martin licked his lips.
"He had this hollow needle thing and pushed it into my balls, then he
squirted something into me. I don't know what and it didn't really hurt,"
he admitted. His handsome cock had begun to stir, as it always did when
Karen was nude and close to him. As his cock rose, the ache in his balls
changed to fire, a feeling that both hurt and excited, making his cock
swell and ache.

"Shall we go test it in the little'uns?" Molly asked. Martin grinned.

Molly was forever wanting to try things on the younger children in the
dormitory next door. Sex, punishment, cleanliness or obedience, it didn't
really make any difference to Molly, just as long as there was some
sexual content to the whole thing.

"Doctor Stevens didn't say you weren't to use them?" Karen asked.

"No," Martin shrugged. Doctor Stevens had just done it, watched him for a
little while and then told him to go on his way.

"Come on then. Matron will help us," Molly told them. She waited for the
other two to join her. They had no modesty left in them and the orphanage
was kept at a warm temperature to nurture their nudity. So they marched
along to the other dormitory where the younger children were being woken
from their sleep, to be masturbated and then sent to Matron for their
morning cleansing.

Rebecca Bolton was in the large bathroom along with Alice Dewhurst one of
the patrons trying out some of her new enema nozzles. While Molly was
asking for permission to play with a few of the children, Karen went
across to watch Miss Dewhurst at work.

She had experienced various nozzles and routines since arriving at St
Saviour's, but she had never seen them as long as those Miss Dewhurst was
holding. They were strange in another way too, with a small tube running
back alongside the water tube that Karen couldn't quite understand.

Seeing herself being watched, Alice stopped to smile at the curious child
and seeing where her interest lay, lifted it up to show her how it
worked. Using a small fist pump, she quickly inflated a rubber flange
half way along the nozzle.

The young girl immediately understood and grinned.

"How far will it go in?" she asked.

"Quite far," Miss Dewhurst told her, pumping more air into the flange,
only stopping when it had inflated to the size of a small orange.

"Can I try it please?" Karen asked.

Miss Dewhurst beamed and stood to one side, openly inviting the little
girl to administer it to the next waiting child, already bent and
waiting, his legs spread, the base of his bottom parted enough to expose
his dark anal ring.

"No. On you Miss," Karen said boldly.

Miss Dewhurst, caught her breath in surprise and stared at the nude form
of the young girl. She often gave herself enemas, and sometimes tried out
a new nozzle on herself.

But it had been years since she'd been given an enema from someone else.
And yet, the thought of having this slender girl administer an enema on
her was sending strange thrills through her body, making her open like a

The others had gone off to watch Martin, so Alice Dewhurst patted the
bottom of the waiting boy, telling him he was excused and could go and
join the others.

That left the tiled room empty but for the two of them. "You can insert
it up to about here," Alice found herself telling the child, her heart
beating madly as she then began sliding out of her clothes. Undoing the
hooks and eyes she watched with growing excitement as the young girl
lovingly fondled the long nozzle and inflatable flange.

It made her breathless; the way the child stroked what would soon be
sliding into her own bottom. The woman found herself nervous and yet
excited as she finished undressing, then turned to the bar to lift it
into a better position for herself.

The tool in her hand, Karen watched the woman step to the bar and raise
it to her waist. Karen liked the woman's bottom. Unlike those of the
other children, it was full and heavy; her stout hips giving it weight
and a depth Karen found very tempting. She would love the lady to sit on
her face one day, pushing that big round bottom down on either side of
her nose and mouth, suffocating her with her flesh.

Miss Dewhurst felt the cold wings hanging from the bar ease her legs
apart, the move so subtle she hardly realised it had been done. Until she
bent forward then she became more aware of how exposed she'd become and
groaned to think her open slit was visible to the young girl, and the
meaning of it.

Auburn curls adorned the woman's cunt but couldn't obscure the gulf they
wove across, nor the pink gleaming flesh that would otherwise be hidden.
Karen had had little opportunity to fondle a mature woman's sex and took
a moment to stroke it, watching it part even further and expose the deep
pink mouth of her love tube.

There was an invitation there, an offer that she'd didn't always have
with other mistresses. However instead she remembered her purpose and
used her fingers to further part the full cheeks of the bottom and fully
bare the woman's anus.

As the cold nozzle touched her knotted hole it opened. Bent over the
pole, Alice groaned and bit her lip, sobbing with delight as, once again,
another person gave her an enema and this time with her very own
invention. She quivered over the bar and sobbed as it went deeper and
deeper, then stopped.

She knew what was coming, but even knowing didn't stop the sudden start
she gave as the flange within her began to swell, filling with air and
pushing her colon out, sealing her for a good dousing of cleansing fluid.

"Oh yes, yes, yes!" Alice Dewhurst softly sung, feeling the warm soapy
water begin to flow into her from deep within.

With the nozzle tightly fitted, Karen used her fingers to pull the
woman's cunt apart. The lady gasped, then began to pant as the pulling
continued, stretching her inner lips like those of wings. There was
pleasure in the pain and Alice began to keen as the water kept filling
her, and her labia kept being pulled.

Little Karen grinned and took a fresh grip of the woman's labia, pulling
and pulling while the woman now screamed her pleasure, pulling until the
flesh grew too wet and slippery to be properly held and her cunt was an
open hole she could have put all of her fingers into.

Then she let the flesh loose and pinched the swollen bulb of flesh at the
apex of her open slit, twisting it the way her own had been twisted a
half turn and a pull. Alice Dewhurst screamed and jerked, her mind
splintering under the most intense orgasm she'd ever experienced.

Molly smiled at each of the beds occupants as she made her way down the
length of the dormitory. "You-are-it!" she cried, stopping in front of a
ten-year-old girl's bed. The girl was already naked. The bald curve of
her pubis stuck up in front of the junction of her thighs, her slit a
pretty inward fold of her flesh.

She had no tits, only little baby pink nipples that were still tender
from the pinching and pulling they'd received that morning.

She saw Molly, and then she saw the boy behind her, his cock sticking out
of his smooth loins, the tip looking an angry red.

"What?" Mary asked.

"We want to test Martin's balls out," Molly grinned.

Mary looked past the older girl to the tall boy whose cock stood out like
a truncheon, the flesh of his ball sack stretched taut by the two overly
large testicles sitting within.

"We've decided you're to be the one," Molly told her.

"I've got to go see Matron," Mary told them, a terrible dread making her
body feel heavy and hard to move.

"She won't mind," Molly grinned, and moved quickly towards the little

Mary shied away but Molly's arm shot out, capturing the girl's hair and
pulling it spitefully towards her. With a loud squeal, Mary was forced to
follow her hair, stumbling half bent across the room to run into the end
of another's bed.

With the nimbleness of someone regularly taught to jump into the saddle,
Molly jumped astride Mary's back and shoulders, pushing her head down
into the bed while reaching forward to grip and part the girl's buttocks.

"Which hole are you going to take Martin?" she asked eagerly, her smile
broadening as the young girl heard and fought to escape.

An audience had grown around them, children who came nervously forward,
well aware Mary's fate could be any one of theirs, yet driven to watch by
something deep within them.

Martin felt a certain amount of pride as the little children looked at
his cock, standing proud erect in front of him and elected to take Mary's
hot little cunt first.

"Good choice," Matron told him.

"It will lubricate you ready for taking her little bottom later," she

Martin stepped up to where Mary was kicking and eased himself between her
knees to then help Molly hold the flesh of her slit apart. Then, bending
his knees, he fitted his tender cock head to the little hole and pushed.

There was a very long satisfying wail from the ten year old as Martin's
adult sized cock stretched her little cunt to either side of him.

Martin sobbed, her tightness hurting him, yet he pushed on, stopping to
take quick breaths before pushing deeper, each little bit gained inside
the little girl bringing fresh wails from her that died away to racking

Nearly in, Martin pushed once more, his legs straightening as he levered
himself into her tight little cunt. Then he was there and the sight and
knowledge of being buried in such a little body brought him off.

With a wail of delight he was coming, his head flung back as he felt his
seed rising from the very depths of his swollen balls, a flood that burnt
a sweet agony all the way down to the tip of his cock, there to splatter
her little insides.

Those around watched wide eyed as Martin gripped Mary's little bottom and
thrust yet again, each drive into her little body bringing a fresh wail
from the little girl. When he drew out, a flood of pearly seed followed
him, pouring down Mary's thighs. He looked at it in surprise and then
followed Molly's eyes to his balls.

"Your balls are a little smaller, but not much," she told him.

"Here," Matron told them. Standing and watching with the other children,
she picked Fanny from the small crowd of watchers, one of several eleven-
year-olds who had been eagerly masturbating themselves while watching
Martin fuck Mary.

The child paled, but followed Matron obediently to a spare bed where
pillows were thrown at the bottom so she could lie back and let her lower
body hang over the foot of the bed. Lifted by the steel bed-end, it
positioned her perfectly for Martin to fuck her.

Others joined in now, their grins feral and sadistic as they held little
Fanny down, stuck fingers covered with their own slime into her mouth, or
helped pull her thighs wider so her little cunt was presented.

She began to struggle, trying to evade the big cock Martin was holding
down towards her livid gash. Molly was there to urge him on, kneeling
beside the girl and pulling on her labia, stretching the tender skin
outward until her little bright pink cunny was opened.

Once more, he punched into young little cunt with his cock, listening to
her screech and watching her arch as he straight away met with her
cervix, the rest of her tightening around him in an attempt to push him
out. He grinned down at her and pressed himself harder against her.

Martin preferred them to be on their backs. He could thrust hard and with
a hand held flat just above their smooth Venus Mounds, he'd be able to
feel his cock slide in and out of them.

Hands were fondling his bottom, driving him to quicken his pace, to
ignore the crying girl he was fucking and think only of his own pleasure.
Breathless with that pleasure, he fucked the girl hard and fast, jerking
as Matron whipped his handsome bottom with a martinet.

The pain made him jerk forward, burying the whole length of his cock into
the little girl on the bed. Her cervix pinched his cock and the hot pain
of the martinet acted together to bring him sobbing to ejaculation, once
more feeling it growing deep inside him, feeling his balls tense a moment
before erupting.

Screaming his pleasure, he flooded her cunt, spurting and spurting so
that, when he finally pulled out, it flowed out like a river, a pearly
sea tainted with a little of her blood.

Molly was straight away at his side, bending and holding his cock so she
could lick and suck the thick juices that coated him, another to feel his
swollen balls and squeeze them, intent on finding out if he had any more
held in him.

"Well?" Matron asked.

The girl panted from her avid sucking and nodded.

"At least one good fuck left," she announced.

"Then let's give Mary that double dose I promised her," Matron grinned.

"Nooo!" They heard from the edge of the crowd and turned in that
direction as the children parted to show the naked little girl struggling
to escape from the grip of two others who held her, both grinning

"Well done children. Now lay her over, her bottom well presented," she

The boys, their little cocks sticking out in front of them, gleefully
pulled the squealing young girl to the nearest bed and pulled her over
the end. While they continued to pull on her arms, two other children
quickly scrambled forward to take Mary's kicking feet and kneeling to
either side of the bed, held her ankles well apart and still.

Now Martin could see the sore little cunt he'd fucked earlier, the flesh
a deep crimson of tender flesh gleaming with the seed he'd poured into
her. Above it, half exposed by the parting of her little round buttocks,
her anus lay clenched, a tight little knot he'd soon invade.

Molly was there; grinning as she forced the firm little bottom cheeks
further apart, her expression curiously loving as she looked closely at
the little anus that was to be his. She fingered it almost tenderly,
humming softly to herself and all around her fell silent to watch as, a
tiny bit at a time, she eased her finger into the sobbing, raging girl.

"See, She likes it really!" Molly giggled, her finger embedded inside
Mary's bottom while the girl screamed and fought, struggling hard to
escape. Martin grinned and edged forward, bending his knees and looking
down at the tiny anal ring he was now going to stretch and enter.

Mary was begging now, her words rushing over each other, offering them
anything through the tears she shed. Older boys, watching, tapped younger
girls on their shoulders and the girls obediently knelt to take their
little cocks into their mouths, their heads and eyes half turned trying
to watch the show.

Martin's cock bowed with the effort of entering such a little hole. He
held it to stop it bending too much and gasped as the bulbous head of his
cock pushed its way in. Mary wailed, her wet and gleaming eyes searching
those around her for some compassion.

Now knowing how hot and tight she was, Martin leant against her little
hole and slowly felt himself sink into her little bottom. The feeling was
ecstatic; as her tight and rippling anal ring slowly succumbed to his
cock and her sobs and squeals communicated directly with his throbbing

Once in her, buried inside her spongy depths, he panted and began to pull
and push on her tight flange, letting those around him see how far it
could stretch as he tried drawing slightly out, then in again.

Mary fell into constantly wailing, tears streaming down her face and
seemingly unaware of Martin's hot gaze down at her as he forced his cock
back and forth in her tiny rosebud.

Molly spat on Martin's cock and his pace quickened to match his breath.

Around him, less well-trained boys came prematurely and unwearyingly let
the girls kneeling at their feet focus totally on Martin. Another stroke,
another long press into her fundaments while her crying and sobbing ran
directly from her body into his, through his cock and up his loins.

It was once too many and he sobbed, his legs giving way as the gates to
his balls opened and the hot seed within started flowing up his cock.
With a cry that took the last of his breath away he leant over her little
sobbing form, jerking as his body pumped his seed into her, jerking as
her anal canal seemed to respond and milk him, her anus finally opening
to let him pass.

"Yes, that's done it!" Molly giggled, seeing Martin achingly rise to his
feet again, his balls returning to their normal size again.

Doctor Stevens was thrilled with the slender child Nurse Bishop brought
in to him the next morning. Her uniform already removed, she was lithe
and slender, flat chested, flat bellied, and just her proud Mons-Venus
rose, a lovely mark of her girlhood.

"This is Susan Tate Doctor," Nurse Bishop announced, helping the nervous
girl to climb up onto the examination table and then securing each of the
child's slim limbs in turn to the its corners.

Jeremy nodded and watched her limbs part while he rubbed a light ointment
into his hands, a recent innovation from the chemist in the kitchens and
something he'd been told he would enjoy. The lotion made his flesh tingle
slightly, but not unduly. However, he could well imagine what it might
feel like placed on more tender flesh and grinned in anticipation.

"Miss Marchant had requested that Susan should have clitoral
development," Anne murmured, also eyeing the cute little chink between
the girl's legs. Her labia was hardly pronounced at all, and the child's
inner lips were slender petals that almost naturally stayed flat to her
skin. At the apex was the little sheaf of skin that protected her labia
and in this case, it truly was small, hardly rising at all and in little
need of those full lips to protect it.

Sitting himself between Susan's legs, he began to stroke and pet her pink
slit, intentionally coating her crotch with the ointment on his hands and
holding his breath as he waited for a reaction.

It didn't take long. Almost before he was finished her breath had
quickened and her young loins had begun to squirm, turning in her bonds
as the irritant burnt into her sexual parts.

A glow came to her vulva that had not been there before and the little
hood of her clit swelled, her clit appearing a moment later, an
infinitely smooth bulb of flesh swollen with blood but still only a
little larger than a match head.

Inflamed, she whimpered in her need, lifting her crotch in an effort to
have him touch her sexually. With a finger still retaining the ointment,
William wriggled it up against her moist little cunt, then pressed it
into her, parting her hot slippery little vagina to then press upward
with his fingertip and grin at the look of delight on the child's face.

"Like it?" he asked, stretching the roof of her birth canal. Eyes bright
but breathless, the child nodded and tossed her hips again, her legs
straining to open further for him.

She gave a little cry and Doctor Stevens felt the flood of hot wetness
about his finger and then watched the child strain against her bonds,
driven to it by her pleasure. He was almost tempted to mount her; she
looked so vulnerable.

Instead, he ordered the extra restraints that would hold her sex immobile
and prepared the tools he'd need.

Anne wound the middle of the table upwards, lifting the child's buttocks
and crotch higher than the rest of her and stretching her in the process.
But to further keep her from swivelling her crotch, she picked up a small
metal device, four inches long and L shaped. At one end it had been
fashioned into a bracket that would attach to the tabletop. At the other,
it was moulded like the head of a cock.

Parting the child's moist little chink, Anne firmly pressed the cold
metal cock head into the child, then fixed the other end to the table,
fastening it into place and affectively holding the child's crotch
completely still – unless she wanted to tear her cunt open of course.
Anne licked her lips as she thought of that, of what it might be like to
actually see it.

Jeremy was ready and sat between Susan's legs. With the tip of a hook, he
had caught the top edge of the child's clitoris and pulled it back
sharply, exposing the tender and timid little tip of her bulb. Jeremy
slid it between her body and her clitoris, and then slid the cotton sheaf
over the little bulb, pulling on the fastenings that closed it over her

Susan was gaping now, her eyes wide with fright and her body shaking with
her nervousness. Jeremy knew that this would pass as she became used to
this. He might, of course, put a ring in her hood to make it easier to do
this if her course of treatment took longer than anticipated. If this
approach didn't work, he thought to himself as he attached the cord and
weights to the loop on the end of the clitoris cover, then he might even
try putting a ring directly into her sensitive little clitoris.

He let the weights hang loose just under her bottom and smiled as he
watched them pull on her clitoris. At the same time, Susan gasped and
jerked, her body shaking uncontrollably as the sensations shooting
through her body brought on a second orgasm.

"What a lovely child," he murmured, standing to watch her better and to
see how her head tossed and her eyes darted wildly back and forth, as the
small weights constantly pulled on the tip of her little love button.

"One hour for the first session, then thirty minutes for each of her
subsequent sessions. I'll do a visual inspection of her in one week," he
told his nurse as she made hurried notes in the child's journal.

Doctor Stevens's next appointment waited for him in the basement tied
with her arms behind her and fastened to the wall by her hair. She softly
whimpered and sobbed around the gag in her mouth, brought on by the
beating she'd been given, her developing body showing the marks, mostly
on her bottom, her budding breasts and the smooth ball of her pubis.

There were also many red lines created by the slender crop that Jessica
still held in her hand. Lady Jessica paced back and forth in front of the
child while her father remained in a chair, watching with a smile on his
face and stroking his erection with his hand.

"What can I do for you?" Jeremy asked. The girl's sobbing grew when she
saw him, her eyes begging him not to hurt her. Jessica grinned
sadistically and licked her lips.

"She's wet herself," she told him.

Jeremy looked down at the girl's gleaming thighs and the pool of wetness
around her legs and nodded. "They do sometimes, when they're really
hurt," he agreed.

"You want me to stop her with a plug?" he asked. He could do it, or even
insert a tube into her and direct it elsewhere.

"No. She pisses like a little girl. I want it to rush out and spray
everything around with it." Jessica told him, a gleam in her eye.

Jeremy grinned. He could do that too, and liked the woman's imagination.

As with all the rooms at St Saviour's, there was a whipping horse in the
corner, the wooden seat covered with soft leather. Jeremy went over to it
and pulled out parts of the seat, turning and rearranging them so that
the sculptured ends that had been hidden within the seat, now stood

Lady Jessica moved forward to watch and her face gleamed with excitement
as she saw what the doctor had created.

"Will she fit?" she asked.

"We can but try," Jeremy told her.

"Both the plugs have been sculptured off-centre of the base, so we can
just rotate the base until we have a perfect fit," he explained.

"Perfect!" she purred and quickly went to the sobbing girl to release her
from the wall so she could be taken across and lifted onto the horse.

Jeremy showed them how best to force and position the girl, ignoring the
high pitched squeals that came through her gag as her bottom was forced
down on the anal plug.

It wasn't overly large, but it served to position and hold her for the
other sculptured tip. It rose from the back of the horse like a cone, no
more than a point at the tip, then broadening to nearly half an inch at
its base.

The girl struggled to avoid it, even as her bottom closed over the anal
plug, but Jeremy had practiced and taking her thighs and parted them,
forced her down onto it.

Eyes wide in terror, the girl squealed as the tip invaded her urethra.
Her attempt to get off of it made her cry out in agony and she was forced
to stop, to squeal and cry as her body slowly descended, stretching her
apart like nothing had ever done before.

"You'll notice her begin to remain completely still. It hurts less,"
Jeremy explained, watching intently as the child did just that, sitting
very cautiously in place and trying not to make any move that would cause
her to move on the plugs that now impaled her.

Jessica grinned and picked up her father's belt, removed by her earlier
when she'd opened his trousers and licked his cock into stiffness. Now,
half wrapped around her fist, she let the child watch as she drew it

The little girl stiffened and began to cry anew, unable to do anything
but wait for it to strike and hope she could remain still.

It came, slicing across her little breasts with a satisfying slap of
leather on flesh, and the girl cried out, her cry rising to a screech as
her involuntary jerk made her urethra burn.

"Well done Doctor. You can leave us now," The old man told Doctor
Stevens, as he waving urgently to his daughter to attend him while his
eyes devoured the pretty child as she struggled in agony astride the

Jessica eyed her father's erection and beamed proudly as she began
gathering her skirts. Straddling him, she looked into his face as she
brought her cunt down on his large throbbing cock.

There was a pleasure there no other man had been able to give her, of
sinking down on her father's silken cock, the very one that had created
her. With her father watching the child's painful ordeal, Jessica rode
her father until she felt that lovely bloating of his cock, followed by
the pulsing of it that told her that he had spent.


2008-03-26 12:03:14


2008-03-25 22:42:11
Go pusssy !!!!!!!


2008-03-15 23:43:43
oh my zuh


2008-03-11 15:32:19
Not your best one , but still awesome to read


2008-03-11 14:37:18
this is encouraging child molestation and abuse

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