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Laura is on the verge of a huge orgasm when she discovers her son hiding in the bathroom spying. Now with nowhere to go, Mark has to be punished for his shit and piss fetish. And his mother Laura will be sure to be detailed in her discipline
Laura lay back in her beach chair and took in the warm rays of sunshine with great relief. The summer was finally here and laying by the pool was one of the most relaxing and enjoyable parts of her day. Her son was a senior and had just graduated and although she was going to miss having him in the house, Laura was looking forward to having time to herself. After she'd divorced her husband she had not dated, and she was hopeful to return to a active life without worrying about her son Mark.

She was hopeful to maybe meet someone and have a romantic relationship. She’d developed quite strong horny urges daly, and her fantasies were constantly becoming more and more explicit.Laura for several years now had been developing a routine of retreating to her bedroom shortly after dinner and pulling up porn videos on her computer while her son did the dishes and watched tv. She would lay on her bed with her legs spread wide, one hand clicking through her laptop beside her and one hand attending to her aching pussy. Occasionally she let her fingers drop down and run along the ridge of her asshole. Laura would bring herself to orgasm and would try in vain to keep her moans of pleasure quiet. She hoped her grunts and moans of extasy would not be carried and heard through her door and down the hall where she pictured her son watching tv.On this sunny afternoon Laura felt the waves of erotic excitment overtake her with the knowledge that she had the house to herself and that she had free range to satisfy herself. She would be wondering if her son would hear her surf through more and more nasty pictures and videos of porn while she brought herself to a thundering orgasm.

it was always the final thought passing through her mind that maybe her son could hear, in fact Laura couldn't tell if brining the image of her son looking into her eyes as she toyed her cunt was what sent her over the edge.So Laura decided to take her time, she'd lay out by the pool and start scrolling through porn videos and stories on her phone. She'd get some sun and get her pussy aching and dripping wet. She commanded herself not to touch herself while she sat outside, she'd force herself to watch the nastiest things she could think of but would deny herself the pleasure of orgasm until she went inside.So Laura positoned her chair to face the afternoon sun. She pulled her bikini bottoms high up on her hips and into a creased camel toe mound. She wanted to feel something thight against her pussy if she wasn't going to let herself touch it. And she lay back and spread her legs wide with her knees in the air.The feeling of the sun shining down on Laura's displayed pussy got her instantly aroused.

The warmth of it was inviting and she tugged her bikini higher up pressing it into the folds of her dampening pussy, allowing the outer mounds of her cunt to become exposed. She scooted her ass forward and the sun illumianted the faint edges of her asshole. Just barely peeking out from behind her thong she felt the slight breeze rustle the hairs that ran along the walls of her cunt and circled her anus. she began to open porn windows on her phone and let the audio play loudly in the outside air. She kept her free hand securely on her knee and although she was desperate to run it along her bikini clad cunt she kept her word to herself and held it firm. She felt her pussy begin to leak as she poured over one video after another. The lips of her pussy she felt swelling and her clit was pressing firm against her bathing suit. She pushed her hips forward, gyrating with excitment and dragging the fabric of her thong deeper into her ass.Laura turned the volume up louder on her phone so that if a neighbor was outside they'd hear the porn she was playing, the thought made her wet. She thought of her son too and that it would be really kinky if she started playing he porn videos louder when he was home. She even had the nasty thought of leaving the door to her bedroom open a crack and to groan even louder than she would. She began searching for videos of mom's getting fucked while their son watches.

She watched as a mother sucked two fat cocks on the living room couch while her son sat in an arm chair watching. The mom in the video turned her ass twoards her son to suck one of the black cocks and it gave her son a view of the mom's pussy and ass. She watched videos of women squirting and even taking a piss. At this point her pussy was throbbing and her asshole began to twitch. She wanted desperatly to plung her fingers into her bathing suit and flick her erect clit. But she forced her hand not to touch herself, instead she gripped her ass cheek and pulled apart. She thrust out her hips and aimed both of her sopping holes to the sun which was now sitting above the roof of her house.With the volume on her phone up Laura had not heard the sound of her son's truck pull up into the driveway...Mark had arrived home early from a day swimming at the river. He'd finished highschool and was taking the summer to spend some final days with friends before heading off to college. Mark knew that his Mom would also miss him and he wanted to make sure he spent some quality time with her as well. Mark his mother had sacraficed a lot for him after his Dad had left, she was always helping him with his homework, cleaning the house, cooking him meals. She always taken care of him well and never wanted to make things difficult for him by bringing another man into the home while he was growing up. He knew his mom was hot and could easily find a guy if she had wanted to, she never put him through that though and he was thankful but knew it must have been hell for her to go 10 years without sex or romance.So it was no shock or bother to Mark when he noticed his mom developing a pretty impressive taste for porn and masturbating. Since getting an Iphone and laptop Mark could tell his mom quickly discovered the vast world of internet kink. Not only did she not know how to clear her browsing history but whenever he'd use her phone or computer he found dozens of open tabs of everything from big cocks to femdom bondage videos. Once he saw a photo of a girls asshole dripping a milkshake into a slaves open mouth. That was a bit much for him and he quickly closed the laptop screen and pretended he hadn't seen that.He also knew that after dinner she would be in her room for a good hour or two and could surmise from the muffled moans that she was in their pleasing herself.

Mark didn't mind of course because he would be doing the same out in the lviving room, or if he ventured down the hall into his bedroom where he could hear his mother clearly through the walls in the room next door. About 2 years ago he started getting turned on by the thought of her touching herself right next door as he did the same. Mark started looking for videos of Milfs and of stepmom porn. He loved watching stories where a mom catches her son stealing her panties and he wondered if he could find a pair of her's before she put them in the wash. Laura did so much laundry that mark could never find a dirty pair but would occasionally pull one from her drawer and fantasize. She was almost always home so it was difficult to find any opportunity, so when he arrived home that day he was surprised to see that she was no where to be found. Mark called out, "Hey mom, I'm home! we were swimming by the river but I jumped and caught an underwater branch right on my shorts and tore them open...Maybe you could sew them for me?" he called, "hellooo?"His voiced carried out in the empty house as he walked down the halls. Her car wasn't in the driveway but she could have been in the garage.

He got to her room and knocked on the open door and stuck his head in, "hello?" he called again and step gingerly into her room. Maybe he could snag a pair of her panties real quick he thought and hold on to them for later when she went to her room and he to his to masturbate. He walked toward her dresser drawer, but as he passed by her master bathroom something caught his eye.There, on the tile floor was a lacy pink pair of panties next to a crumpled pair of jeans and shirt. Mark held his breath and prayed for luck that these might finally be a used pair of his mother's panties. Mark dashed to her bathroom and grabbed the pair of underwear from the floor and slowly brought them up while his heart raced. He closed his eyes in silent prayer took a deep breath and then held them open and looked into them to see if he had finally found the holy grail.The pair of panties were pink, soft like cotton, and though slightly modest-- they were more like a thong than granny panties. The strap of gusset that lay along in them was about two or so inches wide and Mark looked down into them with erotic wonder. They looked darker along this strap and Mark ran his finger along it and realized that they were damp. There were a few discolored streaks along the rear and the musky odor of his mother's ass wafted up to marks face. He brought them to his face a gently touched his tongue to the wet patch.

He pictured his mother's pussy resting against this fabric and her asshole rubbing along its length. They tasted salty and he wondered if she had dribbled piss in them or if it was just her cunt leaking.Mark was in heaven at this moment, he had always fantasized about finding used panties and now he was tasting his own mother's wet cunt and could smell the presence of her brown hole. Mark draped his mother's panties across his face and unzipped his pants. His cock was aching at this point and he wanted to stroke it slowly with the taste of his mother in his mouth. He slowly pulled his pants to his knees and lowered his boxer briefs inch by inch. The length and mass of marks cock began to emerge. After pulling his boxers down to nearly his knees, marks cock finally sprung free. The full nine inches of his dick popped straight to attention.Aroused beyond belief by the forbidden treasures of his mothers dirty panties. The damp musk of earthiness that hung in marks nose, the sights of the faint brown stamp of his own mother’s anus. Had marks heavy dong swing with weight to full mast.The overwhelming realization that he could taste the lingering dew of his mother’s pussy on his actual tongue and that her asshole smelled so good almost made mark cum on the spot. He gripped his fat cock at the base, almost unable to wrap his hand all the way around.

But when he lifted his eyes from the dirty gusset of his moms panties he looked out of her bathroom window only to see his mother sunning herself on the deck.By this point Laura was nearly loosing it, she gripped the pool chair to keep herself from slapping her cunt and erupting a geyser of squirting cum. Laura squirted in blasts and accompanied it with a guttural groan of complete abandonment and extacy. Often she pictured her son walking in as a man brought her to screaming spray. She would be unable to do anything but spray jets of total pleasure while she locked eyes with her boy. Unable to contain herself she fantasized about being seen like that without a choice.These type of thoughts ran through her mind the moment her son Mark had spotted her. Unbeknownst to Laura, that while her son watched— her legs, spread to the sun, exposed and aimed her thinly clad pussy and asshole directly to her watching son. She had no idea that the dirty pair of her panties were nearly bringing him to cum, all the while she herself hung on the verge of an explosive orgasm.At this point her hairy Bush was on fully display, the cloth of her bikini was being consumed by her hot and hungry pussy. It bulged and pulsed with her heartbeat. She was soaked completely through and as she pushed and twisted her hips her wet full cunt lips popped out from underneath her bathing suit, they clung with faint sticky lines to the seat beneath her.

Her pussy quivering and throbbing at her son, her asshole catching sun rays as she pushed it forward, it presses against the fabric of her thong and mark her son could make out the wrinkled texture as it imprinted on her bathing suit.Laura’s need to come became too much and she decided she’d go In. And give herself the release that had built to breakwater.She jumped up, reached beneath her and pulled her thong from deep inside her pussy and out of her ass. She came to the sliding door that led to her room.Mark froze, he had to time to get out of her room without her catching him. She’d come inside so quickly that he didn’t even have the chance to take it the panties off his face or pull his pants back up.Mark sat back against the shower wall and hid behind the curtain that was closed 3/4 of the way.

He heard his mother in the other room and he held his breath, praying she would leave soon.But Laura entered the bathroom and stripped of her bathing suit. She sat herself down on the toilet and spread her legs as wide as she could. She pushed her hips forward and licked her fingers to wet them. She slapped her pussy and began groaning Mark could her the wet cupping sounds as his mother slapped and spun her fingers on her wet and swollen cunt. She reached lower and with her middle finger she tapped on the bulging ring that was her asshole.Just on the other side of the thin shower curtain her son Mark listened with unbelievable amazement and pounding heart. His cock was still in his hands and her panties were hanging by a thread from his mouth. His breath almost escaped him in a gasp but he held still. He could hear his mother panting and the wet sounds of her fingers rubbing away. But he had no idea that on just the other side of this curtain, just a foot away the extent of his mother’s depravity. Her knees were in the air and she lay back so that her ass hung out beyond the front of the seat. His mom’s anus gulped at the air as she swirled her fingers across it. It’s diameter was wide, and even with all four of her fingers slapped upon it I couldn’t be concealed. It was sticky from her cunt leaking down upon it, the spit from her fingers moisten the full width of its brown wrinkles so it glistened.

She plunged her thumb into her ass and pulled it out, the muscles gripping it and refusing to let it go easily. When she did pull her thumb out from her ass with a plop, she let rumbled a tiny fart. It whafted and struck her son with the same scent he had under his nose.Mark trembled but could not even imagine the sight of his mother on the other side. Her stomach tightened and she realized she had to piss. She also had felt the firm evidence  of a hard log of shit in her ass. Laura pushed the turd and clenched as it slid towards her sphincter. It pushed forward though and emerged from her anus, jutting out 2 inches before she was able to stop it. It was stiffly sticking out of Laura’s asshole and it crackled. Little did she know that her son was just merely a foot away, directly behind the shower curtain facing the toilet. She had just caught it from snaking out and on to the floor, but the beginning of a fat log of shit was sticking straight out from her ass and pointing in the direction of her son. Little did she know but mark has just been inhaling the remains of her last turd, and the mark of it lay streaked on her thong which was barely hanging from her sons lip as he held his breath.Laura pulled her anus in and the shit slowly began retracting into her hole.

This feeling nearly made her cum but she held herself back. Her legs were wide apart now and she sat all the way forward on the toilet seat so that her pussy and asshole hung above the bathroom floor. Her cunt was leaking and she slid her whole hand up and down her fat hairy lips and groaned loudly as she pushed the thick log of shit in and out of her asshole. It crackled as it slid in and out of her puckering hole, shit began caking to her inner buttocks but she was on the verge of orgasm pulling the stiff 8 inch log of shit back up into her anus like it was a cock. She had remarkable control over her bowels and would routinely hold her turds half hung out of her ass as long as she could. But when her orgasm took over she was unable to hold control over her bowels and would usually force the full turd out as she came.

And today was no different. At least not for now, For now laura was not aware that her son was present in the bathroom with her, that he had a pair of her dirty panties on his face, that her son's cock was rock hard when he thought about his mother's ass, and that her son wanted to taste her shit.She simply continued on in her erotic embrace. A girth of shit hanging out of her asshole, and her pussy about to erupt. She pulled herself back so that her shit could fall into the toiletbowl. Her anus was above water but the shit was now resting on the seat. As she furiously swiped away at her clit, her heavy cunt began to dump hanfuls of thick cum down her hairy taint. She grunted loud and a burst of hot yellow piss jetted out. It hit the shower curtain with force and the impact of spray showered a down a mist of piss on her son.

She grunted again and the thick turd thumped out and hit the bathroomfloor with a heavy thud. A small blast of piss followed and it hit the wall of the tub with a hiss. Laura slapped at her sticky cunt and bellowed until a fountain of piss and cum emerged, she sped up her hand and now a rope of her piss was blasting the thin shower curtain with such force that it pushed it back into the tub and against her son's quivering body. It began to fly aside and soon flew open completley.Before Laura could processes, she was now staring down the length of her body, her pussy amied forward-- and there was her son.She was deadlocked in eyecontact with him but could not stop or control herself at this point. Here palm swept over and over her pussy and jet after powerful jet of her piss and cum shot across into the tub. She saw her son's cock swinging heavily as he was hit with blasts on his chest.Laura's streamed even harder and now it was spraying her son mark square in the face. But still laura could not stop her self, she grunted again and again and could not help but slap her clit over and over. When mark yelled, "Mom!" it made her pause, her hand fell to her side. But another orgasmic wave overtook her and she slid her hand across her cunt, she kept her eye's locked on her son and tried to explain"i'm sorry son, but you surprised me, i'm in the middle of an orgasm and...and your mother has very intense orgasms son...that's right..."She continued and grunted all the while not stopping"even your mother masturbates...and this is what happens when she...cums...and even her son surprising her can't ... from... cumming when i... have to..."with that she let out a low groan and yell. She sprayed over her sons face and then hit him again in the chest, She grunted again and her anus flexed. She reached down and touched it. and then with one final jet of piss laura's ass let loose.Mark could hear the percussive splattered. She had unloaded a blast of shit that echoed in the bowel. She leaned back slightly and a seconded blast hit the toilet seat, a volley of soft shits sprayed out and landed atop the thick log of shit already sitting on the tile floor. piss dribbled slowly out of her cunt and rant down her asshole. Laura was overcome and breathing heavy but tried to regain herself.

Mark shuddered and moved to speak, or excuse himself. He lifted one leg to step out of the shower but noticed the pile of shit of his mom's shit on the floor, he tried to step swiftly and step overit but he lost his footing.Marks foot in the tub slipped in the pooling piss and he toppled, he tried to brace his fall but grabbed at air and he tripped forward and his face dipped between his mother's knees. On the way down he could feel her meaty cunt across his face, her wet hairy lips slid across his cheeks and he could feel the mucus and heat of them as he slid down. Now his mother's anus was planted on his lips like a kiss, Mark held the fleeting imagine in his mind. Laura too could not help but recognize that her son's mouth was up against her girthy asshole, the hair that ringed it was probably tickling his nose she thought.Mark thought about the shit that still clung to his mother's ass and that he was now burrifed face deep in it. But he continued down and his chin hit the toilet and crashed right through it. He saw in a glimpse the interior of the bowl as it cracked and it opened up to him and revealed the porcealin walls completeley coated in his mom's explosion of thick wet shit. The yellow piss water came pouring out and his face hit the ground and his head was wedged between the broken toilet and the tub. His mother hand fallen down on top of him and she too was stuck.

"are you... are you ok!?" laura yelled hoping to collect herself and process all that just happend."mmm...mhmmm..." her son muffled from beneath her a signed that everything was alirght.

they both tried to move but the broken toilet pinned Laura down on top of her son and the shock had still not worn off.

"mark, honey i'm stuck so give me a minute, are you ok. i'm not crushing you.??" she lifted herself up a littled, this pulled her cunt off her son's face a few centemeters

"i'm i'm ok..Mom, are you alright"

"i'm Ok, but i'm stuck and hurt, can you breath fine??"

"yeah, i'm ok i all good...i'm sorry i didn't mean to surprise you"

"No honey its ok, I"m just sorry... I was, well I was in the middle of something and i couldn't stop even if i tried...I didn't mean to have you see that, or think that i wasn't stopping on purpose...I just, I haven't had an orgasm for a long time and I had no control."

"that's Ok, mom just as long as you are ok..."

"yes, son i'm fine but I think i'm stuck...and i just can't get over that you walked in on me like that, and that i must of gotten some of my...liquid on you... did it splash on you..."

"um...yeah a little, it wet my shirt a little bit, but that's ok...pee is no big deal.."

"yes, but son, that was me peeing and me.."squirting" you know about that...some women squirt when the reach orgasm and it is quite a overwhelming I coudn't stop myself when i saw you, I couldn't stop touchingmyself until i was done..."

"that's ok mom, I understand...actually I was masturbating too before you came in so no harm no foul." said Mark trying to stop his mom from feeling bad or akward.

But Laura didn't respond...She held her self rigid with her pussy and ass hovering abover her son's bruised face below her.

" are not allowed to masturbate, I thought we discussed this regarding the computer...and you are telling me that you were doing this in my room? What were you doing in my room, or in my bathroom rather. Mark, I want you to answer me now. I am allowed to masturabate because I am your mother. But I forbid you when we last spoke. You had your sister's underwear with you and she and i decided that you were to be punished for that."

Mark squirmed... Then Laura saw the panties that Mark had with him.

"Mark, I had my own pair of panties in here and I can see them in the tub where you were standing...Mark those were soiled, did you know that? you had my underwear with urine and skidmarks and you were...masturbating with them???"

"Mom, no i wasn't...i didn't know they were dirty untill i smelled them"

"you didn't know that a pair of panties you found in my bedroom that were wet, and partially brown were dirty?? Thats's bullshit, Mark. Your sister showed me you visiting pee fetish sites....You have a sexual fetish for urine don't better answer me now Mark. Is that the whole truth?"

"Well...almost... I...i'm sorry but i can't understand it but I also have a fetish for know all bathroom things..."

Laura could feel herself getting wet again hearing her son confess like this. 

"Mark, I should have done this earlier but i'm afraid you need to be put in a chastity cage... to keep you from touching yourself. Some people call them a cock cage and use them for sex, but this is not for erotic use. I want you to have your penis under lock and key so you can learn about sexuality in a healthy way. Your sister will have one key in case i am not home, but I will only let you out to take a bath...if you think that urine and poop are erotic than you will have to learn a hard lesson.

"what's that mom...?"

"that watching poop and pee videos online is a lot diffrent that dealing with it face to face, and your mothers going to show you that right now....
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