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first 3 some with our girl friend! shaving and sharing what what we did to set it up and what we did that night!
A Wonderful time x2

Ok this is a remake of a true story the first one had a lot of trouble getting it to post and had to edit it like 7 times for some reason and I was never really happy with what was posted so I finely going to try again hope you like the closer to the real deal that happened to me .

Well this is one of the wonderful times I remember My name is Jim and my wife is Sandy. I am is 27 tall 6’1” around 185 and brown short hair, Sandy is also tall 5’10” 160 long brown hair she is 26 but look like a teenager and get looks all the time from younger and older men !

Well one night Sandy and Jim got to talking about sex and things they like and somehow the talk got in to what if be and then threesomes. Jim said there is no way he can get another girl to join then even if he wanted to. We they talked and laughed about it for a bit.

A few days later they got a new sex story book and read some of the articles and always had great sex during and after reading well one day Jim was reading and Sandy was cooking and he read a great story about a guy and his wife and how he always shaved his wife and one day she brought over one of her friends for his b-day for him to shave her also and the great time that followed so Jim read it Sandy and they thought it was awesome. Well they talked about it some more. She said you think our friend Melissa (but everyone called her Mel) she would go for it??? Sandy asks Jim do you want her? Scared he finely gets out a it could be fun! well a few days went by and the topic keep getting brought up and they looked it up on the internet on how to do it right (Sandy every time she did it hurt. She would get razor burn) well they went to the store and got the best razor and cream they could. And tried it out. Had some great success with the tricks they read about.

Well they invited Mel over for dinner one night. In a few days Well she accepted and few days later and a beer or 2 while cooking they left the book out (oops by “ accident” ) and Mel seen it and giggled as she picked it up and bushed through it Giggling. Well Jim said HEY now! There IS some great stories in there! here let me show you a few and turned to one and told her about it briefly it. she giggled and said that be NICE . and then he turned to the shaving one and let her read it here this is a great one. And gave it Mel embraced she said no and Sandy said no you ought to read it it’s a great story. So she took it and sit down at the table and read it . and you can see her getting in to it looking around a lot at first and then started to ignore what is going on around her. And when she got done Sandy asked her what she thought about tha one? she said. Wow that WAS good! Kinda wild and fun! Sandy asked her so you want to try it? Mel with a jow dropping shocked look said WHAT?? Jim was in the other room and acted like he could not hear them but his paints were already getting tight wishing it would come true!! Well it all ready has a few times in his mind all ready lol. But he just watched tv and acted like he was not listing .

Well Sandy and Mel talked for a bit about it and other things and back to the story now and then and Mel said the only way she could even do that she would have to be drunk and Sandy went OOO well here is a beer THEN! And handed her one and grinned! they laughed and made plans to go out to the bar for a bit and to let her think about it and will see! Well need I need to say dinner was fast! The girls got dressed to go out Sandy told me what all Mel said when she was in the bathroom and that it look like it may be on! Well they got dressed up all sexy and left. Jim stayed home to clean up house and to let the girls hang out and let loose some before coming back home!

Jim took a long shower and washed everything really good almost too good since the thought of what to come has kept him hard since before they ate! But he restrained barely as he washed his body with soap and felling how slick and smooth every thing was and then ooo no had to stop fast when he got to the special part! That felt way to good! So he had to think noo not time need to hold out for them and hope they go through with it! Well he got out the supplies towels wash cloth bowel and cream and razer and was ready! he tried to watch TV but his stomach was in knots and up in his throat! hoping things go well tonight and he has never had to many girls in the first place one other besides his wife and it was only a quickie! So he was really nervous he has only shaved his wife but one time and that was just a few days ago! And she did most of it anyway! and jim just watched (and drooled some ).

But any way he heard the the car finely drive up in to the drive way seemed like they were never coming home but it was only like 4 hours later! and he almost got sick right then and there with anticipation. Well the girls came in giggling and got another beer out of the fridge and Mel could barely look at Jim but he came in to the kitchen with them and Sandy came gave him a big long deep kiss and mel went HELLO and laughed and Sandy said opps sorry lol and asked Mel SO?? And mel just grinned! Embarrassed that she just bluntly asked!

With her mouth open in shocked. Sandy then stepped up to her winked and grabbed her hand and said fine then lets go to the couch and as there walking to the couch she tells her to now take your paint off! and helped undo her button and they pulled down her paints and she set down real quick and covered up with a towel that was laying there but Jim noticed she had no panties on.(she has said before she don’t wear them that much and Jim has caught glimpse now and then when in a skirt or shorts she likes to were loose shorts a lot.) but she turned red as soon as the paints passed her ass. Sandy noticed also and piped off see you came ready for this lol ! started to wake away and Mel grabbed her and said no no no you have to sit her with me! So she sat next to here and they giggle and sandy said don’t worry this be fun! Jim was still in the kitchen and made a bowl of hot water and took it to the couch and laid it down on the floor by Mel's feet and then he set down and uncovered the towel that was in the in the floor next to the couch with all the tools he needs to get the job down.

Well he had a wash rag and placed it in the hot water and see see the razor, scissor, and shaving cream, some after shave gel. And said wow yall were prepared ! we both said yes ! and giggled. Well Jim looked up and her legs were closed and he brushed up gently up her cave as not to mean to touch them then touched her knees and she shivered and was so embarrassed! But he said it will be ok it WILL be fun and Sandy said ya it will be you will love it!! Mel said ok then but don’t shave it all off please just leave a little patch Jim said ok just above ok like a landing strip? but was thinking shit! wish I could shave it all! but a little will be better than not doing this at all! Sandy had her hand on her thigh and towel and helped move it and mel legs apart Mel just looked in awa at sandy. Sandy then said well he can’t shave with them closed right! laughing. Well with a little light pulling and pushing they finely got them apart and they saw the tick red hair. O ya she was a red head! Jim look for a sec and thought to him self dam that’s a lot of hair! his wife even when she don’t shave don’t have anywhere near that much hair and hers kind of stop at the top of her clit it don't go down past her pussy lips . But she was part Indian

. But Mel had very thick red hair. Jim grabbed behind her knees pulled her butt close to the edge of the couch so her ass and pussy was hanging right over the edge. Sandy placed a few pillows behind here to help her sit up. Mel is barely over 5’ and barely 100# so it was like she could lay down like we sit lol . but when he got her there he got a good look at Her pubes they were so thick you could barely even seen her pussy lips and her asshole they was so covered also he couldn’t believe it how much there was. But he tried to be “professional” (as he could for doing this one other time and it was way different!! ) So he took deep breath and said im going to start now he took the scissor and started toward her and she closed her legs again scared of someone else with very shape interments near her privet parts like he was going to cut something off! Sandy laughing said hey now just relax! after some coaching and a few more sips of her beer she spared her legs again and Jim began cutting the hair off getting it shorter and shorter to be able to shave the more he cuts the more he can start to see the pussy lips and ass start to show.

Well that didn’t take too long really and he took the warm wash cloth and washed her telling her that he read that getting the skin warm with water makes it easier to shave and less problems with burns so he warmed her up good! she said really? That’s one of the main reasons I don’t keep it shaved much the after effect. plus no real reason to mainting lately! laughing he then put the shaving cream on lathering it up and the first time really touching her or the 3rd pussy hes ever touched! Rubbing it in and felling the warm soft lips and ass hole he about blew it right then and there! But he and started shaving up high working down form here painty line area down to her legs and over to her lips just doing a rough shave first then to her ass hole area and then washed it off and re lathering her up again started doing a much better closer cut. Again starting at the top and taking his time and getting the patch she wanted and getting closer and closer to her lips having to now start touching her to stretch the skin more and more pulling her lips to the side and then the other to get close and all the hair removed her lips were snugged up tight up against her but as jim moved them touching her lips to move them to get closer and closer they got looser and looser. He then noticed something he was not really expecting! Mel was getting wet! Yes she was wet ! The lower he went on her lips the wetter they seemed to get! She got so wet and slick Jim would slip his finger in between her lips but not all the way in but like he was supposed to be there! And he could feel the moustre from her and how it was getting slick feeling she then slightly started to move in to them when he did this ! but Jim didn’t know for sure if it was pleasure or her just being nervous with him and a razor blade next to her private parts.

Jim keep shaving down to her ass and shaved it real good ! witch turned him on so much since he is an ass man! He loves the ass and her was now supper clean shaven and getting wet from her pussy juices that was now running down on to it!! Well he washed her up again to check and finished shaving the last few hairs he missed! and then Mel finely looked down at Jim down between her spread legs and noticed he left a patch and said HEY NoW ! it was a very very small landing strip!! ( barly lol) Jim just keeps going and he said oo ya sorry about that I got a little carried away sorry! As he was grinning ear to ear ! Well he then put the warm rag on her again to wash her clean and she just laid back again and seamed to love it the temperature change and someone cleaned her up again! Rubbing over her mound her pussy and ass and back up again just feels so good!

Jim said well im all done!! And smiled . Mel looked and felt down to her ass and said wow pretty damm good I don’t feel anything you missed nice job! Jim said cocky ya I know! Mel said now you do it Sandy!! Sandy shocked she said it but said no he don’t need to he already did mine she said were you think he learned how to do it? She said ya right so let me see? so shocking jim ! she raised up her sexy short skirt and pulled down her little white silk panties and showed her the nice little patch of hair in the shape of a heart above her pussy ( it shocked Jim because she is usually not a out going but usually a very shy girl but not tonight as he seen!) Mel then said with a frown dam I didn’t want to be the only one shaved ! so Sandy said ok then go ahead and shave off the rest Jim sprang up with a smile and got down between her legs and washed her and she was already wet down there I guess shaving Mel turned her on. Mel snuggled up to her huggin her arm and watching closely what I was doing since she mostly had her head back and plus kind of hard to see you own pussy. Anyway. but he shaved off the last of her hair and now Sandy was bald as the day she was born! Her soft pink pussy lips shinning form the wetness of watching me and Mel and what we just did. And the thrill of doing all that.

We all set back and was like wow and jim sitting there looking at 2 shaved pussy just 2’ in front of him he thought must be a dream! Well then he and don’t know where the balls came from piped up well how yall like them? And they said good it was fun! Jim then said well will never know if its a great job if not tested out and they looked at him like what you mean but before they could say anything he pushed mels legs apart and dove his head in tasting her sweet juices she gasped and arched her back in pleasure he then reached over and started to finger his wifes pussy Mel grabs his hair and rubs his head in pleasure and then grabs his hair pushing him back and over to his wife to treat her some so he did dove in eating her out also and now fingering Mel she was sooo wet and slippery it was like nothing he felt before!

Jim went back and forth a few times and the girls just laid back and enjoyed Jim licking them up and down ass to pussy and back and changing back and forth fingering the others as he changes. Then all of a sudden he felt Sandy grab his hair and push him back on to the floor on his back and she sat on his face trapping his arms under her he could reach up and rub her ass and back but about it! Then he felt his dick getting wet and Mel was sucking it omg he was in heaven with the felling of his dick sucked and a pussy grinding in his mouth!

After a few min he was about to shoot his load in to her mouth ! but then he felt her stop sucking and then nothing ? for a few sec he was like wtf since he could not see with a pussy on his face! and then he felt her grab his dick and omg he felt the head of his dick touch her pussy! the warmth of it! The wetness of it! it slid right in and she went full length in one shot! then he felt her go up and down a few times and then just went balls deep on him againand just started grinding on his dick all the way in he could feel the head bouncing off her cervix and her clit rubbing away on the base of his dick!

Sandy started to really work on his mouth and his noise rubbing on her clit he knew she was about to get off so he stuck his tong in deep a few times then sucked hard getting her clit in to his mouth and few seconds latter she did with her tighting up and the quick little jerks as she got off on his tong! With a o my god coming out other mouth under her breath ! She stopped shaking for a few seconds so she back off him letting him breath some and just sit nest to him and watch Mel ride his dick. but she was only working on getting her self off by now! No up and down just a hard back and forth grinding her clit in to him and only took a few sec and she was getting off and grabbing his chest clawing him with un controlled pleasure as she bucked a few more times she leaned over and kissed him said thanks soo much! did you get off ? jim said amazingly no I didn’t I got very close quite a few times from the shower to shaving you to the blow job ( by the way was awesome like a 69 but totally different ya know! To just now but I just didn’t! she giggled and said shower A? Lol well she pulled his dick out of her and it was all wet from her juices

Sandy then stood up took another drink and stood over him and sit down on his dick sliding it in supper easy! with her and Mel juices all over his dick she then started to work his dick trying to get him off and ill be damm if she didn’t get off all of a sudden again! She didn’t even expect it it just hit her hard and fast! Trying to catch her breath again she stopped an laid on his chest giving him just enough room to pump his dick in and out of her it was time to get his so he grabbed her around her ass and fucked the hell out of her pussy pushing his dick in and out as fast as he could and pulling her ass down to meet him to get full deep thrust in to here pussy.

Mel just watched and was in awa watching and drinking her beer. Rubbing her pussy felling how smooth and now wet it was . But it didn’t take jim long only a few min and Sandy felt him change the pace and slow down thrusting harder and harder and grab thight had fulls of her butt cheeks pushing her deep on to him and then he shoved it hard all the way in shot his load deep in to here and she actually feel him Cuming ! it was so hard and fast she was like damm!! Were you a little horny? I could feel you Cuming in to me !

Mel said o that is always such a wild and good felling! Sandy said yes it was awesome! Well Sandy Mel and Jim laid there for a few and sandy pulled him out of her slowly as It was going soft and sliding out with all the juices to go clean up some and Mel laid down next to Jim on his arm and sandy came back did the same and they giggled and took a short nap. Then Jim woke up after a bit and said hey you two lets take this to bed and Mel said ya ok lets go im cold anyway. and they all went to bed necked and coved up. They all laid on there side Mell with her back to Jim and Sandy snuggled up to Jim’s back it felt so good to Jim he started to get hard again with his dick between her ass cheeks. He wanted to go again but damm it the girls passed out fast and hard ! so he just smiled and replayed it all over in his head and went to sleep also.

Well the next morning Mel woke up with Jim still asleep behind her but his hard dick( morning wood was saying hello to her. it was between her legs and poaking out the front like she had her own dick! she smiled and moved her ass back in to him a few times and that woke him up he reached back and patted sandys ass waking her up. She noticed what was going on and kissed the back of his neck and whispered ooo I see your having a good morning! And then said out load I got to get up I got to go pee! and Mel and Jim both same time said me to ! jim said so you batter hurry ! they all laughed and got up to go use the bathroom and then back to bed.

Well ya know what that’s another day and another story ! im sorry I may finish the next day another day ! hope yall enjoyed this evening true yes true events !
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