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Emily takes part in a sex show
Emily’s Second Solo Holiday

by Vanessa Evans

Part 06

We arrived at the nightclub around 10:30 and 2 naked girls and one with just a pointless wrap on, escorted by 2 large men had no problem getting in. I was surprised to see how many people there were there. I thought that it would be mainly girls for the dancing but it was mainly men.

No sooner than we had found a table Chuck told me to go with him. I thought that we were going to the bar but I was wrong. He led me to a little office where I was told that I would be the star of a sex show. My pussy started gushing as the man told me that he’d given his usual girl the night off after Chuck and Aryn had visited him the previous afternoon.

“So what do I have to do?” I asked.

“Get fucked.” was the reply, then it was qualified by the man saying that I just had to go along with whatever the 3 guys got me to do. I was to be their sex slave who just followed orders.

Then the fear of STDs hit me.

“What about condoms?” I asked, “will they wear them each time they fuck me?”

“No need, we get the guys and girls tested every week during the open season. I’m assuming that you have been tested Emily?”

“Yes, a week ago, or something like that, I’m loosing track of which day it is.”

“She’s good mate.” Chuck said.

“Okay, be back here in an hour and be ready to get your brains fucked out.” The man said.

Chuck and I went back to the others and I daren’t sit on either of the guys lap for fear of soaking their shorts, but I did ask Aryn if he’d video as much of my show as he could, telling him that I wanted Jack to see me perform.

During the next hour we drank and danced and had a great time but my mind was on what was to come.

In the office I met the 3 men. They were Greek and didn’t speak much English so it would be a case of them putting my body wherever they wanted and me just being their fuck toy, but on a stage with over 50 people watching. I asked for a bottle of water, I needed to replace the fluid the was leaking out of my pussy. I was happy that the 3 guys were reasonably cute, I didn’t really want to be fucked by fat or ugly men.

The start time was soon on me and the 3 men led me onto the stage. The 3 men wearing normal clothes and me, of course, totally naked. My pussy was flowing like a river as the manager started talking. First in Greek which seemed to take forever, then in English. Basically what he said was,

“Ladies and gentlemen, tonight we have a very special show, instead of our usual format we have a very special guest, a very young woman who offers her body for your pleasure, not only on the stage but afterwards she will come round the tables and you, everyone of you will be able to pleasure her with your hands. Please feel free to take as many photographs as you want because Emily likes being photographed.”

Then in Greek then English,

“Ladies and gentlemen I give you Emily.”

The audience started clapping and I decided to do a little curtsey.

As the applause died down I was grabbed by one of the men and made to bend over a table while the other 2 men stripped naked revealing nice cocks. Not as big as Aryn’s but certainly not small. It wasn’t a wide table and soon I had a cock in my mouth and another in my pussy.

For the next 30 or 45 minutes I was fucked in all 3 holes and deep throated by all 3 who managed to judge just the right time to withdraw to let me breathe.

The fucking wasn’t just on the table, it was on the floor and held in the air by 2 of them and fucked by the third. I was held upside down and eaten out. Laid on my back on one of them whilst he fucked my ass then another lay on my front and fucked my pussy at the same, the third fucking my mouth and throat all at the same time.

Three holes at the same time, I hadn’t had that since Ibiza.

My butt was slapped and so were my tits. I was lowered onto a row of dildos that started small and got bigger along the row, the last one being bigger than Aryn’s cock and a baseball bat, but by them my pussy was so relaxed that I took them all with ease.

Basically, my body was used and abused by 3 men that I didn’t know, in front of an audience of something like 50 people, and I was loving it. And I’d had 3 lots of cum shot inside me, but a lot of it had leaked out along with gallons of my juices.

I was knackered and a bit sore when it finally stopped and I was given a bottle of water whilst I stood in front of the 3 guys on the stage. As I stood there drinking the water I tried to count the number of orgasms but after the 4th it was just a blur, especially as the guys didn’t stop fucking me as I came.

I’d forgotten about the audience participation part until 2 of the men picked me up and spread my legs wide. Then they carried me round each table letting everyone get a good look at my abused pussy which kept getting wetter and wetter. As I was held there at each table where just about everyone was taking photographs of me and I hoped that Aryn had been taking photos of me when I was on the stage.

When we got to the table where my friends were they too took photos, the only difference from other tables was that Aryn asked me if I was okay. I nodded and said that I was.

Carried back to the stage I was put on my feet then some handcuffs were put on me behind my back. Then a rope was tied round my elbows and pulled tight, thrusting my little tits forward. I looked down at my chest and was please to see my nipples were as big as I’d ever seen them, and they were throbbing. I wondered if it was the slapping that they got earlier.

Then my ankles were tied to a spreader bar and I wondered how I was supposed to walk from table to table. I needn’t have worried, 2 of the guys just picked me up by my arms and carried me, putting me back on the floor in front of each table where the people there groped my body, mainly my pussy. A few minutes later I was picked up and carried to the next table and it started again.

Even at my friend’s table all of them took their turn playing with my pussy but by then by body seemed to be in one long, orgasm induced haze and I could even acknowledge that they were my friends.

Again I lost count of the number of orgasms that they all brought me to.

It all ended with lots of applause and the manager handing me a big bottle of champagne which I carried back to the table. As I walked up to the table I said,

“Did you get all that on camera Aryn, Jack will love seeing those.”

“Stop worrying Emily,” Aryn said, “I’ve already sent a couple of clips and stills, and all the rest will be on the memory stick that I’ll give you at the airport.”

Wren stood and hugged me and Chuck tweaked my right nipple and called me a hero. I flopped down and rested my head on Aryn’s arm.

As we were leaving the manager came over and told me that I was great and he offered me 1,000 euros a week to stay and work for him. I liked the idea but I declined the offer.

Back at the villa it was straight to bed for me and I fell asleep on my own.


I wasn’t alone when I woke up, Chuck’s cock was sliding in and out of me from behind and Mary’s fingers were playing with my clit.

“Relax and enjoy it Emily, we wanted to give you one last nice experience before you leave us.” Mary said.

I knew that that meant that we were leaving so I gave them my all before going for a shower.

Yes, we were leaving and it was a big naked hug from Mary for both Wren and myself before Chuck drove us down to the harbour where Wren seemed happy to stand around naked whilst we said goodbye to Chuck. I jumped up on Chuck to say my goodbye and his fingers found my vagina as he held me up. Wren was happy to untie the ropes before jumping on whilst still naked.

Aryn found that nice little beach that he mentioned and we spent a lazy day doing what came naturally. The night as well.


The next morning Aryn woke us early by fucking me, then Wren. As soon as breakfast was over he up-anchored and we got underway. Wren and I doing more sunbathing, eating and drinking, and me giving Aryn a blowjob whilst he drove the yacht and navigated.

We were way out at sea with no land in sight for ages and I wondered where we were going, but I didn’t ask.

After around 3 hours I saw land and we eventually sailed into a large marina. It looked like we were at a large town or even a city. Aryn organised a berth for the yacht and we parked-up. Aryn telling me to handle the tying of the ropes.

Whilst I was on the land doing that job I noticed a handful of people staring at me and I wondered if the place was a nude friendly like the previous places.

When I got back on the yacht I saw that Wren had a skirt and top on. Things didn’t look good.

Then a largish, oldish, van pulled-up near the yacht and Aryn went shore and greeted the man who got out.

“That’s Clint.” Wren said. “I met him a couple of times a few years ago but I wasn’t that impressed.”

“So what are we doing here?”

“Aryn has organised a few things for you.”

“For me, why, this holiday is about you and Aryn.”

“Yes, but seeing you so happy makes us happy.”

“Thank you Mistress, I really appreciate that.”

After a few minutes of man talk, Aryn called Wren down She went and after a quick hug and a bit of talking Aryn called me down. I too got a quick hug then Clint ushered me then Wren through the side door of the van where I was surprised to see a 2 seater sofa which I was directed to. Then Clint said,

“Hi, Don Eastwood but please call me Clint. You must be Emily and Aryn tells me that you’re interested in making some porno movies, is that right?”

“Oh, Aryn’s volunteered me has he, okay yes, why not?”

“Good, I’ll explain more when we get back to my place.”

With that Clint shut the van door and climbed into the front where Aryn already was. The van was a Transit style with a side sliding door but no bulkhead between the drivers area and the goods are so Wren and I could hear the 2 men talking.

“It looks like Emily is very willing to participate.” Clint said.

“Yes she is.” Aryn replied.

“So I won’t need to use any Uninhibitol then?”

“No, she’s game.”

“What’s Uninhibitol?” Wren asked.

“Actually Clint, I may have a use for some of that. Wren sweetheart, How would you like to get over that hang-up that you have?”

“You’re not a hypnotist are you Clint?”

“Hell no, that rubbish takes too long to work.”

“Wren honey,” Aryn said, “Uninhibitol is an odour-less, taste-less, gas that is a bit like Nitrous oxide, and as harmless as Nitrous oxide, Unlike Nitrous oxide that eliminates pain in its own way, Uninhibitol removed inhibitions and if you are exposed to it more than once its effects are permanent.”

“That sound just like what you need Wren.” I said.

“I’m not breathing any gases Aryn.”

“Okay hun, it was just an idea.”

Wren was looking out of the van’s windows and I was looking at Aryn. Our eyes met and he winked.

Five minutes later we were still in what looked like the middle of the city but we were pulling off the road into a little courtyard surrounded by old buildings.

“You can relax now Emily, no one ever comes in here unless I invite them.”

“I’m relaxed, what is this place, it looks ancient.” Wren asked,

“It is ancient, hundreds of years ago it was the commercial centre of what was a little village. The new city got built round this place which never got knocked down for some strange reason and a few years ago I bought the then derelict place and made it inhabitable. I’ve got some living accommodation and a small warehouse where I store what I import in bulk and then export in smaller lots. It also has one corner setup as a display area for the goods.”

“So what do you import and export Clint?” Wren asked.

“Fucking machines.”

“What sort of machines?”

“Fucking machines, you know, machines that fuck.”

“Oh. Ohhhhh I see.” Wren replied as my grin got wider and wider.

“Can we go and see them,” I asked,”I’ve never seen a fucking machine, well not in real life.”

“Well then it’s your lucky day Emily.”

“She’ll be like a little kid in candy store.” Aryn said.

“Yes, after you described her on the phone I’ve taken the liberty of getting my video crew here later, and tomorrow to record the little girl in the candy store. I hope that that’s okay with you Emily?”

Aryn answered for me telling Clint that I would be the perfect person for the job.

“So is that porno movies that you make Clint?” Wren asked.

“It is Wren, why, do you want to star in one?”

“No chance.”

“I only make soft porn movies Wren, none of the heavy bondage, scat or bestiality. They’re too specialised I make the stuff that men drool and wank over imagining that the girl is their wife or girlfriend.”

“I’m still not doing it, but Emily will.”

“Too right I will, I can’t wait.”

“Thanks Emily,” Aryn said. “Wren, apart from Clint, no one is asking you to take part. As usual, the decision is all yours.”

“Okay troops,” Clint said, “time to show you your rooms for the next couple of days, and Emily, you’re good to stay like that until I tell you you’re not.”

“Thanks Clint.” I said as we got out of the van.

Clint led us to where he lived and as soon as we went in Wren said,

“Wow Clint, such a modern apartment in such an old building.”

“Thanks, I like my home comforts.”

Clint showed us to 2 rooms but Aryn told him that one would be enough. I saw Clint smile.

“So Clint,” I said, “can we have a look at this warehouse of yours, where you make the porno movies?”

“Wow Emily, you are keen. Come on then.”

Clint led us through the courtyard and through 2 big doors where we saw racks and racks of boxes.

“What are all those?” I asked.

“Machines that I’ve imported and are ready to sell. Come and look at the demonstration area.”

We went round the back of some racks and I just stopped dead in my tracks. There must have been well over 20 machines setup, all of them different, but all of them with one purpose in life, fucking women. As I looked at them my pussy started tingling.

“Can I have a go on all of them please?” I asked.

“Of course you can, that’s what they are there for but how about trying just one for now, then we’ll have something to eat and a drink. By then my video crew should have arrived and we can video you on each one.”

“Can I have a copy of the videos to show my boyfriend?”

“Sure, no problem. How about you try this one first Emily, It’s called a Sybian, no setup or adjustments, you just kneel either side and lower yourself on to it. I’ll operate the control for you.”

I did, and then I gasped, smiled and sighed as the dildo turned just about every way that it could and vibrated. Clint adjusted the vibrations then I looked at Aryn and Wren. Both were smiling.

“This model comes with thigh brackets so that the girl can’t get off the machine even if she wanted to.” Clint said.

“I’d like to try that later.” I said.

Everyone ignored what I had said but nearly everyone was watching and videoing me.

Clint made a couple of phone calls then came back to us just as I was cumming. When my waves had gone Clint tuned to Wren and said,

“Your turn Wren.”

“No, I couldn’t.”

“Yes you can, it’s only Clint, he’ll turn his back if you want.” Aryn said.

I saw Wren hesitate for a few seconds then she said,

“Well okay then, do I have to take my skirt and top off?”

All 3 of us said yes and she slowly did it.

“Get on it like Emily did and impale yourself.”

Wren did, then when Clint turned it on Wren said,

“Ooohhh, that’s nice.”

Clint turned it up just a bit and we all saw the smile on Wren’s face get bigger.

Clint took Aryn’s arm and led him a little bit further away from Wren, which just happened to be where I was, then Clint said,

“Buddy, that Uninhibitol that we used to gave to give the enemy to make them relax and useless as soldiers?”

“Yes, always good for a laugh that was.”

“Well it’s been refined and now there is a pill specially for women that does the same thing, make them loose all their inhibitions, they’re happy to try anything, and in this game that’s just what is needed. The thing is, after most women try it they never rediscover their inhibitions, it’s like a wall has been knocked down and can’t be rebuilt.”

“Can I try one please?” I asked.

“You don’t need one, you lost all you inhibitions when you were in Ibiza by the sound of it.” Aryn said.

“Well can Wren take one?” I asked.

“That’s what I’m thinking about.” Aryn replied.

I saw Clint slip Aryn a wrapped pill and wondered what would happen next.

What did happen was 2 things, firstly Wren had an orgasm and secondly, whilst she was up there 2 young women walked in carrying plates of buffet type food, followed by a young man carrying some drinks.

There was no way that Wren could stop even if she’d seen them. They had put the food and drinks on a table and were walking out when Wren finally saw them.

“Did they see me?” Wren asked,

“They glanced over to you but that’s all it was,” Aryn said, “Clint told me that they were his regular caterers so they will have seen hundreds of girls on these machines. Relax Wren, come and have a drink and something to eat.”

Wren got up and walked over to where Clint and I were, looking at Clint with a shy little girl look on her face.

“Relax Wren,” Clint said, “I’ve seen thousands of girls pleasuring themselves on these machines and so have the video crew that will be here soon, just ignore them.”

Wren did relax a bit and I watched as Aryn poured Wren a drink of juice and slipped the pill into it. He shook the glass a little then passed it to Wren who drank half of it immediately.

“So what’s the plan Clint?” Aryn asked.

“My video crew will be here soon then after they’ve got setup we’ll take Emily to most of the machines in turn and basically fuck her. Some of the machines will need a bit of setup but that shouldn’t take long.

Dependant on how that goes we might have to finish in here tomorrow, I have something else that she might enjoy that we can do this evening and I’ve also got a little walk lined up for Emily tomorrow.

“Walk where, I don’t want to put to put any clothes on.” I said.

“You won’t have to, the van will be close by and if needed you can dive in there and the van can drive off.”

“What’s the big deal about a naked walk?” I asked.

“It will be through the middle of town.”

“I’ve seen videos of naked girls walking along busy streets, am I going to do that?”

“If you want to?”

“I do.”

Just then I saw Wren finish her drink and ask for more. Aryn filled her glass.

Five minutes later the video crew arrived and we got to our feet, Wren as well.

“You okay Wren?” I heard Aryn ask.

“Great thanks.”

Clint introduced us to the video crew, 2 girls and 3 men, then quickly explained his plan. Then we all walked to the nearest machine, a simple me on my hands and knees and a dildo on a pole attached to a machine that would thrust the dildo back and forwards.

Within seconds I was on my hands and knees and the dildo was going in and out of me. I looked over to the others and saw that they were smiling, but they weren’t as happy as I was and it wasn’t long before I was cumming.

The next machine was another one where the girl positioned herself on the dildo then the machine did the work. As I was shuffling my butt to the best place I noticed that Wren wan on her hands and knees where I had been.

“Was she really going to let strangers see her being fucked by a machine?” I thought, then concentrated on the dildo.

That machine didn’t make me cum and when I got to my feet I said,

“Clint, those 2 were a bit ‘basic’, can we skip to the machines where I’m held in place by ropes or straps, then fucked?”

Clint grinned then took my arm and led me to what looked like some ancient Stocks.

“You won’t move in these Emily.” Clint said as I was clamped into place.

He was right. Okay I could waggle my butt but that didn’t stop the dildo going in and out of my hole. If anything doing that increased the pleasure and I was enjoying things more.

There was a mirror on the wall in front of me and I could watch the video crew moving around behind me. I could also see Wren enjoying the machine that I had used last and thought that the tablet that Aryn gave her was definitely working.

The Stocks were better but they still didn’t really do much for me.

“You want something a bit different don’t you Emily?” Clint asked.

“Yes, how did you know?”

“Years of watching girls on these machines. Come with me I think that I know one that you’ll like.”

I followed Clint to a big rectangular cuboid, slightly bigger than a 4 poster bed. It was made out of square steel bars. Each of the corners on the floor had ropes attached with velcro cuffs and at one end there was a standard machine box with an adjustable pole with a dildo on the end.

“Lay down spread eagle in the middle of that Emily.” Clint said.

I did and the cuffs were put on my wrists and ankles then the ropes were tightened so I was stretched almost to the point of it being painful. Next the dildo pole was extended until it entered my vagina. Then Clint switched the motor on and I was being fucked.

The feeling of being unable to move only my head whilst being fucked was wonderful and I thought that I’d have to buy some ropes for home. When I felt the start of an orgasm coming Clint rigged up a magic wand and lowered it from the frame so that it just touched my clit. Oh my gawd, that orgasm came p.d.q. after that and it lasted right until Clint switched the magic wand off.

“You enjoyed that didn’t you Emily?” Aryn asked when I was released.

“Yes sir. Being helpless and unable to do anything about it really turns me on.”

“Well it looks like Wren might enjoy it as well.”

I looked behind me and saw Wren having the cuffs put on her by one of the video crew.

Clint continued,

“Well young lady, I think that I might just have one or two other machines that you might just enjoy being on, come with me.”

Clint led me to what initially just looked like a metal pole sticking up from the floor. As I got closer I saw that there was a silicone dildo with a stainless steel tip on the top of the pole but the tip wasn’t high enough to reach even my low pussy.

“This one doesn’t need a lot of elaborate frames or motors, just let me get you into position and as soon as I slide the dildo up the pole everything will become obvious.”

I was a little curious when I saw 2 wires going from the base of the pole to a power supply. Before I could ask, Clint said,

“Before you ask, the power isn’t enough to kill you, just give you a bit of a shock.”

My brain got busy and I realised that the electric shock would hit me from the end of the dildo that would be inside me. I was both nervous and excited. As I looked down to watch Clint put clips on my big toes and secure them to what I realised was a switch that would make contact when my heel were flat on the blocks. I knew exactly what was going to happen and instead of telling Clint to stop, I let him finish then went up on my toes when he told me to. Then, using an adjuster to the pole length that was near the floor, Clint extended the pole so that it fully penetrated my vagina.

My natural reaction was to try to bend to see if I could reach the adjuster to lower the pole, but as I expected, the pain of bending with the pole inside me was too great to bear. I just wondered how bad the shock would be when it arrived.

As I stood there I saw, and heard, Wren cumming, she hadn’t lasted long. As one of the video crew released her Aryn came over to see Clint and me. I heard Clint say,

“I’m surprised that you’d bring a girl so young to me knowing what I’m like.”

“How old do you think she is?” Aryn replied.

“Not legal that’s for sure.”

“Well she is, she’s 23.”

“Jeez, she carries it well, she could make a fortune in the movie business.”

“You mean the porno movie business?”

“Of course.”

Just then Wren walked over, still naked and with a big smile on her face. She hugged Aryn then reached up and kissed him.

“You look happy Wren.” Aryn said.

“I am, I don’t know why but I feel free and I’ve never been so happy,”

I smiled and my feet relaxed.

“Aaaargh.” I screamed as I pushed myself back up onto my toes.

“What happened to Emily?” Wren asked.

Clint explained what was going on and I heard Wren say,

“Well I’m not going to have a go on that. You know that I’m not into pain.”

“Okay,” Aryn said, “no one will force you to do anything that you don’t want to. Would you like to go on that sybian again Wren, Clint has some thigh clamps that will keep you from moving more than a tiny bit.”

I saw Wren smile then pull Aryn by his hand towards the sybian. Clint followed and I screamed again. My legs gave way 2 more times before they couldn’t take any more. They got some rest but my pussy didn’t. The electric shock was going straight to my clit. One continual scream came out of my mouth, mixed in with the moans of pleasure as I started cumming at the same time. My body shaking and jerking, my hands clawing at the air at my sides. Talk about heaven and hell.

Then the shock stopped but the orgasm didn’t for ages.

Slowly my body relaxed and I almost fell into Clint’s arms as he came round my front. He released my toes then lifted me up in the air and carried me to the table where he put me down and I lay back to recover.

I got up onto my elbows and looked over to where the moaning was coming from. It was Wren in the sybian again but this time I could see that her thighs were clamped to the side of the sybian and she appeared to be really enjoying herself as Aryn raised and lowered the vibrations.

Clint gave me a couple of minutes to recover then he asked me if I wanted more. Strangely, I thought for a couple of seconds before saying,

“Bring it on.”

“Have you ever been fucked upside-down Emily?”

“I’ve been on my shoulders with my legs up in the air, does that count?”

“No, come with me.”

I did, and he took me to a place where 2 ropes were hanging from the ceiling, about 2 metres apart. Then he put ankle cuffs on me and these were attached to the end of the ropes.

I was hauled up. Upside-down until my hands couldn’t quite touch the floor, my pussy being spread wide open.

Clint them wheeled a trolley behind me. The trolley was quite tall and had a large arm that went between my legs. Near the end or the arm was a bar that went through the arm on some sort of screw thread that would move the bar up and down. On the end of the bar was a dildo. Clint did some adjustments and I felt the dildo enter my vagina. Then he attached a frame to the arm that had a magic wand on it and he adjusted it so that the wand was touching my clit.

“You alright Emily?” Clint asked.

I nodded my head but wasn’t sure that he saw because my hair was hanging down. I was about to try to verbally tell him that I was okay when the dildo started going up and down.

It started slowly then got faster. I was still getting used to hanging-upside down and the feeling of the dildo moving in and out of me added to the confusion in my brain but I could feel my pussy lubricating the dildo

As the dildo got faster the wand burst into life and my body jerked.

I could see the shorts on one of the video crew as he moved close to me to zoom-in on the action and I was convinced that he had a hard-on.

I could also see Wren on the sybian. Her body was squirming about like she was trying to escape the action inside her pussy and the knobbly bits that would be stimulating her clit. I could also hear her, saying and shouting the same sort of things as when Aryn gives her a good fucking,

It was a strange, but very pleasant situation to be in and not only was my body getting used to it, it was enjoying it. It took longer than usual, but I could feel an orgasm building.

The orgasm crept up on me then kept going as Clint didn’t switch either the machine or the wand off. On and on the tormenting went, the feeling that I normally get being ‘different’ because I was upside-down.

In the end I did something that I thought that I would never do. I pleaded with Clint to switch things off. But Clint wasn’t having any of it. Clint, Aryn and later Wren watched me as the never ending orgasm finally ended and I had a few seconds of numbness. It was like my pussy had switched off but my brain hadn’t.

Clint must have recognised my state and I heard the machine stop. Then the vibrations stopped and I was just hanging there. Clint dismantled everything and when the dildo withdrew I felt like part of me had been amputated.

It was then that I felt something running between my tits and then onto my chin. I thought that it must be a fly crawling over me and I brought a hand up to waft it away. When it was still moving I touched where it had been and discovered a train of liquid.

I thought that it was a bit odd for sweat just to take one line up my body then I smelt, then tasted it on my finger. It was my pussy juices. I’d produced so much that it had run all the way down to my face.

As Clint lowered my body down my hands touched the floor and gave way under the weight. My head did the same although Clint did take it slow as my head approached the floor.

Soon I was flat on my back with Clint taking the ankle cuffs off. Wren, still naked and sweaty herself, was kneeling beside me, brushing my hair out of me face and asking me if I was okay. Aryn, being more practical, was holding a bottle of water to my mouth and letting a little trickle into my mouth.

I managed to say that I would be okay if they just gave me a minute or two, which they did. Eventually I sat up and said,

“Awesome, what’s next.”

Everyone laughed or smiled but Clint said that I’d had enough and that he didn’t want to have to call an ambulance. Then he sent the video crew home telling them to be back in the morning, early, that we were going out and about.

I slowly got to my feet and Clint told us that we were going back to his apartment. Both Clint and Aryn offered to carry both of us but we declined and slowly walked back and straight into the bathroom and the shower.

When we emerged I was feeling a lot better, and the 2 naked girls joined the men. Clint got us some drinks and Wren and I talked together whilst Aryn and Clint talked about old times.

I asked Wren how she felt about being naked and doing what she had done on those machines.

“Strangely wonderful, it’s like I had suddenly been set free, a huge weight lifted off me, and I just wanted to enjoy myself, have some of the fun that you obviously were having.”

I didn’t mention the tablet that Aryn had given her.

After a while the conversations merged and Wren asked Clint what we were doing that evening and in the morning, adding that she’d like another go on some of the machines.

“So which machine did you prefer Wren?” Aryn asked.

“I think that I will have to say the sybian with the thigh clamps.” Wren replied.

“I liked being on that one too,” I added, “I can just imagine myself on it beside the TV with Jack and his mates watching a game and me distracting them.”

“Why the hell would they want to watch the TV when your cute little body is there for them to watch?” Clint asked.

“Thank you Clint.” I said.

“So, tonight, “Clint said, “I thought that we could go out for meal then on to a nightclub that I know, one where girls can get naked without any problems.”

“Are there any restaurants in this city where 2 girls can be naked?” Wren asked.

“Ah, how could I not think about that? I know, we’ll get it delivered.”

With that, Clint got up and went to get some menus that he had and Wren went to the toilet.

“It looks like that pill that you gave Wren worked.” I said.

“Yes,” Aryn replied. “Clint says that it’s a permanent change but I’m going to get a supply of them from Clint just in case. I’d offer to get some for you but I can never imagine you needing them.

When Clint and Wren got back Wren asked Clint what this ‘out and about’ plan for the morning was.

“That’s going to be a surprise but I’m sure that Emily will like it.” Clint replied.

“Just Emily, what about me, can I join in?”

“I’m not sure that you’ll want to when you see what Emily is going to do, but yes, if you want to join her you can.”

Wren looked pleased and I wondered exactly what Clint was going to have me doing.

The food arrived and the 2 guys carrying it in saw both Wren and me but didn’t do a second take so I wondered how many other naked girls had been in that apartment.

After the food Clint told us to go and get ready then it was out to the van where the naked Wren and I got in the back and Aryn joined Clint in the front. Out of the windows of the van I could see us leaving the city then arriving at a place with lots of lights and coaches outside. It reminded me of the out of town nightclub that I went to in Ibiza, and even more so when we went inside, no one caring that 2 naked girls were entering.

Wren and I had a great time dancing, sometimes with Aryn and Clint, and sometimes with young men who thought that dancing with naked girls was cool and a sure cert for good fuck. Their passion soon fading when Aryn and Clint appeared next to us.

Two slightly intoxicated, naked girls left with 2 sober men for the drive back to Clint’s apartment where Aryn told me that I was spending the night with Clint, which I did. For a man who’s life is the sex industry I have to say that I was disappointed in his performance, it was almost wham bang thank you ma’am before he rolled over and went to sleep.


The next morning was much, much more exciting, The video crew and 2 other men were crammed into the back of the van with the naked Wren and me, and Clint and Aryn in the front. We drove to a busy, tourist part of the city where Clint told Wren and I that I would get out and go for a walk in amongst the tourists.

“Can I go as well Clint?” Wren asked.

“Sure, get out of the van.”

I was expecting Wren to be at least nervous, but she appeared to be as happy and eager as I was.

Clint explained that his people would be all around us but not close, and looking for the police or any other trouble, and if necessary they would move in and escort Wren and I to the van which would be cruising as close as possible to us.

I was happy with the arrangements but Wren didn’t even appear to be listening to Clint. I wondered if Aryn had given Wren another Uninhibitol pill.

Two naked girls, holding hands and walking and acting as if they were fully clothed, set off, slowly walking down the street in amongst all the tourists. I could see the video crew recording us but not the others.

“I don’t know about you Wren,“ I said, “but my pussy is dripping.”

“Mine is too, I’ve always wanted to do something like this but never even got to the planning stage.” Wren replied. “I hope that Aryn is watching.”

“I’m sure that he is close by. And there’s always the videos that you can watch, show at all the parties that you have.”

“I hadn’t thought about that but I’m not sure that that sort of thing would go down well at our parties.”

“Perhaps you could have some different parties for like minded people, there must be lots of them around where you live, it’s just a case of finding them.”

“You’re probably right, I think that Aryn and I have some exploratory work to do when we get back home.”

By then we’d walked a whole block and were crossing a road, A couple of car horns sounded.

“Have you seen anyone looking at us yet?” Wren asked, “I daren’t look.”

“I have, most people are totally oblivious to us but a few are staring. Look around Wren, when you see someone looking it might make you feel even more horny,”

On we walked, passed cafes with people sat outside and shops with products outside. I saw an ice cream stall and led Wren over to it. Asking for 2 ice creams I told the man that we didn’t have any money. Happily he gave us them for free and we resumed our walk eating them.

Soon, a Japanese looking man was in front of us and taking a photograph. I stopped walking and posed for him. Wren did the same. Before we knew it there were a dozen people taking photographs.

I could see Clint in the background and he was waving for us to keep walking, so I took Wrens had and walked right through the group of photographers and kept going.

We turned a corner and were ushered into the van then we sped off going round a big block and picking up the rest of the video crew as went.

The van stopped at a building site and Clint told us all to get out and that we were going to walk around the site. I could see men working there and thought that we were about to give them something to talk about in the bar that night.

No sooner than we had walked onto the site than a man came over to us shouting something in Greek. One of the camera men shouted “hats” and I guessed that Greece had the same rules as in England about hard hats.

As the Greek man walked up to us, still wasting his time talking to us in Greek, another man appeared carrying some hard hats. Once we’d put them on the first man smiled then stepped aside.

Work on that site stopped for about 10 minutes as we walked around and everyone stopped to look at us. As I had expected, we got a lot of comments that neither of us could understand, all we did was stand and pose a little then move on.

We came out of a building and headed back to the van, leaving a pile of hard hats on the ground for someone to collect.

Wren was just as excited as I was as we got out of the van at Clint’s place where Aryn told Wren and me that it was time to leave, that we had to get the yacht moving again and Wren seemed as disappointed as I was. I would have loved to do the whole lot all over again, but ……….

We had some drinks then Clint drove us down to the harbour where Wren and I unfastened the yacht whilst naked, then jumped aboard.

Aryn hugged Wren as he steered the yacht out the harbour then out to sea. Wren was obviously happy and so was Aryn.

When we saw land, Aryn found a little cove and we anchored for the night swimming and having another night filled with sex. Wren having really enjoyed our time with Clint (so did I), and Aryn really happy that he’d found a way for Wren to get over her inhibitions.


I woke the way that I prefer, with a cock entering me, then after more fun with Aryn and Wren I was sent to get some breakfast ready while the married couple had their own personal fun.

We had a lazy day on a sandy beach that Aryn found by taking us on the jet-ski a little along the coast. Wren was more than happy to go there totally naked and without any clothes in the bag that she carried.

There were a few other people on the beach who must have thought that Aryn was a really lucky man having 2 different women riding his big cock at different times whilst we were there.

Wren wanted to go for a walk so I went with her and she was as disappointed as we were to discover that the little car park was in the middle of nowhere with no other people to flaunt our bodies in front of.

During the evening’s debauchery Wren asked Aryn if her loss on inhibitions was permanent or just temporary, and if it was temporary did he know where to get more of the Uninhibitol pills.

“Don’t worry love, Clint assures me that after taking 2 of the pills it should be permanent, but if for some reason you start to go back to your old ways he’s told me where to get them from. I’m really looking forward to flashing your amazing body to all my mates back at home.”

“Are you thinking of having parties like Emily’s Jack does, where there is only one naked person there.”

“That thought did cross my mind.”

“Well you’d better start planning because if you don’t, I will.”

Then she turned to me and gave me a big kiss whilst making me cum with her hands. When the kiss broke she said,

“That’s a big thank you Emily. If you hadn’t been here it’s unlikely that I would have ended up taking those pills.”

That evening Aryn asked me if I knew what date it was. With all the fun that I’d been having I’d completely lost track of the date and would have been more than happy to spent the rest of my life with Aryn and Wren on that yacht.

“You fly back to England the day after tomorrow Emily.”

“No, that can’t be right, it can’t possibly be nearly 3 weeks since I got off that plane.”

“Sorry kiddo, but it is, one more full day then a dawn start to get you back to Athens and the airport.”

I was really down but after a few minutes silence I said,

“So where are you taking me tomorrow, where does the liberated Wren want to go?”

“Somewhere where there are lots of clothed men to stare at me. I know, how about we go to the same place that we went on the second day, That way we can have lots of fun and it won’t be too far to get Emily back for her plane. What time is your plane Emily?”

“I have to check-in by 10. Didn’t we go to that market on the second day?”

“Yes,” Aryn said, “it will take us a couple of hours in the morning to get to that beach then another couple of hours the following morning to get you to Athens in time for your plane so it will be an early start that day.”

“We can manage that can’t we love.” Wren asked,

“Sure, no problem.” Aryn replied before taking us to his bed for another good night.

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