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Poppy continues her education
The next morning, she awoke to the birds again, but this time she felt Him watching her.

"Good morning," He said as she, startled, turned her head to Him. She quickly sat up in bed for Him. "I trust you slept well?"

Her eyes were on the bedspread, but she nodded in reply. She couldn't help but bite her lip as she thought about yesterday. She had surprised herself and taken His anal toy with gusto and literally collapsed out of sheer exhaustion from the excellent fucking she received.

"You behaved very well yesterday." He said, reading her mind. "I am pleased." She glanced upward, quickly meeting His eyes with a smile tinged with both embarrassment and joy from pleasing Him.

As she cast her eyes down again, she noticed a dress draped over the foot of the bed. He, of course, noticed her gaze.

“We are having a guest today.” He explained. He lift the dress by the spaghetti straps so she could see it was a sun dress made of a sheer material. Very sheer material. She also noticed there wasn’t any undergarments laid out for her.

“I’d like you to wear this. I think he will like it.” Inwardly she tensed. Their “guest” was another man? Several thoughts raced through her mind. Would He make her perform for this guest? Would they take her together? Again, He read her mind.

“Our guest,” He paused with a smile. He was evilly enjoying teasing her and watching her begin to panic. “is an older gentleman who is an old friend of the family. He knows nothing about our relationship.” He pointed between Himself and her as He spoke. “I am not going to tell him anything since he does not need to know. We will be sitting on the veranda in the backyard. I want you to busy yourself walking and sunning in the gardens and the flower paths. You may also stop by the library and choose a book to read. You are to only wear the dress. Do you understand?”

Dutifully she nodded. She relaxed, know that this wasn’t another test for her. She would actually enjoy being outside, and how exciting it would be sitting out there, albeit practically nude, with two men watching her. She started to smile.

“Now, as far as your test for the day,” He began. Her smile threatened to go back into hiding. “This will be inserted into you.” He reached into his pocket and pulled out what looked like a plastic egg.

"Go ahead and do your morning ritual. When you are finished, eat and then lay face-down on the bed. I shall return."

She got herself out of bed and dutifully headed for the shower. She got ready quickly, feeling the need to be ready when He got back. Again, when she came out, she found a food tray on the floor. She quickly finished her fruit and yogurt and then went to her bed. Straightening the sheets, she laid down on her stomach as ordered. She might have fallen back to sleep if she hadn't been keyed up about today. A guest, being able to wear clothes and a new toy inserted, all of it together made her heart thump harder.

Presently, she heard His approach.

"You have a beautiful butt, Poppy." She heard Him say as He came in. She smiled to herself. "I'm going to be inserting the egg into you anally. The short wire hanging off the end is a antenna for the remote control. The egg vibrates and can be turned on from several feet away. You will wear it while you are outside today. You are not to show any reaction to it, since our guest does not know of your training. You must relax as I push it in."

Again she felt the warm lubricant He applied to her anus from the heated bottle. She heard Him snap on rubber gloves, then felt His finger gently begin to massage her anus. She felt fine at first, no discomfort, until He began to penetrate her with His finger. Then her muscles back there hurt with the same sort of dull soreness she felt after working out too hard. She tried not to tense herself back there, but her rectum involuntarily squeezed His finger. She suddenly felt the same fullness she felt as when the vibe pounded into her the day before. She tensed it again.

"You are enjoying this aren't you?" He almost laughed. "Lay still and see if this still feels good." He commanded. She stopped moving and felt His finger slowly push its way into her behind all the way. He stopped once He was all the way in, and let her feel it. He had to be bigger than the vibe yesterday, and she was taking it without discomfort. Slowly He began to pull it out and twist it as He pushed back in. Moving in long strokes, He opened her up, preparing her for the toy. Once He noticed she was beginning to raise her hips up to meet Him, He decided she was ready.

"Prepare yourself, Little One, I will now put the egg into you." She felt Him remove His finger, heard the top of the lube bottle open. After a long minute, she could feel a new presence at her anal entrance. Slowly she felt it press against her, felt herself open up more. Her head jerked up off the bed. She was being entered so slowly it drove her nuts. She was turned on more than she ever knew. She was going to serve Him again and make Him proud. The thought made her wet. She was pleasing Him and being turned on by it, plus what she was doing was so dirty. Her breathing became rougher. She felt a moan escape her throat as the majority of the toy was in her. Suddenly she felt herself close around it. It was all the way in her.

"Very good." He commented standing. "Lets give it a test." He took a small remote control out of His pocket. Setting it on the lowest setting He turned it on.

She could feel a warm, soft humming in her rectum. It vibrated her bottom with a dull presence that she could just feel in her vaginal area. A higher setting would no doubt reach her clit. She couldn't even feel the thin wire trailing out of her anus.

"Can you feel that? Or should I go higher?" He asked playfully. She looked to Him, trying to remain in her subservient position and gave a quick smile. She was really beginning to feel the vibrations. She smile turned to a gasp as He tapped the setting higher for a moment, then backed it back to low.

"Don't want to waste it all here. Get dress and join me outside." He shut it off completely and left. She hated to lose that feeling of the vibrations in her butt.

She continued to lay there, letting the wave of pleasure dissipate. When her breathing became normal she slid off the bed and put on the sun dress. Looking at herself in the mirror she could easily see her breasts through the fabric. Being outside in the sun, she knew He and His guest would be able to see everything. As she thought about it, she found herself not concerned by it. She was serving Him.

She stopped by His large library on the way to the backyard and ***********ed a very old looking book of poetry. Steeling herself to walk out in front of them, she walked gracefully, with her head up out onto the terrace. He sat in one of two large wicker chairs. The remote sat on a small wicker table between them. Noticing He was alone, she dutifully stopped, faced Him, brought her hands together behind her and lowered her head. She hoped He enjoyed seeing her breasts through the dress. Standing in the sun they were plainly visible as she had thought, as she had hoped.

"Make yourself comfortable out in the grounds, but do not go where I cannot see you. My guest has not arrived yet." He instructed calmly. He did seem to be looking her over while she stood there. She let Him look, then turned and walked barefoot down the stone path. She decided He probably wouldn't do much with the remote until His guest had arrived. She walked along the path until she got to a large flowerbed with a stone bench and sat in the sun.

Sitting on the bench, she could just feel the thin wire from the egg trapped under her against the bench. Crossing and un-crossing her legs tugged and released it. She began to enjoy feeling it move inside her. She was getting very excited. She coyly played with the book of poetry, pretending to read and shooting quick glances at Him. He was watching her, a smirk on His face, His chin resting in His hand as He studied her. He caught on quickly to what she was doing. He could add to her pleasure by giving her a soft, low hum from the vibe inside her, but He decided to make her go without, for now.

She continued to shift on the bench, holding the book in front of her as she purposefully displayed herself to Him, opening her legs wider than necessary. She felt a small buzz from the vibe, showing that He liked what He saw. She started, and gasped slightly, then remaining subservient kept her eyes down but grinned.

After a moment more she did it again, lingering with her legs apart, knowing He was looking. She was rewarded with a longer buzz. She knew it was coming and so didn't jump, but still was surprised at the strength of it, and the sensations it was giving her. She could feel the muscles in her rear warm and begin to beat with her pulse from the stimulation like they had in response to being penetrated by His machine yesterday. Clinching herself, she could almost recreate the feeling of fullness she felt once the thin vibrator had pumped itself into her anally. Then it had begun to drive itself into her, pulling out almost completely then driving itself back deeper. Each thrust was harder than the last and she found herself unbelievable turned on. She had never felt sensations like she had being anally penetrated. She grew to love the vibe in her, pushing back (as much as she could being restrained to the table) so that she could feel it go deeper. She had gotten so wet, she could feel the moisture running down her thighs. In response she began pushing her pelvis into the padded cube she rested on doggy-style. Her slickness caused a wonderful slippery feeling as she ground her sex into the cube, trying to stimulate her clit further.

Without realizing it, she had closed her eyes during her daydream and her legs un-crossed. Not spread enough for Him to see anything, but it still gave Him an idea of what was going on. Lightly, He started the vibe in her anus.

She leaned back on the bench, drinking in the sunlight, her eyes shut reliving yesterday. The stimulation was adding to her remembrance and she felt her wetness start again. She carelessly set the book aside, forgotten, as she added the sensations to her memory.

As the thrusts became long and steady yesterday, she felt it build. She was bucking against the straps holding her in place, every muscle in her tensing. She could feel the heat of her sex rise as she began to clench her teeth, trying hard to push herself over the edge. Slowly, teasingly it built up, forcing her to take it on the machine's time. She would only cum when it let her. She needed it bad. Mashing her clit against the box had been good but the feelings in her anus were new and different. And getting stronger. She loved it, being so dirty. It was a naughty, disgusting thing she would never let herself enjoy and she wanted to cum so badly from doing it. She began rocking on the table in time with the machine's thrusts, forcing it deeper into her. She could feel her sex begin to tighten, felt the non-stop pounding the machine was giving her.

For once she could take her time and enjoy every ounce of pleasure it was giving her. She didn't have to worry about it pumping her a few times and then cumming and crawling off of her. She never wanted to seem ungrateful to her previous lovers so she learned to accept the lack of satisfaction.

Now, here on His table, that had changed. She was going to cum and cum harder than she ever had. She could feel it, her vaginal walls contracted so tightly she thought they cramped. She could feel it building in her entire midsection as the anal vibe pumped into her steadily. The constant thrusting into her, the warm slick wetness between her and the cube. Then suddenly it started. A strangled cry caught in her throat. She had forced her eyes to open, seeing stars as they rolled in her head. She began to pant, breathing in deep ragged breaths as she filled and emptied her lungs with a guttural groan with each thrust. She felt sudden wetness spray her lower legs and realized she had cum on herself. That had never happened before, she pondered, but she never felt orgasms as strong and luscious as this before.

She thought about this sitting on the bench in the garden, for there was no rational thought yesterday in the playroom, only her animalistic passions.

Re-thinking about all the new sensations slowly brought her back to today. She was wet and wanted to relive more of her experience while she pleased herself. Her hand began to slide under her dress when something reminded her of where she was. She wanted it badly, but forced herself to sit up and opened her eyes lazily.

She froze, the color drained from her face seeing the sight before her. He was standing, holding a drink, His other hand in His pocket. Next to Him was a tall, older gentleman, well dressed, also holding a drink. The older man reminded her of Sean Connery, with his iron grey hair and dark mustache. Both were currently watching her, both with big smiles.

Quickly she composed herself, humiliated, dropping her gaze and lowering her dress as she closed her legs. She could feel a heat on her face that was not from the sun.

"Poppy," He called to her. "Come and meet my guest, my dear."

Dutifully she stood, smoothed her dress and walked forward. She was so embarrassed and not knowing if He might be upset by her actions made it worse. She knew this guest didn't know about their "relationship" so He couldn't talk about punishing her while His guest was here. She would be forced to wait.

Her legs were on automatic, carrying her forward, as she began to breathe harder. A million things went through her head. Could they tell what she was doing? Of course He could, but what about this "guest"? Did He tell him? How would He explain her being here?

Stepping onto the veranda she remembered her nudity was visible through the sundress. Because she knew she had to have displeased Him, she felt she didn't deserve to be embarrassed and forced herself to walk right up to the new arrival. She smiled sweetly, feeling his quick glances all over her body as he took her hand and kissed it.

He introduced His guest as an old friend, a man who also "enjoys the finer things in life". She was polite and played the gracious host, making small talk with him but of course only when spoken to.

She looked to Him as she conversed, trying to read His expression. He calmly sipped His drink and smiled at her, pleased.

"You may go back to the sunbench and your book, Poppy." He finally told her after a few minutes of pleasantries. She lowered her eyes before looking to Him and acknowledged Him a small nod.

"Although you will be the most lovely flower in the whole estate." His guest replied. She smiled self-consciously and turned to go. She knew both would be watching her and her exposed backside. She gave them a treat and slowly walked along the sun-backed bricks back to the bench.

When she got back, she noticed a damp spot she left on the bench itself. She grinned to herself sheepishly. She hadn't realized she had gotten herself that worked up. Leaning over, she retrieved her book and moved down a bit.

A light breeze stirred her sundress and she shivered. Realizing for the first time, her thighs were wet also. The cool breeze felt cooler on her damp skin, and she noticed a wet spot on the front of her dress where it had fallen between her spread legs. She couldn't believe she hadn't noticed! Sitting down quickly, she turned to look at the two men.

Watching her, they both smiled at her, His guest even raised his glass saluting her. She may not of noticed but they surely had! She dropped her eyes and reopened the book, ashamed. She had practically wet herself like a child. Could they see her moisture running down her legs as she stood displaying herself to them. He must be very disappointed with her. She knew He liked His women to act lady-like and cultured and there she stood gushing at them. She might as well have laid on the veranda with her legs obscenely pointed in the air. She fought down the urge to cry.

Sitting there, chastising herself, she tried to concentrate on the book deciding she didn't deserve to continue pleasing herself. A low chuckle from the men made her look over the edge of her book. Both of them were still watching her. Instead of making her feel embarrassed, they smiled at her trying to show her it wasn't as bad as she thought. He even shook His head at her, in His disbelieving way.

She couldn't help but let her emotions pop out in a small, teary laugh. She dried her eyes and felt better.

Deciding to give them a show, she laid back along the bench, relaxing on one elbow and drawing her legs up onto the bench. Laying stretched out across it, she knew they could see all of her in the bright sun.

Losing herself in the old poetry, she found herself getting sleepy. Rolling over onto her tummy, she let the sun warm her back and buttocks, knowing He enjoyed seeing her backside. As she rolled, she felt the faint hum of the vibe in her start. He was enjoying the show. Once she was on her stomach, the hum intensified. She lifted her abdomen off the bench with the pretense of smoothing out her dress under her, but instead arched her back slightly and thrust her rear into the air a little for them.

She was rewarded with a sharp increase in the vibe’s stimulation.

His guest had to notice something was going on. What was He telling him?

She was half embarrassed at her own brazen display but at the same time she never felt as attractive and sexual. She tried humping the air with a few small thrusts again, and again felt a heavy thrum from the vibe. It didn’t matter if she was embarrassed by her wetness from earlier, her pussy had a mind of its own and she felt it gush.

She found herself beginning to quiver with desire. She wanted to be filled so badly, she didn’t care where. Just so she could feel the weight of Him on her, hold Him close, drink in the scent of His aftershave, immerse herself in all that was Him. She fantasized about Him taking her right there on the bench as the vibe softly slowed and turned off. Her mind wouldn’t turn off though, she couldn’t almost feel His presence as He came to her....

Interrupting, she heard the men stirring and opening her eyes, saw them stand. They shook hands and spoke their farewells. Knowing her place, she came over, eyes lowered and bade their guest farewell. Again the older gentleman kissed her hand goodbye and commented on her loveliness. Still embarrassed, she could only smile, not making eye contact.

As he turned back to his host, he thanked Him for the hospitality and winked as he glanced at Poppy.

When He walked His friend to the door, she remained standing on the veranda. She felt He would want to talk to her. She was right.

"Poppy, I am disappointed in you." He said returning. He saw that she lowered her head further. Actually He was trying hard not to grin widely. He found that He rarely needed to punish her, she did a very good job herself.

"Was it your goal to act like a little slut?" He asked her, more hardness in His voice than He could ever truly feel toward her. With her eyes downward she couldn't see the smirk on His lips. She shook her head.

"Was it your goal to embarrass me in front of a guest?" Again she shook her head. He could see the tear welling in her eye.

"Good," He said sharply. "Because my guest was quite taken with you." He said in a softer voice. "In fact, those last vibrations while you laid on your stomach were from him. He enjoyed the show."

She raised her eyes in surprise. She could hear the humor in His voice and knew He wasn't upset with her after all.

"You did a very good job of entertaining. He asked if he could come and see you again." He said sitting back in His chair. Reading her mind He continued.

"Do not think I am sharing you with him. That is not the situation he and I have. He knows you belong to me and he can come and visit. My giving him the remote control for your egg was a treat. He finds you a rare prize." He picked up His glass and drained it in a swallow. "And so do I."

She couldn't help but beam at Him. She was overjoyed to know she pleased Him so. The tear that had welled in her eye now spilled over but not as a tear of sadness. She sniffed to herself, trying to keep in her joy.

"You may stay out on the veranda and enjoy the sun. I have work inside. Please, use the chaise lounge." Rising He strode inside, taking the egg remote with him.

Her insides felt quivery, like a basket of snakes. She shook with a silent sob of pure joy at finding this man and His total acceptance of her. She could never leave Him even if she wanted to. She was bound to Him in everyway. She stood, hands clasped behind her and she got herself under emotional control.

Sniffling, she sat on the chaise-lounge, her knees raised and together, her hands in between her thighs. She never felt the feelings she had experienced since she came to Him. Where had He been all her life? If she had only met Him earlier in life she knew she could have avoided some painful times. But she also told herself that those painful times made her the woman she was now and if she hadn't experienced them, she might not be able to appreciate the situation she was in now.

Her eyes dry now, she thought about Him. She couldn't believe how much it filled her with joy to please Him. It came so naturally to her, once she knew what He wanted of her. She sat thinking about Him and how she surprised herself, becoming less inhibited and enjoying showing off her nude body. She did have a nice body, she had to admit. Looking up and down her freckled legs she parted them, withdrawing her hands and, as if seeing them for the first time, studied her freckled arms and hands.

Hugging herself with both arms, she left her legs parted, feeling the warm sun beat down on her sex. She opened her legs further, becoming more aware of the heat not only without but also from within her womanhood.

She felt herself so slick again, and remembered earlier. She had wanted to caress herself so badly! There was no one here to see. She knew He might not approve, but she had been good lately and she couldn't deny the building desire within her. Letting the sun continue to play on her vaginal skin, she forced herself to lay there, eyes closed, putting off touching herself until she could no longer wait.

Suddenly throwing her legs over the arms of the chaise-lounge, she dug two fingers into herself. Holding them close together, they slid in easily from her copious wetness. Slowly spreading her fingers apart as she rocketed them in and out of her, she felt her orgasm swelling like a balloon. She imagined His face, the feeling of the machine fucking her anally, of her cumming on herself, of her today, wetting herself and leaving moisture on the bench, and then of Him again. His gentleness as He inserted the egg, His firmness as He inspected her the first day, His care for her and His opening up a whole new world of pleasure for her.

She was close, she knew it would only be moments and she would have her release. Without warning the egg was vibrating in her. She had never felt it so hard. At first her eyes shot open, He knew what she was doing, then as the vibrations did their magic she could feel another source of stimulation on her clit. She could even feel the egg with the fingers in her pussy.

She had come to a decision. She liked anal. She didn't care if she was a dirty girl, she liked anal and wanted more! As she admitted this to herself, her orgasm consumed her. Her breathing stopped, she almost felt pain, her fingers didn't stop driving into her sex, couldn't stop. Her eyes screwed shut, she could hear her pulse in her ears. Her legs tensed, shooting straight out and lifting her butt off the chaise-lounge. With her leg muscles spasming, her butt bounced on the chair as the orgasm took over full force. She came down heavily, her legs now kicking uncontrollably into the air. Grunting, she felt herself continue to stab her fingers into her sex. She actually had to make a conscious effort to stop her hand!

Her orgasmic glow fading, she realized her legs were still skyward. She lowered them slowly and looked around. Still no one was there, but she knew she had felt the anal egg inside her vibrating as she hit her peak. It was quiet now, but she knew it had pushed her over the edge. She lay panting, trying to catch her breath, and brought her knees together again. The chair was wet all over. She giggled to herself hiding her mouth with her hand.

Lowering her legs, she actually squished against the chair. Standing up, she removed her sundress. She knew He had to be watching, how else did He know when to turn on the egg at the right time?

Unashamed and nude, she bent over using the dress to wipe down the chair and padded back into the house.
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