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Emma would do anything to escape her life, to be anyone except the miserable, overweight friendless high-school student that she is. A discovery about her new classmates, the Brooke twins, turns into a dangerous obsession that will plunge her into the depths of depravity she didn't even know existed.

This is the first thing I've written in a while. Feedback can always be sent to stupidesthole (at) g

Their father walked up to the horrible metal frame that I’d spent the last eighteen hours hanging from, grabbing the wheel on the side in both hands and twisting it sharply around with a loud squeaking noise. The cuffs began to slowly slide back together, my toes scraping the wooden steps, but my legs were too weak to carry my weight still. He stepped up, reaching up to lift my arms free of the hooks and hoisted me to the floor, grunting as my weight collapsed into him, staggering backwards, keeping me upright. Pain erupted all down my arms as they fell to my side, my hips burning as I tried to support myself. Every limb was a mess of pins and needles and as I took one unsteady step my ankle twisted under me, sending me sprawling to the floor.

He just signed as he looked down at me, shaking his head. “Girls, go put your things away, give me a few minutes with her” he said without taking his eyes off me, and they nodded again, one of them giggling nervously. They left me alone with him, but as they stepped out into the hall I could see them still staring at me. He crouched down and reached behind my head, freeing the gag and pulling it roughly out of my mouth. I retched loudly, struggling to swallow air down my sore throat, looking up at him with my hair hanging in a tangled mess over my eyes. “W-water” I said hoarsely “Can…can I have some water?” He nodded at that and straightened back up “Come on then, follow me”

I tried to get to my feet and my legs went out from under me again, sending me thudding back down onto my knees. He was already halfway out into the hall though and showed no signs of slowing down, so I shuffled along after him as quickly as I could, breasts swinging under me, belly hanging down, trying to keep up. He was already almost out of sight down the hall and I struggled after him, thumping along the floor, finally forcing myself to my feet at the intersection in the hallway, leaning against the corner, panting loudly.

He was in the cavernous kitchen, leaning over the oven, tapping at the controls, and he smiled as I stumbled into the room, gesturing for me to sit at a small table pushed into a breakfast nook against the back wall. I sat down heavily on the bench, sliding over, watching nervously as he pulled a pitcher out of the fridge and pouring a tall glass of water. He slid in across from me, setting it down in front of me and resting his chin on his hands. I just grabbed for the glass, almost knocking it over, gulping the entire thing down rapidly and retching again, fighting the sudden heave of my stomach as the ice cold water hit my empty stomach.

He waited patiently for me to catch my breath, and then, softly, asked “So what exactly are you doing here? How did you get in my house?” I blushed furiously, I couldn’t meet his eyes, I just shifted awkwardly on the wooden bench, trying to find the words to answer. “I…I don’t know exactly. I was…here for a party. I found your stuff and I just…I wanted to try it out”. The words sounded so stupid as they fell out of my mouth, but he just nodded like it all made sense.

“I see. But I asked you how you got into my house” He says, a slightly firmer tone in his voice, and I gulped “Kelly…I think…I took her keys from her backpack in gym class. I hoped she’d think she just lost them. I came here last night and just…unlocked the door”. He nodded again, and stood up, taking the glass with him. He refilled it and set it back down in front of me, and I reached for it again, sipping more carefully this time.

“My daughters have taken a shine to you” He said slowly as I drank “I’m not sure why, but they have. That’s the only reason why the police aren’t on their way right now. Do you understand that? Do you understand how serious this is?” I gulped down a sip of the water and nodded quickly “I do. I understand. I’m sorry, I’m so sorry, I’ll never do anything like this eve-“ He raised a hand, cutting me off. “The police can still be called, at any time. There will be security footage of you breaking into our home. Your fingerprints are over everything. The only thing that is keeping you safe is the interest my daughters seem to have in you. Nod if you understand”

I nodded, gulping again.

“Good” He said “Then you’re going to do everything in your power to make them happy. You’re going to be their new best friend. For as long as they want you. If you’re lucky that will only be a few weeks, I’ve seen them burn through friends quicker than that before. But until they get bored of you, the police are only one phone call away. Again, nod if you understand.”

I nodded once more, my heart thudding in my chest. He was talking about being friends with his twins, but he made it sound like I was being sent to prison. He seemed satisfied at that and straightened up as the oven beeped loudly, crossing the kitchen to pull a large frozen pizza out, unwrapping it and tossing it into the oven. He sat back down, fingers folded on the tabletop, and I was very aware that I was sitting across from this strange man, crammed into the corner in his kitchen, breasts squeezed between my arms, thighs clenched together. “Are your parents worried? Do I need to call anyone, lie to them about the ‘sleepover’ you just had?”

I looked down at the tabletop and shook my head slightly “My…my mom probably hasn’t noticed that I’m gone” I said in a small voice “I’ve been gone for days before.” He nodded in seeming satisfaction, as if working his way down a mental list. “There will still be punishment, of course” he said “For what you did.” My eyes widened at that and I pushed back against the wall, my heart skipping a beat. Fear spiked in my chest, but a leap of excitement as well, I tried to keep my voice steady “What sort of punishment?” I asked nervously.

A slight smile crossed his lips at that, and he shook his head “I don’t know yet. My wife will come up with something appropriate. But you will probably regret it” He said, and I didn’t like the tone in his voice. It was at that moment that there was the patter of feet scampering down the hall and the two twins returned, still holding each other’s hands tightly, almost running up to the table.

I stared. I couldn’t help it. They stood there, naked and clean, flawless skin with firm round breasts and curved hips, flat bellies and well shaped legs. Similar cuffs to the ones I was wearing were wrapped around their wrists and ankles, with the purple highlights, and a thick matching collar was wrapped around each neck. But the part that drew my eyes, the thing I couldn’t take my eyes off of, were the small gold rings that hung from each of their nipples, delicate and shining. A similar ring hung from between their legs, from just above their slits. They were stunning.

The two of them laughed loudly at my open mouth, one of them turning slowly to show off her body while the other leaned forward, her face inches from mine “Do you like what you see?” Their father had turned to look at them, a proud expression on his face as he said “There you are. I was just telling your new friend about the arrangement. She’s very excited about everything, isn’t that right…” He trailed off and I realized that he didn’t even know what my name was. “E-emma” I said awkwardly, “My name is Emma”. I couldn’t wrest my gaze from them. What I saw there was every fantasy, every dream, everything that I’d ever stayed up at night praying for, hoping desperately that one day I’d wake up in a body like that. I felt like a whale next to them.

The one on the left reached out to me, grabbing my forearm lightly and pulling me from the bench, I stood up unsteadily and let myself be led out into the middle of the kitchen floor. She stood there, fingers resting lightly on my wrist still, running her eyes up and down my body slowly. I gasped suddenly as I felt the sensual touch of the other twin from behind me, both hands running down my side, over my rolls of fat, cupping at my ass gently. Her body pressed up against mine from behind suddenly, and I felt her hands wrapping around me to heft my breasts from underneath, lifting them up. “What do you think sister, is she what you wanted?” I heard her ask, chin resting on my shoulder, and the girl before me hugged her arms around me, gripping me firmly as her face almost met her twins “I think she’ll be wonderfully fun sister, I think you were right.”

I blushed furiously, pinned between the two of them, and then opened my eyes wide in shock as the two girls suddenly kissed, mouth to mouth, pressing their lips together, eyes closed. They each squeezed me tightly as they made out, tongues occasionally sliding over each other’s lips, before finally breaking the kiss, looking at each other with sparkling eyes. My mouth just hung half open, my knees wobbling. I didn’t even feel one hand sliding along my belly until suddenly the girl pressed against my front had her hand between my thighs, stroking several fingers along my sopping slit. I let out a loud groan at her touch, feeling both of their warm bodies pressed against mine, the first intimate contact I’d ever had with anyone.

“I…I don’t understand” I said weakly, my head spinning “What do you want from me?” Another groan escaped as suddenly two fingers rubbed roughly against my clit, and I looked over at where their father stood, hands in his pockets, an indulgent smile on his face as he watched his daughters run their hands over me. The one behind me laughed softly and said into my ear again “To have some fun with you. That’s what you wanted too, isn’t it? So we’re all going to have some fun.” I nodded shakily, but my emotions were churning, my stomach still felt twisted up. One part of me was almost vibrating with excitement, thrown so quickly into the deep end of this, wired up and turned on by everything I had seen. Another part of me felt sick. Something about this seemed very wrong, like I should be scared.

The girl at my front kissed me. Everything melted away. She kissed me while she slowly massaged my swollen pussy lips, using her palm to firmly tease my clit, and her lips mashed to mine. My first kiss. My eyes closed and I almost collapsed to my knees as she nibbled just slightly on my lower lip, and I wrapped my arms awkwardly around her, trying to push my tongue against hers the way she was doing to me, snorting air down my nose. Her sister was kissing gently at my neck, at my shoulders. I felt my hips humping lewdly against her hand but I didn’t care, holding her close, hungrily sucking at her face, trying to absorb every second of this. Somewhere I think I never believed anyone would ever kiss me, would ever even look at me like something worth kissing, and something broke inside me.

I don’t know how long we stood like that. It felt like a million years. At some point I became aware that I was doing more work than she was, that she was gently pulling backwards out of my grip and I broke off with a blush, embarrassed. She stepped back and just smiled at me. “So, you’re ours.” It wasn’t a question, but I nodded slowly, my mouth dry “Y-yeah. Okay.”

A sound behind me made me turn halfway, craning my head to see. Their father stood at the counter, the pizza pulled from the oven, slicing it up quickly on the pan. “You must be starving” he said by way of explanation when I looked at him, and I realized for the first time since I’d gotten free of the frame just how ravenous I was. My stomach gurgled and I nodded “Yes, th-thank you”, stepping towards him.

One of the girls skipped lightly forward, faster than me, grabbing a slice and turning to face me. She held it up, almost over my head as if she was teasing me, and said “You want this?” I stopped, looking at her uncertainly, and then nodded again “Yes, uh, yes please.” In response she pointed down at her feet. It took me a second to understand and then, face burning, I sank down to my knees on the kitchen floor, looking up at her. She smiled and tossed the slice lightly to the floor in front of me, almost as a reflex I lunged forward for it, grabbing it in both hands and stuffing it into my mouth. I must have swallowed it in about three bites; it was the most delicious thing I’d ever tasted at that moment.

I looked up to see both girls standing there now, pizza slides in hand, identical smiles on each face. I’d already lost track of which was which again. I didn’t like the look I saw in their eyes. “You want more?” the one on the right said, and I nodded again. “Show us how you beg for it” her sister said, and I flinched slightly. The smell was so good, I could feel my mouth watering as I thought about it, and, racking my brain for what to say, I stammered out “Please…please can I have more pizza. I’m really starving, I haven’t eaten in almost a day, please will you give it to me?”

The one on the left looked almost ready to throw hers down, but her twin reached over, resting a hand on her wrist gently “No. You can beg better than that.” I gulped, and tried to pull from the videos I’d watched, from the fantasies I’d had. Lowering my head, taking a deep breath I said more unsteadily “Please…can this slut have some dinner? She’s very hungry and she begs you to let her eat.” I heard them both laugh at that, and I looked back up just in time to see them toss both slices down onto the floor, one landing face down with a splat. I didn’t care, I grabbed them both and shoveled them into my mouth, swallowing hungrily.

I turned my head up, thinking that I knew how this was going to go now, expecting to see them holding more ready for me. I was right about that, but as I opened my mouth to beg again the one on the right cut me off “Get forward, on your hands.” Closing my mouth, I leaned forward until I was on my hands and knees, tits hanging down, head tilted back to look up at them.

“Good” She said. “Now oink.”

I stared at her, speechless for a second “I…what?” I finally managed. “Oink” she said, “Like a piggy. You know the sound.” I felt that wrenching feeling inside me again and I tried to protest “Please…no please don’t make me do that, I’ll beg but I can-“

The slap caught me completely by surprise. I barely saw it coming, she was lightning fast, crouching just enough for her open palm to crack into the side of my face. My head snapped slightly to the side, eyes watering as the pain washed through me a split second later. Turning wordlessly to look back at them she just repeated “Oink. Now”

I tried. The first sound I made was a sort of a weak groan from the back of my mouth, but she reared her hand back again and I flinched. Quickly I tried to make a more guttural noise from the back of my throat, and it erupted out of me suddenly, loud and animalistic, like a cross between a squeal and a grunt I heard their father laugh at that, I’d completely forgotten he was watching this entire scene play out, and a wave of deep shame washed through me. Of course. Of course this is what I was to them.

“Again” the other one said; they both looked positively gleeful. Two more oinks escaped my throat quickly. I hated how desperate I was. I knew that I looked desperate too. Desperate for food, but also desperate for their approval. The relief that washed through me was palpable as they tossed the food to the floor before my face. I went to grab at it and a sharp voice said “No. No hands.” I didn’t even look up at this point, I just lowered my face to the floor, grabbing the first slice between my teeth and working off a rough bite, swallowing quickly. It took me almost a minute to finish them both off.

I noticed one of them walking behind me but I didn’t understand what was happening until suddenly between my legs I felt something soft and warm squish against my wet slit. I tried to lower my head to see what it was, but I couldn’t see past my belly and tits. It dragged back and forth slowly and, with a sickening realization, I realized that a greasy, cheesy slice of pizza was being mashed against my sodden lips. A loud whimper escaped from me even as I bucked back against the stimulation, feeling it smear across my flesh.

This must have continued for half a minute or so before she pulled it back, walking around to crouch down in front of me and hold it out to my face. I stared openly at her naked body, thighs splayed, eyes drawn to the curve of her hips, her exposed pussy. She snapped her fingers to get my attention and pressed the pizza against my lips and I took a slow bite from it. I could taste my own juices on it, the flavor was thick and unfamiliar, but I slowly swallowed it all down as she fed it into my face.

There were only two slices left; her sister already had one and she straightened back up to grab the other. I was still starving, and I looked, wide eyed, up at where they each dangled one out of reach. Without hesitation I began to oink again, letting out more of those twisted grunts. Every time I did I could feel my hole twitch, and my face burned another degree hotter, but I kept going, begging at their feet. Finally they released them, first one then the other. The first slice dropped straight onto my face before sliding down onto the floor, while the second hit my hair similarly. I didn’t care. I twisted my head down and devoured them similarly, gulping the hot, savory food down my throat.

I was still hungry by the time they were done, but significantly less so. As I knelt there, face almost to the floor, the full weight of what I was doing began to sink into me. I found myself unable to lift my head again, but I did manage to mumble out a “T-thank you” at their feet.

From behind me I heard the sound of clapping, just twice, slow but firm. Their father spoke: “Well I’m starting to see what you girls saw in her. I’ll leave you to your new toy then, just call if you need anything.” I heard the sound of his footsteps leaving the room, and then it was just the three of us. One of them crouched in front of me again; the other, I think, and reached out to lift my chin, forcing me to meet her eyes. I tried to turn my face again but she tightened her grip, forcing me to look at her. I was crying softly, and I hated it. I hated how they had made me feel, and I hated how wet I was throughout all of it. She leaned in and kissed me lightly on the lips, just once, before straightening back up. It felt like a mockery this time.

“Come, sister” said the other twin, interlacing her fingers with her sisters slowly “Lets show her around”


2021-04-21 08:03:48
I very much enjoyed. I do hope that you will continue the saga of Emma the piggie

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