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A story of when girls explore life in their club...thet learn a lot!
The Girls’ Club Camp …Oh what fun (Chapter 1...before camp events)

We school girls lived in the very rural part of the Southwest and while the city girls had their clubs of Girl Scouts and Brownies to learn about nature, well, since we lived in nature there wasn’t much about it we didn’t already know and for this reason our Girls’ Clubs were different.

While the city girls were beginning to mature, grow hair and breasts, starting talk about that forbidden thing called “S E X” we country girls saw it and many experienced it already. It might have been walking a mile to school and two animals in the field were going at it or at school, in the yard, during class, we would look out and there were two dogs enjoying themselves. It sure broke the monotony of reading old dry stories or multiplication to look outside and see some animal’s big cock thrusting, rutting, into a bitch!

We country girls were more grown up sooner than our city counterparts but we still liked to and needed to get together sometimes in a group and do things…talk about things…so we had clubs which were quite unlike the scouts or campfire girls.

We would get together on the weekends and take a hike way out in the field with our picnic lunches. Sometimes we’d camp by the river…pitch our tents…roll out our bags…cook under the stars…and talk about things…you know the same “S E X” things the city girls would tickle over we in our Club were into the reality of “S E X” right now.

What I’m about to tell you happened a few weeks before one of these outings when we camped by the river…exams were finished…school almost out…so we had no pressure on us. My best friend in those days was the prettiest, sexiest little woman in the club. Her name was Phyllis. She was not only full of fun but also had a spirit of adventure and was about as uninhibited as one can imagine.

One time, before our camping trip, we were at her house alone…family at the store…Phyllis made us a sandwich and I said we should go into the yard. It was hot this day and we sat on the patio to eat. There was a slight breeze which didn’t cool us down much and I sat, ate, and looked at her, wishing I could someday be as pretty. “You’re staring,” Phyllis said. “You’re just really pretty,” I said, “so why shouldn’t I stare?” “You’re pretty, too,” Phyllis said. I replied: “Maybe so but you are like a Hollywood movie star pretty and I’m just ordinary. Why, you could be a star if you went to Hollywood.” Phyllis got this huge and mischievous smile and stood up to model for me, hands on hips, twirling about and we got to laughing.

“You wouldn’t need to do the casting couch thing, either,” I said. “But what if I wanted to be on the couch?” she joked and sat down on the swing, kicking one leg up in the air. “Phyllis!” I said: “You’re all ready for the couch…they wouldn’t even have to take off your panties.” Phyllis said: “I’m not wearing any, Silly.” “That’s what I mean. You’re a natural.”

It got quiet then and our laughter cooled. I was admiring her now just openly straddled over the arm of the swing, admiring her nakedness, her pretty pussy and her downy hairs but for another reason…she was turning me on. Her skin was silky and her cunt lips were puffy and damp. I stood, reached under my little summer dress and pulled off my panties saying: “I’m ready for my audition!” Phyllis got this wonderful glint in her eyes…”my eyes are watering,” she said. I stepped to her side and leaned down to look in her eyes. She pulled my mouth to hers for a long kiss…then another and I was on the swing with my beautiful friend Phyllis. Feeling her mouth on me and now my hand was down her legs to her soft cunt. She was already wet and I leaned in for more touching and feelings…it seemed so natural to stroke her, my fingers gliding, spreading her, and her lifting to my touch.

It was all so spontaneous and in nature and doing what comes naturally. She lifting her hips in rhythm to my stroking fingers and she was whispering in my ear. Now tonguing my ear and I was so involved in just the two us I didn’t even notice the screen door squeaking open, or the patter of canine feet padding toward us but I got the shock of the cold doggie nose on me…my dress had lifted to my waist and I knew I was showing myself to “nature” and that “nature” was about to take its course.

As I was being nuzzled and lapped, Phyllis broke our kiss and looked down at the events unfolding at my waist. I looked in her eyes and she had this big smile…she watched my bottom undulate to the attention I was getting. I asked: “How does that dog know how to do this?” Phyllis said: “Do you really want to know? Guess.” It didn’t take much guessing but guessing is not what I wanted to do just then. My face was flush and hot along with my cunt and I was desperate for that special release like only we girls can enjoy…I didn’t have to wait long.

“Lift a little,” Phyllis instructed, and I did, “Meet my dog, Duke!” and now he met me and I had two paws holding either side of me and a wet, hot thing flapping, poking my bottom, searching…searching…now…”OH GOD!” finding me! I was so ready and hot and my lips were puffed and then there was a delicious insertion thrusting into my hot body. Phyllis held my arms in hers and began kissing me again as the thrusting long cock seemed up me at my throat mingling with our lips. I sank into Phyllis’ chest…her soft breasts and mine a heavenly cushion for my lust and I held her tight and inside me built a heat and tingle…my whole body was blushing and my mouth exhaled a gust of breath…”Oh God, Phyllis,” I exclaimed as my soul released in a wave of pleasure and delight and then it was quiet again.

I looked at Duke and he was licking himself soft…his wonderful long cock just a memory. Phyllis was still holding me as my breathing became normal. “I didn’t know,” it was my turn to whisper. Then, “Can we bring him to camp next time.” Phyllis just smiled. I knew the answer.

Girls’ Club…Chapter 2

School had been out about a week when our Girls’ Club planned an overnight outing by the creek not far from town. Phyllis and I got together and made our preparations: packing our bags, folding our tents, packing some food for camp, clothing and then we were ready. “I’ll come by your place tomorrow and pick you up,” Phyllis said as I ran off home. I waved.

That night was very exciting as I thought about all the fun we girls would have…our first night by the creek with a little campfire and the stories we had accumulated during the school year. I had trouble sleeping but it was soon light and I was out of bed, getting dressed. I heard Phyllis calling outside; she had all our camping stuff; said “good byes” to parents and off we trotted.

Just out of sight of my house things got exciting. “Well,” said Phyllis, “what do you know about that? Here’s Duke!” I felt my blood rush to my cheeks when I saw Duke, his tongue inning and outing. There he was, tied to a branch. “I was hoping Duke would have time to join us,” I said. Phyllis just nodded and laughed. “He can be the life of the party and he’ll also protect us just in case.”

Then off the three of us went to the camping ground…it was about an hour’s walk and then we were there in a shady glen with a little creek making creek noises. Duke ran ahead and started lapping the fresh water, his tail wagging, his balls lopping from side to side. “Do you want to have a rest before we set up camp?” Phyllis asked…I nodded…we spread a blanket out and used our bags as pillows and laid down next to each other.

Birds singing, the sounds of the creek, it was still morning and cool and nice. A good time for a rest after our walk. “Are you ready for the casting couch?” Phyllis giggled. I giggled back. I knew what “ready” meant…no panties! “It’s so private here,” I said, “so who would need panties?” Phyllis took my hand and we laid side by side…private, open, pantiless…then Duke walk up to us standing at our feet. I looked up at him, it was like he was smiling, with that long tongue hanging to one side dripping from the creek water…I looked at Phyllis and she at me…exchanging smiles…both of us getting wet and hot at just our shared thoughts…naughty, wetting, thoughts! “It’s your turn,” I said. She smiled. “I wonder which of us Duke prefers…he is a fickle guy!” I said: “But it’s your turn.”

With those words, Phyllis lifted her dress to her waist and patted her cunt; Duke settling down between her legs. I got on my elbows for a better look and Duke scooted closer to Phyllis, finally reaching out his tongue for a long wet lick. Phyllis lifted her bottom. “That first touch is always great,” she said, putting her hands under her bottom readying for another lick which soon came and she flinched again.

Just watching the scene out there in the wilderness was making me flinch and feel pangs of jealousy that Duke was anointing her cunt, not mine. I reached over to her body and petted her hairs and Duke’s tongue was licking my hand and everything in the area. “Spread my lips,” Phyllis said and I reached with my fingers, opening her: “That’s it…perfect…Oh God! That feels so good to have the two of you on me.” I kissed her and she held my mouth on her, closing my eyes, listening to the creek and the licking, putting my tongue in Phyllis’s mouth. She was being thoroughly tongued. Her tongue was thick in her mouth and I could feel her breathing tense, her fingers holding my hair tight, still hearing Duke at work on her, my fingers spreading, her body lifting, she was sucking the air from my mouth and then things went very still…holding…then releasing…her hands at her waist with mine and Duke whining his little lustful whines…her breath was in my ear, her tongue in my ear and her legs flailing and then she stopped and relaxed.

She whispered: “Thank you…thank you…that was good…gooood.” The three of us lay there quietly, regaining our senses as all senses had left us in those moments. I pulled her dress to cover her. Our session on the casting couch was finished, for the time being.

Girl Scout Camp Physical:

By Sara in collaboration with Roger

On the first day of camp we were brought into the medical cabin. We had to get our camp physical before we could start the rest of camp. We didn’t know what to expect as we hadn’t been to a camp before. Up to that time we had our meetings and camp fires and our mothers were always around…kind of hovering…but now, we were at camp and with counselors and mothers were back at home…it was exciting to be on our own now at last without all the hovering.

Our uniforms were the shades of green and brown and sashes over our shoulders…long stockings up to our hem lines. I have to say…please don’t tell anyone…but I was bare underneath…I mean, who would possibly know that I wore no panties…I loved the feeling of the cooling air and not being restricted, though when I sat or squatted I was careful not to “show.”

So in we all went for our physicals. I was almost the last into the large room “The doctor will be here in a minute,” our scout master told us but, as she told us: “In the meantime everyone lie down on the tables.” We did so. I noticed all the other girls were lying down. I could see they all, or almost all, had on their panties. Only a few of us were brave and pantiless. I felt special that I was among the few. I laid on my table, my little girl scout dress barely covering my privates. The air cooled me and aroused me and I felt an exhilaration in lying back, waiting for what I knew not. I was soon to find out as the doctor entered our room.

“Well, well,” I heard the doctor exclaim…”what a lovely group of young women,” the doctor said. “I’m sure the examination won’t take long and you are all obviously in good shape.” I waited and felt cool and anticipated my turn for the examination. I had never been examined before.

She told us to take off our blouses and we all did; then to loosen our skirts and we all did and then the examinations began. I looked to my side and saw my friends as the doctor passed her hands over their breasts and down their legs, over their panties, and wondered what she would do with me without panties. At one point as she came near me she called over our camp counselor. I heard them whispering but not the words.

Our camp counselor was a pretty woman who wore a short skirt and I could see her breasts as she would lean over us…I saw her lean over the doctor…I watched…the doctor’s hand disappeared under the counselor’s little skirt as she leaned over and her bottom undulated…I knew where the doctor’s hand was and the camp counselor smiled as she did so…I wondered what would happen next. It was soon to find out.

She was near me now and examining one of my friends…her blouse was open and her breasts were bare…the doctor felt her breasts and smiled…my friend squirmed as the doctor massaged her breasts and then told her she was “fine.” I didn’t know what “fine” meant but I was beginning to feel “fine” just watching her and the counselor and my friends. I felt a strange new coolness now and waited.

She was at my table and feeling my breasts…my nipples were hard and she smiled when I looked at her. She took my hand and pulled me up from the table and the doctor and the counselor led me to a small room. Now I was scared but good scared. She had singled me out for a special examination I thought. I was right to be “good” scared for an exam I would never forget.

The doctor put me on a table in the room and I laid back. “You are a special one,” she said. I nodded. “Why aren’t you wearing panties,” she asked. I shook my head. “That way I don’t have to take them off for my exam, do I?” she said and I nodded again not knowing what would be next but hoping it would be special. Special it was. “I need to check you out,” said the doctor. I nodded as her hands were at my legs and also on my breasts.

“Your nipples are hard,” she said, her hands examining me…”Why do you think that is?” she asked. I nodded again hoping this was only the beginning…”Do you have a razor?” she asked the counselor…I looked and saw a razor in the counselor’s hand…Then the razor was on me…on my privates…the counselor’s hands smoothing me and a gentle shaving…I lifted my body as there were hands all over me now…I lifted again. “You’re clean,” the counselor said to me…I only nodded, in anticipation and then…what I had waited for:

“Sweetheart,” said the doctor, “you’re wet now that we’ve shaved you. You are a very beautiful woman and luscious Girl Scout…I felt a warmth on my body…”Oh my God,” I said. There was a mouth on me…licking my cunt…I know I shouldn’t use that word…I was a Scout and we didn’t talk that way but it was MY hot, wet cunt…and there was no other word for it…I lifted…my legs opened…my doctor was licking my cunt…I shook and shook again…I was lifting my bottom, her hands were lifting, her fingers spreading me…I cried out and grunted and cried again, squeezing my legs on her face. The counselor was kissing me and put my hand under her skirt…I felt how wet she was…She whispered: “Play with my cunt.” And I did as she squirmed and kissed my mouth, her hands playing with my nipples. I felt a strange heat in my body and squeezed my legs on the doctor’s face…her tongue sent me wild…I was shaking all over. Then it was over and I went back with the other scouts.

I had been examined and couldn’t wait to be examined again.
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