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My mom needs a professional massauer, and hires my bully.
It was finally summer and things were finally starting to lookup.

Their was no more school, no more studding vacation was finally here. But best of all way not the vacation, it was that their was no more Chad. Chad was my bully, and had been for just about my entire senior year. He must have had it out for me from the start of the school year as he had been relentlessly picking on me with out end. But now I was done with school and I wound no longer have to put up with him ever again.

While I had been enjoining the freedom of no more school and no more Chad that summer had brought my mom wasn’t enjoining it so much.

“Morning,” My mom Lisa said groggy, stretching as she walked into the living room. It wasn’t morning, in fact is was well into noon now that my mom had finally bother to get out of bed. She had been getting out of bed late all week and it showed.

She was wearing the same loose shirt and sweet pants combo that she had been wearing for several days in a row now. The loose and baggy clothing covered up her mature curvy figure, but it could do nothing to cover up her ample chest. As she stretched the loose shirt did nothing to hide that she wasn’t wearing a bra underneath, her nipples making large indents right through the loose fabric. She normally liked to keep her long brown hair up in a pony tail. But for the past week she hadn’t bothered to do any thing with it at all leaving her now messy brown hair to hang free.

“By back hurts,” Lisa said rubbing her sour shoulder. She had all ways had back pain from the weight of her apple breasts.

“I could give you a massage,” I offered. I had plenty of experience with giving my mom massages over the years, and with her frequent back pain she had greatly appreciated it.

“I think I’m going to need a professional this time.” Lisa popped open her laptop so she could look for a massages place. “this on looks promising, O and they come to your house so you don’t have to leave yours, how convenient.”

I was hurt that my mom didn’t think I was up to the task of giving her a proper massage despite the years of having already done so. I looked at the ad and saw that it was for a masseur, I didn’t quite like the idea of some random guy running his hands all over my moms body.

With he loose shirt doing nothing to hid her ample breasts, the thin material not hiding her large nipples, her loose hair giving off a care free attitude, I didn’t like the idea of inviting some one over to the house. I was afraid that her appearance would give off the wrong impression of her as a person.

But they were a professional masseur, what reason did I have to worry!

My mom booked the appointment then bounded to her room breasts jigging freely under her loose shirt. I suspected that she wasn’t just excited at getting a professional massage My mom was a very sociable person and she hadn’t been out of the house in over a week. Normally she spent most of her evening at a variety of social events and gatherings. On the weekend she would be enjoying a night on the town with her girlfriends going from bar to bar.

She didn’t always come back till the next day after going on out on the town and I knew it wasn’t because she was to tired to come back home. I knew wasn’t a slut, she kept her self professional and respectable around the neighbor hood and her social events, but that didn’t change her wild nature. And now she had been doing nothing but laying around the house for an entire week.

She left me with instructions to let in the masseur when they arrived. I didn’t have to wait long before I heard the doorbell ringing. With my mom still In the shower I ran to open the door and let in the masseur. The moment I opened the door I froze in horror at what I saw.

“Well look who it is.”I heard the cocky taunting voice as I opened the door. Chad, my bully, the guy who had made my last semester of high school hell was standing right in the door way. He was the professional masseur that my mother had booked. “Looks like I’m going to be giving your mom a massage.”

I was too stunned at the horror of Chad standing in the door way of my house to respond. As I regained my composure I heard my mom behind me before I could respond.

“Hi I’m Lisa,” My mom said from behind me as she emerged from her bedroom.

I had been glad that she was was going to put on some proper clothing, but seeing what she was wearing I didn’t think it was much of an improvement.

She was now wearing light gray booty shorts and matching sports bra. She had picked on of her smaller tighter sports bras. It ended just bellow her breasts and had and hung low on the top with smaller straps. With her larges bests straining the material their was plenty of cleavage and side boob showing,. It was all very tight form fighting outfit that showed off her slim and toned figure, keeping her huge rack pulled up and tight against her chest. She had fixed her hair into it’s normal pony tail.

She now longer had the sexy care feed easy going look to her. Now she had a sexy ready for action sports girl look to her.

Even though I couldn’t see his face I knew that Chad was smiling at the idea of getting his hands all over this sexy woman's body. From the way she smiled back I guessed that my mom though that he was just being friendly.

“My son Isn’t bother you Is he?”

“Not at all mam. In fact I was just catching up with a class mate.”

“O I didn’t know that Chad was one of your friends.” Lisa said eyeing up the handsome and well built youth in front of her “o and you can call me Lisa.”

When my mom turned her back to use so she could show my bully punched me right in the side, just like he had been doing every day at school of months. I didn’t like hearing my mom ask my bully to call her by her first name, It was way to friendly. I had never even told her that I had been bullied as school, and she had bought his lie about being a friend so easily. Just like all the teachers.

Their was absolutely no way that I could let him get his hands all over my mom.

“You know maybe you son can watch so he can get some experience in giving a proper massage,” Chad said beating me to the punch. I really didn’t like the idea of watching my bully get his hand all over my moms body, especially with how little her sports clothing covered her.

While Chad had been setting up the massage table in the living room for my mom she did some stretches. The tight sports bra helping keep her impressive rack thrust trowed my bully, and showing off all her curves. I could tell from the smirk on his face that he was enjoying the unintentional show my mom was giving him, while she didn’t notice at all.

“That sound like a great idea doesn't it sweaty.”

I could not say no to my mom with that sweet voice of hers. The least I could do was make sure that he didn’t take to many liberties and get to handy s with my mom.

I followed Chad to the living room as he followed my mom, keep his gaze on her ample ass filling out the small booty shorts.

While my mom laid down on the manage table, her breasts squeezing out the sides, I was hit with a pang of injustice. After all the years that I had been giving her massage she though I didn't know who to give a popper massage. And now I had to watch my bully give her a massage when she had turned down my offer of one, and she was paying for the entire thing.

Chad got to work on my mother immediately, starting on her lower back.

“Uuhhhhh” My mom monad as she felt him put pressure on her lower back. It was a moan of sanctification not of discomfit.

“O FUCK this feels so FUCKING good.” My mom though to her self as Chad starting revealing the built up tension on her lower back “Ahhhhh”

“Fuck she has a rocking body.” Chad though as he kept his hands on Lisa back. He had served quite a few sexy woman since getting his job as a masseur. But she was definitely one of the hottest ones he had worked on “this forty year old got a body better than most twenty year old.”

Chad started working his way up my moms back. The entire time my mom couldn't keep her self from moaning as he relived the tension on her back. Finally he stared work on her upper back and shoulders.

“You know,” Chad said in a fake caring tone “It would be better if you weren’t wearing a sports bra”

It was the same fake caring tone he used the few times he had been forced to apologize to me for tripping me in the hallway.

“Are you sure?” Lisa was rather hesitant. All most all the massages she had recived had been from her son while she had been clothed.

“Completely,” Chad said turning on that charm that he used every time I had tried to report him for bullying me “I can’t really work the sore mussels though the fabric. Of coarse if your uncomfortable?”

“No. It’s OK.” Lisa said sitting up on the massage table, she had never really gotten a proper professional massage. “Turn around and close your eyes,” she said looking at me. It sounded as if she only meant that for me, but I knew I had to be reading more into it.

While me and Chad had our backs tuned and eyes closed my mom hooked her fingers under the sports bra and peeled it off. Her large rack sprang free from it tight condiment. The excitement and cold air made her nipple hard and she could feel the hard massage table on them when she lied back down.

She had kept her back to both of us the entire time and hadn’t noticed Chad looking over his shoulder watching her strip, and neither had I.

“OK I’m done.”

Now topless, her back completely exposed, she let Chad get to work on her sore back.

“And this is how you get pressure on the back,” he said looking at me while sticking his tough out in an immature fashion. While his hands were pressed into my moms back his thumbs were dangerously close to pressing the side of her bare rack.

Seeing my bully so close to felling my mom’s brests made me fell sick. I wanted so desperately to voice my concerns. But my moms sudden “O fuck that feels so good” told me that it would just fall on death ears. I would just have to hope that he didn’t get to handy with my mom while I watched.

Lisa was getting excited. Chad's hands felt just so good on her bare skin, and he definitely knew a woman's body. He had done an incredible job of working her sore back mussels and solders. Her son had been good enough at giving massages, but he was only able to make the discomfort go away. But Chad was different, he got to the source of the problem and he knew how to make a woman feel good.

For the next half hour I watched as my bully worked his hands across my moms bare skin. The entire time she was moaning softly as he moved to a new spot and started working. He didn’t get to brave, but more than once his hands drifted a little bit to close to her rack.

“mmmmmmm” My mom moaned in disappointment as her session finally came to an end. She had been incredibly bored being forced to reaming cooped up in the house, and Chad's massage was the first bit of fun she had in a long time.

“Can you go to my room and get my purse?” my mom asked rising up slight, using her arm to keep her self covered. I didn’t want to leave my mom topless with my bully for even a moment, but I didn’t know how to avoid doing so.

While I was in her room getting her purse, my mom got off the massage table to retrieve her sports bra from the floor when Chad turned his back. Out of the comer of his eye he got a good lock of her expansive tits and she bent over then struggled to pull her top down over them.

“That is on sexy genuine milf.” Chad though to him self as Lisa tried to adjust her tight top.

When I had returned my mom had finished fixing her self back up. She didn’t even bother thanking me as she took the purse and showed Chad out the house.

“Hears a tip for your hard work,” my mom said a she pressed a wad of cash into Chads hands “And a little extra fro being such a gentlemen”

At that she gave him a small kiss on the cheek and set him out the door.

Watching Chad get his hands all over my mom exposed back had been quite awful. But I had to admit that he did a good job. She was so much more excited the rest of the day, rather than the downer she had been for over a week. She didn’t even bother chaining out of the sports clothes as she set about getting things done around the house that she had been putting off for a week.

I went to bed thinking that despite how much Chad a made my life crap he had made my moms day fantastic. While I went to sleep my mom was on her computer. She was back on the website and was already looking to book another appointment whit Chad as soon as possible. To her satisfaction their was an appointment available the very next day.

She had really enjoyed having a mans hands on her again. And it wasn’t like he was a complete stranger, she reason to her self, he was friends with her son after all. And he was such a gentleman, most guys couldn’t keep their hands off of her, and he keep them to him self even though he was pid not to. Sure he had accidentally ran his thumb a little bit to close her her rack, but she reassured herself that it had to be an accident.

He had made her feel better with a massage than most guy had in bed. And she hadn’t been with a guy in way to long. Chad was so handsome, and he was technically and adult. But he was friend of her son.

“I’m sure he will be fine.” Lisa though to her self as she got into bed, she had already made up her mind “He won’t mind if mommy treats one of his friends.”

I next day I was surprised to find that my mom had bother to get up before noon. Chad must have really helped release the tension she had been building while stuck in quarantine. I hated to admit it but they were right about me learning how to be better at giving my mom massages. But I still couldn’t stand the though of Chad getting his hands all over my mom, especially her fully exposed back. It made me sick.

I was thankful that I wouldn’t have to meat Chad again any time soon.

“Can you watch the door?” My mom asked me late in the day “I need to you let Chad in while I’m in the shower.”

“What?” I was dumbfounded, why would Chad be back the very next day.

“I need you to let Chad in so he can give me a massage.”

“But you just got one yesterday.”

“I know. But their still some tension he need to….” My mom paused then smiled at what she had planed for Chad “work me over a little bit more.”

I was left in the living room as my my bounced her way to the bathroom to get her self ready for Chad. Soon enough I heard the door bell ring.

“That mom of your just couldn’t wait to get my hand all over her again.” Chad was standing in the door way with that same shit eating grin as before.

“Don’t you dare touch my mother,” I snapped at him, then instantly regretted it. The next moment I could feel my feet leave the ground when Chad knee smashed into my balls. I could feel the impact run all the way from my balls to my stomach, I collapsed onto the floor I and was left lying on the floor gasping from pain.

While I was on the floor gasping in pain from smashed in balls, Chad set up the massage table in the living room while my mom finished get ready for her massage.

Chad turned as he head Lisa coming into the living room, he grind from ear to ear at the sight before him, blood rushing right to his crotch.

My mom had walked out of her bedroom wearing only too small towel. She had to wrap in low on her chest leaving a large amount of her cleaver completely exposed, her nipple on the very of popping out the top. And the bottom come just low enough to cover her self, but left a little bit of her ass exposed.

My mom beamed at the ear to ear grin on Chad. She knew that he liked what he saw.

I could hear my mom giggling and my bully laughing from my spot on the floor. Still in pain I gingerly got to my feet and slowly made my way to the living room where both of them were.

I couldn't believe what I was looking at.

My mom was wearing a way to small towel, holding hit weakly at the top to keep it from falling down while she giggled at something Chad had said to her. I couldn’t understand why she was wearing such a small towel, she had plenty that were plenty big enough for her to keep her modesty. It also looked as if she had put on a little makeup


“O hi honey, Chad was just talking about you.” her voice was way to sweet when she mentioned Chad.

“He hit me!” I protested.

“I know he did. He already told me,” My mom said smiling at me. I couldn’t understated how she could be smiling when Chad had told her that he had hit me. “He was telling me how you like playing that kind of game where you hit each other as hard as you can.”

“We weren't playing!”

“Just because you lost is no reason to lie!” My mom shot back at me.

How could she possible believe his version of events, it made no sense.

“Now turn around and close your eyes,” my mom said in an unsettling playful manner that made make me sick, and it was directed directly at Chad. One she was sure that my eyes were closed and my back was to her she turned around and removed the towel. The entire time ware the Chad was eye her though the corner of his eye. She smiled hopping that he enjoyed the show.

Chad got to work on my moms bare back while I watched to make sure that his hands didn’t go where they weren’t supposed to. He worked down from her shoulders down her back this time, this time ending right a her waist before moving to her legs.

But before his hands could leave her waist my mom interjected.

“Could you go a bit lower fist?” My mom didn’t wait long to put her plan in action.

“MOM!” I knew that their was no where lower to go from her waist expect for her…

“It’s OK hes a professional.” She tried to reassure me.

Chad smirked at being given the go ahead from my mom. He slid his hands under the towel and began working his hands over her ass. While he got hand full each of ass cheeks her stuck his tough out me in a very immature manner.

He didn’t work over my moms ass long before she moved to the next part of her plan.

“Honey do you think that you can go to the store and get some food for dinner,” Lisa said looking up as she tucked her arm under her rack to giver her self a little cover.

“What?” I had just saw my bully fell up my moms ass, and now she wanted me to leave the house. Their was no way I could eave her alone with him now.

“Were running low on food and I want to cook your friend a nice meal for dinner”

“But were quarantined.” I had no idea why I wasn’t protesting Chad feeling up my moms ass.

“It will be fine as long as you stay protected.”

“But mom,” I stared to wine. This time I was going to have to tell her what kind of guy Chad really way.

“No Buts Charles! You’ve been very rude to your friend just because you lost your stupid little game! Your going to go to the store!”

She had used my name and I knew that meant that this was not open for discussion. I desperately wanted to tell her what Chad had been doing to my for months, but I knew now that she wasn’t going to listen when she though I was just upset for losing a game that didn’t exist.

Reluctantly I got a mask and disinfect spray so I could go to the store. Jugging by the list she had given me it would take me at least half an hour to get the stuff. My mom had paid for an hour so she wouldn’t be unsupervised with Chad for to long I reasoned. When Chad was gone I was going to have to tell her everything about Chad

My mom waited until she heard the door close and the car leave.

Lisa knew exactly what she wanted, and now that her son was gone she could get it. Chad was just so good at giving massages, he had made her feel so much better. She had also been so lonely being cooped up in her house. And now she wanted to enjoy her self to the fullest with such an impressive young man.

“Could you massage more of the sides?” she asked.

“Like this?” Chad asked as moved his hands to the side of her back.


This time he moved his hands to her side of her ribs “how about this?”

“More,” She said with a sing-song tone I her voice. Chad smiled at the implication of what she meant by more, their was no where more to go for except? He slid his hands father down so that they were pressed right into her sides of her large rack “How about this”.

“Just a little bit more,” She said leaning up ward again, but this time not coverings her self with an arm. Chad slid his hands under her while she was lifted up, his hands taking full hold of her tits fingers on her nipples “O that's just right.”

Chad stared massaging her tits while his finger did circles around each nipple. She started moaning in sexual pleasure as she felt his fingers working over her nipples while his stronger hands massaged her tits.

Lisa rolled over and sat up grabbing Chad by his collar and pulling him into a deep kiss pressing her naked tits into his chest her hard nipples poking him though his shirt. My mom made out with my bully in the living room for a long moment violating his mouth with her tongue, rubbing her tits into his chest the entire time.

Finlay she broke off the kiss to get some air.

“Why don’t you come to me bed room a give me a more intimate?” Lisa said giving him a knowing smile.

My mom took hold of my bully's hand and completely naked led him to her room. Chad enjoyed the view of her ample ass swing back and forth and the hint of her large tits around her back. He knew he was going to very much enjoy this.

My mom led Chad into her room and pushed him back onto her bed. She though that half an hour would be more than enough time to fully enjoy his services.

While I was at the store picking up groceries for Chad he was lying on his back in my moms bed while she crawled on all four. Once her head was at crotch level she began working him though his pants. She was more than pleased to feel hard meat underneath.

“Your a big boy aren’t you.” My mom teased as she began working his belt and fly. My bully only smiled as my mom worked his pants down and fished her hands into his underwear. She was please to find ample balls and dick as she pulled my bully cock out of his underwear.

She liked her lips with approval at just how hung he was. He thick and long. Far to thick for her to wrap one hand around his shaft. Even with both of her hands their was still plenty of length left uncovered.


My mom puckered her lips and gave Chads dick a big wet kiss right on his cock head. She made sure to use plenty of tongue while she kissed, jacking him off with both hands. While I was at the store getting food for my bully my mom was making out with her cock.

Glug Glug

Twenty minuets latter I walked in though the door carrying the groceries. I was thankful that their was little traffic and few people at the store so I was back earlier than I though. I still didn’t like that my bully had been getting his hands all over my mom unsupervised, but twenty minuets was still better than thirty.

I was surprised when I saw the massage table was empty, neither my mom or my bully was their. Now that the groceries were on the table I could hear noises coming from my moms room that I couldn’t hear before glug, it was a deep sucking sound. As I approached her bed room I could hear more noises glug, But their were other noises as well.


I felt a shiver run down my back when I realized that I could hear moaning coming from the bedroom, it was a guys moaning. Why was their a guy moaning in my moms bedroom, I didn’t want to think about the answer. As I approached the bed room I could hear something else glgu. It sound as if some one was choking, and it sound like it was my mom. Fear took hold and I rushed to the room, the door had been left open.

It was absolutely the worst thing I had ever seen in my life.

Chad, my bully, was sitting on the edge of the bed completely naked and his legs spreed. But worse was what was between his legs. My mom was on her knees completely naked, her head buried right in my bully crotch bobbing up and down making obscene noises glug.

The choking noise were coming from my mom as she was giving my bully a blowjob.

“O fuck that throat of yours is so good,” Chad moaned looking down at my moms bobbing head, then he looked up and saw me. He had on the biggest shirt eating grin I had ever seen in my life. It was bigger that the one he had when he had been caught punching me in the gut and talked it off like he was giving me the Heimlich maneuver. He flipped me off and stuck out his tough out at me and said looking back at my mom “I think I’m ready to give you a deep massage, how about you?”

My mom bottomed out on my bully's cock. Slurp I could hear her slurping as sucked her lips off of his cock giving an audible POP when his cock left her lips.

I felt even worse when I saw just how big he was. How could my mom possible fit something so big in her mouth.

My mom moaned in satisfaction for several moments before she responded “We’ll have to make it quick my son is going to be back soon.”

“O I don’t think that will be a problem,” Chad said smiling at me as he let my mom push him back onto the bed. She had her back to me the entire time and she hadn’t even noticed me standing in the door way slack jawed. I watched in horror as she climbed on to the beds her ample ass facing right at me and the side of her larges tits around her back.

I felt sick not only had I just seen my mom giving my bully a blowjob, but now she was about to have sex with him. It was all too much for me and I turned and ran. But I didn’t run fast enough.

My bully toke hold of my moms thin waist and slammed her down, bottoming out in one hard thrust.

“AHHHHHHHHHH” I heard her crying out in pleasure and being filled with hard cock, and him crying out in triumph from filling her with hard cock.

I ran to my room and shut the door, but even that wasn’t enough for drown out the noises.

“Fuck I needed this!” My mom screamed as I heard the bed frame slamming against the wall Clunk. I looked at my clock. They would have to be done in less than ten minuets.


I was forced to listen to my moms screams and Chads groans for ten whole minuets. It felt like forever hearing them having sex, but slowing the time was up. I heard them noises stop, and for a moment I was thankfully that they were finally finished. I was about to get up so I could pretend that I had just gotten home when I heard something else.

“Fucking take it,” Chad shouted loud enough for me to hear. He had flipped my mom over so she was now on all fours and had taken position behind her. Taking hold her her hips he had lined his cock head up with her pussy and forced his way in.

I heard mom scream like she had been before as the sound of the bed slamming against the wall. It had been half an hour since I left and they were not stopping.

Clunk “Fuck your tight.” Chad pounded away at my mom doggy style while she held on for dear life clunk.

He wasn’t being genital with my mom at all, not even in the slightest. And she was enjoying every moment of it. She hadn’t been with a guy in several weeks and now this fresh out of school stud was giving her the fucking she desperately needed clunk.

“Don’t stop.” My mom wasn’t asking Chad, she was begging him.


Chad let go of my moms ass so he could give her a hard spank right on her ample ass. My mom respond my crying out and collapsing on to the bed

“Harder please!”

‘If you insists.” Chad toke hold of her ass once again, he adjusted his legs to get better leverage. Then he really got to work on my mom.


`I could really hear the bed smacking against the wall now.

I watched the minuets tick by as the sounds of hard sex kept on coming out of my moms bedroom. She kept on crying, begging him to keep going., and he kept of fucking.

It had been over half an hour surely she should have noticed the time and stopped knowing I could be back at any moment. But they didn’t stop, at least not for very long. Every so often the noises would stop for a short time then start back up again. Thirty minuets after I had ran to my room crying, and an hour after I had left for the store did I finally hear things end.

“Fuck I... I can’t hold it back any longer I gotta cum,” Chad struggled to get the words out while his load reached the blowing point. He was on his back and my mom was ridding him her tits bouncing as she worked his cock.

My mom though about having him pull out, after all she hadn’t put a condom on him.

“Not that I have one that would fit.” She smiled at the though of her own joke then came to a decision.

I expected to hear my mom tell him to pull out, but I heard nothing from her just Chad one last time “I’m cumming!”

My mom didn’t tell Chad to pull out, she didn’t even try to move off of him before he blew his load.

“FUUUUUUCK!” I heard both of them crying out at the same time. I could heard Chad grunting slowly, ever time my mom gave a feeble “Epp” and an accompany low smacking of the bed against the wall could be heard. A half dozen grunts, epps, and bangs latter everything finally went quite.

I left my room to go to the kitchen, It had been an hour and I was thirsty. I barely had time to get a glass of water when my mom walked in.

“Your back,” Lisa sounded surprised at seeing me, she was only wearing a short bathroom. I could see that she was cover in sweet and her hair was a mess.

“Yea their was a long wait at the store,” I lied while trying to not look at my freshly fucked mom.

“Well your friend Chad deiced to give me a,” she paused “A more intense massage in the bedroom. Unfortunately we made quite a mess can you clean things up while I pay him?”

It was a very flimsy lie considering what I had heard, but she didn’t know I was here. I told her OK and went to her bedroom. Along the way I passed Chad who gave me the finger with a look of triumph on his face. He was also still quite sweaty.

Lisa’s room was a mess. The pillows and blankets were strewn all over the floor and the entire thing reeked of sex and sweat. The bed was damp with small whitish stains in the middle, striping of the sheet of I saw that it was soaked all the way to the mattress. I carried the damp sheets to the laundry room and tossed them in. It was going to take a long hot wash to get the stench of sex out of them.

While I was spraying down the mattress with air fresher so I could mask the smell before I put clean sheets on I heard my mom giggling. She must have still been with Chad while I cleaned up the mess that they had made. With the sheet in the wash and new ones on the bed, the blankets and pillows placed back in their place the only thing left was the residual smell. Their was nothing to do but open a window so the room could air out.

“Hear,” My mom said pushing a wad of cash and a note into Chad hand “hears an extra big tip and my number in case you have some free time to give me a massage, off the books.”

She gave him one last kiss while her gave her ass a firm squeeze then sent him out the door. I heard the door slam and knew that Chad had left. I left the room and met my mom in the hallway, she was still wearing the bathrobe.

“Dinners on the table,” She said before going into her room.

I sat down to eat and saw their their were two dirty planets in the sink already, Chad must have gotten a plate as well. When I sat down to eat I hear the shower from my mom’s room. I ate alone while my mom washed away the sex from her and my bully. Finishing dinner I heard my mom finisher her shower.

“Your friend Is really god at giving massage,” She said when she left her room. She was back in the same gray shirt and sweet pant’s as before “Do you think you could give me another massage.”

“But you just had one.”

“I know but that m assuage was very energetic and Chad had me do some…. Physical exercises along with it. And I could really use a relaxing massage now.”

In the end I ended up giving my mom the massage the very massage that I had offer to give her in the first place.


2022-05-27 22:03:51
lol brilliant love it when bullies succeed

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