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Not really incest, but it'll make sense why I included the tag once you read the story. I hope you enjoy. Reader comments are always welcome.

"Whew!" After a 45-minute session of sex on a warm summer Saturday morning with my husband, Ryan, he rolls off of me and rests beside me as we both giggle and grab the other's hand. We lie silently and look up at the fan over our bed with 90s R&B playing loudly in our room. Ryan and I are newlyweds. We've been together about three years and married for two months. I'm 21 years old and he's 22. We met in my freshman year of college when Ryan was a sophomore. He recently graduated and I'm about to enter my senior year before getting my Bachelor's of Science in Human Resource Management.

I fell in love with Ryan within about a month of us dating and he proposed to me a year later. We agreed to wait for marriage until after he graduated so that at least one of us had a chance to make a decent salary to support us. So far, unfortunately, he hasn't had any luck getting a job and our savings is straining to keep us afloat at this point. We've talked about possibly moving in with one of our parents until we can get in a stable financial spot.

My dad left me and my mom when I was three years old. I remember nothing about him. From what I know of him, that's a good thing. My grandpa acted as my father figure until he passed away from a heart attack when I was ten. His death was hard to accept. I didn't have another father figure in my life until Ryan and I started dating and we spent time with his dad, Greg. Greg is a great guy and a great father-in-law. He's always been so accepting of me and made me feel welcome in their family since day 1. I actually call him Dad now because I'm that comfortable with him. Ryan's mom, Lindsay, passed away from breast cancer six years ago and I never got to meet her. That really sucks because from everything I've heard about her, she sounds like she was an amazing woman who was a friend to everyone. I'm jealous of Ryan's upbringing, but am glad he got to experience what I didn't.

The relationship between me and my mom is rather contentious. She has never approved of Ryan because he comes from a stable family that has decent money. She doesn't trust Ryan and thinks he's using me. She actually cut out of our wedding reception only 30 minutes into it and we've only stayed in contact through a few brief text messages since then. So if Ryan and I can't make it on our own, we're going to have to ask Greg if we can live with him for a while. I'm sure he'll say it's no problem, but it's embarrassing to be in this situation. If he says we can't for some reason, we'll have to try with my mom.

Ryan gets out of bed and heads naked to the bathroom to take a shower. I watch his tight clenched ass as he leaves and smile because of the view I'm getting. Ryan is a very good looking guy. He's about 6'2" and 220 pounds with brown hair and brown eyes and is very well built. He works out five or six days a week and has plenty of muscle with almost no fat. I can't complain about his dick, either. I've never measured it, but he's told me it's seven inches when erect and I believe it. I was only with one other guy before Ryan and his couldn't have been bigger than five inches. There's a big difference in just two inches. Ryan's girth is perfect, too. Not too thick and not too thin. It easily slides in and out, but touches all the right nerves. I hit the jackpot.

I don't think I'm bad looking, either. I'm 5'5" and 140 pounds, have long strawberry blonde hair that hangs halfway down my back when it's not pulled up, and have a 38C bra size with full breasts. I'm also in pretty good shape since I work out a few times a week and add plenty of cardio. I think the part of my body I like most is my rear. I have a bubble butt, but it's firm thanks to all the squats I do every week. I love wearing tight shorts around Ryan because I can see him instantly get turned on by my ass.

We both like to stay healthy with exercise and good diets. Ryan definitely gets his good looks from his mom. Based on photos I've seen, she was GORGEOUS. Ryan's dad, Greg, is an average looking 56 year-old dad with grey hair mixed with some remaining light brown. He's probably 5'10" and also around 220 pounds like Ryan, but it's not a muscular 220. He's actually a grandpa because Ryan has two older brothers and both of them have children. Clearly, Greg's personality attracted Ryan's mom because his looks wouldn't make anybody take a second look when passing him on a sidewalk.

Greg lives about 15 miles west of us and Ryan is meeting him this morning to discuss our financial situation in case we do end up needing to move in with him. I asked Ryan if he wouldn't mind having that conversation without me because I'm to embarrassed. He understood.

***Three Months Later***

Ryan loads his last box into the moving truck so we can get to our new temporary home with his father. Ryan still hasn't gotten a job and we've gone through most of our savings trying to stay afloat. I'm back in school full-time for my senior year, so rebuilding our financial foundation is completely on Ryan for now. The money I earned with my part-time summer job is gone. Living with Greg for the foreseeable future actually helps me because it's much closer to my college than our apartment was. I have to take a win where I can.

After driving about 20 minutes, I pull our car into the driveway behind Ryan who is in the moving truck. I love this house and property. It's a ranch style home and probably about 3,000 square feet. It's brick and unassuming from the outside, but has a very high-end interior with great build quality. The property is really large, too, with a bunch of privacy trees. I think Ryan told me it's 8 or 9 acres. All I know is the next house over is far away. Ryan honks his horn and gets out of the moving truck and I get out of our car. Then I see Greg come out of the house in a black polo shirt and blue jeans smiling and genuinely happy to see us. I haven't seen him since the wedding and he's probably at least 15 pounds heavier, putting him somewhere between 235 and 240 pounds. At 5'10", he doesn't look healthy. Ryan did tell me after they met up a few months ago that Greg's been a little depressed. I hope our presence can help. His mostly grey hair is coiffed and his face is shaved. Greg looks at me, reaches him arms out, and comes over to me for a hug. "Hi, Dad."


"Hey, Lizzie. It's so good to see you. How are you?"


"I'm really good. Happy to be here and see you. It's been too long. How are you doing?"


"Good, good. Just excited to get you both here and spend some time together. I've missed you both."


Greg told us soon after Ryan and I got married that he wanted to give us space and time as newlyweds, so he was going to hang back for a while. I always appreciated that and it didn't surprise me that he wanted to be respectful of our honeymoon phase. Greg's a very friendly guy always thinking of others. He breaks our hug, walks over to Ryan with a huge grin, and gives him a bearhug. I love watching them interact because I can tell Greg thinks the world of Ryan and Ryan respects his dad so much. It's really cute. They have a truly special relationship that's rare. As I stand there watching them with a goofy smile on my face, Greg backs up and tells us to come in the house for lunch.

We enter the house and I immediately notice its cleanliness. Ryan and I aren't the most diligent when it comes to picking up after ourselves, so I need to be sure we monitor ourselves with that. Greg leads us down the hall to the guest room we'll be staying in. It's as big as half our apartment. Wow. We drop a few items off in the room and go back out to the kitchen to have lunch before starting to unpack.

***One Month Later***

After a month of living with Ryan's dad, things are going surprisingly well. Ryan got a part-time 3rd shift security job while still looking for a full-time position. School is in full-swing for me and classes aren't too difficult. I have the car during the day to get to/from class, then Ryan takes it at night for work. The only problem is we don't get much time together aside from weekends. But we both know we have to just push forward right now until everything falls into place. Greg has been very accomodating and respectful of personal space. And with the house being big, staying out of the other's way isn't a problem.

Today, though, is a tough day for Ryan and Greg because it's the anniversary of Ryan's mom's death. After getting home from class at about 4:30, I find both guys in the living room watching a recorded football game from the night before. I can tell from their expressionless faces that they're both thinking of Lindsay and not the game. At least they have each other to lean on during this time. And now that I'm home, maybe I can cheer them up. "Hey! How about the three of us get a pizza delivered and play a board game tonight before Ryan goes to work at 10:00?" They both glance up with what look like pity smirks and agree to my offer.

After getting settled and changing into a white t-shirt and grey sweatpants, I meet them in the living room with a classic board game in hand. Greg turns the TV off and we form a triangle around the coffee table and start playing. After an hour, we're deep into the game and pizza arrives. As we eat, we joke with each other, laugh, and have fun. For at least a small amount of time, I think I've managed to take their minds off of Lindsay's death.

The game takes a few hours to complete and Ryan finally wins. It's 9:00 PM and Ryan has to be at work at 10:00. Greg and Ryan get up and Greg pulls his son in for a hug.


"I love you, kiddo. I'm proud of you and your mom would be too. You know that, right?"


"I know, Pop. I love you too."


Greg motions with his hand for me to stand up, so I get off the floor and walk over to him. He pulls me in for a hug.


"I wish you could have met Lindsay. She would have adored you and you would have been the daughter she never had. I love you, Liz, and am happy you're in our family."


My eyes start to tear up as I hug him tightly. "Awwww. I wish I could have met her too. I might not have been able to be the daughter she never had, but you've been the dad I never had. I love you too."

Greg wipes his eye and quickly turns around so we can't see his face, then starts walking away.


"You kids take some time for yourselves. I'm going to my room. Ryan, have a good night at work."


I turn to Ryan and see that his eyes are watery. "Are you okay, babe?" He sniffles.


"Yeah, I'm good. I'm going to get ready for work."


I watch Ryan walk down the hall to our room before I clean up the game. Maybe it's weird, but I think it's attractive when Ryan lets himself show his emotion with me. He's a big, strong, good looking young guy who can look imposing if he wants. But on the inside, he's like a teddy bear and not ashamed. That kind of confidence and comfort in his own skin can be hard to find these days.

After five minutes, the game is cleaned up and I take it back to our room. Our guest room has an attached bathroom and I hear Ryan inside behind a closed door getting ready for work. I take this opportunity to quickly change into a pair of my white boxer briefs and a tight white tanktop. I run my hands through my hair to make it look messy and strike a pose in the bedroom doorway with my right hand against my hip and left arm reaching up against the door frame. A second later, the bathroom door opens and Ryan's large frame steps out. He looks at me with a questioning expression and I speak with an attempted seductive tone. "Hey there, stud. How about a quickie?"

He stares at me for a second, then we simultaneously burst into laughter.


"Damn it! I wish I could because you look so hot like that. But I want to make sure I'm not late."


"The good news is it's Friday. So how about we retry tomorrow when we aren't rushed?"


"I love it. Thank you."




"Can you do me a favor and take care of my dad tonight? I know he's depressed and you checking in on him with your charm can make such a huge difference."


"Oh yeah, of course. I'd be happy to."


"Thank you. I love you so much and look forward to cashing in our rain check tomorrow. Don't stay up too late."


"Same here, I look forward to cashing in. I love you too, babe. Have a good night." Ryan leans down and kisses my lips.


"Good night, Liz."


He rubs my left cheek with his left hand, then walks out. These past few weeks have been difficult with our schedules being on opposite ends of each other and we've only had sex a couple of times because of it. But I appreciate and respect my husband for doing what needs done for both of us. I go to the bathroom to brush my teeth and get ready for bed. I finish my nightly routine about 15 minutes later and exit the bathroom. I decide to check on Greg before turning out the lights and go down the hall and cross the living room to the other side of the house where Greg's room is. As I approach it, I see the door's open and a light's on. I reach the door, knock, and look in. Greg's half sitting and half lying against a pile of pillows on his bed with a book in his hand. He's in a grey t-shirt that doesn't cover his entire stomach, some black boxer briefs, and wearing reading glasses. The portion of his stomach that's hanging out is round and hairy. He's obviously very comfortable and wasn't expecting a visitor. He looks up from his book with surprised eyes.


"Elizabeth! I'm sorry, I didn't think I'd have any company the rest of the night." My daughter-in-law stands in my bedroom doorway wearing tight white boxer briefs, a tight white tanktop without a bra under it so that it hugs her breasts with her nipples poking through the cotton, and her long wavy hair hanging down. Wow, what a bombshell. Ryan's very lucky to have her as his wife.


"I'm so sorry. I should have let you know I was coming to your room."


"No, it's fine. I'm awake anyway. Are you okay? Do you need anything?" Did Ryan leave for work?"


"Yeah, I'm fine. Ryan just left and I wanted to check on you to make sure you're okay. You seemed pretty upset after the game."


"Oh, that. Yeah. This is always a tough day for me and I didn't want to upset the two of you with my sadness, so I tried to leave quickly enough to avoid that."


Poor guy. I enter the room and sit on the bed beside him. He's in the same position and hasn't moved. I scoot back so I'm sitting against the headboard and bring my knees up to my chest with him to my left. He places a bookmark in his book and removes his glasses. He looks over at me and we start talking about memories of his wife, stories about my grandpa and how I felt when I lost him, and Ryan's and my current situation. I put my left hand on his right shoulder during the conversation and I've noticed him look me up and down a few times during our 30-minute discussion.

I can see the pain in his eyes and am sure he hasn't been with a woman since his wife died seven years ago. So my sitting here with both of us in our underwear may be a bad idea that I didn't fully realize until just now. Still, my heart hurts for him and I see how emotionally vulnerable he is.


As my very attractive and much younger daughter-in-law rubs my shoulder, I can't stop myself from getting turned on and there's no hiding it with just underwear on. I've been mostly lying on my side for over 30 minutes as we've talked and my arm's starting to fall asleep, so I roll over a bit onto my back. But I'm still propped up by the pillows behind my back and head. Then my erection starts to get bigger and noticeable. I look over at Elizabeth and catch her glance down at my crotch. Then she drops her jaw in surprise.


I see a substantial bulge forming in my father-in-law's underwear. "Um, Greg?"


"I'm sorry. I can't help it."


I pull my hand from his shoulder. "Have you been with a woman since Lindsay died?"




Damn. 7 years or more without sex. I feel so bad for him and want him to break from his depression. I want to help him, so I straighten my legs and roll onto my left side so that my entire body faces him. I reach my right hand back out and start rubbing his chest. "Not one?"


I shake my head as Liz's petite hand starts rubbing my chest. "Huh-uh." This is very wrong, but I desperately need to feel a woman's touch again. I keep my hands at my sides as she continues rubbing and my erection continues growing.


"Is this okay, Dad?" He looks over at me and smiles after I address him as Dad.


"Yeah. This is okay."


I slide my hand down to the bottom of his shirt and get under it, then slide my hand back up against his torso to his chest. I feel coarse hair all over his body on my way back to his chest. Then I find his right nipple, pull my hand out and suck on my pointer finger, then slide it back under his shirt and start tracing around his nipple with my wet finger. "Still good?" He inhales deeply and closes his eyes.


"Yeah, very good." I can't believe my knockout 21 year-old daughter-in-law is feeling me up like this.


With his eyes closed, I take the opportunity to look down at his underwear to find it struggling to keep his erection contained. Oooh, now I want to see it. "Why don't we take our clothes off?" He opens his eyes and looks at me in disbelief. To show him I'm serious, I pull my hand out, sit up, and peel my tanktop off and expose myself to him. He stares at me with his mouth hanging open which puts a big grin on my face.


Oh my God. Liz has such a beautiful body. She's athletic with large breasts that are accented by puffy pink nipples and large areola. They're so firm looking, too. I forgot what breasts this young look like since it's been 30 years. Then, she lifts her butt up and tugs her underwear off. She has a completely shaved pussy that's perfectly and tightly tucked in. "Please stand up and turn around so I can get a full view."


I laugh at Greg's wonderment, but also appreciate his admiration. I roll off of his bed and stand up. I put my hands behind my neck and slowly rotate. I look over my shoulder when my butt faces him, purse my lips in a flirty manner, and see him stare at it and lick his lips.


Jesus Christ. This girl's body is so tight and firm, but also has curves in the right places. Her ass is bubbly, but also tight. When she stands to the side, it pushes itself back. When she stands with her back directly facing me, her cheeks stick out beyond her hips a little, but not in an odd or disproportionate way. I never thought I'd see a body like this in-person again. Wow! It truly is perfection. After she finishes rotating, she gets back onto the bed and crawls over to me.


"Your turn. Strip."


I stay on the bed and pull my shirt over my head. Then I pull my underwear down so that my erection springs up, making Liz gasp. I feel like a beached whale.


"Holy SHIT!" Greg's entire body is covered in mostly grey hair, including a big bush of pubes. He's also quite fat. But his erection is MASSIVE. It's got to be at least 8.5 inches long and the girth is that of a beer can. That's not an exaggeration. There are veins running along the sides and top of it and the head is purple and huge. I look back at Greg's shaved face in amazement. "Are you shitting me?"


Liz's excitement makes me smile. She must like what she sees.


"Can I touch it?"




I lay my head on Greg's hairy chest and reach down with my right hand to grasp the massive meat. It's warm to the touch and still has some give to it. "Are you not even fully erect yet?"


"I don't think so, sweetie."


"What the fuck?" My father-in-law's enormous dick is mesmerizing, I can't believe how big it is. I run my right hand along it, feeling every inch against my skin. I turn my head and start licking Dad's hairy nipple while still exploring his mating tool.


"Oh, Lizzie. This feels great. Please don't stop."


"I'm not stopping. Besides, Ryan told me to take care of you tonight. So that's what I'm doing." I wrap my fingers around as much of his girth as I can and start slowly pumping it up and down with a slight twist.


"Good girl."


I turn my head to the left to look up at him as he watches my hand work. "Greg?"


"Call me Dad."




"Yes, sweetheart?"


"Kiss me." He looks down at me as I scoot my body up and meet my face with his. We look at each other for a brief moment, then he grabs the back of my head with his right hand and pulls my lips into his.


I want nothing more right now than to have my way with my stunning daughter-in-law. I push my tongue through her lips and she eagerly receives me with a moan and deep inhale through her nose. Immediately, our tongues flick around and lick each other with our jaws opening and closing together like a choreographed dance. At the same time, her little hand continues jerking me off.


I place my left hand on his stomach for balance and feel it sink a few inches into the fat. Greg's body is vastly different from Ryan's. But very oddly, Greg's fat and grey hair aren't turning me off. If anything, the combo is arousing me more than usual. What kind of disgusting depravity is this? I pull my lips away from his along with my right hand from his shaft. Then I lick my right palm to get it wet and replace it back on his veiny shaft with a continued twisting handjob.


"You know, you basically just licked my dick by licking the hand that's been jerking it off."


"Is that how you see it?"


"It is."


"Interesting." I shove my mouth back onto my father-in-law's for one more deep kiss, then pull back and scoot down to get a closer look at his impressive baby maker. I lean over it and observe as I continue jerking with my right hand. "Is that what you want? Me to lick it for you?"


"Uh-huh. Lick that dick, baby."


The large slit of a dick hole stares up at me while I pump it with my right hand. Its size is irresistible and my tongue gives in. I lean down and lick the bulbous purple head, which brings a moan out of Greg. I reach my left arm out and brace my hand against his chest as I continue attacking his cock with my wet tongue. I try wrapping it around the shaft and gliding up and down on it. I can feel some hairs sprouting from the thick shaft too.


"Oh yeah. Good job, baby. Keep using that little tongue of yours and make me forget about my wife. Make me happy." Liz grabs some of my chest hair as she keeps sliding her tongue around me and breathing excitedly. I can see spit dripping from her tongue onto me, making the head shiny and reflective. This is an incredible scene. "Lizzie, sweetie. Put it in your mouth."


Put it in my mouth? Will it even fit? I pull back and look at it from multiple angles, trying to figure out how to make that happen. I really want to experience having it in my mouth and decide to just go for it and see what happens. So I lean back down and suck the head in. It's fat, warm, wet, and spongy. Greg moans with pleasure again.


"Yes, Lizzie baby. Suck on Daddy's cock."


"Mmmmmm." I manage to fit 3-4 inches in my mouth before I can't open my jaw any wider. I start going up and down on it, prompting Dad to rub my back in approval.


"Attagirl, sweetie. Suck Daddy's fat cock just like that." I know she can't fit all of me into her mouth, but I still start slowly bucking my hips so that I fuck my daughter-in-law's mouth. "Attagirl. You like it?"


"Mmm-hmmm." Dad is slowly penetrating my mouth in a caring manner.


"Does my cock taste good?"


"MMM-hmmm." It tastes and smells a little sweaty, but it's turning me on. Again, depravity.


"Do you like sucking my cock more than my son's?"


"Mmmmmmm." I pull back and look up at my father-in-law to answer him honestly. "Yes I do."


"Is my dick bigger than my son's?"


"Hahaha!!! WAY bigger."


"Yeah? Do you like that?"


"Yes, Daddy."


"That's right. Before tonight's over, you're going to be addicted to this dick and want it all the time. Now put it back in that little mouth of yours and make it wet."


I stuff a few inches back into my mouth and let my saliva coat the head and run down the shaft as I was instructed. I see the spit disappear into the bush of grey pubes before commencing my bobbing motion.


This young mouth feels amazing. And her wet full lips look incredible as part of my dick repeatedly disappears between them. Elizabeth is a legitimate 8 or 9, so the fact that she's currently inhaling my 56 year-old grey cock is unbelievable. After a few more minutes, I stop bucking and pull her hair with my left hand so that her head stays in place. "Open your mouth and keep it open." She obeys and I drive my dick up, in and out of her hole.


Dad starts rapidly driving his giant dick up into my mouth as he holds my head in place. Spit continues dripping out while he plunges between my lips. He's using me for his own pleasure, but also being careful to not hurt me. Knowing how happy I'm making him makes me happy. And after seeing him as a father figure for a few years, I really want to please him and gain his approval.


I very much want to use Liz however I want. Her body is the type which begs for that kind of treatment. But at the same time, she's like a daughter to me. So I want to take care of her during this. After a few minutes, I let go of her hair and she looks at me with a smirk. I bend my knees and raise them up to my chest so she has easy access to my underside. "Now eat my balls and taint."


Dad's legs are bent and in the air as he holds his ankles. His big hairy balls are dangling down to just above his asshole. I slide down onto my stomach to grab his nuts with my left hand, lift them up, and suck his right one into my mouth. It's warm and very hairy. Again, there's a sweaty taste and fragrance, but I'm all for it. I roll it all around inside my mouth and massage it with my tongue. Then I switch to the left nut and give it equal attention. This is a new position for me, Ryan's never done this. Then I hear Dad remind me of what he wants.


"Don't forget about my taint. Kiss and lick it."


I release his scrotum from my mouth and slide my tongue down the skin between his balls and asshole. I mix some light kisses to it with licks.


"Oooooooh yes, Lizzie. That's it. Good job."


Dad starts gyrating himself onto my mouth as I pleasure him. One gyration was a little too ambitious, though, making my tongue slip down onto his asshole.


"Oh my God, baby. That was my asshole."


The first time was an accident. But then he did it again with the same result of my tongue grazing over his wrinkly and hairy brown starfish. Then again, and again. At this point, it's obvious he wants my tongue on his asshole. So I reach up with my hands and place them on his fat belly to hold him in place, then start feasting on his 56 year-old anus.


"Ohhhhhhhh, Liz. Yes. Eat Daddy's asshole. Nobody has ever done this for me before."


Hearing that makes me want to do it more. "Really? I'll eat your fucking asshole, Daddy." I dive back in and lap it up with my tongue, running it all around the bunch of nerves. He can't contain himself and pushes himself into my face. After about five minutes of eating my father-in-law's old asshole, I pull back with a satisfied grin, biting my lip. Then, Dad finally gets off the bed and stands next to it. He points at the edge, so I crawl over to it.


"You're a good girl."


I look up and smile at him. From this position, his enormous dick and balls are staring me in the face. His big gut is pushed forward and there are a couple of fat folds between the bottom of his stomach and pelvis.


"Open your mouth, baby."


"You love using my mouth, don't you?"


"Yes, I do. Now do as you're told."


I do as I'm told and open wide again. The fat cock slides back into my mouth and sets motionless for a few seconds. Then I feel my hair being pulled in two different spots. I think he just made pigtails for himself. Yeah, he definitely did. He pulls my head up a little by my hair and starts driving his steel rod back into my mouth. I look up, but can't see my father-in-law's face over his protruding belly. All I hear is my wet blowjob and his heavy overweight breathing as he controls my face. This is so hot. My knees are bent with my feet in the air and I reach out to grab his fat ass cheeks as he lovingly face fucks me. I hum with pleasure.


Face fucking my daughter-in-law is a dream come true. My wife was gorgeous, no doubt. But she was a bit stiff and not very adventurous when it came to sex. She never allowed me to use her mouth this way and also never touched my asshole. She refused to do anything anal-related. I hope Elizabeth is more open-minded. It seems like she will be based on what we've already done. I feel her spit dripping down my fat shaft as she hums on it. What an amazing girl.


After a few more minutes, I pull my head back and roll onto my back with my head hanging over the edge of the bed. Dad doesn't say anything, he just grins and re-enters my mouth. This time, though, I'm able to fit a little more in. I get probably 5-6 inches of his superior breeder into my face while I lie upside down. His balls and pubes bang against my nose every time he pushes in. No words are spoken. Only the sounds of face fucking, moaning, grunting, and heavy breathing ring out. Dad leans over and grabs both of my tits and pinches my nipples while continuing to drive into my face. I again reach out and grab his ass.


Liz's big tits feel awesome in my hands, like liquid rolling around with now hardened nipples. I feel my erection get harder in her mouth at the touch of her breasts. A few minutes pass by of this position, then I withdraw from her mouth. She's left breathing heavily, so I give her a minute to catch her breath. Then I sit on the edge of the bed beside her and tell her to get up. She obeys and stands in front of me, so I forcefully grab her and pull her into me. She positions herself over my erection so her legs wrap around me and her pussy is directly above my penis. I reach around her and grab her big firm butt cheeks and shove myself up into her waiting pussy. "Oh my God, baby girl. You're so tight."

Liz moans and sits herself down more so that I go further up into her. Then I thrust upward again with a grunt while she sharply gasps. Then again, and again, and again. Each thrust has about two seconds between them. And each one is accompanied by a grunt from me and a gasp from her. Her little body is pressed against mine. I'm sweating profusely by now with matted body hair and she's slipping along my sweat. My daughter-in-law and I look into each other's eyes as I shove my cock into her womb and repeatedly bang into her cervix. Then I press my face forward and we kiss again. Now a whimper escapes from her with every one of my grunting thrusts. I push up into her so hard that her entire body starts sliding up mine, then back down.


With my loving father-in-law fucking my cunt as hard as he can from this position and sucking my mouth into his, I start to feel an orgasm coming. This entire experience is too much for my brain. I pull back and look at him again with sweat trickling down his face and some resting on his upper lip. I lick his lips and place my hands under his double chins and smile big. "You're about to make me cum."


"Good. Let me feel it." I keep forcefully pushing up into my 21 year-old daughter-in-law's fresh snatch. It's a heavenly feeling. Then she lets go of my face and starts running her hands up and down my sweaty torso with an open mouth. Her pussy is grinding violently into me.


"Fuck me, Daddy. Fuck your little girl. Make me cum on that fat daddy cock."


God damn, she's fucking hot. She quickly wraps her arms around my stomach and chest and presses her tits into my sweaty chest with an increased humping pace. Then she gives repeated moans in quick succession.




I can feel her young cream cover my old cock as she rapidly and violently grinds down into me. What a scene. Her grip around my torso is tight, almost like a bearhug. She definitely works out. Her face is pressed into my chest while she wails with pleasure and contracts her vaginal muscles around my penis. This girl is unbelievable. "That's it, Lizzie. Cum on me." I keep pushing up into her g-spot, making her whimper as her orgasm subsides. Eventually, she stops cumming and her muscles relax. She pulls her face back and looks at me with a huge grin.


"Jesus Christ, you daughter fucker. Wow!" I look at my father-in-law with lust, wanting more of his big powerful cock. "Are you close to cumming?"


"Somehow, I don't think so."


"How is that even possible?"


"Hahaha! I have no idea."


"Well, what do you want to do to make that happen?"


The moment of truth. "I want to anal fuck you." I see her crack a slight smile.


"Okay." I've never had anal sex, not even with Ryan. I can't wait to try it, especially with my father-in-law's monster cock. I climb off of him with weak legs and lean against the wall for a second to recuperate and for him to reposition. But to my surprise, we're not getting back onto the bed. Dad grabs my waist from behind and slides himself between my ass cheeks. Then a burning feeling as his humongous head starts pushing against my butthole. I drop my ass a few inches and push against him and feel my anus walls separate to allow penetration. His penis is already so lubed from my pussy that he's able to shove his way into the tight opening.


"Ohhhhhhhhhh my God, baby. You're asshole's so tight."


"Mmmmm, I know." I feel every inch of Dad's beer can circumference sliding into me and it's an astounding pleasure. I can actually feel the inside of my anal passage stretching and opening as he continues pushing. "How much is in?"


"About half."


"Fuck me with it." Dad doesn't hesitate and he starts going in and out with his giant dick. "Ohhhhh my God. Yes!" Fullness, then emptiness. Fullness, then emptiness. Over and over. I feel his gut bouncing against my butt cheeks and sweat dripping onto my back. This is a great feeling. My posture is slightly bent at the knees with both hands against the wall. I'm about halfway between bending over and standing straight up. This seems to be allowing somewhat uncontested entry to my rear and I love it.


"You like getting butt fucked?" I continue violating my daughter-in-law's butthole with a steady rhythm.


"I love it. This feels amazing. Did your wife ever let you do this to her?"




"Her loss."


"Do you and Ryan do this?"


"No. Never."


"What?! What's wrong with him? Having an ass like yours is mandatory for anal sex."


"I have no idea. Go deeper, Daddy."


As I push a little deeper, Liz grunts, but takes it. This view from behind is amazing. Her bubble butt is split perfectly in half by my big wet dick. Her cheeks are firm, but soft, as she wiggles back into me wanting more. I grab her hair and drill faster into her butthole.


"Oh-ho, FUCK yeah!" Dad pulls my hair back, making me arch my back more. Incidentally, that seems to make his access easier. "Fuck my ass with your big cock, Daddy. Shove your fat cock up my tight ass." I feel the rest of Dad's slippery cock push into my butt so that all 9 inches are in. "Fuck it!" He starts slamming into me, making my butt cheeks slap against his cushioned pelvis. I feel his belly hanging over and resting on top of me. My back is now covered in his sweat. "Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah." He feels HUGE inside of my bowels, unlike anything I've felt before.

This is by far the biggest of anything that's ever been inside this hole or any other. It's entirely satisfying. I hear Dad's overweight breathing as he continues scraping my anal walls. I look back at him over my left shoulder and see his expression of lust. He wipes his brow and puts his hand on my back, but all of the sweat makes him slide off. So he grabs my hips again and continues driving into me.


"You've got such a sweet ass, Lizzie girl."


"Yeah? Fuckin' take it. Make it yours." I feel him grab the back of my neck with his left hand and squeeze. "That's it. Control me."


I never want to stop fucking my daughter-in-law's perfect butt. This is an experience unlike any other. The potential dirtiness of anal sex, the taboo relationship, and just how smoking hot she is. While I continue treating her asshole like a pussy, she dips her ass and pushes back into me. She genuinely wants this. So slutty. I feel myself getting close and wonder if she'll let me cum inside her. I decide to not give her an option. "I'm going to cum in your ass."


"Give it to me."


"That's my girl." I hold her hips to fuck her asshole deep and fast while she grunts every time. I'm completely out of breath and couldn't care less. I feel my legs getting weak and my balls tighten, then I explode a bucket of cum deep in her young bowels. "AAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!! Lizzie baby, take it!"


I feel Dad's swollen cock pumping his seed into my anus. "Keep butt fucking your daughter! Don't stop!" His breathing is out of control, like he's hyperventilating. But I want to make sure I get every last drop out of him, so I keep pushing back into him. "Keep fucking my butt and get all of your cum out."


I don't know if it's a second orgasm or the remainder of the first, but I start splashing my sperm into her again. "Fuck, I'm cumming again!"


I lower myself down so Dad's slippery tool gets forced out of my ass. I feel a spray hit my left ass cheek, then his big cock finds my pussy and re-enters that hole. This time, I feel his actual hot sperm spray into me with each pump of his cock. "Uhhhhhh, yeeeeeah. Cum in my pussy, Daddy. That's what I want." Dad's gut smacks into me a few more times with each spray of sperm. Then he stops trying to breed his daughter-in-law and rests atop my back with scary sounding breathing. "Daddy?"


"Yeah, baby?"


"Can I put it in my mouth one more time? I want to taste you."


"Go ahead." Liz turns around and drops her beautiful naked body. She sits her butt on the floor and slightly leans back with support from her hands behind her back. She opens her mouth and I step forward, then dip my wet cock into her mouth. She sucks it in and I bend my knees slightly so she can suck a little more in.


I suck Dad's dangling semi-hard cock into my mouth and lick all around it in an effort to taste our sex. It's a mixture of flavors between my ass, my pussy, and his cum. I'm fairly certain the bitterness is from his cum, but can't be positive without isolating the flavor. That's an experiment for the future. But still, the overall flavor is exactly what I was hoping for with a little of everything we did. "Mmmm."




"Hell yeah." I stand back up and run my hands over his big sweaty body. "So, are you satisfied and less depressed?"


"Yeah. I'd say that did the trick. Soooooo, what now?"


"The way I see it is we've been living here for a month and haven't paid rent. And I know you said we wouldn't have to, but I'd like to earn my keep."


"So you want to pay me with sex, like prostitution?"


He runs his hands through my hair in a fatherly way, like he's trying to keep it out of my eyes. "Sure, if you need a reason. Or we just do it because we want to. One way or another, I'm getting your amazing dick again...DAD." That makes him smile, which in turn makes me smile. "But seriously. Ryan works 3rd shift every night of the week. So outside of weekends, you and I have free reign of the place. I feel like it'd be a shame if we wasted that opportunity while we have it. I've needed a strong fatherly figure in my life for a while and you're it. So I want to be your little girl, inside and outside of the bedroom. Can you give me that?" I reach down and rub his hanging cock in my left hand and lean in for a soft kiss on the lips.


"You want me to be your daddy?"


"Uh-huh." I bite my lip, bat my eyes, and try to give him an innocent expression. "Please, Daddy?" He smiles and nods his head.


"I'll do that for you." I can't resist giving this little slut what she's asking for. If I tried, I'd fail the next time we're alone and she's dressed the same way she was tonight. Instead of trying to fight it, I'm going to embrace it.


"Yeah?! You're going to keep fucking your son's wife and make her your own little cock whore?" I grab his dick with my other hand and rub it between both palms.


I moan as she plays with me. "Yes. You're MY little girl from now on." She squeals with excitement and pushes forward to kiss me on the lips again.


"Yay! Thank you. I look forward to spending more nights together. But that's enough for now."


"Ahhh, you little tease." She lets go of my penis and spins around to leave the room with her ass and vagina filled with my cum.


"Good night, Daddy."


"Good night, baby." God damn, what a hot little bitch.


Mission accomplished. I'm overcome with joy as I skip back to my room with no clothes on. I can't wait until Monday.
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