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Watching the semi push itself backwards into the loading dock, Nicole looked on as she stood with her weight resting upon one of her sexy legs. The 5’10” brunette gazed away as the vehicle finally hit the two yellow posts and consequently came to a halt. Wearing her blue jeans and a black T-shirt, the dark eyed feline walked over to the side of the driver’s cab and looked up. Returning the glance, the truckdriver said, “ Five scids for you.” Nicole only responded with a bored look as the man descended the vehicle and followed her into the receiving area.

Taking the papers from his hand, she said, “ All right, the stock guy’ll be here in a second.” The lady went over to her desk and picked up the receiver. After hitting the numbers five and zero, she spoke loudly over the intercom, “ Joe to the receiving area!” Next, Nicole turned to the driver and remarked, “ The pallet jack’s overthere, if you want, you can start.” The man walked over to the jack and pulled it to the dock. Further, he’d been to this store previously, so he knew how its dock worked. Taking a small rectangular control box in his hand, he pressed the up button. As a result, the platform which he and the jack were now resting made the ascent. Finally, he kicked the extension plate with his shoe and opened the back trailer’s door. Pulling the jack inside, he turned it around, and pushed it under one of the scids.

As the truck driver was raising the pallet a few inches from the floor, Joe entered the room. However, before he had a chance to get to the truck, Nicole, the stockroom supervisor, started to yell, “ You’re too dam slow!” The kid only shrugged his shoulders and went over to the dock. The driver brought the pallet upon the platform and next depressed the down button. When he got to the bottom, Joe took the jack and pulled the skid in. Setting the new merchandise against the opposite wall, he then returned to the truck. Eventually, he had all of the remaining four pallets off the vehicle. With that done, Nicole gave a signed copy of the purchase order back to the driver. Taking it, he said goodbye and left. Nicole shut the receiving door as the sound of the diesel went off into the distance.

Closing the latch, Nicole turned to Joe and rudely ask, “ Where the fuck were you?”

The guy answered with, “ I was out front getting carts, there’s a lot of people in the store now.”

Walking back to her desk, the brunette mumbled, “ That’s what they all say, lazy jerks.” Finally, Joe left and went out to the sales floor.

The good looking sexy receiving lady sat down behind her desk and began to enter the required information into the store’s computer. After six minutes, she had it all done. Next, the woman got up and went over to the scids; within her hand, she had a ticket gun. Setting the date, department, and price, Nicole began pricing the individual items. Fortunately, they were all the same, five pallets of windshield washer fluid.

In addition, Nicole looked pretty good as she clicked away. Moreover, eventhough she worked in the receiving area, she nevertheless wore heels. Further, they weren’t just heels, the exquisite looking lady had on a pair of boots whose upper portions were concealed by the pants. The footwear’s color was black. Also, to give herself an aurora of mystique and importance to compensate for the mundane aspect of her job, she shined the stiletto masterpieces every week.

Placing the tickets upon the individual bottles, Nicole was in a squatting position with her back toward the entrance which led to the sales floor. After pricing the last bottle of a particular box, she felt as if she was being watched. Sure enough, Nicole turned around quickly to see Joe by the entrance. Indeed, the bastard had been standing there for a good two minutes just staring away at her beautiful ass! In a very agitated tone, she immediately ask, “ What are you looking at?!”

Quickly, the highschool kid walked up to her and inquired, “ Got any paper clips back here, the service desk needs some?”

Giving him a dirty look, Nicole nevertheless simply said, “ There, over there.”, pointing in the direction.

Joe said, “ Oh, yea.” He went over, took a few clips and left.

Slowly continuing with the pricing, Nicole said to herself, “ God, I can’t wait till Friday when this fucken week’s over; then, it’s vacation time; two weeks, yea, the Bahamas!” The lady had saved up seventeen hundred dollars over the last year for this trip. Also, being a paid vacation, it wouldn’t burden her financially when she returned. Consequently, Nicole had something great to look forward to. Today was Wednesday, thus only two more days. Further, the twenty eight year old had all her things packed and ready. Therefore, she would leave Friday evening via Continental Airlines; her reservation was already made. All that was necessary was to get through the remainder of the week.

Finally, she had all five pallets finished. Neatly, the lady returned all the priced items back upon the scids so the night crew could wheel the stuff out to the floor and put it all where it belongs. With that done, she turned around and walked back toward her desk. However, as she was just about to sit down, the female turned her head and looked in the direction of the storage bins. Thinking she heard something, Nicole pushed the right side of her shoulder length hair behind her ear and ventured over to where she believed the sound had come. When the equisite lady got to the location, she looked down one of the storage isles and saw Joe. As their eyes met, the kid quickly closed his pants. Disgusted, Nicole yelled with fury, “ You creep, what the hell were you going to do?!” Looking at his crotch area, she saw that his cock was erect with the last remnants of stiffness to it. However, while looking around the immediate area of the kid, she didn’t see any cum. Therefore, the woman said, “ So, you were gonna jack off while watching me?”

His response was, “ No, no, I was just fixing my belt!”

Nicole didn’t buy into his story, for he always seemed to be watching and gazing in her direction for the past month and a half eversince they hired the loser. Consequently, Nicole was about to turn around and head for the office to report him and hopefully have the pain fired. However, something happened to her next. Looking at Joe, she realized his vulnerability, for the kid wasn’t very strong or large physically. Eventhough he was a sophomore in highschool, he hadn’t grown very much for his age. The jerk was only 5’ 4”. This made her six inches higher. In addition, the lad didn’t have much on strength either. As a result, Nicole decided to take matters in her own hands. After looking both ways, and realizing the stockroom was empty of other employees, she went strait up to him and grabbed the hair atop his head. Next, she said, “ Listen asshole, and listen good, if I ever catch your wandering eyes on me again, I’ll poke them out!” The kid was momentarily shocked at her strength eventhough she looked quite sexy and womanly. Next, Nicole started pounding his head upon the wall at the end of the isle unto which he had himself backed up against.

From his mouth she heard, “ Ok, ok, let me go!” With the release of her grip, he stood there and looked into her pupils. Reading the fear in his eyes, the brunette began to feel something strange. His fear started to arouse her. Indeed, a sensation began to form in her genital area, a pleasure she never felt before, an eroticism coupled with violence. She never had a physical fight with anyone during her entire adult life, nevertheless, she discovered something novel about herself, violence turned her on.

The time was now two thirty in the afternoon. The stockroom was almost always quiet at this time, for most of the trucks had already made their deliveries, and the merchandise wouldn’t be taken out until later. Hence, the afternoon was her time for paperwork and whatever else. Upon realizing this, Nicole gave in to her newfound temptations. Grabbing Joe’s crotch, she said, “ So, you little shit, you like me, well, how about this.” The kid couldn’t believe it; at first, he began to erect, for he was about to beat off anyway; this would be better. Feeling his full erection, Nicole unzipped his pants and pulled out his cock, toyed with it, and finally remarked, “ Golly you’re little.” Next, the receiving supervisor unbuttoned her pants and let them fall to her boots. Afterward, Nicole pulled her panties to her thighs. She took hold of Joe’s head and pushed his face to her cunt, saying, “ Lick me!” The kid actually complied. He licked away as precum began dripping from the tip of his cock. Looking downward, Nicole said to herself within the confines of her mind, “ Shit, he likes it, I gotta do something he doesn’t like just to make him suffer.” As a result, the brunette pushed her cunt ever closer to his face until she forced herself over him such that his head was bent back. Nicole ordered, “ Open your mouth wide!” However, realizing what she had in mind, Joe tried to back off; he wasn’t a piss drinker. Nevertheless, this is what she wanted, forcing him to do something he didn’t want; that would really turn her on. Again, Nicole began pounding his head against the wall. After four strikes at the plaster, the kid agreed. Slowly, he arched his head back and under her big harry slit. Nicole said, “ You’d better not spill anything; I want it all drunk down!” Next, the lady remarked, “ Here it comes, all for you, my little man!” Then it came; her piss trickled its way forth and down his unwilling throat. She listened on to his swallows. It sounded worst than an old individual washing his throat out with salt water. Finally, her bladder was empty.

Feeling like he had to puke, Joe nevertheless managed to keep it down. Next, Nicole turned around and shoved her curvaceous and lovely female ass right into his face, saying, “ Here kiss, kiss my ass!” He began as the lady requested. In fact, this task would’ve been fun if it wasn’t for the previous piss experience; he felt too sick to enjoy anything. After three minutes, the lady had enough. She pulled her attire back up and told him to zip up his jeans. He obeyed and she said afterward, “ Get down on your back, creep.”

However, Joe began to beg, “ Oh c’mon Nicole, please, let it be over.”

She replied with, “ Oh no, I’ll show you whose boss here!” He didn’t comply. Therefore, the brunette kicked him in the balls with the toe of her boot. It hurt. the intensity was so great that the male fell to his knees. When he was down holding his crotch, she struck the back of his head with the edge of her right hand. Slightly dazed, he fell upon his side and lay there as the lady used her other boot to roll him over upon his back. Nicole yelled down at him, “ Lick the sole of my gorgeous stiletto masterpiece!” At this point, Joe knew that everyone of her orders were serious, and if disobeyed would be met with reprisal, hence he stuck out his tongue and licked away. Also, there was dirt on the sole he was licking; the stuff was dry and sandy; it seemed to him as if he were eating potting soil. Nevertheless, the unfortunate stock guy finished up with the underside of both boots when he felt the wind knocked out of his lungs. Kicking him hard in the ribs while laughing, she said, “ Now you fuck, get your degenerate ass outta here; quit, go to the office and tell them you’re through with this place!” Frightened, he got up and left for the office to do exactly as she said. In fact, she also yelled after him as he was leaving the stockroom, “ If I ever see your face again, I’ll make your life a living shit pile, not that it isn’t already, ha, ha, ha!” The last Nicole saw was his back as he ventured out onto the sales floor in the direction of management. As he was exiting the back room, the woman picked up a small box containing five blank video cassettes and threw it at him. Hitting his left shoulder, the container simply fell to the floor. However, he continued to move quickly without even looking back as she yelled after him, “ I’m serious, I’ll cut your little dick off!” Joe disappeared out onto the sales floor.

Finally, the day almost came to an end when the last truck backed in at three forty eight. Nicole dialed fifty and decided to page Joe just to see what would happen. To her satisfaction, the store manager dialed back to her station and said, “ I’m sorry Nicole but Joe decided to quit, kids, you never know from one minute to the next what they’ll do.”

Nicole simply replied with, “ Yea, all right, I’ll unload it myself or have the driver assist me; it probably isn’t much.”

In a relaxed tone, the manager said, “ Ok, I’ll see if I can get someone else soon; when you come back from vacation, a new person should be here.”

She replied with, “ That’ll be fine, thanks.” After hanging up, she went over to the receiving door. The truck was an easy load. She finished up, clocked out, and drove home.

While moving up the interstate ramp located two blocks from the store, Nicole depressed the accelerator another centimeter. She sped up to sixty five and traveled along the highway for fifteen minutes. Eventually, the lady got off at the next township and onto mainstreet. She drove three miles and then pulled into a side street. Moving along for an additional quarter of a mile, she then turned into the drive of a four suite apartment building and parked her car in a lot to the rear of the structure. Getting out of the vehicle, Nicole ascended the back stairs up to the fourth apartment. The sexy one took her keys from her pocket and unlocked the door. When inside, she went straight to the bathroom and washed her hands out of habit. Next, Nicole threw the keys atop the toilet tank and left. Upon venturing into the kitchen, she made herself a cup of coffee. Afterward, the dark-haired one went to the livingroom and placed a CD into the stereo. She listened on as Mahler’s third symphony unfolded its first movement before her ears. Sinking back into the solfa with her brew, she enjoyed the noble sound. However, as our lady mused on, she remembered her experience earlier with Joe. Thinking about it some more, she began to get wet. Indeed, the images of domination really turned her on. Moreover, the feeling was truly beginning to take hold. Consequently, the female got up, placed the coffee cup upon the cocktaletable, and turned off the CD. Next, she just stood in the middle of the livingroom and reflected further on her newfound desire for erotic violence. However, things didn’t stop here. Unbuttoning her jeans, the woman lowered them down and over her boots, throwing them upon the solfa and next doing the same with her panties. Finally, she removed both her shirt and bra. Save for the spectacular footwear, she stood naked and alone.

Raising her hands above her head, the brown eyed beauty stretched herself. Then, Nicole lowered her right hand and inserted her middle finger up her slit. Fingering the opening for a while, her clit began to respond with full vigor. As the female played with herself, she kept the previous stockroom experience in mental view. Next, she felt a total surge of power. Over and over, Nicole replayed the humiliation she inflicted upon the stock kid. In the end, she had an orgasm. Nevertheless, being a woman, she could go on further. Again, the feline toyed with her genitals, and again, the lady began to feel the sensation swell. However, this time, the power surge was even greater. As a result, Nicole ventured into her bedroom and removed a black leather belt from her closet. Returning to the livingroom, she began striking the couch as to pretend it was her living slave. She continued as she fingered herself. Indeed, the striking motion really stimulated her. The more she hit, the greater her desire to hit. With the passage of six minutes, our horny and fetish feline had another euphoric burst. As her orgasm worked its magic upon her system, the lady dropped the belt and rotated upon her right foot. However, as she spun around, she felt an intense sting in her knee cap of the same leg she used to perform the rotation. The orgasm now over, Nicole sat herself down and held her leg. In fact, the pain was becoming intense. She yelled to herself, “ Fuck, not now, not this week, shit; I shouldn’ve done that!”

Having pain in her knee was no great surprise to her, for two years ago, Nicole had an operation removing her original knee cap and replacing it with a metal one. Those two years ago, she had an accident in the stockroom while standing atop a ladder. Someone came by with a push cart and bumped the base of the ladder; it slipped, and the lady fell to the concrete floor. As she lay there, Nicole realized something was broken. An ambulance was called. When at the hospital, they told her the need for an operation, and hence the replacement of her knee cap. Also, financially, things weren’t that bad, workman’s compensation paid for the procedure. A month and a half later, Nicole returned to work. The operation was a success; when she walked, one couldn’t tell anything. However, every now and then, if she put too much pressure upon her right leg, it would respond with pain. The negative sensation would go on for a couple of days and then stop. In addition, there were a few times when she had to visit her doctor to get a shot relieving the pain. Nevertheless, things always returned to normal.

Getting up, she limped into the bathroom. There Nicole removed her right boot and lowered her leg into the tub. Turning on the cold water, she let it run over her knee. This helped. After ten minutes, the lady turned off the water and grabbed her boot. Dragging herself into the bedroom, she next laid herself down atop the bed. With the passage of five minutes, she fell into a semisleep. It went on for the next hour. However, Nicole awoke back to full consciousness and looked at the clock. The time was now six thirty. Getting up, the exquisite feline removed the other boot. Then, the sexy and naked lady went back to the livingroom and put on her clothes laying upon the edge of the solfa. All dressed, Nicole ventured to the kitchen and made herself supper. She ate, washed the dishes, and returned to the livingroom. Here, the lady placed a video in the VCR and watched something from her documentary collection. The film went on for almost two hours. When the movie finally ended, it was past nine. She got up and went into the bathroom, again removing all her clothes. This time she showered off. Next, the woman went to the bedroom and put her night clothes on. It didn’t take long; she fell to sleep and was awakened by her alarm clock the next morning.

Getting up at seven thirty, Nicole went through her morning routine, and then left for work. Upon arriving at the store, she went to the lounge and read a magazine before work time arrived. Afterward, the lady clocked in and went to the receiving area. However, as the day progressed, her knee was giving her trouble. Also, since she did such a good job at scaring Joe away yesterday, there was more physical work for her to do. Consequently, when lunch break came, she called her doctor and set up an appointment that same evening. She didn’t want her coming vacation ruined by some irritating pain. The workday over, Nicole drove home and ate something. Finally, it was time for the appointment with her physician. Moreover, his office was located at the clinic only two and a half miles from her place.

Upon driving to the location, the lady went into the waiting room and told the receptionist she’d arrived. Twenty minutes later, Nicole was escorted in. The doctor told her to remove her right boot. After the footwear came off, she rolled up her pant leg, and the man examined her,saying, “ All right Nicole, there doesn’t seem to be anything damaged; in fact, it’s only a slight sprain.” Continuing, he said, “ I’ll give you a shot for the pain.”

“ Good, thanks.” Also, the female ask, “ Got any pills if the pain lasts a few more days?”

The physician answered with, “ Oh yea, I’ll right a prescription.” She again thanked the man. He left for a moment and returned with the needle. After he gave her the said shot, she finally felt better. Nicole pulled down her pant leg and replaced the stiletto boot. Leaving the room, she returned to the receptionist. Taking Nicole’s payment, the lady told her the prescription would be immediately called in. Smiling, Nicole turned around and left.

She drove to the drug store and bought the pills. Upon arriving home, she read a book for the rest of the evening. Eventually, the perfect beauty turned in and fell to sleep.

In the morning, she awoke; to her delight, the day was Friday. After Nicole got up, she remarked to herself, “ At last, one more day in that shit hole.” Nicole dressed herself and ate breakfast. Getting into her car, she drove to work. While working and yearning for quitting time, she was pleased to experience no pain. She said to herself, “ It’s either the pain killer or the knee is getting better; oh well, I guess time will tell.

With the day coming to a close, the manager stopped by and said, “ Have a great vacation.”

Answering, she said, “ Oh yea, two weeks of fun in the sun; I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”

Smiling, the man walked away. Sixteen minutes later, the moment of truth arrived, quitting time. Getting up off the desk’s chair, she hurried to the lounge. She hit the time clock and went out to her car. There, the woman put the machine into gear and sped off. Finally, she got home. In her apartment, Nicole made herself a cup of coffee. In addition, she ate something. With the passage of an hour and a half, she looked at the clock and realized it’s time to leave and catch her flight. Therefore, Nicole went through her apartment, closing all the windows and making sure everything else is ready for a two week absence. When she felt secure and all was in order, the brunette grabbed her keys and suitcase. Right before the woman left via the back, she made sure the front door was locked. After locking up, Nicole descended the wooden stairs and threw her suitcase in the trunk. Setting her nice ass in the car, she drove off to the airport.

The excited and anxious lady parked her vehicle in the long term parking area. Opening the trunk, she took out the suitcase. With the thing in hand, Nicole ventured over to the terminal. Inside, she went to the Continental line. After waiting fourteen minutes, her turn came up. At last Nicole stood before the counter. A woman dressed in a blue uniform said, “ Hello, how can I help you?”

Nicole answered with, “ My name’s Nicole Robins; I’ve got a reservation for the seven O’clock flight to Miami enroute to the Bahamas.”

The employee responded with, “ Let’s see, Nicole Robins; yes, you’re here, ok, please sign this.” Reaching for a pen upon the counter, Ms. Robins signed the paper. Next, she took her ticket copy from the lady and proceeded to the check through. There, her suitcase and purse went through a metal detector and scanner.

However, as she herself went through, the alarm rang forth. Slightly embarrassed, Nicole stepped to the side as instructed by a guard. He ask, “ Do you have anything on you that’s concealed?”

Nicole answered, “ I’ve got a piece of metal in my knee; it’s a fake kneecap.”

Looking at her, the man said, “ Ok, step this way.” She moved before a screen and was hence X-rayed.

Another employee came over and examined her image. Seemingly satisfied, the guard said, “ All right, she can go through.” Making a smug expression, Nicole went her way. Twenty feet later, she was handed her purse. Saying thanks, she simply made her way to the plane. She entered the detachable walkway and boarded the flying machine. In fact, the jet was Continental’s newer versions, the largest type the company owned. With purse in hand, the lady went to a seat three quarters of the way back and sat down next to the window. Looking out, she saw only the side of the airport complex and the walkway extension.

Eventually, all passengers were aboard and the plane was ready for take off. From the intercom, she heard a man’s voice, “ Please fasten your seatbelts, we’re about to depart.” That said, she felt a slight jerk backwards as the plane began to move. Anxious, she watched out the window as everything began to speed faster and faster. Finally, the ground moved away and the plane was airborne. Fifteen minutes later, the pilot said over the speakers, “ It’s now safe to move about; please enjoy your flight and thankyou for flying with Continental.”

Nicole gazed out the window for three minutes. However, the flight would be over four hours; hence she next reached into her purse and pulled out a paperback novel. Ms. Robins read on for an hour until she was disturbed by the noise of a cart being pushed down the isle. Turning her head, she noticed a sexy stewardess selling drinks. Upon viewing this, Nicole motioned to the lady. The woman looked at Nicole and ask, “ What’ll it be?”

The brunette replied with a question, “ Got any scotch?”

“ Sure, want ice with that?”

“Yes.”, said Nicole.

The good looking blond next poured the said drink and handed it to Nicole past a man sitting next to Ms. Robins in the isle seat. Taking the glass, our heroine began to drink. However, after she took the glass, someone else on the other side of the isle also wanted a drink. As a result, the stewardess turned and prepared the beverage. As she gave the drink to the other passenger, her ass was directly in line with the man’s face seated next to Nicole. Consequently, the guy stared her butt down from top to bottom with a big smile. While he stared away, Nicole turned and noticed. After the stewardess stood straight again and pushed the cart away, the horny man turned his face back and immediately noticed Nicole measuring him off. He looked down embarrassingly as Nicole turned her eyes back toward the window. Looking out, she said to herself quietly, “ It’s the same wherever you go; someone otta piss down that guy’s throat also.” Finally, being relaxed by the drink, she returned to the book and continued to read.

Two and a half hours later, the plane reached Miami. The wheels hit the runway and the machine eventually came to a halt. With that done, everyone got up and left the plane. Descending the stairs, she was immediately struck with the pleasant climate. Afterward, Nicole went over to the Miami airport terminal and entered the glass doors. Inside, she was greeted by personnel who who told her when her second and final flight would leave for Nassau. Acknowledging the information, she next went upstairs to the waiting area and refreshments. She bought herself a cup of coffee and a ham sandwich. Turning around, Nicole noticed a vacant table. Consequently, she went over, set her ass in a seat, and started eating.

Ms. Robins wasn’t seated more than three minutes when an individual sat down at the same table. Surprised at his augasity, she simply stared at him with the sandwich in hand. Smiling at her, he said, “ Hi, I’m Justin, so what’s your name?”

Continuing to look on for ten seconds, she finally mumbled, “ I’m Nicole.”

The guy began talking all about himself in conjunction with the weather. It was now clear to Nicole that he was hitting on her. Dressed in her T-shirt, jeans, and boots, she only sat there and listened on. However, he just wouldn’t let go. In fact, he then ask, “ So where are you headed.”

She really didn’t need this. Having in mind to be alone on her vacation, spending time on the beach reading, walking, swimming, or what else, she just didn’t want to have anyone hanging around her. Therefore, she replied with a lie, “ Oh, I’m headed back home to Pennsylvania.”

However, the guy said, “ Oh come on, I saw you from this glass window get off the plane from Pennsylvania.” While he spoke, Justin pointed in the direction of the large window pane.

Nicole looked away agitated. Then, she turned back to his face and said rudely, “ Look, I’m hear to get away from shit, not get involved with more; so why don’t you just leave, all right!”

Appearing surprised, he simply remarked, “ Ok, sorry you feel that way.” He got up and left.

Finishing up her sandwich, Nicole decided to read the remaining time away. With the coffee also consumed, Nicole looked up as she heard over the speaker, “ Flight to Nassau departing in twenty minutes. Happily, the lady got up and ventured to the appropriate entrance. She boarded a somewhat smaller craft and sat down. This plane was also a commercial jet. However, it took only one hundred passengers at most. Looking at the plane’s interior from her seat in the mid section, Nicole admired its spacious design. Indeed, the remainder of the trip would be less cramped in comparison to the first part. Also, the length would be significantly less, for Nassau wasn’t far from Miami in terms of a commercial flight. Leaning back in the seat, Nicole awaited take off. Finally, she felt the craft move. Shortly thereafter, the plane was up and on its way. Ms. Robins didn’t read or anything else; she simply let her mind dwell away on various topics as she gazed out the window into the blue sky.

When the machine was completely over miles of open water at almost the midpoint of the flight, Nicole had to piss. Therefore, she said, “ Excuse me” to the individual next to her and got up. However, as she stood up, the lady felt a sharp sting in her right knee. Further, the pain was of a form she had never before experienced, feeling more like a burning electrical shock sensation. Truly, she couldn’t explain it. In addition, her tongue also felt as if it were conducting electricity. As she pushed herself slowly past the other passenger, Nicole finally made it to the isle. Again, a sharp sting and shock pronounced itself. With effort, Nicole managed to limp back to the lavatory at the very end of the plane. There, the woman entered and closed the door. Unbuttoning her jeans, she lowered them together with her black panties. Next, Nicole sat on the bowl and pissed away. Also, while running her hand down to her throbbing knee, she felt that it was warm. In fact, the knee was much warmer than the rest of her body. She ask herself, “ How can this be; that doesn’t make much sense?” When she finished pissing, Nicole got up and was about to pull up her clothes when all of a sudden she was struck by another sting in her knee. This time it was extremely intense. So intense that it caused her to fall back against the lavatory’s wall. Again, she reached down to her knee; however, she quickly removed her hand, for the affected area had become so hot that she couldn’t even touch herself. Sinking to the floor next to the toilet bowl, Nicole rocked back and forth in true agony. Also, she cursed to herself saying, “ Fuck, fuck, this whole vacation will be ruined on account of this fucken knee of mine; shit, why, why!”

After three minutes, the pain began to subside. In fact, to her surprise, the strange sensation simply vanished. Also, she felt different; something had changed. Indeed, our lady felt uplifted and rejuvenated. It was as if she was a newer version of herself. Consequently, the brunette stood up and this time managed to get her attire pulled back in place. Feeling great, she turned to the mirror to straighten her hair when the feline was shocked by the image. Before her stood the same Nicole but only much more vibrant and radiant looking, appearing as if five years had been knocked off her life. After vainly admiring herself, the woman turned around and opened the lavatory door.

When stepping out into the isle and about to return to her seat, something didn’t seem right. Pausing, Nicole realized she was overwhelmed by an errie silence. Previously, as she entered the lavatory, passengers were talking and laughing amongst themselves; now, however, she heard nothing save the low hum of the engines. Given the height of the seat backs, the heads of the passengers were never visible from a rear perspective. Consequently, Nicole walked forward to get a view of some of the people. After passing the first seat in the back of the plane, she looked over. At first, it appeared to the lady that the seat was vacant. However, as she turned her head further and made an additional step, the sexy female was greeted by the greatest surprise of her life. In fact, the shock she now experienced transcended the perplexity she previously felt in relation to the pain in her leg. Looking strait up at her was one of the passengers. He stared with complete fear directly into her eyes. Indeed, the man was only somewhere between three and four inches in height. Nicole said to herself, “ What the...!” Afterward, she got herself together somewhat and ask the tiny one, “ What happened?”

He replied back to her in a frightened and tiny little mousy voice, “ I, I was just sitting here when all of a sudden this green haze came up out from no where, then I just shrank.”

Looking on for a few moments, Nicole pulled herself away and began to move on to the next seat. Again, and to her surprise, she saw another tiny individual. This time it was a woman, having her little kid next to her; indeed, the brat was now very little. Bending over, Ms. Robins simply eyed the two with a mixture of awe and curiosity, for her fear was beginning to let go.

Next, Nicole heard a squeaky little scream come from behind her, “ What’s going on here; what happened to me, what the hell’s going on?”

Turning her gorgeous head around, she saw a little man seated atop the vinyl recliner beneath her sexy ass. Rotating completely, she ask, “ Well little man, can you tell me anything you saw when you shrank?” Her voice was now more relaxed and confidence was returning.

The shrunken male only said, “ I don’t know, I only saw this weird haze, and then everything started getting bigger.”

Then, Nicole ask, “What happened to the haze afterward?”

“ It disappeared as fast as it came; it popped out of thin air and vanished back into thin air.”, replied the man.

Standing straight again, Nicole began walking up the isle. As she went, our lady was struck with the same thing over and over. All the passengers had been reduced to somewhere between three and four inches in height. Finally, Nicole reached the front of the isle and turned around. Before the sexy one were all ninety nine people looking to her as if she were their only hope and salvation. Nicole eyed them for a moment and said, “ I’ll see what’s up in the cockpit.” However, as she turned to rotate the knob of the door leading to the pilot’s chamber, she found that it was locked. Thus, the brunette knocked. No response. She knocked again, no answer. Nicole said with agitation, “ Shit!”

Nevertheless, the feline heard a tiny voice come from below. Looking down, she saw an attractive little stewardess yelling up to her, “ Ma’am, there’s a key back in the utility room!”

Nicole ask in reply, “ Where’s that?”

Pointing toward the back of the plane, the shrunken woman yelled up to the beautiful giantess, “ It’s that narrow door next to the lavatory!”

Gently stepping over the lady, Nicole went back. Opening the said door, she was greeted by a small room containing all kinds of maintenance equipment. After looking around for a few seconds with her eyes, Nicole saw a set of keys hanging from a hook. She grabbed the things, and returned to the cockpit door. One by one, Ms. Robins tried each key. Finally having a match, she turned the lock and pushed the door open.

Only the same haunting silence met her ears. Making two steps forward, she failed to see the pilot’s head above the top of the seat’s back rest. Making another step gave her a full view of the seat’s contents. Siting there, the man looked up to her with fear and respect. She remarked, “ So you’re shrunk too.” The lady turned the other way to witness the copilot; as expected, he too was shrunk to the same height as both the pilot and the passengers. Next, Nicole said, “ It’s happened to everyone on the plane except for me, everyone’s shrunk.”

Being a trained and reserved man, the pilot spoke up to her, “ You’ve gotta land this plane; you’re our only hope for survival.”

Staring down at the helpless creature, she said, “ Ok, but I don’t know shit about flying.”

The shrunken pilot said, “ Nevertheless, it’s now your job to figure out enough to get us to safety.”

Afterward, looking at the instrument panel, she was overwhelmed by all the gauges, meters, and digital readouts. Remarking to herself, she exclaimed, “ Fuck, this is gonna be some fun!” Sarcastically, Nicole pointed at all the dials and said, “ Yea sure, this is really easy.”

The pilot responded, “ Don’t worry, all you’ve got to do is get on the radio and call the Nassau port, they’ll guide you in each step of the way.”

Nicole ask the little man, “ Why is this thing flying so straight right now?”

Answering, he said, “ Fortunately it’s on auto-pilot; but that’s no good for landing, obviously.”

While staring at the complex instrument panel, she softly remarked to the man’s last sentence, “ Yea, no shit.”

Next, Nicole sat down, placing her attractive ass right into the pilot’s seat causing the little male to run toward its back so he won’t be crushed by her curvaceous butt. Squeezed between the seat rest and her jean covered ass, the tiny one yelled up to the lady, “ You’ve gotta call in right now, we’re running out of time!”

Turning her head back, Nicole ask, “ Where’s the radio?”

The pilot yelled up, “ Why don’t you take me and place me before the instrument panel so it’ll be easier for me to direct you!”

Reaching her hand down behind her ass, Nicole raised the little creature before her pretty face. Pointing to an open spot to the right of the steering column, the pilot said, “ Put me right over there, I can see everything from that location.”

Gently, the brunette lowered the man atop the flat surface just before the empty cup holder. With that done, the man pointed toward the radio complex. Nicole replied, “ Oh, ok, I see.” Finally, he guided her through the steps on transmitting a message.

Ms. Robins said into the mike, “ Hello, Nassau tower, hello, come in; this is flight 847 from Miami. Please respond.” However, nothing came over, save static. Again, she radioed for help, “ Nassau tower, come in, come in.” Again, nothing save the same static. Eyeing the pilot, she ask, “ So now what?”

The little man glanced over to the copilot who remarked, “ I guess you’ve just got to guide the lady yourself.” Making an apprehensive look, the pilot nevertheless went along with the other man’s words.

Consequently, the pilot, being also the captain, said up to the goddess, “ I guess there’s something wrong with communication, you’ll have to follow my instructions if we’re to live.” Nicole nodded in agreement as the pilot continued, “ Press that button overthere.” While he pointed in its direction, Nicole depressed the said button. Then, he said, “ Now the automatic pilot is off, the machine’s all yours.” As a result, Nicole held tightly to the rudder and flap control as the craft moved on. Looking at one of the instruments, the pilot said, “ All right, we’ve got fifteen minutes until we reach Nassau airport.”

As she realized the magnitude of the task before her, Nicole’s palms began to get moist. However, she managed to say, “ Don’t you think I should try the radio again?”

The captain answered, “ Yea, go ahead.” Taking the mike, Nicole said into the thing, “Nassau airport, do you read; do you hear me?” Nothing came back except that same errie static.

Remarking, the pilot said, “ I don’t get it, there shouldn’t be anything wrong with that devise; we should get through.”

Then, Nicole inquired, “ What did you see before you were shrunk?”

“ A greenish fog, but it went away after a few moments.”

Nicole said, “ Maybe that has something to do with it.”

“ Probably, but everything looks normal outside now.”, answered the captain.

While she kept the plane on course with the pilot’s guidance and constant observation of the instrument panel, Nicole remembered something. She said, “ Hey, aren’t we in the Bermuda Triangle?”

“ Yea we are, do you think that has something to do with it?”, said the pilot.

Nicole replied, “ It could, I mean, you heard about all those stories referring to ships and planes disappearing or undergoing some strange fate.”

Then, the man ask, “ Why do you think you didn’t shrink?”

Her first reaction was to say, “ I don’t know.” However, after two seconds of reflection, the lady remarked, “ It must have something to do with the artificial kneecap I’ve got; you see, it’s made of metal.”

The pilot inquired further, “Why should that have anything to do with it?”

She replied, “ Because when everyone else shrank, I was in the lavatory and my knee started feeling very weird; I never felt it before that way.”

Asking further, he said, “ Does it still feel funny?”

“ No, in fact now it feels great; I feel better all over; it’s as if I’m a little younger.”

Looking perplexed, he only said, “ We should see the Nassau airport within two minutes.” Nicole peered forth through the nose window. However, as the craft approached the island, all she saw was a beach and then a massive amount of thick forest. The pilot ask, “ Well, see it?; now all you have to do is push slightly upward on the steering.”

Nicole replied, “ What do you mean, I see shit; all that’s down there are trees, it’s a jungle below us.”

“ That can’t be, we’ve got to be over Nassau, that’s impossible; unless these instruments are screwed up.”

Nicole replied self assuringly, “ Well, whatever, there’s no city down there.”

Yelling up to Nicole, the captain said, “ Ok, we’ve got enough fuel, turn this thing around and head west back to the Florida coast, we should see the Miami area in about an hour!” Doing as directed, Nicole turned the plane around one hundred and eighty degrees and headed back. Next, the little male said, “ Press those two buttons overthere one after the other starting with the red one.” Nicole proceeded as instructed. He then said, “ That’s the automatic pilot; you can now leave the plane to itself.”

Letting go of the controls, she felt a little relieved. Finally, the lady got up and said, “ I’ll be back; I just wanna tell everyone else what we’re doing.” Upon opening the door, she stepped into the passenger isle.

Below her stood the tiny stewardess who looked up and ask, “ So what’s going on?”

Authoritatively, Nicole said down to the tiny one, “ I don’t know; all I can tell you is that we’ve turned around and are headed back to Miami; it seems as if we can’t find Nassau.”

Then, Nicole heard one of the little passengers yell, “ Are the pilots ok?”

Ms. Robins replied, “ Well, they’re shrunk too, but they told me how to fly this thing and I think I can handle it.”

Everyone looked at each other and a voice was heard from a seat five feet down, “ We’re all dead; this is the end.”

After walking over to the shrunken man, Nicole raised him to her face, eyed him wickedly, and said, “ Now listen you little shit, I’m sure I can land this thing, ok, and if I ever hear anything from you again, I’ll throw you to the floor and step on your little face!” She added, “ Do you understand?”

Nodding in fear, the little man embarrassingly began to beg, “ Please don’t hurt me; please put me down.” As a result, Nicole laid him back upon the seat, stood upright, and ventured down the isle to her original seat, reached for her purse, and returned to the cockpit. There, she again sat her ass into the captain’s seat and began rummaging through her black leather hand bag. Removing a stick of chewing gum, Nicole unwrapped it and stuck the piece into her mouth. Chewing away, Ms. Robins crossed her legs and stared out the window into the clouds. Looking her over for a minute or two, the captain finally remarked, “ Those are nice boots you’ve got there.”

Glancing down at the pair, she said between the motion of her teeth, “ Yea, they’re great; I’ve always loved wearing boots.”

Then, she ask the man, “ So what do you think will happen back in Miami; I mean, with all these little people, I’m sure we’ll be famous.”

Staring upward, the captain said to the giantess, “ Yea, but it’s the kind of fame one doesn’t need unless they find a cure for me and the others.”

Nicole just looked down at him and laughed, saying, “ I’ll be rich when I get back; I’ll get on all those stupid talk shows and reap it in.”

Sarcastically, the pilot remarked, “ Yea, assuming you don’t kill us all when landing.”

For some reason, Nicole was irritated by his remark; she reached over and picked up the tiny guy and yelled into his little face, “ Hey, don’t talk to me like that; as long as we’re in the air, I’m the boss here, got it?!” The man felt pure fear and surprise. Nevertheless, Nicole placed him back before the control panel and both remained silent for the remainder of the return flight. However, right after she put him down, Nicole felt something. Again, she was struck with the same euphoric power sensation she went through back in her apartment. In fact, her harry cunt began to throb and feel wet. Turning her head, she looked down at the little man. Turning further, she eyed the copilot. For some reason or another, she felt the urge to start abusing them in a way she never before thought herself capable of. Be as it may, she let the feeling pass and returned her gaze back to the clouds.

With the hour up, the pilot said, “ We should be seeing the Miami skyline any minute now.”

Nicole answered, “ All right, I think I know what to do.” Turning off the automatic control, she held tight to the steering. Next, she continued to gaze out the window until she saw the shore line. Afterward, Nicole picked up the radio and said, “ Miami control, come in, come in.” However, there was nothing. In addition, as the plane neared the land, she leaned forward to decipher what lay in view. Nevertheless, as she got closer, she couldn’t see any evidence of civilization. Moreover, all that lay ahead was the beach line with forest behind it.

The pilot yelled up, “ Well, what do you see?”

Giving him her semi-attention, she answered, “ Nothing, it’s the same as before; all I see is a beach with woods behind it that seem to go on forever.”

The man said, “ That can’t be; the entire east coast of Florida is covered with development.”

Reaching for him, she placed the man upon the narrow window sill, “ Here, see for yourself.”, she said.

The little creature peered forth. Indeed, all was as Nicole said. Then, the pilot remarked, “ Turn the craft ninety degrees so we’ll be heading North; stay on the coast along the water’s edge.” She complied. Watching the craft’s compass, she turned the machine as directed. As the engines pushed her forth, Nicole began to follow the water line. Next, the captain said, “ This has got to be the Florida coast; just look at it extend forever.” Steering the craft, Nicole nodded in agreement. Afterward, the man remarked, “ You know what you said earlier about the Bermuda Triangle?”

Nicole simply replied, “ Yea.”

The pilot went on, “ Well, maybe we’ve been thrown into some other dimension at a much earlier time before civilization.”

Shrugging her shoulders, Nicole just looked on. Finally, she said, “ Could be, who knows.”

Then, the captain said, “ Given the amount of time we’ve been in the air, I estimate we’ve got only two and a half more hours of fuel left.”

Looking down at him, Nicole ask, “ And then what?”

He replied, “ If we don’t find a real airport, then we’ll have to belly land the plane; but let’s wait until we’re at the last drop of fuel.”

Appearing a little confused, Nicole quietly ask, “ Why’s that?”

Eyeing her larger frame with a small but daring amount of confidence, he answered, “ So the fuel tanks will be empty and we’re not in as much of a danger of exploding and burning to death.” Nicole nodded haphazardly as she looked out the window.

An hour later, the brunette giantess spit the gum to the floor adjacent the pilot’s seat and reached for another from her purse while holding firm to the control with the other. After she unwrapped it and began chewing, the lady remarked, “ That’s weird, we should’ve been over Jacksonville by now.” The captain agreed. Nevertheless, there wasn’t much they could do but follow the shore line until the tanks were empty. Patiently, all three individuals awaited the moment.

With the passage of another hour and a half, the pilot said, “ Ok, turn the plane ninety degrees out to sea; we’ll go out a few miles and then turn around and head straight back to land.”

Nicole interrupted, saying, “ You mean we’re gonna skid on the water up onto the beach?”

Answering, he said, “ That’s right, the water’ll slow us down somewhat before we crash into the trees. Hopefully, we’ll make it.” Turning the craft, Nicole felt the effect of the centrifugal force. After the turn, she let the craft move out above the Atlantic. Then, the brunette again rotated the control shaft and brought the whole machine one hundred and eighty degrees about. Now, the lady pushed up on the control and the plane began its decent.

However, as she headed straight to the water, the pilot screamed, “ What about me; I’ll be squashed against the windshield.”

Having no time to worry, she simply grabbed the little man with one hand and shoved him down between her two beautiful tits, saying, “ There, is that good enough for you?” With his head sticking out from her cleavage, he said nothing. Finally, the belly of the plane struck the calm ocean water, beginning its slide toward land.

Looking forward, Nicole had pure terror written all over her face as the craft bounced and bobbed at over a hundred miles per hour toward its destiny. Still skidding atop the water’s surface at seventy miles per hour, the nose finally hit the beach. Immediately, Nicole covered her face with her hands, yelling, “ Here we go!” The plane arched over the sand and struck the forest, cutting through the trees like butter as the wings eventually broke free. With her head down, Nicole heard the window crash and the sound of broken glass fly all over the interior. In fact, it felt as if she were in the center of a sever storm. However, after twenty five seconds, the plane’s fuselage finally came to a halt. Removing her hands before her face, Nicole looked straight into a maze of thick vegetation. Only birds and the wrustling of leaves could be heard.

Nicole looked down to her boobs and ask, “ Is everything all right in there?”

He answered, “ Yea, I’m ok, what about the others?”

Turning, she glanced in the direction of the copilot. Unfortunately, he didn’t make it. His tiny frame was crushed between the back of his seat and a tree branch which came through the window after impact. Nicole said, “ I’m sorry, but your friend’s no longer with us. Reaching into her shirt via the collar, she pulled out the captain and placed him upon the base of the control panel. Getting up, she said, “ I’m gonna go see what’s up back there.” Managing to push open the slightly jammed cockpit door, Nicole stepped out into the main isle. The first thing she noticed was the unconscious little body of the stewardess. It appeared as if the woman was thrown against the wall in front of the isle. Bending down, Nicole picked her up. Holding the thing in her hand, Nicole toyed with the little creature for a few moments. However, the brunette finally determined that the female was dead. Consequently, boot lady placed the tiny woman off to the side and continued her inspection of the fuselage. To her suprise, most of the passengers weren’t hurt. While the plane crashed, they held tight to the seat belts hanging loosely over the vinyl. Further, no one else was dead. Only six people had bruised hands, heads, and legs. Other than that, Nicole found nothing serious. Therefore, the giantess lady went back to the front of the isle and said to all the little people, “ Can I have your attention!” The tiny creatures all looked her way with wide open eyes. She continued, “ I had to crash land the plane because it appears as if we’ve entered some strange dimension; I can’t find any evidence of civilization.”

One of the male passengers ask up to her, “ What do you mean, strange dimension; how can that be possible; I find that hard to believe.”

Looking down at him authoritatively, Nicole replied, “ What’s so hard to believe about that considering that you’ve been shrunk; if that can happen, then what else can’t happen?” The man only stared forth with an embarrassed expression when Nicole said to everyone, “ Look, we were in the Bermuda Triangle; I’m sure you’ve heard about the missing planes and boats, well perhaps we’re just another statistic.”

Then, a lady ask up to Nicole, “ How come you’re not shrunk,”

Answering, Nicole said, “ I’m not a hundred percent sure, but it probably has something to do with the artificial kneecap that I’ve got in me; it’s made of metal; that may have something to do with it.”

Afterward, people started asking, “ Well, what are we gonna do?”

Standing tall and straight, Nicole said to the group of ninety eight people, “ Why don’t all of you sit tight for a while, while I go out and look around. I’ll be back in about an hour.” As an after though, she added, “ If I were you, I’d really sit tight, you don’t know what kinds of animals are out there; I’m sure some of them would find you little creatures quite tasty.” The people only looked at each other in fear. Returning to the cockpit, Nicole said to the captain, “ I’m gonna look around a little, don’t worry, I’ll be back.” She turned around and left the chamber. Upon walking over to the emergency door, Nicole raised the latch. Fortunately, the door opened with no problem. With feminine grace, the lady jumped out onto the ground and looked both ways. All about there was nothing save trees. However, behind the plane’s tale was a path made by the landing. Consequently, Nicole followed the broken foliage for ten minutes. Eventually, she could see the forest’s end. Happily, the lady walked out onto the beach and up to the water. Looking out into the Atlantic, she saw only the calm expanse of ocean. In addition, to both her right and left, there was only beach, the most undisturbed image she had ever seen. In fact, Nicole was struck by a serene natural beauty the likes of which she had never laid eyes on before. However, no where did the feline see any evidence of people or development. Thus Nicole decided to walk North for a half hour along the beach just to see if anything comes up. Strolling along, she saw something upon the sand directly after the water, rolling back and forth with the small waves. Upon coming closer, Nicole could easily tell that it was a dead dark colored fish. As she moved toward the rotting object, the brunette was struck by its form. When Nicole stood directly before the thing, she squatted down, giving it further inspection. After tilting her head to one side, Nicole said to herself, “ What a weird fish, never saw anything like that before.” Next, she stood up and turned the thing over with her boot. However, after staring at it for over a minute, she remembered seeing something similar in her highschool sophomore biology book. Indeed, with some concentration, Nicole recalled that it looked to be of some fish species which became extinct sometime immediately preceding the last ice age. Looking out to the water, the woman remarked to herself, “ Oh God, I think this vacation is gonna last a little longer than I had planned.” Turning around, the lady headed back. Finally, she saw the path made by the plane. Reentering the woods, she returned to the fuselage.

Upon her return, Nicole went into the cockpit and took hold of the captain, carrying him into the passenger area and setting him down in the first seat next to another individual. Afterward, Nicole said to the entire group, “ I’ve got some really bad news for you.” The people eyed one another as she went on, “ It appears as if we’re something like forty thousand years back in time.”

One of the little individuals ask, “ What makes you so sure?”

Answering, she told the group about the fish and its relation to a specific era in the past. Further, she said, “ Considering the amount of time we went North since the Miami area, or what should have been the Miami area, I’d say we’re now in the Carolinas somewhere along the obvious coast.” Afterward, Nicole squatted down and looked directly at the people nearest her, saying, “ Well, I guess it appears as if we’re stuck here forever, I don’t see any way out.” Standing up again, Nicole went on,” I’ll hunt for food, I’m sure there are lots of smaller animals out there for me to kill.” Also, she said, “ As long as I keep the cockpit door closed and the emergency exit shut, there shouldn’t be any problems with animals getting in here and coming after you.” Looking around, Nicole added, “ Non of the side windows are broken, so that reinforces my point.”

After walking toward the back of the plane, Nicole opened the utility room door. Inside she saw another small door. Upon opening that also, the lady found a supply of junk food, the stuff which the air line sells to the passengers on a flight. Nicole yelled forth, “ Hey, I found something all you little ones can live on for a few months until I get my hunting skills perfected.” Removing the food, she passed it out among the planes occupants. As she gave each individual something, they grabbed it and began to nibble. With that done, the lady ate something herself and noticed a coffee machine in front of the isle off to the side, built into the wall. Seeing coffee in the pot, Nicole grabbed a cup in the nearby holder. The woman poured the now cold liquid and drank away. The caffeine revived her. Feeling uplifted, our lady began to search the plane. She said both to herself and the little people, “ I bet they’ve got more coffee somewhere in bags or cans.” Walking toward the back of the isle, Nicole noticed a removable panel on the floor. Bending down, she tried to pry it open. It wouldn’t budge. Going over to the utility room, she found nothing. Then, the female glanced toward the emergency door and saw an ax behind glass. She went over and broke into the box, retrieving the sharp instrument. Nicole returned to the floor panel and began hacking away at it. Finally, it popped open, and she pulled the thing away.

The opening was large enough for her to fit through. Consequently, the woman lowered herself down into the cargo area. Inside, she saw a collection of suitcases. Further, upon looking as best she could in one direction, the feline saw all kinds of packages which looked like things the airline used on a daily basis. However, as she moved closer, the woman couldn’t see well due to the darkness of the chamber. Nevertheless, remembering a flashlight in the utility room, Nicole returned to the panel and observed a fold up latter attached to the ceiling next to the opening. Happily, the sexy brunette unfolded the metal contraption and went back upstairs. Getting the flashlight, she returned below. Upon inspecting everything, Nicole found more junk food and yes, more coffee. Also, there was a supply of matches in addition to some pots and pans. “Great”, the lady said to herself. Taking some of the things, she returned to the top. Raising the items up, Nicole exclaimed to everyone, “ Looks as if we’ve got ourselves a lot to live on for a while.”

As the days past, Nicole set up a system where she was able to cook food outside. With some of the plane parts, she made a small wood burning stove. Using this, she cooked a rabbit she had recently killed with a rock. Further, water wasn’t a problem, for a half mile into the woods, Nicole found a fresh water stream running with the clearest water she had ever seen.

Eventually, with the passage of six months, the female got the people used to her cooking and whatever else came their way.

However, with the passage of a few more months, Nicole noticed that some of the tiny females were pregnant. This meant the continuance of the Lilliputian population. The babies were born and life went on.

Also, as time progressed, everyone’s clothes began to wear. Indeed, eventually Nicole’s jeans had large holes in them. Further, the additional attire she brought with her in her suitcase was also beginning to wear thin from excessive and prolonged use. After two years, Nicole was for all intents and purposes walking around naked. Nevertheless, for some strange reason or another, her boots weren’t at all affected by the wear and tear. What ever caused her not to be initially shrunk, also seemed to work upon the leather of the boots, treating her footwear as if it were an extension of her biological self. Finally, everyone’s attire had completely disintegrated, leaving Nicole naked together with her tiny little unclad companions.

Within this community, Nicole was the boss; as time progressed, she started ordering everyone about and intimidating them with her larger stature. However, one day, a fraction of the population staged a protest. Twenty five males stood up against her and demanded that they be left to do as they please. Essentially, the complaint was about property rights. Nicole set up a system were objects of use belonged to a particular individual if and only if that person took the thing back to his or her living quarters after the day’s end. Nevertheless, time and again, people forgot things and left them lying around. In the morning, anyone could claim the objects as their own. Moreover, one little man had a canister which he made from a radio’s capacitor. However, upon forgetting it under a seat, someone else retrieved it and kept it. Seeing the thing again, the man ask for it back. The finder refused to give it up. As a result, a fight broke out and cought Nicole’s attention. Going over, she inquired as to the problem, “ Hey, what are you little shits fighting about?”

Both individuals looked up to the giantess, and the man wanting the item back yelled, “ It’s mine; I made it; I only forgot it some where!”

Replying with anger, the other guy said, “ Yea, but I found it this morning.”

Squatting her sexy and beautiful naked body down, Nicole ask, “ Is this true, did you really find it laying around?”

The man answered, “ Yea, I found it overthere.”

He pointed in the direction when the original owner shouted, “ But it’s not fair!”

Looking down at him, Nicole said, “ Yea it is, you know the rules; you shouldn’ve left it lay there.”

Not letting the matter rest, the little creature became furious, “ Rules, whose rules, your rules, bitch, we didn’t vote on them!” Next, twenty four other little men stepped forward and joined the man’s side. They too had lost things only to see someone else find and keep the stuff. Yelling up to her, they said rudely, “ Yea he’s right, we’re sick of all your fucken shit, you whore!”

Irritated by their puny little augasity, Nicole stood up and placed both of her hands upon her hips. Glancing downward wickedly, she said, “ I’m in control here, you need me more than I need you; this place has no master, only a mistress, and that’s me!” Then it began, things started to go through her head; the pycho-sexual power sensation she felt with Joe back in the stockroom resurfaced. Bursting forth, Nicole yelled, “ You’re all mine, I own you!” As the titaness screamed, the little ones realized their mistake. Backing off, it was nevertheless too late for seven of them. Feeling her viginal cavity vibrate with an intense pleasure, she raised her right stiletto boot and brought it down on the men, crushing them beneath her sole as the others ran for cover. Next, while bending down and searching under the seats, she yelled, “ I’ll find you all, everyone who’s involved is gonna die!” As the giantess searched, the rest of the population cowered. Finally, she managed to get her hands on the remaining eighteen. Everytime Nicole found one, she raised him up and dropped him into an empty coffee can she had toward the front of the isle. With all eighteen stuffed into the container, Nicole went outside and filled the remaining space with water. Afterward, she placed the can atop the wood stove and lit it up.

Knowing now what she had in mind, the occupants began to plead, “ Ok, ok, please Nicole, we’ll do whatever you say.!”

Nicole replied with, “ Good, then do this, die, motherfuckers, die!” Eight minutes later, the temperature rose enough to cause horrific screams. Eventually, the screams worked themselves to a fever pitch until all was silent and the water boiled away. Next, she pushed the can over and off the stove, emptying the tiny men onto the ground. Finally, the lady grabbed their tiny bodies and tossed them into the woods. With her evil deed finished, the mistress and tyrant returned to the plane.

As the goddess of darkness walked the isle, the rest of the population ran out of her way, for they heard the previous screams from outside. However, upon squatting down, Nicole grabbed another victim. Standing up, she said to the frightened one in a voice of complete self infatuation, “ You’re mine, all mine!” With that said, an evil grin crossed her face as she lowered him to her cunt. Nicole pushed the naked little male into her slit and shoved him around. “ Mmmm, yea, mmmm...”, she moaned as her cunt became wetter than ever. Ninety seconds later, her ladyship had an orgasm all over her cunt’s occupant. After pulling him out, she reached for another. She did the same with him. Her euphoric burst complete, she threw him aside and took a third one. Placing the unfortunate being atop one of the seats, the feline sat down and forced him to worship her ass. He kissed away as the booted mistress turned her head back and gazed down at his servitude.

Satisfied with her ass adoration, Nicole stood up and yelled forth to the collection of little men, women, and children, “ From now on, I’m your empress, mistress, and goddess all in one; I demand to be worshipped, I’m superior!” Her voice became louder as she yelled, “ I want everyone to come forward and stand at my feet and look up to me, or I swear I’ll flood this fuselage and drown all you little fucks!” Slowly, the population emerged from under the seats and came forth. All in all, there were now one hundred and eighteen people in the plane, for the recently born children raised the population. There obviously would have been more had she not killed them via the stove. When all were assembled before her greatness, she reached for the man left on the seat and lowered him to the group. Next, Nicole exclaimed with self conceit, “ Worship me, worship me; get down on your knees and look up to me!” As she spoke, cunt juice poured down her inner thighs. Indeed, the sight of all the tiny naked subordinates truly struck a sado-sexual cord within her. Frightened and shaking, all the little ones went to their knees. Their eyes locked with hers as she went on, “ I decide who lives and who dies; I decide who’s good and who’s bad; I decide who fucks who; I decide who owns what!” Then, she said, “ I own everything; I own all of you, it’s that simple.” Voloping in the humility and helplessness beneath her, she spoke further, “ Now start kissing my boots; kiss, worship my feet, or I’ll stomp you all to death!” As a result, the people got up and squeezed against one another in an attempt to kiss the side of her black leather footwear. Like flies on shit, they crawled all over the base of her stiletto masterpieces and kissed on. Standing there with her feet slightly apart, the sociopath slipped the middle finger of her left hand up her hole and played with her clit. Again, the mistress managed to work up an orgasm as she exclaimed, “ This is power, this is me; this is my eternal perfection!”

Her orgasm over, Nicole turned around and squatted over her subordinates. As they looked up in awe and fear at her spectacular female ass, she let a load of shit fall down upon them. Her crap hit sixteen of her little slaves and buried them. The remaining population backed off a few inches. Next, the goddess stood up, turned back around, and looked down. From the side of the shit pile, she saw the unfortunate ones crawl their way out. Like maggots, they eventually made it out and did nothing save stand there all smeared from head to toe. Being now nuts and crazy with power, the giantess said, “ Ha, ha, look at all you little assholes, I’ve got you all; oh this is just the beginning, ha, ha, ha, ha...!” Continuing with an evil laugh, the lady eventually yelled, “ Now clean it up!” She turned around and left. Eleven seconds later, the evil feline returned with the same can she boiled the men in. Nicole set it down so its main axis was parallel to the floor, making it possible for the little ones to enter. While in a squatting position, the lady yelled, “ Now get to work!” With their bare hands, the helpless people began taking her smelly shit and walked with it into the can, dropping the handfuls toward the back. They returned and did the same over again. Further, Nicole took hold of a man and raised him to her face; she held him by his torso and said, “ Hmm, I think you’ll do.” Next, the self centered dark haired beauty lowered him beneath her ass and pushed him against her dirty asshole. Moving him about, she used his frame to wipe some of the shit off her butt. Then, the mistress placed him back upon the floor and reached for another; she did the same with him. Nicole used three more thereafter until she felt her ass was clean. Laughing down at the guys she used for toilet paper, the femma fatale remarked sarcastically, “ Hey, what’s a girl to do; she’s gotta wipe her ass somehow.” Upon standing up, Nicole again said, “ I want that floor clean, I meant it!” She turned and left. The woman went over to the stove and cooked an animal she had killed earlier that day. She ate away as the people inside finished up with their unpleasant task. Finally, the bitch returned to find the job done. She took the can and left. Outside, Nicole tossed the object into the woods. Going back inside, she looked down at her slaves, saying, “ Well, isn’t that great, the floor’s all clean.” Reaching down, Nicole grabbed a man. She left the plane with him and sat down in a chair which was previously in the fuselage. After she left, the other people began to clean themselves off as best as possible. Finally, the little ones tried to get things back to normal before the next arrival of the female sadist.

Holding the little thing in her hand, Nicole eyed him and ask with a philosophical air, “ So what’s the meaning of it all?”

The man just stood atop her palm trembling as he stared into her two diabolical dark eyes. After he worked up enough courage to speak, he answered with a humble inquiry, “ What is what about?”

Focusing her eyes intently upon her tiny captive, she said, “ The whole situation between me, you, and the rest of those little shits back in the wreck.” However, before he could say anything, she went on, “ The whole thing’s about power; can’t you see; it’s about the truth.” Then, while brushing back her dark mane with her free hand, the tyrant ask, “ Know what the truth is?” Looking on with fear, the male only shrugged his shoulders with humility. She said to his face, “ Power, that’s the truth; might makes right!” The lady spoke further, “ The strong rule and the weak follow; so is the iron law; I’m the strong and all of you are the weak; it’s my right to rule!” Continuing, she went on and on. In fact, for the next twenty minutes, she created a monologue; the frightened one only stood there and took it all in without uttering a sound. Nevertheless, the female eventually ask, “ Am I not right?!” Being frightened, he nodded in total compliance. However, the diabolical feline could read beyond his outward expression; she read his eyes. Thus, the woman exploded, “ You fuck, I’m the power here; what I say is right; I’m the truth, your truth and revelation of all reality!” Indeed, her brain was saturated with egocentricity.

Shaking, the tiny guy only said, “ Yes, yes, I said you’re right!”

She replied with indignation, “ No you don’t; you just say that because I can crush you any moment; you really think I’m full of shit!”

“ No, no, please, you’re the greatest; you’re right!” , he answered.

Next, a smile of contention crossed her lips as she said, “ That’s right, you piece of bird crap, you’d better say I’m great!!”

Bringing him closer to her face, Nicole licked his frame, asking, “ Give me one reason why I shouldn’t eat you right now?”

With pure horror on his face, the man fumbled with words. However, he finally said, “ Because I’m more important to you alive than dead.”

Obviously, Ms. Robins ask, “ Oh yea, why’s that?”

“Because I can do things for you, whatever you want or say!”

Staring at his little naked body for five seconds, she then replied, “ Tell you what, I’d like to cum again, if you make me do that, I’ll let you live, if you can’t, you’re dead.” The man obviously had no choice; he didn’t know what to say. Be as it may, her ladyship lowered him before her crotch and set him down on the seat’s black vinyl cushion. Immediately, the three and a half inch man was overcome by the rancid smell of her cunt. Looking up at her massive,yet inviting cavity, he saw her clit stick forth as the left over base of a tree trunk. Truly, this little guy was overwhelmed by her pussy. Arching his head further back, he met her piercing eyes as the lady ordered, “ Well, don’t just stand there, get to work!” Slowly, the little one stepped forward into her pubic forest and took hold of her hardened clit, embracing it as her slit oder engulfed every fiber of his being. Nicole’s clitoris was hot and slimy to the touch. As he wrapped his arms around the stub, he felt the temperature around him go up. Next, more fluid flowed forth from her opening. While the man began massaging her organ, he heard from high above, “ Mmmm, oh, oh...” Next, Nicole placed her middle finger against the male’s back and pressed harder and harder. Eventually, he began to loose his hold and slide further and further into her abyss. Yelling out, he exclaimed, “ Please, no, I won’t be able to breath.” However, paying little attention to his pleadings, the lady pushed even harder as she finally burst forth with an explosive orgasm. With her back arching forward, Nicole screamed, “ Yessss...!” Afterward, Nicole let herself go limb as reality slowly returned.

Looking down, Ms. Robins said, “ Hey, you still alive down there?” She stuck her index finger up her cunt and pulled him out. However, as the little one lay atop the cushion’s edge, he was motionless. While poking him to see if he’s still around, she laughed, saying, “ I guess I killed you; golly, you lived up to your side of the bargain, but I didn’t, oh well, that’s how it goes.” Nicole laughed on as she flicked him off the seat, got up, and twisted his corpse into the soil with the sole of her boot.

The self proclaimed goddess returned to the plane and stared down at her living property. Smiling, she remarked, “ From now on, I want all of you to address me as Mistress Nicole; is that clear?” They all complied and did as requested from hence forth. Indeed, she was their controller and owner. Her word alone was law; her wish was their command.

As the years turned to decades, Nicole noticed something. Whatever made her feel younger also prevented her from aging. She observed how her tiny companions aged and got older, eventually dieing and leaving their children behind. A new generation of Lilliputians arrived with a growing population. Nevertheless, they were all under the control of her ladyship, Mistress Nicole. With the passage of three decades, the social structure of this community evolved into a theocracy, having Nicole as the object of worship. In addition, as the collective memory began to fade, the people developed a religion which taught that Nicole created the world and the lives of the first living beings. Yes, she became a goddess! In time, the population grew to thousands. They built a city outside the plane’s wreckage, creating a new civilization of little people. Nicole, however, was their ruler and sovereign one. In the end, Ms. Robins discovered her immortality. The previous experience in the Bermuda Triangle had given her eternal life, causing her to go from a stockroom supervisor to a divine being with the respect, adoration, and obedience of all future generations.

The End


2004-11-12 07:29:53
Long and boring...I fell asleep reading it. Started out ok then petered out.


2004-06-03 15:41:31
you have quite an imagination. keep it up. but do put in more fuck scenes.

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