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Jim's education continues and he makes new discoveries.
Author’s note:

I would like to apologize in advance to my readers. In the retelling of this story it sort of took on a life of its own. Normally my tales are fairly brief and concise, this one however seemed only to grow as I put pen to paper. (Figuratively speaking). Since it did turn out to be rather long I have decided to break it down into several smaller portions both for ease in posting and for reader consumption. That said… I hope you enjoy this long winded tale. It is a true story, all of this really did happen.

Life is a tapestry, a cloth woven of many different threads that create the whole. This story is a thread, one of many, contributing to the waft and weave that is the Whole cloth, being Jim.

Being Jim Ch.6 Lessons of Life

By Frodov

This story is based entirely on true experiences from my past. Names and a few details have been changed to provide anonymity for those involved. Discretion is a precious commodity and is becoming rarer and rarer every day.

Sometimes to better understand the “whole”, the big picture in its present state you must pick a thread and follow it back through the weave to earlier times or events, to see the interactions that colored that thread or created it. Often one thread is formed from multiple smaller connected threads, much like the cloth is woven from many threads. But isn’t that life? This story reaches back to my time in college. I was working full time mostly in a part time job delivering pizzas to pay for my gas and insurance to allow me to commute to and from school and home. Remember this all happened before cell phones and the internet, cable TV was still in its infancy. The 80’s big hair bands, big hair, a different time.

- Part Five -

The next morning was a blur as far as I can remember. I know I got up earlier than usual so that I could get the animals fed and tended before I headed off to town to Join Jules and the rest, especially Michelle, to get the teachers’ house painted. Well, the apartment anyway, according to Jules there were going to be seven or eight total not counting Maggie and Penny. Of course the teachers wouldn’t be doing any painting but I would be sure to get enough doughnuts for them as well. I got lucky with the doughnuts, it had been a slow morning at the doughnut shop and the girl at the counter cut me a deal giving me the second dozen of mixed at half price. Yes I made certain that at least a third of the doughnuts were custard filled. When I asked about a bag of mixed doughnut holes she winked and threw them in for free. Wow! What? Wait… she winked at me? I wasn’t sure what to think about that, anyway I smiled and paid my ticket and headed on to the teachers’ house.

It looked like there was a block party or something going on when I pulled up to the house that morning with all the cars and trucks parked in front of Maggie and Penny’s house. Michelle saw me pull up as she stood in the open garage talking to Jules and another girl that could only be Sam I thought, Michelle waved and skipped down to the curb to meet me. She seemed to positively glow. Oh how I wanted to just sweep her up into my arms and hold her tight. How I wanted to taste those lips again, I know it had only been a week since I had last seen her but it seemed like a lifetime. I would have too, or more likely I would have had to catch Michelle as she would have leapt onto me but we were both self conscious of all the eyes on us. Jules and Sam and two others standing in the open garage watching our every move I know for a fact and I’m sure there were others watching as well but my eyes were locked on Michelle so everything else was background. Stopping beside my driver side door, Michelle stood smiling.

“Hi.” She said as I opened the door and got out.

“Good morning beautiful.” I returned with a goofy grin of my own.

“Need a hand?” Michelle asked as I reached back into my truck cab to collect the boxes of doughnuts and a bag of doughnut holes.

“Sure, great… thanks.” I responded as Michelle relieved me of one of the boxes of doughnuts. I made sure she got the one with the majority of the custard filled. We walked up the driveway to the garage where Jules and company were assembling paint rollers on long sticks and checking brushes and pans.

“Great, bout time you showed up farm boy.” Jules chided me with a grin. The girl standing next to her could have been Jules’ sister they were dressed and had such similar appearances. But whereas Jules was flat as a board in the chest department the other girl was very well endowed indeed. Her faded and worn tee shirt could barely restrain he sweater puppies and it was obvious to even a blind man that she had hardware pierced and mounted in her nipples… barbells of some sort if I were to speculate without actually seeing them. It was really hard NOT to stare and the elbow in my side made it very clear that it was obvious and did not go unnoticed by everyone else. Jules just grinned that knowing leering signature grin of hers and Michelle introduced us.

“Sam… this is Jim. Jim… Sam… Samantha, my roommate.” Michelle said giving me the stink eye for my wayward eyes. Sam crossed her arms in front her, under her breasts, making it that much more of an eye catching danger zone… for me… and grinned an all too familiar grin. I’ll be damned… she even grinned like Jules. The dirty worn baseball cap over a head of straight brown hair cut in an almost boyish fashion, her entire right ear pierced from top to bottom with multiple studs and rings in it. She had a pierced nostril on the left side of her nose with a little sparkly stud in it. I will say this though, she had a dazzling smile that distracted from her deep chocolate brown eyes. Eyes that lit up when she saw the bag of doughnut holes I was carrying.

“So this is ‘him’?” Sam said looking me up and down but returning to that bag of doughnut holes. “I finally get to meet this guy that someone just keeps on and on about. Jeez! Just looks like a normal guy to me Chelle… But he must be pretty cool… he brought doughnut holes!” She said with a grin. I smiled and handed the bag to her winning me a wink and an even bigger smile. About that time Penny appeared at the kitchen door, uncharacteristically dressed, in an old faded button down cotton shirt with the sleeves rolled up to her elbows, faded Capri jeans with a bandana taming her hair tied up like a bonnet. After greeting me she told Jules that Sandy, Beth and Karen, the other three girls working for Jules’ had said that the plastic had been spread on the floor and we could bring the paint in to get started when she was ready. I passed my box of doughnuts to Penny and grabbed a couple cans of paint to carry inside.

We brought everything through the kitchen and then down the plastic covered stairs to the front door landing and then on down to the basement. Maggie and Penny had cleared the projection table in the ‘classroom’ and had set out some cups and a coffee maker. The doughnuts were put on the table and Penny went over to the corner where the chairs and bookshelf was to turn on the stereo. She put in an old eight track tape with even older music on it. Apparently she and Maggie liked music from the sixties. The first song to come blasting out of the speakers was Sugar Sugar by the Archie’s… Penny started shimmying and twisting, snapping her fingers dancing in place, bobbing her head from side to side with the beat. Michelle sidled over to her and joined in, both smiling at one another as they danced. When the singers began singing, of course they joined right in as well… belting out the lyrics…

“Sugar, ah honey honey…

You are my candy girl…

And you got me wanting you…

Honey, ah sugar sugar…

You are my candy girl…

And you've got me wanting you!”

Jules, Sam and I just looked at one another and Jules shook her head and rolled her eyes as if she had seen Penny act like this before. Sam chuckled and took the first can of paint to the apartment. Jules’ plan was to start with painting the bedroom and work our way through the apartment back to the front room. Jules, Sam and I started rolling paint onto the ceiling while Michelle, Beth and Karen cut in the trim around the door jams, the window frames and the closet doors. Sandy, a very quiet girl who seemed very shy around everyone but Jules, tried to keep everyone’s pain pans full or at least with some paint in them. She also painted the walls in the galley kitchen as there wasn’t a whole lot of paint needed in that small space.

As we finished up rolling the first coat of paint on the ceiling and had most of the walls rolled, the stereo started booming again. Everyone stopped and looked at one another. The song sounded familiar, if old, knowing that this had to be another Penny's choices... we all set our rollers and brushes down and went to the hallway from the apartment to the classroom. There we saw a sight that will forever be etched in my mind. Not only was our constantly vivacious Penny singing and dancing up a storm but dancing and singing right along side of her was Maggie. Talk about out of character! She was a sight rarely seen, if ever, certainly not like this by me before. Maggie had her raven black hair, that is normally twisted up into a bun and pinned motionless… pulled into a rather teen ager looking pony tail. Instead of the normal house dress of stockings and a robe, Maggie was decked out with an old red and black checkered flannel shirt unbuttoned to about mid chest showing ample cleavage and the tails were tied in front making it look more like a halter top, the sleeves, like Penny’s rolled up to her elbows. Maggie’s dark indigo blue jeans were rolled up to just below her knees and she had on some old boat shoes with gum soles. The two of them were all smiles, their faces shining with glee and happiness as they belted out the old classic…

“Poetry in motion…

Walkin’ by my side…

Her lovely locomotion…

Keeps my eyes open wide…

Poetry in motion…

See her gentle sway…

A wave out on the ocean…

could never move that way…

I love every movement…

There’s nothing I would change…

She doesn’t need improvement…

She’s much too nice to rearrange…”

...and they linked arms and twirled before beginning the next chorus.

“Poetry in motion…

Dancing close to me…

A flower of devotion…

A-swaying gracefully…”

At that Penny and Maggie hugged and fell down to the floor giggling like schoolgirls. Jules, Sam and the other girls all joined in clapping and cheering for the two as they looked up red faced with embarrassment but grinning all the same. I felt an arm slip around my side and a head come to rest on my shoulder as Michelle smiled and watched the antics of our teachers and their former students. I think all but Sandy were anyway. When the song wound down to an end Penny reluctantly turned the volume back down a bit and while some of the other girls were making suggestions for a new choice of music Jules Sam and Michelle and I went back to the apartment’s bedroom to finish up painting the walls. It was almost lunch time and we had got a lot done but still had a lot more to do. Jules remarked that Sandy was doing a great job in the little galley kitchen so she was all smiles, if shy. I wondered if perhaps this introduction today was perhaps a way for her to be met by Maggie and Penny… a future student maybe, as that thought was running through my mind I found Jules studying me and she noted my studying Sandy and it was like she read my mind. I looked at Jules and tilted my head towards Sandy and raised one eyebrow. Jules looked back at me with a soft but serious smile and nodded and blinked once, then shrugged her shoulders. I took that to mean that yes Sandy was a candidate but it was up to Penny and Maggie to make it happen if they chose to do so. This of course set me to thinking about my own journey with those two ladies. This summer had been… what had it been really? Educational for sure, entertaining at times, enlightening? I had learned so much about girls and women… and probably more importantly, about myself. I had grown… and most importantly, there was Michelle.

With the first coat on in the bedroom and the kitchen efforts were moved into the front room of the apartment. Jules asked everyone who wanted to keep working and who wanted to go get lunch. I suggested that I would hang out and keep painting, of course Michelle said she’d stay too. Jules just looked at me and grinned as she shook her head. I asked her where everyone was going for lunch she said she didn’t know. I had a thought, although pizza was not my first choice of food as I saw it or ate it almost every day of the week, but Michelle, Penny and Maggie didn’t. I asked Michelle if she would like some pizza, her eyes lit up and that was all the answer I needed.

“Ham and green peppers!” Michelle said. I went out to the classroom where Maggie and Penny were sitting in the reading chairs fanning themselves with Chinese folded fans and sipping iced tea. Both looked radiant and happy. I asked them first if I could treat them to pizza and if so what did they like. Penny started clapping her hands like a giggly schoolgirl and Maggie just looked at her and smiled at her antics. I got their preferences and then used the house phone to call the closest Dom’s location to order two large pizzas. I did ask if I could get my employee discount. Unfortunately the trainee in charge of the dayshift at that store didn’t know me and was not going to discount any deliveries for an employee. He’d be happy to give me the discount if I came and got them though. Well, I ended up paying full price. Oh well. A half an hour later the doorbell rang and Michelle bolted up the stairs to the landing to answer the door. I followed along at a more sedate pace and greeted the delivery driver, who I actually knew from working with her at one of the campus Dom’s locations. She thought it sucked that I couldn’t get a discount for my pizzas but I told her it was alright, it wasn’t her fault. I gave her good tip on top of the price of the food as well. She thanked me and was on her way. Michelle stood there on the landing watching the whole exchange and eyed me and the driver with interest.

“That was kind of chummy…” She said giving me a mock severe look.

“Was it?” I asked feigning innocence of what she could be talking about.

“You knew her name!” She insinuated.

“She had a name tag…” I laughed pointing out the obvious. Michelle looked at me petulantly and pouted. “And yes, I knew her from working with her before…” I added laughing more. Michelle gave up the act and grinned and punched me in the arm teasingly.

“Let’s eat!” She said excitedly. I carried the pizzas down to the classroom and set them on the projector table next to the mostly empty doughnut boxes. Maggie and Penny joined us for a couple of slices as we all took seats and fed ourselves. I remarked that I was pleasantly surprised to see Maggie with her hair down. I really enjoyed them dancing and singing earlier. Michelle raved about it too. She said she wanted to dance and sing some more as she finished up her third piece of pizza and wandered over to the stereo to see what kind of tapes Penny had to play. Maggie said that she would yield the floor to Michelle if she wanted to join Penny this time around. I caught Maggie giving me a sidelong glance as she watched Penny and Michelle picking out music. I knew that Maggie was just as interested in watching the two as I was, and probably for the same reasons. On a whim I stood up and walked over to Maggie’s chair and leaned down and kissed her on the neck below her ear then gripped her shoulder and we smiled at one another sharing a quiet moment of mutual understanding and admiration. I sat in Penny’s vacated chair and we watched the girls get wound up to sing… the music once more blaring out of the speakers... a surprising choice I thought, but perhaps appropriate all the same.

“Ohhh it’s been gettin’ so hard… livin’ with the things you do to meeee...”

“My dreams are gettin’ so strange… I’d like to tell you everything I seeee…”

“Oh, I see a man at the back and as a matter of fact his eyes are as red as the sun…”

“And the girl in the corner net no one ignore her cause she thinks she’s the passionate one!”

They both twirled and ended up facing one another and belted out the next chorus…

“Oh Yeah!!! It was like lightning!!! Everybody was fighting!!!”

“And the music was soothing… And they all started grooving!!!”

“And the man at the back yelled everyone attack!!! And it turned into a ballroom blitz!”

“And the girl in the corner said boy I wanna warn ya… it’ll turn into a ballroom blitz!”

Penny and Michelle devolved into chanting... “Blitz! Blitz! A Ballroom Blitz!” and then wrapped each other in one another’s arms and began giggling as they bounced and flounced about to the music. I watched Maggie out of the corner of my eye as she took it all in as well. There was nothing but love in those bright amber eyes. Love for Penny for sure, and I dare say more than just a little for my Michelle. Wait… “my Michelle”? Did I really just think that? Wow… now I’m being possessive? No, of course not. My fascination, by fixation, my dreams and hopes maybe, but I don’t possess her or can even claim to. I am happy just to have her in my life at all really, it’s all so new and amazing and wonderful. Still though, I could appreciate others admiring and even having affection and feelings for her. ‘Who wouldn’t?’ I thought to myself. As the song wound down and Penny and Michelle both collapsed into empty chairs to catch their breath, Jules and company stepped through the beaded curtain.

“Did we miss the show?” Jules asked Penny smiled and lazily waved one hand still panting from her exertion. Michelle just grinned and shrugged then looked over at me and smiled. All business, Jules checked her watch and then went to check the progress of the paint already applied. The walls in the front room of the apartment were still tacky of course as they were the last to be painted, but the kitchen and the bedroom were dry already and indeed ready for the second coat of paint. Jules organized everyone into their assigned tasks again and we began on the second round of painting. By the time the last roller of paint was applied to the wall in the galley kitchen it was starting to get late for me and Jules as we were both scheduled to work at Dom’s that evening. The others with the exception of Beth were able to hang around and apply the second coat of paint to the front room however and so it was turned into a plan of action.

“Jimbo, you need to go take a shower dude, you got paint spatter all over the back of your neck and arms.” Jules told me as I was wiping my hands on a rag to get some paint off my fingers. “It’s water soluble so it’ll come off with soap and water.” She added. Penny pointed up the stairs when I looked to ask about using the shower. I thanked her and went upstairs.

As I was peeling off my clothes in the bathroom I could hear the stereo downstairs being turned back up and some more 60’s and early 70’s music being played. I guess Penny and Maggie like that music. I stepped into the shower and began soaping up and scrubbing my hair with soap to get the paint spatter out. I once more felt the draft and heard the glass door of the shower slide open and I knew that someone had joined me in the shower. Maggie? Penny? Ducking my head under the water to wash the soap out of my eyes, when I opened them there stood Michelle, her arms demurely crossed over her small breasts but with open desire in those gorgeous eyes.

“It seems to me that you could use a little help scrubbing the paint off of your skin… I know I would like a little help getting cleaned up too. Do you mind?” She asked in that uncertain little girl voice that she knew drives me crazy.

“Of course! I mean… no… I don’t mind… but… I mean…” I stammered uncertain that we should be in the shower together with a whole house full of other people. Michelle must have realized my concern as she just smiled that coy little predatory smile of hers and stepped into me wrapping her arms around me and tilting her face up into mine. The water from the shower head spraying on the back of my head and neck making water trickle around my face and splash onto hers. She kept her eyes locked on mine until our lips met and then she closed them and melted into my arms as I wrapped her up in my own hungry embrace. The kiss was one of the slow sensual passionate kisses that she seems to have grown to like once I got her to slow down and savor the sensations. Her soft lips massaged my own, delicately drawing and pulling on my lower lip and teasing at my upper lip with the tip of her tongue now and then. After a few moments she broke the kiss and turned her head to press it against my neck as she squeezed me pressing her wet naked body into mine. It just felt so right. I whispered into her ear.

“Maggie really liked watching you and Penny sing and dance. She really is fond of you you know.” I said as I kissed her neck and rubbed my hands up and down the skin on her bare back. I hope she doesn’t find out you joined me in the shower, she might get jealous.” I added facetiously.

“Maggie is the one who sent me to join you.” Michelle giggled and pulled back to look me in the eyes again. “Mags loves you more than you even know Jim. You talked about how special she thinks I am, buddy you don’t know the half of it. She would adopt you I think except that then she wouldn’t be able to kiss you or… other things. What’s more... So does Penny.” Michelle told me as if everyone knew this thing. I stood there stunned. I felt as if Michelle was trying to pull a prank… a particularly cruel prank really. Sure I knew that Penny and Maggie both were fond of me and even affectionate… very affectionate at times. But Love? Me? I searched Michelle’s eyes looking for some clue that she was pulling my leg. All I saw was admiration, fascination… and affection. She was serious.

I felt Michelle’s delicate fingers touching the bottom of my chin and pushing my mouth up to close it as I stood there holding her in the shower with my mind blown completely. I couldn’t think of anything to say. Michelle just smiled at me and grabbed a wash cloth and soaped it up and began scrubbing my arms and then my neck she had me turn around and then scrubbed the back of my neck. Turning me around once again she handed me the wash cloth and spread her arms out inviting me to return the favor. I guess my brain began to function again, at least on some level as I took the cloth and in fact scrubbed her arms and shoulders. I absentmindedly, gently scrubbed the sides of her neck and then cupped her face in both of my hands and leaned in to another long soft kiss. Breaking the kiss I just stood there with our foreheads touching one another.

“Michelle… I’d do anything for those two ladies… I owe them so much for what they’ve taught me. But honestly… It’s you that I can’t get out of my head. I’d be lost without you Chelle. But to think that the two of them are pushing us together… I… I don’t know what to think.” I pulled back to search her eyes again. Michelle was biting her lower lip as the water ran in rivulets down her face, her wavy auburn hair dark with the water running through her waves and curls and dipping down her neck and shoulders. Those entrancing blue green gems with the gold flecks were intently studying the hollow of my throat as her fingers twirled in the hair on my chest, her mind obviously working overtime on the words I had just spoken to her. Then she blinked and those mesmerizing gems turned up to lock on my own eyes. Hers were watering slightly, with emotions so close to the surface I could feel them myself. Those eyes were not sad, but they did hold some reluctance for something.

“I… I love them both…” Michelle whispered as she looked unblinkingly into my eyes. “And… I think… You.” She added as her face took on an apprehensive almost fearful expression. I could see worry in her eyes for the first time since long ago in a high school typing class. Michelle had just bared her soul to me… She held her heart out in her hand and offered it to me, standing nose to nose naked in a shower that was gradually getting colder by the second. The water might as well have been ice for all I cared, it didn’t even exist. Nothing existed anymore, the universe had just imploded everything was gone there was nothing left in my mind except for those two beautiful eyes staring into mine and the words she had just spoken reverberating over and over in my mind. Michelle had just told me that she thought she loved me. I stared in shock. I stared in wonder. I stared in awe. I saw that Michelle’s bottom lip had started to tremble and I realized that with my own mind completely blown to the far reaches of the universe my reaction had left her with a less than affirmative response. She was now on the verge of running away in shame and thinking that she had been rejected, when nothing could have been farther from the truth. But there I was dumbstruck. I couldn’t even swallow let alone voice any recognizable words. So I did the only other thing I could think of. I gasped. I smiled the goofiest happiest smile of my life and then I literally picked her up bodily and twirled her around in the shower kissing her lips and cheeks and face and neck and back to her lips. Michelle squealed like a child. I then sat down in the tub, the shower still spraying tepid water onto both of us as Michelle wrapped her legs around my waist and her arms around my neck. Locking lips we both just let the world wash away and run down the drain. We were in our own universe for the time being.

I couldn’t tell you how long we sat there in that tub kissing but at some point the water had gone from tepid to ice cold and Michelle had begun to shiver from the cold water and not from excitement. Both with goofy grins we stood up and turned the water off and got out to dry off. Michelle was shivering almost uncontrollably as I wrapped a towel around her and then wrapped my arms around that to hold her close to me. Forehead to forehead we just stood there and relished the closeness.

“Chelle…” I started, somewhat surprised that I had learned to speak again so soon. “I don’t want to take anything away from you. I know you love Maggie and Penny… I know that you might find… other girls… attractive sometimes too… But I do want you to know something. I would share you with them if it meant that I could love you too. I think I’ve been feeling that way for… well… I don’t know how long really. Just having you in my life has made me the happiest guy in the world. I don’t know what it would mean to you if I told you I love you… but I do.” I nearly gasped as I breathed out the last declaration. My face was a picture of sincerity and I didn’t flinch at the look of fearful wonder in Michelle’s eyes that slowly turned to unbridled joy. Her lips trembled, this time as much from emotions as the temperature. Those big beautiful eyes teared up and her lips split into the happiest smile, a smile that was suddenly devouring my own lips and face as she bathed me in kisses. Her arms once more wrapped around my head and neck and the towel slipped to the floor between us and she climbed all over me in her excitement.

Eventually there came a knock on the bathroom door and Penny asked if everything was alright in there. Michelle and I broke our embrace and grinned sheepishly at one another and then we began toweling off once more. We assured Penny that all was well and we would be out in a minute. We could hear her giggle as she walked away. Once we were dressed Michelle and I kissed briefly one more time before we opened the door and exited the bathroom. We went to the kitchen. Maggie and Jules were sitting at the table and Penny was just pouring four cups of tea.

I pulled out the chair at the head of the table for Michelle, and then put my hands on her shoulders as I stood behind her chair. Maggie just glanced at me and smiled. Jules gave me one of those classic one eyebrow raised smirks and Penny just hummed one of the songs she and Michelle had sung earlier in the day. I knew I had to leave if I was going to make it to work at Dom’s on time. Jules said she was scheduled in later but would see me at work shortly. Penny set the cups of tea in front of the other girls and said she would walk me to the door. I knew that meant she wanted to talk to me in private if only for a moment.

At the landing Penny took my hands in hers and stood facing me. She smiled sweetly before glancing down and breaking eye contact briefly before looking back up into my eyes. Those light blue orbs fixed on mine and she took a deep breath.

“Darling… You have come a long long way in a short time. I almost don’t recognize that shy uncertain young man that first came to mow our yard. Oh he’s still in there…” She said tilting her head a little to the side. “He’s still just as sweet and charming and thoughtful as the day is long. I hope you never lose those qualities young man, they make you… special. Jim… I just wanted to let you know just how proud Maggie and I are of you and are so happy that we’ve had this opportunity to know you, to work with you… and…” She stopped talking and swallowed. Her eyes were watering and her bottom lip was trembling slightly even as she smiled the warmest smile I have ever seen on her face. “And that we both love you… not a romantic love darling but love none the less. There… I’ve said it.” Penny stood up a little straighter and squeezed both of my hands as she blinked tears away and licked her lips. “Darling, you will always be welcomed in our home and cherished for the man you are. Be gentle with young Michelle, she’s still learning her way in this world. She may appear to be confident and full of fire but it’s all a front darling… and Jim… She’s in love with you. She may have already told you that, but if she hasn’t I will and you know it’s the truth… because I have spoken.” Penny smiled and shook her head self depreciatingly before looking at me and winking.

“Penny, I don’t have the words to tell you how much I feel, for you, for Maggie… and for Michelle. Thank you. And if you didn’t already know this much… I love you too.” I smiled feeling a little choked up myself. Another squeeze of my hands and Penny ushered me out the front door to send me off to work.

It was another typical Saturday night at Dom’s that night. Dinner rush was just that, a rush. Seems a lot of people want to order pizza on a Saturday evening, oddly most of them want to order them at the same time, hence the moniker “dinner rush”. I was having a great night, mostly because of my high spirits and maybe the fact that I was in love. I don’t think anyone could have sand blasted the smile off of my face that night. All the girls in the shop, my fellow employees at Dom’s noticed and to a girl each commented on it. Every time I passed Jules coming in or going out on a delivery she just looked at me with that enigmatic smirk of hers… but there was a smile in her eyes. Neither of us had to close that night so after dinner rush was over we were soon clocked out and sent on our way.

I called Michelle after getting cashed out, Jules was getting checked out as I talked on the phone. It was still pretty early for a Saturday evening and I asked Michelle if she would like to go get something to eat somewhere. She readily agreed but asked if it was okay if Sam came along too. I said sure even though my inner voice was screaming NO. I would much rather spend time alone with her but life doesn’t always work out the way we want does it? I asked Jules if she would like to join us too and she said sure. An hour later we all pulled up to Ho-Jo’s, the restaurant not the hotel, and were seated in a booth. Michelle and I were on one side and Sam and Jules on the other side. After we ordered drinks we all checked the menus but I really wasn’t thinking about food… It was the girl to my left that had all my attention. I did end up getting an order of fries but other than a drink that was all I wanted. Well… as far as food goes anyway.

Jules is normally quite a handful to endure when she gets going, picking on me or just teasing and kidding around, most days I can handle it with no problem, but other times she can test my patience. But then, I’ve never had deal with her in the presence of the likes of Sam. Talk about two peas in a pod! Well, okay not as far as looks go but the two could be twins as far as temperament is concerned. This was only my second time meeting Sam in person, earlier this morning being the first. I learned two things that evening, one, Sam was very protective of her friend and roommate Michelle, to the point of obsession maybe. I had to suspect that there was more than just friendship in her feelings for Michelle even if they weren’t reciprocated. And, two, Sam was a hoot! She was a natural entertainer. She could turn just about anything into innuendo or a joke or both. She was brash and in your face very like Jules and it was clear that she preferred the company of other girls to guys but she was not above dabbling with the opposite sex. I had the distinct impression that not only was she making it clear that she had her eye on me to behave and not, heaven forbid, hurt Michelle in any way, but that she was checking me out too. I think Michelle picked up that vibe as well because she slid her right hand into my left on top of the table in a silent declaration of possession. She was staking her claim, on me! My heart swelled and I couldn’t help but to smile. It didn’t escape the notice of Jules and Sam either, Jules simply looked at me and grinned, Sam on the other hand I think took it as something of a challenge. It always amazed me how convincing girls who liked girls could be when they were flirting with guys. Sam had all the tricks down too, batting eyes, licking lips, giggles and smiles at everything said no matter how inane or silly. Those furtive glances and biting her lower lip could draw in anyone, guy or girl. Did I mention that Sam had a gorgeous smile? That and those big deep chocolate brown eyes were indeed intriguing but it was all a waste on me however because I was lost. I was gone over the edge, hooked and snared. Only one girl could capture my attention and make the rest of the world go away. And she was holding my hand and sitting next to me. I think that Sam finally accepted this after about an hour of sitting there in the booth across the table from Michelle and me. Jules loved every minute of it though, partly because I think she was happy for me and partly because it was getting Sam worked up if a little frustrated. Yeah… Jules had ulterior motives I’m sure.

At one point Jules and Sam got up to go to the restroom leaving Michelle and I alone at the table. Of course we were face to face and lip to lip in a heartbeat. It was like both of us were holding our breath until that instant our lips met and then we could breathe again. For all the want and desire it was still a slow sensual if utterly passionate kiss. God I loved that girl’s lips, they could turn me inside out. And those eyes… well, I’ve already spoken of how lost I become whenever I gazed into their depths. Oh yeah, lost is the word. But it was a happy dilemma if ever there was one. I would gladly lose myself in her Michelle’s eyes. And lost I was… I’m not sure how long Jules and Sam had been back at the table before Michelle and I became aware that they were sitting with us once again. We both blushed like the busted lovers that we were and tried to regain our composure. Not that it mattered with those two, it was just more fuel for the fire for them. They were having a ball teasing us and carrying on, soon though it was time to move on. We’d already taken up a table for four for well onto two hours, and it was getting later in the evening. If I were going to drive home to the farm and get any sleep before getting back up to head back tomorrow morning to finish up the painting job I needed to depart very soon. Jules slipped into management mode and became all business… for about five minutes anyway.

“You are coming back in the morning, right Jim?” Jules stated rather than asked.

“Yeah, we need to do whatever touch ups are needed and then uncover everything and put the furniture and stuff back where it was right?” I said.

“Right, there won’t be as many people there tomorrow morning though, just us four and maybe Sandy, if she shows up again.” Jules confirmed but looked a little distracted as she mentioned Sandy. There’s probably a story behind that, for another time perhaps. Michelle was looking at me pouting and rubbing my arms as we stood at the register to pay our bill for the food.

“Wouldn’t it be easier if you stayed in town tonight?” She said biting her lip and watching my face intently for my reply. I paused… I was stunned, again today. “You could stay with me tonight…” She nearly whispered and then inhaled with a gasp as if she had surprised even herself by what she had just said. My heart was freaking out, it was skipping beats, speeding up, stopping, and then racing again… My entire universe reduced down to a tiny little vignette with Michelle’s face in the center. Those blue green gems were almost watering as she stared into my own eyes, the hopeful expression on her face would have made any man weak in the knees. And yes, my knees went weak. About that time I got a nudge in my ribs from Jules.

“You know it would be a little more convenient for you to spend the night in town tonight.” She said with that signature smirk. I looked at Jules, I looked at Michelle… I so wanted to spend the night with her. It was a big step, sure… but my heart was saying yes. I told her I would have to at least call and let my folks know I was alright, just not coming home tonight. Sam rolled her eyes and snorted as if amused.

“Farm boy has to check in with mom and dad?” She guffawed. Even Jules gave her a dirty look for that remark and took her by the elbow and led her away in a bit of a huff. Michelle looked like she was about to burst, all smiles and she was practically vibrating. I paid the ticket for mine and Michelle’s food then excused myself to use the payphone near the entrance. I called home to let my mom and dad know I was going to stay in town tonight. Dad took the call, he thanked me for calling and asked where I was staying. I told him hesitantly that it was a friend’s apartment… he asked if the friend had pretty eyes… he knew. Dad told me to be careful and that they’d see me Sunday evening. As I hung up the phone and turned to see the girls waiting for me at the entrance, it dawned on me that I wasn’t prepared for any, well, I didn’t have any condoms with me. I didn’t want to presume that Michelle had sex in mind tonight, but it seemed highly likely to come up. I guess I’d just have to play it by ear I thought as I smiled at Michelle and we all headed for the parking lot.

I followed the caravan Michelle and Sam in her car, and Jules car with me in the rear trying to keep up. Ten minutes later we pulled onto a quiet street near campus where a lot of the older homes had been subdivided into apartments for rent to students. Sam and Michelle lived in a well kept fifties era bungalow style single story house with a wraparound porch on three sides of the house. There were three bedrooms but since there were only the two of them living there the third bedroom was used as an office and for study. There was a small, dated kitchen with older appliances including a fridge with the cooling coils on the top like a crown. Wow. The only phone in the house was mounted on the wall by the door leading from the small kitchen to the living room where there was an old but clean couch and arm chair with an ottoman. The coffee table was covered with candles and other girly stuff. I sat on the couch judging the comfort, honestly thinking that I would be sleeping on it that night. I was to be corrected very quickly as Michelle tugged my hand and had me follow her to her bedroom. I followed as if I was in a trance, but then, I was in a trance. I was completely under that girl’s spell. I would do anything for her. As we walked down the short hallway from the living room we passed by the shared bathroom. Feeling all the soda I drank earlier I begged off for a moment to relieve the pressure on my bladder. Michelle pointed to the door on the right and said she’d be waiting for me.

Whew! My nerves were keyed up, my heart was racing… the pulse was not exactly ideal for relieving oneself particularly if you happen to have a male anatomy. Some parts of the body respond to a racing pulse in ways that make say, urinating, problematic. I honestly thought about opening the shower curtain and hosing the shower wall but thankfully it didn’t come to that. A moment of washing my hands in cold water at the sink was sufficient enough to ‘relax’ my errant appendage enough to empty my bladder. Girls will never know the trials and tribulations in matters like this. So I washed my hands, again and straightened up, I ran my fingers through my unruly hair trying to get it to look presentable. I even huffed into my palm to smell my breath. Okay, not minty fresh but not bad either. I guess it was time to… to what? I wondered. There, my heart was racing again, with anticipation. I opened the door and was about to walk the few steps to Michelle’s bedroom when I ran headlong into Jules. She had been standing outside the bathroom door waiting on me. She held up her fingers to her lips to shush me then looked over her shoulder to see Michelle’s door still closed. She took my left hand in her right then put an all too familiar feeling square package in my palm and closed my fingers over it. With a wink she whispered.

“I know you were not expecting to be here tonight so I was pretty sure you weren’t… prepared. Now you owe me one… buddy.” Jules said and smiled then went on into the bathroom and closed the door. I stood there dumbfounded. How many times can one person blow your mind? Just when I thought I had Jules figured out she goes and shows me a different side of herself. Smiling I turned and made my way to Michelle’s door and knocked softly. I heard her say come in so I pushed the door open and stepped in. I’m not sure what I was expecting but I had to pause for a moment and take it all in. There were candles of course, on the dresser, on a mantel over a closed off fireplace, on a few shelves staggered on the walls and on the night stand next to the bed. The bed… at least a queen sized I’m sure, but it was raised nearly three feet off the floor with long flowing linens making up the bed skirt and the blankets and bedspread. I guess you could call it a four poster though the posts were pretty spindly and I found out they were hollow brass tubes, in any case they still did an adequate job of holding up the gauzy material draped off of them creating a mosquito net effect, or veils. The veils matched the gauzy curtains on the floor to ceiling window at the foot of the bed to the left of the bedroom door.

Michelle was as much leaning back against the near side of the bed as she was sitting on it I guess. It really stood that tall from the floor. Talk about having to climb into bed. She was trying to act calm and collected but I could feel the nervous energy radiating off of her as palpable as my own nervousness. I stepped to the side of the bed to Michelle. For what seemed like a week we just looked into one another’s eyes. We closed the distance between us and the universe exploded when our lips met. Once again I discovered that time and space warped in her presence. At some point I became aware that we were lying on top of her bed, breathless, wrapped arm in arm. I had no recollection of the two of us climbing up onto the bed, or taking our shoes off. We were otherwise still fully clothed but somehow that didn’t bother me at all. I was spellbound and enraptured, I was lost in the depths of Michelle’s eyes and the warmth and of her embrace. And the kissing… she could have stolen my breath away and I would have let it go gladly, without a fight. Michelle on the other hand had a fire burning deep within her that would not let her be content as I was just with presence. This gorgeous young lady, this minx, this lust driven fire goddess had designs on me that involved far more than just cuddling and kissing and swooning.

Knowing me better now she took the lead in her endeavor to make things happen, Michelle wrestled around until she was lying straddled atop of me. I was flat on my back and at her tender or not so tender mercies. With that impish look in her eyes and that all too familiar feral grin she sat up and crossed her hands over her waist to grab the bottom of her tee-shirt then pulled it up and over her head. Other than when the shirt went over her head she never broke eye contact with me. Reaching down she took my hands in hers and brought them both to her now naked and exposed breasts. Those wondrously pert and firm little mounds of soft tender woman flesh spoiled only by the two little hardened nipples in their centers. My palms rubbed them around in tiny little circles as I gently squeezed each breast in one hand or the other, Michelle’s hands still pressed firmly to the backs of mine as if to will me to press harder or direct the movement of my hands. I let my hands slide down slowly until those nipples were being lightly pinched between my thumbs and index fingers. I rolled them and pulled ever so gently to stretch them out. Michelle’s eyes fluttered closed as her eyes rolled up in the back of her head that was tilting backwards as she let out a soft moan.

“Ohhhhh god that feels so good…” Michelle sighed. “Why does it feel so much better when you do it than when I do it?” She asked with her eyes closed and a perplexed expression on her face. The light from multiple candles around the room casting a flickering light that created some intricate and fascinatingly complex shadows on the walls and the canopy of the bed. The way the light flickered and played off of Michelle’s skin was mesmerizing.

“It always feels different when someone else touches you, your body can’t anticipate or not with complete accuracy anyway, how another will touch you. Will it be soft, will it be harsh, will it hurt, will it tickle…” I gulped knowing that I had said too much. I could feel Michelle’s legs tense as she was straddling my waist. Before she even rolled her head back down and opened her eyes I knew she was going on the attack. The soft ecstatic smile of wonder that had been on her lips as I toyed with her nipples transformed into that predatory sneer. Her hands shot to my ribs just below my arm pits and then began jabbing and tickling frenetically about my chest and abdomen. I yelped and yipped and tried to fend off her hands with my own even as I twisted and turned trying to escape her grasp. I eventually managed to latch onto her wrists and having twisted around I was now on top of her pinning her to the bed on her back. Her wavy hair spread out on her pillows under her head as if sprayed, one loose strand having fallen across her face from her forehead to her chin. Michelle still giggling and squealing with glee took a moment to puff out some air and blow the errant strand out of her eyes. Breathing heavily and with the adrenaline now coursing through my veins I had her hands pinned down on either side of her head. Naked from the waist up, flushed with excitement and breathing heavily from exertion she was the picture of desire. At least to me she was. I couldn’t stop myself from leaning down and locking my lips on hers once more. A soft tender sensuous kiss… at first, but when Michelle’s tongue probed my lips, parting them and seeking out my own tongue, the kiss transformed. All the lust and hunger in both of us broke through and surfaced to take precedence… to take control.

Michelle actually growled. She bit my bottom lip and pulled it as her hips rolled under my body. I released her hands to better support my weight by moving my hands to either side of her torso. She grasped my head in each hand turning my head one way and then the other as her kisses began to move from just my lips to my cheeks, my jaw, my throat. Likewise, I was kissing her neck and that soft tender spot just below her ear. I felt a tug and realized that Michelle had grabbed my tee-shirt and was pulling it over my head. I raised my arms so she could extricate the offending garment. With a flick of her wrist it went sailing somewhere into the recesses of the flickering candlelit room. Before I could even think of what next I felt Michelle tugging at my belt buckle and the snap on my jeans. Taking a hint I rolled over and shed my pants and underwear in one motion then pulled off first one then the other sock. With my proud soldier standing at rigid attention and casting some interesting shadows on the ceiling and walls, I stood next to the bed and reached for Michelle’s jeans. Unsnapping the button and pulling down the zipper I tugged them straight off her body, hips, knees, legs and all. So now my goddess was reclining on her bed sunken softly into the overstuffed comforter, dressed only in a very skimpy pair of panties.

There was that look again, that wanton mix of shy little girl and sexy vixen, the hesitant hopeful gaze in those limpid liquid pools reflecting the candlelight… the bottom lip chewed almost nervously. Michelle had her hands on her breasts, not so much covering them up out of modesty as they were playing with her nipples. Her thumbs and index were fingers pinching and rolling them as she had watched me finish disrobing and then standing there beside the bed looking at her. I licked my lips and smiled what I hoped was a dashing confident look… but it probably looked more like a half crazed starving lust maddened joker. I guess the smile worked as Michelle’s timid grin brightened and her eyebrows shot up as I reached over and grabbed her ankles and twisted her and pulled her closer to the edge of the bed. I pulled her ankles to the sides of my head, the backs of her bare legs resting against my chest and abdomen… my swollen cock brushing against her upper left thigh. I kissed her calves and her knees as I lowered myself beside the bed. Taking her left leg I lifted it over my head so that her knees were both resting on my shoulders.

“What are you doing Jim?” Michelle gasped as I kissed the inside of her thigh near her crotch. I followed up the kiss with a little nip of my teeth, teasing as if I were going to give her a hickey. When I felt her hands on my head and her fingers running through and gripping my hair I knew I was in the right spot.

“Ohhhhh” Michelle exhaled her understanding.

“I’m still hungry.” I purred and pushed my nose and chin into and against her cotton panty covered puss. The softy curly hairs poking out from under the material at the hems of the leg openings tickled my face. The scent I inhaled went straight to my brain and suddenly I was floating in an erotic hormone intoxicated fog. I brushed my nose and chin back and forth over the moist fabric covered mound and trembling flesh. I took it a step further in keeping with the nipping at her inner thigh, I teasingly chomped on her panty, my teeth closing about the soft lips under the material. I felt both hands tugging on my hair for that, but both hands were also pressing my face harder against her sex. “Mmmmmmmm” I intoned my contentment, this earned me a somewhat startled gasp from the vibration it caused.

“Oh my god!” Michelle managed to bark out after her gasp. My hands had been slowly sliding down the backs of her thighs from her knees, my fingers dragging, almost raking her soft skin. As my hands neared that join where her legs merged at that treasured oasis I sunk both of my thumbs into the cleft between her butt cheeks and gripped a cheek in each hand to squeeze. Releasing the hold on her ass I let my hands slide up to her hips and find the waistband of her panties, hooking my fingers under the band I pulled them down and off. Well, off of her puss anyway. They were still bunched up under my chin, but her sex was raw and bare. And my tongue was there to begin to worship and adore my goddess. I licked a long slow trail from the velvety moist opening at the bottom of where her lips first part and the dew was already beading, up to where they again close together. I avoided that pink little stem poking out from her hood, at least for now. Now Michelle’s legs had joined the fray, with her knees over my shoulders her calves and heels were rubbing and grinding across my back and shoulder blades. I continued to lick in slow lapping movements, and then added in little soft kisses. Kisses on her outer lips, along the sides of her puss, even that super sensitive little patch of skin between her puss and that little rosebud that was her backdoor. It seemed each lick or kiss would elicit another little gasp or a soft moan. When I stiffened my tongue and plunged it into her now sopping wet honey drip that I got my biggest response yet. Michelle’s hips bucked at the unexpected intrusion. I rolled my tongue around and lapped at her inner walls trying to get as much of her honey as I could capture with my brazen oral appendage. As I withdrew my tongue, I pulled it up and out of her folds and drew it slowly across her poor unattended power button. I flipped the switch and Michelle bucked nearly off the bed, her heels both dug into my shoulder blades and her hands fiercely pressed my face into her sex.

It was time. I slipped my right hand up between Michelle’s ass and thighs and the tip of my middle finger into her weeping entrance. At the same time I kissed her clit again, but instead of a peck or even a more sensuous kiss I wrapped my lips around it and caressed it with both my lips and my tongue. I stroked my middle finger deeper into those heated folds below. Michelle was squirming and twisting grinding her sex against my face and my hand. I slipped a second finger in and stroked and rubbed her inner walls and the roof just under her attention loving clit. I could feel Michelle tensing up and becoming spastic in her movements, her gasps and moans had degenerated into one long low moan that further degraded into a raspy unintelligible gibberish. But when I started humming, that’s when she lost it. She seized up, rigid as a statue for about three heartbeats then all hell broke loose! Releasing my poor abused head, Michelle drummed both hands on either side of her hips against the top of the comforter. Her stomach muscles pulsed and contracted almost as if she were trying to do sit ups. The hot flow of juices over my right hand and wrist would have expelled my fingers along with it had her inner walls not clamped down on them and were grasping and squeezing like some starving animal. Still I sucked at her clit and lashed it with my tongue and hummed some tuneless nonsense that simply caused vibrations. It was too much though, as Michelle’s hands both returned to my head and grasped and pulled me away from her overworked sex. I raised my head up and looked up into her awestruck expression. Slack jawed, eyebrows climbing into her scalp. She couldn’t talk for trying to breath in long ragged breaths. Her eyes rolled up into the back of her head and she plopped back down. She tugged at my head with both hands guiding me up onto the bed and releasing me to lie next to her as she recovered. I reached my left hand over and cupped her cheek and leaned in and kissed the top of her head. She covered my hand with her right and held it there.

I laid there watching her breathing slow down, the enigmatic smile on her face after having an intense orgasm I think is one of the most beautiful things I will ever see. At some point I realized that she had her eyes open and was gazing at me with a look that could only be love. When those eyes narrowed into a near squint and those lips took on that mischievous turn I should have known that the mood had changed. That was confirmed when at nearly the same moment I felt Michelle’s left hand wrapping around my still turgid erection. Her hands anywhere on my body were a treat but when she took my manhood in her hands it was a moment of bliss. Well, near bliss anyway, it still paled in comparison to other forms of touching that Michelle was want to do, hence that mischievous grin.

“Um… Chelle? Where are my pants?” I asked hesitantly. Michelle let one eyebrow ride up in a questioning manner, wondering why I would as such a question at this moment. I had to break eye contact and glance away in embarrassment before explaining. “Jules stopped me in the hallway outside of the bathroom… she slipped me a condom.” I almost groaned knowing that the candle light would not hide my blushing face. Instead I heard Michelle giggle and I turned back to look at her this time with my own questioning glance.

“Jim… are you clean? No diseases or anything? You are aren’t you?” She asked making the questions more of a statement instead. Relax… I’m on the pill.” She said and giggled again. I lay there stunned, with this beautiful girl laying next to me still holding me by my throbbing erection, gently squeezing and stroking it slowly up and down with her warm soft hand.

“But… You… I… the other day… We…” I sputtered trying to get out my puzzled recollection of the recent event with the mad scramble to apply a condom on our first and only other encounter… on a bed. Michelle was now almost in tears laughing silently at my confusion.

“Well I have been told time and time again that I shouldn’t completely trust a guy to do the right thing and be prepared. Wrap it up and be safe they say…” She giggled again. “Well babe, between Maggie and Penny we both were kind of pushed on that one. But I know I can trust you now, and I know that you are clean. So I’ll just rely on the pill this time.” She smiled sweetly before drawing that bottom lip into her pearly white teeth and giving me that look again.

Her stroking was getting harder, or at least her grip was anyway. With her right hand, Michelle pushed on my left shoulder to get me to lie flat on my back then she crawled over and straddled me after releasing my stalwart member. Both of her hands palms down on my bare chest Michelle leaned down and locked her lips on mine…her wavy auburn hair falling about both of our faces like a silky reddish curtain. I reached up and grasped Michelle by her sides, just above her hips, her soft skin warm to my touch. After a brief tongue duel and some languid lip action, she pushed herself up breaking our kiss. Now on her knees straddling me she eased herself backwards inching her still sodden sex closer to my own wanton genitalia. As I was standing fully erect, the mushroom head bumped and grazed along her dewy lips as she positioned herself over me. Reaching down with one hand she grasped me once again and rubbed me on and over her lips and her clit before placing me at the entrance to the holy grail. Slowly, oh so sexy but mind blowingly slowly Michelle lowered herself onto me. Her hips seemed to roll and rock slightly from side to side as well as forward and back, taking me in inch by inch. The intense heat was nearly overwhelming. The smoky lust filled expression on her face was captivating.

At long last she had lowered herself all the way down. No more could enter, it was all in. Michelle ran her hands down her abdomen to her thighs then over onto my own abdomen. Sitting still for a moment she leaned her head forward then gave it a twirling flip causing her hair to flip over her shoulders. Then a smile slowly spread over her enraptured face as she began to move. Slow rocking motions back and forth, with an alternating rolling from side to side. She was grinding her clit against the base of my cock. The velvety furnace inside of her stretched and molded itself completely around me, making me part of her, but it was like a living thing unto itself as it began to clasp and squeeze as if to draw the rest of my body in as well. I would have gone willingly… to merge with this goddess… she was my everything, my universe. Nothing else existed but her. Those little gold flecks in her eyes sparkled in the flickering candlelight like stars in the night sky.

Urgency soon took command of all our senses as it usually does, Michelle began to speed up her gyrations and grinding on my ardent admirer. I too began to feel the need to go faster so I found that my own body was matching Michelle’s movements thrust for thrust. My hands were still gripping her sides just above her hips when I felt her hands run up my arms from my elbows to my wrists. She pulled my hands from her sides and brought them to her chest placing then on her breasts. Even in my lust clouded daze I realized what she wanted and I willingly complied. Palms flat to her breasts I first rubbed and pressed her modest fleshy mounds into her breast as if to flatten them, her hardened little nipples tickling my palms. I closed both hands to grasp and squeeze if gently her entire breasts one in each hand, allowing my fingers to slide. Taking a nipple each in my thumbs and index fingers I pinched and rolled her them before beginning to pull and stretch them. A long low moan indicated that this is what Michelle had intended. To this day I am still amazed at how some women are indifferent to any kind of nipple play but how some women need it or at least enjoy it, Michelle was one of the latter. But she wasn’t content just to receive that pleasure. No, Michelle knew all too well that I was just as sensitive too with my own nipples. I soon felt her hands on my chest and those wickedly dexterous fingers of hers tweaking and pulling on my own nipples as she continued to grind and roll atop of me.

Eventually things were just too energetic and frenetic to keep up with the nipple play as our bodies moved faster and faster and those movements took on a more urgent and demanding pace. Our bodies made wet slapping sounds as we pounded against one another both driving hard towards those mutual climaxes that were fast approaching. Michelle was gasping and groaning with every breath as I was grunting and gasping as well. Once more my hands were on her sides to better leverage my own thrusts as she slammed down and rose up faster than our breathing. Michelle’s hands were on my chest but only for her own leverage though her fingers were digging into the skin and muscle of my chest. I felt my own point of no return come and go, I was there… I was doing everything to hold off tipping over the peak when I felt Michelle suddenly tense in what I knew now as her cascade. She went rigid, all movement ceased as her back and neck arched like a spring wound too tight. And when her insides, her inner walls and muscles began to pulse and grip and grasp I too lost it. My own tunnel vision closed in and my view and focus reduced down to a vignette encompassing only Michelle’s face as it twisted in what could have been mistaken as agony but I knew was bliss. Just before I lost cognitive thought and most of my awareness I felt Michelle’s body let loose with her convulsions and spasms of her orgasm, the flood of her hot juices.

When my own spasms and convulsions ceased and I became aware again of my surroundings I discovered Michelle still laying atop of me, her head lying on my right shoulder. She was watching my face as she stroked the fingers of her right hand through my hair. Turning my head to look into her face I saw that a few strands of her hair were soaked with sweat and sticking to the side of her face, her eyes were half closed but that smile was enough to melt my heart if it wasn’t already a molten puddle. The sheer contentment displayed has forever been imprinted into my memory.

“Hi” She purred in a dreamy sleepy slurring voice.

“That was awesome!” Michelle said with a slight giggle before sucking her bottom lip into her teeth in that sexy little kitten way of hers.

“Yes it was.” I agreed and felt myself twitch… realizing that I was still very much inside of her albeit it shrinking by the moment now that the deed was done. Michelle’s eyes fluttered open a little wider and she giggled again just before my shrinking member slid out with a wet little plop and fell against my thigh… only to be followed by a wet trickle of our mixed juices.

“Sorry about that.” I said… causing Michelle to giggle more.

“Shhhh… As much my fault as yours dummy.” She purred and moved her head in close and kissed my cheek sweetly. “I’ll have to go clean up in a minute…” She began to say but by then my body was telegraphing the impending aftershock that always follows my climax. I barely got out the words.

“Oh Chelle… hold on…” and then my body locked in that rigid tension just before releasing again into a second round of spasms and convulsions just like when I had climaxed a minute or so earlier. Michelle still lying atop of me held on and rode it out as I flopped and jerked beneath her. After a few wild moments my quaking abated and I collapsed again into a spent heap of relaxation. Michelle took my face in both hands and locked her lips on mine for a soft slow sensual kiss.

“I don’t think I will ever stop being amazed by that. Wow.” She said breaking the kiss and sitting up still straddling my waist.

“I’m just glad you don’t freak out over it. I know it’s weird.” I smiled sheepishly up at this amazing young woman who was looking down at me adoringly. She smiled again just before she yawned hugely and shook her head.

“I need to go clean up a bit, I’ll be right back.” Michelle said as she climbed off of me and slipped off the side of the bed. She walked to the door and slipped out to go to the bathroom still stark naked. “Wow!” I thought to myself as I stifled a yawn of my own. I laid there atop Michelle’s bed and stared at the ceiling watching the shadows dance from the flickering candle light and marveled at the amazing turn of events that led me to this moment. Just a couple of months ago I would never have imagined that I would be in this position. It was truly a blessing to have met those two ladies, even if that meeting had been orchestrated. And to meet… or rather re-meet Michelle… well… I must have an angle working for me or something.

My eyes were getting heavy when I heard Michelle’s bedroom door open again and she walked in. After re closing the door she walked slowly over to the side of the bed and looked down at me.

“What are you smiling about?” She asked coyly.

“You.” I answered honestly turning to her and drinking in the sight of her standing nude beside the bed.

“Good.” She said as she climbed onto the bed and curled up next to me draping a leg and an arm over me. “Was it better than dreaming?” she asked softly, but before I could answer she went on. “Because for me it was. I could get used to this.” She said.

“If my dreams were ever this good I don’t think I would have woken back up. And I agree, I could get used to this too.” I said and kissed her on her forehead and squeezed her with my left arm. My eyelids were leaden and it must have only been moments before we both drifted off to sleep.

At some point that night, I have no idea what time it was but I woke up as if on a verge of a dream. It took me a few moments to realize that I was indeed with Michelle, in her bed. Most of the candles had gone out but there was still one flickering on the mantle that gave out just enough light to see Michelle’s bedroom door slowly closing as if to be as quiet as possible. Had someone just had the door open checking in on us? Maybe it was just a dream but somehow I thought it wasn’t. Either way I soon drifted back off to sleep with Michelle still curled against me, the soft scent of lavender in the air of her room. It was a smell that would imprint on my mind forevermore.

“Hey! Sleepy head… wake up…” I heard somewhere out in the darkness. Opening my eyes I realized that the darkness was the insides of my closed eyelids. The voice was Michelle’s as she gazed lovingly down at my sleepy face from her propped up vantage point beside me. Her head on her right hand with her elbow resting on the pillow beside me. Michelle’s left hand letting her fingers trace across my chest and through my chest hairs.

“Good morning beautiful.” I smiled to her gazing into those gorgeous blue green gems that were intently studying my face. “Did that really happen last night or was that just the best dream I’ve ever had in my life?” I asked as I reached my right hand up to stroke her cheek softly brushing a stray strand of hair back over her ear.

“Oh that was no dream lover boy…” Michelle said with a smile.

“Michelle…” I looked at her suddenly serious. “Did I… did I say thank you last night?” I asked really not sure if I had or just that I had thought it to myself.

“What? No… but why would you have to?” She asked puzzled. Then it dawned on her that I had told her that before, the last time we had made love. Her smile got even bigger and her eyes softened into that loving gaze again.

“Well if I didn’t last night I should have, I will never take you for granted, and what we shared was truly a gift from you… so Thank you. I mean it.” I said looking her straight in the eyes but not being able not to smile. She walked the fingers of her left hand up my chest like the legs of a doll to my throat and then to my chin then she flicked my nose playfully.

“I should be thanking you but you are welcome all the same… or you wouldn’t be here to start with. Remember that.” She said smiling at me before leaning over and starting the best good morning kiss I had ever received in my life. It was just moments into this kiss when I could feel my anatomy responding to the sudden influx of emotions and stimulation. It was rising to the occasion when there was a soft knock on the door and it cracked open a bit. My hands instinctively covered myself or tried as Sam’s head poked through the open door and looked our way.

“Hey you two bunnies… up and at’em… and I don’t mean that the way you’re thinking right now. Jules said we need to get a move on to get this job done.” Sam said with a wicked grin and winked at me before pulling her head back through the door and closing it.

“Ugh!” Michelle exclaimed as she flopped back over onto the pillow beside me. She took a big sighing breath and reached down with her right hand and wrapped it around my morning wood. “Poor guy… guess he’ll have to wait till another time.” She cooed as she slowly stroked it up and down a few times.

“Promise?” I asked turning my head to look at her with a smile.

“Absolutely.” Michelle giggled as she let go of me and slid off the bed to go to the bathroom… walking to the door and across the hall still butt naked. And what a gorgeous butt it was too. I sighed and rolled out of bed and started looking for my scattered clothes, thinking that I really needed to get into the bathroom too… SOON!

I was dressed as I met Michelle coming back from the restroom she grabbed me for another quick passionate kiss before releasing me to go and answer Mother Nature’s call. By the time I had emptied my bladder and washed my hands and rinsed my mouth out with water from the tap, Michelle was dressed and headed to the kitchen. We joined Jules and Sam who were leaning against the appliances and counter sipping their first cup of coffee. Sam handed Michelle a cup and the two exchanged knowing looks and smiles but never said a word. Jules just watched all of us not saying anything either. Since I’m not a coffee drinker I was the one to broach the idea of stopping for more doughnuts on the way to Maggie and Penny’s house. Everyone was driving their own vehicles so I said I would stop and I’d meet up with the rest of them at the teachers’ house. Michelle walked me to the door and gave me another long juicy kiss before pulling back and biting her bottom lip the way she does and smiling and rocking side to side like a little girl.

“See you in a bit.” She said as she closed the door. I smiled all the way to my truck then all the way to the doughnut shop. I had to wonder about the inevitable conversation that was had after I left the house. Girls talk after all. I’m sure there were details that got shared and things I probably shouldn’t be privy to said as well. Oh well. That’s life.

When I pulled up to the teachers’ house everyone was already there and there was a car I didn’t recognize so that must have been Sandy’s car. It seems she did show up this morning as well. One box of doughnuts and one bag of doughnut holes in hand I made my way to the garage and the kitchen door. Everyone was standing or sitting around the kitchen drinking coffee or tea. The quiet girl Sandy was practically hiding in the doorway to the laundry room behind Jules and Sam. Penny, Maggie and Michelle were all seated at the table and Penny and Michelle were very happy to see the box of doughnuts I brought with me. I didn’t even offer the bag of doughnut holes to anyone else I just handed them to Sam, that earned me a rather pleasant smile and a sparkle in her mischievous eyes.

“No music today?” I asked noting that Maggie was dressed in her familiar working skirt suit and Penny was dressed for business as well.

“The stereo is still downstairs if you want to play anything but Maggie and I both have appointments today so you young folks will be on your own this morning… I trust you all will behave.” Penny said giving me a sly grin and a wink. I caught Maggie glancing at Michelle and hiding a grin by sipping from her tea cup.

“I don’t know if these two can behave or not.” Sam blurted out and Jules elbowed her in the ribs to shut her up. Sandy looked perplexed and glanced between Sam and Jules then back at the table where I was standing behind Michelle’s chair with my hands on her shoulders.

“We can behave Penny.” Michelle smiled coyly and batted her eyes at Penny. This time I thought Maggie was going to spit a mouthful of tea before she stifled a laugh and swallowed her tea. I could feel my face reddening and everyone was grinning at me now.

“Come on you two, let’s go get this job finished. Then you can go do whatever you want to do on your own time.” Jules said with her characteristic aplomb… in other words, a leering grin and a tired exasperated voice. Michelle stood up and leaned over and kissed Maggie on the cheek then reached into the doughnut box and grabbed another custard filled. Penny gave her a questioning look with one eyebrow climbing into her curls. Michelle smiled at her and winked before scooting around the table to follow Jules, Sam and Sandy. I started to follow but felt Maggie’s hand take hold of my wrist holding me back for a moment. Penny looked at Maggie, then me and smiled and followed the other girls downstairs. Maggie motioned for me to have a seat.

“Jim, darling. It would be obvious to a blind man that you and Michelle are quite the item now. If I didn’t know you both as well as I do I would be concerned. I still am to some extent but I just wanted to let you know that I am happy for the both of you. I know that you are a gentleman at heart and would never do anything to hurt her. Michelle on the other hand, while she is truly a wonderful young lady, is quite fragile yet. Oh she’s spirited, indeed, but she’s not been tempered yet by heartache or difficulties.” Maggie said rubbing my right arm that rested on the table between us. Those warm amber eyes boring into mine trying to press home her meaning.

“I’m pretty new at all this too Maggie…” I began but I was cut off by Maggie shaking her head disputing me.

“This with Michelle may be new darling, but your heart has been full and broken before. I fear that it will happen again, maybe many times. Don’t be afraid of it though, it’s all part of life. Just be true to yourself Jim, you will know the right thing to do, trust your instincts. As for Michelle, she is obviously taken with you. It may be complete and utter love, I hope it is. But as I said, she may not know herself yet. I don’t need to ask you to be kind and gentle with her, but I will all the same. She’s special Jim, just like you. I wish you both all my love. Now go, before someone comes looking for you.” Maggie said patting the top of my hand and glancing away breaking eye contact. There was something in her eyes that I almost missed, a fleeting sadness perhaps. It caused my heart to swell. Standing up to go I too leaned over and kissed her gently on the cheek. Maggie met my eyes once more and smiled brightly as I made my way out of the kitchen and downstairs.

As it turned out there were very few places that had to be touched up, Jules had given Sandy a small can of the pain and a soft brush and turned her loose. Sam and Michelle were pulling the plastic off of the furniture in the front room, Jules and I stepped in and helped fold the plastic sheets back up to be reused on a future job somewhere. Once everything was uncovered it took almost no time with all four of us working to move all the furniture back into place. I was impressed at how much brighter the room seemed with the fresh paint on the ceiling and walls. Penny was delighted but after seeing the front room put back into place she had to take her leave from us and go to her appointment. She asked Jules to lock up the house if she or Maggie had not returned before we were finished.

Moving to the bedroom, a far larger room of course, it took all four of us to remove the plastic sheeting and fold it all up. There were a few more places in this room that required touching up so Sandy was busy dabbing her brush here and there, usually close to the baseboards where the misses were not noticed when we were originally painting. At one point I happened to be glancing in her direction and could not help but to notice that she had a very shapely backside. I mean come on, it was up in the air pointed straight at me as she was bent over on her knees and elbows touching up a baseboard next to the closet door. Apparently I let my gaze linger a moment too long as I felt a sharp jab in my ribs and turned to see what the hell… only to find Michelle standing there with her arms crossed tapping one foot and giving me that one eyebrow raised leer… for all of about three seconds before breaking into a grin and winking at me. As Michelle turned away to help Sam move the steamer trunk back into the corner near the dresser I caught Sam chuckling silently at my expense. Jules and I moved the bed back against the wall and the night stands. Sam and Michelle had begun putting the photographs and pipes and other stuff that had been atop the dresser back into place, emptying the empty drawers that Michelle and I had used from the dresser days earlier. Once emptied again, they replaced the drawers into the dresser. At some point going back and forth from the dresser to the bed, Sam happened to look down and saw something on the floor at the edge of the bed. Reaching down she made a face and used just her thumb and forefinger to pinch it and pick it up. Standing she held it at arm’s length and looked at Michelle and then me. Michelle first blushed in horror… then covered her mouth and began to giggle. My face was red as a beet knowing where that stray piece of latex had came from, even though it hadn’t actually been used for its purpose that day. Jules happened to turn back around at that moment and took it all in. Of course she was not going to remain quiet about it.

“Oh… My… GOD! Didn’t either of you learn to clean up after yourselves? That’s disgusting!” She proclaimed in mock disgust. This caused Michelle to snort while trying to stifle her laughter that set off Sam who was trying mightily to keep a look of disgust on her face but had tears in her eyes from holding in the laughter. Meanwhile my face kept getting redder and redder and that set Jules off. She doubled over laughing and that caused Michelle to lose it all together, she fell onto the bed and was holding her arms across her stomach as she rolled and laughed.

“It didn’t even get used…” I began, trying to justify somehow why that condom was discarded so haphazardly “…It broke… When Michelle tried to put it on…” Sam finally lost it too, no more faking disgust, she busted out in a belly laugh and doubled over. About that time Sandy popped around the door way from the galley kitchen and saw the broken unused condom in Sam’s hand and commented.

“Ewwwwwww GROSS!” said with a scrunched up face the epitome of disgust. Michelle screamed and devolved into another round of laughter setting off Sam and Jules yet again and I just stood there and got redder and redder hanging my head and shaking it sadly.

Eventually everyone finally recovered from their fits of laughter and with a few remaining chuckles here and there we got back to work and finished putting the room back in order. Jules made it a point to have everyone look around for anymore empty packages or used condoms that might have been overlooked. Yeah… she just had to go there and rub it in my face a little more. Bitch! I loved her though. Nobody ever did explain it to Sandy, or at least not that day or in my presence. By noon we were done and we carried the used plastic sheeting out to Jules’ car as she locked up the house. Neither Maggie nor Penny had made it home before we finished up. Jules wrote a note and left it on the kitchen table for them to find when they returned. I asked Michelle if she wanted to go get some lunch or something. She stepped in close to me and ran her hands up my arms and whispered that she’d much rather have the “something” but she had told her parents that she would come over this afternoon for a visit. This reminded me that it was indeed Sunday afternoon and I was going to spend the day with my own family as well. Sam and Jules were standing by Jules’ car talking with Sandy but all three were doing a poor job of trying not to make it look like they were all three watching Michelle and I. Michelle seemed to be oblivious to the scrutiny, that or she just didn’t care.

“Yeah, I’d kind of rather go for ‘something’ too, but I guess I’ll just have to wait for another time.” I said with a sigh and bumped Michelle’s forehead with my own. I was rewarded with a grin.

“Last night was amazing Jim.” She said softly with a gleam in those precious gold flecked eyes. “I hope we can do that again sometime.” She added and bit her bottom lip indicating to me that she was uncertain as to how I felt about it. Oh my god! Really? It was probably one of if not the most amazing night in my life… and she was wondering if I liked it?

“Chelle… I would never presume that I would be… that I could… I…” I paused searching for the right words that might come close to describing how I felt. “I would probably sell my soul to spend another night like what you shared with me last night… I can never thank you enough for such an amazing time. I will try though.” I said smiling, watching her fear and trepidation vanish from her eyes as each word sank in and she understood how incredible it was for me.

“I’ll hold you to that mister.”Michelle said with a smile.

“And I’ll hold you, as much as you will let me.” I said wrapping my arms around her and pulling her in for an unabashed public display of affection. The chorus of “Awwwws” from Jules, Sam and Sandy made Michelle giggle.

“I’d better get going… family awaits.” She said and kissed me again, while squeezing my butt. I groaned and hugged her while picking her up off her feet and twirling her once around before setting her back on her feet. “Call me tomorrow.” She said as she walked backwards to her car shimming side to side and biting her bottom lip and grinning at me. I told her I would then took a long deep breath, a sigh really.

“Jim, you closing tomorrow night?” asked Jules.

“Yeah, I’ll see you tomorrow.” I said as I turned to open the door to my pick up.

“Bye Jim…” Sam yelled with mock sweetness as she waved goodbye, and then broke up with giggles. I waved out my window as I pulled away from the curb and headed across town to the interstate and to home.

I spent the late afternoon and evening with my family, catching up on the comings and goings of my siblings and how my dad’s shop was coming along. So many little things to share, some things that I only hinted at, like where I spent last night of course, mom was very interested in that. Dad just gave me that knowing look and smiled, when mom wasn’t looking he gave me a wink. Yeah, dad was young once too, he knew it was a girl. I’m pretty sure mom knew as well but, well, she was mom and it was her baby boy that she was worrying about after all. It didn’t matter if I was nineteen years old.

We talked about many things that evening, other than where I’d spent the night before, one topic was fall classes at the University. They started Monday, tomorrow. I explained how I had two classes on Mondays, one on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays, with Friday free for studying any and all the classes as needed. Both parents liked that idea. Most of my classes were late morning so my working late at Dom’s wouldn’t be too much of a problem most nights but I had planned on cutting back my closing nights to the weekends rather than through the week. This too met with mom and dad’s approval. “Smart” was the word they used. Sometime after dinner, after helping mom and my sisters clean up the kitchen I grabbed the phone off the wall and dialed Michelle’s number. By now I had her number memorized. I stepped out the back door onto the porch trailing the long curly phone cord behind me. Having a seat in one of the chairs, I put my feet up on the rail and waited for someone to answer the other end.

“Hi Jimmmmm…” Sam answered the phone teasingly, she must have been standing by the phone. I heard a “Gimme that!” followed by a giggle then rasping sounds as the phone receiver changed hands. Finally Michelle’s voice came through the line. “Hi…”

I closed my eyes and pictured her leaning against the wall in her kitchen with the phone pressed to her ear, her sweet sweet lips brushing the mouth piece as she spoke with me.

“Hi babe.” I said back to her, being ever the great orator that I am.

“Did you survive the inquisition?” Michelle giggled.

“Yeah, kind of tough getting past mom though, she wanted far more details than I was comfortable giving to her. Dad was cool about it though, but then he’s a guy so…” I offered. “How did your day go with the folks?” I asked.

“Well they mostly wanted to know if I was ready for classes, they wanted my schedule and when I might be coming and going that kind of thing.” She told me. “Of course they asked about Sam and if we had had any boys over.” She added with a chuckle.

“And did you tell them?” I asked.

“Oh sure… I told them all about the wild sex I had last night with this guy I met in typing class many years ago…” Michelle scoffed sarcastically.

“Well it was pretty wild, at least I thought so anyway.” I admitted with a smile.

“We WILL do that again sometime.” Michelle declared much the joy of my racing heart. “What’s your class schedule look like?” She asked leading me to think that she was already planning ahead… and that made me smile that much brighter.

I went on to tell her my class schedule and my study load this semester, she was particularly interested in the way I kept Friday free for study with no classes scheduled that day. I could almost hear the gears turning in her mind by this point. I know my own thoughts had included many a lunch if not a dinner now and then on those Fridays with this girl. At some point I happened to look up and I saw my mom standing in the kitchen doorway behind the screen door watching me. She simply smiled at me and tapped her wrist watch by way of telling me it was getting late. I smiled and nodded my head showing her I got the message. My call to Michelle would have to be winding up in a moment. Before I could figure out a tactful way to start ending the phone call, the issue was settled for us by Michelle’s roommate Sam. She came into their kitchen and told Michelle that she needed to use the phone and to hurry up. That said she grabbed a soda from the fridge and left the room.

“You heard?” Michelle asked with a sigh.

“Yeah, I was kind of getting the same message from my mom a minute ago, I guess it is getting late huh?” I asked.

“Well we both DO have classes in the morning…” Michelle lamented.

“Uh huh.” I grunted, really not wanted to end the call but knowing that it had to happen.

“Good luck tomorrow Jim.” Michelle said

“You too Chelle… Chelle?” I said.

“Yeah?” she responded.

“Last night… it was…” I trailed off not knowing the right words to convey how much it meant to me. Michelle must have been thinking along the same lines as well.

“Yeah… I know… I wish you were here now…” She whispered into the phone. I pictured here biting her bottom lip and smiling that smile at me. I groaned inside.

“I wish I was too. You know I’m going to dream about that tonight.” I told her.

“You had better!” She teased and giggled. “Goodnight Jim.” She said softly.

“Goodnight Chelle… I’ll call you tomorrow evening from work.” I told her

“Okay…” she acknowledged and waited for more.

“Okay…” I confirmed and waited for her to hang up. The tired old classic bit from movies and TV shows… neither of us wanting to be the first to hang up. Finally I had to end the call when my dad stopped by the door and looked out to check on me. He shook his head and walked back in the other room. “I gotta go Chelle… Goodnight.” I said sadly.

“’kay.” She said and I hit the hook button on the phone.

I did, in fact, dream about Michelle that night.

-To be continued-
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