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My name is Kyle , i’m 18, about 5’10 and a pretty stocky guy. I wouldn’t say I’m hot or sexy by any means but I wouldn’t go as far as saying I’m ugly or anything , and I play football.... and I’m BI.
Now being bi on a football team can be pretty amazing and terrifying at the same time especially if you are trying to hide it. A bunch of guys changing and showering together can get pretty exciting sometimes too exciting, getting a boner in the locker room gets a lot of attention. It’s the summer before my senior year of high school and in the middle of summer football practice. Every summer the team can go to a football camp at a college and scrimmage against a bunch of other high schools and learn new things from the college coaches and players. Of course everyone gets excited because it’s a chance to get out of our tiny ass town and live like a college Kid for a few days. Me on the other hand is of course happy about the camp but you also have to room with someone while your also get to choose your roommate and I only have one person I want to room with,my friend Weston. Weston is a little older than me, about 6’0 ,tan, has dirty blonde hair ,and an amazing body I’m talking abs , cute little butt , and just the right amount of muscle( not a beef head). I’ve had a crush on Weston since middle school and was the first guy I’ve ever been attracted to and have always wanted to see him fully naked but he always where’s his underwear when showering and changes in private unlike most of the guys he’s a pretty shy person. But I had a plan, if I can room with him we will be living with each other for a few days and should have a good chance of seeing at least something. There was only one thing in the way... I have to get him to room with me, so as soon as our coach announced to *********** our roommate I went straight to him before anyone else could. Right before I got to him his friend lane went up to him and asked him, I was pissed and started to look around to get someone else so I wasn’t stuck with some weirdo but then I heard someone say “aww man lane you said you would room with me dude” lane realizing he had to choose one decided to go with the other guy and telling Weston sorry he forgot about that. I almost yelled YES but kept it in and I immediately went up to Weston and played it like I hadn’t just seen what happened and asked if he had a roommate yet he said no not yet and said do you want to room with me. I almost went nuts but again was able to get out a “for sure man”.

So another week went by and it was finally time to go to the camp I packed the normal stuff clothes, hygiene products, and baby powder you can’t forget baby powder if you start chafing during practice it’s terrible. We had to get up at 5 In the morning to catch the bus at 6 but you had the whole trip to sleep and varsity players get there own bus so there was usually enough room but this year there was a lot more of us so we had to double up so it wasn’t very comfortable but that also meant that Weston and me get to sit next to each other. So we took our seats and Weston took the inside seat which sucks because now I couldn’t lean against the window but a couple of hours in Weston couldn’t stand the sun from the window and I figured he would ask to trade spots but he instead takes his shirt off and covers his head with it. I was in shock I could see the small amount of sweat on his abs glisten in the sun all the way down to the waistband of his shorts which were kinda loose and could see the waistband of his underwear sticking out past them. God he was gorgeous I had to stop looking or I would have lost it. So to take my mind off him I grabbed my ear buds and decided to listen to music and try to get some sleep. I wake up to Weston shifting around next to me I pull my earbuds out and ask if he’s okay he said “fuck this sun dude I’m burning up.” So I asked him if he wanted to switch seats he said “ nah man I’m not gonna make you sit here and bake, I can just lay across your legs if your cool with that.” Of course I was fine with that and told him he could. “ aw dude your a life saver... might have to give you a blowjob while I’m down here haha.” I was shocked but not too much that’s just locker room talk. I told him no need I already had a quick jerk while you were sleeping we both laughed and went back to our own thing. It didn’t last long because Weston suddenly got up and grabbed his dick and said he’s gotta piss bad so we asked when are we gonna have a bathroom stop and unfortunately it was still a ways down the road. He said he doesn’t think he can hold it that long and coach said just piss in a bottle if you need to. This was my chance, I just need him to piss in a bottle next to me. So I grabbed my water bottle it was still half full so I downed it and said here you go dude. He said “ thanks dude but I’m gonna need something with a bigger lid.” We both laughed and started asking around for a bigger bottle luckily someone had an empty Gatorade bottle and handed it to Weston. He immediately opened it and pulled the front of his shorts and underwear down and right before his dick was out turned away from me all I could think was “damn almost.” As he was finishing up though he started turning back around and I got a glimpse of the tip of his dick and he was right there was no way he would have been able to use the water bottle. I didn’t get to see the whole thing but it’s a start. About 15 min later we stopped at a gas station to use the bathroom and stuff and coach said we were almost there. So we all piled back in the buses and headed the rest of the way there Weston unfortunately left his shirt on this time but I knew I would have way more chances this weekend.

We finally pulled into the college grounds and got shown to where we would be staying and got informed that due to a high volume of kids this year some of the rooms only have one bed instead of two but have put some small cots to replace them and you will have to decide who gets what. “Weston quickly said I get the bed if our room is like that sorry dude.” I said damn okay you called it, it’s only fair. We also found out that we won’t have time to unpack we have to just get dressed into our gear and head to the first scrimmage. So we get our room keys and hurry to our room and of course there was one bed and I tiny cot sitting next to it. Weston said “ sorry dude that sucks.” But I wasn’t really worried about it I’ve slept on worse. I said “ let’s go dude we got to get ready” he nodded and started to strip off his clothes I watched until he got down to his underwear and decided I probably shouldn’t stare and started to change as well but damn he was so god damn sexy. We finished changing and headed down to the scrimmage. We got back to our room tired and sweaty ready for a shower, Weston said I can go first if I wanted to and I wasn’t gonna argue and grabbed some clothes and headed to the shower. I probably spent a little too long in the shower but it just felt so good. So I dried off and got dressed and when I left the bathroom Weston was standing there on his phone in just underwear but his underwear was wet with sweat and stuck to his body and I could see a bit of a bulge in his underwear. I had to make myself look away before he noticed me checking him out. I said showers all yours and he smiled grabbed his things and walked into the bathroom. I decided to play on my phone while I waited on him to get done but before he was done In the shower I had to piss so I walked up to the door and there’s no locks on them so I opened it. Weston was still in the shower but he was making a weird noise I got closer to listen all I heard was “ uh uh mmmh ugh” OMG is he jerking off? The thought of Weston beating his meat right behind this curtain made me instantly hard. I still had to piss but didn’t want to interrupt him. I could still hear him moaning it was so hot I wanted to peak so bad. So I quietly got closer to the curtain and tried to peak in but I was at the wrong end I did get a good long look at his cute ass and I could see his arm making stroking motions... yep he’s definitely jerking off. So I sneak to the other side but before I get there I hear “ oh fuck... mmmmh....shit ugh I’m gonna cum.” He was saying it under his breath so not to let me hear him outside the room. I quickly get to the other end and peak in I can’t see anything he’s too far back but then “ uh..uh...uh...uh...mmmmmmmh.” Every grunt was followed by a string of cum hitting the shower wall right in front of me and assuming a few less powerful strings that didn’t make it as far. “Holy shit! that is the hottest thing I’ve seen” I said in my head, my crush just came right in front of me... then without warning he shuts off the water I have to get out of here. I book it to the door and open it and got out but didn’t get it closed all the way so I grab my phone and put my ear buds in and pretended to listen to music. He walked out in a towel looking confused seeing the door cracked and then looked at me with a scared look like he was embarrassed. I took my ear buds out and asked if everything was okay and he just nodded, he reached up and ran his hands through his hair and his towel dropped... damn he has underwear on what a tease. But other than the fact that I saw him blow his load all over the shower wall you could tell he had the towel to hide his semi-hard on that made a decent tent in his underwear. He quickly turned around and tried to play it off but I already knew what happened. He put on some sweats and left his shirt off and walked up to me” excuse me... your on my bed” “shit” I thought and got up he smiled and chuckled a little. He threw himself into the bed and let out a loud grunt (kinda like the ones he was making in the shower) I laughed and went to lay on my cot and it snapped “ WTF...are you serious?” Weston looked over and lost it I mean just totally lost it bent over laughing. I of course got pissed not at him but at the cot and picked it up and threw it across the room Weston stopped laughing and just looked at me with wide eyes I just looked at him and said “ fuck that thing” and then he started laughing again and I joined too. “ no worries man pretty sure we can both fit on the bed” I was surprised he said that and glad he did I didn’t really want to sleep on the floor and I get to sleep with him. So we finally get ready for bed and Weston pulls off his sweats “ sorry dude I sleep in my underwear gets too hot” I was okay with this and said fuck it and took my shorts off” me too dude.” I got into the bed and then Weston did, it was a pretty tight fit there was no way we could sleep on our backs so we either had to spoon the other or face away from each other and of course that’s what we did.

I woke up before our alarm went off and I could feel Weston up against me but he wasn’t facing away from me he was spooning me and that’s when I felt it... his dick was pressed against my ass and he had to be hard because it felt huge pressed between us. I wanted to look but I couldn’t risk waking him and the heat of his cock against my ass felt way too good. I wanted to do something so I started moving my hips to rub up and down his dick and slowly pushing against him harder. Idk how it could have been possible but it felt like it had gotten bigger. Then Weston stretched and pushed hard against me and went limp again I was frozen, when I realized he wasn’t awake I continued to rub up and down grinding on his cock. Then our alarm went off I just acted like I was waking up when he did I rolled over and he hopped out of bed and there was a wet spot from pre cum on the front of his underwear right where I could clearly see an outline of the tip of his cock... he must have been close to cumming ...“fuck that alarm” I thought. He finally realized he had morning wood and attempted to hide it but didn’t work very well so he walked into the bathroom and I’m assuming to “take care” of the situation. It didn’t take him long ( probably because I did all the work). I went after him and had to release myself, when I pulled my underwear down I could see a wet spot on the back of my underwear where his precum had seeped through, I ran the events of the shower and this morning through my head until I shot my load across the bathroom landing on the floor in front of me. After calming down I cleaned up my mess and headed out the bathroom where I saw Weston had already gotten dressed and waiting. “ hey, come on we gotta get down to breakfast” He said. “ Alright let me get dressed dude.” So I got dressed and we headed out. After getting back we had to go straight to a practice, we got back from the practice and had to go eat lunch and hurry back to shower because we had another practice right after. “ Damn dude that food was so good I’m full” said Weston as we walk back into our room, “ ya dude you’ll be lucky if you don’t get sick at practice now.” Then that’s when we realized we spent way too Long at lunch and we both wouldn’t be able to shower in time. I told him he could go ahead and shower I’ll wait till after practice. Then the most amazing sentence came out of his mouth “ No man we can just share, there’s enough room in there for both of us.” I was full of excitement but kept it at “ oh okay ya as long as your cool with it.” He said it’s okay and we both grabbed our stuff and headed to the bathroom where he started to strip, I did the same until we got to our underwear and we just looked at each other. “ fuck it “ said Weston and pulled his down and covered himself before I could see anything and turned around giving me a full view of his cute little ass. I did the same as him and pulled my underwear off while he started running water. When he got it to the right temperature he hopped in and waited for me before closing the curtain. Now it was just me and him standing right next to each other butt ass naked, I was in heaven. For the most part we stayed facing away from each other until we had to switch places to rinse off and while doing so I slipped Weston turned around and tried to catch me and in doing so had me face to face with his uncovered dick... I could see every inch of him, he was huge he had to be at least 7.5 or 8 inches when hard. I wanted to reach out and grab it but I knew that wouldn’t end well. “ like what you see” said Weston, I started to stutter I looked at him but he wasn’t looking at me he was looking straight at my dick and that’s when I realized I was standing there with a boner. He looked up at me and smiled, then got out of the shower. I was in shock, I thought he would have freaked out but it’s almost like he was okay with it. So I had no other choice but to go with him but he didn’t cover himself this time and just walked out naked after drying off letting his dick hang in the open, he turned and looked at me and now his dick was hard and I was right he was definitely 8 inches. We just stood there both of us hard until Weston started to walk closer to me, every step made his huge rod bounce up and down and he grabbed my hand and placed it on his throbbing dick. He let out a slight moan as I gripped him, his skin was hot to the touch and soft but also rigid and hard. I didn’t know what to do I just stared at his cock and holding it. I decided to stroke him and as soon as I did he let out another soft moan, I took this as my que and just started stroking his full length, after a few seconds of this I couldn’t help myself and got on my knees in front of him and now using two hands on him. After what felt like an hour I couldn’t hold back anymore and wrapped my mouth around his giant member, he let out a real moan this time and he tasted great I could taste his pre cum that was already oozing out. I began using my free hand to jerk myself off and he grabbed my head and was now face fucking me, I just relaxed and let him go deeper. I could feel his balls on my chin they were getting tighter I could tell he was close. I couldn’t hold back anymore and came all over the floor, Weston was on the edge his breathing was quick and he was making the same noises as yesterday in the shower. Suddenly he tried to pull back but I didn’t let him and pulled him back and continued to devour his dick,he let out one of the sexiest moans I had ever heard and I could feel his hot juices start filling my mouth it tasted great but I had to swallow because string after string of his thick juices hit the back of my throat, cumming way harder than he did in the shower. After sucking him dry he pulled away and his dick was slowly shrinking back to normal. Weston just stood there out of breath and exhausted, water from the shower and sweat from the sexual encounter was running down his beautiful body. I stood up right in front of him he looked me directly in the eyes and then grabbed me and planted a kiss on my lips, I melted in his arms kissing him back, but it was over just as fast as it happened. “ come on we are gonna be late “ he said with a smile on his face then slapped my ass as he walked past me. I was speechless.

Practice was weird we kept looking at each other and distracting each other even made him miss a catch and he had to keep “adjusting” himself throughout the practice, he had a boner the whole time. We got back to the room and he closed the door behind us, when I turned around he attacked me with his mouth kissing me, I just let it happen kissing him back but this time we didn’t stop. We fell onto the bed still kissing, he started grinding our on me, I could feel his dick on mine through our clothes. I lifted his shirt breaking out kid for the first time and rolled him over so that I was on top. I kissed him on the neck and worked my way down until I got to his nipples and sucked on them. Then I got to his abs feeling them and kissing them, I got to his waistband and started to pull it down to get his shorts off revealing his huge bulge in his underwear. I kissed his dick through the fabric and then went to his legs, and gave him a hicky on the inside of his leg his dick was big enough it fell out one of his leg holes so I could see the head. I put it in my mouth and teased him, just licking it and kissing it. I grabbed the waistband and pulled off the last bit of clothing he had setting his monster free. I grabbed ahold of him and started licking his balls sucking a nut and then letting go. He just squirmed and moaned loudly, I licked from the base of his dick all the way to the tip then wrapped my lips around him and went down on him. After only a few strokes he stopped me “ wait dude not this time, I want to try something else.” I said okay and he pushed me down and took my shorts off and then my underwear letting my slightly smaller dick spring free. Weston then got off the bed and pulled me to the edge, lifted my legs and began to lick my ass, it felt amazing. I moaned every time his tongue went across my tight hole. Then I felt him stick a finger in which just increased my pleasure. Then a second finger and then a third, I was in total bliss. Then he stopped, I was annoyed until I realized what what coming. Weston spit on his hand and coated his cock and then aimed it right for my tight little hole, he looked at me as if he was asking for approval and only had two words to tell him “ fuck me.” Weston pressed his cock against my hole and began adding pressure until his tip popped in ,it stung a little at first but quickly went away. “ Are you okay?” He asked and I nodded “ just take it slow” I said. Weston nodded and began pushing deeper inside me. I let out a slight wimper as I felt my hole stretch to let him in. Boy did it hurt, it was like he was ripping me in half. Then I felt his hips against my ass, he was balls deep inside me now. He looked at me again and I nodded he began to pull out and I began to feel empty, when he got most of the way out he started pushing back in this time slightly faster and less painful. After a few more times the pain became pleasure with every stroke, and then he was fucking me and it was amazing. I wrapped my legs around him and started meeting his strokes, i reached up at pulled him into me and wrapped my arms around him scratching as he thrusted into me the pleasure was too much for me and I came all over my stomach and he continued to fuck me. He stopped kissed me and then pulled out, I again felt empty and wanted him back inside me. Then he flipped me over and I got in a doggy style position and he found my hole again and thrusted back into me filling my ass again. I could feel his balls slapping against my cheeks he was moaning into my ear and breathing heavily. “ fuck kyle your ass feels so good, I’m gonna fuuuuuuuuuck.” I could feel his cock twitch inside me as he pumped me full of his hot seed, feeling him fill me up like that made me blow my load a second time, this time all over the bed, and I could still feel him cumming deep in my ass. He finally finished and we both laid down with his cock still embedded in my ass until his cock shrunk down and fell out of my tender hole, and his cum slowly started to drip out. We stayed like that until we fell asleep from exhaustion.

We woke up from our alarm still snuggled together. I rolled over to look at him and he smiled, “ I guess it’s time for breakfast “ said Weston. “ there’s only one thing I want for breakfast” I said, as I rolled on top of him and kissed him. He laughed and kissed me back and our dicks started to grow as they rubbed against each other. He pulled away from me and we just stared into each others eyes “fuck me kyle” said Weston, I smiled and rolled him over and he presented himself for me. He wiggled his cute little butt for me and I spread his cheeks and licked from his balls all the way up his crack. He let out a little moan which drove me crazy and started focusing on his tight hole. After a few minutes of eating him out I stuck a finger in “ damn your tight Wes” I said as I worked another finger in. After a few more minutes I pulled my fingers out and spit in my hand, and rubbing it on my cock. I asked if he was ready and he replied with “ yes daddy, fuck my little hole.” I didn’t hesitate and lined my dick up with his hole and started pushing until my head popped in. He let out a little yell and I asked if he was okay and he nodded, so I continued to push deeper into his warm hole. I was finally balls deep in his ass and began pulling out, and he let out a moan as I pulled out. And when I was most of the way out I pushed back in making him moan again. I started picking up the pace and he was moaning louder and louder with every stroke until I was pounding his ass. Now he was really moaning and if anyone was next door they could hear him but we didn’t care. We decided to switch positions and he wanted to ride me, so laid on my back and he grabbed my cock and he lowered himself onto me. His ass felt amazing wrapped around my dick,and his dick was flopping on my stomach as he rode me. I reached out and began stroking him as he rode me until he stopped and let out a grunt and blew his load all over my chest and face. He started riding me again “ god Wes don’t stop I’m gonna cum too” he picked up the pace started slamming down on my cock. My balls started to tighten and I felt the urge to cum coming. “ oh fuck Wes I’m gonna cu... uh... mmmmmh fuuck.” I came deep in his ass but he kept riding and my cum coated my cock as he went up and down. He slumped down on top of me with his cum between our body’s, “ I love you Wes” I said, “ I love you too “ said Weston.
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