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© 2017 Sal De Klerk, All Rights Reserved

Revised 4/2020

Edited by ElmerStudd
Authors Note:

This is a long story, containing 10 chapters, a prologue, and an epilogue. All chapters have been submitted and should be posted within a few days of each other.

The idea for this story came from a story idea forum. Thank you janetsexy77!


This story contains ENF, CMNF, CFNF, exhibitionism, voyeurism, and vanilla sex. If this is not your kind of smut, please find another story.


Aggie could feel herself turning red. Here she was, naked in bed with a guy, still covered in sweat and sex juice, having just lost her virginity when a total stranger walked into her room. The bitch was standing there smiling at the nude lovers. Aggie didn’t even have a sheet to cover herself with.

The newcomer laughed and said, "Damn Lars, hitting the fresh meat already. Can't you give a girl a chance to put her panties away before you rip 'em off her?"

Lars laughed and climbed out of bed naked. Aggie admired his muscular body and semi-erect cock. The other girl turned her back and said, "EWWW Lars..."

Salacious catcalls erupted from the hall as a group of girls walked by the open door and saw the handsome naked guy. Lars looked at them, smiled, and bowed as they applauded him. Lars grabbed his boxers and started to pull them on as the intruder shut the door, to the jeers of Lars fan-club outside.

Once Lars had his drawers on, he said, "Aggie, I'd like you to meet your roommate for the next year and a friend from LL, Tiffi Hutlen, the Hungary one."

Tiffi slapped Lars and said in annoyance, “That's Hungarian you uncultured swine.”

Aggie couldn't help but laugh at their interaction, but she was still in her bed, naked, completely exposed to Tiffi and Lars, both of them at least partially dressed. She just wanted them to leave so she could dress in private. For some reason, she felt that dressing in front of them would call more attention to her nakedness, then pretending to ignore her current state of undressed humiliation.

She heard herself responding to Lars "LL? I'm sorry I don't know what that is," She was amazed at how normal her voice sounded when the situation was so surreal.

"You never heard of Lack Luster crappy club before?" Lars asked, surprised.

"Stop it, Lars," Tiffi said annoyed. "It's Lake Luster Country Club and Spa," she said smiling at Aggie. "Lars, why don't you go get us a pizza and we can get to know each other?"

Lars smiled at the two girls and with a wink at Aggie, he pulled on the rest of his clothes and left the room.

Once he was gone, and the door closed, Tiffi said, "I expect you'll want some privacy to get dressed," to Aggie, who was still the color of a boiled lobster and as naked as the day she was born.

"Yes please," she replied meekly.

"The showers are down the hall, third door on the left. Lars should be back in thirty-five minutes so you have time to gussy up for him." Tiffi grabbed her purse and threw open the door, "I'll be back in twenty," she said and left.

It took Aggie several minutes to work up the courage to get out of her bed. She ran over to the door and locked it, jiggling the handle to make sure it was secure. Then she pulled on her robe and grabbed her shower kit and a towel. She opened the door and walked down the hall, finding the community bathroom empty. She took a quick hot shower and scrubbed herself hard trying to remove the embarrassment she suffered over the last few minutes.

When she finally felt cleaner and refreshed, she returned to her room, finding it empty. She closed and locked the door, dropping her robe to the floor, so she could get dressed. As she took out a pair of clean panties, the door was flung open and Tiffi walked in.

She stopped in her tracks and looked at the frozen Aggie, "Don't tell me you're a nudist, AND a slut," Tiffi said.

Aggie shot her a horrified look, and Tiffi realized her joke had backfired. "Sorry, Aggie, it was just a joke," she said closing the door.

Aggie nodded, and mumbled, “It’s fine,” then finished dressing.

Once she was clothed, she started to work on the last of her unpacking. Tiffi offered to help and Aggie gratefully accepted. The girls worked quickly and had just finished with the last box as Lars arrived with the pizza. They sat in the dorm, first telling Aggie what she had missed at orientation, and then they started talking about some mutual friends, that Aggie never met.

“You seem to know a lot of our classmates,” Aggie said, to her new roommate in surprise, “Considering you went to Eastland, not St Sextus.

“Most of our classmate's parents were members of LLCCS. All of us trust fund babies knew each other since we were in diapers. Part of the reason you always felt like an outsider, you didn’t go to the club.”

Aggie nodded in understanding at Lar’s logic, as she finished her slice.

Once the Pizza was gone, Lars left for a class and Tiffi said, "Let me introduce you to the RA and show you around campus." Aggie agreed, grateful she was getting along with her roommate.

After the tour, Tiffi and Aggie went to the campus bookstore to buy Aggie's textbooks and other supplies she needed. By the time they were done, it was dinner time, so they went to the dining hall and ran into Lars.

"Hey ladies," Lars greeted them. "Let's hit a club tonight," he said as they got their food.

"Sure," Tiffi said.

"I guess," Aggie agreed hesitantly. The three friends sat together and ate, filling Aggie in on some of the rumors they had heard about their classmates and pointing out some especially interesting people to her. When they were done, they agreed to meet at the student union at 8:30.

The girls went back to their room to get ready. "I don't think I want to go," Aggie said to Tiffi.

"Why not, Aggie?" Aggie just looked at Tiffi unable to articulate her feelings. "It'll be fun, and you'll get to meet some people."

"I guess," Aggie said noncommittally.

Tiffi smiled at her and started to strip. "What are you doing," Aggie asked horrified.

"I'm changing into a clubbing outfit." Aggie sat, silently watching as Tiffi stripped completely naked and pulled on a translucent purple top with no bra leaving her midriff bare, a hot pink thong, and an ultra-short skirt that matched the thong. She finished off the outfit with a pair of purple thigh-high stockings that didn't quite make it to the hem of the skirt and a pair of platform heels in hot pink.

"Tiffi, you can't go out like that," Aggie said, shocked at her friend's lack of modesty.

"What? Don't you have an I wanna get laid outfit?" Tiffi responded. Aggie raised her eyebrows in shock. "After seeing you and Lars having a nooner, I'm fuckin' horny, pun intended. I need a hard cock tonight."

Aggie blushed at Tiffi's comments. "Today was my first time," Aggie said, hiding her head in shame.

"Really! Wow! I hear he's a stud, and to get him for your first time. I'm impressed," Tiffi smiled at her, "I guess you don't have any club outfits, do you? Well, we look to be about the same size so let's see what we can do."

Tiffi began pulling out outfit after outfit and each being rejected by Aggie. “Lars wants to show you off and make the other guys jealous. You can’t dress like an Amish girl fresh off the farm, You gotta wear something sexy,” Tiffi said in exasperation.

Aggie uncertainly ***********ed one of the more conservative outfits Tiffi showed her. She took a good look at the black and silver sequin dress that looked like a weed whacker had been used on it. There were rips and tears everywhere, threatening to expose private parts. The dress did have strategically placed elastic protecting what little modesty it left the wearer.

Once Aggie had slipped into the dress, Tiffi handed her a pair of strappy sandals and helped Aggie wrap the straps up her calves and tied them just below her knees. The girls headed over to the student union in Aggies' car. They saw Lars standing outside talking to a group of girls and Aggie felt a pang of jealousy. She stopped her car right in front of the group, jumped out, and walked up to Lars. Not sure what came over her, she leaned in and kissed him possessively. The other girls stood there giving Aggie dirty looks.

"Well, ladies," Lars said once the kiss ended, "Looks like my date's here. I'll see ya around." The girls all made sure to touch or rub Lars as they parted company.

Aggie and Lars got into the car and gave her directions to a local nightspot. As Aggie maneuvered the beast around the streets, Lars asked, "Aggie, you got an ID?"

"Of course. My license is in my wallet."

"Your license, which shows you're eighteen. I mean an ID that’ll get you into a real club and buy booze,” he said.

"Like a fake ID? No way. That's illegal," Aggie said, looking at Lars.

"Then we have to get you one," Lars replied "Otherwise, no fun for you. Turn right at the next light."

Aggie reluctantly made the turn and followed Lars's directions to a seedy part of town, passing pawn shops, strip clubs, and ‘Adult Mega Stores’ until Lars told her to stop. They walked into a sleazy pawnshop and the sleazier proprietor greeted Lars. "We need to get my friend here something to help quench her thirst, Paps," Lars told the guy.

With ID in hand and Lars $200 lighter, they left the store and headed back toward the school. As they drove down University Blvd, Lars told Aggie to pull into a parking lot. They walked into a bar, the bouncer at the door giving them each a hand stamp after giving their Id’s a cursory glance.

Lars found them a table, they sat down, a waitress walked over and Lars and Tiffi ordered beers and Aggie asked for water. Lars looked at her and once the waitress was out of earshot,

"Why didn't you get a drink?" Lars asked.

"I'm driving," Aggie said defensively.

Lars looked at her annoyed but said nothing. Aggie, her eyes finally adjusting to the dim light, looked around and saw that except for the color of their outfits, everyone was dressed like Tiffi. ‘Looks like the school uniform for Slut U, she thought to herself.’

When their drinks arrived, the PA announced that there would be a wet tee shirt contest. Tiffi looked at Aggie and told her, "I will if you will."

"No way," Aggie said horrified as she started to blush again.

"Com' on Aggie, it'll be fun," Tiffi chided her.

Lars smiled at the interchange, "Aggie, go show off Alpha and Mu. I'd love to see you up there."

"Alpha and Mu," Tiffi asked while Aggie blushed even redder.

Lars explained to the delight of Tiffi, who laughed.

"Last call for the wet tee shirt contest," came the DJ's voice over the loudspeakers. Tiffi stood up, "I'm in," grabbing Aggie's arm, trying to get her to join in the contest. Aggie pulled away so violently she landed on the floor. Lars helped Aggie up while Tiffi went to stand with the 5 girls who volunteered for the contest.

One by one the girls came on stage wearing a thin cotton tee shirt that was already partially see-through. When the emcee poured pitchers of ice water on the girl's chest the shirts turned practically invisible.

One by one each girl got wet, danced to a couple of songs, doing a bump and grind. At some point, each girl flashed a boob or lifted the skirt showing her off her assets. While the girls danced, Lars stared with rapt fascination, ignoring Aggie. Despite herself, Aggie found the whole thing erotic and wished she had the chutzpah to get up there and shake it.

Tiffi was the last contestant, and she began her show by running across the stage doing a somersault, and landing in a split. She jumped up and did a more traditional bump and grind, to the raucous cheers of the drunken college boys. Even Lars started whistling and catcalling her performance. Tiffi ripped off her skirt, leaving her in her purple stockings, pink thong, and a see-through shirt. The crowd roared and started to chant, "Take it off, take it off."

Tiffi smiled at the adulation and blew kisses to a few of the guys, as she started to thrust her hips like she was fucking someone. As the song wound down, Tiffi began to pull on her shirt, and just as the last notes drifted over the crowd, the shirt ripped open exposing her naked wet breasts to the admiring crowd.

The emcee had the contestants line up and went from girl to girl asking who was the winner. When he got to Tiffi the cheering of the crowd was deafening. Once the prizes were awarded Tiffi came down off the stage wearing her skirt and the ripped tee shirt.

“The manager told me that we all have to wear the shirts until we leave,” she said giggling. Every guy in the place tried to buy Tiffi a drink and get her to dance with them. Tiffi accepted all the drinks and only a few dances. The other girls in the club were jealous of the attention the guys were paying her, so a group of them stripped off their tops and began to dance on the bar.

“Lars, it's time to go,” Aggie said tugging on his arm feeling uncomfortable with the overt sexual energy in the air.

Lars stood up as Tiffi came to their table with one of her more persistent fans. The foursome headed toward the exit and Tiffi whispered to Aggie, “I'm gonna fuck the shit out of this guy, so you need to find someplace else to sleep tonight."

Aggie stopped short and watched as Tiffi ran up to the guy and jumped on his back. He effortlessly caught her and turned around waiting to see which car to get into.

Lars walked up to where Aggie was standing and took her hand in his. "You need a place to crash, don't you?" Aggie just nodded. "Well, I don't have a roommate so you can stay with me tonight if you want."

"Thank you. That would be nice," Aggie said looking into his eyes and kissing him.

The drive back to the dorms was uncomfortable for Aggie. The sounds of kissing, sucking, and moans of desire were distracting and making her horny. When Aggie parked the car Tiffi's stud picked up the almost naked girl and carried her into the Dorms. Lars and Aggie walked the short distance to Lar’s dorm and headed to his room.

Once Aggie ensured the door was locked and the security chain in place, Lars took her into his arms, Aggie melting against him. They began to kiss and grope each other, pushing clothes out of the way. They stopped kissing long enough to disrobe and started kissing as they moved to the bed.

Lars picked up Aggie who wrapped her legs around his waist the were kissing passionately as Lar’s carried her to the bed with his erect cock nudging against her pussy. They were so involved with their passion, neither one was watching where they were going. and Lar’s tripped over his bed. As they fell, Lars twisted around so he wouldn’t land on top of Aggie, and hurt her. Lars landed on his back and used his momentum to swing his legs up onto the bed so they were in the cowgirl position. Lar’s was about to thrust his cock into her when she rolled off of him and onto her back. Lar’s followed her and mounted her driving his shaft into her.

Aggie squealed in pleasure as Lars began to thrust with a furor Aggie didn't know existed. Soon Aggie started thrashing about yelling his name as her orgasm overwhelmed her. Lars was already at a high simmer from watching all the naked chicks at the bar and listening to the live-action porn show in the car. He couldn't hold back any longer and shot his seed deep into Aggies's belly.

Momentarily sated, they lay down together, Lars holding her close. Aggie sighed contentedly, feeling the warm naked man next to her, making her feel protected, comforted, and even loved. Something she never thought she'd feel in her life.

"Out of curiosity Aggie, why did you roll over before?" Lars asked, as he lightly breathed into her ear.

"How could we make love with me on top?" she asked.

Lars stared at her in shock, "Are you that naive?"

"What do you mean," Aggie asked defensively.

“You only know the missionary position?" Lars asked as he pulled her closer to him, "There are lots of positions, doggy, cowgirl, standing, sitting, hundreds more. There's even a book called the Kama Sutra showing hundreds if not thousands of positions. Maybe I'll get it for you," Lars said, trying to kiss her.

Aggie jumped out of bed and looked square into his eyes, "I am not some kind of slut who will do those nasty kinky things in pornos," she told him, as she pulled on her clothes wishing she was wearing something more respectable.

"Aggie, honey, relax," Lars said, inviting her back to bed. "You can't go to your room, Tiffi is still getting her freak on."

Wordlessly Aggie finished dressing and left his room. She stormed out of the building and back to her own. She didn't notice the sock on the door when she threw the door open and strode into her room. The sight in front of her made her freeze in shock. Tiffi was completely nude, on all fours, and her guy was on his knees shoving his cock into Tiffi's rectum.

Tiff's eyes were closed and she was mewling in pleasure. The guy looked at Aggie, saying “In or out, but close the fucking door." Without thought, she stepped into the room and shut the door.

Staring at her roommate in disbelief as she let a stranger do something so nasty it made Aggie feel ill. She grabbed some sleepwear, and her shower bag and ran to the bathroom. Aggie scrubbed herself for a long time, under extremely hot water. Then she dried off and got dressed. Unwilling to be exposed to the perverted and degrading acts in her room, she went to the common area, lay down on one of the couches, and fell asleep.

This pretty much set the pattern for Aggie and Lars. Studying, going out, getting horny, and then either making vanilla love, which would invariably end in a fight about Aggie's unwillingness to experiment. Or when Lars was especially horny, the fight would start before they could copulate, ending the date and leaving both of them horny and frustrated.

When Christmas break arrived Aggie and Lars drove home together, in her car.he fought the first night they stopped, and when they got home, they went their separate ways. Lars partied with his buddies and Aggie stayed home, not wanting to encounter any of the people that tormented her in high school. Lars and some of his friends attempted to get her to join them, even going to her house to get her to join them. Being home again, Aggie experienced all the feelings she thought she had left behind; fear, loneliness, isolation, weakness, and vulnerability and she regressed to Agatha, the timid scared little girl she thought she had left behind. She refused to leave her house, most days even her bedroom until it was time to return to school.

The drive back was fairly uneventful. They made good time and the last night on the road, they found a Motel just off the highway to stop and rest before tackling the last leg of their journey. Once they were in their room, Lars took Aggie in his arms and kissed her. He then swept her off her feet into his arms and carried her to the bed. He put her down, undressed, and then joined Aggie on the bed.

He rested his hand on her stomach and gently kissed her lips and toyed with her hair. “Aggie, I think I’m falling in love with you,” he smiled at the petite woman.

“Lars, I’ve been in love with you for years,” She admitted to him, “I knew you’d be the one to take my cherry the moment I first saw you.”

Lars leaned down and kissed Aggie as his hand started to unfasten the buttons on her blouse, exposing her bra. Lars smiled and leaned down to kiss first Alpha and then Mu through the silk cups of the garment. He then reached up and pulled the cups off of her bitty bumps, sucking Mu into his mouth as his hand slid down and began pushing her shorts down.

Aggie lay there, enjoying his touch, and lifted her ass off the bed so Lar’s was able to slide her shorts down her legs, exposing herself to him. Lar’s eyes went wide as he looked at her slit.

“Holy fuck, you shaved!” Lar’s said shocked.

Aggie giggled at his reaction. “I know we said no gift’s but I was hoping that you would enjoy an unwrapped treat.”

Lar’s wormed his way out of his clothes until he was naked. She grasped his semi-erect shaft and began to caress the length of his shaft wanting, and needing it inside her. Lars grew fully erect and knowing the routine, he rolled on top of her guiding himself into her wetness. He thrust into her moaning and grunting while fondling Aggie’s breasts and kissing her. Aggie rocked her hips, ran her hands over his back, and gasped in pleasure until they both reached climax, simultaneously.

After their release, Lars rolled off of Aggie and laid back in bed, feeling unsatisfied and frustrated. Aggie squirmed her way next to Lars and rested her head on his chest, sighing in satisfaction. “That was wonderful, Lars, I do love you.” She thought of how sweet and romantic it was, just like their first time. Aggie had never felt happier in her life.

“I love you too Aggie, I just wish...” his voice trailed off, not wanting to spoil her night with another fight about their love life, especially after admitting they loved each other.

“Just wish what?” Aggie asked sitting up, holding the sheet over her breasts, and looking at Lars.

Lars took a deep breath, ”Just once I wish you would let me show you how good a different position could feel, or oral sex, or...”

“Not this shit, again!” Aggie snapped, angrily. “I’ve told you a million fucking times, I’m not some fucking porn star or that slutty bitch ex of yours that wants or needs to do all that nasty, kinky, disgusting, perverted shit. If you want some skanky strumpet contortionist to fuck, then I’m not the girl for you.” She felt herself die a little inside as she went off on Lar’s, wishing she could bring herself to make him happy, but she was too insecure, too afraid, too full of shame and disgust to let herself go wild.

“I’m sorry I said anything, I don’t want to fight,” Lars said contritely, getting out of bed and pulling his clothes on. “I’m going to get a drink, so we can both calm down. I’ll be back in a little while. And I do love you Aggie.” he said trudging out the door.

“I love you too,” Aggie whispered to the closed door as tears began to run down her face. She collapsed onto the pillow and cried herself to sleep, wishing she could be as open sexually as Lars wanted her to be, but she couldn't, it was too painful.

( ¥ ) ( ¥ ) ( ¥ )

Aggie was a happy girl who loved to sing, dance, and be the center of attention. She wanted to grow up and be a famous singer or actress, anything that would put her in the spotlight. She got her wish one day at summer camp, and it changed her life forever.

Aggie had discovered self-pleasure, but not the importance of privacy. One year at summer camp she was caught by her tentmate, and soon the whole camp knew. For the rest of the summer, other campers and some counselors ask her if she had; ‘stuffed the taco’ or ‘cooked the beans’ during meals, ‘petted the turtles’ and ‘slapped the oyster’ during waterfront, ‘smacked the bunny’ and ‘Petted the squirrel’ on nature walks. For every activity, there were several euphemisms that the other campers used to taunt her.

When she got home after weeks of abuse she was a different girl, depressed, suicidal, and scared of touching herself. The next year when her parents told her they were sending her back to that camp, she had a severe panic attack. Pinto and Mom-Mom flew in to be with her and decided to let her stay with them all summer. Mom-Mom knew something was wrong and sent her to Dr. Marvin Monroe, and old family friend, and psychotherapist. He worked with Agatha all summer and got her to open up about what happened. By the end of that summer, Agatha was better, but not her old self. The sweet, gregarious, fun-loving, attention seeker was gone. In her place was a timid, quiet, mousey, fearful, introverted, shrinking violet of a loner.

Every summer after that, Agatha stayed with Pinto and Mom-mom that was why they were so close, they were like parents to her.

Every summer she had sessions with Doc Monroe. The summer between Junior and Senior year was her biggest breakthrough. That summer for the first time since camp, she touched herself.

( ¥ ) ( ¥ ) ( ¥ )

Aggie woke up hearing someone coming into her room, her eyes opened “Lars?” she asked sleepily, as the door opened. She squinted at the shadowy figure stumbling into the room. “Lar’s,”

“Aggie...,” he said falling on his face.

Aggie jumped out of bed and ran over to him, she knelt beside him and looked into his eyes. “Lars, are you okay?” she asked as she rolled him over onto his back.

Lars saw her naked body, and he pulled her head to him and began to kiss her. Aggie lifted herself a little to kiss him, Lars' hand began to roam over her naked ass. Aggie moaned when she felt his strong hand kneading her cheek. His hand slid down looking for her sweet hole, hoping she would let him finger her. When he found her hole, he began to push his finger into it.

“Lars! Stop! She said while still kissing him.

He ignored her and pushed deeper into her, wondering why she felt so tight and dry. “Please, Aggie,” he slurred, as he forced his finger into her.

“LARS!” Aggie exclaimed as he pulled her to his mouth and kissed her, pushing his tongue into her mouth. Aggie struggled against him and was able to free herself. She jumped up and moved away from him. “What the fuck!” she yelled at him.

“Trust me, baby, it’ll feel so good, just give me a chance...” as he stood up and stumbled toward her.

Aggie easily avoided his clumsy attempt to grab her, and ran into the bathroom, slamming the door shut and locking it.

“Aggie please,” Lars whined as he tried to open the door.

“You know my ass is off-limits and you tried to shove your fat fucking fingers in there. Fuck off asshole.” The door rattled for a few seconds, and then there was a loud crash, followed by silence. “Lars... Lars...” Aggie called out, hen she didn’t get any response she cautiously opened the door and saw Lars flat on his face. She rushed over to him and realized he was passed out. Not sure what he would do if he woke up, still while still intoxicated, she quickly dressed, gathered her few possessions, and left the room. Getting into her car, she drove off, crying again, and cursing herself for being so scared and obstinate when it came to intimacy.

Two days later, Aggie returned to her room after class. She saw a note taped to her door. It had her name on it in Lars' barely legible scrawl. She pulled it off the door and went into her room, putting her books down, she opened the note, hoping she would be able to decipher it.


I am sorry for what I did, I wasn’t trying to violate your... trust. I know I was wrong and wish I could take my actions back. I was too drunk and didn’t realize where my hand was. I am not trying to use the alcohol as an excuse for my reprehensible behavior, I was very very VERY wrong and I am unbelievably contrite. I hope you can find it in you to forgive me one day and we can be friends again. I miss you terribly.

All my heart,


Aggie started to cry knowing she had forgiven him the moment it happened. She was unsure why she hadn't gone to him and was glad he took the first step. She went into her closet and pulled out a Victoria Secret bag. She took out the risque teddy she had bought to wear for Lars after she shaved, as part of his Christmas present. She wanted him so bad she forgot to excuse her self to put it on. This seemed like the perfect time to wear it to rekindle their romance.

She quickly stripped, and put on the lingerie with matching stockings and the high heel platform shoes she bought to go with it. She wrapped herself in a simple dress hiding her naughty underwear. She walked over to his dorm and down his hall. She let herself into Lars' room, took off the dress, and kicked it under his bed, and waited nervously for him to return. She laid down in his bed to wait for her man, her lover, to come to her.

She heard his voice in the hall. She jumped up and turned out the lights, waiting in nervous, breathless anticipation. The door opened letting in some ambient light from the hall. Aggie's breath caught in her throat when she saw him, 'I do love him,’ she thought. ‘I would die if I lost him.’

The door closed and Lars flicked on the light. When his eyes landed on Aggie, they widened as she struck a pose in her naughty nightie. She held the pose for several seconds, then flung herself into his arms and hugged him with all her might. "I'm so sorry Lars. I forgive you, I hope you can forgive me," she gushed as tears came from her eyes.

Lars leaned down, kissed each eye, and wiped away the tears. “No need to forgive you, Aggie. I deserved it. Thank you for forgiving me.” He scooped her up and carried her to bed. He put her down and gently began to kiss and nibble her. She started to unfasten the teddy and Lars stopped her. “Leave it on, you look so sexy in that.”

He continued to kiss her exposed flesh while his hands caressed her breasts through the lacy material. Lars stood up and stripped. Aggie decided to make him happy, she took his cock in her hand and looking up at Lars said, "I missed him almost as much as you." She leaned forward, kissing the head of his cock. Lars moaned in ecstasy, involuntarily his hips thrust forward pushing past her lips. Before she realized what was happening 36.3% of his cock was in her mouth. She jerked back and glared at Lars, her expression softening when she saw the horrified look on his face.

"It . . . it was an accident," he said, his voice full of sorrow.

With difficulty she smiled, knowing he was telling the truth. She was more than ready to have him in her and he was more erect than she ever had seen before. She laid back and spread her legs, Lars moved the thin strip of silk out of his way and pushed his manhood into her moistness.

He went slowly kissing her and playing with her still clothed breasts. They made love for hours, taking breaks only to hydrate. They made love more times that day then they had the rest of the year. It was magical.

For the first time, Aggie spent the night in his room, just like a married couple. She wasn't even too bothered by the whistling and catcalls that had become a tradition when a girl was doing the walk of shame.

The next day Lars and Aggie returned to their typical pattern of fighting about the vanilla sex they had. The only difference was, on the nights when they fought first, Aggie still stayed and made love with him.

Lars planned on going to Lake Havasu for spring break, but Aggie had no interest in participating in a week-long wild drunken orgy. She opted to stay behind and earn so money tutoring high school students. At the last minute, Lars went to Vegas with some friends. When he came back to school, he was driving a brand new Corvette he had won in a casino. Their pattern of fighting and fucking continued through the end of the year.

It was the last day of school and Lars was acting all goofy and secretive. “Go pack a few outfits for five or six days in a tropical climate,” he told Aggie.

“What are you planning?” she asked him.

“Don't worry about it, just pack and let me take care of the details.”

A few hours later they boarded a jet, and Aggie wondered what she was going to happen when Lars asked her to join the mile high club, as the fasten seat-belt sign was illuminated.


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