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Helping a homeless man get out of the rain, resulted in sex and a long term relationship. Part 1
Hi all, bit longer than my usual works and if this gets good reception this will become part one. This is a true story of how I met and fucked my now boyfriend. I have wanted to share this story for a while but even though I have changed names, I wanted the approval of my boyfriend as it includes a part of his life he is uncomfortable about. He finally agreed so I hope you can enjoy in some way. Please leave comments as will drive me on to do better and more. (I know my writing skills can be poor).

It involves (as the title should make clear) homelessness, so some de***********ions are purposely “gross” to set the scene. I feel it need warning. But I hope you see this as a story about love and instant connection as that is what happened.

For them that like to read sex scenes scroll down, a bit of background at the beginning that I know isn’t everyone’s thing, but part two will be more focused on this.


The rain rattled down against the windows of my workplace, the wind complimented the rain by howling through the building. “better pack up now lads, flooding all over. News advising we leave now or we will be staying the night.” My boss shouted from his office on the same floor. I nodded in his direction as I fed my arms into my coat.

I was packed up and out in record time, my car was a short hop down the high street as I opened the office door, looked up at the relentless rain, sighed and stepped out from under the shelter. Throwing my hood over my short, gelled hair. I walked at a faster pace than normal. The rain soaked me through and the puddles leaked through my shoes and onto my socks. Every footstep I squelched. My hood was useless the wind decided I looked better without so kept taking it of my head.

Halfway down the high-street arched in the doorway of a shop was a homeless man, mid to late 40’s, slim, long messy hair (wet but you could still tell it was greasy), unkempt beard that covers his lips with grey bits showing through it and he was huddled into himself in his wet sleeping bag. He looked at me as a puppy looks at its owner “spare me some change, sir” he said politely. I noticed he had yellowing teeth, and not many of them at that. I’m ashamed to admit to you now that I ignored him. The rain was intense the wind bitter and I didn’t have any cash anyway. But not even a “no, sorry” was muttered, I carried on to my car.

Finally my car – a grey BMW with luscious red leather seats. And while I tell anyone who listens of my pride for this car! Right now, at this moment it was not it’s BHP, its torque or its looks that was its best feature it was simply the fact that it was dry. I clicked my “clicker” and she flashed to tell me she was unlocked. As I reached for the handle I stopped, guilt hit me. I left that man in the doorway of that soaking and alone.

But what could I do? I had no cash. But I did have my card. I’ll go grab him some cash. That’s it! I clicked my “clicker” once again and locked the car. And ventured back onto the high street to find him.

“Hi,” I stammered “Sorry I ignored you” I offered my apology.

“Your not the first” I had the feeling from his tone he didn’t really expect anything else from a office worker like me. In his smart suit and his smart shoes.

I looked down at him, this time physically not metaphorically as I did before. I wondered what good cash would so for him? The shops had closed early. And I didn’t know of any hotels or BnB near buy, on top of this what would that have cost £60-70? I wasn’t going to give him that amount of money. I wouldn’t feel he was safe.

What happened next I didn’t think about, I acted on impulse. “mate, its horrid and it’s getting worse the rivers are bursting their banks. Do you want to come home with me have a warm shower, grab a warm meal and somewhere dry to sleep. I’ll wash your clothes and dry them over night?” it seemed the human and Christian thing to do. It didn’t occur to me that this man could have been on drugs or any sort of substance abuse that the media like to report. And luckily neither did he think I was some sort of serial killer as he responded with a positive nod and started to pack his limited amount of things up into his carry all.

I think he was desperate. The outside was no place for him, was no place for anyone.

We headed back to my car. And for the first time I got a good look at him, taller than I’d imagine. He was taller than me 6ft 3 ISH I’d say. He wore combats trousers and a scruffy hoody that had underneath it 4-5 layers. He had boots, but one was torn at the front and his toe stuck through. This man had been living rough a while, it broke my heart.

We got to the car, it embarrassed me this time. As before I have gloated and I have shown off in this car. Why not a young 20 year old man doing well for himself. But now it just served a purpose, to me anyway, the contrast between me and him.

I owned a flat, 20 minutes from town. Well normally 20 minutes, the flooding and everyone else fighting to get home caused gridlock all around town. This time it took me over an hour.

Alone in the car, the only thing that I can describe to you clearly today is the smell. This poor man smelled bad. His wet clothes smelled like wet dog. His feet and boots stunk of feet. His breath was not pleasant and he also smelt of outside, the smell you get of someone who has been outdoors for a while hard to describe but the muck, wet and sweat goes somewhere close to a de***********ion. This was not his fault of course, but it didn’t make me wish I could get home quicker or failing that at least open a window.

The journey home did allow for me to get to know this man. As a human.

“Im Dean,” I started with

“Joe” he snapped back.

The conversation was difficult, Joe never really opened up to me in the car. Maybe it was fear but maybe it was embarrassment of having to accept help of a guy 20-30 years younger. Either way I never got the impression that he was rude or ungrateful.

“Have you looked into shelter? Like a hostel or something that can get you of the streets?” I felt it rude to ask, but I needed to help this man long term. This won’t be the last night it rains.

“Cant, Sir?” he said

“Please, Its Dean, and Why?” curiosity or fear hit me, why would he be kicked out? Can they kick out?


I didn’t press any more. In all honesty at this point I was questioning my self, this is properly scary and if I could have had a way out I would have taken it. Here I am with a “Violent “homeless person, deemed unworthy of help. that in approximately 5 more minutes I will be showing around my flat.

We arrived home as I pulled into the flats car park. We didn’t talk as we got out of the car. Or when he followed me into the block of flats and up the stairs to mine.

We entered the hallway and I kicked of my shoes, Joe saw me assumed he needed to do the same and removed his boots. “Right Joe, the bathroom is on the right there” I point at the door. “why don’t you go in take your clothes of and leave them on outside of door so i can put them in the washer. There is a towel hung up, its clean you can use that. I’ll go look to see if I can find you some clothes to lounge in”

He nodded, I left him in peace for a while before heading back and picking up his clothes and taking to the kitchen where my washing machine is. I picked up his hoody, which still had his layers attached on the inside. I removed each layer and threw in the washing machine. His trousers still had his boxers inside, so I pulled them out and put both items in separately and then finally his socks. All the while trying not to look at or smell any of these things.

I heard the shower turn off, I had forgot to find some clothes for him so I hurried to my wardrobe and fumbled around. I found a clean hoody and some jogger bottoms. And placed them on the outside of the bathroom. “Joe, I have put you some clothes on the outside, when your ready.” I shouted through the door.

And went to sit in my lounge with the hallway door open as so Joe, who had only seen the hallway and the bathroom could see where to go. He came out carrying his towel and dressed in my clothes. Still looking a mess with his hair and his beard but at least he was warm and cleaner. He handed me the towel which I noticed was stained with brown. I was a little disgusted that even after a shower he was still mucky, but I didn’t feel I could judge. I took the towel and threw it in the kitchen ready to put in the next wash.

“What do you fancy to eat?” I asked

He shrugged, it dawned on me it’s been a long time since someone would have asked what he would like.

“Ill go make us something!” I said. Handing him the remote for the TV.

I don’t know why but I looked at his now bare feet. His nails where yellow and chipped and long. He had blisters and rashes all over his feet.

In the kitchen I was muttering to my self “Something, something, something” trying to get some inspiration as to what to cook.

No idea why, I chose sausage, egg, chips and beans. Which I got to work preparing. If this culinary masterpiece can be described as preparing.

Anyway I served it on our knees on the sofa in the living room along with a glass of water. He spent no time at all before he was tucking in.

I didn’t do any of this for thanks but it was nice when for the first time I got.

“thank you, for everything Dean” is eyes was much more alert now after warming up and some tea.

“Your quite ok,” I said, with a smile.

After tea, I needed a shower myself. So I quickly pointed to the kitchen and said “i’m going to get a quick shower, the kitchen is over there if you need anything,” and for the first time I said “make yourself at home” the thanks I received put me at ease around Joe.

I noticed the hallway smelled, his boots that he kicked off filled the room.

The bathroom had also kept his smell.

Not that I’m complaining it only helped me to realise I have done the right thing. As the rain still came down. The shower base was mucky, I swilled it out before getting undressed.

I undressed , and looked at myself in the mirror, Slim athletic lad, clean shaven and average cock. Is how I’d describe myself and how my gay dating app describes me also.

I turned the shower on and jumped in. Squeezing shower gel onto my hands and soaping up my body and pits, then my cock and balls get a clean. Before putting my head under the water to wet it. I didn’t want to stay long. I trusted the man but I didn’t want him to feel awkward on himself.

I jumped out of the shower. grabbed a towel and wrapped it around my waste. I’m so used to not bringing clothes into the shower, on the account of living alone. I had forgot to this time. And as such I needed to walk through the living room to the bedroom to get dressed. The towel was all I had to hide my modesty.

As I opened the bathroom door, the door that connects the hallway to the room slammed shut. What? I asked myself. Was he looking at me shower? Was he listening? Was he looking for me but got spooked by me coming out of bathroom? Or was it simply the act of air from my closing the bathroom door causing the living room door to close?.

I opened the living room door and instantly looked at Joe who was sat on the sofa, not doing anything which was mysterious in its self, just sat upright with his hands on his trousers.

“Excuse me, just need to get dressed” I said hurrying to my bedroom.

I couldn’t shake the feeling that he was spying on me back then in the bathroom. I tried to think back I’m sure I shut that door behind me, I’m sure of it!.

Two strange and connected things happened when I convinced my self he was looking. One, it didn’t disgust me and two, I was getting hard. I know what your thinking!, but when your young you do find yourself in situations just like this, I was constantly getting aroused at this time.

I got dressed into some loungewear and went in the room to join in him on the sofa.

He looked nervous. Something had changed since I fed him.

“Dean, I owe you an explanation, I saw the look on your face when... When I said I’d been kicked out for fighting”

“You don’t have to!” I interjected.

“ You let me in your home, you need to know what you have let yourself into. Ya see I’m Gay, in fact that’s why I’m homeless in the first place my step dad didn’t want a queer in his house so kicked me out. Anyway I got close with another man in the hostel. Unfortunately a newer guy in the hostel found out and beat the shit out of me. I can’t go back he said he’d kill me” he explained I just listened.

“Anyway, thank you for helping me out tonight, don’t feel like you have any obligation if you want me to leave I will” he looked genuine.

“No it’s ok, you stay.” I demanded.

“Don’t want you feeling uncomfortable, your a nice young lad.” He smiled for the first time.

“No, no not uncomfortable, urm” I hesitated but then blurted out “I’m gay too” I felt like it would put his mind at ease. I think it did.

The night went out, we was both much more at ease with each other. Conversation flowed. Found out all about his life, his struggle with homophobia and everything that comes with been homeless in Britain. He also was interested in me, he wasn’t as I first thought jealous of envious of me but genuinely interested in my job, my family and my love life (or lack of).

He yawned

“Right I only have the one room, you take my bed. I’ll take the sofa.” I offered.

“No I cant do that, I’ll have the sofa” he argued.

“I insist. I’ll be ok” and smiled reassuringly at him.

“thank you.” His face gleamed.

He got up to head to the bedroom, but quickly turned back to me as if he just had a surge of confidence and quickly pecked my lips with his.

This took me back, I didn’t expect it, I didn’t think I wanted it and I certainly didn’t need it. The thanks was enough.

“S..sorry!” he blushed and stammered.

I kissed him back, I was curious and I didn’t want him to feel awkward.

It felt natural to kiss Joe back, I didn’t realise it before. But I loved this man, like love loved. Anyone who asks me if they believe in love at first sight. I say yes because of Joe.

He took my kiss back and responded by kissing me back, this went on playfully for a few kisses before it changed into passionate kissing. I was just getting into it as he cut off. I was very disappointed

“Sorry Dean, no way do you fancy me. You don’t have to do this.” He looked as disappointed as me.

Yes he’s not my normal type. His smell still present, his hair still messy, his teeth still missing and everything that goes with years of fighting to survive homeless and alone but he was nice and he made me feel things when he kissed me.

I smiled at him, and got up and went to, what was now his bedroom. Looking back and smiling at him. I figured actions would be better than any words I could say to try and put him at ease.

I reached the bedroom, and sat at the end of the bed. Time passed very slowly I was unsure what would happen next. Did he understands that I wanted him? Did he understand but did he not want it? Why hasn’t he followed me?

I needn’t have worried. He creeped into the room and shut the door behind him.

“You sure?” he asked.

I stood up to stand in front of him.

“Yes! Now stop asking” I said.

As we picked back up where we left off in the living room and locked lips kissing each other passionately, he gently pushed against me so I moved back before I had nowhere to go but felt back against the bed. He followed falling on top of me, still kissing.

It was so strange kissing someone with a beard like this, so manly, so animalistic. I was getting hard again as we flirted with our tongues. His weight on top of me pressed his body against mine. He started to grind his hips against me, I started to become aware of his hard cock jabbing against my clothed body. I pushed him to the side and rolled on to the top of him, still locked in a kiss. My hand moved up and down his body as we kissed, he moaned when I got close to his waistband before my hand will move back up. I slipped my hand under his hoody and stroked his belly still kissing him. His belly was hairy as I stroked him and twirled my fingers around the hair on his belly. He was a very good kisser, I noticed.

He got impatient with my constant cock teasing, he finally took control and grabbed my hand and shoved it under the waistband of his lose fitting joggers I provided him with earlier. My hand instantly and instinctively grasped his cock. It was rock hard. I couldn’t see it yet but I could feel, as my hand explored I made a mental picture, it was thin, but very long. I felt around longer his balls was petit but very tight to his body. He was hairy down here too as I could feel his knotty thick pubes.

I enjoyed the mystery as I used my hands to feel him up. He grabbed the bottom of my shirt and swiftly tugged it up to remove it, I temporarily removed my hand from his cock so I could take it of but quickly stuffed my hand back. As we continued to kiss.

I stopped stroking his long cock, in order to tug at his hoody, a signal to say remove. He did. And surprisingly he had an ok body, very hairy, slim but some how athletic, he had kept an outline of a six pack, not developed but with time he could have an amazing body. I instantly dropped my mouth to his hairy nipples and sucked on them. He moaned at this, so like the good host I am I kept doing this. My hand moved back down to his cock to stroke. He arched his bum of the bed and tucked at his joggers to release his cock. I stopped suckling on his nipple to look down, he was as my mind described thin but long cock. His pubes unmanageable and his hairy balls tight to his body. His foreskin still hid the “bellend” but it was already white and slippery with pre-cum. He grabbed my head and put my mouth back on his nipple, my hand once again felt it’s way down his hairy body onto his cock, I started at the top and pulled his foreskin down and rubbed at his cock while sucking at his nipple. He pushed at my head, I knew what this means. I kissed my way down his hairy body and to his cock, I positioned myself off the bed on my knees in-between his legs, he sat up.. I grabbed his cock holding it up towards me as I studied it once more. I could smell it from this distance and it smelt fusty, I could see bits of smeg around his rolled up foreskin. I carried on stroking not knowing as to what to do next, I lost appetite for putting it in my mouth that for sure, yet I couldn’t bring myself to move my head away.

He moaned as my mouth must have been tantalising close to his cock, my breathing heavy with lust warming his cock. He arched his hips moving my mouth closer yet. Still I couldn’t bring myself to give him what he wanted. He reached down grabbed my head and pushed down. In response to him pushing My lips opened and wrapped around his cock. And I gave in, instincts took over as I darted my tongue around the head as my lips clamped down and my head bobbed up and down. The taste was strong, but not bad. Salty he was dripping precum already and this is what I could taste. I was back turned on again. His cock was long but thin I was able to deep throat it without much bother. My nose tickled as it nestled in his bush.

“thats good!” he shouted.

I continued to stuff the length all the way down my neck, while my tongue massages his end. He shivered and moaned as he enjoyed my young gay mouth and it’s talents.

“Don’t stop! Fuck” he exclaimed

“my god; you are so good” he continued.

My eyes watered as his praise made me work harder taking it all for longer. Letting him thrust at my throat. His cock twitched away in my mouth as it gifted me with more and more precum. My mouth watered as I enjoyed the moment.

Joe, who was still firing praise my way, in between genuine moans of ecstasy. Grabbed the back of my head with both hands. Held it and began to pound away at my face. He had turned into an animal I was a ragdoll between his legs as I fought for breath as my gag reflexes kicked in. Gagging on his long cock as it jabbed away at my tonsils. He released my head, I slowly withdrew my mouth from his dick, watching as my thick saliva drew a bridge from my mouth to his cock. His cock now glistening after its deep clean. I looked up at Joe red faced, with spit and pre-cum around my mouth,. My saliva still connected to his cock. He smiled as I coughed and smiled at him.

I stood up in front of him and began to kiss him again, his hard cock pointing up against his body. He pulled at my bottoms and tugged them over my cock as gravity took control and they dropped to the floor, I stepped out of them. His hand instantly went to my cock. His rough hand grabbed it, he had a firm grip, not gentle like most the guys I have had before if felt as though he was grabbing it to hold on to me, to stop me running away. It felt good!. His hand slowly started to manipulate my cock, much smaller than his in length but thicker. We kissed, as I struggled to control myself it became hard to concentrate on kissing.

He grabbed at my cock and pulled me towards him, as I fell onto him. He used my falling momentum to roll me of him and onto the bed facing with my ass up in the air. I tried to adjust but with swiftness and confidence he pinned me down. He used his rough, manly hands to grope and caress my ass cheeks. I showed I liked this by, involuntarily humping the bed.

Unbeknownst to myself at this stage Joe had positioned himself so his head was level to my ass. I only realised this as his bushy face nestled itself in-between my ass cheeks. Followed by a greedy lapping up at my tight whole. His tongue patiently worked away at my hole. He devoured my opening like he devoured my cooking earlier that evening. I realised, that on entering my flat today, Joe was not only hungry for food. He lapped away at my opening as his tongue and saliva opened it up. The pleasure sent ripples through my whole body. My eyes forced close with sheer delight. My cock hard stuck between the bed and my belly stayed hard. I clumsily and blindly felt around for my bedside table, he noticed this but carried on licking at my ass like a ice cream.

I felt around in my bedside table and pulled out a condom and a bottle of lube that I kept for moments like this, I placed them on the side. Not wanting him to stop rimming me with talent that I have never received before, but also wanting him to know that I was his, anyway he wanted.

He took this as I’d hoped. He continued to tongue fuck my ass, spitting and licking. After a while he reached for the condom and I reached for the lube. As he put the condom on his long, delicious cock. I grabbed a dollop of lube and massaged onto my eagerly awaiting hole. He started by rubbing his cock on my lubed ass and stroked the excess lube onto his covered up cock. Before gently but swiftly entering my ass. He didn’t take long to fully enter me, his work opening me up with his mouth helped. His cock felt so good inside me, no pain just pleasure. He picked up the pace as he also picked up the force. He pulled out gently, but shoved in hard. His body slapping against my round ass. As I was pinned to the bed by the force of his sex. It was instant pleasure for me as I moaned and grinded back against him. I accompanied his thrusts with movements of my own. Cliché I know but it really felt as his cock was made for me, if felt so good inside, as two adjoining pieces of Jigsaw fitted together. I have had sex before but never with the absence of pain (apart from once no pain but no pleasure also). My toes curled, my hands gripped the bed and my vocal cords screamed out noises of pleasure. Joe who continued fucking me like a horny sex deprived animal, grunted with every thrust.

He grabbed my hips and picked me up, I of course helped and found myself in the “doggy “position. He grabbed my ass as his cock slid deeper into my bum. My cock still hard swung between my legs as the momentum of his thrusts passed into my body. He used his height advantage to use more of his weight behind each powerful thrust.

My belly ached, my balls tightened and my cock twitched. I tried to hold it back, I knew what was coming, and it had never happened to me before. But I was passed the point, without touching it my cock had orgasmed. I let out a long and deep “ahhhhh” as my cock jettisoned squirts of cum over my bed. With each thrust he fucked more cum out of me. I thought I’d lose interest, I’m a good little bottom and would never stop my top until he had finished., But that didn’t mean I would still enjoy it. How wrong was I, without my own desires in the way I could really take notice of the feeling of his swollen cock fucking away at me. I continued to matched his thrusts with little movements towards him. Noticing the feeling and how good it felt., Listening to his moans, listening to his body slap against mine.

He slapped my ass, and grabbed at it pulling me to the side, this wasn’t my first rodeo, I know this means he wanted me on my back. I positioned my self on my back, momentarily forgetting about the cum I prematurely ejaculated on the bed, this was now on my back. I didn’t have time to dwell on this as he lifted my legs up and rested them on his chest. His cock, already looking for my hole. It didn’t take long, I tell you we are made for each other. He got back to work fucking me, this time he could look at me. My small soft cock and balls jiggling as he fucked me and my face showing signs of pleasure fighting to keep my eyes open to smile and admire at my fucker.

What I could see was a tall, hairy and unkempt older man smiling back at me as sweat gathered on his brow. He grunted as he pounded my ass. His smile showed of his missing teeth but I didn’t care. I was so glad I went back to save this man.

He groaned and he pulled out of my ass, he fumbled at his condom and pulled it off, he leaped up the bed and pushed his dick towards my face. I instinctively took it in my mouth and was rewarded with a gush of cum. It filled my mouth with force and as such was easy to swallow. The second and third gush same story. 4-5 was a little bit more difficult as I kept sucking on his cock.

Was he ever going to stop! I choked as he kept feeding me his salty, tasty reward. Some leaked out of my mouth but I kept most of it in. I managed to keep a little in my mouth in order to show Joe his cum in my mouth before I swallowed. Opened my mouth again to show I was a good cum swallowing slut. Then took his cock in my mouth one more time, sucking on it all savouring the moment and the taste.

He laid down next to me, I snuggled closer to him and just as we started I kissed him.

“At least the sleeping arrangement is a bit easier now?” he said

I smiled at him, “what you mean?”

“Well I’d hope we sleep together, I guess we have nothing to hide anymore!” he replied.

I remember feeling strange at this moment, What happens next? I can’t fuck him (or him fuck me) and then kick him back out! Can I? Presides I didn’t know if I wanted to! I genuinely had fallen for this man.

Here and now though I enjoyed both cuddling him as we fell to sleep and knowing he was safe from a world that has chewed him up and spat him out on numerous occasions. I gave him a little port in a literal storm, and I made him happy. He made me happy.
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