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"'ve been watching me." He says trying desperately to take his eyes off of my breasts.
A two-story home is way too large when you are staying in one alone. Once I hoped its rooms would be filled with children, my children, that my husband would give me. Unfortunately, after we bought the house and spent five years together, we came to realize I was barren.

At first, this didn't seem to bother my ex-husband much, but as I was wondering on the options of adoption, his penis was wandering into the holes of other women.

After the divorce, I got a huge house cradled way too close to my neighbor, and he got a young blonde with a fertile womb. We've been split for about a year now and I just can't seem to bring myself to go dating again.

Lately, though I have found an outlet for my boredom. My house is tucked so close to the others on my street, I've found myself watching my neighbor Mike. It started off innocent enough, I would catch a glance of typing away on his computer, or drifting into a book. I have never thought of myself as a voyeur, but now as I'm peeking down into his room, I don't know what to think.

I can't seem to help but watch him as he strips. He's not overly muscular, nor obese, he is just an average stalky man with a little overhang. I would like to see what he is packing but I haven't seen it yet. My mind races thinking of the various possibilities of his length and girth of his dick. My eyes hunger to see it; my fingers crawl down my panties thirsty for it, so I watch him pull off his pants desperate for a payoff on my snooping.

He tosses his pants on the bed and makes a motion to turn around, but stops short and instead heads straight into the bathroom, closing the door behind his plump ass.

"Damn," I say, taking my fingers out from between my legs. "Thought for sure this time."

I need to see it, It has been a week since I first noticed this little spot, and I want to be able to imagine it. One look at his dick and I could just imagine him splitting me open, but how long would it be after that before I need to know the feel of his cock. How long before I became desperate for an injected concoction of pain and pleasure, that I have been deprived of for too long.

I need a plan.

Another week has gone by and my mind has come up blank on anything practical. I thought of walking around naked, hoping to perhaps catch him peeping back, but I don't have the courage.

I also thought of asking for help with some plumbing issues but that seems too cliche, so here I am hovering around my window again. My fingers prick my clit as my imagination begins swirling.

"Todays the day," I tell myself, while I wait impatiently in the darkness of my guest bedroom.

Time ticks by slowly, but when I see his hall light illuminate a thin line across his wall, my heartbeat quickens. I feel nervous and the veins in my neck pump hard beating against my ears with a loud lump. Mike opens the door and slings off his backpack into his computer chair. He flops onto the bed and looks flustered as he wriggles out of his tie and pulls it free of his neck.

Did he have a job interview?

Mike unceremoniously tosses it to the floor, while kicking off his shiny leather shoes, and begins to unbuckle his belt.

"This is me the goods," I whisper, as I circle my nub.

He lets the metal of his belt hang slack and begins to unbutton his shirt instead. I watch his fingers move, swiftly freeing each button, guiding them out of their bindings. After he finishes freeing his belly from its cage his happy trail curls up from between the two pieces of cloth.

He unfastens his pants, releases a large breath, and fiddles with his zipper before pulling the metal down to its end. It gapes open revealing wild brown turfs of hair.

No boxers this time, finally.

Mike sits up and pulls off his shirt and peels himself out of his pants, he stands up and exits my view. I absentmindedly exit my peeping spot to follow him, convincing myself he won't be able to see me in the darkness of the room, nor would he know to look up at just the right angle to see me.

He turns towards me as I reach the window, I freeze hoping he didn't somehow see me standing here...playing with myself. Thankfully as he walks back towards the bed I notice he is too busy texting to notice me.

There it is!

It's not the longest cock in the world, it's as long as my ex-husbands, but hell if it isn't thick.

My fingers rub faster as he lays back on the bed and begins to stroke his plump meat while watching his phone. His hand struggles to maintain a grip on the fatness of his dick as he tugs upward on it. His head is relatively small compared to his shaft and would often get swallowed up by his foreskin.

My knees are growing weak from matching his rhythm so I kneel down on the window seat. He grabs a handful of the foreskin and twists the head of his dick back and forth. I look on. My mind imagining how It must be to grind his meat, how good it would be to press it into me. I mimic his motions and swirl my index finger around my clit, his toes curl as do my own. I recognize the signs of his imminent orgasm and I hasten my quest for my own, a part of me wanting to share a climax with my unknowing muse.

He pulls his hand back, giving himself a few more long strokes while his fingers slap against his balls allowing him to release several large gooey wads. They streak his light blue cotton sheets, turning them dark blue quickly thereafter.

I clench my teeth and follow his lead, releasing loudly in the silence of my room. He lays the phone down on his chest and takes another deep breath. I retract my hand from my now soaked panties and back away from the window, giving him back the privacy I had just violated.

The next day went by in a blur, sleep, work, only to end it at the window for a peep. I find him asleep, his clothes strewn across his bed. I scolded myself for being too late to devour his nakedness with my eyes, but tonight I'm left without a treat, Mike isn't in his room. I know he is home though because I can see his car in his drive from here.

I walk around my house peering out of my windows in search for him, wondering where he could be. I look out my kitchen window and don't see him typing at his usual spot, nor reading in his book nook. I creep into my bathroom to see if I can spot him in his backyard, nothing.

I almost give up until I notice some movement outside my dining room window. I pull down the blinds and look out and scan the inside of his bathroom, a dark shadow pops up between his window and mine. I blink away blindness, as a bright flash erupts before me, I release the blind and rub my eyes, a sinking feeling begins to build in my stomach.

Shit was that him? Did he catch me?

Sure enough, a couple of seconds pass and I hear a gentle knock on my back door. I stand in the darkness of my house, fear creeping over me.

More knocks follow the previous, now they're less gentle and more confident… then Demanding. I stumble past my kitchen table and reach for the porch light switch. I pull the curtain aside and see Mike standing there in a ray of yellow halogen light.

"Yes?" I stutter.

"I… need to speak to you, Mrs. Sans," He says nervously.

"What about?" I say playing coy.

"I think you know," Mike says, trying to sound stirn or appalled, but his words don't reflect his facial expression, nor his body language which is nervous and fidgety.

I wonder if I can spin this to make it more fun at his expense.

I let the curtain fall back and reach under my shirt to remove my bra. My breasts look much perkier when it's on, but the men I slept with before my ex-husband always loved their fullness and how my nipples would stab out from behind my shirt.

I deposit my bra in the closet drawer, and give my nipples a quick tease and squeeze to ensure they are erect for my visitor. I unlatch the door and swing it open. His eyes instantly travel to the destination I have set for them and I smile instinctively.

"I don't," I say feigning innocence while crossing my arms under my tits and squeezing them together. "Care to let me know what I've done?"

I back up, allowing him to take a few steps inside.

"'ve been watching me." He says trying desperately to take his eyes off of my breasts.

"Have I? I say releasing them from my arms making them bound forward and swing precariously.

He swallows hard. "I have proof."

"What proof?" I say a little antagonistically, to toy with him.

He steps back toward the door. "I just took a picture of you. You know I did. I could go to the police."

"Oh really, and when they ask you why you were in my backyard what are you gonna say?" I say with a smirk.

He takes another step towards the door. "Ah, I wasn't in your backyard."

"That's not what I'm gonna tell them," I smirk, taking joy in his mental struggle.

"I...I have a video too," Mike stutters, taking a step forward.

"What video?" I ask curiously as to what evidence he could possibly have on me.

"Last week… I saw you watching me undress," he says, his voice gaining a semblance of outrage. "So a couple of days ago I filmed you… masturbating to me." He says raising his phone screen to me. At first, Couldn't make out anything from the video besides his bedroom walls, but he zooms his camera through his window and sure enough, I can see myself crouched in the window vigorously masturbating.

"What do you call that?" he asks firmly.

Guess the gig is up or is it.

"Surely you don't need to tell anyone what I did," I proclaim, advancing forward, circling him like prey, slamming the door closed and causing him to jump.

"No, I didn't, I mean I don't… I won't," he stammers, pocketing his phone and backing his ass up against the cabinet's tabletop.

"What did you hope to achieve anyway?" I ask.

"Uh, I don't know," he says, but takes in my body with lust and a little bit of shame in his eyes. "I suppose I wanted an apology."

"An apology, is that all?" I laugh. I see the gears turning in his mind as he began an internal conflict to demand what he really wants… what I really want.

"Maybe, I didn't want a sorry," He says. A growth is forming between his legs, and I know that any second his libito would take over.

"So?" I ask.

"I… wanted to… to" He says with a sigh finally getting it out.

"I don't know about all that," I say stepping forward and swiftly grabbing the boulder within his pants, making him gasp. "May want something else."

"What?" He asks in a wheeze as though my grasp sucked out all the air in his lungs.

"You're in my home, so you'll do as I say." I grin.

"What do you want?" He asks as though I may have lost him.

"Just take your pants off Mike," I order, releasing his bulge.

Mike unzips his pants and to my surprise, the thicket that I saw previously has been weeded and whacked back into a more manicured lawn. His penis is astounding for such a semi-shy man. I handle him for a few seconds, feeling his now raging bull. I take a moment to amuse myself by tracing the veins with my fingers and kneading the sides with both my hands. The more I grope the more I notice my breathing becoming hot and needy.

I slow my stroking of him as I realize his eyes are closed with pleasure. My touch must be intoxicating to him. His mouth opens a little to release a groan, I lean forward to capture his breath between my lips. His eyes open in shock but as I close my eyes and press mine firmer onto his, I feel his eyelashes tickle my cheek and he returns with his own pressure.

I grab his dick at the base and pull the skin down the shaft twisting it back and forth, knowing he would fall apart within my grasp in no time. He leans back breaking our lip lock to grip the countertop.

I end my battery of his meat, so I can descend to my knees while pulling off my shirt letting my breast swing free and enjoying his eyes swallowing up my massive rack and large areolas.

He attempts to straighten out, but I press his hips back firmly into the counter. He grunts in annoyance, but smartly silences himself, as I teeter forward, seizing his head between my tongue and the roof of my mouth.

Normally I would force more of a man's length into my mouth, as a way to bolster my abilities, but his thickness is much too wide to allow it. The saltiness of the skin forces my mouth to produce more saliva that dribbles out the corners of my mouth. He curses and growls as I suck hard and shake my head, twisting him around my wet maw. Mike's girth reminds me of a pacifier, thick and fun to bite. I release him long enough to wipe my chin free of the wetness and return to my fun.

"Mrs. Sans," he blurts out as I catch the first spurt of pre-come, I drop back and use both hands to milk him, enjoying his dense loads plopping against my face and oozing down my cleavage.

"Fuck." He sighs. I lick the last of his bitter liquid free of the mouth of his cock, making him shiver.

"That was… the best blowjobs I've ever had," he says as I take one of his balls into my mouth summoning a throaty groan.

I pick up my shirt to use it as a rag to dab the juices free of my skin. He is beginning to soften so may need to do something else for a bit. I disconnect from him and wipe my face clean.

"Where is your bedroom?" Mike asks, stroking his cock to coerce blood back into it.

I grab his hand to stop him. "My house, my rules," I remind him.

He halts his attempts to ready himself for another round. I raise my hands to him, so he can help me to my feet, because my knees are reddening and sore from the hardwood floor.

"Take off your shirt," I demand, guiding him to my first-floor guest room.

"I thought you wanted to wait?" He asks, as I push the door open and crawl into the middle of the bed.

"I do, but it's been such a long time since I've felt someone's lips on this," I say patting my panties.

"It's been a long time since I've done it, but I'll take good care of you," He laughs. His voice fills with confidence unlike before, so I guess the head gave him the courage he needed to shake off his doubts.

I raise my hips into the air and pull the cotton free from my hips, before letting my ass rest against the mattress. I feel a little bad as my untidy pallet is laid before Mike. I shamefully present my dish as though it were a cleanly shaven and tasty treat.

Mike to my surprise doesn't just dive in, but stretches out my legs and begins kissing my sore knees. His lips make my nipples throb and my pussy tremble. My lungs can't help but release a series of breaths that my mouth turns into obnoxiously loud moans. His teeth graze my bone and I scream. He releases me with a smile of satisfaction.

"That good huh?" He asks, lecking his way between my legs. I reply to him with a lustful whimper. "What was that?"

"It felt great." I moan, he raises my thighs up and rests them upon his shoulders before braving the wild jungle between my legs. After a short battle with the vines that have overrun my tomb, he reaches the treasures underneath. His lips graze my clit and thereafter his tongue proceeds to explore its surroundings, perhaps looking for secrets.

I reach down, grabbing a handful of his hair to course-correct his endeavors onto the main prize. He accepts my demands but gives me a strong flick with the tip of his tongue as a protest which causes me to jerk a bit from the sensitivity. I look down between my legs at him with an angry expression, yet he answers back with just a raised eyebrow and an agonizingly slow twist of his tongue.

I just let it go, assured that he knows what he is doing as the steady swirls slowly churn up the makings of an orgasm. He moves his hands across my stomach tickling my flesh adding more fuel to the now raging fire. I'm so ready to pop. I can't control myself anymore, I scream, and clench my legs locking his head between them like a vice. He fights back by forcing more of his tongue between my lips flicking furiously at my bean. I become weak from the orgasm and he takes full advantage, sucking my clit and pulling off with a little suction behind it instantly stacking back up the blockade he just smashed through.

"Fuck, how are you so good." I cry out. His shoulders bounce in a shrug as he keeps on the assault of suckles. I grab his head again, pulling his hair as another orgasm rolls out of my body. My muscles seize up and he gently lets go of me with his beautiful mouth and sits up wiping his face off. I close my knees and begin to rub my nipples as they began to throb painfully during the whole ordeal.

"Good?" He asks with a smirk.

"Yes," I say, trembling.

"Want this cock now? He mocks, stroking his fat rod.

I consider it for no more than a moment, before I open my knees to take in the swollen thing. It oddly looks much larger and imposing, now that it's aimed at my little hole. I nod but feel a flicker of fear as he crawls up my body, while his cock wags back and forth like an excited dog tail...if the hound was a mutant. He presses the head up against my opening, feeling the familiar pressure of a penis bound for entry. He proceeds a little further and the familiarity is lost instead it's replaced by pain and discomfort.

I grimace, stopping him for a moment. We look into each other's eyes. I see patients in his, yet I know he sees the panic in mine. He studies my face allowing me time to relax, he then kisses me, while edging out a bit before moving back in slightly loosening me up.

My mind isn't on his size as much now but teeter-tottering between the battle of our lips, and that of the sharp pain I feel coming from my little cat.

Mike lowers his chest to my breasts, somehow it soothes the pang of need my nips feel. He violently thrusts himself forward within me until his hilt hits my landing pad. I want to yell but his mouth muffles my cries, so I retaliate by taking a non-lethal bite of his bottom lip.

He stays within my depths once I release him. His punished lips retreat to a new home at the crook of my neck where it sets to work giving me several little sspine-tinglingnibbles. I curl my arms around his back, learning to cope with the fullness that is planted in between my legs. He rises off me while lifting one of my breasts into his mouth.

I grumble, the pressure there begins to build after his skin has been removed from them. He pulls back, making me take a drag of air, then pistons forward with his hips taking it away again.

I begin to huff and puff, just as a barrage of thrusts hit my cervix. I cry out as the pain becomes blissfully rhythmic. The sweetness of him grows more delectable with each passing second and his grunts an orchestra of desire to my ears. I push him further by swinging my legs over his thighs burying him deeper within me. His face collapses onto my collar bone and he Moans.

"Too good?" I whisper pridefully into his ear. He grumbles in response. I know he will burst before I do, but I can't help but spur him on. I don't feel bad about sending him down the road to defeat, when my pussy is already becoming too sore to continue.

"You?" He asks, slowing his roll.

"Good, getting sore," I state, unclenching my legs to allow him to thrust unabated. He acknowledges my statement, as a call for open season on my insides. His pumps become more fervent, and fevered. My bent knees gallop against his hips, and the shockwave of him bottoming out in me starts to stir a treasure that just before I assumed I was too sore to receive.

"I'm close," he moans, grinding my guts with his fat rod.

"Me… me too," I moan into his ear.

"Shit!" He huffs attempting to pull out, but at his word, I climax and wrap him up in my legs. He struggles for a few seconds then just accepts his fate… If only he knew. He takes a deep breath then sinks himself back into the soupy mess he just made. I enjoy his spasms and the warm come plastered on my insides, he begins to move again his dick stiffening again.

"I'm well past fucked Mike," I say, giving his biceps a squeeze.

"I know," he groans, sounding disappointed. "Just been a while."

"There's always tomorrow," I retort, hoping for more.

"That would be great," he laughs, sounding more cheerful as he kisses me. "Though I think it will be at my place… you know my house, my rules."
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