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Posting over a story of mine from a site called Undertow, I am hoping there are fans of reverse ryona here, that would like to see more of this. It has death, gore and sexual gratification resulting from it, so be warned. Feel free to review, or contact me if you're interested in roleplaying that could be transformed into new stories.

This chapter contains toilet play and watersports, as well as significant gore. At one point, there is a temporary transformation into a shemale.
Wonder Woman had killed many men, and sent a lucky female into unconsciousness following passionate lesbian sex, all during a mission to defeat terrorists occupying a large research complex. Due to certain events, her moral compass had altered direction, and now, the Themysciran princess stood in a room with one male hostage she saved from the terrorists, ready to kill him, just like she offed his colleague.

He had come, turned on way past the point of self-control by the incredible lesbian sex between this fierce warrior and his co-worker. During those moments, Diana ignored him, but now, she looked at his unusual brown haircut, and the dark spot in the front of his gray trousers.

“Get ready to die!”, shouted Wonder Woman, and as the scientist gulped, she ran towards him with blistering speed, launching a left thrust kick which caused the hapless male to double over, setting up a brutal backbreaker.

She grabbed her newest victim by his balls, while also gripping the back of his neck. The male whined from the painful squeeze on her testicles, but his cries would be much louder once she lifted him up above her head, and slammed his back across her left knee.

The hard crunch made the Amazon orgasm instantly, smiling as the scientist’s legs flopped, while he pissed himself, crying and screaming as he could no longer feel his legs.

Quickly removing her left hand from the back of his neck, she used it to pull the crippled man’s head up into her ample chest, trapping him within this erotic prison.

The broken scientist twitched and squirmed, but soon, he began to lick and suck on his tormentor’s breasts, making her smirk, and then moan lightly. Realizing he was again getting hard, she swiftly punched him in the groin, enjoying his wailing and forcing him to suck harder on her nipples, while her breasts slowly smothered him.

“Make me cum, dickhead… Worship a true Goddess on Earth, and die in her bosom…

These words shattered any resistance to death in the male, as he closed his eyes, using any remaining energy he had to suckle on the nipples of this warrior woman, which were as hard as rock, by now.

Seeing the male’s arms slump down, while his moans slowed down over time, drew a lewd groan from Wonder Woman, as her pussy dripped from the pleasurable feeling of taking yet another male life, while her hand kept a rigid hold on his head, ensuring he had no air.

His final act was a ghastly twitch of the arms, and upon realizing he was dead, the Amazon shuddered, orgasming hard, as she bent her head while holding up her right breast to suck herself, moaning in bliss. She enjoyed herself for quite some time before deciding to move on and track down the remaining terrorists.

Using her superhuman senses, she leant on walls of each room to scan for voices which could belong to terrorists. Most rooms seemed empty, but one was quite loud. She could identify three male voices. The leader was among them. They were discussing what to do, having obtained certain crystals, which Wonder Woman suspected were meant to be used in very powerful lasers, since she saw schematics corresponding to this sort of technology in one of the rooms. There was a fourth one, and apparently, he had just headed to “deal with hostages”!

Diana Prince could have simply let them die, but she didn’t want to see women die, if there were any among hostages. Thus, she headed quickly to try and look for captives. Muffled moans were coming from that room, and the naked Wonder Woman simply kicked down the door, confident she could handle one man.

She was too late for one younger male, who was immobile, slumped back with a bullet hole in his forehead. The middle-aged, gruff terrorist was about to shoot an Asian woman next, but the appearance of a naked woman stunned him, enabling her to kick him in the groin with her boot, causing an immediate yowl and collapse of her foe.

A secretary of East Asian ethnicity, a badly beaten janitor, and what looked like the president of the research company were alive, shocked at the appearance of a naked female combatant, but at least somewhat relieved.

However, the cries of the ballbusted goon made the Amazon change her plans. The sound of a door unlocking told her the three remaining criminals were coming out, trying to escape through the hallway.

Quickly grabbing hold of an overhead projector device in what seemed to be a small classroom, the Themysciran wrapped her legs around the neck of the incapacitated enemy, easily ignoring his hands trying to pry her legs open.

Moaning, she twisted twice, relishing the trembling and pained noises of her victim, as she even got his tongue to flop out and lick at her clit inadvertently, eliciting a loud gasp of ecstasy, before the final twist finished the terrorist off.

“I will return.”, she briefly said to the astounded hostages, before sprinting out to catch the final group of enemies.

They spotted her, and opened fire from across the hallway, but she managed to block the bullets by crossing her forearms, letting her bracelets deflect the projectiles. This caused panic in the three men who had slowed down their movement in order to be able to shoot at the threatening woman.

It didn’t help them at all, and only made it easier for her to reach them. Running at them, she leapt in the air, launching both legs in a spread double kick to knock down two terrorists, while her right fist floored the middle man- the leader of the group. Several pained groans later, she laid on top all three men, ready to kill them.

She stood up, only to sit on the back of the leftmost terrorist, hooking his legs underneath her armpits, as she instantly pulled back, completing the Boston crab, instantly rewarded by the drawn-out sound of vertebrae fracturing one after another, followed by cries of the paralyzed male.

Releasing his floppy legs, she grabbed the one on the right, dragging him over, before standing up, spreading her legs a bit, and placing the goon on her shoulders, facing up.

The torture rack backbreaker is a hold meant to cause agony for the victim, and Wonder Woman was doing that well, slowly twisting the unfortunate male into a reverse U shape several times, making sure to cause simpler fractures before going for the ultimate stretch to make his whole spine crunch.

His screams and cries made her smile and lick her lips, but orgasm would come with the final stretch across her back. Her muscles tensed, from head to pussy to toe, and she pulled.

Her orgasm started the instant she heard those loud crunches, and felt her victim twitch and flop, as he screamed, before seemingly fainting. A river of cum flowed down her legs, as she enjoyed all those sounds of destroyed anatomy. Bloodlust had taken over, literally. The way she wanted to end both crippled men was sickening.

First, she placed the head of the Boston crab victim between her thighs, crossing her legs around him. Next, she pressed the more recent victim’s head against her breasts, crossing her hands behind his skull to trap it in a vice.

And then, she began grunting, getting impossibly wet from the squirming motions of the men, who realized she was crushing them. This aroused her, but also, the impending explosion of her lethal power. Her body grew more and more rigid, as she felt her strength focus on the trapped skulls.

It was one slight crack on the lower victim which set her cry off.

” Hera, give me strength! To break men!!”

Soon, wet crunches and squishing sounds came. Walls became painted with gore, as Wonder Woman became drunk on orgasmic power, convulsing from her latest orgasm. The hostages hard heard all the crunching, screaming and crushing noise, and they were stunned that a woman could be so strong and so cruel. She still had the leader to kill, and in her current state, she had a truly twisted idea.

The princess of Themyscira laid on her belly, and positioned the leader’s head to face her ass, and trapped him a reverse headscissors, just as he was regaining consciousness from that flying fist.

His arms slowly grabbed onto her toned thighs, trying in vain to break the hold. Being trapped in this deadly hold was far from the most humiliating thing awaiting the leader of the terrorists, however.

Her squeeze had the effect of him opening his mouth wide, in a desperate attempt to get more air into his lungs, but in doing so, he would become Wonder Woman’s toilet. He realized this when her puckered hole opened, while her right hand pushed his open mouth to fuse with said hole, easily overcoming his panicked resistance. He had to let the fit woman’s turds enter his mouth, while resistance was punished by increasing pressure on his neck and skull, leading to crushing pain that paralyzed by itself.

Wonder Woman’ moans were obscene and loud, showing sadistic enjoyment in her mistreatment of her final enemy. As she shat in his mouth, her fingers pinched her clit, enhancing her pleasure even further than a thrashing male touching her asshole with his facial features did.

“Lick me…clean me with your tongue, tough guy…”, she said in a mocking tone, shaking her ass to motivate him into obeying the order, with a clear threat of a neck snap implied.

His hesitance frustrated the dark-haired woman, meaning she needed to act on the threat, at least partially. A quick twist to the left made the leading bad guy groan in pain, as he found his limbs tingling and become hard to move. The realization of how close he was to death broke him in, and soon, his tongue darted into the asshole of the sexy Amazon, giving her the experience of a sentient toilet paper that felt great in and on her asshole.

Wonder Woman moaned incessantly, working herself up to yet another deadly orgasm, ready to crush the terrorist leader’s skull.

As pressure increased on his skull, he groaned and croaked, his movements more and more sporadic, while the hostages in the other room could hear the ecstatic moans of the naked woman. One particularly loud cry was the consequence of the victim’s tongue slipping out and accidentally licking Diana’s clit. This set off the Amazon’s crushing orgasm.

Her thighs weren’t applying pressure gradually, anymore. The full force of her squeeze came like a tidal wave, causing successive cracks in the criminal leader’s skull. He twitched chaotically, until Wonder Woman, orgasming hard from the devastation she had caused, pressed one final time, making his whole head explode, culminating in a squirting orgasm that was as beautiful as the mess of gore on her legs and the floor was disgusting.

The three hostages felt hairs on the back of their necks stand up, as even just the audio of that massacre was scary. They feared she might even do something to them.

However, Diana wanted to clean herself, because she planned something with the female hostage, and she knew a gory mess wasn’t appealing. She had spotted a decontamination room on the floor, and took a shower there, removing all the filth and blood of the previous kills from her body.

Afterwards, she finally came to the three hostages, her skin sparkling from water droplets, as both males quickly gained erections, not able to control themselves. She untied the secretary first, and then the two males, removing all of their gags as well.

“Are you alright?”, she asked the Asian female, genuinely worried about her at least a bit, seeing as she noticed significant rope burn on her hands, which had been tied behind her back.

“Yes…I’m fine…thank you for rescuing us…” the brunette spoke, although she still looked at the dead coworker with some sorrow evident in her voice tone.

Wonder Woman noticed this, and spoke rather frankly, trying to make her forget about the male.

“Women are stronger and give pleasure much more than men care for. I killed all those men in here, and made a blonde scientist orgasm hard. Let me show you the power of a woman…”

The admission of mass murder made the hostages gasp, but they had suspected already that the beautiful woman might have that in her.

” don’t have… “, the Asian female started a reply she didn’t get to finish.

” A penis? Watch.”, the Amazon said with determination in her voice, determination to show how wonderous she really was.

Bones cracked and a soft sound of tissue expansion came, but Diana was in no pain. Her clitoris grew, while her pussy closed up. At the end of the process which left everyone shocked, Wonder Woman was not just equal to biological men, she had a longer and thicker dick than most. It certainly applied to the two males in the room, who were ashamed of not matching up to their savior.

Blinking, the secretary showed confusion and disbelief at what her eyes were apparently relaying to the brain. Yet, a soft gasp that came afterwards demonstrated she was now…very interested in this shemale…sexually.

Noticing this, Diana smiled, and began to unbutton the blue blouse of the secretary, something which she finished herself, before moving down to her skirt, then a dark blue bra, and finally, slightly wet panties of matching color.

During this process, Diana kissed her hotly, both of them giving off soft moans which soon turned raunchy and passionate.

Once the secretary’s breasts were exposed, Diana quickly brought her mouth to her right nipple, quickly drawing aroused cries from the woman beneath her. By spreading her legs, the secretary showed her readiness to be taken, and the Amazon wasted little time.

With full confidence in her sexual prowess, Diana thrust inside, advancing into the woman’s love canal, while muffling her moans with her mouth, creating a scene the two males couldn’t help but watch while their hands were quite busy.

Wonder Woman noticed this, and addressed both men, while groping the left breast of the mortal female, and pointing to her balls with her left-hand fingers.

“Who wants to worship me, and have his neck snapped by these legs? Don’t even try to run away.”

” J-just…don’t make me feel too much pain…please…those screams scared m-me…”, the janitor spoke, as he knelt behind Wonder Woman, starting to lower himself down.

“See? Men are wimps…and I will show them all the power of women. We don’t need men, not when I can be more manly than them. I will wage war on these show-off cowards.”, Wonder Woman commented while thrusting faster into the Asian female, giving her a loving kiss.

Finally, she speaks to the male in behind in a partially condescending tone.

” Can’t take pain? Very well. When I cum, I will break your neck, and not crush your skull. I give you my word. Start using your tongue and mouth now.”

The male’s mouth and tongue began to worship the Amazon’s testicles, eliciting soft moans from her, as her crossed legs fixated the male in place, who was soon absorbed in serving this strange woman with magical powers and a silky voice which was irresistible.

These noises aroused him, the older male, and the secretary, who soon screamed in orgasmic bliss, soaking Wonder Woman’s dick and balls, which caused the male slave to suck on them harder. The company president in his 50-s seemed to be clutching his heart a bit.

The secretary’s orgasm was rewarded by another kiss, as Diana felt herself getting closer, thrusting faster and deeper into the secretary. At one point, she broke it, only to yell triumphantly:

“By the power of Hera, I give and take life!! Ahhhh!”

The janitor tasked with assisting Wonder Woman in achieving ejaculation, moans as he feels her balls pulsate and twitch. The pleasured cries of her and the secretary cause him to ejaculate as well, but then a jolt of the Amazon’s thighs fractures his neck, causing him to twitch, while his tongue hung out, before a twist to the right killed him off.

The secretary moaned at the kill, kissing her superhuman lover, as the latter began to pull out, wanting to end the president of the research company. The process which made her more manly than men now began going in reverse, and soon, the final male was looking at a wet pussy.

” If I die...what becomes of the science?”, he asks, looking quite somber and distraught, as he seemed to consider going out into the hallway.

” The females left alive will continue it, but not for the sake of weapon-making. No more wars of men. We will break you all, and achieve permanent peace. Go out, try escaping, and look what is left of the terrorists. Your heart will not be able to handle it.”

Diana’s reply leaves the older male with a blank facial expression, as he actually goes out, realizing this beautiful woman wasn’t chasing him. However, what she said quickly becomes true, as the bad heart of the research company head suffers from the stress caused by seeing all the blood, bones and gore in the hallway, as well as the implications of it. This female was deadly, and she planned to wage war on all males.

Staggering back, he groaned heavily. “Please, no... don’t do that to heart is pounding...”

“Kneel and open your mouth. I will finish you off.”

The man was dizzy and weak, and it was almost not a willful, conscious movement that brought him in compliance with the Amazon’s order. Meanwhile, she helped the secretary get up, and walked over to the man, squatting a bit to place her pussy over his mouth, , before crossing her legs around his neck.

With a moan into the Asian woman’s mouth following a kiss, the Princess began pissing into the male’s throat, the secretary enjoying the show, even as the male wheezed in pain caused by his struggling heart. Realizing the secretary enjoyed watching what she was doing to men, Diana began grinding her pussy into his lapping tongue, lightly stretching his neck out.

” Suck my breasts, and watch me climax on his face.”, she said, and the secretary quickly got down to wrap her mouth around the dark-haired superheroine’s mouth. Within seconds, Diana of Themyscira screamed in bliss, potently lactating in the mouth of the female, while her powerful hips twisted to one side, then sharply to the other.


The rhythmic sound of cervical vertebrae shattering made the secretary orgasm again, arching back as her legs convulsed intensely, to which Wonder Woman smiled, pulling her up for a passionate kiss, while her thighs continued to twist the president's neck even after his death.

Wonder Woman soon had to leave, but she gained the trust and favor of the female survivors, and this might come in handy for the execution of some of her plans regarding the last war on Earth she was envisioning.

She knew more allies were needed, though.

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