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Katie’s mother was caught shoplifting and she offers a weekend with her teenaged daughter as payment to keep her ass out of jail.
I stood and waited as my mother kissed and fussed over me. “You be a good little girl now for Mr. Johnson. Momma’s gotta take care of some things out of town this weekend and I’ll be back on Monday.”

“Mom, it’s not like this is the first time you’ve ever done this. I’ll be fine, I know what to do.”

She gave me a hug I didn’t return. “You’re a good girl Katie,” she whispered in my ear. I rolled my eyes.

I stood looking out the door as she drove away, leaving me standing there with a small suitcase in the home of a man I’d never met before this day.

“Katie, you want to come and get comfortable? We can get to know each other...” I could hear him pat the seat beside him on the couch.

I closed the door, my back still towards the large man. “What does she owe you for? Gambling? Heroin? Or did she just need the money?”

I turned and looked him in the eye. He wasn’t ugly, just old, like in his thirties. “Tell me I’m wrong about why I’m here.”

He chuckled, “No little girl, you’re not wrong. She got caught shoplifting. I’m the head of security for the mall and she got busted with some pretty pricy things.” I watched as his eyes roamed up and down my thin frame dressed in my little girl Sunday school best. A white sleeveless frilly dress hitting somewhere between my crotch and knees. White hose attached to a hidden garter belt with black patent leather shoes. Cheap white lace gloves completed my ensemble.

“Well that’s something at least. She’s been trying to stay off the drugs, but I don’t hold out much hope it will last long.” I put my hand on my hip and cocked it at him. “You know I’m not as young as all this shit makes me look. Mom drank and smoked during her pregnancy. I came out small and I’m unlikely to get any bigger than I am now. I’ve been this size for three years and I figure if I ain’t grown yet, I’m unlikely to. Another thing to thank my loving mother for.”

I went over to the couch and sat beside him, primly arranging my dress like a proper little girl. “You got any weed? If we’re going to do this, I’d rather have a buzz on.”

He frowned, “Your mama said you’d be ok with this. Was she wrong?”

I grabbed the joint and lighter he handed to me. I took a deep drag and held it for as long as I could, then passed it to him for a hit. “No, I’ll do what I’m supposed to. I have to live with her till I get married or turn 21. Grandpa left me money and made that a stupid condition of the will cause he knew his daughter would only shoot it up her arm and I’m the only one who can rein her in a bit. I got a little time left before happens and I can finally leave her.”

He passed the joint back and I smoked it as low as I could. Then I stubbed the roach out in an ashtray on the coffee table.

I reached over and ran my hand up his thigh. “Wow mister, I’m sure looking forward to this weekend.” I said brightly, pitching my voice younger and higher. “I sure hope grandma’s gonna be ok. Mom said we’d play some games? Do you have a Nintendo?”

He laughed again. “You don’t have to play games with me Katie. I kinda like the snarky you. Suits you better than the fake little girl.”

I didn’t say anything but I ran my hand over the bulge snaking down his pants leg. I reached up and slowly undid his zipper. Immediately I was hit with a whiff of funky musk. Not bad or unpleasant, just the smell of a dick trapped in all day in pants. It smelled male. It smelled sexy. As much as I protested, I had kinda grown to like weekends with my “uncles”.

“So he’s a commando kinda guy,” I thought to myself. Nice.

With a little effort I pulled his penis out of his pants. It was long and veiny with a taut foreskin. I pulled it back exposing a shiny head. Spitting on my glove, I began to work it up and down.

“Shit girl, those gloves are so scratchy. I’m surprised by how good that feels.” I reached in and hefted his heavy balls from his pants..

“Mom got a box of two dozen pairs a while back. I think I now have like three pairs left after these.” I shrugged. “Guys seem to like it.”

“Can you suck on it? Handjobs rarely do it for me,” he asked hesitantly.

I leaned down and looked up into his face. “So does Mr. Johnson have a first name? I like to know who I blow.”

“Jeff, Katie dear, the name’s Jeff.” He reached out and took my face in his big hand. It was strangely tender for someone I was jerking off.

“Just so you don’t get your expectation up too high. My mouth is as little as the rest of me and I’ve got a huge gag reflex, so don’t expect me to deep throat you. Unless you’re into puke, then go ahead and put it in as far as you can reach.”

“What ever little Katie can manage will be fine,” he said softly.

“Huh? Whatever.” I grunted. Then I took first one testicle and then the other into my mouth, his coarse ball hair felt odd on my tongue. Jeff groaned and put his hand on the back of my head. No pressure, just a caress.

I stuck out my tongue and gently licked that bit of skin under the head where it connects, all the while keeping a firm and slow jack of the shaft. Suddenly I sucked the whole head in my mouth and tongued it vigorously. Litt’l Jeff responded by shooting a burst of precum unto my mouth. I pulled back and pointed the end of my tongue, working it into his piss slit. I was rewarded with yet another burst. I backed away and a string of precum connected the end of his dick and my tongue. “Enjoying yourself?” I asked, already knowing the answer.

He groaned loudly, tensing. “I’m close Katie, suck me in as far as you can go.”

I did just that, at the same time increasing the speed of my hand. I could get maybe three inches in before I had to back off. Coordinating my jacking with my sucking I could feel his body starting to shake.

“Unless you want a mouthful of scum, you better back off baby, I’m fixin to shoot!” He warned me. I grabbed his testicles with my other scratchy glove covered hand and began rhythmically squeezing his balls. As I suspected, that took him right over the edge.

“Fuck! Ugh! Ugh! Ughhhhhhhhhh!” He yelled as he unloaded in my mouth.

When he was done I slid off the couch onto the floor and waited at his feet, looking up at him. When he came back to his senses, he looked down at me. I opened my mouth, showing him his own cum. I saw his deflated cock twitch at that and semi-harden as I swallowed the mouthful of sperm.

“Oh little girl, you drained me harder than a Vegas whore.” He grinned down at me.

I got to my feet, “Thanks,” I said sarcastically. “I’ll try and take it like the compliment I assumed you meant it to be.” He had kinda pissed me off.

“You have any vodka? I find that it works best to get the taste of spunk out of my mouth.” He nodded and pointed to a cabinet in the corner.

I grabbed the first bottle I could find and chugged a couple mouthfuls. “Damn girl, you took that like a pro too.”

I took another big guzzle and put the bottle back. I was suddenly overcome with a wave of dissiness and swayed on my feet. In a flash he had me in his arms. “You ok?” He asked tenderly.

“Yeah, well a bunch of vodka on an empty stomach probably wasn’t the best idea.” I could feel his hands on my body, but holding me gently, nothing pervy. I knew he could feel my skinny ribs under my dress. My stomach chose that moment to give a big old hunger growl.

“Girl, when was the last time you ate?” he asked.

I looked away from him. “Apart from that protein shake I just had? It was probably about 18 hours ago at a convenience store. A hot dog I paid for by showing my little tittys to the clerk and letting him jack himself off looking at me in the back room.”

I watched him tuck his big self back into his pants, then he steered me into his kitchen and sat me at a chair. “You like shrimp and grits? I’ve got some left over from last night I could microwave quickly.”

I shrugged. “Whatever. If it doesn’t come out of a can, I probably haven’t had it.”

He put several slices of baguette in front of me with a butter dish. “Here, get started on this and I’ll warm you up a bowl.”

I fell on the bread hardly bothering to butter it at all. The bowl he put down in front of me was nothing like I’d ever eaten before and was so delicious. While I ate, he talked about his job at the mall. How his wife died 10 years ago. He wanted to know about my school, and seemed genuinely interested.

I was warm, I was full, and a stray thought went past my brain, “I wonder if this is what it’s like to have a real father.”

Suddenly the room was blurry from tears and I started sobbing uncontrollably. Huge gasping waves of crying came over me. He held me as I cried myself out and the next thing I knew I was waking up in a strange bed. I got up and saw a plate with two cookies on it sitting on a night table beside the bed. A glass of milk was holding down a piece of paper under the lamp on the table. I took the paper.

“Katie, you cried until you fell asleep, so I put you to bed,” said the note. “I baked you cookies. I hope you like chocolate chip.”

I ate the two best cookies I’d ever eaten and drank the milk. Then I really ended to pee.

I opened the door quietly, not knowing how late it was and saw a light still on in the front room. Jeff was watching an old movie.

“Jeff,” I said quietly, “where’s the bathroom? I really gotta pee.”

He muted the tv. “You ok honey?”

I nodded. “Bathroom?”

“Top of the stairs, first door on the right.”

I headed off and did my business.

When I came back down he had the tv off and I assumed he was ready for more. “What’s next uncle Jeff? I’ve got a whole array of costumes with me. I have a cheerleader outfit mom found somewhere that’s ok if you can ignore the cumstains I can’t get out of the back of the skirt. Catholic schoolgirl. A faux leather thing if you’re into bdsm. A teddy, a corset, slutty streetwalker outfit...”

“Katie,” he said firmly. “Come and and sit down. We should talk.”

I shrugged and set next to him. “Any of those sound good? I”m still in my little girl Sunday school outfit if that gets you off...”

He grabbed my hands, startling me. “No, nothing like that. Listen to me.” He sighed. “I took you momma up on her offer in a moment of weakness. I’m sorry, I just don’t meet women easily and its been nearly ten years since my wife died...”

He trailed off into an embarrassed silence. I could smell the booze, he’d been drinking.

I laughed. “No worries, you’re the single nicest uncle I’ve ever stayed with. There was this one guy who by this time had given me two enemas and tied me down making me blow his Great Dane.”

I could see the horror in his eyes. “Katie, I am so sorry, I shouldn’t have taken advantage of you, but you looked so good and it has been so long. Can you forgive me?”

I snorted. “You’re getting all worked up over a blowjob. Don’t worry about it.”

I stood and pulled him to his feet. “Let’s go to bed, well talk more in the morning.” Then I kissed him on his cheek before going back to the room I woke up in.


“Fuuuuuuck,” he grunted softly as he shot off all over his chest and pubes. After a moment he grabbed the already wet t-shirt that was on the bed beside him and wiped himself off. His cock was still hard.

He felt frustrated, almost to the point of tears. Guilt, recrimination, lust, all swirling through his head, making it impossible to sleep. He’d hoped rubbing himself off would tire him out enough to get to get some rest, but he’d done it twice now since he’d gone to bed with no sign of sleep in sight. He wasn’t a bad man, was he? Yet here he was with a girl young enough to be his daughter sleeping in another room. She was expecting him to use her for sex the rest of the weekend. The problem was... he wanted to!

Every day he had to watch a parade of young flesh prance up and down the mall. There were times watching the huddled masses of teens preening and strutting, showing off for each other, he just wanted to go up and yell, “Just fuck already!” in their faces. And the number of young things who had clumsily suggested they would do “whatever” it took for him not to call mummy or daddy down to the mall to pick them up, was too numerous to count.

He managed to finally doze off and didn’t notice the slight movement of someone joining him on his bed.

He was dreaming of the cheerleader queen several weeks before. Her beautiful features were swollen and puffy from crying. She had tried to shoplift a very expensive bracelet, but the overhead cameras in the jewelry department of the store had caught what she was doing plain as day.

She stood and started unbuttoning her designer sweater, revealing a thin lacy white bra. Her teen breasts were large and perky, her nipples dark and poking out, clearly visible. He had got up, pressed her back down in her seat and made her button back up. She glared daggers at him as, for maybe the first time in her young life, she didn’t get what she wanted. Her crocodile tears dried up almost immediately.

When daddy arrived she tried to convince him that Jeff had tried to rape her in exchange for being let off. Jeff showed the irate man the video of her trying to seduce him, like he wouldn’t have a camera in his office!

That was real life, where nothing happened and he had jerked off at least three times since then to the video wanting to suck on her breasts. But in his dream he didn’t stop her as she dropped her skirt and blouse on his office floor and peeled off her underwear while stalking towards him. Her naked teen breasts didn’t disappoint and were nothing short of spectacular. His penis was out and her pussy already wet as she straddled him.

“Oh god Jeff, you’re big.” She moaned in his ear, pumping her magnificent ass up and down on his cock. She felt so warm and tight, like nothing he had felt since graduating high school. “Come on, Jeff,” when had he told her his name? “Fuck me back, don’t make me do ALL the work”

He opened his eyes to find the early morning sun streaming in the window, spilling over the magnificent body of the girl in a peach colored teddy riding his cock like a pro.

“Oh shit, Katie... I’m sorry... I shouldn’t be taking advantage of you like this,” he struggled to try and get up.

“Hey, you got off earlier and I didn’t,” she said pushing him back down. “And you’re not taking advantage of me. I woke up very horny and came in here dressed all sexy to seduce you and what do I find? A hard cock sticking straight up. Twitching and leaking precum and the room reeking of sperm. Well, with an invitation like that, what’s a girl to do?”

His hands roamed up her thighs and gripped her bobbing ass. She moaned and bit her lower lip as he began to thrust upwards.

“I’m sorry Katie, I’m weak. I want to throw you out of my bed, but you feel so good riding me.” He reached up and pulled the teddy over her head exposing her body to his gaze. She was as small as he expected. Barely b-cup breasts with ribs clearly showing as he ran his fingers over a number of scars he could see. Cigarette burn marks mostly.

She firmly took his hands and pulled them to her breasts. “That’s the past Jeff, this is right now. Fuck me. Right now.” Her eyes had tears in the corners.

Small but firm, her breasts fit perfectly in his hands and she gasped as he ran his thumbs over her surprisingly large nipples.

Grinding down on him to meet his every thrust, her breath began to come in ragged pants. “I’m close Jeff, cum in me. I want to feel your impressively large cock filling me up as I cum.”

He grabbed her little ass once again as he pounded into her as hard as he could. He looked her in the eyes as he began to spill out into her. “Here’s what you asked for little girl! The milkman’s about to make a delivery!”

Her already tight passage got a lot tighter as she cramped and began to cream all over his cock. “Fuck, fuck, fuck, soooo good,” she moaned as she came on him.

After the final spasm was over, after the last jet of potent baby making sperm was shot, she collapsed on his chest. After a few moments, she realized he was crying.

“I’m sorry Katie, I’m so weak. I should never have taken your mother up on her offer. I’m a shit taking advantage of an underaged girl like this. Can you ever forgive me?”

She continued to lie with her head on his shoulder. Her hands running through his chest hair.

“I’m not,” she said quietly.

“What?” He asked.

“Underaged. I’m not underaged, just very small. I turned eighteen two months ago, not that SHE remembered,” a note of bitterness edged her words.

“And I’m not here this morning because I’m being forced to. I liked that we just... talked last night. You were kind to me and held me when I was vulnerable. You fed me...” she sighed loudly setting up, reminding them both that he was still hard inside her. “You were nice. And well frankly, that blowjob made me more tha a little horny.”

She lifted up and settled back down grinding her crotch into his.

“You better stop that unless you want more of the same,” he warned.

A mischievous look came over her face. “What if I WANT some more?” She said playfully.

She raised herself up, pulling off him with an obscene noise and a gush of sperm all over his balls. She got next to him on all fours and wiggled her ass at him.

He got behind her and slid his erect phallus into her waiting pussy. Then he pulled out and slammed back into her. She moaned in appreciation.

“Hard, Jeff. Take me hard. Pound my little slut ass. My hole needs filled and your cock is just what I need in there!” She grunted out as he slammed into her repeatedly.

“I’ll give you everything you ask for,” he said as he playfully slapped her ass.

“Yes,” she hissed. “Pound me, slap my ass, pinch my nipples, choke me, call me filthy names, I get off on it. Oh shit, I think I’m going to come again!”

He reached down and took a turgid nipple and squeezed it as hard as he could. His other hand found her clit sticking out stiff and hard like a little penis and rubbed it for all he was worth.

She fell on her elbows thrusting her ass back at him as her talented pussy clamped and released on his cock as she came long and hard.

“That it, my little whore,” he whispered in her ear as she recovered from her cum. “I want to feel you come again. Squeeze your daddy’s cock as I pound you. Your tramp ass is mine, you hear me. Say it!”

“My bitch ass is yours!” she gasped out. “Smash my ass for all I’m worth.” She yelped as he slapped her again, harder this time. She had a mini-orgasm when he did.

“Oh, baby girl likes? I felt that.” He hit her other cheek, never once stopping slamming into her.

She shivered as his slapping continued and she went into an almost continuous state of small orgasms. He mauled her breasts and nipples, keeping her in the state of bliss she was in. He reached up and put his hand around her throat, pulling her back towards him hard. His head on her shoulder.

“That it, keep cumming on my dick. I’m going to be filling you with my baby batter soon. You want that cunt? You want my hot scalding sperm bathing your insides? I’m going to knock you up. I’m going to watch your little titties grow with milk for my son!”

“Yes,” she hissed.

“What was that?” he asked as he cruelly pinched her nipple with the hand not choking her.

“Knock me up!” she yelled, gasping for breath. “Put your fucking bastard into me. I’m not on anything! I’m fertile and willing. I want it. I NEED it! Give me a baby!”

He pulled her upright, crushing her small titties in his hands. Holding himself as deep as he could reach inside her, his cock head crushed into the mouth of her cervix, squirting his cum directly into her womb.

She was shaking hard in his arms as she had one final massive orgasm, creaming so hard on his pulsing dick that she squirted fluids across the bed. She continued to grunt incomprehensibly as wave after wave of pleasure crashed through her as she felt her womb filling with his potent sperm.

Then blackness filled her vision as her temporally overloaded brain shut down and she passed out in his arms.


He stroked her hair as he looked down at her and his son. She was propped up in the hospital bed breastfeeding the tiny infant.

“As much as I’ve hated her over the years Jeff, I wish mom could have been here.” she said softly as she bathed in the warm sexy feelings of feeding her new son and being touched by the man she loved. The man who amazingly loved her, even knowing her past and all her faults.

“She picked a bad time to have to go back into rehab, but as hard as it is for her, I think she’s trying. At least she was there for the wedding,” he replied.

“Yeah,” she said ruefully as she remembered her mother’s micro-management of every detail of that affair.

“Don’t be like that. Little Billy’s gonna want a grandmother to dote on him and give him the stuff his cruel evil parents won’t,” he chuckled. “Besides, we’re going to want a free babysitter every now and then to get a little alone time, won’t we?”

“Yeah,” she said feeling warm and loved. “Yeah we will.”
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