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A guy falls into a party with a group of women without knowing how they enjoy using men.
Ballbusted into Slavery

Chapter 1

There are many who would say I had it coming. I was amused by stories of other men being subjected to cock and ball torture by sadistic women and looked at websites about it. I giggled at movies where some guy took it in the eggs and made a lot of barnyard jokes about some bitch “having him by the balls” or saying someone should crush some jerk’s nuts.

By myself, I imagined a woman squeezing my naked balls while I writhed in pain but never thought anything like that could happen to me or that there were women who would really do such a thing. I imagined being a slave to women who owned my nuts. I guess I wanted all that in some way but would never have admitted it even to myself.

Of course, I imagined that it would be some beautiful women with huge boobs that would enslave me. That’s not quite what happened.

Even before what happened, I was in pretty good shape, about 6 feet, and pretty well endowed although not a freak. I have a larger than average cock, about 7 inches when rock hard, and kind of large balls.

My life hasn’t gone so great. 37 when this story began, I was an English major in a state college before dropping out and starting to take a lot of jobs that weren’t too challenging. For the last couple years, I had been working in the mail room of a big accounting firm. I kept the copier running, distributed mail, watered plants, carried shit to the parking lot, and did a bunch of other menial crap.

I played games and looked at porn on the computer in the mail room that we were supposed to just use for company email and ordering supplies, but I thought I’d been pretty careful to delete the porn I looked at when things were slow.

I was married two years. My ex-wife said I did not satisfy her needs and was too self-centered. She had worked for the same company as me but got another job in a nearby city after the divorce.

I don’t think I’m stupid, but mental tasks much more complicated than ordering more copy paper seem boring. My attention span got shorter and shorter. On the weekend, I liked playing games, drinking beer, looking at porn sites, and jerking off to a wide variety of porn. But that has all changed.

One Friday night after work, I went out to work to a local bar down the road. With me were a few guys and Debbie from the office. Debbie was the assistant office manager and my boss. Debbie had not really paid much attention to me as far as I knew. I did what she said. She did not ask for much but got what she asked for.

Debbie is no beauty queen but kind of hot for a lady about 40. Average height, Hair dyed blonde, A tad overweight maybe but not gross and the big knockers give her a pretty good bod even if her belly could be flatter and her thighs thinner. Anyway, most men would fuck her. I may have looked a bit too much at her boobs when she leaned forward to use the copying machine.

In the bar, we started out talking about work gossip. Debbie suggested she might know some interesting facts about me but never elaborated on it. Over time, women I did not know sat down with us who were friends of other people in our party. Mainly, they were friends of Debbie and friends of friends of Debbie.

Eventually, all the people I knew, including Debbie, had left to be with their families, girlfriends, boyfriends or televisions. Being a single guy in my late 30s with nothing to do but go home to the computer to play games, I just kept drinking as long as there were people at the table. About 10:30, it was just me and four women there who I had not met before that night. Two of them I’d definitely like to fuck and the other two I’d be willing to fuck after a few beers. I did not catch all of their names at first except one had a great figure and big boobs I wanted to squeeze like crazy. She was named Sheila. Another woman was a kind of small Asian woman with a pretty good figure and a name I couldn’t pronounce and a grudge against white men who thought they should own her. I’ve learned her name is Nguyet.

The other two it developed were divorcees in their 40s working somewhere boring. These two had grudges against their ex-husbands and their current bosses. The two blondes were a little overweight, taller than average, had pretty big boobs and seemed to be somewhere from the south. One, Marilyn, was a bleach blond and the other one, Jane, a dishwater blond. Most of the night I could not remember their names. I did not really give a shit about their names but thought I’d be willing to fuck them on a couple beers.

There was a lot of talk about male assholes at their workplaces. I did not say much but thought about what it would be like to fuck each of them. Then one of the divorcees said, something about how she’d really like to go after the nuts of the asshole who ran the office she was working for. She told story of how he’d made her make copies all through her lunch hour but would not let her leave work early. Generally, the women were acting like I was not there. They got crude about what they’ve like to do to various assholes in their lives and how they’d like to make them pay. The Asian woman, apparently the most bitter of all, said something about how she sure had some balls in mind to crush. I kind of mockingly spoke up at that point to say that I did not think woman really were into that kind of shit and that none of them would really want to hurt a guy in his balls.

I should have gone home after I saw the look that Sheila and Nguyet gave me and then each other.

The subject eventually changed to where to go from the bar. Sheila of the luscious tits, said that we should get out of the dive, go to a place where she had some beer and other supplies and get high. I did not know whether I was invited or not but she looked at me and said that I should come by and learn more about life and my place.

It turned out the apartment wasn’t far from the bar. It was in an old motel that had been converted to apartments. Only a few apartments had been leased. The one we went to was at the end of the row with a few unoccupied rooms between it and the nearest occupied apartment.

There was not much to the apartment, just one room with a sitting area of chairs arranged around a kind of strange coffee table that was a trunk, a metal frame bed against the wall, a kitchen area and a bathroom. I was pretty loaded and went in and helped myself to a beer and sat in the biggest chair in the sitting area. I should have noticed the picture on the refrigerator of a naked guy tied down screaming with a woman squeezing of his balls but I only saw that later.

The host put on some weird jazz music I’d not heard. I mainly listen to country. She rolled a joint that was passed around the 5 of us. Sitting on the floor because there were only four chairs in the small apartment, Sheila returned to the subject of men. She suggested they were all jerks and slobs and not good for much. I was again thinking that maybe I ought to be going after I finished my beer and offered her my chair. I sat on the “coffee table” that was actually a big trunk in the middle of the room.

The conversation went to some soap opera I did not watch and how much they hated one guy in the show. Dishwasher blond Jane said he needed a lot of sharp cracks to his junk but bleach blond Marilyn said that there were a lot of ways to hurt a guy that do not involve his prick or testicles. Nguyet agreed with Marilyn but said that hurting balls was best. I finished my beer and went to use the toilet. I did not see the picture on the door facing the toilet because I pissed facing the john and left quickly because the Nguyet was in a hurry to get in there.

When I got back in the living room, there has been some talk about something and Sheila is playing with a pack of cards on the trunk. I suggested maybe I should go but Nguyet had gotten back and lighted another joint. Sheila said the party was just getting started. “How about some poker?” I said I really have only about 10 bucks cash left on me so the stakes would have to be pretty small unless they all intended to let me win. Sheila said that we could have better stakes than that; how about strip poker?

Obviously, looking back, I should have run, but I was pretty interested in Sheila and Nguyet and the other two ladies would also be amusing nude. Marilyn said she did not really know how to play poker. Sheila said we should make it easy. The high card lost an article of clothing. In case of a tie, both took something off.

The odds looked pretty good that a woman would lose. I said, “sure but we only play to the first person loses all their clothes.” Nguyet said, “okay but we’re all adults who have seen cocks and pussies before, what happens to the loser? Dishwasher blond Jane stretched pushing her big boobs towards my face and said, “how about we do what we want to him.” Sheila corrected, “him or her” and said that if she lost that I could do whatever I wanted with her.

Sounded like I got to fuck the loser, which would be nice way to end the evening. But Sheila added that, with four women and one man, the odds were really too much against women. She suggested that a woman could take off an article for another woman if she wanted? I should have realized that this drastically changed the odds, but Sheila also stretched in a way that pushed out her tits and I said, “okay, what the fuck, but we all have to start with the same amount of clothes.” We agreed to count down from ten and that no one left until there was a loser.

I don’t know how to do the math on the odds so I don’t know if I was unlucky or they cheated, but I soon was in trouble. Nguyet would have gone down quickly except that others started taking her losses and when the Jane got down to eight Sheila still had 7 in reserve to keep her from going out.

After another joint and I don’t know how much time had gone by, I’m down to my boxers, while two of the women are in their bra and panties and the others have two or three pieces of clothing that they could take off if necessary. I said, “Boy, it is getting pretty late, what do you say we call it a night.” Nguyet says “no way.” I am as scared, erect and excited as can be. The next deal, I get the Ace of Clubs with the next highest card being Sheila’s Jack.

The magnitude of the situation only now really hit me. Each of the divorcees takes one of my arms and Nguyet grabbed the elastic on my boxers. Out of fear and a reflex I start to say something or shout or babble but Sheila has gotten behind me and neatly somehow puts a ball gag in my mouth. I then realized that some of them had done this before, started to panic and began to kick. That doesn’t last long though because Nguyet grabbed my balls very hard, squeezed and said she’d crush my nuts if I did not settle down. I realized I was beat and, in a few seconds, I am strapped over the top of the trunk with my head hanging over one side, my raging hard-on just even with the opposite edge, and my balls hanging right over the edge. My legs are put in ropes and secured so that they are pulled back and a pillow is put under my ass which makes my cock and balls jut out so they are still more exposed.

The ladies are all trading high fives and they open a drawer in the trunk that I had not noticed before. From the drawer emerges a bunch of items that Nguyet made a point of showing me including tongs like you use for turning meat on a fire, safety pins, clamps, pinking shears, pliers, paddles, riding crops, hat pins, knives, needles and a thing that looks like a strange hedge trimmer that I later learned was a burdizzo.

Sheila looked at the two divorcees and said, we’ve only just met you tonight but I think you should have the honor of starting the ceremony. Try not to do any permanent damage, but I guess we could forgive you if you make a little mistake on your first time. With that, the Marilyn immediately took a pair of pliers to my left nipple and closed it hard. It hurt. I would have screamed but that wasn’t an option with my mouth gagged. I did start bumping my butt against the pillow on the trunk, which accomplished nothing, particularly after Jane punched my left nut.

It is a sort of wonderful thing the way that testicles can kind of slide away for a blow. Jane’s fist was more of a mental pain than real agony, but I knew that was just the start of what was to come. When Jane grabbed each nut and started to squeeze it like a marble, I was praying I’d pass out. No such luck. I realized that I had never been in so much pain in my life and that this could go on a very long time. All the times I’d joked about guys getting their balls in a vice came back to haunt me, but I was not really thinking so much as just registering pain like a mindless animal.

Sheila advised, “If you squeeze this loser like that much more, he’ll probably cum all over the place.” Although I somehow was still my full 7 inches hard, cumming was not really on my mind as my other nipple was put in an alligator clip. Sheila had decided to bite the nipple that had been in the pliers and the Nguyet was picking up the tongs and one of the whips. I was very silently praying that Sheila had to work on Saturday as the one woman released my balls so that they could be beaten and the tongs were used on the tip of my prick.

Chapter 2

Sheila then said, "You know I think we should get some food and more supplies. I think we have found fun for the whole weekend or maybe more." She winked at me and slapped my nuts like flies that had landed on a kitchen table. I felt the sharpest pain, gasped through my gag and thought, Oh shit. Then Sheila took my wallet out of my pants and said, “Our generous friend is buying pizza and whatever else we need for a while. Also, I know someone who knows this guy. Let’s see if we can keep him.”

Then, they just left me there, tied to the box for what seemed like eternity but was probably more like 45 minutes. They returned triumphant with wine, pizza and news.

Sheila and Nguyet untied me from the trunk, walked me to the toilet, gave me a pill to swallow and said I’d had my last beer. I did what I was told as Nguyet twisted my ball bag. Sheila explained that they did not want alcohol to interfere with them using me completely. They tied me to the bed with my arms and legs forming an X and put a couple big cushions under my butt so my cock was higher than my head and my balls were up for the grabbing. For good measure, Nyuget squeezed my balls again.

Sheila said that she’d talked to her friend Debbie and she would be coming over soon. Sheila added that Debbie had said on the phone that I was a complete loser and no one would complain if I disappeared. My boner had gone down while they were out and they’d had me piss but it came back after Nguyet grabbed my sack and Sheila ran her fingernails over my nipples. Nguyet let go but Jane started lightly whacking my balls with a little whip that had come out of the trunk. I was as hard as a rock.

“You see, he likes it,” Sheila said.

“He’ll squirt a mile when he finally cums,” the Marilyn said.

Debbie walked into the apartment and looked down on my naked body. “I was pretty sure he was well hung. I see I was right. He’s not the laziest jagoff at the office, but he’s not going anywhere great either. His best use at work is for shit work but I am sure we can teach him a few more useful tricks.”

Debbie then pulled down her pants and said, “This loser’s ex said he doesn’t eat pussy, but I’m sure we can teach him to do it and do it well.” She lowered her cunt to my face, grabbed my nuts and said that I should start slowly before gently licking her clit directly and I would know from the level of pain in my balls whether I was doing it right.

I reached back into my memory and tried to remember everything I’d ever been told as to how to eat pussy. I gently licked around and sort of tickled her clit. She held my balls firmly but did not squeeze. I sensed that she must have got off from her vibrations and little sigh. She got off my face.

“I’ve had a lot better, mainly from women, but loser can do the job if he’s forced to concentrate. Anyone else want to enjoy this asshole’s tongue.”

Nguyet got on me and squeezed my balls to the point of pain even before I’d made a mistake. I did my best but it seemed to take forever before she got off my face.

“Let’s start squeezing the juice out of the loser,” Sheila said before grabbing my nuts and pulling them up and down. I just knew she must have done this many times before. I could feel I was as erect as I’d even been. I passed the point of no return. My cock sprayed into the air like a fountain. I was relieved and expected they’d let me rest. I don’t know why I thought this as It should have been damn clear that did not have me come just for pleasure.

Now, Sheila said, “This is where things get really rough. The loser thinks he’s done his job and had his release so the game is. But we’re going to see how many times he can help us cum and be forced to cum.”

It had been a long time since I’d cum more than once in a day and I’d not cum twice without having a break since I was about 17. But with Jane’s pussy in my face and Sheila expertly working my cock, I came again. I guess it was whatever pill it was they gave me. They got me hard not long after the second orgasm.

Over the next 6 hours, they took turns forcing me to eat out their pussies and working my cock until my tongue felt like putty and I’d come about 8 times. Having used up all my spunk, I was having “dry heaves” from my cock that felt like hamburger.

The women discussed my future. “I think he’d make a very nice house slave,” Debbie said. “We could just move him into the building Marilyn that you and Jane live in and you and Jane could have him do all the work in your apartments that can be done by a loser. Tomorrow we’ll show you how Sheila, Nuygut and I have trained the slave we call Willess. Losers like this guy, can be controlled just by using pain and controlling their balls and their tiny loser minds with so many orgasms that they become obedient animals. You beat the donkey with sticks and feed it carrot so long it can’t imagine any other pleasures or anything else to do but to scrub your toilet and whatever else you want. Of course, it helps that they were losers to begin with.”
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