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The cruise continues and they meet a group of guys. Emily gets used.
Emily’s Second Solo Holiday

by Vanessa Evans

Part 02

It was late morning when the yacht turned into a big bay. There was 4 or 5 yachts already there but Aryn dropped the anchor about 15 metres from one that looked like it had just 4 young men on it.

Wren and I were still standing on the sunbathing deck, totally naked and watching the young men.

Aryn shouted over to us telling us to get ready to go ashore. For me that was easy, I was going to go as I was so I went and helped Aryn get the jet-ski out. That done I stood there, still visible to the people on the other yachts and I saw that one of the young men was watching me. I waved to him and he waved back. I felt my pussy moisten and my nipples harden a little.

“You can put some flip flops on if you like Emily,” Aryn said, “Wren has some that will fit you.”

“Thank you Master but I’d like to get the 100 percent naked experience if you don’t mind.”

“Okay, if it gets a bit painful on your feet I can always carry you.”

I had a vision of Aryn carrying me like adults carry little kids, with their legs wrapped around the adult, but with Aryn finger fucking me as he walked.

Wren came out wearing a different, very skimpy bikini with a sheer sarong wrapped around her waist. She was carrying a bag which looked like it contained some towels. Aryn took the bag and put it in one of the storage lockers on the jet-ski and we all climbed on.

Aryn gunned the motor and we shot off towards the yacht with the 4 young men on it. We all waved as we slowly went passed it then Aryn gunned the motor and we headed straight for the beach.

Wren had held onto my little breasts as soon as she got on the jet-ski and I had put my arms around Aryn and was stoking his cock though his shorts as we bounced along.

Aryn soon beached the jet-ski near where 3 other jet-ski’s were beached with a Greek looking young man tinkering with something on one of them. He stopped what he was doing as we approached him and as Aryn switched the motor off he waved for the young man to come over to us.

Aryn let him watch Wren and me get off the jet-ski and I watched his eyes going back and forth from the naked me to the scantily clad Wren. Then Aryn said something to him and I saw him give the young man a 100 euro note.

After getting Wren’s bag out of the locker we headed along the beach to where the early sun worshippers had settled for the day. I looked around and couldn’t see anyone else that was totally naked but I did see 2 women topless. I was a little disappointed that no one stared at the naked me.

I was expecting Aryn to lead us to a place on the beach to do some sunbathing but he suddenly turned and we headed to the path that led from the beach. That path led to a car park with people coming from it. A couple of men and an older teenage boy stared at me but no one said anything. I wished that Aryn was carrying me over his shoulder so that my legs were spread and those men could have seen all of my pussy instead of just the front of my slit.

We walked through the car park to the end of the village and saw one of those souvenir shops. It had a sign with pictures of ice creams on it and Wren asked Aryn if she could have one.

“Good idea Wren, Emily go and get three.”

We chose which ones we wanted and Aryn gave me some money. I went in and saw the freezer just inside the door and went to the counter to ask for the 3 ice creams. I had to queue behind a man who was being served by the teenage boy who was serving.

When the man was finished he turned, saw me and I saw his eyes open wide. He mumbled something in a language that I didn’t understand then stepped to one side but didn’t leave.

I tried to explain to the youth behind the counter but he didn’t understand English. I tried a couple of times, noticing that his eyes were looking a lot lower than my face, then I turned and walked to the freezer waving at him to follow me. His eyes could now see all of me and they were looking lower than when the counter was between us as I again tried to explain what I wanted.

“You get.” Well I think was what he said, so I thought,

“Okay, I’ll get them, that should speed things up a bit.”

Then I realised that there was a slight problem, the freezer was quite tall and as I’ve already mentioned, I’m quite small. What’s more, there wasn’t much in the freezer and what there was was down at the bottom. It was going to be quite a reach for me.

I lifted the lid and looked in, hoping that the glass front had given me an optical illusion. It hadn’t, and as I reached in I couldn’t reach down to the ice creams. As I was reaching down I realised that I was presenting the youth with a great view of my butt and what was between the cheeks.

I stood back up then jumped up and lay my stomach over the side of the freezer, and lowered my upper torso into the freezer. It was cold and I felt my nipples instantly get harder.

As I rummaged around trying to find the 3 that I wanted I spread my legs and lifted them parallel to the floor as if trying to get better balance. I looked out through the glass side of the freezer and saw that the youth, the man who had been served before me, and a young woman who had just come in, all staring at my spread lower half.

I rummaged around for a few seconds more before holding 3 ice creams up behind me for the youth to take off me. He took them then I had to get myself out. I couldn’t push myself up because I couldn’t touch bottom of the freezer so I put my hands behind me on the side of the freeze and tried to pull myself up.

I think that I could have managed it because my karate had left me with relatively strong arms but as I was getting into position I decided to see if I could get some help.

“Can one of you help me get out please?” I asked.

The 3 people either didn’t understand English or wanted to keep looking at my butt and pussy because none of them moved. I was just about to ask again when I felt hands grip my ankles and pull me up.

I recognised the shape and the clothes of Aryn as he hauled me right up in the air, keeping my feet well apart all the time.

“Are you alright Emily?” Aryn asked as he held me upside down.

“Yes thank you, can you put me down now please?”

Aryn lowered me, my hands touching the floor first then me walking away from him on my hands.

When I was on my feet I thanked Aryn then went to the counter, picked up the money and offered it to that shop’s youth who was just starting to get back to normal.

As I walked out of the shop I deliberately waggled my bare butt then turned and looked back seeing those left in the shop all watching me.

“Sorry about that Master.” I said as we started eating our ice creams.

“Don’t be Emily, it was quite funny actually, and I see that your nipples enjoyed the cold of the freezer.”

“And my pussy Master, it’s quite wet now, in spite of the warm air.”

Aryn laughed then took hold of my hand like I was his lover. We walked into the centre of the village, only getting looked at a couple of times. It seemed like the locals were hiding because we only saw people that looked like they were tourist. That is until we came to the place that was obviously the market.

Aryn stopped and looked around.

“Probably a bit early to get the most out of 2 naked women walking around.”

“I’m not getting naked Aryn.” Wren said.

“I know lover, just joking, I know that you aren’t ready for that yet my love.”

“I don’t think that I’ll ever be as ready as Emily is.”

Aryn hugged Wren, kissed her then said,

“Wren darling, when we first married you would only wear a one-piece swimsuit, and look at you now. That top is slightly see-through and I’m sure that you’ll take it off later, and those bottoms, when that sarong opens up I can see that they’re only just covering your pussy and that camel toe is amazing, I can even see the bulge of your clit.”

“Can you?”

“Relax honey, I won’t mention it again today. Now, who fancies a drink?”

Aryn had spotted a cafe where we could sit outside and watch the people arriving for the market.

Aryn led us to a table next to the path that market goers were using to get from the car park to the market and told me to sit on a chair facing the people walking from the car park. He managed to position his chair quite close to me facing the other way, leaving Wren on the other side of the table.

When the waiter arrived I was sat up straight so he wouldn’t have been able to see my slit, but, unless my pussy had been covered by a band aid, he would have been able to tell that I was naked. He didn’t say anything, even after I caught him looking at me.

As soon as our drinks had arrived Aryn told me to lay back in my chair. I knew what he wanted and moved my butt forward, lay back and opened my legs.

Aryn smiled and one of his hands moved over and a finger went straight to my hole and slid in with absolutely no resistance. He pulled it out and moved it to his mouth.

“Nice.” He said as he sucked his finger. “want a taste honey?”

“Yes please.” Wren replied so his finger invaded my vagina again then went to Wren’s mouth where she sucked it then said,

“Yes, she does taste nice.”

We stayed there for a good half hour with only a handful of people looking over to me, and then only one middle-aged man looking like he realised what he had seen.

We joined the other people walking to the market and those behind us will have seen my cute little bare butt walking along in front of them. We walked into the market and saw quite a few people walking around and looking at the stalls, the vast majority either not aware that there was a naked young woman there, or quite happy to just ignore me.

Even when we stopped at a stall to look at something, the only people that really looked at me were the stall holders and it was nice when those stall holders stared at me. Aryn joked that I would be a great distraction for any thieves who wanted to walk off with something without paying for it.

I hadn’t thought about that but I didn’t feel bad about it, it wasn’t my fault that those stall holders preferred to look at the naked me instead of the other people at their stalls.

Standing at the stalls sometimes attracted the attention of other people standing there and I enjoyed the looks from the men but the odd middle-aged woman gave me a disgusted look or the odd ‘tut’, but none of them said anything, maybe because there was this giant of a man stood close to me and sometimes talking to me.

The market was setup on a bit of a car park, some of which was tarmac and some crushed stone. Walking on the tarmac with my bare feet was okay, although I’d noticed that the tarmac was warming up as the day went on, but the crushed stone hadn’t been crushed enough to make it smooth and as we went onto that part I was starting to think that I should have brought some flip flops even though it would have meant that I wasn’t totally naked.

Aryn noticed that I was walking even slower than he and Wren were and he asked me if I was okay. When I told him what the problem was he offered to carry me. For a man his size and with his muscles I was sure that he could have carried me as easily as I carry my handbag but I couldn’t think of how he could carry me with my tits and pussy still being displayed.

I thought about how he’d lifted me up at the airport and though about him fingering me as he carried me around, and that would have been nice, but my goodies wouldn’t have been visible to everyone else. I also thought of the fireman’s lift. That would have put my spread pussy on display but who who would carry someone around a market in the fireman’s lift?

Wren came up with a good solution, put me on his shoulders. I thought about it for a few seconds then asked Aryn if he would do it.

“Sure.” Aryn said, “but you’ll have to sit back a bit, I’ll make sure that you won’t fall off but you’ll have to balance with the back of your thighs on my shoulders and your calves against my chest.”

I realised what Aryn was saying, and why, and replied,

“I can do that.”

Aryn squat down and I climbed up. With the back of my thighs on his shoulders I could easily reach and put my hands on his head to help me balance. What’s more, and the main reason why I liked Wren’s idea, was that my butt was hanging out the back with my legs slightly open.

When Aryn stood up I towered above everyone else and see much more. What I couldn’t see was who was directly behind me, and when Wren went behind me she told us that she could see all of my wet pussy.

“You’ll have to go where it’s crowded Aryn.” Wren said.

As we, well Aryn and Wren, walked, Wren said,

“Lean forward Emily and rub your nipples on Aryn’s head.”

I did, and realised that that would give anyone behind us an even better view of my butt and pussy.

We, they walked around for quite a while with Wren alongside Aryn and telling him when to stop and which men to go and stand in front of. I liked it best when we were stood in a bit of a crowd and I could hear men’s voiced behind me. I imagined them looking up and staring at my very wet pussy with my hard clit sticking out between my open lips.

Aryn decided that he needed a drink and another ice cream so he asked me if I could see a stall selling them. I could, so I directed him to it where he squat and let me climb off. This stall was at one side of the market and it had some tables and chairs next to it. Aryn gave me some euros and told me to go and get some.

Fortunately, the ground wasn’t that rough so I managed to slowly walk the few metres to the table and the trader. It was a middle-aged man and when he saw me I could see his eyes going up and down my front. Fortunately, he understood enough English to know what I wanted and he got them for me. After I’d paid I realised that I had to make 2 trips to the table so I moved the bottles to the side and said that I’d be back for them.

He still hadn’t moved his eyes to the teenage girl who was behind me and I’m sure that his eyes followed my butt until I turned behind another table.

When I went back for the drinks I said, ‘excuse me’ to the teenage girl who turned and smiled at me. She spoke English, moved to one side and said,

“Certainly brave girl, you’ll give someone a heart attack if you’re not careful.”

“That’s not my intention, I just want to get an all-over tan.”

“Good for you.” She said as I picked up the bottles and started walking back.

We sat and ate and drank and Wren said,

“You should have worn your sandals or your flip flops Emily.”

“Then she wouldn’t have been able to display her cute little body so well honey.” Aryn said.

“I guess, but don’t you mind carrying her about all the time Aryn?”

“No, she’s as light as a feather.”

“Thank you Master.” I said.

“And I’ve got a better way to carry you when we leave here.” Aryn replied.

I didn’t ask and couldn’t think of how, and was content to just enjoy the rest of my cold cola.

“Have you seen anything that you fancy getting honey?” Aryn asked.

“No,” Wren replied, “usual sort of junk like the markets back home.”

“How about hitting the beach honey? Maybe there’ll be some guys there for you to flaunt your cute little body at.”

“I’m not getting naked Aryn.”

“I didn’t ask you to. You’ll just surprise me one day.”


Neither of them asked me if I wanted to hit the beach, but I didn’t expect them to, I was their slave.

When they were ready to leave, Aryn told me to go and stand in front of him with my back to him. I did, but I had my head turned to the side and I could just see him holding his elbows to his side and sticking his forearms out in front, just touching my bare back.

He squat then said,

“Sit back Emily and lean back on my chest.”

I did and found myself sitting on his lower arms. My little butt was in danger of slipping through his arms so I leaned to my left then put my right arm round his neck. As I did that I felt his big hands grip the backs of my thighs just above my knees.

I felt safe as he straightened his legs leaving me sitting like I was on a chair, my knees having automatically bent.

Off we walked with Aryn carrying me like I was a sack of feathers. As we walked I discovered that Aryn could easily move his hands out, taking my legs with them and leaving my pussy spread and totally exposed. What’s more, I had no control over Aryn’s muscles, he could expose me anytime that he wanted.

And he did. Both of us were scanning the people in front of us and he appeared to pick the same people that I had, and then he’s just open my legs. I squealed a bit the first time that he did it, but after that it was just me smiling at the lucky men.

Aryn kept carrying me even after we’d got onto the tarmac, his telling me that I would burn my feet.

I saw 4 young men walking towards us in the middle of the village and just as we were getting to them Aryn spread my legs again. I squealed as I looked into the eyes of the 4 young men. They looked familiar but I couldn’t place them.

Aryn was still holding my legs open when he stopped to talk to the young men, their eyes alternating between Aryn’s face and my pussy.

“This is nice.” I thought as I heard Aryn introducing us. No one shook hands and I don’t think that anyone cared.

It turned out that the 4 young men were the ones from the yacht that Aryn had anchored close to and I smiled as I watched the 4 young men try to take their eyes off my pussy.

Aryn and the 4 guys got talking and we ended up going to the beach. The 4 guys asked Aryn why he was carrying me and when he told them they offered to take it in turns carrying me instead. I got passed to 2 of them with me in between them with my arms round their shoulders, my butt on their 2 inside arms and their outside arms holding my legs up. I didn’t complain when they opened my legs wide every time a man walked towards us, nor when Wren and the other 2 guys started taking photographs, the guys spreading my legs for the shots.

We made it to the beach, all the guys wanting to stop at the beach bar to get some drinks before laying out in the sun. No one said anything about the young looking girl with the bald pussy, but there again it would take a brave person to tell 5 young men that their friend had to put some clothes on.

A few people looked at me whilst we walked to the opposite end of the beach to where we’d left the jet-ski, and only one man really stared at me as Wren and I spread the towels. I kept bending over to adjust the towels with straight, spread legs so that the guys and the man who was staring at me could get a good look at my pussy. Wren saw me and just smiled.

Wren and I arranged the towels with Wren’s and mine higher up the beach so that whenever the guys looked to us they’d see up our legs. Wren also lay with her legs open but her pussy was covered by the thin, thong bottoms that moulded round her lips and clit which was all that she wore after taking her top off.

I practised my kegels when I thought that any of the guys, or any man walking by, was looking at me, and the 4 guys were looking our way quite a bit in between talking to Aryn. Then Aryn told Wren that he and I were going into the sea. I got up and we walked to the water.

Aryn told me that he’d invited the 4 guys to eat with us on the yacht that evening and that I’d have to prepare the food.

“No problem Master,” I replied, “will you be eating it off the table, or off me on the table?”

I’d already told Aryn and Wren about the parties back in England and that my body was usually used as a table for the deserts at the parties.

“I’m not sure what deserts are in the freezer Emily, but if there are some then yes, we will eat them off you. Even if there aren’t we can pour our drinks on, or in you and drink them from your body. If you’re thinking that those guys might fuck you then you are right, but they will be wearing condoms, there’s a large box of them in the store room.”

“Thank you Master. Will you be fucking me as well? I want to feel your big cock inside me again.”

“Probably. I also want to try to get Wren to put on a show with me, see if I can lower her inhibitions.”

“Is there anything that I can help you with that Master?”

“Keep up the gentle persuasion Emily, and try to get her to wear as little as possible each day as well. Now come here and get on your back, I’m going to fuck you in front of all these people.”

It wasn’t that big a deal, the people were all on the beach and we were about waist deep on Aryn in the sea.

The thing was, just after he’d penetrated me and I was going backwards and forwards, the 4 guys appeared and stood watching us.

“Sorry guys,” Aryn said, “you will have to wait for your turn, no condoms with us.”

“So you are going to let us fuck her later then mate?”

“Sure, why not? She’s expecting it and she’ll enjoy it, won’t you Emily?”

“Yes Aryn, but for now we could go for a walk to those rocks at the other end of the beach, I’m sure that we will be able to find a quiet place where I can give them some oral relief.”

“Good idea Emily, just let me finish here first.”

About a minute later I felt Aryn leave a nice, warm deposit inside me then he pushed me backwards. As the huge huge cock slid out of me I wondered how much sea water would get inside me before my vagina closed and sealed the entrance.

We got a few stares as the 5 men and 1, small, naked girl walked along the water’s edge then onto the rocky area. The rocks were a bit slippery and some had rough bits but the guys soon found a hidden area where I could sit on a low rock and my face would be level with the 4 guy’s cocks.

The 4 of them took it in turns to stand in front of me and I sucked them all off, 2 of them shooting straight down my throat and the other 3 all all over my hair, face and chest. I say ‘the other 3’ because Aryn joined the queue and then stretched my mouth and throat in the same way that he’d stretched my vagina earlier.

Aryn said that I could go into the sea and wash it off but I declined saying that I wanted to walk along the beach with the evidence of what I had been doing, still on my body.

We walked the whole length of the beach and back to the towels with my face and chest covered in the guy’s cum and no one said a word.

Unfortunately, and I don’t know why, I didn’t manage to cum either whilst Aryn had fucked me earlier, or whilst I was giving the blow-jobs so I was a bit frustrated when we got back to Wren who looked at me and knew exactly what we’d been doing. She gave me that ‘knowing’ look, smiled and joked about my new make-up.

“You’ll get tan lines where that thong has been Wren.” I said when I was down on my back looking up to the beautiful sky.

“I keep moving the strings.” Wren replied.

“There is an easier way Wren, and it isn’t as if the guys haven’t seen you naked already.”

“I know, it’s just …..”

“I know, it’s difficult to put your past out of the way of what you want to do.”

“It is, I want to for Aryn but ….”

“Why don’t you lay on your stomach and take the thong off? It’s a thong so you won’t be showing any more than when we walked here. Besides, your front must be well cooked by now.”

Wren did turn over and she did undo the strings holding her thong up. She looked naked.

Aryn came over and asked Wren if she wanted some sunblock rubbing on. He got to work, such gentle hands for such a big man and I wished that he was working on my back.

Inevitably, he moved to her bare butt and she sighed when he started on her cheeks and moaned when his hand went down her butt crack to her pussy, pushing the half off thong out of the way.

As his fingers rubbed her slit I watched as she instinctively spread her legs and I looked at the 4 guys. Eight eyes were riveted to her pussy.

With his body shielding what he was doing from everyone else on the beach, Aryn gently brought Wren to a shuddering climax and I watched as her hands dug into the towel and the sand under it and her torso jerked about for a few seconds.

“Just relax honey,” Aryn said when Wren’s climax started to subside. “Savour the moment, no one is looking at you.”

I smiled at Aryn’s lie, the 4 guys were watching every drop of juice as it escaped from her pussy.

Wren looked very content and peaceful as I lay on my back, legs spread wide, and soaked up the sun. I was happy but not content, I hadn’t cum for ages and I was starting to get frustrated.

About 30 minutes later Wren woke and got up on her elbows.

“Oh my, I’m naked, how long have I been like this?” She asked me, Aryn having gone back to the guys after making her cum.

“Only a few minutes Wren, and relax, no one can see you.”

Wren looked over her shoulder and saw Aryn and the 4 guys. At that precise moment no one was looking at her, except me, but she still closed her legs.

“You looked like you enjoyed that Wren.” I asked.

“I did, it was nice.”

“And much nicer for being naked.”


“Fancy a swim? Swimming with nothing covering your pussy is a really nice feeling Wren.”

“Hang on, I’ll just put my thong back on.”

“No Wren, leave it, you can run to the water, it will just take seconds. You’ll enjoy the feeling.”

Wren looked around and saw no one heading our way so she got to her feet and ran. I got to my feet and started walking. I looked at Aryn, he smiled and nodded, which I took to mean ‘thank you’.

When I got to the water Wren was sitting with the water up to her neck.

“Come on Wren, swim, catch me if you can.”

I set off heading for deeper water and along the beach to where some people were in the water. I stopped close to a group of people who were speaking English and waited for Wren. When she got to me I asked her how she was.

“You were right Emily, it is nice swimming totally naked.”

“Wish you’d done it before?”

“Yes, let’s swim back to where Aryn is.”

“You want him to fuck you don’t you Wren”


“Let’s get out of the water and walk back, it will be quicker.”

“Oh, I don’t know, people will see that I’m naked.”

“Wren, in that thong that you’ve being wearing you are nearly naked so just come on. Besides. You were displaying your charms for ages earlier so most people here have already seen more that you’re going to show by walking along the beach.”

“Can I walk next to you, on the sea side?”

“Okay, come on.”

We did walk back along the water’s edge and a couple of men looked at us.

“It’s exciting knowing that those men are admiring your naked body isn’t it Wren?” I asked.

“It’s embarrassing.”

“And exciting, I bet that you’re wet aren’t you?”


“Take Aryn into the sea when we get back and fuck him.”

“I’m going to.”

Wren did, and I went and sat with the 4 guys and we watched Aryn and Wren. None of us could actually see them fucking but we knew that they were. I’d sat between 2 of them and leant back on my elbows and they started talking to me, asking all sorts of questions, some very personal, but I was happy to tell them everything that Jack asks me to do.

When Aryn and Wren came out of the water we gave them a round of applause which caused Aryn to smile and Wren blush. She went straight to her towel, put her thong on and lay on her front with her legs closed.

Shorty after that Aryn told everyone that we were going back to the yacht and the 4 guys decided that they’d go back to theirs.

We all walked along the water’s edge to the jet-ski which had a dingy beached nearby. It turned out that the 4 guys had paid the same Greek young man to look after their dingy, not that he was checking to see if it was the dingy owners that were taking it, he was more interested in looking at Wren and me.

I tried to think of a way that I could flash my pussy to the young man but couldn’t, and the 3 of us set off back to the yacht with the naked me sandwiched between Aryn and Wren.

Back at the yacht, Wren and I raided the big freezer and got out the food that Wren wanted us to prepare for the evening. It was only going to be a buffet with a limited ***********ion of food, but there was enough to feed everyone.

Wren had taken her thong off as soon as we’d got back and Aryn was happy watching the 2 naked girls working whilst he sat drinking beer.

As we worked I asked Wren if she was going to stay naked for the evening.

“If Aryn wants me to be naked then I don’t think that I’ll object, after all, those guys have seen every bit of me, they don’t feel like strangers anymore.”

We’d found some desserts in the freezer and whist they were defrosting I reminded her of what Jack had me do at the parties back in England. She liked the idea and went and talked to Aryn. When she came back she asked me if I’d had ice cream in my pussy. The question told me what Aryn was planning to do to me and I felt my pussy tingle at the thought.

When most of the preparation work was completed Wren went for a shower and told me to go straight after her. There was just enough room in the shower for 2 people if they were happy to be touching each other all of the time but Wren wanted the space to herself.

Wren was putting a bit of make-up on when I finished in the shower and she asked me if I thought that she should stay naked all evening. I told her that it was up to her and Aryn but that I was really looking forward to being naked with 5 men.

“They’ll keep me feeling horny all the time and that could only be a good thing.” I said as I threw my towel into the hamper.

As I was brushing my hair Wren went up onto the deck to see Aryn and when she came back she told me that all her clothes were staying in the wardrobes. I smiled and told her that she wouldn’t regret it.

Wren also told me that I was the only one that the 4 guys would be groping and maybe fucking. Aryn was going to keep Wren to himself.

Wren and I went up and did a bit more work on the food then I took another bottle of beer to Aryn.

“Emily,” Aryn said, “your job tonight is to be the perfect naked host. Apart from looking great, when you haven’t any other job to do you will sit on the lap of one of our guests and let them caress and fondle all of your body as much as they want. If they want to fuck you, you will let them but they must wear a condom. Is any of that going to be a problem for you?”

“No Master, it was what I was hoping that you would say. Am I right in assuming that you have no problem with me giving them blowjobs Master?”

“That is correct Emily. When they leave you will go and have a shower then come and join us in our bed. Leave the cleaning up until tomorrow morning.”

“Yes Master.”

About 20 minutes later I watched the dingy approach then the 4 guys climbed aboard. Aryn welcomed them by putting a bottle of beer in their hands then told them to say hello to his wife and the deckhand. They did this by giving each of us a hug and I felt my bare butt being grabbed by each of them in turn. I wondered if they grabbed Wren’s bare butt as well.

Soon everyone was talking about all sorts of things and Aryn told the guys that they didn’t have to stay standing all night. The 5 guys sat and When went and sat on Aryn’s lap. I looked at the 4 guys and decided to start with the lap of the nearest guy and move round them in the order that they were sitting.

I laughed at myself as I sat on the first lap, wondering if they’d sit on the same seat all night.

Aryn must have told the guys that it was alright to grope me because it started just as soon as I sat down, the guy putting his beer down and one of his hands going straight between my legs.

I tried to have a ‘non-sex’ conversation with him but it always went back to him asking me about my sexual exploits, which I was happy to talk about.

Just after the guy had made me cum with his fingers, Aryn told me to go and get some more beers. When I got back and had handed them out, I went and sat on the next man’s lap. His fingers going straight to my pussy.

I think that Aryn was waiting until all 4 of the guys had made me cum before he invited then to attack the food, and when we did the conversations died down for a while.

When just about all the food was gone Aryn told the guys that there were desserts. Initially, a couple of the guys said that they didn’t want any, but Aryn told them that they might just changer their minds in a few minutes.

Wren and I cleared the table and brought out the desserts. There wasn’t a lot of them but that didn’t really matter, it was the method of eating that was the important thing, and all 5 guys watched as I got onto the table and Wren spread the food over me.

When she was done she went and got the tub of ice cream and put it between my legs. Then she stuck a small spoon in it.

“Right guys,” Aryn said, “desserts are now available. As you can see there is only one spoon and that can only be used to put the ice cream into Emily’s pussy. And one important thing guys, all eating must be done using your mouths only.”

Aryn and Wren stood back and watched the guys attempts at eating. Needless to say that Wren had put the desserts around and on my little tits and stomach and pubes so that was where the tongues went.

After a minute or so, one of the guys got a spoonful of the ice cream and I gasped as I felt the metal of the spoon and the cold ice cream enter my vagina. After the initial shock it felt good as more and more ice cream was spooned inside me.

Then it was time for the guy to suck the melted ice cream out of me, although I don’t know how there was so much of it on my clit.

After the first guy had sucked and tongued me to an orgasm he backed away and another started the process again.

Another 3 orgasms later I managed to look at the guys and saw a variety of food, mixed in with my pussy juices, spread all around their mouths.

I looked over to Aryn and saw Wren leaning back on his chest with Aryn’s hands round her and playing with her tits.

“Okay guys, food over, do you want her to go and have a shower before I find a use for these?” Aryn said as he pulled a handful of condoms out of his pocket and held them up.

One of the guys wanted to fuck me whilst I was all sticky with bits of food stuck to me, but the other 3 said that they preferred me to be nice and clean and smelling nice.

Aryn threw a condom to the guy who wanted a sticky fuck and said,

“All yours mate.”

Two of the guys came over to me, picked me up and threw me over the side of the yacht, one of the guys saying that a quick dip would clean me up.

I surfaced then swam to the back of the yacht where the same 2 guys were stood with their arms out ready to pull me out.

Aryn had been watching and when I was back near him, he asked Wren to go and get some more beers.

I was taken back to the table and lifted up so that my butt was on the edge of the table then I heard the zip on one guys shorts. Seconds later I was pushed back, flat on my back and was getting fucked. I heard Aryn ask Wren to show the 4 guys what she’d got saying that she’d been hiding it all day and everyone wanted to see what she was hiding. Wren’s confidence level had grown during the day and evening, and she’d been keeping up with the beer drinking, so I wasn’t really surprised to see her go and sit on one of the bench seats that was under a light, and spread her legs wide.

Even as my body was moving backwards and forwards I could see Wren’s shiny, wet pussy sparkling in the light.

“Rub one out for the guys darling.” Aryn said.

I thought that that might be going a little to far for Wren but I was wrong. She just blankly stared at Aryn for a minute or so then her right hand moved to her pussy and she started rubbing.

I came first, followed shortly by the man. Then, as I my peak was passing I heard Wren reach hers. That was just before I felt the second guy’s cock enter me and 2 more orgasms followed shortly.

The third guy wasn’t happy fucking me with my legs just hanging down and he lifted them right up and pressed them down onto the table each side of my head before shoving his cock deep inside me. Whenever Jack fucks me like that it always feels like he is going deeper inside me and this guy was no different. I gasped as he bottomed out then grunted each time that he did the same until I came for the third time in less than 10 minutes.

The fourth guy also wanted me to change position and he fucked me bent over the side of the table. I didn’t cum that time but I was knackered at the end of it. When I looked to where Wren had been I saw that she was knelt either side of his thighs and was riding him. I smiled and closed my eyes.

When they opened it was because Aryn was telling me that the 4 guys were leaving. I got to my feet but the guys were already in their dingy. I waved goodbye to them.

I looked around assessing how long it would take me to clear up then went to the shower. After I’d got dried I went and lay on the other side of Aryn to Wren who were spooned, and judging by Wrens smile, fucking as well. I closed my eyes and was instantly asleep.


I woke to the feeling of Aryn lightly slapping my pussy.

“Come on Emily, I want some breakfast and you’ve got some clearing up to do.”

“Where’s Wren?”

“Having a swim, but she won’t help you.”

“I wasn’t thinking about that Master, I was just wondering how she was after her bravery last night.”

“She’s getting there, with a bit of luck she’ll be just as much an exhibitionist as you quite soon. You did good yesterday Emily, thank you.”

“You’re welcome Master.”

I got up and got on with what I had to do. When I was clearing up the naked Wren climbed out of the sea and came over to me.

“You’re looking happy this morning Wren.”

“Yes, I am, I enjoyed yesterday, I feel a bit different today.”

“A bit more free?” I asked.

“Yes, but I don’t know why.”

I smiled and thought,

“I think that I do.”

About an hour later everything was sorted and I was wondering what Aryn had planned for the day.

I didn’t have to wait long to find out, Aryn came up onto the deck and asked if everything was sorted.

“Yes Master.”

“Good, time to move on, get some sunblock on and get up onto the sunbathing deck.”

I got the sunblock and went up. I was just about to start covering my body with it when Wren joined me and we covered each other as Aryn raised the anchor and we set off. Just as he started the motor I saw a couple of the guys who had fucked me the previous night and waved to them.

The yacht slowly chugged on and I didn’t see any other boats apart from a couple anchored in small bays. Just as we went passed a headland, Aryn stopped the yacht. Two minutes later he came out on the deck and told me to go to the back of the yacht. When I got there I saw 2 poles, 4 pink things and some rope.

I was a little puzzled as Wren helped him put the pink, velcro ankle and wrist cuffs on me then clipped the cuffs to the ends of the 2 poles. I was left spread eagled, standing, with no way of releasing myself, and facing out of the back of the yacht. Then Aryn clipped one end of the rope to the middle of the pole spreading my arms then tied the other end to the railings of the deck above us.

“At least I can just let my arms hang instead of having to hold them up all the time.” I thought.

Neither Aryn nor Wren said anything and they left me there. Seconds later the engines started up we were underway again.

Able to only look out the back I couldn’t see where we were going until the yacht slowed right down. I looked both sides and guessed that we were going into some sort of harbour.

As the yacht slowed right down I realised that we were turning and I saw that we were in a small harbour and that Aryn was reversing into a parking space. The thing was, behind the parking space was a footpath and a road, and on the other side of the road was a cafe, a restaurant and some shops, and people were walking in both directions along the road. What’s more, the chairs and tables in front of the cafe were no more that 8 or 9 metres from where I was hanging. All that anyone sat at those tables would Have to do was turn their heads and they’d see all of me above my feet.

The yacht got closer and closer to the footpath which meant that the naked, spread eagled me was also getting closer and closer to the people. I just hoped that there weren’t any policemen around.

I felt a little better when I saw a young woman on the boat that we were parking next to and that all she was wearing was a thong, but I was totally naked and spread wide open.

Wren appeared wearing only a little bikini skirt cover-up that looked to be a little see-through, when she got between the sun and me I could clearly see the shape of her pussy and protruding clit. She slapped my butt and asked if I was okay. What could I say, it was like I was the yachts mascot hanging there.

Wren threw a couple of ropes off the yacht then jumped off and tied them to some big metal rings in the concrete.

That done, she stood and looked at me as Aryn pushed a gangplank out the back of the yacht so that Wren could walk back on.

“You okay Emily?” Aryn asked as Wren cam back onboard.

“Yes Master, but should I be naked here, won’t I get into trouble?”

“Let me worry about that.”

I looked around, at the people walking by. A few, presumably tourists, looked, saw me then either stared for a few seconds then walked on, or just kept walking without looking. In a way I was disappointed because I love it when strangers stare at my little tits and spread, inner lip-less pussy.

Aryn left me there for about 30 minutes before coming and releasing me.

“Get a drink then put your sandals on Emily, we’re going for a walk.”

That sounded fun but I hoped that I would be okay bearing in mind that this place looked to be bigger than any last village that we’d been to, and therefore more chance of a policeman being there.

As I did what Aryn had told me to do, I saw the young woman on the next boat who I’d seen earlier. Our eyes met and I waved to her. She smiled back and raised the bottle of water that she was holding.

It was only as I was going down to get my sandals that I realised that she had taken off her thong and was as naked and bald as I was.

Back on the deck I saw that Wren also had some sandals on, and still just the slightly see-through bikini bottoms wrap.

Aryn led us off the yacht but we didn’t go far. We crossed the road and Aryn told Wren and me to wait for him while he went into the cafe and spoke to the lone waiter. I saw him get his phone out and speak into it then pressed something and held the phone so that the waiter could hear what was being said. I guessed that the waiter’s English wasn’t that good and that Aryn was using a translate app to translate the conversation.

Then I saw Aryn get his wallet out and give the waiter some money.

Aryn came back to Wren and I and we started walking. Wren asked him what the conversation was about and I heard him tell her that he was just making sure that they could take me to the cafe later.

I smiled to myself and hoped that we’d sit at a table near the road.

We wandered around and I again noticed the lack of people that looked like they were locals. Tourists are so obvious in the way that they dress and look around, and stare at naked girls without saying anything.

After a while we discovered that we were heading out of the village and we’d just turned around to go back when a police car stopped just in front of us.

My brain had a vision of me being locked up in some grimy Greek jail cell and the policemen coming in and raping me every 5 minutes.

The policeman started rambling on in Greek while he was getting his handcuffs out of his belt when Aryn stepped in between him and me and held his hands up. He tried to talk to the policeman but there was a language problem. Aryn got his phone out and the policeman started to look a bit calmer as they had a slow conversation.

Again money changed hands the Aryn turned to Wren and me and told us that he’d taken care of the problem but there was one catch, I had to give him a blowjob.

“Wouldn’t he take more money?” Wren asked.

“No, he wants to grope Emily and for her to give him a blowjob.”

“That’s okay Master, I’ll do it, he doesn’t look that greasy.”

I stepped over to the cop and his hands went straight to my tits. After mauling me for a minute or so his right hand went down to my pussy and I spread my legs a bit to make his access easier.

His fingers started fucking me and I realised that I didn’t really want him to make me cum so I slid down onto my knees and went for his zip.

By comparison to Aryn, the cop’s cock was tiny and I easily managed to get all of it into my mouth and started sucking. I didn’t want to go up and down on it too much because I was sure that it would fall out of me.

The poor man mustn’t have cum for a long time because he only lasted a couple of minutes. When I realised that he was about to cum I backed off and pointed to my tits. He got the message and I soon had a couple of squirts of watery cum running down my chest.

I got to my feet and smiled at him whilst my hands pushed his cock back into his trousers and pulled up the zip.

The happy Greek cop got back into his car and drove off.

“You okay Emily?” Aryn asked.

“Sure, Greek cocks taste different.”

“How?” Aryn asked.

“I think it must be the food that the men around here eat.”

The trio continued their walk back into the village and when they got to the harbour Aryn decided that he wanted a drink and something to eat so he steered Wren and me into the cafe and to a table alongside the road.

That suited me fine as I would be able to spread my legs and let anyone walking by see my pussy. What I hadn’t expected was for Wren to take off the bikini bottoms wrap and sit opposite me. Okay she kept her legs closed but it was a big step for her.

The waiter came over to take our order and I watched his face as his eyes stared at my pussy and Wren’s slit. I was sure that Aryn was feeling proud of Wren, and I was as well.

Wren and I only had a drink and some ice cream but Aryn had more. I guessed that a body as big and as athletic as his needs more calories.
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