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Hey everyone, this is a new project I've been working on. An interactive CYOA story where you can decide the fate of the character. Check out my profile for more information.
Day 1

“Will ya give it a rest?” Phylis says, the look of utter impatience on the old elf’s face. Without access to the well, she ages like fruit. Elves are known for their near-immortality, but that’s only given to those who can afford it. The well of life may be sacred ground and is limitless, but it still has a price. At least to the Supreme Counselor, and Phylis can’t afford it. Most of the low born elves can’t afford it. That’s life under the Supreme Chancellors rule. I don’t know how things were under the rule of King Volodar, but they couldn’t be any worse than the Supreme Counselor. “You’re close to paying off your debt, don’t go burying yourself deeper in it. Now get scrubbing those dishes.”

“I think I learned a spell for this,” I say, digging through my mind to remember it.

“Don’t you go using that magic. You’ll break something,” she says. “Just scrub ‘em clean with the hands ya were born with. Besides, they’ll know if you use magic, and then you’ll be in real trouble.”

I let out an exaggerated sigh and get scrubbing. Still mad that I can’t find a counselor to even talk to me about the murder of my father and mother. They were elves above all and yet because they weren’t lords or wealthy, no one cares. We may not be high borns, but we’re still high elves.

The day goes by as I make progress on the list of chores. Scratching one item off at a time. Washing the bathrooms, scrubbing down the tables, washing the sheets, it goes on and on. By the time the day is over and the sun hides behind the horizon, I’ve put the Inn in tip-top shape. Would’ve been easier if I could use magic. Unfortunately, I can’t afford it even though I’ve seen some of the spell books and memorized them. Ever since the High Council established the law making it so you had to have a license to use magic, only the wealthy can afford it. Not only is it a fortune to buy one, but you have to attend the Academy and that is way beyond what I can afford.

Now the real work begins, preparing supper for the patrons. They’re none but the finest travelers who stay at the Golden Phoenix Inn and the Master expects the best. This Inn provides the best service money can buy. Supper must be brought out in 4 different courses. And only the most delectable and tasty delights can be sold to the patrons. And we have nothing but the most delicious sweet wines and liqueurs made even sweeter with magic. Unfortunately, I’ll never be able to try any of it. The last person to sneak a taste of the prize-winning redberry wine not only got tossed out, but banished from High Town. No one’s seen them since. That’s the life of an indentured servant.

Fortunately for me, I’ve been cooking since my ears were nubs. Ever since my parents died when I was just a youngin, I was cooking for various masters and inns. I worked my way up to where I am now, outworking everyone else so tonight goes off without a hitch. The par du pupond is a favorite among the patrons with the rarest fruit on Aratheon. The pupond fruit can only be found deep in a cave on a small island. Not many people know this, but I overheard the Master talking with captain Cararel who we normally purchase the fruit from. Apparently, this pupond fruit has the most delicious taste your tongue will ever settle upon. Of course, I wouldn’t know, I’ve never got a chance to sample it. But I can cook the best Par Du Pupond. At least that’s what I’m told.

I learned this recipe from the previous cook. He’d been cooking for as long as the place had been open. He’s the one who made the recipe. Although he wasn’t an indentured servant, he just really liked to cook. Unfortunately, he died. I really miss that guy. Made work fun. Now it’s just repetitive.

“Is this the elf?” a tall black-haired woman asks as she walks in, Marcella, a hostess on her heel. “That Par Du Pupond is the best thing I’ve ever tasted. You are truly a masterful chef. What’s your name?”

“Tannivh, my lady,” I spit out, my knees buckling under me. I know I get compliments all the time about my cooking, but hardly from a patron as beautiful as her. “Tannivh Holaxidor.”

“Well, Tannivh Holaxidor, I will certainly be seeing more of you in the future,” she says and walks out. That was weird. What did she mean by that? I better continue with my work. I’ve got more meals to cook.

After I finish cooking at the inn and finally get released. I make the trip down to the lower parts of the city. High Town is certainly where all the money goes, but very few people actually live there. Only the wealthiest. Outside of High Town, you have the Religious sec, the Arcane Academy, The Military Sec, Mid Town, and the slums where I live.

The slums is the filthiest part of town where most of the indentured servants live. They’ve got community housing that’s supposedly affordable for indentured servants, but in reality, it’s a big warehouse where bunk beds are stacked up on top of each other. There’s absolutely no privacy and filled with shady people. Plenty of gambling goes on, of course, gambling happens in almost every part of town in some form or another.

You’ve also got a large ***********ion of homeless in the slums and a few freed slaves and runaways. It’s not an ideal place to live, but I make do with what I have. As I make my way to the community housing, I manage to slip in just in time to get a ration of what they call stew. I’m sure it tastes nothing like the stew I brew up at the Inn, but it’s not all that bad. Although, not many people know what’s in it.

“There you are Tannivh. How’s the Inn?” Sadine asks one of my closest friends.

“Not too bad, one step closer to being a free elf,” I smile.

“You and your positive outlook never cease to puzzle me,” she sighs. “How can you always be so optimistic?”

“Life’s not so bad. Cooking is actually somewhat soothing,” I say.

“Whatever you say…” she sighs as she brushes her red hair out of her face. Her dim blue eyes have got even more bags under them than usual. “One day I’ll be leaving this dump. No more brothel and no more nasty stew.”

“The stew isn’t that bad,” I say, slurping the last of my bowl down.

“How are you a cook if you think this is good? I can only imagine the business you scare away with the concoctions you come up with,” she sighs.

“Hey, people seem to like my cooking. I get compliments all the time,” I say.

“I get compliments on my blow jobs all the time, you don’t see me bragging,” she says.

“Way too much information,” Phylis says.

“What? I bet blow jobs pay better than cooking or making beds,” Sadine says.

“At Least making beds lets me keep my dignity,” Phylis says.

“And what does that buy you?” Sadine asks.

“Money isn’t everything,” Phylis says.

“Well, while you two keep your dignity, I’ll be only a few more cycles in this heap hole and then I’m out of here. You know, Tannivh, if you want to make the big bucks, you should take my place. With that girlish figure and those plush lips of yours, you’d make a hefty sum,” Sadine says.

“I think I’ll stick with cooking, thank you very much,” I say.

“Suit yourself, you don’t know what you're missing, sucking dick isn’t all that bad. Hell, I get all the sex I could ever ask for and the best part is they pay me for it,” she says.

“Now who’s sounding like the optimist,” Phylis says.

“It’s not like I do it because I want to. It’s just the fastest way to get out of being an indentured servant,” she says. “I’m not proud, but pride don’t mean shit. It don’t put food in my belly. But sucking a big fat cock seems to keep me full.”

“Truly, words to live by,” Phylis says, flipping her dark brunette hair over her shoulder.

“I don’t have it so bad. I get to cook and most of the patrons are actually quite nice. It’s better than a pull on the ear,” I say.

Day 2

The Head of the House Staff sent me to the market to fetch some needed supplies for the house and some cooking ingredients for tonight. As I meander through the town square and onto the market place, I can’t help but catch the sound of freshly pounded metal. I’ve always had a fascination with metal. The way you can melt it down and reshape it into something almost seems like magic. The blacksmith also happens to be a woman who knows her way around a hammer. A strong elf with no mind of mischief. Should I stay and watch or should I get my business done? Oh, what’re a few good moments watching a beauty pound on some metal? And she is a beauty. A lot stronger than your typical High Elf woman, but not overly bulky like an orc or anything, but she’s wide hips and thighs that could squeeze the life out of you.

“Have you finally bucked up the balls to touch my hammer, boy? You’ve been coming here quite a few sunrises and all you do is watch me beat my metal. You know if you’re any good, I can gladly take an apprentice. Are you an indentured servant?” she asks.

I nod. “Well if you’re any good at swinging a hammer, we can talk to the city council and you can swing my hammer all day.”

“Would I be able to come back later? My masters have given me a task and I must complete it. I take my work seriously. Would I be able to come back tomorrow in the mid sunrise?”

“You can come anytime you like. I’ve got plenty of work.”

“Thank you, madam,” I say and carry on my way. The market is buzzing with people. Only the wealthiest come to the high town market. It has the rarest jewels. Priceless artifacts. Goods from all over Aratheon. All at extravagantly high prices. Fortunately, my master has deep pockets and I can get the best ingredients for cooking. The old man elf always got Hungariston Vantha root to add to his Barathine Stew that many people rant and rave about. Of course, it’s become one of my many famous dishes everyone crowds the inn for.

I head over to the exotic herbs and spices shop off in the farthest corner of the market. Almost hidden in the corner. “Ahh, Tannivh, just in time.”

“Lady Miranda, nice to see you again,” I smile as I walk up.

“Here for the root?” she asks.

“Yep,” I smile. She always seems to know what I want when I come in. I guess I’m just too predictable.

“Say, aren’t you finally becoming a man soon?” she asks.

“Actually, 2 sunrises from now and I’ll be 30 cycles old,” I say. A smile turns on the lady’s face. Her deep glimmery blue eyes have a sparkle in them that wasn’t there before.

“You don’t say,” she flashes them pearly white sharp teeth. Something very wrong about that smile. If she wasn’t so beautiful, I’d have a hard time maintaining eye contact. “You know, I could always use an indentured servant. Especially a soon to be man like yourself.”

“Oh?” I ask.

“Yes, now that you’re about to be of age, we could get you switched out and you’ll be working for me. Think about it,” she says with a wicked grin that turns my spine to ice.

“I’ll give it considerable thought,” I say. “Thanks again for the ingredients.”

There’s something not quite right about her. I head down to the docks to pick up the shipment of pupond fruit. As I head onto the normal dock, I find the ship it usually comes in on. “Captain Cararel Yinstina, a good sunrise to you.”

“You as well, Tannivh. Here on time, as always,” she says with a smile. Her light blue eyes filled with a bright shine as they lay down upon me. “Say… you’re a hard-working boy, I could use someone like you on my ship. I’m in need of a good cabin boy. You should consider it. When’s your name day?”

“It’s actually not but 2 sunrises from now,” I say.

“Well, I’ll still be docked until then, you should consider joining my crew,” she says with a smile.

“I’ll give it some thought. I promise.” I take the bag of pupond fruit and give her payment from the Inn. With a smile, I head back.

Upon arriving back at the Inn, I get to work preparing tonight’s meal. A stew that was always the Old elf’s favorite.

After I finish the prep work and get all the ingredients in the pot, I let it simmer while I help Phylis clean up the inn and set up the dining hall. Off in the far corner sits a woman dressed in fancy purple robes. “May I get you something to drink, my lady?” I ask.

She has the face of a goddess with hair that burns as hot as flames. Her eyes are shimmering with blue energy. “Yes, that would be wonderful. If you would be so kind, I would love a taste of your sweetest spirit,” she says.

“Yes, I will be back in as quick as it takes you to flip the page,” I smile rushing off to the kitchen. I pour her the house favorite spirit that everyone swoons over and hurry off to deliver it.

“You were indeed very fast,” She smiles, taking the glass from me.

“Is that a magical tome you’re reading?” I ask.

“Why yes it is indeed,” She smiles.

“So that means you’ve got a license? Are you with the Academy?” I ask.

“Yes, I’m indeed. I’m a mistress of the arcane arts,” she smiles.

“Wow, that is quite fancy. I’ve always wanted to do magic, but I do not have the funds for a license,” I say. I take a look down at the tomb. “I thought those tombs are supposed to be filled with an ancient language. Why is this one written in plain or elvish?”

“You can read this?” she asks with a raised eyebrow. I nod. Her face tightens up. “Well, you look like the inquisitive type. Maybe you might be a good fit for my apprentice. I’m in need of one, but it’s a dangerous position. You see, I often go out on exhibitions to some of the most dangerous places in order to discover artifacts. My last apprentice… Well, let’s just say he wasn’t adept at listening. Are you of age?”

“I will be in a few sunrises from now,” I say.

“Well, give it some thought,” she says.

“I will, how will I be able to find you when I turn of age?” I ask.

“I’ll be here most likely. Until I get this tome deciphered, I won’t be going anywhere,” she smiles.

I head back to the kitchen and finish preparing the stew for tonight. Everything is ready and the patrons start to come in. Geneth, the barmaid starts serving the patrons and brings out the stew. The night seems to be going rather smoothly. No complaints, several compliments.

The woman from the other night bursts into the kitchen once again. “This stew is excellent. You are indeed an amazing chef. Tell me, how old are you?”

“Thank you, Madam,” I say, my face burning hot. “I’m only 2 sunrises away until I become a man.”

“Well, isn’t that wonderful. What’s your situation? Are you in considerable debt?” she asks.

I nod. “After my parents were murdered, their debt passed onto me. I still have a considerable amount of debt to pay off, but I’m slowly making progress.”

“Well, have you decided what you will do on your name day? Will you stay here? If not, I am in need of a private chef like you. I would pay handsomely to have you become a part of my staff. You’d be able to pay your debt off in no time. Plus, you’re quite good on the eyes. Very feminine. Yes… You’d be perfect.”

“Uhhh… Thanks….” I say as a knot develops in my throat.

“You’re very welcome,” she says with a smile.

“Now, I must be off,” she says. She hands me a piece of parchment. “This is my address. I’ll look forward to hearing from you.”

“Umm. Thank you!” I say, taking it and putting it into my pocket.

“You’re very welcome,” she says, giving me a sultry smile. She flips her raven black hair as she spins on her heel. I watch her wide womanly hips sway as she walks out. Tingles run down my spine.


Day 3

I head down to the Market place as promised and meet up with the blacksmith. The smell of charred coal and melted metal fill the air. She’s hard at work. She’s so strong. Her arms show years of hard work. Her body looks as tempered as the weapons she has for sale. She glances up as I enter. “Ahh, you’ve arrived. I’m glad you decided to show up. I am in desperate need of a good apprentice and you’d be perfect.”

“Well, I only came to check things out, as I said I would,” I say.

“Here, let’s see how well you are with a hammer,” she says, handing me hers. I take it and nearly drop it. It’s heavy. She pulls me over to the anvil. “Go ahead and take a swing,.”

I pull the hammer down on the glowing hot sword. The ting of metal on metal echoes through the workshop. “You definitely need to work on your form, but you have lots of potential.”

She gets behind me. Her body presses up against mine. My eyes go wide as I feel something poke against my butt. She must have another hammer in her belt. The feel of her breasts pressed up against my back, makes my knees weak. Her hands wrap around mine as she guides my movements. We hammer away at the metal. “This is how you swing a hammer.”

The clanging of the hammer against the bright hot metal rings throughout the marketplace as she guides my hand. I spend most of the morning with her. Both of our blonde hair gets messy with the work. By the time I finish, I’m doing all the swinging.

I finally have to go, but as I leave her shop, another elven woman pulls me aside. She’s an officer in the military. “I’ll say, you seem like a good chap who can swing a hammer. Maybe you should think about swinging a sword instead. The military could always use a man like you. Did I mention, if you join the military, you could be able to get a license to practice magic. Of course, there’s a ***********ion process, but I feel you have what it takes.”

I look up into her bright blue eyes. She’s got dark black hair tied up in a ponytail. One of her pointy ears has a cut in it. She gives me a smile as she clasps my shoulder with her gloved hand. She’s wearing plate armor. Royal plate armor. “How old are you?”

“I’m a sunrise away from 30 cycles, my lady,” I say.

“Well, I take it you’re an indentured servant, am I right?” she asks.

I nod. “Well, serving in the military could wipe out all of your debt. Think about it. My office is at the military Academy in the Military Sec. Look me up if you decide you’re up for the task. My name is Amara.”

With that, she leaves. That doesn't sound all that bad. Serving in the military and getting all my debt wiped away, that doesn’t sound too bad at all. I could start on a clean slate once I get out. If I get out…

I spend most of the day prepping for the evening meal. The headmaster of the inn pulls me aside before the supper rush. Looking up into his lucid blue eyes with slick white hair sends a chill down my spine. “So… Tomorrow’s the day you become of age. What will you do?”

“I am not sure, Master,” I say.

“Well, I will let you know, it would behoove me to inform you that if you decide to stay, I would greatly improve your salary and I’ll throw in some benefits. Think about it. There really is no other option,” he smiles a toothy grin. “Now get back to work. Tonight is going to be busy. Lots of people flock to this Inn because we provide the best services.”

I head back to the kitchens and get to work. As I finish brewing up supper, the dining hall fills up. Not an empty seat left. The barmaids start to serve up supper and I keep the food coming. I never imagined this many people would be so excited to taste my cooking.

“Ahh, Tannivh,” a familiar feminine voice echoes. The woman from the last few nights walks up to me as I poke my head out the door to check on the patrons. “Just the elf I was looking for.”

“Ahh, Madam, it is nice to see you again. Are you enjoying your supper?” I ask.

“Very much so. Another dish to tickle my taste buds. You are a master at your craft. I must have you working for me. Have you thought of my offer?” she asks, licking her lips.

“I have and I will continue to do so. Tomorrow is my name day,” I smile.

“I’m well aware. If you do choose to work for me, I will give you a life of luxury. Of course, you’ll be able to eat the amazing meals you cook, live in a bed suitable for a queen. Just give it some thought. Well, I must be off, I gave you my address, so you know where to find me.”

The rest of the night goes rather smoothly and I end back up at the boarding house. “Well. Another successful night,” Sadine says. “More nights like this and I’ll be out of here in no time.”

“Is that so?” Phylis asks. “And what did you have to do to earn your coin tonight?”

“Oh, just let a bunch of dwarves have their way with me. Dwarven lords always pay the best,” she says.

“Really?” I ask.

“Oh yes, greedy dwarves have deep pockets. They’ve also got thick cocks,” she says with a wicked grin.

“Is that a fact?” I ask.

“Yes, it is. Say, Tannivh, you could totally pass for a sexy elven woman. You would make so much money. Tomorrow’s your name day, is it not?” she asks.

I nod.

“You should really consider the brothel. You’ll pay off your debt in no time,” she says.

“Don’t even think about it, Tannivh, you’re better than that,” Phylis says.

Day 4

The day has finally arrived. I’m now a man! 30 cycles old. I never thought this day would come. I can finally decide my own fate. First things first, I need to go to the Town Hall and get my papers of citizenship. I have a decision to make. One that will change the course of my life forever. It’s a tough choice to make. What should I do?

I should think through my options. It’s hard to believe so many people want my services. I could remain at the Inn and try to work my debt to the state there. However, the pay isn’t much, but the Master did say I would receive a raise.

I could also take the Patron’s offer and become her personal chef. I can imagine she probably pays a lot more than the Inn and she said I could eat my own cooking. That in itself is worth it. On the other hand, I could become the Blacksmith’s apprentice. I do find the work interesting and the blacksmith as well.

Of course, the Herbalist also offered to take me there. And then again, so did Captain Cararel Yinstina. Then I would get to travel the world and see beyond Isyelnaes. I can only imagine what’s out there.

I can’t forget about the Mage’s offer. She said she would take me on as an apprentice as well. And then I could get my license to practice magic! I’ve always dreamed of being able to use magic. And then of course there is always the military. The thought of having all my debt washed away with service sounds very enticing. I could also get a license to practice magic there as well.

And if all else fails I could take up Sadine’s offer and work at the Brothel. I’m not so sure I like the thought of taking dwarf dick…

I’ve arrived at the Town Hall. Upon entering, I feel a sense of relief come over me. This is it. My life will never be the same. In any case, I vow whatever route I take to find the truth of what happened to my parents.

Stepping into the town hall, I have to wait in line while all sorts of citizens address the counselors for their queries. It nearly takes all morning before I get my turn. “How may I help you?”

“Today’s the day I finally become old enough to be a citizen. I’m here for my papers,” I announce.

“Well, look at you. Congratulations,” the old elf says. “Now what is your name?”

“My name is Tannivh Holaxidor.”

The elf looks down at me through a looking glass. “Yes, that does indeed seem to be the case. And as it looks, you are indeed of age.”

He pulls out a wand and twists his wrist well saying some old ancient language. A parchment flies out of nowhere and lands before him. He reads over it. “According here, you owe a considerable debt to the state and as of today, you are an indentured servant and you are in the services of the Golden Phoenix Inn. Is that correct?”

“Yes, Counselor,” I say.

“Indeed. Now that you are of age, you have the option to change your employment. Is that something you’d like to do?” he asks.

I ponder my options. What should I do? Do I really want to stay at the Inn?

Thanks for reading. If you enjoyed it, please give it your honest rating. Please feel free to leave any feedback in the comment section below. Feel free to reach out to me through my profile and check out my other stories.

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