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Mg, Young, NC, Rape (Name change) Real or not – you decide.

Background and then the story. How Gram who never ever before had such a young girl get a surprise on his birthday.

Why read the background? If you want to understand the story 10 times better.

Gram, turning 60. Industrial worker in small city. Have his own house 2 storey. Not married, no children but siblings 3,5 hours away – but he rarely meets them. Living alone from start of adulthood and until 5 years before the start of this story. Gram is blond but with a bit ruff look. Quite short. But well-trained body.

Grams sexual experience until 5 years before this story: He never had a girlfriend. And he only had sex few times. First time at seventeen with a 15 year older lady. Then totally about 20 times in connections to some parties. That was all. And never had sex with teenagers, and never with any really sexy.

Leah and Nea, both 53 when this story starts. Both these two women having various temporary jobs. Working extra at several places when those places needs it.

Leah and Nea sexual background etc (I do not give too much details in this part as this is the background only and NOT the main part!!): Leah and Nea become friends a year after becoming teenagers and have a very different sexual background compared to Gram. A year after becoming friends, and still very young as you understand, they were invited to a party in a house – no parents at home. Both not used to alcohol got drunk. A 4 year older boy, or rather young and strong and tuff man, then took Leah into a bedroom and she lost her virginity. Two of his friends took Nea and fucked her hard both so she also lost her virginity. Then they spread rumours about these two girls. The one that fucked Leah kept her like kind of sex doll for himself for 6 months. He took her and Nea to various parties and fucked Leah every time, and he also took her to places between the parties. Nea instead, at the parties, few times did not got fucked, but normally by one or two, and one time by three boys. 4 months after they lost their virginity Leah was away on holiday for 2 weeks. Then Nea was invited by another boy she had seen before to an apartment. When she arrived, she saw that there was that boy that used to fuck Leah and those two that fucked her the first time plus 4 other boys including the one that invited her, a total of seven. She was a bit hesitant and wanted to leave but there were too many strong and horny boys. They pushed her into the bedroom. Undressed her quickly – she protested but that did not help. She was used to boys that was drunk but this time they had just had a beer and had too much energy. The one that normally fucked Leah started after saying to her that as Leah was away Nea had to be stand-in. With all his power and front of the 6 other boys he fucked her for almost 20 minutes. Then the other one fucked her one by one. It lasted for almost one and a half hour of nonstop fucking. But if she had wanted it to sop there – no. With so long time from the first they got horny again and fucked her again. She was fucked for two and a half hours and she was totally exhausted by this ordeal. Then things just went on. Leah was in between having boyfriends and in between more like Nea. Nea was known among the boys to be the one that they always could fuck. So she lived a hard life during her teens. Neither Leah nor Nea got married or had any children. 5 years before this story starts when they were 48 they had lost there apartment but at a hamburger bar they met Gram. When they learned that he was living alone in a house they followed him home and seduced him. Next morning, they gave him an offer. If they could live with him, both of them, then they would clean and make food and he could also fuck them as much as he liked. Gram did not think they looked very good but free fucking whenever he wanted was a big improvement from his point of view.

Olivia is the last person in this story. She being the daughter of Grams youngest sister. When this story starts, she had been a teenager for 18 months. A brunet with a quite nice face and a body between normal and slim, curves and small breasts. And a virgin.

End of background.

The Birthday party

It was a Saturday. Leah and Nea had made the house nice. And in the morning, they come with a cake to Grams bed. Early afternoon Gram went to the railway station. His niece Olivia was coming. Normally no relatives used to visit him when he had his birthdays. And Olivia he had not seen for almost 10 years. But he was happy to see her. When she come out of the train, he saw her and was thinking she had become a real nice teenager. Then back to the house.

They were all singing, talking and looking at the television at Grams house this day. Olivia did not have any present to Gram which Leah and Nea was surprised about but Gram did not mind, he was happy to have Olivia there and enjoyed looking at her – a young teenage girl in his house, that had never happened before. Later it was dinner and by 9:30 PM Olivia was tired and went to the guest room.

Gram, Leah and Nea continued by drinking vodka and whiskey and got somewhat drunk, especially Leah and Nea. Leah then started to talk about that Olivia did not gave any present to Gram. She believed that was too bad. Nea agreed. Then Leah and Nea started to discuss what Olivia should give Gram. First they could not get any good suggestions, but with their background and after another glass of vodka suddenly they looked at each other and got the same idea. They told Gram to follow them to the guest room.

It was about 11:30 PM when Leah, Nea and Gram entered the guest room. Olivia was sleeping. For a while they looked at her. Nea asked Gram if he did not like her look. Yes, he did. Nea said she had noted how Gram had looked at Olivia during the afternoon and evening.

-Do you not want to see more of her?, Nea asked.

-Yes, said Gram even if he not yet had understood the plan.

Then Leah removed the blanket from the bed and Olivia was lying there on the bed in only her small bra and panties. And Gram looked with big eyes. So beautiful, and sexy. Oliva woke up and was asking what it was. Nea told her to just keep lying down on the bed.

-Why, asked Olivia.

-You will see, answered Nea, but just keep staying like this.

Olivia was very confused but stayed. And Gram looked, and looked. And yes, he got horny seeing this young girl like this.

After some time Nea told Olivia to remove the bra. Gram looked surprised at Nea, and so did Olivia.

-Why, Olivia asked.

-Because you did not give Gram any present today, so you must give him something, so this you must do, answered Nea.

-What? Said Olivia with a very hard voice.

-Just take them off, answered Leah this time.

When nothing happened Leah and Nea moved onto each side of Olivia. Then they started to reach for her bra. Olivia resisted but then Nea slapped her face. Olivia looked in chock at them.

-You do as you are told, or you will have big problems. You did not have any present so this you must do, said Nea with an angry voice.

Olivia got scared. And stopped to do too much resistance when the ladies removed her bra. Gram just gasped. Seeing Olivia in only her panties and seeing her small but very nice breasts was unbelievable for him. He had only seen things like this in some pornographic images – not in real life. Gram got even more horny. He wanted more. If it had gone this long could he not get more, he was thinking. And he did not need to wait because Nea told him to come beside Olivia.

-Look at her breasts she said, are they not nice?

-Oh Yes, answered Gram.

-Why do you not touch them, Nea continued.

Gram was suddenly not feeling drunk anymore and he was staring. Was he allowed to touch? He bended a bit over Olivia, who was looking very scared at him, but he was horny, very, very, horny now. So his left hand reach over to her right breast and he started to touch it – softly. So soft, and so fantastic for Gram. He continued for a minute and also played with Olivia’s nipple. Then he sat down on the bed beside her and started to also touch her left breast. Olivia was scared and most uncomfortable. But Gram had the most wonderful sexual feeling of his life and he felt more and more horny and that he wanted more and more. He continued by touching Olivia also over her stomach and then again her breasts and then her neck. He wanted to go on. Lea told Olivia in har words that she should open her mouth. Oliva did so and then Lea told Gram to kiss her. Gram looked at Lea and then obeyed. He bended down and started to kiss and then his tongue was inside Olivia. He kissed and kissed with the most wonderful feeling and now the very scarred Olivia did not dare to do any resistance. Then he laid down beside Olivia in the bed and his hand again touched her small breasts and this time he started to squeeze them. Olivia made a sound as she felt a little pain. Now Gram was horny, more horny than ever before in his life. First time he could do this to a teenage girl, and that also such a young teenage girl. Then his hand went down, he could not stop it. Over her stomach, then he started to move his right hand over her left leg. From the knee and then higher and higher. Then his hand was moving over to the most special area – her panties that covered her pussy. When Nea saw this, she whispered in his ear that he should take his clothes off. Gram went up and quickly removed his cloth and throw them on a chair. Now he went back on the side of Olivia. By now Olivia was more than scared as she did not know how to handle this situation. But she saw them all three and understood it was better to not resist and hope her uncle should stop before it was going too far.

Gram again started to squeeze Olivia’s breast and then he bended down and over so he could suck her small nipples. It was a very sensational feeling for Gram. And a new chock for Olivia. Her face showed how uncomforted she was. But Gram went down and as he was sucking her breasts his right hand started to take a hard grip over her young and virgin pussy. He squeezed over the panties and pussy. And he was by now more excited than ever. This went on for over 10 minutes. And then Nea suddenly took a grip over Olivia’s panties and just hardly pulled them off before Olivia had time to react. And Olivia was now absolutely naked. By this Gram suddenly sat up and stared at the naked pussy. The youngest pussy by fare he ever had seen in real life (apart from some really small girls). He was starting to breathe harder and for a moment he hesitated what to do. But then he could not stop himself. His hand was back on top of her virgin pussy and started to rub it hard.

-Uncle please no, Olivia said.

But then Nea slapped her face. Olivia started to cry silently but was too afraid to say more. Gram rubbed her pussy harder and harder. And then he laid down beside Olivia again and started to suck her breasts again and rub her naked pussy at the same time. He also moved his body very close to Olivia so that his rock hard cock could get pressed towards her young and soft and fresh skin. Olivia was almost panicking but did not dare to do anything. After a minute like this Gram started to press his cock in a rhythmic way against her leg. Now his cock was so very hard and even like this only pushing against her young leg it was the nicest moments his cock had ever felt.

After several minutes like this Gram now, for the first time, moved up and over on top of his naked young niece. His cock was on top of Olivia’s stomach just over her pussy. And he started to move rhythmic again letting his cock be pressed on top of her lover parts of her stomach. This was his paradise. This was the best thing ever he felt. But worst for poor Olivia who felt that she could not do anything and by now she was very nervous about how fare her 60-year-old uncle would go. But by now Gram had no stopping in mind. He bended down his head and started to kiss Olivia again. Quite hard this time. And his body and cock were rocking on top of her very young and nice and soft body.

After several minutes like this he moved and tried to spread her legs. Olivia tried to stop this but then Nea and Leah took one leg each and forced her to open up. Gram then took a position between her young legs and started to hold his very hard cock. Then he moved so his cock touched this young and virgin and sexy and beautiful pussy. For a while he just rubbed it towards the pussy. Olivia looked with very scared eyes on this. Then slowly he pushed a little. The top of his cock got a little inside the pussy. He stopped for a while and looked. It was so fantastic and so unbelievable sexy. His hard cock just a little inside a fantastic virgin pussy. He had never had a virgin before. Then he started to push harder. And again harder. Olivia in agony screamed an “Ahahaha-noooo”. But she could do nothing. Gram pushed again and now was a real bit inside. It was a tight pussy. He had to push hard again and this time his cock reached really inside. So he pulled out a bit and pushed again, hard. Olivia screamed again a “Noooooo”, but Gram was holding it for a moment and then started to fuck her slowly. In slowly, out slowly. In slowly, out slowly. In slowly, out slowly. Again and again. Gram was in the sex paradise. The tight young pussy, that just ceased to be a virgin pussy as it had to give in for his rock-hard old cock, had no option other than let Grams record hard cock feel the extreme happiness and excitement. In and out. Nea and Leah was looking and still holding Olivia’s legs in a spread position so Olivia could not do any resistance to this. After 10 minutes of slow fucking Gram stopped inside Olivia for few minutes, just enjoying the extreme good feeling. Oliva was weeping silently. Gram looked at her face and her tears and felt great, that now he was her boss and she had to give him what he wanted. And he looked at her beautiful small breasts and that felt better than ever as her tight pussy at the same time hardly squeezed his cock. Gram bended his head back and made a sound that sounded like a wolf. Then, with his cock still inside, he laid down on top of Olivia. She could feel his old and heavy body but could do nothing. And then slowly again he started to fuck her. In and out, in and out, again slowly. But after few minutes he started to fuck a bit faster and definitely harder. Olivia could do nothing except letting her uncle do whatever he wanted. And he started to fuck her harder and faster, harder and faster and then suddenly he was fucking at full maximum speed and very hard. Olivia could feel lots of pain from her pussy, but Gram was in heaven. After two minutes of maximum speed he reached his orgasm. A long orgasm, a hard orgasm and so a huge chunk of sperms that filled the young teen pussy of Olivia for the first time. Then Gram slowed down and then to standstill but inside her. He was breathing hard, he felt very good, and now a bit relaxed. And he was happy, at last he had fucked a young teen pussy, and that also a virgin one on a good-looking sexy girl.

He pulled out after some time. Took his garments and went down and took a shower. A long shower. Leah and Nea told Olivia to not tell anyone ever. Then they left. Olivia was still in the bed looking at the roof. Not understanding. Still feeling pain. Chocked. She did not move for half an hour. Then she put on her garments. Took her bag and silently finding her way out of the house in the middle of the night. She walked to the train station and next day she travelled home again. Gram never heard anything more from Olivia or his younger sister. But he would always remember his 60th birthdays special present as the best present of his life.

Dudley DowrongReport 

2020-05-06 19:18:16
Negative because of illegal rape.

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