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I really didn’t notice her at first, maybe I was preoccupied but when she came out from under the beach umbrella, it was hard to not notice her. She was wearing a blue bikini with white fringe and from a distance she seemed to be very young, but very attractive. She was kind of tall, with great legs and a nice ass, which made me think she might be a little older than I was thinking.
We all enjoy time at the beach. It’s relaxing to sit under a beach umbrella, go in the ocean to cool off, sit out and catch a few rays, people watch, and I’m no exception. With that said, I have a group of friends that rent a beach house every summer for a week and there are sometimes they go more than once. In any case, whenever I can, I try to tag along, because I enjoy spending time with friends, especially when it’s at the beach.

This one particular time when I was lucky enough to go with them to spend time at the beach, I ran into a young lady while there. The afternoon when this all happened, we were all lounging under some umbrellas down by the ocean having a good time with some great conversation and going swimming whenever we got to hot. There were a few other families set up, enjoying their time at the beach, but suddenly a mother and two of her children drove up and set up just down the beach a little bit.

I really didn’t notice her at first, probably I was preoccupied but when she came out from under the umbrella they had set up, it was hard to not notice her. She was wearing a blue bikini with white fringe and from a distance she seemed to be very young, and very attractive, but she was kind of tall, with great legs and a nice ass, which made me think she might be a little older than I was thinking.

I always liked watching people while at the beach and of course she was no exception and as I continued to watch this family, the young lady started dancing, leaping, jumping, and posing, and I noticed that her mother was taking action shots of her. I figured it was probably for social media, but in any case I was fascinated by her, wanting to see what she looked like close up.

We had been down at the beach for awhile and now the group I was with decided to go back to the house. I was still enjoying my time at the beach, mainly enjoying watching this attractive young lady, so I decided to stay, hoping this young girl might eventually walk past so I could get a better look at her, or even have a conversation with her.

I was by myself now, and as I sat there, it started to get late in the afternoon, but I was obsessed as I continued to watch this young lady in the blue bikini, hoping to get a better look at her, but suddenly they started to load up their golf cart to leave. I was distraught, thinking I may never see her again, because that’s usually how it works at the beach, but as they finished loading up the cart, I could see the young girl was going to be riding on the back, and they’d be driving right past me.

“Here they come,” I thought, and as they approached, I turned in my beach chair, straining to see her as they went by, hoping to get a good look at her as they past. She was wearing sunglasses and appeared to be looking at me, but on the same note I could tell she was very attractive; sandy blonde hair, long legs, big thighs, and small looking boobs in that blue bikini top. However, as my gaze returned to her face, she was smiling, obviously noticing I was checking her out, as they drove by, and when she casually waved, as they passed by, I hastily leaned back, almost falling out of my chair to wave back. Her smile seemed to widen, but as they continued down the beach toward the exit, I really thought that I would never see her again.

I was disappointed that I didn’t approach her, but came to the understanding that she was probably too young and as I packed up to leave, I tried to etch what she looked like in my mind, wanting to remember her.

As I started to walk back to the house, I felt a little despondent, but on the first street after leaving the beach, I looked up at the porches of the houses, hoping to see her, wanting to see her again. Suddenly, down the street a few houses, there she was, leaning over the rail, looking my way. I was surprised to see her and as I got closer, she waved and said hi. I immediately felt my smile broaden and I of course waved back and said, “Hi, how are you.”

It looked like she was still wearing her swimsuit because I could see she was still wearing the blue bikini top, but she had a beach towel wrapped around her waist. She was leaned way over the railing now, and straining, I looked at her cleavage, however because she really didn’t have very big boobs and her bikini was tight against her chest as she leaned over, there really wasn’t much to see.

I was gawking at her, and I got caught because when she asked, “What’s your name,” it instantly made me to look at her face, only to see her smiling at me. I was a little embarrassed but after quickly gathering my composure, I told her my name, and in turn, ask her what her name was. However, before she could answer, I remarked, “Weren’t you just down at the beach with your mom and brother.”

She nodded her head and said, “Yea, you were down there too, weren’t you.”

I said, “Yea, I was down there,” and she quickly said, “Oh yea, I saw you.”

I thought to myself, “How could she not have seen me,” it had to be obvious that I was checking her out, even from a distance, and now all I could think about was I really wanted to be with her.

I now pointed up at her and asked, “Hey, where’s your mom and brother.”

She smiled and said, “Yea, we had to come back because they wanted to go shopping.”

I immediately asked her why she didn’t go with and as she shrugged her shoulders, she replied that she just wanted to relax. I was becoming nervous with my thoughts of being with her and so I waved and as I started to walk again, she stopped me by saying, “Hey, do you wanna come up.”

I was taken aback, did she just ask me to come up there? I looked up at her reluctantly she smiled and waved me to come up. I was hesitant, but headed to the front of the house. I could see she was following me on the upper deck, and as I neared the stairs, she instructed me to come on up. I couldn’t believe it, I leaned my beach chair against on of the pilings near the stairs and headed up stairs. As I got to the top, I quickly asked her when she thought her mom would be back.

Up close, she was very pretty, but she looked very young looking too, which made me apprehensive about being there. She said, “They’ll probably be gone for a few hours,” and then said, “Come on in,” as she open the door. Immediately as we entered the air conditioning, it felt so good, and as we continued into the living area and sat down, we started to talk. It was simple conversation but we were both trying to get to know each other.

I really needed to know how old she was and when I had the opening I asked and when she hesitated I wondered but as I looked at her, she quickly told me she was eighteen, and when she asked me if that was okay, I wanted to think she was at least eighteen, but I was leery because she looked and acted so young.

As our conversation lulled, she asked if I wanted anything to drink as she got up and headed into the kitchen. She asked if I wanted a coke, or sparkling water and I said, “Sure, some water would be great.”

When she came back, she sat next to me, handed me the glass of water, and said, “I saw you watching me down at the beach,” and then asked,”Did you think I was pretty.”

I was shocked but quickly responded, “Oh yea, you’re very pretty,” and asked, “Were you doing pictures for social media.”

She smiled and putting her hand on the couch near me said, “Yea, I was having my mom take pictures for me to put them on Snapchat.”

“Did you like what you saw,” Madison asked, “you were looking at me, right.”

I wasn’t sure what to say but she then asked if I wanted to see the photos, Madison inched closer to me on the couch and yea, she was hot, and after looking at the pictures I blurted out, “You looked great in that bikini, great legs.”

She had a big smile and after a short pause she said, “You should have come over and talk to me.”

I didn’t know how to reply but eventually said, “We’ll, your mom and brother were there and I didn’t really know how old you were,” and I continued by smiling and saying, “I didn’t want to across as a perv.”

There was a pause again, but then she smiled and asked in a serious voice, “Are you?”

This made me look at her and I hesitated but then she smiled and said, “I’m kidding,” as she put her hand on my leg, and leaned over and kissed me on the cheek. I was shocked and asked her, “What was that for?”

It wasn’t long before we ended up in her bedroom and when we both sat on the bed, she flopped back, laying on her back, and as I looked at her laying there, I wanted to feel her ass, I wanted to take her towel off, I wanted see you body and I wanted to feel on her boobs. As I contemplated being in her, Madison rolled on to her side and seeing me checking her out, she put her hand on my shoulder and pulled me to lay down with her.

As I laid back and moved up onto the bed next to her, we looked at each other, and eventually started kissing. Madison was so sweet and as we started to explore each other’s body, she put her hands up my shirt and then asked me to take it off. I quickly leaned up, pulled off my shirt for her and threw it off the bed before laying back down.

We again got comfortable on the bed and as we started to kiss and feel on each other again, I rolled onto my back, and pulled Madison to lay on top of me. As she moved on top of me, I saw that her towel had unfurled, falling off onto the bed as she straddled me. Madison had such a nice body, great legs, firm little boobs, plump little butt, and a really pretty face with striking blue eyes, but seeing her thighs and her crotch in her bikini bottoms had me wanting to see her pussy.

Almost immediately, with her on top of me, my cock grew rock hard, and I knew she had to feel it, as we continued kissing. All I could think about was fucking her and gently thrust my hips up, I wanted to make sure she could feel me and to send a message that I wanted to fuck her as we pressed against each other. I wanted this, I didn’t want to loose this opportunity and when she suddenly leaned up and took off her bikini top, exposing her firm little boobs, I knew it was going to happen.

Looking at her little boobs and her puffy nipples, I could see that she wasn’t fully developed. This caused me a little angst thinking again that she must be very young, but trying to dismiss it best I could, I casually reached up feeling them with both hands. Madison smiled as we looked at each other, allowing me to feel her boobs and nipples, and not wanting to let on that I thought she was way to young I smiled back and said, “You’re so pretty Madison.” She then leaned back down to kiss me, and as she did, I let go of her boobs and reached around her, grabbing her ass cheeks with both hands.

Feeling her plump round ass as we kissed, and thinking she was really young, was making me so horny. I pushed and pulled her ass down, wanting her to grind on my cock, but when she didn’t, I decided I needed to roll us over, so I was on top. I wanted to be on top of her, so I could eventually take me swim trunk off as well as get her bikini bottom off too.

As I knelt in front of Madison briefly, she leaned up, grabbing at my crotch, wanting to feel my cock, and realizing it, I leaned forward. It felt good, so good I undid my swimsuit and pulled it down slightly. Madison began to tug at them, wanting to see and feel my cock, eventually saying, Let me see,” as she beamed up at me.

Not wanting to stand on the bed or get off the bed to take my swimsuit off, I simply rolled over on my back. I arched my back and inching them down, and as I got them down part way, she rolled on her side, and groped for my cock. Finally, I got my suit down enough, my cock flopped out and Madison eagerly took it in her hand, and fondled it as I worked my swimsuit off the rest of the way off with my legs. It felt so good and occasionally she would look up at me for acceptance, and smiling at her, I hoped she might want to suck it.

It was soon apparent she only wanted to feel my cock, and so I rolled on to my side, limiting her access to feel on my cock, but that didn’t seem to stop her. However, when I put my hand on her bikini bottoms and started to finger her pussy though them, she reached down, stopping me. As our eyes met, I asked, “Are you okay.”

Madison looked concerned and shaking her head, I moved her hands I started fingering her again. She laid back now and I could see her eyes were closed. She felt very tight and when I tried to put my hand down her bikini bottoms, she again reach down, grabbed my hand and said, “No, don’t.”

I moved my hand onto her stomach and leaning into her, I kissed her. I didn’t want her to stop me and so I decided I needed to try to slow thing down a little, but as we kissed, all I could think about was feeling her pussy. I gently pressed my cock against her thigh, as we French kissed. I wanting Madison to know I was still hard and hopefully she would understand that I wanted more.

Cautiously, I moved my hand down her stomach to her bikini bottoms again and as I started I press my finger into her slit through her bikini, she shift a little, but didn’t stop me. She was wet and as I continued to finger her, Madison spread her legs, letting me finger her. We continued to kiss, and her breathing became a little labored, which caused us to stop kissing.

I didn’t want her to stop me and when she started to wiggle as I fingered her, I took the chance, quietly put my hand down the front of her bikini bottoms. Madison hastily reached down and grabbed my wrist as I gently started to finger her again. I leaned up and before kissing her I said, “Don’t worry,” and asked, “Do you want me to stop.”

There was a pause but as we looked at each, she let go of my wrist. She closed her eyes as I kissed her and continued to finger her pussy. Madison was really wet and every time I put my finger in her, she would gasp as I tried to finger fuck her. She was definitely trying to distance her thoughts because when I tried to take her bottoms off, she instantly snapped out of it and stopped me saying, “No don’t!”

Reaching down, she grabbed the sides of her bikini bottoms, holding so I could take them down. I didn’t want to be denied and I think she could tell I was a little frustrated because as I leaned up, and as I knelt next to her, she looked up at me and apologized. I said, “You don’t have to apologize, it’s okay,” but really I didn’t want to stop. My hard cock hung there and as she looked at it, I moved closer inviting her to touch it, and eventually she did, which allowed me to gently moved her other hand so I could take her bikini bottom off. As I pulled them down, she let go of my cock and arching her back, she let me take them off.

I couldn’t believe it, she only had a small patch of hair, very smooth, and looked so tight, and as I looked up at her naked body, she put both hands over her pussy, covering it. As she did, I looked up at her and said to myself, “She has to be younger than eighteen,” but I still didn’t want to stop.

Smiling at her I said, “Madison, you’re beautiful, don’t worry,” which made her timidly smiled back.

I gradually moved her hands to her sides, and as I gently spread her legs, I moved to kneel between them. “Oh my god” I thought, I was right there and as I gently massaged her thighs and pussy, Madison looked up at me. She appeared scared and so I leaned forward and gently kissed her on the lips and said, “Do you want me to stop?”

I really did want her to stop me and when she shook her head and nervously said, “No,” I smiled at her and leaning up, I kissed her again.

I had to be careful now and as we continued to kiss, I pressed my cock against her pussy, which made her take a breath and bend her legs. I told her to relax and as she nodded her head, I moved down to first tongue and suck her nipples briefly, because I wanted to go lol the way down to eat her young little pussy. I continued down until my head was between her legs and as I kissed her pussy, Madison leaned up and said, “I’m not sure we should do this.”

Looking up at her, she was obviously unsure as to what I was going to do, so I simply reached my hand up and gently pushed her lay back as I went back down to eat her pussy. I felt on her boobs but only for a moment before moving my hands down to spread and finger her pussy as I licked it.

She was so tight and as I continued to eat her pussy, she started to squirm a little as she gently squeeze my head between her legs. I wanted her to cum and when Madison continued to squirm and grinding in a way as I ate her pussy, l knew she was close. Suddenly she squeezed my head between her legs, she reached down, grabbing my head, she told me to stop in an out of breath voice, but I didn’t.

I could feel her shuttering now as she climaxed and as her legs relaxed, I moved on top of her, wanting to fuck her. She continued to breath hard and as I laid on top of her, I told her to relax, and when she nodded her head I tried to push my cock into her, but she immediately squirmed and said, “No, don’t.”

I leaned up and kissing her told her to relax, but suddenly Madison explained that she had never do it before and said, “I’m scared.” I was shocked, I didn’t want to think she had never done it before and so I again tried to push my cock into her. She was obviously in some discomfort because she continued to push me away saying, “It hurts.”

I told her to relax and as I continued to slowly push my cock in her, she continued to push on me. She really was tight but I was in her, and even though she started to squirm and moan, and appeared on the verge of crying, I slowly started to move my cock in and out of her. I even tried to kiss her as I fucked her, wanting her to relax, but ultimately I needed to cum, and I was close.

Trying to move my cock in and out of her a little faster now, Madison immediately asked me to stop, but I couldn’t stop, not now and as I continued to try to fuck her, she continued to push on me to stop. I was really close to cumming, and when I told her I was going to cum, Madison immediately started to panic and pushing me to get off her, she said in an almost crying voice, “Don’t cum in me, I’m only ...,” but before she finished, I thrust my cock deep into, which made her stop and pull away slightly.

I couldn’t believe what I just heard and out of breath, I stopped and looking at her in disbelief, and I could see she was a little teary-eyed. I reassured her that I wouldn’t cum in her and as I tried to start fucking her again, she continued to push me, but after a little while, she seemed to be more relaxed. I tried concentrate now on cumming, and she was so tight, every thrust in and out of her brought me that much closer.

I was going to cum and when I told her again I was going to cum, she immediately leaned up and said, “Don’t cum in me,” but I was already pulling out of her and kneeling in between her legs. I started rubbing my cock, wanting to cum as Madison leaned up on her elbows to watch as I focused on trying to cum.

Madison started feeling on her boobs as she watched my try to cum and then suddenly I said, “Oh yea,” and leaning forward, as my cock started to pulsate, cum shot on her stomach. It felt so good to cum and as I continued to stroke my cock, Madison laid back relieved I didn’t cum in her. Eventually as I continued to squeeze my cock, trying to get all the cum out I could, it dribbled onto her pussy.

It felt so good to have cum, even though I wanted to finish inside her, it was nice nevertheless, and as she looked up at me, we smiled at each other now and leaning forward to kiss her, I laid on top of her and cum smeared between us. It was sticky and slippery, and as I moved up to kiss her, I felt the head of my cock inadvertently pushed against the lips of her pussy. I wanted it but it caused Madison to push me away, and as I got off her now, we looking at our cum covered bodies, and smiling at each other, I asked to use the bathroom.

Madison quickly sat up and as she stood, she suggested that we take a shower. I was all for it and smiling said, “Sure, but when do you think your mom’s going to be home.” Walking toward the bedroom door she said, “Probably pretty soon, but I think we have some time.”

Naked, we hurried into the bathroom and took a shower together. We enjoyed laughing as we soaped each other up, which was definitely a turn on, because instantly I started to get hard as water beat down on us. I knew Madison was young and I couldn’t get over the fact that I was with her, but I didn’t want to let on and so I continued to feel her boobs and kiss her whenever possible, and when she now reached down rubbing my cock, I was surprised but reached down to, finger her pussy.

I was really enjoying being with her, and we were again getting a little heated as we made out in the shower, but I knew I needed to get going. I eventually suggested that we should get out of the shower and she agreed, and after drying off, we returned to her bedroom where I started to get dressed. As I got dressed, Madison grabbed a robe out of her closet and sat on the bed next to me, and after I pulled my swimsuit back on, we looked at each other and leaning into her, we kissed.

I didn’t want to leave, but knew I had to. We held hands as she lead me to the front door and as I headed down the stairs, Madison said, “Thanks,” which caused me to turn around halfway down the stairs. She waved and said, “Maybe I’ll see you at the beach tomorrow.” I nodded my head and turning, continuing down the stairs. At the bottom of the stairs, I grab my beach chair, looked back one more time, and headed back to the house my friends had rented.

I never told any of my friends what had happened because I knew she was probably really young. The rest of my vacation, I never ran into her again because the next day it rained and we ended up going shopping and bar hoping, and when we finally did go over to the beach, it appeared that her family had already left. I do continue to think about her and the time we spent together, and whenever I’m down at the beach, I look for her in vain.
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