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Wesley's mother is away on her honeymoon with her new husband, leaving him to move their things into their new house on his own.
Wesley stood outside the front door of his new house, contemplating not going inside at all. He had lived with his mom in a rundown apartment ever since her divorce from his father. Now, after nearly five years, she had gotten remarried and conveniently not told him until the day of the wedding, which was a week ago. She was still on her honeymoon with his new father while he was still living in their old apartment until the day the movers came that morning to move everything to their new home.

His mother was supposed to return before the movers came but she had decided to extend the honeymoon for unknown reasons, leaving Wesley to move into his new home on his own. All Wesley knew was that he had a new sister, around the same age as him. He had seen her at the wedding but they had barely spoken. She stayed in a corner by herself playing on a handheld gaming system.

The wedding was small enough that it was doubtful she had been able to invite any of her friends to attend. Wesley had not been able to either. As such the only kids their age were relatives. Wesley had hung out with the younger generation of his family but Jessie had abstained, preferring to play her game by herself.

Wesley was fourteen, with curly golden hair with darker roots. He wore glasses and was quite skinny and a little short. Jessie was a little taller than him with freckles and brunette hair which she had worn up in a ponytail for the wedding. Her dress showed off her cleavage and her rather defined collar bones. Wesley had to admit he was staring quite a bit.

Upon crossing the threshold of the front door, Wesley called out to see if anyone was home. There was no answer. Jessie should have known that he was scheduled to arrive that day but she might have forgotten after hearing their parents would be extending their trip. With his suitcase in hand, Wesley ascended the stairs to the second floor. He already knew which room was supposed to be his and went to deposit his belongings.

After a moment, the sound of running water became apparent to him. Someone was taking a shower in the upstairs bathroom. There was no mistaking who it was. Jessie must have been home alone, unless she had invited visitors to her unsupervised home. Whether he should or should not never even crossed Wesley’s mind, there was no way he was going to pass up the opportunity to peek on a girl in the shower.

The door to the bathroom was locked but it was the type that had a hole in the center of the knob so it could be opened without a key just by pushing something small inside in case someone ever accidentally locked themselves out of the room.

It was not hard to find a chopstick in the kitchen downstairs. Upon popping the door open, Wesley made sure to open it slowly so that it would not creek at all. The room was filled with steam. Wesley smirked to himself as he pondered why Jessie would take a hot shower at the start of summer. Girls were a mystery to him. His mother was similar in her actions. Women must have a higher body temperature or something, he concluded.

It was easy enough to see the outline of Jessie’s body on the other side of the cloudy white curtain. In her dress at the wedding, he had not been able to judge her figure all that well but now he could see just how shapely her waist and butt were. He really hit the jackpot in terms of living with a teenaged girl. When he first leaned he would be getting a sister, he feared she would be like the girls in his school, bespectacled pudgy if not downright overweight trolls as he liked to call them. It did not occur to Wesley that his opinion of girls might be hypocritical considering he looked scrawny and wore glasses himself.

At that very moment, his glasses actually fogged up due to the steam. Not seeing where he was going, he accidentally kicked the side of the toilet bowl, stubbing his toe. “Who’s there?” Jessie gasped.

Realizing it was too late to slip away, Wesley responded with faux sincerity. “Sorry, I didn’t realize you were in there.”

“Wesley?” Jessie recognized his voice. “What are you doing here? Didn’t the move in date get pushed back?”

“No, the movers were already scheduled. Everything will be here by tonight, even my bed. I can’t stay at my old place anymore.”

“Damn it, Dad,” Jessie grumbled. “You could’ve done more to prepare.”

“Sorry about this,” Wesley apologized.

“Sorry about peeking on me in the shower or about moving in early?” Jessie asked.

“I wasn’t peeking. I just had to pee,” Wesley made an excuse.

“Right, there is a bathroom downstairs or you could even use the master bathroom. It was obvious this one was in use. Get out before I tell my dad what you’re up to.” Wesley was about to argue when Jessie snapped at him. “That means now!”

He sprinted from the room as fast as he could, shutting the door behind him. Obviously she knew he was peeking on her. She had even locked the door. He was lucky she was not going to tattle on him but he had definitely gotten their relationship off to a rocky start.

Wesley was just on his way back to his room, when he spied Jessie’s room out of the corner of his eye. A smirk spread across his face as another idea entered his mind. From the sound of it, Jessie was not going to be done with her shower any time soon. There was plenty of time for Wesley to explore parts of the house she might have a problem letting him into, namely her room.

There was no way to lock the room when no one was inside, leaving it easily accessible for Wesley. The room itself was unassuming. There were stuffed animals on the bed and a few posters on the walls but the most glaring of decorations was a bookshelf filled to the brim with plastic CD cases for video games. There was a TV stand on the opposite wall from the bed and a gaming console underneath it. “She’s such a nerd,” Wesley snickered to himself.

He was secretly liking the idea already. She was not what he imagined a popular girl would be. She was probably a tomboy who he could get along with easily. Maybe she was socially awkward and was not familiar with boys. Perhaps he could be her first foray into dealing with the opposite gender.

On that note, the first thing Wesley did was open the top drawer of her dresser. It housed exactly what he expected, socks and underwear. They were all rolled neatly but that did not stop him from removing a red pair and unraveling it. It was not exactly as he had expected. He himself only wore boxers and knew they were as big as shorts but had assumed a girl’s panties would use much less material.

To his surprise, they were wider than he thought. After all, they had to stretch over that shapely ass he just saw the outline of in the shower. He probably had been thinking she would wear a thong or something similar. His experience with girls was limited to what he could find on the internet so his unrealistic expectations were not surprising.

Wesley held the panties out in front of himself and tried to imagine what it would be like if Jessie were wearing them at that moment. He lowered them slowly, as if he were pulling them down her legs. Still hearing the sound of the water in the shower, the desire to march right back into the room and pull the curtain aside was quite tempting. How would a video game addicted antisocial girl react? She would probably be shocked any boy was interested in dull little her. She might let him do whatever he wanted.

When Jessie finally finished her shower, she got dressed in the clothes she had prepared previously, a pair of pajama shorts and a loose fitting t-shirt that no longer covered her entire midriff. She had not planned on Wesley arriving that day so she had only set out her lazy clothes for wearing alone at home.

After some thought, she decided it would be best to dress up a little more for the time being. She was almost certain her new brother had tried to peek on her in the shower. What would he do if he knew she had no underwear on beneath her shorts? Sighing, she went to her room and opened her top dresser drawer. She immediately noticed that one of her pairs of panties had been unraveled and re-rolled up, but not in the same way. She groaned out loud as she wondered why Wesley was such a stereotypical boy.

When her father had first said she would be getting a brother, she had voiced her concerns that he would be a little pervert. Her father claimed that as the son of the woman he was marrying, he would show some respect. So far, he had not. He was more than a little bold and he had not even moved his things into his room yet. Jessie realized in annoyance that she would be spending even less time outside of her room than before.


Jacob arrived at the address listed on his phone early in the morning. He had ridden a bus from his collage campus all through the night and had slept rather poorly. He was eager to take a shower and rest. Unfortunately, there were some formalities that he had to deal with first.

This was the house his mother had moved into after getting remarried without so much as a word to him. She had not even invited him to her wedding. It was unlikely he would have been able to attend but the gesture would have been appreciated. Of course, it did not surprise Jacob at all. Since his parents’ divorce, his mother had shown little to no interest in him. It was agreed his younger brother would stay with her as he was nearly five years younger than Jacob and needed his mother more than Jacob did.

Jacob had lived with his drunk of a dad until he had been able to go off to collage. Now it was summer and he needed to come home until the fall semester but his dad had lost his house and moved to another state entirely. The only choice was to contact his mother. To his surprise, she had a new last name and a new house. He was lucky the man she married had been so understanding or he might not have been allowed to come here at all.

After ringing the doorbell, Jacob heard the thumping of stairs. A brother he hardly recognized opened the door, wearing typical summer shorts and a t-shirt. “Hey, Weasel,” Jacob used his pet name for his brother.

“Don’t call me that in front of Jessie,” Wesley instructed him.

“Who is that? Your girlfriend?” Jacob laughed at him. “Can you even talk to a girl properly?”

“Just because you’re so popular at campus doesn’t mean everyone should be. I don’t have a problem with girls, I just treat them with more respect than you do,” Wesley argued.

“I respect women, but I also don’t say no when they ask to stay in my room for the night,” Jacob laughed.

“Were you like that in high school too?” Wesley asked.

Wesley was too young to understand dating when they were separated. Jacob had never brought a girl home when their parents were together. “Hell yeah, I was a stud in high school too,” Jacob refused to show any weakness. “Haven’t you gotten a girlfriend or two yet? Are you still a virgin.”

“I'm at third base,” Wesley announced proudly.

Jacob raised a skeptical eyebrow. While it was true he had not kept a close eye on Wesley in recent years, his current appearance did not suggest he was popular with the opposite sex. Jacob had blonde curly hair too, but he kept it shorter so it did not stick out like a mini afro. Additionally, he was more muscular and tanner. Just by doing regular sports and jogging he had kept himself in shape. Wesley found the difficulty of sports to be disheartening and avoided them, hence his scrawny appearance.

“Who is the lucky girl,” Jacob decided to play along.

Wesley gave him a conflicted look before responding. “I can’t tell you.”

“Why? Are you afraid I’ll steal her?” Jacob joked.

“You’ll get me in trouble with Mom and Dad,” Wesley whispered.

“Is your new dad against you dating? It’s definitely not Mom. She never had anything to say to me about it.”

Suddenly, someone appeared at the top of the stairs, leaning down over the railing. “Close the door, jackass, you’re letting the AC out,” she spat angrily.

Jacob quickly shut the door behind himself before looking up at the girl that was probably no older than Wesley. “Hello.” He flashed her a friendly if not flirtatious smile.

“He-hey,” she responded shyly while blushing. Suddenly she turned and ran away from the stairs. Jacob could hear the sound of a door slamming in her wake.

“Who was that?” Jacob was intrigued.

“What do you mean?” Wesley was confused.

“I thought she was your girlfriend at first but she wouldn’t be talking like that or slamming doors in your house, unless you have horrible taste in women.”

“Wait, didn’t Mom tell you?”

“Tell me what? Mom isn’t even my legal guardian anymore since I turned eighteen. I'm not her new husband’s step son like you. She doesn’t need to tell me anything.”

“So you haven’t heard about Jessie at all?” Wesley surmised.

“Is that her name, your new sister,” Jacob wagered a guess at who he just saw.

“Isn’t she adorable?” Wesley smiled sheepishly. Jacob thought back to her appearance, pajama shorts and a red t-shirt. He could plainly see her belly button and one of her shoulders. It had as many freckles as her face. Her chest was lacking but with a waist like that it did not matter. It was an interesting combination, a loose top with tight shorts. Jacob stopped himself just short of trying to imagine what that girl might look like without clothing. Looking at his brother he quickly realized he was having similar thoughts.

“You like her,” he accused Wesley.

“She fancies me,” Wesley corrected him.

“She called you a jackass,” Jacob recalled.

“That was just her teasing me. Besides, she was actually calling you that. You left the door open after all.”

“Still, a girl like that is interested in a Weasel like you?” Jacob scoffed.

“Hey, for your information, she finds me quite charming. I mean, she doesn’t have much experience with boys to go off of.”

“Okay, that makes more sense,” Jacob agreed.

“So you don’t believe I could get a girl who had more choices than me?” Wesley was offended. “For your information, she’s the girl I’ve gotten to third base with.” Wesley was all out smirking.

“Really?” Jacob was impressed. “It’s no wonder your new father would kill you if he knew. How do you plan to keep your relationship a secret?”

“It’s not hard. If you haven’t noticed, our parents aren’t home much. Mom works for Dad’s company. That’s how they met, did they tell you?” Jacob shook his head. “Well yeah, so they are always at the office these days, or going on dates. It gives Jessie and I plenty of time to get acquainted. She is a little shy though. She mostly stays in her room. She loves video games a little too much if you ask me but that’s probably part of what makes her easier to conquer than most girls.”

Jacob rolled his eyes. While he was proud of his younger brother for getting a girlfriend, he also felt he had done so in the easiest fashion. Rather than talking to a girl and gaining ground he had just suddenly moved in with her. She was also a shut in with hardly any friends which made it easy for him to become her only point of reference. Either that or Wesley was completely mistaken and he was being played with by a slutty girl. The thought of his brother being taken for a ride annoyed Jacob. He made the decision then that he would need to talk to Jessie and evaluate her. First though, he needed a shower and a nap.


Jacob was asleep on the couch when the sound of someone moving in the kitchen disturbed him. Looking at the glass doors to the back porch he could see that it was still slightly light out, meaning he had not slept the whole day away. He sat up and glanced into the kitchen. Jessie was filling a crate full of snack foods from the cupboard. She even had a full case of soda. “What are you doing?” Jacob asked.

She gasped when she saw him. “I didn’t realize you were awake,” she sputtered.

“You woke me with your noise,” he explained.

“It’s the middle of the day,” she argued.

“Right, but still, what are you doing?”

“Stocking up,” she answered meekly.

“So you’re not going to eat all that in one sitting?” Jacob sighed with relief.

“Do I look like a whale to you?” she was annoyed.

“Weasel said you didn’t come out of your room much, but I never thought you’d be hoarding food in there.”

“Weasel, that’s a good name for him.”

Jacob’s expression turned stern. He could make fun of his brother but what gave her the right. “You called him a jackass earlier. For siblings, you two aren’t very nice to each other.”

“Well, when he does something deserving of my politeness I’ll let you know.”

Jacob was taken aback. “So you really don’t like him,” he confirmed.

“Don’t get me wrong, he’s probably a really great brother. Just be glad he never had a sister until now.”

“He’s harassing you?” Jacob was starting to put the pieces together.

Jessie gauged his concern before saying more. “I don’t want to turn you against your brother or anything. Forget I said it at all.”

“We barely know each other,” Jacob admitted. “I moved out before he hit puberty. I'm actually curious what he’s like.”

“He’s really polite to his mom and my dad,” Jessie gave the only compliment she could.

“And to you?” Jacob was getting more and more worried.

Jessie looked around. “Can we talk somewhere else? I don’t like not having a locked door between us. I decided it might be safe to re-supply while you were down here because he wouldn’t try anything but the longer I'm out here the worse I feel. I like the walls of my room. They’re comforting.”

“You’re going to invite a nineteen year old into your room?” Jacob was surprised. She shrugged. She did not see a problem with it at all.

Sighing, Jacob picked up her crate and carried it up the stairs for her. Jessie stared long and hard at the door to Wesley’s room before closing and locking her door. “Alright, continue,” Jacob tried to pick up their conversation again from the exact point they left off.

“I assume all boys in puberty like to peek at girls in the shower.”

Jacob nodded. While it was definitely something he wanted to do when he was younger, he cannot be certain he would have peeked on his own step sister if he had one. “Maybe I was just being paranoid at first but I can hardly change without him trying to peer through the keyhole anymore. He actually climbed the tree outside my window once or twice.

“He’s being rather bold,” Jacob decided not to try arguing that Jessie might have been mistaken about Wesley’s actions. He did not know his own brother enough to judge his character. For now he just had to try mediating Wesley’s intent.

“I’ll say,” Jessie agreed with Jacob’s statement that Wesley was bold. “If that were all it were I could deal with it. However, he comes into my room whenever I'm not there and sifts through everything. He has stolen at least two pairs of my underwear and for some reason a pair of my socks.”

To Jacob, Jessie really is starting to sound paranoid. “Why exactly are you telling me all this?”

“I have to tell someone, don’t I?” she shuddered.

“Maybe your parents?” he suggested.

“They don’t believe me at all. His mom says he’s just being a growing boy and my dad says I need to stop making up reasons to split him and his new wife up.”

“Father of the year,” Jacob muttered to himself. He was starting to recall his less than stellar life with his own drunk of a father. The thought plaguing his mind was something else though. “Wesley said you two had gotten to third base,” he spoke out loud. The look of shock on Jessie’s face made him realize he had made a mistake almost immediately.

“Once when we were sitting on the couch downstairs, he kept nudging closer to me. When I wasn’t looking, he put his hands in my pants. I screamed and slapped him. He got mad and chased me all the way to my room. I’ve tried not to leave since.”

Jacob was getting more and more disappointed in his brother by the second. For some reason, he believed every word Jessie spoke. Unless she particularly wanted something from him, she had no reason to make up such lies about his brother, especially when he was more likely to take Wesley’s side over hers. “I’ll try to have a talk with him,” he assured her.

“You believe me?” Jessie sighed with relief.

“I don’t know who to believe, but I definitely need to hear his side as well,” Jacob tried to remain neutral. He really did not want to get involved. He already knew though that he was going to have to get someone else involved as well. He could not go back to collage and leave these two alone in this house together. If he could not convince Wesley to tone down his behavior, he was going to end up getting in trouble with either his parents or some higher form of authority. Either that or Jacob would have to leave Jessie to Wesley’s whims and that did not sit well with him.

Jessie leaned against the wall which her bed rested against. She seemed incredibly relieved. “You believed me rather easily too,” Jacob disturbed her. “What if I simply sided with my brother?”

She eyed him up and down. “You don’t seem as desperate as him,” she explained.

“You mean I don’t need to chase my sister around to get a girlfriend,” Jacob elaborated on her assumption.

“I wish that he wasn’t my brother,” she spat in disgust. “You seem much more civilized so I know it’s not all boys now. It’s jut him. Someone needs to teach him how to treat girls. Maybe then he wouldn’t even need to creep on me.”

Jacob could not disagree. Again, Jessie began to relax. She even picked up her handheld gaming system from her nightstand and began to play. She lied on her back and held it above her face. Jacob eyed her up and down, taking special note of her tight shorts and her exposed belly button. “Do you like what you see?” she asked coyly while sliding her feet back and lifting her knees so he could see her round butt more clearly.

“I'm not as sad and desperate as my brother,” he scoffed.

“And that makes it less annoying,” she admitted. “Honestly, having a college boy interested in me is quite flattering. She sat up and adjusted her shirt so one of her freckled shoulders was completely visible, along with her collar bone.

“You may like it, but I don’t need to rob the cradle to get girls.”

“You’re popular on campus?” she asked. Her face reflected genuine interest.

Trying not to smile he began to recount his college life. “I'm not exactly unpopular,” he admitted. “Sometimes girls just asked if they could stay over. Once a girl was in my room, I never let her just leave.”

“In a room like this one?” Jessie asked.

“This is your room,” he corrected her.

“Well, it’s my house. If I invited a boy to my room, in what event should I let him leave?” she asked.

Jacob turned to face her with a serious expression. “You’re extremely cute. I would love to take the time to get to know a girl like you and date you properly.”

“Really?” she was taken aback.

“That being said, I’d have to be missing my balls to pass this opportunity up. He grabbed her shoulders and pulled her toward him. She tossed her game system at the corner of the bed and let him kiss her. At the same time, he ran his hands down her arms to her lap where she had them folded. She squealed into his mouth when she felt him sliding his hands into the hem of her shorts. He did not let her pull back and instead spread the lips of her cunt apart and curled his fingers up inside of her.

Her face turned red, partially from embarrassment but also from lack of breathing. She jolted as his fingers scraped at her insides. He pushed her down onto her back, breaking the kiss and leaving her gasping. He used his knees to spread her legs. He could just barely see her cunt on either side of the thin strip of cloth that made up the crotch of her shorts. He pulled on the cloth, causing it to dig upwards into her crotch. She winced a little while averting her eyes. She rested the back of her wrists on her forehead, refusing to interfere at all.

He smiled smugly but did not do anything for the moment. Her legs twitched in anticipation but eventually she tried sitting up to see why he had stopped. “Aren't you going to do anything to me?” she asked in confusion.

“Weren’t you just complaining about Weasel being a creep,” he reminded her.

“He is a creep. He sneaks around and steals my panties.”

“How am I any different?” Jacob asked.

“You’re not sneaking around, you’re conquering a target.”

“The only difference is confidence,” he explained.

“And my reaction. I can’t give a reaction to Wesley’s sneaky behavior but if you come at me like this, I can. Since I haven’t slapped you like I did when he touched me, doesn’t that mean I'm not against it?”

“That’s what’s a little confusing. For a girl like you to be fine with all this…”

“What is a girl like me?” Jessie asked. “What do you know about me? I like hot guys and sex with hot guys just like any other girl. My hobbies should have no effect on that, right?”

Jacob was still smirking. It seemed to him that Wesley was mistaken in his assumption that Jessie had no friends and was meek. She simply had no interest in him. He felt slightly bad for his brother but he had never passed up the chance to have sex with a girl before and his brother’s step sister was no exception.

Jessie was caught off guard when Jacob suddenly grabbed the hem of her shorts and pulled them down, forcing her to straighten her legs and lift her butt off the bed. Afterward her legs went straight up and her bare ass was suddenly exposed. It was a strange feeling to have her butt touching her sheets with nothing in-between but it was even stranger to have someone else be the one stripping her.

Jacob placed her legs on either side of his head and leaned down. Jessie nearly screamed when his lips and tongue touched the outside of her cunt. It was more sensitive than when she touched it herself. At first she tried to enjoy the feeling but when she felt his tongue slip inside her, she actually did scream and tried to move away. Of course she could not as she was lying down. Instead she tried to push his head away. She grabbed two tufts of his hair and pulled. This only spurred Jacob onward. He pulled her cunt apart more and pushed his tongue as deep as it would go.

Jessie’s eyes crossed as she felt the rough texture of his tongue scrapping her soft flesh. Though she had just bragged about liking sex, she had never actually brought a boy home before. She had boyfriends at school that liked to touch her during class or makeout behind the school building but they were always too afraid to go all the way on school grounds. Furthermore, they were not exactly catches and she got bored of them before their relationship ever got to the point of going home with one of them or vice versa.

When she first saw Jacob, she only had one thought, she had to get with him. He was hotter than any of her previous boyfriends and he was a player too. She could not wait to brag to her friends at school after summer. All she needed was one good photo of him lying next to her naked to prove she had outdone any of them. What came before was not exactly interesting to her, or so she thought. She was quickly being proved wrong though.

Jessie was so busy focusing on trying to withstand the feeling in her cunt without literally shoving Jacob off of her, that she did not notice his hands moving up her body until they found her breasts. She quickly lifted her shirt to give him better access.

As Jacob had surmised before, her breasts were smaller than his average college classmates. He rubbed them a little before deciding to just focus on her nipples. She moaned at first but got upset when he pinched them. “Ouch,” she gasped while sitting up. “Why are you punishing me?”

“You seem to have gotten a little full of yourself,” he teased her. “I have no shortage of girls my own age lining up for a date, so why should I treat you so special?”

“Didn’t you just say you’d like to date me?” she reminded him.

“As much as any other girl with a body like yours,” he assured her. “However, I’m a little put off by how slutty you are. You just spent an hour complaining that Weasel is too forward with his advances and then you practically pounce on me. Why such a difference?”

Jessie winced as Jacob continued to pinch both her nipples. “I'm not attracted to him at all. Is it wrong that I am attracted to you?”

“We met only today. So it doesn’t matter who it is, as long as they are hot, you’ll let them do anything to you?” he accused her.

“Not just anyone, but since I already said I would, I will let you do anything,” she explained.

Jacob lowered his hands to her waist and puller her lower body toward his lap, causing her to fall onto her back again. She moaned a little at the feeling of her sheets under her bare skin. When her butt was lifted onto his lap, she held her breath, surprised by the difference in sensation between her bed and the cloth of his pants touching her.

Jacob could tell by her reactions that she had never gone all the way with any boy before. He was going to be her first. He felt that she deserved to be teased a little for daring to hit on him when she was so lacking in experience.

He ran his thumb over the outside of her cunt and tapped on her clit a few times. She sucked in a large breath and waited for him to actually push it inside. Instead, he stroked downward until his thumb was at the small puckered entrance to her butt. She gritted her teeth but said nothing. She had just told him he could do anything.

When his thumb went into her butt, she felt something travel up from her intestines to her stomach. Her whole body clenched at the feeling of the unwelcome invasion. With her abdominal muscles, she tried to push his finger back out. The moment her anus opened a little more, he pushed a second finger into her.

“Stop,” she pleaded as her head went limp on her shoulders for a moment. “This is so strange. I don’t even feel horny anymore, just kinda sick.”

He leaned down and put his mouth over one of her nipples again. When he bit it slightly, she arched her back, lifting off the bed a little. “You can tell me to stop all you like, but you already said I could do anything. You really should’ve waited more than a day after meeting me. Maybe I'm a freak who likes to tie women up. Did you ever think of that?”

She frowned for a moment before responding. “That’s fine. I don’t care. Do whatever you like.” She refused to go back on her words now.

Jacob used his two fingers to pull her anus apart slowly. Jessie clenched her eyes as she felt cool air rushing into her butt. She was so focused on it that she did not notice Jacob moving beneath her, working his pants off. She only realized it when something large and warm slapped against her cunt.

She tried to sit up but only managed a glance before Jacob’s fingers pushing into her asshole again caused her to drop back down on the bed, twitching. Jacob pushed the head of his cock past the folds of her cunt until it met her warm and wet insides. Jessie tensed up on instinct, a single tear running down her cheek. “Are you okay?” Jacob asked.

“This is really happening, isn’t it,” she sighed. “You’re about to fuck me for real.”

“Do you want to stop?” he changed his question.

“I don’t know. I just thought I needed to do something. Maybe Wesley will leave me alone if he knows we’ve had sex. It was all I could think of. Would you stop if I asked you to anyway?” She stared at him with pleading eyes.

Rather than responding, Jacob shoved his cock into her cunt as far as he could, causing her to scream out as her hymen tore. More tears fell from her eyes as she panted to catch her breath. Jacob watched her chest rising and falling as he waited for her to adjust to the feeling of being filled. Her teeth were clenched again but she seemed not to be in too much pain.

When she finally calmed down, he pulled all the way back out so that only the head of his cock was inside her. She groaned as her muscles relaxed. “Why is it like this?” she asked. He did not know what she meant. “I feel like there is a gap inside me. I feel empty and cold when you pull out. Can you put it back, please,” she begged.

Slowly, Jacob pushed his cock back into her. Her eyes fluttered as she enjoyed the sensation of his shaft sliding along the walls of her cunt. She had never felt anything this deep inside of her before and she somehow knew she was going to spend the rest of her life trying to get anything to reach this point in her body. The moment he took her virginity he had changed her.

Jessie tried to sit up again, and when she could not, Jacob pulled on her arms to lift her. She crossed her eyes as she felt his cock shifting inside her as she moved. When she was fully in his lap, she looked down at the liquid pooling at their conjoined groins. Part of it was sweat but most of it was from her cunt. The skin of their pelvises stuck together every time their wet skin touched, causing a tingly feeling.

Jessie seemed content to just stare at their sticky crotches and giggle but Jacob was a little impatient. With his hips he pushed her butt up and then lowered himself back to the bed, causing her to fall back down on his lap. She barely had time to mourn the empty feeling of his cock sliding out of her before her own weight brought it back inside of her. It had an entirely unpredictable trajectory though. The way Jessie could best describe it was the head of his cock stabbing into the side of her cunt and scraping all the way back up into her.

Her eyes rolled back into her head for a moment and white flashes filled her vision as the pain and excitement overwhelmed her for a moment. Jacobs cock had been bent slightly causing him to jolt and his own vision to blur as well.

When both of them could look at each other again, Jacob found Jessie staring at him expectantly. She had been enjoying the feeling of being filled with his cock but now she wanted more. The feeling of him shoving into her had been painful but she completely forgot about that when she compared the sensation of the gap in her cunt being filled and replacing the cold with warmth. She wanted him never to pull out but she also wanted him to pull out as much as possible so he could shove back into her. She had a conflicting look on her face as she bit her lip.

Slowly she opened her mouth and practically whispered to him. “Fuck me.” Her cheeks were red with embarrassment but she did not know how else to convey what she wanted.

Jacob did not need to be told twice. He lifted her off his lap by the waist and then pulled her back down. She yelped out immediately as the tip of his cock fit into her a little further. Her whole body jolted and she clung onto his shoulders to keep from falling backwards.

Jacob lifted her again and slammed her back down. Again she yelped, causing him to wince as he worried that Wesley would hear her. He pressed his lips to hers and absorbed the sound as he continued to bounce her on his lap. Each time she tried to scream his cock stiffed as more blood rushed to it. She felt like he was getting bigger inside her with each thrust.

Eventually Jessie became dizzy from lack of air and broke their kiss. She leaned her head back and left her throat open, chirping louder and louder each time Jacob’s cock hit all the way inside her. She did not care about the noise she was making. In fact, she practically wanted Wesley to know what they were doing.

Soon the chirping changed to a constant scream as her whole body began to shake. Her legs straightened on each side of Jacob’s waist and her toes curled as she shrieked. Her whole body stiffened and then went limp. She fell backwards onto the bed. Jacob’s cock slipped out of her wet cunt with an audible pop.

Jacob stared down at her as she lay still except for the occasional twitch. Her bare skin was red and hot to the touch as if she had been exercising. He could almost not see her freckles due to the color. Though he was very pleased that he had given Jessie her very first orgasm, his own cock was still hard and he very much wanted to keep fucking her. He positioned himself in front of her open crotch again and pressed his cock to her cunt but she immediately started to thrash and pull away. She was far too sensitive to let him even touch her.

She opened her eyes when she felt something warm and hard pressing against her lips. She tried to speak but the moment her mouth opened Jacob’s cock slid inside. She glared at him in slight annoyance as he slid his cock to the back of her mouth where it bumped against her closed off throat. She had never given a blowjob before and had no idea what he wanted of her.

He was too busy trying not to lose his erection to bother teaching her though. He just kept pushing against one of her cheeks, causing it to bulge slightly, until her mouth filled with saliva she could not swallow if she wanted her throat to remain closed. It was wet enough to stimulate Jacob to orgasm and soon her mouth was filled with not just saliva but warm cum as well.

When Jacob pulled out of her mouth, she kept it mostly closed so nothing would spill. She sat up and climbed off the bed, walking straight toward the door to her room. Her legs wobbled slightly but she was in a hurry to spit out the mouthful and slime.

When she opened the door, she was shocked to see Wesley kneeling in the doorway, having had his eye pressed to her keyhole trying to peek inside. She tried to speak but instead spat cum and drool all down her front. She closed her mouth and swallowed the rest before speaking again. “What are you doing?” she demanded.

“Me? What are you two doing?” Wesley countered. He had not had a good view of the bed from the keyhole but the fact that her breasts were exposed and cum was now running down them was almost too obvious.

“We just had sex,” she admitted almost proudly.

Wesley gritted his teeth while standing up. He pushed past Jessie and arrived at the bed where Jacob was sitting. “I told you she was mine!” he shouted at his brother.

“Apparently she didn’t agree.” Jacob shrugged.

“This isn’t fair. You could have any girl you wanted, so why her?”

Jacob smirked while standing up. He walked over to the doorway and stood behind Jessie. She smiled as he wrapped his arms around her waist. She was a little confused when he slid one hand down to her cunt and pushed two fingers inside her though. She was still sensitive and jolted before going limp in his arms. Her eyes crossed and her tongue hung out obscenely as she drooled down her front while giggling. Liquid poured down her thighs as she left her whole body to his support.

“Look at this slut. You were never going to satisfy her. She needed a real fucking,” Jacob announced.

Wesley was glaring daggers at him as he stalked out of the room. He could not stand to watch the goofy look on Jessie’s face anymore. It was obvious she was a willing participant. However, to Wesley, it looked like she had been stolen by his charming older brother, not that she had sought him out on her own. He felt scorned and he was not going to let things end this way.

Jacob closed and locked the door before carrying Jessie back to her bed. He laid her down and continued to finger her for several minutes. The whole time she kept thrashing and moaning in a continuous orgasm. He only stopped when he was positive she was no longer leaking from her cunt onto the sheets.

He lied down next to her and closed his eyes. He wondered what would happen if they were still asleep next to each other when his mother and her father got home but he could not be bothered to care at the moment. He only cared about waking up next to her and fucking her again as soon as possible. She may have had her own reasons but he did not care. Her body was his now.
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