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When a group of friends asked if I wanted to go, to the sold out Monet exhibit I thought, “Sure, why not.” I didn’t realize how popular it was, but it was packed, and as we went in, we got separated. Suddenly, I spot an attractive young girl just in front of me. She was short, had curly brown hair and as I moved to get a better look at her, our eyes met and when she realized I was staring, she turned and abruptly moved away, but curiously looked back.
This story starts with a trip to see the Monet exhibit at the museum. A group of friends had planned it for quite sometime, and with that said I never would have expected to meet someone. The visit started out very easy going, it was going to be a fun outing to see the Monet collection.

We took an Uber down to the museum, and we were having a great time socializing on the way. The Monet exhibit had been sold out for weeks and as we preceded toward the exhibit hall where the Monet exhibit was housed, we were all very excited as we waited in the museum lobby for our scheduled time. We were soon allowed to go in and as soon as we started to walk around the Monet exhibit, it was apparent just how packed it was. The museum kept the lighting low, probably so it wouldn’t damage the artwork, but it made it a little difficult to maneuver until my eyes adjusted.

We tried to stay together as we looked at the artwork and listen to the audio tour at the same time, but eventually the group became scattered, and it didn’t take long before I was separated from the group. I continued to look around for my friends as I moved through the exhibits, and as I entered another hall, I happened to spot a very attractive young girl just in front of me. She was kind of short, had curly brown hair and as I tried to get a better look at her, I could see she was wearing a light grey sweater, and as I got closer, I could see she was wearing a tight pair of jeans and some ankle boots that definitely showed off her ass.

I tried to be as inconspicuous as possible as I followed her at a distance, continuing to listen to the program and pretend to look at the paintings. It had to be a little obvious that I was checking her out, and I think that once she realized it, I think she was a little intrigued by the fact that I was kind of following her. I didn’t want it to be too obvious, but it did seem that she was looking at me a lot.

As I walked through the various exhibits, It felt that there were more and more people as I tried to move through the halls, and even though I was trying to look at the artwork, I was a little preoccupied by all the people and especially with checking out this attractive young lady, not wanting to lose her. We continually glanced at one another, as we appeared to be looking at the artwork, and at some point in one of the exhibit halls as I tried to not look so obvious, I inadvertently did lose track of her in the crowd of people.

Wanting to find her again and not wanting to be too obvious I was following her, I searched the hall I was in trying to find her in the crowd. Not seeing her, I started to come to realize that she must have moved on to the next hall, trying to put some distance between us. Again, I didn’t want to appear to be stalking her but I wanted to find her, and I wanted to try to talk with her and as I came around the corner in the next hall, there she was. I was relieved that I hadn’t lost her and as I again casually moved around the exhibits, I slowly moved closer to where she was standing. It was crowded and I don’t think she saw me right away, but eventually I was very close to her and as she did turn and looked at her, I noticed that she had a slight pooch but only because as she looked away, she seemed to suck in her stomach when she saw me looking at her.

We did eventually looked at each other, and after a brief smile, she bashfully moved away, walking nonchalantly around the hall. She did seem a little curious because she continued to look over at me as we moved around the exhibits, but maybe it was that she was a little suspicious too.

We were nearing the end of the exhibit halls and as I watched her, She seemed to be lingering, inconspicuously and so I decided to try to make contact with her before she left. I gradually moved closer to her she was trying to look as if she didn’t notice me, but when I got close enough, I leaned over and said, “This is amazing.”

It kind of surprised her I think because as she turned and looked at me, she seemed a little confused. However, after a second or two, she smiled and nodding her head said, “Yea,” and moved away slightly.

There were a lot of people milling around in this exhibit hall and I wanted to talk to her, but I didn’t want to bring any attention to us. When she finally turned and smiled at me again, I casually moved closer to her again and smiling I eventually said, “You look very familiar,” which made her smile, but she didn’t say anything.

I sensed she was curious and so I said, “I think we’ve met before.”

I wanted to keep our conversation going and when she smiled bashfully, I asked her what her name was, she hesitated but gathered herself and confidently said, “Melody.”

I was taken aback with how pretty her name was and as I held my hand out to shake hers, I introduced myself. She again smiled and simply replied, “I don’t think so.”

I asked her if she was in school and she eagerly explained that she was in college and that she was home for the holidays. I figured she was probably in her late teens of early twenties, which made her more than half my age, but I wanted to try to keep the conversation going. She seemed to become a little unsettled, as I tried to talk to her some more, but not know what to say, she started to scan the crowd, obviously looking for someone that she must have come with.

Eventually, I told her it was nice to meet her and as we let go of each other’s hands, and started to part, I ended up asking her if she might want to go get a drink after the exhibit. We looked at each other and after a few seconds, she smiled and seemed a little flattered by the attention, but still seemed a little apprehensive at the same time.

Immediately, I saw her uncertainty; I didn’t want to lose this opportunity and when she smiled and said, “Well I don’t know,” I felt she might actually like to but was somewhat skeptical. Realizing she might be apprehensive because of all the people around us I said, “How about if I give you my number and maybe we can meet up afterwards?”

She seemed to like the attention I was giving her and maybe even a little curious too, because as she nodded, she took out her phone. I quietly told her my number and after she put it in her phone, she smiled as we shook hands again. This obviously gave her an out because if she wanted to call she could and if she wasn’t really interested she didn’t have to call.

After telling her it was nice to meet her and getting her to smile, we went our separate ways. I tried to keep her in my sights and as I continued to walk around the exhibit, I noticed Melody stop to talk with an older lady that I suspected was her mom. They did glance back, smiling obviously because Melody had told her about me talking to her, but her mother’s smile turned to a look of suspicion. I knew exactly what she was thinking and so I turn, appearing to be uninterested as I intently looking at one of the paintings. I tried to distance my thoughts by listening to the audio device, but I continued to be aroused at the thought of her.

When I did look their way, I could see they had continued to walk into the next exhibit hall. I try to follow at a distance, and noticed Melody continuing to glance back at me as they walked. Not wanting to appear to be stalking her, I made sure to hang back and somewhere along the way, I lost track of her. I hastily looked for her, she seemed to have disappeared and as I continued to search for her, I started to become more and more despondent thinking that I would never see her again.

Eventually, I came to the realization that they had probably left the exhibits, and as I worked my way back through the exhibits looking for my friends, I continued to think about her. I didn’t want to think it but I started to feel that I would never see her again. Eventually my friends and I gathered together and as we left the exhibit hall, I continued to search the crowd in the main lobby, even looking in the gift shop hoping for a glimpse of her.

As we headed out of the museum, my friend and I decided to hit a bar near by, and as I tried to resolve myself that she was gone, I suddenly got a text, just as we were leaving. It was her, she started the text with her name and asked me if I wanted to meet her at a bar that was right around the corner.

I became excited and texting her back said, “Sure, I’ll be right there.” I quickly explained to my friends and after saying our goodbyes I hurriedly walked to where she wanted to meet. I became more and more excited to see her and when I went into the bar, there she was, sitting at a table with the same lady from the museum that I suspected was her mother. I was a little disappointed but as we saw each other, she waved.

I smiled as I continued to walk toward them, and as I approached the table, I held out my hand as we exchanged pleasantries. When Melody introduced me to her mother, I immediately sensed that she disapproved and when I shook her hands, she abruptly asked, “How old are you?”

I was shocked, but Melody quickly snapped back saying, “Mom, that’s not right to ask someone how old they are.”

Melody’s mom was probably my age and definitely felt that I was too old for her daughter, and was trying to discourage Melody. However, Melody looked at her mother defiantly, which caused her mother to turn to me and with a half-ass smile, apologized. I shook her mother’s hand again, and as we looked at each other, I could see the concern in her face. I knew exactly what her mother was thinking because I was thinking the same thing, but there was no way I was going to let this woman discourage me, not now.

They both already had drinks and as soon as I sat down, the waitress came by and asked if I wanted anything to drink. We all made idle chit chat, greeting to know each other and her mother actually became a little more easy-going, seeing her daughter’s enthusiasm. We talked about the Monet exhibit, and her mother could obviously see that things appeared to be going well, but still appeared to be concerned with the age difference. Melody and I continued to talk cordially, and when we started to joke and kid around, it was apparent that her mother was somewhat of “third-wheel, and eventually decided to leave.

As she left, she made sure to tell her daughter, “Be careful,” and as she pushed her chair in and came around giving Melody a hug, she looked at me nervously and said, “It’s nice to meet you,” with a superficial smile, and then looked back at Melody.

Melody waved at her mom as she left the table and then immediately turned to me and apologized for her mother’s comment. I shrugged it off saying, “It’s okay.”

As we sat there talking, Melody got a couple text messages. She seemed to frown a little and when I asked her, “Who it was,” she said it was just her mom. Melody did respond to them but seemed frustrated, wanting to ignore them too. We were definitely having a good time, and I was becoming more and more aroused. It was definitely nice to spend time with her and as our conversations lulled, and our drinks ran short, I worried if we might end up parting ways as soon as we left the bar, and so I decided to invite her to come over to my house.

Melody was apprehensive about it, obviously because her mother was being overly protective, and for good reason, but I think Melody was starting to feel little rebellious too. I tried to reassured her that it would be okay and that was all I needed to convince her to come with me. I smiled and after paying the bill, we started to leave. Melody texted her mother that she was going to my house, in which her mother started to text her back. I’m not exactly sure what was being said, but I’m sure Melody’s mother was trying to influence her to not go. However, I could see she was trying to keep her composure but suddenly Melody after she got another text, Melody’s frustration came to a head. I don’t know what set her off, but she was obviously mad and after she texted her mother back she said, “Let’s go.”

I was excitedly that she had decided to follow her own mind or maybe it was a little rebellious that she wanted to go, but Melody still seemed a little upset, as I took her hand. We looked at each other briefly and as Melody smiled, I asked if everything was okay. Melody smiled and said, “Yea, let's go.”

We headed out to my car and as we drove to my house, Melody put her phone on silent mode. We made small talk and when we turned into my neighborhood, she said, “This is nice.”

I simply patted her on the leg and as we pulled into my driveway, she check her phone as we parked. Melody sent her mom a quick text to tell her she was okay, adding a smilie face.

As we went inside, she seemed a little apprehensive but when we ventured into the living room and sat down, she seemed to relax a little. I asked her if she wanted something to drink and after making a couple drinks I hustled back and sat next to her. As we sat there talking I suggested we watch a movie.

We searched through the channels looking for something to watch, deciding to watch an old movie that ended up being background noise while we talked. Melody inched closer, snuggling against me as we settled in watching the movie. As I put my arm around, she leaned up and kissed me on the cheek.

It was nice to hold her and as we looked at each, I kissed her on the lips. We continued to kiss letting our tongue mingle in our mouths and instinctively I moved my hands up, feeling her up. Melody gasped briefly but immediately moved her hand down, putting it on my crotch. I was starting to get hard and as she grabbed, feeling and rub my cock through my pants, it had to be obvious.

She really had nice firm feeling little tits and feeling them in her little bra, through her soft sweater, had me wanting to go up her sweater, but as I did, she instinctively pushed my hand away. We continued to kiss and as I moved my hand down to her crotch, trying to cop a feel, I wanted to fuck her and hoped she wouldn't push me away.

As I groped, trying to undo her pants as we kissed she didn’t stop me, but as I tried to put my hand down her pants, she again pushed me away. I could feel Melody smiling as we kissed but I though, “What was I going to do,” but suddenly I felt her trying to undo my pants. Obligingly, I moved so she could more easily get them unbuttoned and as she unzipped them, I flirtatiously put my hand on hers, stopping her. She looked at me and smiling, she hastily put her hand down my pants, and as she groped for my cock as we kissed, she took hold of it.

Melody looked down, focusing on rubbing and feeling my cock through my boxers. It felt good and as I again tried to undo her pants, we looked at each. I didn’t want to stop but felt I might be able to get her into my bedroom. When I suddenly stood up, and took her hand, she asked, “ What’s wrong,” as she stood up.

Nothing was wrong and as I kissed her and held my pants so they wouldn’t fall down, I told her, “Come on,” as I led her into my bedroom.

As we went in my bedroom, I decided to not turn on the lights, and because of this, the lighting was muted. I led her toward the bed where she instantly said, “This is nice.”

Melody jumped up and sat on my bed and as I moved between her legs, we kissed. I immediately tried to take off her sweater, but Melody pushed my hands away and said, “You take yours off first.”

Smiling at her, I wasn’t going to let this stop me and so I quickly took off my shirt, and went back to kissing her. Melody immediately started to feel on my stomach and chest as we kissed, and when I started to take her sweater off, she raised her arms making it easy. Her small perky little boobs were only hidden by a lacy little bra now, and as I cupped them with both hands we kissed again.

She felt so good, I wanted more, but when I moved my hand down trying to unbutton her jeans, she again stopped me and looking at each other she said, “You first.”

Playfully we smiled at each other and as I backed away slightly, I undid the button and after unzipped my pants as she watched. I wiggled a little, letting them fall to the floor and as I kicked them aside, Melody slid off the bed and started to fondle my cock through my boxers.

As she continued to rub my cock up and down and fondle my balls through my boxers, she suddenly put her fingers in the waist band and started to pull my boxers down.

Stupidly I said, “Wait, it’s your turn.”

Melody stopped and looking up at me she immediately said, “You want me to stop?”

I smiled and as she continued to pull my boxer down to my knees, she immediately took hold of my cock, stroking it. I was so hard and as I continued to watch, Melody right away put my cock in her mouth, as she continued to rub it. It felt so good and as she continued to suck and rub my cock, I so wanted to cum, but I also wanted to fuck her.

My boxers had now dropped all the way to the floor and after moving my hips a couple times, fucking her mouth, I had to have her stop. I gently reached down and grabbing her shoulders, I lifted her up, Melody asked, “What’s wrong?”

Nothing was wrong and after pulling the covers back, I lifted her onto the bed and said, “It’s your turn,” as I started to unbuttoned her pants. Melody instinctively reached down, but didn’t stop me as I unzipping them. She laid back, and as I grabbed the legs of her pants, she arched her back, as I pulled them off. Melody did grab her panties so they wouldn’t come down too, but once I had her pants off, I looked at her.

She had such a nice little body and as I moved back between her legs, she sat back up, feeling on my chest and stomach. Melody eventually reached down feeling on my cock, I reached around her as we kissed, and quickly unhooked her bra.

She immediately reached up, holding her bra against her chest, but as we smiled at each other, I pushed her to get more on the bed. I quickly climbed on with her as she got under the covers and put her head on one of the pillows. She was in the center of the bed, and as I knelt in front of her, straddling her right leg, I let my cock lay against her thigh, and leaning forward, I put my hands under her bra. As I felt her nipples and her firm little tits, I kissed her and moved to kneel between her legs, pressed my cock against her crotch.

I now tried to take off her bra and as she lifted her arms, letting me slip it off, I immediately went down to tongue and suck her hard little nipples. Melody arched her back and moaned faintly, she pushed my head on her chest. It was so hot but I wanted more and as I kissed my way down her stomach eventually kissing her pussy through her light green panties, she raised up on her elbows, watching.

Looking up at her, I knelt in between her legs, and asked her to move up, as I rubbed her thighs. Eventually, I rubbed her pussy through her panties and as I smiled at her, I wanted this. As I started to pull her panties down, Melody raised up, letting me slip them down her legs. She bent her legs, which let me ease them, over her feet, and cast them off the edge of the bed.

Melody lowered her legs, and as she kept them bent, I leaned forward kissing her briefly, allowing my dick to brush against her pussy. We only kissed from a moment, because I now wanted to taste her. I felt on her tits as I slowly moved down, eventually kissing her pussy, right above her slit. Melody again rose up on her elbows to watch as I moved down licking up and down her slit, eventually concentrating on tonguing around her clit and hood.

I wanted to see her cum and as I continued to eat her, I slipped a finger in her pussy. Melody pulled away slightly but as I looked up at her, she was smiling. I reached up feeling her boobs for a second but focused on getting her off. Melody laid back now and it wasn’t long before she was bucking her hips and squeezing my head between her thighs, trying to get off. I didn’t stop and her squeezing and grinding intensified, I knew she was close.

Melody now reach down, and as she took put her hands on my head, she quietly asked me to stop. She was out of breath and as I continued, she held my head and squeezing it between her legs, she started to quiver and push my head against her pussy. Suddenly, Melody stopped and out of breath, she seemed to go limp except for a few jerks as she started to exhaled.

I knew she had cum and as I moved on top of her now, I kissed her and tried to put my cock in her still reeling pussy, but she stopped me and asked, “Do you have a condom?” I rose up and looking at her smiling, and leaned over to my nightstand, grabbing one out of the drawer. Melody watched as I opened to package and rolled it down onto my cock. I wasn’t going to let it stop me and as I settled back in between her legs, I quickly tried to push my cock into her as she watched.

She was so tight and as I work it into her further, Melody gasped and then laying back as I started to move my cock in and out of her. She was breathing hard because of me being on top of her, and quickly decided to try to roll us over so she could be on top. As I started to roll us over, Melody asked, “What are you doing?”

I quickly told her, “I want you on top,” and smiling, we continued to roll over.

My cock inadvertently slipped out of her as I laid on my back, I tried to slip my cock back in her. Melody was wet and now that she was on top, I leaned forward a little, trying to put it back in. As I struggled, she suddenly whispered, “Take it off.”

I was confused but as I looked at her, she again said, “Take it off, it’ll be okay.”

I didn’t know what to do and when is asked, “Are you sure,” Melody smiled and said, “Yea.”

I clumsily reached around her and as I tried to pull off the condom, we kissed. When it finally came off with a snap, I quickly dropped it off the edge of the bed. Melody was smiling and as she reached around taking hold of my cock, she sat back, letting it slip into her. I immediately told her how good it felt and as she looked up and leaned back, she started to move up and down on my cock.

It really did feel good and seeing her pretty face and her firm little boobs, I reached up cupping them. Melody smiled as she continued to rocked back and forth on my cock. She leaned forward a couple times to kiss but I could see she was wanting it as much as I did.

I didn’t want her to stop, I wanted to cum and after a little bit, I rolled us back over so I was on top again. We continued to kiss and immediately I started fucking her harder and faster, wanting to cum. Melody put her arms around me, eventually moving her hands down to my ass, I was close, I wanted to cum, and it wasn’t long before I was ready to shoot cum in her. I wanted it to last, for her but I needed to cum and so I concentrated and kissing her again, I said, “I’m going to cum.”

Melody paused and said, “Don’t cum in me.”

Breathing hard, I pretended to not hear her but as she continued to push on my ass as I fucked her, it was obvious she wanted me to cum too. I didn’t stop, I wanted to cum and as I got closer, I shortening my strokes, making them more deliberate.

It felt so good and as I was about to cum I thought, “Oh, yea.”

I pressed into her one last time, and then quickly I reached down taking it out of her, and as I quick got to my knees, Melody wiggled to position herself so she could see. I tried to concentrate as I rubbed my cock, wanting to cum, and as I leaned forward, my cock started to jerk as cum shot on her stomach. Melody leaned up on her elbows, and smiled as cum continued to spill out. As she put her hand on each sides of her stomach, receiving my cum, she seemed to be fascinating, as my cock continued to jerk. However, when some cum inadvertently dripped out near her pussy, Melody‘s shifted her body, and I quickly leaned to one side smearing the last little bit of cum on her thigh.

Melody seemed enamored as she reached up and dabbed at the cum on her stomach. She then looked up at me smiling and said, “That’s a lot.”

I was done and as I sat back I agreed and said, “Sorry, that’s kind of a mess.”

Melody continued to touch the cum on her stomach, but then suddenly she asked, “You didn’t cum in me, did you?”

I really wished I had gotten to cum in her and maybe in the back of her mind, she was thinking about it too, but really it was probably for the best, and after looking down at her pussy briefly and all the cum on her stomach, I looked back up and taking her hand, I simply told her, “No.”

She seemed relieved and as I rolled to lay next to her, and as we looked at each other, she leaned into me, and kissed me on the cheek saying, “That was great.”

Cum had slipped off her stomach onto the bed as she leaned over to kiss me and when we both moved apart seeing this, I reached down to the floor and grabbed my boxers. I quickly used them to wipe the cum off the sheets and when I wiped the cum off her stomach too, she moved a way a little. After throwing my boxers off the bed, we smiled at each other and as we moved closer, Melody casually reached down, and took hold of my cock, gently rubbing it. It felt good and as we looked at each other, I started to get hard again. Suddenly, she stopped and as she looking down, she let go of my cock, which made me look down too.

I could see that cum had seeped out onto the top part of her hand, and as I watched, Melody brought her hand to her mouth, and as she looked at me smiling, she licked the last little bit of cum off her hand. I couldn’t believe it and as she looked up at me again licking her lips, she smiled and crept up to give me a kiss. It was so hot, and after kissing, she turned to face away from me and pushed back, snugging against me. My cock was pressed against the crack of her ass, and I wanted to be in her again, and feeling I was hard, Melody leaned back, turning her head so we could kiss. I immediately started to feel on her tits and push my cock against her ass, wanting to fuck her again and when she started to push back too, I felt she might want to do it again.

We continued to cuddle under the blankets snuggle but it wasn’t long before she got out of bed and as she went into the bathroom, she grabbed her phone. I hoped she might want to spend the night, but when Melody came back, she was obviously thinking about something and I knew it wasn’t going to happen.

As I leaned onto one elbow I asked, “Is everything okay?”

She looked at me hesitantly and instead of getting back in bed, she grabbed her panties off the floor, and put them on. As she grabbed her bra and started to put it on, I suggested, “Do you want me to take you home?”

She was apprehensive and I sensed she wanted to stay but as Melody looked at me and smiled, she nodded her head and said, “Yea, you better take me home before my mom calls the cops.”

As I quickly got out of bed and started getting dressed, I asked, “Do you think I can see you again?”

But when she didn’t say anything right away, I went over to where she was, and as I tried to hold her, Melody gave me a hug. As we finished getting dressed I said, “I really had a great time,” but it seemed to be on deaf ears.

Melody was a lot of fun and I hoped I would get to see her again, but understood her mother’s feelings about me being too old. We did stay in contact with each other for a little bit, but when Melody went back to college, we slowly ended up losing contact.

I became obsessive and thought about going to visit her at college, but soon came to the realization that our age difference would probably have gotten in the way.
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