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Following a long, hard night, Katie decides she wants some tender love and care. She also need to learn the secret of why Ron likes cats so much.
This is a work of fan fiction. All characters and locations are the property of their respective owners. I own the story line.

Chapter 21- Hello, Kitty

Katie lay very still as consciousness came upon her. Early morning sunlight wasn’t penetrating her eyelids yet, so it was probably still early. Then she felt the nudge of an erection against her arse; that must have been what had woken her. It took her a moment to remember that it should be Charlie’s. His arms were wrapped around her possessively, and she was sweaty where her back rested against his hairy chest. Her back, arse, and legs were sore and somewhat stiff. She took a deep breath and tried to stretch a bit. It hurt to move, and she discovered her wrists were bound; then she smiled as she remembered Charlie had used her own underwear to tie her hands together before clipping her to the headboard. At least he had unclipped her, even if he hadn’t unbound her.

At first Charlie was reluctant to let her go, but she reminded him that he only owned her through the night, and it was now morning. He tried to cadge a quick blowjob out of her, but she reminded him that he needed his energy for the party with Fleur later that morning. With that, she slipped away.

Her muscles relaxed from a soak in the hot tub, and her body refreshed from the shower, Katie stood in her closet and tried to decide what to wear. The night with Charlie had been punishing, which was rewarding in its way. She had floated for what seemed like hours on the endorphin rush of their edge play and his rough treatment. At times she had felt almost out of body as he had brutally abused all of her sexual entrances. She had taken more, but it had been a while. Now though, with her body cleansed of her long night, what she wanted was someone to pamper her.

It wasn’t often that she felt this desire, this need to be gentle, to be caressed and kissed and made love to. She was glad she had saved Ron and Hermione for this morning. They seemed to be naturally gentle lovers. Alicia had told her that Ron could certainly pound away with the best of them, but he wouldn’t tell her she was a whore, he wouldn’t hold her down and force himself into her as he spanked her. She doubted that Hermione had ever even contemplated the joys of tying someone up and fisting them. Hermione seemed more like the type that would tease with feathers and light kisses if she ever had the nerve to tie someone up. She shivered at the idea of that kind of play, the exquisite torture of extended teasing followed the by release of a pent-up orgasm that had been building for hours.

Understanding what she wanted, she now had to figure out how to convey that to her prospective partners. She needed to convey that sense of innocence and fragility with her entire being, so that they would worship her even as they defiled her. A chill ran through her body and she shook it off as her flesh rose in goose bumps up and down her arms and legs. She opened the suitcase she had brought with her for the weekend and began to sort through it. She moved her favorite ball gag out of the way, as well as her hood that had only holes for her mouth and nostrils. Under the hood she found what she was looking for: a head band with a pair of soft, fuzzy, black cat ears. That was exactly what she was looking for. As she pulled her hair back and set the headband in place, she glanced in the mirror and felt her whole demeanor change. She meowed and batted playfully at the girl in the mirror, then eagerly dug back into the suitcase.

Fortunately, she had packed her favorite cat-tail: a thick, bushy tail of black with a few strands of silver that hung to her ankles when properly attached. Its attachment was a curious little thing. It was a type of butt-plug, but it wasn’t designed to stretch her like most would. It had a tapered steel bulb attached to a thin steel rod with a loop on the end for attaching the tail. She liked it because it tickled and stimulated her insides without the constant stimulation of a normal plug. Last, but not least, she fished out the small velvet collar with the tiny silver bell.

Having decided on the theme, she now just needed to find something to give it that final touch. She had very few items that would give her the look she wanted, so she slid across the hall and slipped quietly into Alicia’s room. She found the room’s owner curled up with Bill and Angelina, and for a moment she was almost jealous. She was sure that had been a good time. On cat-like feet she entered the closet and quickly found exactly what she was looking for. The sheer white nighty was a tad big on her, but was tight enough across her chest that it would be just fine. For a moment she reveled in the silky smoothness of the material against her skin, then she reached up and tweaked her nipples so that they would press against the fabric. It felt delightful. Smiling to herself in the mirror, she padded out of the room and back to her own.

In a mere fifteen minutes she had styled her short hair, affixed the ears, applied make up that included whiskers, a triangular nose, and a slight angling of the eyes. The entire time she was getting ready she debated whether or not she should wear stockings, but ultimately decided against them. Finally, she picked up her tail and applied a small amount of lube to the bulb. Placing one foot on the edge of the tub, she reached back and placed the now cold steel nub at her rear entrance. Her sphincter reacted naturally to the presence of a cold, slimy intruder and tightened up. She pushed against it though, and with only a slight resistance it entered her and began to warm. She shifted her hips and glutes a bit, getting used to the new presence took only a moment. She meowed at the pretty kitty in the mirror and blew her a kiss before leaving.


Ron rolled over and groaned as the early morning sun peeked between the slightly open curtains. He stretched and turned away from the piercing sunlight. He reached out with his right arm to find Hermione and found only air. Not that her side of the bed was empty, there was no bed there at all. He looked to his left, and his wife was laying where he should be. She was snuggled down in the covers, just the haystack of her hair sticking up. Her hair was a wreck, it was going to take her at least half an hour to comb out the tangles before she could wash it. He wondered why she kept growing it out when it was so much easier to manage when it was short, then he remembered how he teased her about the lion’s mane cut she had done a few months ago. It had looked good on her, he just hadn’t been able to resist teasing her. When she started griping about what a mess her hair was, he resolved he would tell her he really had liked that short cut on her. Besides, if he really wanted to play with long hair, he could just run his fingers through Ginny’s hair

He sat bolt upright as that thought occurred to him. Why had it occurred to him? He could almost feel the heavy, silky texture of Ginny’s hair as he thought about it, and that disturbed him more than he cared to admit. It had probably been 15 years since the last time she had asked him to brush her hair, and her hair certainly hadn’t been as thick then as it was now. Yet the feeling of her thick hair tangled in his fingers had the feeling of a recent memory that he couldn’t place. That thought was interrupted by the throbbing of something lower. He groaned and rolled out of bed as he headed for the bathroom. He stood at the loo a long time as his bladder drained with loud splashes.

That done he picked up all the dirty clothes on the bathroom floor and tried to figure what belonged to whom, since he only recognized a couple of the articles as his and Hermione’s. “Screw it,” he muttered, the house-elf service that cleaned the place knew what belonged where, he just threw it all in the hamper. The floor creaked as he moved around, which it normally didn’t do, the creaky floorboards were in the main bedroom. It was an old house though, maybe it had developed a few new creaks with all of the bouncing around this weekend. After gargling he decided he’d better grab a shower. He might not mind Hermione au natural, but she had definite opinions about his personal funk. Especially since he remembered he had been cuddled up behind Alicia when he fell asleep. He grinned as he finally remembered why he woke up on Hermione’s side of the bed.

He flipped back the blanket and prepared to jump in when he was interrupted by a distinctly feminine, “meow?”

“Hello, Kitty.” He tried to toss it off as nonchalant, like he opened his blankets to find a woman in a baby doll and cat ears all the time. She meowed at him again, and crooked her finger in a come-hither gesture. He started to crawl in with her, but thought better of it. Having his wife wake up to find him playing with Katie while she slept would be a bit much. He would admit that he wasn’t half as smart as his wife, but he was not prepared to admit he was that stupid.

He placed a finger to his lips and beckoned her closer. He knelt down next to Katie and whispered in her ear. When he was done he nipped her earlobe and was rewarded with a small shiver. She nodded and lay back. As Ron climbed over her, she engaged in a bit of playful groping while he snuck a couple of small kisses in. He snuggled up behind his wife and began to kiss her as he lightly ran his fingers up and down her flanks and across her chest.

“Mm, didn’t you get enough last night?” She stretched against him.

“Of you? Never.” She looked back over her shoulder at him and gave him the little smile that told him he was being cheesy, but that she hoped it would never change. “Go brush your teeth and come back to bed, I’ve got a surprise for you.” She reached down and rubbed his partially erect penis.

“Nothing surprising about that,” she said with a smirk.

“That’s not the surprise.” He kissed her and nudged her out of bed. With Katie laying on the floor on the far side of the bed, he didn’t worry about Hermione seeing her and spoiling the surprise. Once the bathroom door was closed he hopped up and fixed the bed, straightening the pillows and spreading out the blankets. As Katie helped him with the latter, he noticed her cat tail for the first time. “That’s cute, where’d that come from?”

“It’s a little something I picked up for you,” she said with a smile. “We girls all know how much you like pussy… cats.” Ron’s eyes got wide. He hoped they didn’t know; it was embarrassing enough to tell his wife. Surely, she didn’t share that. Katie gave him a smirk and wink, neither of which did anything to quiet his fears. “How do you want to do this?”

“I think the same way I found you. Let me crawl in, and we’ll hide you under the covers.” It only took them a moment to get situated. She made soft purring sounds as she snuggled down in the bed and rubbed her ass against him. He reached down and caressed her posterior. It was solid beneath the warm skin. He ran his hand back up and took hold of the tail that draped against his chest. “Can you feel this at all?” he asked as he gave a small pull.

“Mmhmm. If you pull it up, down, or sideways I feel it move around inside me.” When he asked her about how she could feel it, she explained what it was. He had thought it was just like a belt or something she had glued to her skin. She moved his hand down so that he could feel where the ring connected the tail to the post. She cooed and made pleasant little sounds as he moved it slightly in and out of her. “Be careful,” she whispered, “I’m a little sore back there. Will you be upset if I tell you no anal?”

“Not at all,” Ron replied as he kissed the back of her head. She had spread her legs slightly as he started to slide his hand forward when he heard the click of the door knob. He quickly flipped the covers up over Katie and propped himself up to watch his wife come in.

She had pulled her hair back and put a clip in it, so it wasn’t quite so wild. It also looked like she may have put some lip gloss on, but he couldn’t be sure. “So, you got me a surprise, huh? I like surprises, what did you get?”

“I got you a kitty,” Ron flipped the covers back.


Ron couldn’t quite decipher all the emotions that played across his wife’s face, but then she smiled. “I just love kitties.” She hopped into the bed and cradled Katie’s face in her hands. “Aren’t you just the most adorable little thing?” The girls rubbed noses, and Hermione gave her a quick kiss. “And you have the prettiest tail.” She reached between their partner’s legs and took hold of it by the base, then pulled it forward. Katie gasped.

“You have to be careful with her tail,” Ron said, taking a tone like a parent talking to a young child about how to play with a new pet.

Hermione’s expression became curious as she moved her hand around, then a smile lit up her face. “Oh, my, you are a naughty little kitty.” She moved her face in close to Katie’s neck. “I could just eat you all up.” Katie began to squirm and giggle as Hermione nibbled on her neck and tickled her.

Not wanting to be left out, Ron brought his hands to Katie’s flanks and began to tease along her sides and ribs. She thrashed and giggled and howled as she tried to get away, but the couple had her trapped between them as they smothered her with small kisses and light, quick touches. At one point, Ron’s hand slipped up under her nightie and he found himself with a handful of delectably firm tit. He gave it a nice squeeze and flicked her nipple with his finger. It had felt odd when he did it, and further exploration revealed that there was a bar with studs on the end piercing her nipple. He tugged on it slightly and she gasped.

“Oo, what did you find?” His wife asked as she looked up at him.

“Her nipples.” Katie gasped again as he pulled on it ever so slightly. She let out a soft ‘oh’ as Hermione found her other one.

A moment later, Katie made an ‘uhn’ sound and her hips came up off the bed. “She’s got another one,” Hermione said with a wicked smile. Ron slid his hands down Katie’s stomach and over her smooth mound until he found his wife’s fingers. Then his fingers touched something smooth and metal. He flicked it and she humped up into his hand again. His wife smiled at him and slid down the bed.

“Tell me, little kitty,” he growled in her ear, “what do you want?”

“You,” she whispered, before letting out a long, low moan, “and her.” Ron dipped his head and caressed her lips with his own. She opened her mouth and moaned again as their tongues began to tangle. His hands found their way back under her nightgown and slid across her nipples once more. He tugged slightly, and she whimpered into his mouth. He luxuriated in the joy of kissing her, it was soft and sensual in a way that none of the girls were. She moved in response to his lead and his desires. When he pushed against her she yielded before him, and when he pulled back she rose to meet him.

Suddenly she broke their kiss and let a out a high, keening wail as she reached down and pulled Hermione tight to her crotch. “Yes, yes, yeeeeesssss.” At last she let go and collapsed back into the mattress. Ron looked down and smiled at his wife as she began to crawl her way up Katie’s body. He bent down and kissed her, and tasted the salty sweet taste of another woman on her mouth. It was a sensation that Ron was sure he would never tire of.

“Aren’t you having a good time?” Hermione asked as she ran her hand over his crotch. He wasn’t dead, but he certainly wasn’t raging like he should be after what had happened so far.

“He’s tired,” Ron said with a bit of laugh as he kissed her again.

“Well, we’ll just have to do something about that.” Ron flopped over onto his back when she pushed him. “Come on, kitty. We have work to do.”

He grabbed an extra pillow and stuffed it under his head so that he could be propped up to watch as the girls situated themselves on either side of his hips. Hermione gave him a couple of solid strokes, then pointed his cock at Katie. She made a questioning kind of meowing sound. Hermione chuckled. “Like this.” He groaned in appreciation as she swept her tongue up his entire length then swirled it about the head. Then Katie did the same. “Good kitty,” Hermione said with a wicked little giggle. They traded back and forth like this for a bit, and Ron was glad to see there was still life in the old boy yet. When he was fully erect, Katie sank her mouth down over him until he entered her throat and she caressed him with those muscles. He moaned as his wife dipped down and sucked first one, then the other of his balls into her mouth.

They both released him and shared a brief kiss. “You did very good kitty. Now that you have him all nice and hard, are you ready for your reward?” Ron almost laughed at the curious little meow she made. Hermione rolled to her back and kept her legs close together. She patted her chest. “Come here kitty.”

As Katie straddled her, Hermione lifted her night gown away. She lifted the tail up and draped it along Katie’s back. “Now you’re ready for him.” Ron realized what his wife intended, so he pushed himself up and moved around behind their new partner. He ran his fingers around an elaborate tattoo of flowers that spread across her lower back and down her hips. He realized there were symbols hidden amongst the flowers, though he didn’t recognize them, he though they might be Japanese. He’d have to ask her later what they meant.

“Do I need to be careful with anything because of the jewelry?” Ron asked as he bent low over Katie’s back and kissed her neck. She shook her head. As Ron pushed himself back upright, he saw the girls begin to make out and their hands began to wander over one another. He reached down and took hold of himself as he swept his cock up and down Katie’s slit. Once they were both wet enough, he lodged himself in her opening and slid forward. He could actually hear Katie moaning into his wife’s mouth. He began to stroke back and forth at a moderate pace that he could keep up for a while. Nobody was being particularly loud or demonstrative until he looped his finger in the ring that secured her tail. Using small movements, he pushed it back and forth inside her as he sawed away.

“You don’t seem to be getting much out of this,” Katie said to Hermione between kisses.

“It’s okay.” Ron recognized the wan little smile she made. She was tired.

“No it’s not,” Katie said before kissing her again. “I’ve never seen you orgasm, and that just won’t do.” Katie reached back and pushed Ron away. Once he was clear she lifted Hermione’s legs and spread her knees wide apart. Then, Katie straddled her hips like Ron had done to his wife more times then they could probably count. Katie leaned forward and began to shift her hips until Hermione gasped. “Meow!” Ron thought she sounded very pleased with herself.

At a motion from her Katie, he got back in behind her. Though it wasn’t a full on doggie position like it had been. He was sitting on his heels, and she was almost sitting on his lap. They were all very close together as Ron slid himself back in to Katie’s warmth. Her hips began to grind against him, and Hermione began to coo softly with the pleasure of what was happening to her as well.

“That’s better.” The girls began to fondle each other’s chest, and Katie let out small gasps periodically. Ron rested his hands on her hips and began to move her more aggressively.

Almost immediately she began pushing back on him with more force, and her moaning became more pronounced. This caused Ron to want to push her a little harder, which encouraged Katie to be more forceful. He stretched his hand and looped his thumb into the ring on her tail just he felt his wife start to roll her hips against their lover. Katie came apart with a scream.

“Good kitty,” Hermione said with a chuckle. Ron muttered his agreement and leaned forward to kiss and nip at her neck.

After a moment to recover, Katie picked up the pace and began to rock her hips back and forth between them. Ron watched over her shoulder as she reached down and took hold of Hermione’s nipples.

“Not too hard,” Ron instructed softly in her ear. “Give them just a little squeeze.” Hermione moaned. “That’s right, just like that.” Katie continued to squeeze and gently pull on the nipples as she kept rocking her hips, grinding her clit on the woman below her. As his wife’s breathing got shallower and faster, Ron encouraged Katie to be a bit more aggressive. When Hermione began calling out to God, Ron got more aggressive, literally shoving Katie’s hips against her. He wanted to see this woman make his wife come. His wife screamed his name as she came.

When she was finished and coming back down, Ron raised up, forcing Katie down onto his wife as he levered her hips up. He took hold of her tail and began to pound in and out of her. He was getting closer, but he still had a bit to go. The women were kissing and groping one another again, and almost wished he had a better view of it, but the view from back here was still pretty good. Suddenly Katie’s back arched and her head came up.

“I…I… I need…” Katie was whimpering.

“Grab her hair, honey,” Hermione said from the bottom of the pile. Ron knew that Katie was a little different in bed, that she liked things he didn’t understand or care for; but it seemed she needed just a little bit to help her get there. He reached out with his free hand and grabbed a handful of hair, right up next to her scalp. She bent back farther as he pulled. “Cum for me, you dirty little slut.”

Ron almost lost his rhythm hearing his wife say that as she forced her hips up off the bed. Ron could also see her pulling on the nipple piercings. Katie screamed as her pussy clamped down on his cock. A rush of fluids bathed his cock and balls. After a moment, his wife told him to let go of her. The other girl slumped down on top of her as he did.

“You’re a very good kitty,” he heard his wife murmuring. “Can you help daddy make mummy cum?” He saw Katie nod and her a soft mewling sound. “Good girl.” Ron pulled out with a nod from his wife. “Be gentle with me,” she said to him as their playmate crawled off of her. At Hermione’s instruction, Katie turned around and began to thoroughly clean his cock with her tongue. When sucked him in to her throat, he groaned. He was getting close. He looked down to see his wife casually rubbing herself. He nodded when she asked if he was getting close.

Her legs spread wide, Ron mounted his wife and slowly sank his length into her. She replied with a contented moan. “Now, kitty, I need you lick me right here.” Ron watched as his wife directed the other woman’s tongue to her clit. She let out a hiss of pleasure at the first contact. As she got closer, Ron picked up the pace. The view of Katie’s almost angelic little cat like face rubbing on his wife’s pubic mound as her tongue flicked back and forth over her clit was just too much. He groaned deep in his throat. When the feeling became inevitable a couple of strokes later, he buried himself to the hilt in her and let loose. Hermione jerked and let out the high-pitched cry as Ron filled her and Katie continued to lash her clit with her tongue.

Ron slid out of her and collapsed onto the bed. He was about to pull his wife over to him when turned to Katie. “Now, kitty, I have one more task for you. You need to clean up the mess daddy made.” Katie quickly crawled between Hermione’s legs and began to lap and suck at her leaking hole. Hermione tapped Ron’s should and indicated he should watch.

It was oddly arousing. He it wasn’t something he ever expected to see. He didn’t remember Hermione or Lavender doing that to each other during their threesome, and it sure hadn’t happened last night. Periodically, Katie would lift up her head and show them that she had cum on her tongue, then swallow it and show them her empty mouth. After 2 or 3 times of this, Hermione told her what a girl she was and that she needed to clean up daddy, too. Ron only let her lick and suck him for a few seconds before he told her she was a good girl and indicated that she should come lay down between them.

He pulled Katie over to spoon in front of him as she settled down, and Hermione rolled up on her side facing the two of them. “She was a very good kitty.” Hermione leaned in and kissed her.

“I agree,” Ron said as he leaned down and kissed her cheek. “A very good kitty indeed.”

“Since I’m such a good kitty,” Katie said looking over her shoulder at Ron, then back at Hermione, “will you tell me the story of the cat fetish? Mrowr?”

“Fuck,” Ron sighed as Hermione giggled. He was never going to live this down.
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